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Transmission Pole-Tower Testing StationBeijing. The station is located in Liangxiang, a satellite town of southeast Beijing. Full-scale test on mechanical properties of poles and towers.







    [email protected]

    Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station, Electric Power Construction

    Research Institute of SGCC

    Address: No.13 Haotian north street, Liangxiang Fangshan District, Beijing, P.R.China

    Post code: 102401

    Tel: 86-10-89351150-5325

    Fax: 86-10-89352142

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station

  • 750kV1000kV





    www.epcri.com01 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station

  • The Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station is the unique and specialized on full-scale test design and research

    of transmission poles and towers in China, and one of the largest Pole-Tower test bases in the world. As a

    key laboratory of state grid corporation of China, it was accredited by China National Accreditation Service for

    conformity assessment and certificated by certification and accreditation administration of P.R.CHINA.

    The station has the capacity of completing full-scale mechanical strength tests of 750kV and below voltage

    grades double circuit angle tower, dead end tower or transformer frame, and also 1000kV double circuit

    suspersion tower. The hydraulic servo loading system with multiple channels PID controlling is used in the

    station. Measuring and controlling of load, deflection and strain data and recording test processes have

    achieved automation and network by advanced computerized technique, which loads synchronously and

    cooperatively wit. Testing technique and capability of the station has reached to international advanced level.

    Since the station was constructed in 1960, more than 400 full-scale tests of China and 40 of 14 foreign countries

    like Thailand, Iran, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Austrulian, Finland, Banglandesh. and Togo etc. have been completed for

    technical research and engineering of transmission lines.

    The station is located in Liangxiang, a satellite town of southeast Beijing. There has 26 staffs including 4

    senior engineers and 10 engineers, It covers a total area of 96000m2. There has a technical team undertaking

    theoretical research, structure design and simulating computation of transmission towers. They have give

    important contributions to design of the first 330kV, 550kV and 750kV transmission line of China. The station and

    its technologists provide lots of technical assistance and security guarantee for operation of power networks of

    China. 02


  • Qualification CertificatesAccredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment according to the ISO/IEC Guide

    25 in 2001;

    Awarded key laboratory by State Power Corporation of China in 2003;

    Certificated by Accreditation Administration of P.R.CHINA in 2003.




    www.epcri.com03 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station

  • Business ScopeFull-scale test on mechanical properties of poles and towers Test on mechanical properties of pole-tower model or member;

    Test on mechanical properties of circular steel

    reinforced concrete pole and circular prestressed

    reinforced concrete pole;

    Tensile test of metal materials;

    Mechanical properties test of metal or

    nonmetal structure and member. 04

  • 3100m x 20m80m x 50m45m x 40m



    400t24m x 24m2.3m15400 t m

    1500t40m x 50m2.8m46000t m






    www.epcri.com05 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station

  • Parts of the Testing Station

    The s ta t i on has two se ts measur ing and testing system, which can be used simultaneously or independently, as shown in Fig.1. Tower setting system, including tower assembly yards and cranes. Assembly yards: three assembly yards occupy areas of

    100m x 20m, 80m x 50m and 45m x 40m, respectively.

    Cranes (Fig.2): composed of a tower crane with height

    110m and lifting weight 25t, and two track cranes of 8t and

    24t respectively.

    Tower reaction force supporting system, including universal foundations, longitudinal and transverse loading towers, and anchors.Universal foundation (Fig.3): two, steel reinforced concrete structure of strong big plate type. Foundation with 400t uplift force per tower leg: area 24m x 24m, thickness 2.3m, maximum overturning

    moment 15400t m.

    Foundation with 1000t uplift force per tower leg: area 40m x 50m, thickness 2.8m, maximum overturning

    moment 46000t m.

    Longitudinal and transverse loading tower (Fig.4, Fig.5): two sets of reaction frames 60m frame structure: longitudinal tower is 60m in height, 42m in width, and has 3 layers of horizontal steel

    beams and 1500kN total bearing force. The corresponding performances of the transverse tower are 54m, 12m,

    5 layers, and 2762kN, respectively.

    100m frame structure: longitudinal tower is 105m in height, 50m in width, and has 7 layers horizontal steel

    beams, and 5500kN total bearing force. The corresponding performances of the transverse tower are 104m,

    15.5m, 11 layers and 5460kN, respectively.


    Fig.1 Exterior scene of pole-tower testing station 06

  • 3 Fig. 3 Universal foundation

    www.epcri.com07 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station


  • 4

    Fig.4 Longitudinal reaction tower


    Fig.5 Transverse reaction tower

    2 Fig. 2 Cranes 08

  • www.epcri.com09 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station




    20840t620t612t 4m









  • 6 Fig.6 Hydraulic loading equipment

    Loading system, using horizontal hydraulic cylinders to load and having two sets of hydraulic loading system. The 60m testing system is composed of hydraulic equipment supporting longitudinal and transverse load, and the 100m testing system is composed of hydraulic equipment supporting longitudinal, transverse and vertical load. (Fig.6)

    60m testing system: Longitudinal hydraulic loading system: with 20 hydraulic cylinders, 8 cylinders have a capacity of 40t each, 6

    cylinders 20t and other 6 cylinders 12t. Maximum stroke of the hydraulic cylinders is 4m.

    Transverse hydraulic loading system: with 20hydraulic cylinders, 4 cylinders have an output of 40t, 10cylinders

    20t, 6 cylinders 12t and maximum stroke 4m.

    100m testing system: Longitudinal hydraulic loading system: with 48 hydraulic cylinders, 6 cylinders have a capacity of 38t, 32

    cylinders 30t, 10 cylinders 20t and maximum stroke 5 m.

