brookhaven business advisory council survey 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Annual Survey o Brookhaven Businesses 201Brookhaven Business Advisory Counc

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012



    Bruce NewmanBBAC President

    Ken Cerini, CPA, CFP, DABFAManaging Partner

    Cerini & Associates, LLP

    Lisa MG MulliganBrookhaven Director of

    Economic Development &

    CEO of the Industrial

    Development Agency

    Michelle Cooper

    Dina IsolaBBAC Survey Committee

    Associate Editor

    Data Collection


    Theresa Weston

    Marketing Coordinator

    Cerini & Associates, LLP

    Pandora Marketing Consultants

    Page Layout & Design

    Carrie-Anne GonzalezCerini & Associates, LLP

    Commercial Designer

    Pandora Marketing Consultants







  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    A Wordrombbac

    Dear Brookhaven Business Owner,

    We are pleased to present the Second Annual Brookhaven Business Advisory Council

    (BBAC) Survey of Brookhaven Businesses. The Second Annual Survey, which

    received 153 responses, is designed to better understand and gauge the economic status

    of businesses in the Town of Brookhaven. The survey was initiated in 2010 as part of

    Town Supervisor Mark Leskos broader initiative to improve the climate for businesses

    in Brookhaven.

    Survey results were collected from a variety of business owners during the months

    of October, November, and December 2011. While survey results show that many

    businesses are very concerned with the weak economy, healthcare costs, and

    rising taxes, there were some favorable indicators for Brookhaven, including an

    overwhelming majority of respondents who view Brookhaven as a positive place to do


    We extend our sincerest thanks to Brookhaven Supervisor Mark Lesko, for supporting

    this publication and for his steadfast commitment to making Brookhaven the place

    to do business. We would also like to thank Lisa Mulligan, Director of Brookhaven

    Economic Development, and her staff for assisting in the production of this survey,

    the staff of Cerini & Associates, LLP who worked to aggregate the data, and Pandora

    Marketing Consultants for designing and producing this publication.

    We encourage you to take the time to review the survey. It puts into perspective the

    challenging environment that businesses face on Long Island while illustrating the

    strong optimism present within our business community.

    Please feel free to email us at [email protected] or call 631-451-6563 if you have

    questions or comments.

    The 2012 Brookha

    Business Advisory Cou

    Annual Surve

    Brookhaven Busine

    is brought to you

    Bruce Newman

    BBAC President

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012



  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Type o Organization

    We obtained responses from a large cross section of businesses

    throughout Brookhaven. The largest number of responses (54%)

    came from service providers, which included accountants, attorneys,

    advisors, etc. This was followed by other (28%) and retail (7%).

    Other principally represented nonprot organizations and healthcare


    Number o Employees (Full-Time Equivalen

    Consistent with last years results, the level of staff emplo

    by Brookhaven businesses is relative to the overall size of To

    businesses. The largest segment of businesses employed betw

    1 and 10 employees (59% of respondents), with the second larg

    segment (22%) having no employees. Zero employee businesses w

    generally represented by small retail stores and nonprot organizati

    with unpaid volunteers. Conversely, 8% of respondents had over


    Revenue or 2011 as Compared to 2010

    Forty percent of businesses responded that they anticipated an

    increase in revenue for 2011 as compared to 2010, which is 9% lowerthan last years results. There was a slight increase in respondents

    anticipating no change in revenue (35%) versus last year (28%), with

    25% anticipating a decrease, which is consistent with last years 23%.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    6 Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Size o Business by Revenue

    Revenue from Brookhaven businesses was fairly consistent with 2010 levels. This years results show that 41% of all respondents genera

    under $100,000 in gross revenue as compared to 38% for last year. The next largest segment was organizations generating between $100,0

    and $499,999 (23%) in revenue, which is in line with last years results.