    Transverse hydraulic loading system: with 52 hydraulic cylinders, 6 cylinders have a capacity of 38t, 36

    cylinders 30t, 10 cylinders 20t and maximum stroke 5m.

    Vertical hydraulic loading system: with 18 hydraulic cylinders, each has a capacity of 30t, and the maximum

    stroke is 3 m. 10

  • 8

    Fig.8 Load calibration machine


    Fig.7 Stripe displaying of measured and controlled load

    www.epcri.com11 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station






  • 9

    Fig.9 Computer measuring, controlling and managing system


    Fig.10 Test real-time displaying

    Load measuring and controlling system.Computer based load measuring and controlling system (Fig.7): 64 and 128 channels PID controlling

    loading system, which can supply loads automatically and synchronously according to the prearranged value

    of load with period of measuring and controlling processes 0.5s and load tolerance of 1%.

    Force calibration machine (Fig.8): output 30t with an accuracy 0.3% and resolution factor 0.1%.

    Strain and deflection measuring system, including equipment to acquire strain and deflection data of testing tower.Strain measuring system: computer-based, strain data of 80 points acquired simultaneously and 8 points

    monitored real-time.

    Deflection measuring system: two sets, video & image based measuring and acquiring computer system

    and the Total Station, separately.

    Processes monitoring and data managing system, including equipment to monitor and record testing processes, and software and computers to manage and analyze the data.Image and video monitoring system (Fig.9, Fig.10): two sets of 16 channels image recording from different

    view and position, real-time display images of whole or local structure of tower and the data of deflection and


    Computer supervisory software: simulating analysis of pole-tower structure before test with method of

    combining numerical simulation and test measurement. 12

  • www.epcri.com13 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station

  • Typical Tests



    Since the station was established in 1960, more than 400 full-scale tests, with grades from 6kV to 1000kV, have

    been completed for technical research and engineering of transmission lines of China. The station also carries

    on foreign tests. Tests of 14 foreign countries, such as Bangladesh, Thailand, Iran, Australia, Finland, Etc, Have

    been completed in the station. 14

  • Part of typical tests of China

    EPDI-Electric Power Design Institute

    www.epcri.com15 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station

    Clients Voltage Tower type Tower height Tower weight Test date

    kV (m) (t)

    500 46.5 12.56 1985.01

    500 0~30 38.5 16.0 1985.03

    500 52.5 68.0 1985.11

    500 50.5 6.57 1989.11

    500 36.5 4.6 1991.04

    500 SZ2 64.0 39.8 1994.04

    500 ZBJ231 34.1 43.7 1995.09

    500 SCZ51 41.0 20.44 2001.11

    500 JB2 47.0 40.33 2002.07

    500/220 ZS5266 86.25 94.18 2004.02

    750 ZB2 65.5 33.6 2004.05

    750 JG2 59.2 38.7 2004.08

    1000 ZM2 73 59 2006.10

    1000 J1 69 90 2006.11

    Northeast EPDI suspension tower

    Mid-south EPDI 0~30 angle & dead-end tower

    Yangtz River Office angle & dead-end tower

    East China EPDI anchor suspension tower

    Northeast EPDI flexible suspending tower

    Northeast EPDI SZ2 double circuit suspension tower

    Mid-south EPDI ZBJ231 angle tower

    North China EPDI SCZ51 compact type double

    circuit suspension tower

    Northwest EPDI JB2 D.C. angle tower

    Guangdong EPDI ZS5266 four-circuit suspension tower

    Northwest EPDI ZB2 suspension tower

    Northwest EPDI JG2 angle tower

    State Grid coforporation of China ZM2 suspension tower

    State Grid coforporation of China J1 angle tower

  • Clients Voltage Tower type Tower height Tower weight Test date

    kV (m) (t)

    Part of typical tests of foreign countries 16

    230 45.0 18.8 1990.11

    230 42.13 11.79 1991.01

    400 LS 48.7 12.58 1994.06

    500 BE3 55.0 27.0 1995.10

    230 BA1 54.0 22.5 1995.12

    138 SPS 58.6 9.8 1998.01

    400 DT60 53.0 38.5 1999.06

    500 DD3 54.2 40.36 2000.03

    132 36.3 13.0 2001.10

    230 DA 75.9 14.0 2004.05

    Bangladesh double circuit suspension tower

    Thailand double circuit angle tower

    Iran LS suspension tower

    Indonesia BE3 angle tower

    Philippine BA1 double circuit suspension tower

    Peru SPS double circuit suspension tower

    Iran DT60 double circuit angle tower

    Pakistan DD3 double circuit angle tower

    Iraq double circuit angle tower

    Ethiopia DA double circuit angle tower

  • 500kV

    Test of Beining 500kV transformation truss


    Test of Hunyuan-Bazhou 500kV_CZ1

    tangent Tower


    Test of Ertan 500kV_ZJ1 angle Tower


    Test of Guangdong 500kV double circuit

    and 220kV double circuit steel tube tower


    Test of Guanting-Lanzhou 750kV_ZB2

    angle tower


    Test of Iran T60 angle tower

    www.epcri.com17 Transmission Pole-Tower Testing Station

  • 230kV

    Test of Bangladesh 230kV double circuit tower

    150kV C

    Test of Nepal 150kV C angle tower


    Test of Vietnam 2DD6 angle tower 18

    1000kV ZM2

    Test of 1000kV single suspension tower

    1000kV J1

    Test of 1000kV single angle tower


    Test of 1000kV Gantry