    Size o Projected Revenue Increase or 2011 as Compared to 20

    Of the respondents projecting an increase in revenue, 39% expect an increase of up to 5%, with another 26% projecting increases between

    6% and 10%. Interestingly, the number of businesses anticipating a 16-25% increase in revenue for 2011 nearly doubled to 17% over the

    previous year.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Size o Projected Revenue Decrease or 2011 as Compared to 20

    The majority of respondents that anticipate a decline in revenue for 2011 expect decreases of between 6% and 10% (32% of responden

    which was an improvement over last years results, where the majority anticipated decreases between 11% and 15%. This is followed by 2

    of respondents anticipating a decrease of over 25%, which is signicantly higher than last years results, where only 7% anticipated suc


    Change in Number o Customers Served in 2011 rom 2010

    Results for number of customers served remained consistent with

    year, with 38% of businesses responding that they served the sa

    number of customers (44% during 2010).

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Increase in Number o Customers

    Of the respondents seeing an increase in customers served, most (43%) saw an increase by 1% to 5%, with 26% of respondents seeing an

    increase between 6% and 10%. On a combined basis, these two categories (69% of respondents) expected an increase in customers of up to

    10% vs. the previous year when 61% of respondents expected a similar increase.

    Decrease in Number o Custome

    Of the respondents reporting a decrease in customers served, 23% saw a decrease by over 25%. The majority of respondents (40%) sa

    decrease between 1% and 10% of customers, which is an improvement over the previous year when 46% of respondents anticipated a sim

    decline in their customer base.

    8 Brookhaven Survey 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Does the Owner or President Reside in Brookhave

    Location o Customers

    With many Brookhaven businesses employing a small num

    of employees, it is not surprising that 82% of business own

    reside in the Town. This represents a modest increase from

    years results (74%).

    As Long Island is comprised of a signicant number of smaller businesses, it seems reasonable that approximately 30% of these organizati

    conduct business only on Long Island. Another 18% of respondents reported that they conducted business solely in Suffolk County, and 1

    also indicated that they conducted business exclusively in Brookhaven. Brookhaven business owners also continue to pursue business activi

    beyond their immediate region, with 17% providing services nationally and 10% to international markets.

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    10 Brookhaven Survey 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Anticipated Pay Rais

    Overall Plan to H

    The majority of businesses in Brookhaven anticipate not giving their staff a raise in 2012 (66% of respondents), which is 12% higher th

    last years results. For those businesses providing raises, the most anticipated raises for 2012 are expected to be between 3% and 4% (15%

    respondents), followed by projected raises of between 1% and 2%. None of the respondents anticipated giving a raise over 10%. One bright s

    came from a reduction in the number of businesses that anticipated a decrease in employee pay. Only one percent of respondents projecte

    decrease in pay.

    For many business owners, the turbulent economy continues

    impact their condence in hiring additional staff. Sixty-seven perc

    of respondents do not anticipate hiring new staff in 2012, wh

    represents an increase of 9% over last years results.

    Projected Layos

    Although many organizations do not anticipate pay increases or

    new hires over the next 6-12 months, the vast majority (89%) of

    respondents do not project staff layoffs. This is similar to last years

    survey, which showed that 92% of respondents project no layoffs.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    12 Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Levels o Anticipated Hiring Levels

    Of those organizations that do anticipate hiring, 64% of respondents plan to increase their staff by up to 5%, which is a signicant improvem

    from 2010, when only 48% of respondents anticipated similar hiring levels.

    Levels o Anticipated Layos

    Of the 11% of businesses that responded that anticipate layoffs, results show that 54% of the respondents expect layoffs of up to 5%, whi

    31% of respondents anticipate layoffs of over 25%. Responses indicate a positive shift toward lower levels of layoffs over 2010 when 37%

    respondents anticipated layoffs of over 25%.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Full-Time Jobs Added in 20

    Full-Time Jobs Added in 2010

    Results were fairly consistent for jobs added in 20

    and 2010, with a mean of 75% of respondents n

    hiring any full time staff in 2009 and 2010.

    Projected full time job hirings by 79% of businesses

    in 2011 is fairly consistent with the prior two yearsmean level of 75%.

    Full-Time Jobs Anticipated or Year-End 20

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    14 Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Part-Time Jobs Added in 2009

    Part-Time Jobs Added in 20

    The number of part-time jobs added in 2009 and 2010 were fa

    consistent year to year, with an average of 73% adding no part-t

    staff and a mean of 22.5% adding 1 to 5 part time staff. In b

    2009 and 2010, no respondents indicated adding between 11 and

    part t ime staff. In both years, one percent of respondents indica

    adding over 20 part-time employees.

    Anticipated Part-Time Jobs or Year-End 2011

    For 2011, estimates remained fairly consistent with prior years, with

    78% of respondents indicating they did not anticipate adding any

    additional part-time hires to their staff and 18% adding between 1

    and 5 employees.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Do You Plan to Keep your Business in the Town o Brookhaven?

    Use o Social Media or Marketing Strategies

    In spite of the tough economy, 94% of respondents were optimisti

    about keeping their businesses in Brookhaven. This is 13% highe

    than last years results.

    Businesses continue to place an emphasis on marketing through the Internet, including use of their website, outside vendors, and social media

    Most of Brookhaven businesses (83%) responding to the survey are utilizing some form of social media. Most businesses are using Facebook

    (25%) and LinkedIn (20%) to communicate with their market, which is consistent with preferences reported by businesses in the prior year.

    Other primarily consisted of e-marketing campaigns through platforms such as Constant Contact, Google Ads, and utilizing Search Engine

    Optimization rms.

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    16 Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Business Conducted on the Internet

    With a majority of survey respondents providing their products and services primarily to the Long Island community, it is not surprising

    most business is still conducted face-to-face. The majority of respondents (62%) are conducting less than 10% of their business online, wh

    is consistent with the responses from 2010.

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    Brookhaven Survey 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    18 Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Top Concern or Business Owners

    Is Brookhaven a Positive Location or Busines

    While taxes and government regulation are often cited as the m

    impediment to local business, surpr isingly the majority of responde

    were most concerned with the weak economy (43%) and healthc

    costs (24%) negatively impacting their business. Sales were deem

    to be the next major concern by 15% of respondents, followed

    taxes (10%), permits and ordinances (6%), and labor costs (2%).

    An overwhelming majority of respondents (81%) believe that

    Brookhaven is a positive location for business. Only 19% of respondents

    cited varying difculties in rising taxes, high cost of living, the

    unemployment rate, and overall economic climate. These ndings are

    consistent with the results from 2010, which found that over 80% of

    businesses saw Brookhaven as a positive place to operate.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Confdence Rating Regarding the National Economy

    Respondents were asked on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being negative and 10 being positive, what their satisfaction rating was regarding the

    National Economy. With the majority (76%) giving a neutral to negative vote in overall condence, only 1% felt positive about the nationa

    economy, whereas 12% gave a negative condence rating of 1. The results indicate a four-fold increase in the number of respondents

    from 2010 that gave the national economy a negative rating. The average condence rating for the national economy was 4.08, the lowes

    economic ranking out of the three geographic areas covered in the survey. This is down from a 4.78 condence level reected in last year


  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    20 Brookhaven Survey 2012

    Confdence Rating Regarding the Long Island Economy

    Sixty-nine percent of the Brookhaven business respondents felt neutral to negative in their condence of the Long Island economy,

    with 24% ranking the economy at a ve. Zero respondents felt condent in the economy being a completely positive environment,

    while 8% marked their condence rating at 1. The average condence rating of the respondents was 4.59, which is below last years

    level of 5.17.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Confdence Rating Regarding the Town o Brookhaven Economy

    The majority of businesses (61%) felt neutral to positive about Brookhaven being a positive place for doing business. The remainin

    respondents (39%) rated Brookhaven between 1 and 4. Again, results were directly related to concerns regarding the unemployment rate

    cost of living, and tax structure of Long Island. The average satisfaction rating for respondents doing business in Brookhaven was 4.83

    which is down from last years 5.41 level.

    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    View o Leading Market Indicato

    Forty-four percent of businesses anticipate that the leading mark

    indices will remain at for 2012, while 27% anticipated a decrea

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Real Estate Prices on Long Island

    Reecting on-going concerns about the local and national

    economy, most Brookhaven businesses anticipate that real

    estate prices will remain at on Long Island. While 27%

    anticipate decreases, only 16% anticipate an increase.

    22 Brookhaven Survey 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Brookhaven Survey 2012

    The Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Annual Survey of

    Brookhaven Businesses is made possible through the collaborative

    efforts of the Town of Brookhaven and business leaders noted below.


    SupervisorMark Lesko

    Council MembersSteve Fiore-Rosenfeld District 1

    Jane Bonner District 2

    Kathleen Walsh District 3

    Constance Kepert District 4

    Timothy P. Mazzei District 5

    Daniel Panico District 6

    Town ClerkPatricia Eddington

    Highway SuperintendentJohn Rouse

    Receiver o Taxes

    Louis Marcoccia



    PresidentBruce Newman

    Principal, Pipeline LLC

    SecretaryKevin McCormack

    CFO, Raw Energy

    TreasurerFran Ericsson

    Business Banking Relationship Manager, Citibank, N.A

    Town LiaisonLisa MG Mulligan

    Director of Economic Development &

    CEO of the Industrial Development Agency

    BBAC Council MembersAnthony Attina

    Anthony Attina, CPA, PC

    Brian Cohen

    President, Strategies of Success

    Dina Isola

    President, Real$martica, Inc.

    Eliatt Di LietoPartner, Cerini & Associates, LLP

    Elizabeth Mala

    Coordinator, Miller Business Resource Center at The Middle Country

    Public Library

    Gloria H. Glowacki

    Associate Director, Small Business Development Center - Stony Brook

    Henry Bramwell

    President, Visionary Graphics

    Jill Clough-Johnston

    Small Business Liaison Ofcer, Brookhaven National Laboratory

    Jim Guma

    Director of Operations, D. James Marketing Corp.

    Joann Dobrowolski

    Principal, YPI Consultants, LLC

    John Heimmer

    Ceo, Partech, LLC

    John Mallano

    Lender Relations Specialist

    U.S. Small Business Administration

    Joseph N. Campolo, Esq.

    Managing Partner, Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP

    Keith Miller

    Relationship Manager, Business Services

    Suffolk Federal Credit Union

    Michael Dickson

    Michael T. Dickson, CPA, PC

    Michelle Cooper

    Contract Specialist, Brookhaven National Laboratory

    Reeni Brill

    Publisher, Passport Publications of Long Island

    Robert Larson

    Vice President, Suffolk County National Bank

    Ronni Rosen

    Senior Business Advisor & Workshop Coordinator, Small Business Developmen

    Center - Stony Brook

    Salvatore Incardona

    Vice President, J.P. Morgan Chase

    Shirley Singletary

    President, Greater Gordon Heights Chamber of Commerce; and

    Search World, Inc.

    Susan Petrosino-Reid

    Director of Small Business Consulting Services, CDC of Long Island

    Thomas Peterson

    President, Splash Social Marketing


    Annmarie Hallock

    Vicky Minaudo

    Jo-Ann Stefan

    Marge KeddyTown of Brookhaven Economic Development

    For questions regarding this survey, please email the Brookhaven Busin

    Advisory Council at [email protected], visit our website at or call 631-451-6563.

  • 7/31/2019 Brookhaven Business Advisory Council Survey 2012


    Survey and Results Booklet Designed and Produced by Cerini & Associates, LLP

    i j i i h P d M k i C l

    The Brookhaven Business Advisory Council2012 Annual Survey of Brookhaven Businesses

    is brought to you by: