brighter delivering securing planning quality development … draft_volume... · 2019-01-07 ·...

Improving Planning Growth Healthy Future Quality Communities Prosperous Attractive Places Sustainable Brighter Delivering Development Vibrant Connected Protecting Safe Resilient Active Inclusive Securing Building Initial Draft Plan Volume 2 Settlement Specic Policies Planning Growth and Protecting Places

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Page 1: Brighter Delivering Securing Planning Quality Development … Draft_Volume... · 2019-01-07 · Planning Growth Healthy Future Quality Prosperous Communities Attractive Sustainable












Brighter Delivering










Initial Draft Plan

Volume 2Settlement Specic Policies

Planning Growth and Protecting Places

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Page 3: Brighter Delivering Securing Planning Quality Development … Draft_Volume... · 2019-01-07 · Planning Growth Healthy Future Quality Prosperous Communities Attractive Sustainable

21 Purpose

42 Wakefield Sub Regional City

42.1 Housing

162.2 Employment

202.3 Special Policy Area

402.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

512.5 Transport Schemes

532.6 Safeguarded Land

563 Castleford Principal Town

563.1 Housing

673.2 Employment

703.3 Special Policy Areas

753.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

833.5 Transport Schemes

843.6 Safeguarded Land

864 Pontefract Principal Town

864.1 Housing

964.2 Employment

974.3 Special Policy Areas

1014.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

1064.5 Transport Schemes

1094.6 Safeguarded Land

1125 Featherstone

1125.1 Housing

1145.2 Employment

1155.3 Special Policy Areas

1185.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

1226 Hemsworth

1226.1 Housing

1286.2 Retail and Town Centre uses

1306.3 Safeguarded Land

1327 Horbury

1327.1 Housing

Initial Draft Plan - December 2018

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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7.2 Employment 133

1347.3 Special Policy Areas

1377.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

1408 Knottingley, including Ferrybridge

1408.1 Housing

1448.2 Employment

1558.3 Special Policy Areas

1608.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

1618.5 Transport Schemes

1628.6 Safeguarded Land

1649 Normanton, including Altofts

1649.1 Housing

1749.2 Employment

1769.3 Special Policy Areas

1789.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

1809.5 Transport Schemes

1819.6 Safeguarded Land

18410 Ossett

18410.1 Housing

18510.2 Employment

18510.3 Retail and Town Centre uses

18810.4 Transport Schemes

19011 South Elmsall/South Kirkby

19011.1 Housing

20211.2 Employment

20511.3 Special Policy Areas

20911.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

21211.5 Transport

21412 Stanley/Outwood

21412.1 Housing

21512.2 Employment

21612.3 Retail and Town Centre uses

21612.4 Transport Schemes

Initial Draft Plan - December 2018

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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12.5 Safeguarded Land 216

21813 Ackworth Moor Top

21813.1 Retail and Town Centre uses

22014 Crofton

22014.1 Housing

22214.2 Retail and Town Centre uses

22415 Fitzwilliam/Kinsley

22415.1 Housing

22715.2 Employment

22815.3 Special Policy Areas

22915.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

23216 Ryhill/Havercroft

23216.1 Housing

23516.2 Retail and Town Centre uses

23817 Upton

23817.1 Housing

24017.2 Employment

24117.3 Retail and Town Centre Uses

24217.4 Safeguarded Land

24418 Other locations

24418.1 Housing

25018.2 Employment

25418.3 Transport

25518.4 Safeguarded Land

Initial Draft Plan - December 2018

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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Initial Draft Plan - December 2018

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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1Initial Draft Plan - December 2018

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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1 PurposeVolume 2

1.1 Volume 2 includes settlement specific local allocation policies. Policies in Volume 2 should beconsidered alongside policies in Volume 1 and the Policies Map.

1.2 For ease of reference new or amended policies are highlighted.

Consultation Information and How to Get Involved

1.3 The Wakefield District Initial Draft Local Plan is available for public consultation from 10 Januaryto 20 February 2019.

1.4 Information about the consultation, how to view the documents and make comments is availableto view and download on the Council's webpage at The preferredway to comment is online through the consultation portal .Comments can also be provided using the following email [email protected] and postaladdress below, there are comment forms available to complete and return to:

Spatial Policy Group, Planning and Transportation Services, Wakefield Council, Wakefield One,PO Box 700, Wakefield, WF1 2EB.

Your comments must reach us by 5 pm on Wednesday 20 February 2019.

1.5 Guidance on submitting comments is available in the guidance note 'Wakefield District InitialDraft Plan - How to Get Involved', available on the Council's website. Printed copies are availableat the main libraries across the district and at Wakefield One Customer Access Point.

1.6 If you require any assistance in accessing this document or would like to talk to a planning officerworking on the Wakefield District Local Plan, please contact the Spatial Policy Group on (01924)306417.

1.7 If you wish to be kept informed and notified about the ongoing process of preparing the Local Plan,either register online at the consultation portal or email your details (including postal address)to [email protected].

1.8 The guidance note on How to Get Involved sets out What Happens Next and the timescale forpreparing the Local Plan is shown in the Local Development Scheme, available on the Council'swebsite.

Initial Draft Plan - December 20182

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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Wakefield Sub Regional City

3Initial Draft Plan - December 2018

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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2 Wakefield Sub Regional City

2.1 Housing


LP48Reference Number

Land North of Paragon Business Park (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site.Green SpaceProposals should be accompanied by an assessment clearly demonstratingthat the existing sports field is surplus to requirements; or a scheme toreplace the loss resulting from the development with equivalent or betterbetter provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location.A commuted sum is required towards off-site provision of open space inaccordance with Local Plan Policy.Water Management Drainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport Highways: A transport statement or assessment will be required, asappropriate, to assess the impact on the local network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area and linkage to the A650. Improvements to publictransport will be required linking the site to the A650, for which developercontributions may be required.Health Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.

Site Specific Issues

Initial Draft Plan - December 20184

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP186Reference Number

Former Springfield Centre, St George's Road, Lupset (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a previously developed site.EcologyTrees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on treesand hedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green Space A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsite greenspace provision,in accordance with Local Plan policy.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impacton the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. ATransport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact from thesite, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Highways: Access to the site shall be taken from Old Crown Road, to thesouth, to ensure there is no conflict with school traffic on St George’sRoad. Further local highway mitigation measures may be required.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Development shall not impact on the rights ofway adjacent to the site and linkages from the site shall be created tothese adjoining routes.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Health: A Health Impact Assessment is required. The development willaccord with appropriate mitigation measures.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP361Reference Number

Land at Church View Agbrigg (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a part greenfield, part previously developed site.Ecology Trees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on treesand hedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green Space Green Space: A commuted sum will be required towards greenspace, inlieu of onsite provision, in accordance with Local Plan Policy.Water Management Drainage: A drainage strategy/scheme is required to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Other Education: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport Highways:The developer is required to demonstrate that a suitable accessfrom the adopted highway can be secured that will not impact on highwaysafety and efficiency, if the site is to be taken forward into the Local PlanSubmission draft.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Pedestrian and cycle links shall be providedfrom the site into Station Street, Newland Court and Newland Street.Health Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Contaminated Land:The site is within 250 metres of a historic tip, therefore,a contaminated land phase I desktop study, phase II site investigation andremediation options appraisal is required.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP664Reference Number

Former Flanshaw Children's Centre, FlanshawSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.EcologyEcology: An Ecological Assessment is required and the developmentshould include a buffer zone along the bank of the mill pond. Hedgerowsshould be incorporated within the development to mitigate for any loss ofbreeding bird habitat in the existing scrub.Trees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on treesand hedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% onsite greenspace, including a minimum 0.2 hectaresof outdoor recreation site will be required.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impacton the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. ATransport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact from thesite, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. The pedestrian/cycle link from Albert Drive toSpringfield Grange shall be formalised within the boundary of the site andprovide a link with Silkwood Gate.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Health: Due to the site being in a deprived area a health impactassessment will be required.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP675Reference Number

Rear Of Milton Cresent, SnapethorpeSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The site is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012and currently has planning permission for 258 dwellings, which extendsbeyond the boundary of the allocation.EcologyEcology:The site is in the Wildlife Habitat Network.The biodiversity corridorto the south and the east must be retained.Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% onsite greenspace, including a minimum 0.2 hectaresof outdoor recreation site, is required. A financial contribution is requiredto upgrade Spring Mill Playing Fields, Spring Mill Lane, Ossett, WF5 9AQ,to mitigate for the loss of playing fields at the site as a result ofdevelopment.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impacton the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. ATransport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact from thesite, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Rights of way within the site shall be retainedand links to adjoining routes shall be enhanced.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Land Quality: A contaminated land phase I desktop study, phase II siteinvestigation and remediation options appraisal is required.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP676Reference Number

Walton Lane, SandalSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% onsite greenspace is required, including a minimumof 0.2 hectares of outdoor recreation site.Sport England:The existing sports facilities will be relocated and replacedwithin the local area.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area, including providing a pedestrian/ cycle link fromHelmsley Road with Sandal Curves cycle path.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Land Quality: The site is within 250 metres of a historic tip, therefore, aphase I desktop study will be required.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of The Churchof St Helen Grade II* Listed Building and Sandal Vicarage Grade II ListedBuilding is required.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP694Reference Number

Warburton's, Westgate EndSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.EcologyEcology: An Ecological Assessment is required. A stand off from Alverthorpe Beck,with planting of locally native species, is required to augment the corridor, with thedual purpose of ecological and flood risk mitigation.Trees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green SpaceGreen Space: A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsite greenspaceprovision.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Parts of the site are within Flood Zone 2 and 3a. A site specific floodrisk assessment must be provided to show how the development can be madesafe for its lifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation:An assessment of education requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Transport Strategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is nodetriment to the strategic road network.Highways: The developer is required to demonstrate that a suitable access fromthe adopted highway can be secured that will not impact on highway safety andefficiency. Further local highway mitigation measures may be required.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area.Health Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Land Quality: A phase I desktop study will be required as the site is former millsand a burial ground.Historic Heritage:The allocation includes a Class 3 archaeological site. An ArchaeologicalEvaluation is required prior to determining planning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of the Grade II ListedBuildings - Westgate End House and its walls is required prior to any planningconsent.

Site Specific Issues

Initial Draft Plan - December 201810

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP699Reference Number

Former Redcats Site, Horbury Road, WakefieldSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues


LP701Reference Number

Land Off Batley Road, WakefieldSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues


LP702Reference Number

Land Off Wrenthorpe Lane, WakefieldSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues


LP703Reference Number

Land Off Lindale Lane And Wrenthorpe Lane, WrenthorpeSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP704Reference Number

Land To The North of Bradford Road, WrenthorpeSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues


LP705Reference Number

Pinderfields Hospital (West), WakefieldSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues

Initial Draft Plan - December 201812

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP778Reference Number

Portobello/Fall Ings, Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a previously developed site.Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% onsite greenspace is required, including a minimum0.2 hectares of outdoor recreation site.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impacton the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. ATransport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact from thesite, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Rights of way within the site shall be retainedand links to adjoining routes shall be enhanced, in particular along theRiver Calder Strategic River Corridor.HealthAir Quality: The site lies partially within the M62 Air Quality ManagementArea. Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Land Quality: A contaminated land phase I desktop study, phase II siteinvestigation and remediation options appraisal is required.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within aHealth and Safety Executive consultation zone further consultation withthe Health Safety Executive be required prior to any planning permissionbeing approved and any redevelopment.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP940Reference Number

Former Waterton J&I School Lupset Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a previously developed site.EcologyTrees: A survey is required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green SpaceGreen Space: A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsitegreenspace provision.Water ManagementDrainage: A drainage strategy/scheme is required to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impacton the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. ATransport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact from thesite, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Highways:The developer is required to demonstrate that a suitable accessfrom the adopted highway can be secured that will not impact on highwaysafety and efficiency, if the site is to be taken forward into the Local PlanSubmission Draft.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.

Site Specific Issues

Initial Draft Plan - December 201814

Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People


LP822Reference Number

Heath Caravan Site Doncaster Road WakefieldSite Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (planning permission86/99/16718/G) for 38 pitches. Planning permission will only be grantedfor accommodation required to meet local needs identified in an up to dateaccommodation assessment and will be restricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues

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2.2 Employment


LP70Reference Number

Land adjoining Silkwood Business Park, Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site. The site is allocated for employment (B1 (b), B1(c), (B2) and B8). The site includes some grade 3a and 3b AgriculturalLand Classification, but it can be demonstrated that there is a particularneed for the development, that no alternative site of a lower grade isavailable, and the proposal would not result in the severance, fragmentationor reduction in the size of agricultural holdings, which would prejudice theircontinuing viability. This site is located in an area where there is a keypolicy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skillsdevelopment opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek tosecure these opportunities as far as possible.EcologyEcology: An ecological assessment is required.Trees: A survey is required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Water ManagementDrainage: A drainage strategy/scheme is required to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.TransportStrategic Transport Network: The scale of development may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Highways:The developer is required to demonstrate that a suitable accessfrom the adopted highway can be secured that will not impact on highwaysafety and efficiency.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Rights of way running through the site shallbe retained, including links to adjoining routes.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP232Reference Number

Silkwood Park, Wakefield (AMENDED)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012. Development has taken place on part of the site.The site is allocatedfor employment (B1 (b), B1 (c), (B2) and B8). This site is located in anarea where there is a key policy objective to provide employment,apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.TransportStrategic Transport Network: The scale of development may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area and rights of way running through the site shallbe retained.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.OtherOverhead electricity transmission lines and a high pressure gas pipe crossthe site, which will need to be accounted for in the layout of thedevelopment.

Site Specific Issues


LP194Reference Number

Roundwood Industrial Estate, OssettSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues

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LP198Reference Number

Crigglestone Industrial Estate, CrigglestoneSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues


LP202Reference Number

Thornes Industrial Estate,ThornesSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues


LP204 Reference Number

Calder Vale, Wakefield (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues


LP233 Reference Number

Flanshaw Industrial Estate, Flanshaw (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

Site Specific Issues

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Volume 2 Settlement Specific Policies

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LP549Reference Number

Calder ValeSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues

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2.3 Special Policy Area


LP157Reference Number

The Waterfront Land East of A638 Doncaster RoadSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Waterfront Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant mixeduse quarter which exploits its riverside location close to the city centre and itsarchitectural and industrial heritage. This site is located in an area where there isa key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skillsdevelopment opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek to securethese opportunities as far as possible. Development within this area that has awaterfront edge should provide public access and incorporate mooring pointswherever possible and maximise the potential of the waterspace to enhance thetourist, leisure and recreational facilities. Land to the East of Doncaster Road willbe suitable for offices, leisure and uses. Small scale retail uses to serve the dayto day needs of local residents will also be permitted, where they meet nationaland local policies on retail and town centres. Development must take account ofthe City Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Plan and theguidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design Framework SupplementaryPlanning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address: theretention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; floor levels; the provision of a placeof safety accessible to all users of the site; and the implications for emergencyplanning procedures.Transport Highway Network: The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity,operation and safety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategicroad network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area. Rights of way within the site shall be retained and links toadjoining routes shall be enhanced.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within a Health andSafety Executive consultation zone, further consultation with the Health and SafetyExecutive will be required prior to any planning permission being approved andany redevelopment.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP158Reference Number

The Waterfront Stennard IslandSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Waterfront Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant mixeduse quarter which exploits its riverside location close to the city centre and itsarchitectural and industrial heritage. This site is located in an area where there isa key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skillsdevelopment opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek to securethese opportunities as far as possible. Development within this area that has awaterfront edge should provide public access and incorporate mooring pointswherever possible and maximise the potential of the waterspace to enhance thetourist, leisure and recreational facilities. Stennard Island will be suitable for officesand business uses. Small scale retail or leisure uses such as bars, cafes andrestaurants to serve the day to day needs of local residents will also be permitted,where they meet national and local policies on retail and town centres.Development must take account of the City Centre Development and DesignPolicies in the Local Plan and guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban DesignFramework Supplementary Planning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address: theretention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; floor levels; the provision of a placeof safety accessible to all users of the site; and the implications for emergencyplanning procedures.TransportHighway Network: A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level ofimpact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measuresimplemented to ensure there is no detriment to the highway network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within a Health andSafety Executive consultation zone, further consultation with Health and SafetyExecutive will be required prior to any planning permission being approved andany redevelopment.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP159Reference Number

Ings Road Land West of Denby Dale Road (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. Land to the west of Denby Dale Road will be suitable forresidential, office, commercial and some leisure uses. This site is locatedin an area where there is a key policy objective to provide employment,apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.Development should complement adjoining city centre uses and embracedesign principles of the Emerald Ring. A master plan will be requiredshowing how the City Centre Development and Design Policies in theLocal Plan and the guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban DesignFramework Supplementary Planning Document will be met.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All developmentproposals must be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which shouldaddress: the retention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; theretention of space for water to be safely stored and managed; and floorlevels.EducationAn assessment of education requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Transport Highway Network: The site includes part of the Ings Road Local RoadNetwork Scheme. A Transport Assessment is required to identify the levelof impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the highwaynetwork.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Pedestrian links must be provided through thearea to reconnect the city centre with the waterfront.Health:Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP160Reference Number

Ings Road Land to SouthSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. Land to the south of Ings Road will be suitable for residentialdevelopment alongside ancillary uses such as live work units and smallscale shops provided they meet national and local policy on retail andtown centres. Development should complement adjoining city centre usesand embrace design principles of the Emerald Ring. A masterplan will berequired showing how development meets the City Centre Developmentand Design Policies in the Local Plan and the guidance in the WakefieldCity Centre Urban Design Framework Supplementary Planning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All developmentproposals must be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which shouldaddress: the retention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; theretention of space for water to be safely stored and managed; and floorlevels.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport Highway Network: The site is adjacent to the Ings Road Local RoadNetwork Scheme. A Transport Assessment is required to identify the levelof impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the highywaynetwork.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Pedestrian links must be provided through thearea to reconnect the city centre with the waterfront.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.

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LP161Reference Number

Kirkgate Land to North EastSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. Land to the north east of the roundabout around Sun Laneand Kirkgate is suitable for residential, retail and leisure uses, includingrestaurants and cafes. Frontages must be active at ground floor level toKirkgate, Marsh Way and Sun Lane. A masterplan will be required toprovide further guidance on the design and layout of new development inline with the City Centre Development and Design Policies in the LocalPlan and the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design FrameworkSupplementary Planning Document. New development must be designedor sited to provide a clear line of sight between Kirkgate railway stationand Kirkgate (in the vicinity of the Kirkgate and Marshway junction) andalso embrace Emerald Ring principles.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport Highway Network: A Transport Assessment is required to identify the levelof impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the highwaynetwork.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.

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LP162Reference Number

Ings Road Land North of Ings Road (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. Land to the north of Ings Road will be suitable for residential,office and commercial uses, leisure and cultural uses, creative industriesand restaurants and cafes. This site is located in an area where there isa key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skillsdevelopment opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek tosecure these opportunities as far as possible. Development shouldcomplement adjoining city centre uses and embrace design principles ofthe Emerald Ring. A masterplan will be required showing how developmentmeets the City Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Planand the guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design FrameworkSupplementary Planning Documents.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: A site specific flood risk assessment must be provided to showhow development can be made safe for its lifetime without increasing floodrisk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport Highway Network: The site includes part of the Ings Road Local RoadNetwork Scheme. A Transport Assessment is required to identify the levelof impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the highwaynetwork.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Pedestrian links must be provided through thearea to reconnect the city centre with the waterfront.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricConservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of the UpperWestgate and South Parade Conservation Areas, and Listed Buildingswith and around the allocation will be required..

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LP163Reference Number

Kirkgate Land to South East (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. Land to the south east of Kirkgate roundabout is suitable for mixed usedevelopment including offices, hotel and residential uses, involving removal of theroundabout and the existing multi-storey office blocks and the enhancement ofKirkgate railway station. This site is located in an area where there is a key policyobjective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skills developmentopportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to secure these opportunitiesas far as possible. A masterplan will be required to provide further guidance onthe design and layout of new development showing how development meets theCity Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Plan and the guidancein the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design Framework Supplementary PlanningDocument. New development must be designed or sited to provide a clear lineof sight between Kirkgate railway station and Kirkgate (in the vicinity of the Kirkgateand Marshway junction) and also embrace Emerald Ring principles.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address: theretention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; and floor levels.Other Education: An assessment of education requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Transport Highway Network: A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level ofimpact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measuresimplemented to ensure there is no detriment to the highyway network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area. Rights of way within the site shall be retained and links toadjoining routes shall be enhanced.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP164Reference Number

The Waterfront Land South of Fall IngsSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Waterfront Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant mixeduse quarter which exploits its riverside location close to the city centre and itsarchitectural and industrial heritage. Land to the South of Fall Ings will be suitablefor office, business and some leisure uses. This site is located in an area wherethere is a key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skillsdevelopment opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek to securethese opportunities as far as possible. Development within this area that has awaterfront edge should provide public access and incorporate mooring pointswherever possible and maximise the potential of the waterspace to enhance thetourist, leisure and recreational facilities. Development will take account of theCity Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Plan and the guidancein the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design Framework Supplementary PlanningDocument.Water Management Drainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment to show how development canbe made safe for its lifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere, in accordancewith National Planning Policy and Guidance on flood risk. This should address:the retention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; floor levels; the provision of a placeof safety accessible to all users of the site; and the implications for emergencyplanning procedures.Land to the south of Fall Ings will be suitable for office, business and some leisureuses. Small scale retail or leisure uses such as bars, cafes and restaurants toserve the day to day needs of local residents will also be permitted, where theymeet national and local policies on retail and town centres.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area. Rights of way within the site shall be retained and links toadjoining routes shall be enhancedHealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within a Health andSafety Executive consultation zone, further consultation with Health and SafetyExecutive will be required prior to any planning permission being approved andany redevelopment.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of a Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP165Reference Number

The Waterfront Land alongside Doncaster RoadSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Waterfront Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant mixeduse quarter which exploits its riverside location close to the city centre and itsarchitectural and industrial heritage. Land alongside Doncaster Road will be suitablefor office, business and some leisure uses. This site is located in an area wherethere is a key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skillsdevelopment opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek to securethese opportunities as far as possible. Development within this area that has awaterfront edge should provide public access and incorporate mooring pointswherever possible and maximise the potential of the waterspace to enhance thetourist, leisure and recreational facilities. Small scale retail uses to serve the dayto day needs of local residents will also be permitted, where they meet nationaland local policies on retail and town centres. Development will take account ofthe City Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Plan and guidancein the City Centre Urban Design Framework Supplementary Planning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address: theretention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; floor levels; the provision of a placeof safety accessible to all users of the site; and the implications for emergencyplanning procedures.Transport Highway Network: The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity,operation and safety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategicroad network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within a Health andSafety Executive consultation zone, further consultation with Health and SafetyExecutive will be required prior to any planning permission being approved andany redevelopment.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP166Reference Number

The Waterfront Land South of Wakefield Lock (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Waterfront Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant mixeduse quarter which exploits its riverside location close to the city centre and itsarchitectural and industrial heritage. Land to the south of Wakefield Lock, includingBelle Isle and land between the River Calder and the western side of PortobelloRoad, will be suitable for residential and commercial/industrial uses. Alternativelythe area may be redeveloped for residential uses. A car park will also be providedfor Rutland Mills. Small scale retail or leisure uses such as bars, cafes andrestaurants to serve the day to day needs of local residents will also be permitted,where they meet local policies on retail and town centres. This site is located inan area where there is a key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeshipand skills development opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek tosecure these opportunities as far as possible. Development within this area thathas a waterfront edge should provide public access and incorporate mooring pointswherever possible and maximise the potential of the waterspace to enhance thetourist, leisure and recreational facilities. Development will take account of theCity Centre Development and Design policies in the Local Plan and guidance inthe Wakefield City Centre Urban Design Framework Supplementary PlanningDocument.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address: theretention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; floor levels; the provision of a placeof safety accessible to all users of the site; and the implications for emergencyplanning procedures.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is nodetriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP167Reference Number

The Waterfront (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Waterfront Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant mixeduse quarter which exploits its riverside location close to the city centre and itsarchitectural and industrial heritage. The ‘core waterfront area’ will be suitable foroffices, cultural, residential and leisure uses flexible mixed uses including: shopsand market stalls; restaurants, cafes and bars; food and drink market stalls; offices;craft workshops and studios; microbrewery; hotel; art gallery, exhibition andconference space; education and training; events space; health and fitness; andresidential. This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for localresidents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.Development within this area that has a waterfront edge should provide publicaccess and incorporate mooring points wherever possible and maximise thepotential of the waterspace to enhance the tourist, leisure and recreational facilities.Development will take account of the City Centre Development and DevelopmentPolicies in the Local Plan and guidance in the City Centre Urban Design FrameworkSupplementary Planning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address: theretention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; floor levels; the provision of a placeof safety accessible to all users of the site; and the implications for emergencyplanning procedures.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is nodetriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within a Health andSafety Executive consultation zone for gas infrastructure, further consultation withHealth and Safety Executive will be required prior to any planning permissionbeing approved and any redevelopment.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP168Reference Number

Thornes WharfSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant and high qualitymixed use area. Offices and businesses; leisure; small scale shop where theymeet national and local policy on retail and town centres; and restaurants andcafes will be acceptable in the Special Policy Area. This site is located in an areawhere there is a key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship andskills development opportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to securethese opportunities as far as possible. The design and layout of new developmentmust be compatible with the character of the waterfront location, including historicbuildings and structures within the vicinity of the area. A detailed master plan willbe prepared to coordinate the redevelopment of the area showing how developmentmeets the City Centre Development and Design Policies of the Local Plan andthe guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design Framework SupplementaryPlanning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area and uses that are particularlyvulnerable to flooding will not be allowed. All development proposals must beaccompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address: the retention ofexisting flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of space for water tobe safely stored and managed; and floor levels.TransportHighway Network: A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level ofimpact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measuresimplemented to ensure there is no detriment to the highway network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area. Rights of way within the site shall be retained and links toadjoining routes shall be enhanced.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of the WakefieldWaterfront Conservation Area and adjacent Listed Buildings is required.

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LP169Reference Number

The Waterfront Land North of Chantry Bridge (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan2009. The Waterfront Special Policy Area will be redeveloped into a vibrant mixeduse quarter which exploits its riverside location close to the city centre and itsarchitectural and industrial heritage. Land to the north of Chantry Bridge will besuitable for offices, business and small scale retail and leisure uses. A multi-storeycar park will be provided on the former Crown Works Site. This site is located inan area where there is a key policy objective to provide employment, apprenticeshipand skills development opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek tosecure these opportunities as far as possible. Development within this area thathas a waterfront edge should provide public access and incorporate mooring pointswherever possible and maximise the potential of the waterspace to enhance thetourist, leisure and recreational facilities. Development will take account of theCity Centre Development and Design Policies of the Local Plan and the guidancein the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design Framework Supplementary PlanningDocument.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: Flood risk is a significant issue in this area. All development proposalsmust be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address:the retention of existing flow paths for all sources of flooding; the retention of spacefor water to be safely stored and managed; floor levels; the provision of a placeof safety accessible to all users of the site; and the implications for emergencyplanning procedures.TransportHighway Network: The site includes part of the Ings Road Local Road NetworkScheme . A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented toensure there is no detriment to the highway network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within a Health andSafety Executive consultation zone, further consultation with Health and SafetyExecutive will be required prior to any planning permission being approved andany redevelopment.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Listed Buildingswithin and around the site and the Wakefield Waterfront Conservation Area isrequired.

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LP200Reference Number

Calder Park, WakefieldSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012. The site is being developed as a business park, which will beexpected to incorporate, on a comprehensive basis, high quality buildings,landscaping and associated open space/leisure facilities with public access.The site is restricted primarily to B1 (office) uses. Proposals must embraceall of the area of Green Belt between the special policy area and the riverand will require a financial contribution towards securing its future as anopen space/recreational facility compatible with its Green Belt designation.The open space/leisure facility element will be developed in conjunctionwith the business park, and must be shown to include a substantial elementof public access, particularly adjacent to the river. This site is located inan area where there is a key policy objective to provide employment,apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for local residents.EcologyEcology: The site lies within the Wildlife Habitat Network, therefore,opportunities must be explored for wildlife habitat creation andimprovements to the network, and an Ecological Assessment is required.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: A site specific flood risk assessment must be provided to showhow development can be made safe for its lifetime without increasing floodrisk elsewhere. No built development will take place within flood zone 3b.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impacton the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. ATransport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact from thesite, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area and public rights of way running through thesite shall be retained.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Public Health: A Health Impact Assessment will be requiredHistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

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LP548Reference Number

Merchant Gate (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is the remainder of the Merchant Gate Special Policy Areacarried forward from the Central Wakefield Area Action Plan 2009. Theallocation includes the former Westgate Railway Station and is allocatedfor office led development. Small scale shops, food and drink, andresidential uses will also be supported. Development will only be supportedthat provides an active frontage at ground floor level to maintain andpreserve the character and appearance of the Upper and Lower WestgateConservation Areas. This site is located in an area where there is a keypolicy objective to provide employment, apprenticeship and skillsdevelopment opportunities for local residents. The Council will seek tosecure these opportunities as far as possible. Development will takeaccount of the City Centre Development and Design Policies of the LocalPlan and the guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban DesignFramework Supplementary Planning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Rights of way within the site shall be retainedand links to adjoining routes shall be enhanced.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of a the Upperand Lower Westgate Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings within andadjacent to the site is required.

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LP550Reference Number

Land At Snowhill, Wakefield (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012and includes the remainder of the Special Policy Area that is yet to be developed.The remaining area is allocated for housing. The site is covered by an outlineplanning permission. The development shall incorporate active design and healthystreet principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with the surroundingarea. The detailed development proposals shall show how they relates to andintegrates with the existing surrounding neighbourhoods.EcologyEcology: An Ecological Assessment is required.Trees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% of the area of the development should be onsite greenspace.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is nodetriment to the strategic road network.Highways: Adequate junctions onto the adopted highway will be required. Mitigationwill be required to offset any reduction in junction capacity as a result of thedevelopment. A 2 metre wide footway will be required along the site frontage.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area, linking with adjacent rights of way and integrating with theexisting surrounding neighbourhoods.HealthHealth: A Health Impact Assessment is required prior to determining planningconsent.Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Clinical Commissioning Group: An assessment of health services is needed anda developer contribution may be required.Contaminated Land: Part of the site is a former colliery and there is a potential ofcontamination and land stability issues. Therefore, a contaminated land phase Idesktop study will be required.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.

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LP551Reference Number

Wakefield East, WakefieldSite Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.The site is allocated for a sustainable urban extension. A Masterplan Framework

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for the allocation was approved by the Council in June 2017. Development will bein accordance with the approved Masterplan Framework. The development willincorporate active design and healthy street principles to allow pedestrian andcycle permeability within the site and with the surrounding area, linking with existingrights of way. This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objectiveto provide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities forlocal residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far aspossible.The site is allocated for a range of uses in accordance with the approvedMasterplan Framework, which are as follows – housing, employment (mix of lightindustrial, warehousing and office uses), recreational, environmental and communityfacilities.The allocation includes a district centre and a local centre.The MasterplanFramework sets out that main town centre uses will be located within the districtand local centre and includes a list of uses that may be acceptable. The allocationis restricted to a total of 19 hectares of land for business (B1), general industrial(B2) and storage and distribution (B8) uses. The Masterplan Framework identifieswhich uses will come forward on which areas of the allocation. The allocation willincorporate a range of housing types which shall include custom and self-buildhousing. Areas of the site, any one of which shall be a maximum of 1 hectare, shallbe identified for development by small or medium sized builders.Ecology Ecology: A full ecological assessment for the whole site will be required. Provisionmust be made for the protection and restoration/enhancement of corridors. As thesite is developed, updated ecological assessments and more detailed mitigationproposals will be required. Development must be excluded from the part of siteaffected by any tree preservation order. Wildlife corridors particularly for PriorityHabitats and protected and priority species, such as otters and water voles, mustbe preserved to ensure that urban development does not create a bottleneck inthe wildlife corridor. A 30 metre buffer zone should be provided between anydevelopment and the bank of the River Calder and Oakenshaw Beck, except whereadditional biodiversity mitigation measures can be demonstrated to justify thedevelopment. As the line of the former Barnsley canal is also a designated wildlifecorridor a 50 metre wide buffer zone centred on the line of the former canal shouldalso be evaluated and treated in the same way. An appropriate method for themanagement and protection of the buffer zone post development will be required.Due to the close proximity of the Southern Washlands Local Nature Reserve andthe presence of hedgerows and arable farmland on site, a breeding birds surveywill be required.Trees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green SpaceGreen Space: Onsite greenspace should be provided in accordance with theapproved Masterplan Framework and relevant Local Plan policies.

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Water ManagementDrainage: The developers must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the allocation, which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Flood Risk: The site is within flood zones 2, 3a and 3b. A site specific flood riskassessment must be provided to show how development can be made safe for itslifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere, in accordance with NationalPlanning Policy and Guidance on flood risk. Housing units may not be located inflood zone 3.Other Education: The development will create a shortage of primary and secondaryschool places in the area. Land has been identified within the Special Policy Areafor additional educational provision. Developer contributions will be required tosupport the provision of new infrastructure, either within the Special Policy Area,or through improvements to existing facilities, to accommodate the shortfall. Thiswill be subject to review.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is nodetriment to the strategic road network. A travel plan must accompany the transportassessment. This will apply to the whole allocation and individual applications thatmay come forward.Sustainable Transport: Mitigation measures will be required to improve accessibilityto local services and public transport. Developer contributions may be requiredtowards the cost of a direct sustainable transport only route (i.e. bus, cycle, walk)linking all parts of the site and Wakefield city centre. Footpath, bridleway andcycleway connections as appropriate along the riverbank and canal route will becreated or enhanced.This is a large site that will have a significant impact on publictransport and will need to be looked at in more detail for example regardingre-routing services or providing contributions to new services. A public right of waylinking the River Calder and Trans Pennine Trail runs through the site, this will alsobe maintained and improved. The line of the former Barnsley Canal is protectedfor possible future restoration development proposals will be designed to take intoaccount this future scheme.HealthHealth: Due to the site being in a deprived area, a Health Impact Assessment isrequired prior to determining planning consent.Environmental Services: A buffer zone between the railway line and any residentialuse on the site will be required.Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Clinical Commissioning Group: An assessment of health services is needed anda developer contribution may be required.Contaminated Land: A contaminated land phase I desktop study will be required.The site lies within a number of Health and Safety Executive consultation zonesand development will only be permitted if it can be demonstrated that measurescan be implemented to protect public health and safety.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of a Stanley Hall gradeII listed building, Clarke Hall grade II* listed building and Heath CommonConservation Area is required.

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LP854Reference Number

Civic Quarter Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area has been identified for medium density residentialor office development and appropriate leisure facilities, retaining thebuildings of local interest such as the terraces running along RishworthStreet, historic street patterns and pedestrian short-cuts. Developmentwill take account of the City Centre Development and Design Policies ofthe Local Plan and the guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban DesignFramework Supplementary Planning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of educational requirements is needed inassociation with residential uses and a developer contribution may berequired.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of a the WoodStreet Conservation Area and Listed Buildings within and around the siteis required.

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LP939Reference Number

Rear of Ridings Shopping Centre George Street Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area will be suitable for residential led mixed usedevelopment. Within this area small scale shops and food and drink willbe supported. The site could also be developed for cultural, leisure andoffice use. The scheme will include high quality public open space.Development will take account of the City Centre Development and DesignPolicies of the Local Plan and the guidance in the Wakefield City CentreUrban Design Framework Supplementary Planning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of educational requirements is needed inassociation with residential development and a developer contributionmay be required.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of a the UpperWestgate and South Parade Conservation Areas and Listed Buildingswithin and around the site will be required.

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2.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP1386Reference Number

Wakefield City Centre BoundarySite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009

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Primary Shopping Area


LP913Reference Number

Wakefield City CentreSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. The Primary Shopping Area is defined on the Wakefield InsetMap wherein which retail development will be encouraged and permitted.Beyond this area, but excluding those development sites allocated forretail use, retailing will generally only be permitted where it can be proventhere are no suitable sequentially preferable sites available, and there willbe no significant adverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontage


LP922Reference Number

Wakefield City CentreSite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on theWakefield Inset Map, Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development inPrimary Shopping Frontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontagesare defined as:

Site Specific Issues

The Ridings Shopping Centre;Westgate: Nos 1- 49 and 2 – 38;Marygate: Nos 1 and 3;Bread Street – both sides;Cross Square – both sides;Bull Ring: Nos 1 – 23;Northgate: Nos 1 – 17;Kirkgate: Nos 2 – 104 and 1 – 71;Trinity Walk – shopping frontages in the north and east of the RetailPolicy Area.

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Development Sites


LP170Reference Number

Registry of Deeds (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. The site is allocated for education uses. Development musttake account of the City Centre Development and Design Policies in theLocal Plan and the guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban DesignFramework Supplementary Planning Document.EcologyTrees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on treesand hedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.TransportSustainable Transport: Development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability withthe surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricHeritage:The Registry of Deeds is a Class II Archaeological Site, therefore,an Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the Wentworth TerraceConservation Area is required.

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LP171Reference Number

Borough Road Car ParkSite Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. The site is suitable for a mixed use, housing led development.This could include offices, institutional and leisure uses. Any developmenton this site must be designed at high density to create a strong visualgateway to the City Centre, whilst respecting views of All Saints Cathedraland the adjoining Conservation Area. Development must take accountof the City Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Plan andthe guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design FrameworkSupplementary Planning Document.TransportSustainable Transport: Development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability withthe surrounding area. Pedestrian / cycle facilities will be provided alongMarsh way to Northgate. A pedestrian/cycle link will be provided throughthe site from Rishworth Street to the southern entrance of the bus station.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of a surroundingGrade II Listed Buildings and the Wentworth Terrace Conservation Areais required.

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LP172Reference Number

Wakefield College, Sandy WalkSite Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. The site is allocated for housing subject to densities of around60 and 70 dwellings per hectare. Development must take account of theCity Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Plan and theguidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design FrameworkSupplementary Planning Document.EcologyTrees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on treesand hedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.TransportSustainable Transport: Development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability withthe surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricConservation: An assessment of the impact on the Grade II Listed MargaretStreet Clinic and Cliffe House, and the Wentworth Terrace ConservationArea is required.

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LP173Reference Number

Clayton Hospital (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. Clayton Hospital and its associated buildings will beredeveloped for institutional uses such as education and communityfacilities. Development must have regard to the character of the St John'sconservation area. Development must take account of the City CentreDevelopment and Design Policies in the Local Plan and the guidance inthe Wakefield City Centre Urban Design Framework SupplementaryPlanning Document.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.TransportSustainable Transport: Development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability withthe surrounding area. Development will provide off highway school coachparking to enable provision of a segregated cycleway along WentworthStreet.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricConservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of a surroundingGrade II Listed Buildings and the Wentworth Terrace Conservation Areais required. Elements of the hospital deserve retention. The hospital willbe recorded before conversion / demolition.

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LP174Reference Number

Jacobs Well Lane, Stanley Road (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. The site is allocated for mixed use housing led development.This could include offices, institutional and leisure uses. Developmentmust take account of the City Centre Development and Design Policiesin the Local Plan and the guidance in the Wakefield City Centre UrbanDesign Framework Supplementary Planning Document.Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% onsite greenspace is required, including a minimumof 0.2 hectares of outdoor recreation space.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.TransportSustainable Transport: Development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability withthe surrounding area. Existing rights of way running through the site shallbe retained. A pedestrian / cycle link will be required to the north of thesite along Jacobs Well Lane linking with Marsh Way. Permeability throughthe site east to west should be considered as part of any redevelopmentproposal.HealthHealth: A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior to determiningplanning consent.Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Health and Safety Executive: As the proposed development is within aHealth and Safety Executive consultation zone for gas infrastructure,further consultation with the Health and Safety Executive will be requiredprior to any planning permission being approved and any redevelopment.

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LP855Reference Number

Former Indoor Market Union Street Wakefield (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteW)Proposed Use (s)

The site has been identified for a mixed use leisure facility, such as a newcinema, with food and drink offer. Community and social facilities wouldbe acceptable alongside this development. Any new development mustcontribute to the enhancement of the ‘principle space’ situated at the southend of the site through active frontages and attractive facades. Theproposal should be of a high quality design to complement existingsurrounding uses and historic assets. Development must take account ofthe City Centre Development and Design Policies in the Local Plan andthe guidance in the Wakefield City Centre Urban Design FrameworkSupplementary Planning Document.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Transport Sustainable Transport: Development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability withthe surrounding area.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of Class IIarchaeological site Old Grammar School, Brooke Street, Wakefield isrequired.

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Westgate Yards


LP912Reference Number

Area around Prospect/Thompsons/Woolpacks YardsSite Name

Westgate YardsProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Central Wakefield Area ActionPlan 2009. Westgate Yards is identified on the Policies Map as a specialistcultural and business quarter. The following uses will be encouraged andpermitted within this area:

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offices;small scale shops;restaurants, cafes and bars;health and community facilities; andresidential development on upper floors.

In particular, proposals within this area must:widen and promote pedestrian access through better signage andlighting;improve appearance of shop fronts and facades;preserve the special architectural and historic character of the areaby refurbishing and enhancing the quality of existing buildings, spacesand historic features;retain and promote business cluster opportunities where possible;include works of public art where possible;minimise traffic penetration; andminimise detrimental environmental impacts and anti social behaviour.

Active uses on the ground floor will be permitted, such as restaurants andcafes, to provide active frontages at street level, so long as they do notharm the commercial viability of the area. On the northern side ofWestgate, western side of Wood Street and both sides of Kings Street,development must include active uses and provide frontages at streetlevel to maintain and promote the commercial viability of the area.

District Centres


LP234Reference Number

Snowhill WakefieldSite Name

District CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017, but has been changed from a Local Retail Centre to a DistrictCentre.

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LP787Reference Number

Asdale Road SandalSite Name

District CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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LP789Reference Number

City Fields WakefieldSite Name

District CentreProposed Use (s)

The Local Plan allocates Wakefield East Special Policy Area to the Eastof Wakefield. It is an extensive area that is part brownfield/part greenfieldand will form a sustainable urban extension. Development is underwaywithin the Special Policy Area, which is allocated for a range of usesincluding residential, employment, recreational, environmental andcommunity facilities. A District Centre will be established within the SpecialPolicy Area, but as it is not yet built its location can only be markedapproximately on the Policies Map. Consequently, when the specific siteboundary is identified all relevant issues will need to be evaluated suchas ecology, archaeology and flood risk.

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Local Retail Centres


LP796Reference Number

Agbrigg Road WakefieldSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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LP797Reference Number

Doncaster Road WakefieldSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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Busy Corner Barnsley Road WakefieldSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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LP799Reference Number

Westgate End WakefieldSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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LP800Reference Number

Horbury Road WakefieldSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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LP809Reference Number

City Fields Doncaster Road Gateway WakefieldSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The Local Plan allocates Wakefield East Special Policy Area to the Eastof Wakefield. It is an extensive area that is part brownfield/part greenfieldand will form a sustainable urban extension. Development is underwaywithin the Special Policy Area, which is allocated for a range of usesincluding residential, employment, recreational, environmental andcommunity facilities. A Local Retail Centre will be established within theSpecial Policy Area, but as it is not yet built its location can only be markedapproximately on the Policies Map. Consequently, when the specific siteboundary is identified all relevant issues will need to be evaluated suchas ecology, archaeology and flood risk.

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2.5 Transport Schemes

Local Road Network Scheme


LP944Reference Number

A650 Newton Bar Roundabout Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This is a major roundabout improvement scheme to improve safety andcapacity, and provide facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Funding willcome from developer contributions and the West Yorkshire TransportFund and the scheme is planned for construction from 2020 to 2021.

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LP946Reference Number

A636 Denby Dale Road to M1(J39) Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This is a major highway and roundabout improvement scheme to improvetraffic capacity on the westbound carriageway of the A636 Denby DaleRoad to the M1 (J39). Funding will potentially come from developercontributions and future Transport Funds. The site will potentially beconstruction post 2021.

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LP947Reference Number

Ings Road Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This is a major highway improvement of part of the Wakefield city centreto provide better traffic flows, improved footways, cycle facilities, and urbanlandscaping. The Scheme is funded from the West Yorkshire TransportFund. Construction is planned to start from 2020 to 2021.

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Public Transport Scheme


LP873Reference Number

Sandal and Agbrigg Station Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Public Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

Potential improvements to the station are anticipated for post 2021.Funding could come from the West Yorkshire Transport Fund and potentialfuture Transport Funds (Post 2021)

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LP914Reference Number

Wakefield City Centre Emerald Ring Site Name

Emerald RingProposed Use (s)

The Emerald Ring as shown on the policies map is the inner ring road.Priority will be given to pedestrians and cyclists within the Emerald Ring.Traffic is restricted on the following roads within the Emerald Ring asshown on the policies map (Road Hierarchy):

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Wood Street;Westgate;Kirkgate;Marygate;Northgate;Bull Ring;Smyth Street;George Street;Union Street;Brook Street;Lower Warrengate

2.6 Safeguarded Land


LP1332Reference Number

Land at Asdale Road, Durkar (NEW)Site Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

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LP1331Reference Number

Land off Ferry Lane, StanleySite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

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Castleford Principal Town

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3 Castleford Principal Town

3.1 Housing


LP552Reference Number

Land at Whistler Drive Castleford (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site was allocated as part of a Special Policy Area in the Site SpecificPolicies Local Plan 2012. The site is previously developed land that hasbeen subject to remediation work to create an access road anddevelopment platform.The site has outline planning permission for housing.Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is required.Highways and TransportationA travel plan must accompany a transport assessment for this site in orderto minimise the impact of traffic on the strategic road network. The needfor physical mitigation measures on the strategic road network must beinvestigated. The details of any proposed mitigation measures, includingtheir funding and implementation, should be agreed with the Council andthe Highways Agency. In relation to any future further developmentproposals the impact on public transport needs to be assessed andmeasures could involve re-routing services or providing contributions tonew services.Land QualityDue to part of the site being a former colliery there is a potential risk ofcontamination and a phase I desktop study will be required.Air QualityThe site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Area. Air quality mitigationwill be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategyand associated planning technical guidance.ArchaeologyThe site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.

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LP709Reference Number

Ackton Pastures, CastlefordSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

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LP748Reference Number

Flass Lane, CutsykeSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012. The majority of the site has outline planning permission. Part of thesite has reserved matters planning permission and is under construction.

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LP773Reference Number

Land at Ackton Pastures, Castleford (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site.EcologyAn ecological assessment is required.The hedgerows around the boundaryand within the site should be retained and enhanced.Green SpaceThe requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the developmentwhich should be provided on site.Land QualityA phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks isrequired.DrainageThe developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Highways and TransportationThe scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic and local road network. A Transport Assessmentis required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there isno detriment to the strategic road network.Access to the site must be taken through the adjacent housingdevelopment to the east and not from Wood Lane.Air QualityThe majority of the site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Zone. Airquality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.HealthAn assessment of health services is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.

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LP774 Reference Number

Land at Custsyke Avenue Castleford (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site.Ecology An ecological assessment is required.Green Space A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsite provision.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks isrequired.Drainage The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic and local road network. A Transport Assessmentis required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there isno detriment to the strategic road network.Access to the site must be taken from Cutsyke AvenueAir Quality Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.

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Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People


LP823 Reference Number

Stafford Street (1) Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 1 pitch. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP825 Reference Number

Stafford Street (3) Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 1 pitch. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP829 Reference Number

Stafford Street (2) Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 1 pitch. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP835 Reference Number

Cinder Lane (2) Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 16 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP836 Reference Number

Cinder Lane (1) Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 1 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP843 Reference Number

Wheldon Road Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 5 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP844 Reference Number

Marchant Street Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 5 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP845 Reference Number

Moss Street Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 8 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP846 Reference Number

Moss Street Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 3 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP847 Reference Number

Pottery Street Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 5 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP1337Reference Number

Stars Yard Bradley Avenue, Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 4 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP1338Reference Number

Duke Street, Castleford (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 1 plot. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons. The site should only be occupied by thosepersons who meet the definition of Travelling Showpeople as set out inprevailing guidance at the time of determining a planning application.

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3.2 Employment

Employment Zones


LP187Reference Number

Whitwood/Willowbridge Lane, CastlefordSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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LP188Reference Number

Methley Road, CastlefordSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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LP189Reference Number

Castleford Ings, Castleford (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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LP218 Reference Number

Wakefield Europort, Whitwood (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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LP219Reference Number

Carr Wood Road Industrial Estate, GlasshoughtonSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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Employment Sites


LP553Reference Number

Glasshoughton Colliery (NEW)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This employment site consists of the remaining areas available forredevelopment at Glasshoughton Colliery, allocated in the Site SpecificPolicies Local Plan 2012 as a Special Policy Area. The site comprises ofpreviously developed colliery land much of which has been subject toremediation.Much of the area to the south of the railway line has full planningpermission for a large employment building (use classes B1c, B2, B8).The site is suitable for employment uses (B1b, B1c, B2 and B8).Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is requiredHighways and Transportation A travel plan must accompany a transport assessment for this site in orderto minimise the impact of traffic on the strategic road network. The needfor physical mitigation measures on the strategic road network must beinvestigated. The details of any proposed mitigation measures, includingtheir funding and implementation, should be agreed with the Council andthe Highways Agency. In relation to any future further developmentproposals there could be a significant impact on public transport andmeasures could involve re-routing services or providing contributions tonew services.Land Quality Due to part of the site being a former colliery there is a potential risk ofcontamination and a phase I desktop study will be required and anynecessary remediation measures will be implemented to ensuredevelopment is ultimately safe and stable.Air Quality The southern area of the site lies in the M62 Air Quality ManagementArea. Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.

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3.3 Special Policy Areas

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LP208Reference Number

Castleford Riverside, Castleford (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012. The primary purpose of this allocation is to facilitate initiatives to

Site Specific Issues

regenerate the eastern area of Castleford. The Special Policy Area is included inthe Aire River Growth Corridor Masterplan which was approved by the Council inJune 2018. Major planning applications in the Special Policy Area shall have regardto the masterplan and any updates or revisions to it that the Council approve.Particular regard shall be had to the vision and objectives of the masterplan andthe Masterplan Framework, Sustainability Strategy, Strategic Design Guidance,Health and Wellbeing and Delivery and Phasing sections of the Masterplan whenpreparing planning applications. The area shall incorporate a range of housingtypes which will include custom and self build housing. Areas of the site, any oneof which shall be a maximum of 1 hectare, shall be identified for development bysmall or medium sized builders. The Special Policy Area covers an extensive areato the east of Castleford town centre. It includes both green field and previouslydeveloped land including the partly reclaimed former Wheldale Colliery, the formerC6 Solutions chemical plant, tracts of land affected by shallow sand workings andpockets of previously demolished residential areas and cleared industrial sites, allof which have the potential to be redeveloped once necessary remediation hastaken place.The following sites are specifically identified for development:Mixed Use Former C6 Solutions site – Housing. The site could also accommodate extra careresidential provision for older people, a local centre (Use Classes A1 to A4, C1and D1) and public open space.Housing Castleford Tigers Ground Land at Pemberton DriveLand at Saxon Way Land to the South of Wheldon Road Wheldale Farm Stansfield Road Nestle SiteLand North of St. Andrews Road, Fryston.Employment / Visitor Attraction Wheldale CollierySchool Expansion Site Arriva Bus Depot. This site lies adjacent to the Wakefield Air Quality ManagementArea. Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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All major development proposals need to consider:EcologyPotential riverside wildlife habitats, such as wetlands should be fully consideredin development proposals. Development proposals must take full account of theWildlife Habitat Network and designated national and local wildlife sites on bothsides of the River Aire.The Wildlife Habitat Network will be retained and associatedwildlife habitat areas enhanced potentially in accordance with provision ofgreenspace.In the eastern part of the Special Policy Area it would be appropriate to enhancethe existing wildlife habitat and establish an area for nature conservation tocomplement Fairburn Ings Nature Reserve. An environmental buffer zone will becreated adjacent to the River Aire which will incorporate:(i) the functional floodplain, apart from the former colliery basin area (which couldpresent an opportunity for waterways related development on the southern sideof the basin); and(ii) land in the triangle bounded by the River Aire, the Castleford – Goole railwayline, and the easterly limit of the functional floodplain area.This land will be allowedto regenerate naturally, but with additional environmental enhancement, which willbe a requirement of the development of land north of the railway line at NewFryston.Green Space Public Open Space will be required in identified residential areas. These shallamount to at least 10% of the onsite area in individual housing sites.Archaeology The Special Policy Area coincides with an area of high archaeological potentialtherefore a desk-based archaeological assessment will be required for alldevelopment sites, but if this cannot assess the interest a field evaluation will berequired.Air Quality An area of the Special Policy Area lies within the Castleford Air Quality ManagementArea and also contains development sites close to or adjacent to this Air QualityManagement Area. Proposals may negatively impact on air quality in the SpecialPolicy Area and the wider area. Proposals will be required to contribute to air qualityimprovement measures. Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with theWest Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Wheldale Waste Water Treatment Works Development will be coordinated with upgrades at the waste water treatment works.Due to the nature of the operations undertaken at the Wheldale waste watertreatment works there is a risk of noise, odours and pest problems such as Flies.The location of sensitive receptors, for example housing, within 400 metres of thetreatment works boundary will require detailed investigations to ensure futureoccupiers of any development do not suffer an unacceptable loss of amenity. Anyplanning applications should reflect these investigations and include any necessarymitigation measures.

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Land Quality On certain sites, particularly but not exclusively those that are previously developed,future proposals will need to satisfactorily deal with contaminated land issues inaccordance with national policy. A phase I desktop study, a phase II siteinvestigation and remediation options appraisal will normally be required. As partof the Special Policy Area has been affected by former coal mining activity dueconsideration will need to be given to this aspect and any required remediationmeasures will need to be identified and implemented to ensure that developmentis ultimately safe and stable.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic and local road network.Transport assessments or statements,as appropriate, will be required to assess in detail the impact on the local andstrategic road networks and, in the case of assessments, will need to incorporatea travel plan. The need for physical mitigation measures on the strategic and localroad networks must be investigated. The details of any proposed mitigationmeasures, including their funding and implementation, shall be agreed with theCouncil and the Highways England. It is expected that developer contributions willbe required from this development to help fund these measures. In particularcontributions may be required to the Castleford Growth Corridor Scheme.Sites and parts of sites may come forward separately or be phased. When this isthe case the requirements for transport assessment, travel planning, investigationof physical mitigation and the need to agree the scheme and funding with theCouncil and the Highways England will still apply.This is a very large area that willhave a significant impact on public transport need and this will need to be in detailas proposals are brought forward. Interventions and contributions may be requiredwhich could include the re-routing of existing services and / or providingcontributions to new services. There should be improved public transport accessto Castleford town centre.Many developments are likely to involve the Council working in partnership withprivate sector developers and government agencies to secure an adequate packageof funding.The Castleford Growth Corridor Scheme, a major Local Road Network Scheme,runs through area. Proposals will need to be coordinated with the delivery of thisscheme and contributions may be required.Public Rights of Way will be protected and enhanced. Pedestrian and cyclingaccess through the area should be provided to give access to the riverside areaand deliver the Strategic Leisure Corridors identified on the policies map.Education For residential development an assessment of educational requirements is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Water Management Parts of the Special Policy Area, especially in the western area, lie within floodzones 2, 3a and 3b. Proposals in these zones have been subject to the sequentialand, as required, exception tests. Flood risk is a significant issue in this area andall development proposals must be accompanied by a flood risk assessment whichshould address all relevant issues. More vulnerable development, including housing,will not be located in areas subject to flooding in the 1 in 100 year event.Therefore,for development to take place in these areas the proposals must meet therequirements of local and national policy on flood risk.Planning applications must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within individual development sites which does not increaseflood risk

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elsewhere.Historic An assessment of the impact of proposed development schemes on the setting oflisted buildings or buildings of local interest within and adjacent to developmentsites must be provided.Health Individual applications for residential development will need to include anassessment of health services and a developer contribution may be required. TheSpecial Policy Area is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation.Individual planning applications will need to include a Health Impact Assessment.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective to provideemployment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.

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3.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP906Reference Number

Castleford Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

The designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported withinCastleford Town Centre as shown on the Castleford Inset Map

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Primary Shopping Area


LP909Reference Number

Castleford Town CentreSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

The designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. An area is defined on the Castleford Inset Map wherein whichretail development will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond this area,but excluding those development sites allocated for retail use, retailingwill generally only be permitted where it can be proven there are no suitablesequentially preferable sites available and there will be no significantadverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontages


LP905Reference Number

CastlefordSite Name

Primary shopping frontageProposed Use (s)

The designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on CastlefordInset Map, Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development in PrimaryShopping Frontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontages aredefined as the Carlton Lanes Development, the northern side of CarltonStreet between Bank Street and Commercial Street and the Southern sideof Carlton Street between Commercial Street and Albert Street.

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Development Sites


LP149Reference Number

Bridge Street Castleford (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The site is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre Local Plan2017. The site is previously developed land and is currently used for carparking It shall be developed primarily for retail use and may contain othermain town centre uses. Residential development can be included in mixeduse schemes, including on upper floors, subject to the resolution oracceptable mitigation of any amenity issues.The site is included in the Aire River Growth Corridor Masterplan whichwas approved by the Council in June 2018. Major planning applicationson the site need to have regard to the masterplan and any updates orrevisions to it that the Council approve. Particular regard shall be had tothe vision and objectives of the masterplan and the Masterplan Framework,Sustainability Strategy, Strategic Design Guidance, Health and Wellbeingand Delivery and Phasing sections of the Masterplan when preparingplanning applications. This is a prominent site in a gateway location andproposals shall incorporate high quality, innovative design.Green Space If proposals include residential accommodation above the threshold setout in the Local Plan a commuted sum shall be provided in lieu of on-siteprovision.Water Management A small section along the north eastern part of the site is within flood zones2 and 3a. Flood risk is a significant issue in this area and all developmentproposals must be accompanied by a flood risk assessment which shalladdress all relevant issues. A drainage strategy / scheme must be providedto assess surface water flood risk within the development site and, ifnecessary, set out mitigation which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Land Quality Due to part of the site being a former metal works it is likely to becontaminated therefore a phase 1 desktop study will be required.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment will be required assessing the impact on the localand strategic road network. Cycling facilities shall be provided within thesite and to existing and/or proposed cycle facilities.Air Quality The site lies within the Castleford Air Quality Management Area and willrequire an air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required toaccord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associatedplanning technical guidance.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required.

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LP150Reference Number

Aire Street Castleford (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The site is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre Local Plan 2017. Thesite is previously developed land and is currently used predominantly for carparking. It shall be developed primarily for retail use and may contain other maintown centre uses and health care provision. Residential development can beincluded in mixed use schemes, including on upper floors, subject to the resolutionor acceptable mitigation of any amenity issues.The site is included in the Aire River Growth Corridor Masterplan which wasapproved by the Council in June 2018. Major planning applications on the siteneed to have regard to the masterplan and any updates or revisions to it that theCouncil approve. Particular regard shall be had to the vision and objectives of themasterplan and the Masterplan Framework, Sustainability Strategy, StrategicDesign Guidance, Health and Wellbeing and Delivery and Phasing sections of theMasterplan when preparing planning applications.Development proposals would need to include details of how links to the waterfrontwould be maintained and enhanced and how the development would relate toproposals for improving Castleford Waterfront (Development Site LP151). Inparticular, the development would need to contribute to the Castleford GrowthCorridor Scheme including crossing points and improving the public realm.Green Space If proposals include residential accommodation above the threshold set out in theLocal Plan a commuted sum shall be provided in lieu of on-site provision.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment will be required to assess the impact on the local andstrategic road networks, in particular M62 motorway Junction 32. Any schemewould need to assess the need for replacement parking provision and its delivery.Cycling facilities shall be provided within the site and to existing and/or proposedcycle facilities and / or cycle routes. The public right of way which runs throughthe eastern part of the site shall be maintained and improved.Land Quality Due to part of the site being a former metal works it is likely to be contaminatedtherefore a phase 1 desktop study will be required.Water Management A small section along the northern part of the site is within flood zones 2 and 3a.Flood risk is a significant issue in this area and all development proposals mustbe accompanied by a flood risk assessment which shall address all relevant issues.A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface water flood riskwithin the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigation which does notincrease flood risk elsewhere.Air Quality The site lies within the Castleford Air Quality Management Area and will requirean air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with theWest Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential therefore adesk-based archaeological assessment will be required.

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LP151Reference Number

Castleford Waterfront (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The site is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre Local Plan 2017. Thesite is previously developed land is currently occupied by the Queens Mill, which

Site Specific Issues

is now a community facility, a public house, wholesale/retail premises, othercommercial premises and some residential units. This site shall be developed fora range of main town centre uses which could include leisure, office and retaildevelopment. Residential development can be included in mixed use schemes,including on upper floors, subject to the resolution or acceptable mitigation of anyamenity issues.The site is included in the Aire River Growth Corridor Masterplan which wasapproved by the Council in June 2018. Major planning applications on the siteneed to have regard to the masterplan and any updates or revisions to it that theCouncil approve. Particular regard shall be had to the vision and objectives of themasterplan and the Masterplan Framework, Sustainability Strategy, StrategicDesign Guidance, Health and Wellbeing and Delivery and Phasing sections of theMasterplan when preparing planning applications.Development proposals will need to have regard to the area's location alongsidethe river and maximise opportunities to provide public access to the waterfront.Development proposals would also need to include details of how the area relatesto the rest of the town centre, in particular Development Site LP150 and facilitatethe further development of community use of the site.Ecology The site is adjacent the River Aire which forms an important section of the WildlifeHabitat Network both as a United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Habitatand for species groups such as bats, otter, fish, birds and invertebrates thereforea full ecological assessment of the whole site will be required and consequentmitigation measures included in any planning applications. Provision must be madefor the restoration and enhancement of corridors. An adequate buffer zone willneed to be maintained.Green Space If proposals include residential accommodation above the threshold set out in theLocal Plan a commuted sum shall be provided in lieu of on-site provision.Highways and Transportation The development would need to accommodate and contribute to works to deliverthe Castleford Growth Corridor Scheme including a cycle route, crossing pointsand improving the public realm.A transport assessment will be required assessing the impact on the local andstrategic road network. Cycling facilities should be provided within the site and toexisting and/or proposed cycle facilities. Two public rights of way run through thesite and they shall be maintained and improved.

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Heritage Castleford Bridge is a Grade II listed building within the site; development mustnot have a negative impact upon those elements which contribute to the specialcharacter or setting of this building.Land QualityDue to part of the site being a former depot/mill it is likely to be contaminatedtherefore a phase 1 – desktop study will also be required.Water Management The entire site lies within flood zones 2 and 3a.The site has passed the sequentialtest but needs to be subjected to the exception test. Flood risk is a significant issuein this area and all development proposals must be accompanied by a flood riskassessment which shall address all relevant issues. Flood defences are presenton the site, which include existing buildings, and these form part of the CastlefordFlood Alleviation Scheme. Any future proposals would need to, as a minimum,maintain the existing level of protection provided.Any proposed works or structures, in, under, over or within 8 metres of the top ofthe bank of the River Aire designated a 'main river' or a flood defence will requireconsent of the Environment Agency.Air Quality The site lies within the Castleford Air Quality Management Area and will requirean air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with theWest Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential therefore adesk-based archaeological assessment will be required

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LP156Reference Number

Albion Street/Powell Street Castleford (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The site is carried forward from the the Retail and Town Centre Local Plan2017. The site is previously developed land and includes shops to theAlbion Street/Carlton Street frontages and health and community facilities.This site shall be developed for a range of main town centre uses whichcould include leisure, office, retail, health care and service uses. Residentialdevelopment can be included in mixed use schemes, including on upperfloors, subject to the resolution or acceptable mitigation of any amenityissues. The council will adopt a flexible approach towards proposals andthey do not need to involve clearance of the entire site.The redevelopmentof this site provides the opportunity to create improved pedestrian linksbetween the bus station, train station and Carlton Street. Proposals willbe considered on their merits.The site is included in the Aire River Growth Corridor Masterplan whichwas approved by the Council in June 2018. Major planning applicationson the site need to have regard to the masterplan and any updates orrevisions to it that the Council approve. Particular regard shall be had tothe vision and objectives of the masterplan and the Masterplan Framework,Sustainability Strategy, Strategic Design Guidance, Health and Wellbeingand Delivery and Phasing sections of the Masterplan when preparingplanning applications.Green Space If proposals include residential accommodation above the threshold setout in the Local Plan a commuted sum should be provided in lieu of on-siteprovision.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment will be required to assess the impact on the localand strategic road networks. Car parking provision shall be retained andenhanced for users of the train station and other facilities. Cycling facilitiesshould be provided within the site and to existing and/or proposed cyclefacilities and / or cycle routes.Flood Risk A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Air Quality The site lies adjacent to the Castleford Air Quality Management Area andwill require an air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be requiredto accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associatedplanning technical guidance.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required.

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Enhanced Pedestrian Routes


LP879Reference Number

Carlton Street and Railway Station CastlefordSite Name

Enhanced Pedestrian RouteProposed Use (s)

The designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.This route will link the train station to the main shopping area in CarltonStreet and include access to/through car parking areas.

Site Specific Issues

Local Retail Centres


LP801Reference Number

Castle Parade CastlefordSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

This site is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre Local Plan2017

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LP802Reference Number

The Square CastlefordSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

This site is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre Local Plan2017

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3.5 Transport Schemes

Local Road Network Scheme


LP870 Reference Number

Castleford Growth Corridor Scheme (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

The scheme will improve the capacity of Aire Street, including the LockLane roundabout. It is part of a wider scheme that will also provide accessfrom Lock Lane to Wheldon Road through the C6 site.The proposed workswill include an improved route for pedestrians and cyclists, crossing pointsand public realm improvements. Funding will be sought from regionaltransport funds and nearby developments. This area is archaeologicallysensitive and the road improvements may impact on archaeologicalremains. Early consultation with the West Yorkshire ArchaeologicalAdvisory Service is advised when the scheme is being planned.This is a major improvement of Highways at Aire Street, Lock Lane andWheldon Road to provide capacity on the road network for significanthousing development. The scheme includes new footbridges over theriver and rail line bridge, and cycle tracks along the length of WheldonRoad. Funding for the scheme will come from the West Yorkshire TransportFund. Construction could potentially start from 2021 to 2022.

Site Specific Issues


LP1333Reference Number

Glasshoughton Southern Link Road (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This is a major link road from Flass Lane to Colorado Way, Glasshoughton,which will open up land for housing development. The scheme will befunded by the West Yorkshire Transport Fund. Construction is planned tostart from 2019 to 2020.

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Public Transport Scheme


LP859 Reference Number

Castleford Interchange, Castleford (AMENDED)Site Name

Public Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward form the Site Specific Policies LocalPlan 2012. Planning improvements starting between 2019- 2020. Fundingcould come from the West Yorkshire Transport Fund and potential futureTransport Funds (Post 2021).

Site Specific Issues

3.6 Safeguarded Land


LP121Reference Number

East Of Watling Road, CastlefordSite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

This site is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012Site Specific Issues

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Pontefract Principal Town

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4 Pontefract Principal Town

4.1 Housing


LP96Reference Number

Land at Holme Farm, Carleton, Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site that was allocated as Protected Area of Search(Safeguarded Land) in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.Ecology The hedgerows around the boundary of the site shall be retained andenhanced.The trees on the eastern border of the site are covered by treeprotection orders and will be protected during construction and retained.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the developmentwhich will be provided on site.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks isrequired.Drainage The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Education There is significant capacity issues in this area. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic and local road network. A Transport Assessmentis required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there isno detriment to the strategic road network.Access to the site must be taken of Moor Lane. Holme Farm Way is notsuitable to provide access to this allocation.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.Archaeology An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.

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LP98Reference Number

Land North of Moor Lane, Carleton, Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site that was Protected Area of Search (SafeguardedLand) in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.Ecology The hedgerows around the boundary of the site will be retained andenhanced. The trees around the boundary of the site and within it arecovered by tree protection orders and will be protected during constructionand retained. The number of dwellings that can be developed on the sitewill be reduced by this constraint.Green Space A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsite provision.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks isrequired.Drainage The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Education There is significant capacity issues in this area. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.

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LP112Reference Number

Former Prince of Wales Colliery, Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site is proposed to be removed from the green belt. A small area where theformer hotel and associated buildings and hardstandings were located is previouslydeveloped land. The remainder of the site is green field.Ecology An ecological assessment is required. The tree avenue along Park Road shall beretained with underplanting of locally native woodland ground fauna. Hedgerowsaround and within the site will be retained and enhanced. Native scrub plantingshall be provided along the boundary with the railway line. Biodiversity links alongthe south eastern border of the site shall be enhanced with species rich grassland.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the development which willbe provided on site.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks is required.Drainage The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education There is significant capacity issues in this area. An assessment of educationalrequirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Highways and Transportation The site may need to incorporate highway infrastructure improvements associatedwith proposals to duel Park Road and create a gyratory system at the junctionwith De Lacy Way. This shall be considered as part of the preparation of amasterplan for the site. Access arrangements to the site will need to be designedso as not to impact on the highway improvements proposed on Park Road.The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic and local road network. A Transport Assessment is requiredto identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategicroad network.The public right of way across the site (FP5) shall be retained and enhanced toprovide a link between Park Road and De Lacy Way.Air Quality The site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Area. Air quality mitigation willbe required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy andassociated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.

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LP184Reference Number

Former factory Monkhill lane Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site is previously developed land.Green Space A commuted sum will be required for improvement / maintenance ofexisting open space to serve the development.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate,suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detrimentto the strategic road network.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Land Quality A desk top study, site investigation and a remediation options appraisalwill be required in order to consider possible ground contamination.Education An assessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.

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LP468Reference Number

Friarwood Lane Car Park (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site is previously developed land.Education There are significant capacity issues in this area. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Land Quality A phase I desktop study shall be submitted to identify potential risks ofcontamination.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Highways and Transportation Applications will need to demonstrate that additional traffic generated bya proposal will not have a significantly adverse impact on the highwaynetwork. If an impact is demonstrated mitigation measures will be required.Adequate junction arrangements with the highway network will need tobe demonstrated at accesses to the site and suitable mitigation proposedif necessary.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Green space A contribution will be required to off-site greenspace provision.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.

Site Specific Issues


LP697Reference Number

Land East Of Cobblers Lane, PontefractSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

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LP741Reference Number

Land At Pontefract General Infirmary, PontefractSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues


LP743 Reference Number

Land Between Knottingley Road/Ferrybridge Road (North of Railway),Pontefract (AMENDED)

Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

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LP744 Reference Number

Land Between Knottingley Road/Ferrybridge Road (South of Railway),Pontefract (AMENDED)

Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site. The site is carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012.Ecology A buffer zone, including hedgerows, will be required between the developmentand the adjoining woodland and the Wildlife Habitat Network. The hedgerowsaround the boundary of the site will be retained and enhanced.Green space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the development which willbe provided on site.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic and local road network. A Transport Assessment is requiredto identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategicroad network.A transport assessment will be required together with associated mitigation works.A new or revised access onto Knottingley Road is required, and emergency accesswill need to be considered to overcome existing flooding and visibility constraints.Drainage and Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.The frontage of the site on Knottingley Road is in flood zone 3. Housing units willnot be included in any parts of the site in flood zone 3Air Quality The site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area. Air Quality mitigationwill be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy andassociated planning technical guidance.Noise The noise impact of the railway will need to be assessed and suitable mitigationprovided if required.Education There is significant capacity issues in this area. An assessment of educationalrequirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Land Quality The western part of site in particular is located in an area which could potentiallybe affected by past sand workings and, therefore, ground conditions across thesite will need to be investigatedHealth An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential therefore adesk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannot assessthe interest a field evaluation will be required.

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LP767Reference Number

Land North of De Lacy Way - Monkhill Triangle, Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site that was part of a larger housing allocation in theSite Specific Policies Local Plan 2012 that has not been implemented.Green Space A commuted sum will be required for improvement / maintenance ofexisting open space to serve the development.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Highways and Transportation A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.The development will use the existing accesses from De Lacy Way.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Land Quality A desk top study, site investigation and a remediation options appraisalwill be required in order to consider possible ground contamination. Alandfill gas migration investigation will be required.Noise A noise assessment will be required.Education An assessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.

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LP768Reference Number

Land South of De Lacy Way - Monkhill Triangle, Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site that was part of a larger housing allocation in theSite Specific Policies Local Plan 2012 that has not been implemented.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the developmentwhich will be provided on site.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Highways and Transportation A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.The development should use the existing accesses from De Lacy Way.De Lacy Way / Skinner Lane shall be remodeled to mitigate the severityof the bend where the roads join to improve highway safety.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Land Quality A desk top study, site investigation and a remediation options appraisalwill be required in order to consider possible ground contamination. Alandfill gas migration investigation will be required.Noise A noise assessment will be required.Education An assessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.

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LP779Reference Number

Land To South Ackworth Road/Hardwick Road , Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site is a greenfield site. The majority of the site to the north was ProtectedArea of Search (safeguarded land) in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.Some of the land to the south of the site is proposed to be removed from the greenbelt. Substantial development of the site will not be possible until the SouthFeatherstone Link Road Spur, to the south of the site, has been completed whichwill provide access to the site. Any planning application shall be accompanied bya masterplan for the whole housing allocation or adhere to a masterplan approvedas part of a previous application.This shall incorporate Active Design and HealthyStreets principles as set out in the Development Principles section of this plan.Theallocation will incorporate a range of housing types which shall include customand self-build housing. Areas of the site, any one of which shall be a maximum of1 hectare, shall be identified for development by small or medium sized builders.Ecology An ecological assessment is required.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the development which willbe provided on site. This does not include the area of the site currently in use asa water storage area for the development to the north which will be retained unlessa suitable alternative solution can be justified to the satisfaction of the local planningauthority.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks is required.Drainage The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education There is significant capacity issues in this area. An assessment of educationalrequirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic and local road network. A Transport Assessment is requiredto identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategicroad network.The South Featherstone Link Road Spur will provide access to the site.The site will not include a through road between Ackworth Road and HardwickRoad.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.

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4.2 Employment

Employment Zone


LP205 Reference Number

East Of Pontefract Town Centre, Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

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4.3 Special Policy Areas


LP155Reference Number

South of Stuart Road Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area is carried forward from the Retail and Town CentreLocal Plan 2017. It is a previously developed site that is a key gatewayinto the town. Its development shall be coordinated with proposals on theadjacent Special Policy Area at Tanshelf Industrial Estate. Proposals onthe site shall consider any masterplan produced for the Tanshelf SpecialPolicy Area. The recommendations of the Central Pontefract Masterplanand the Tanshelf Study shall also be considered. This site shall bedeveloped for office, leisure and employment uses. Residentialdevelopment would be supported on the site subject to the removal oracceptable mitigation of any amenity issues.The Kiko’s nightclub site on Front Street shall be redeveloped with a focuson high quality design to enhance this key gateway. A building of threestoreys would be appropriate on this site. The area would benefit fromimprovements to the public realm which shall include boundary treatment,landscaping and surfacing. An Enhanced Pedestrian Route is designatedthrough the site along Colonel's Walk continuing along Sessions Yard andthere shall be a particular focus on enhancements to the public realmhere.Green Space For residential development a commuted sum will be required in lieu ofonsite provision.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment will be required to assess the impact on the localand strategic road networks, in particular M62 motorway Junction 32.Theincorporation of high quality public realm treatments has been identifiedas vital in ensuring that a legible and safe pedestrian environment iscreated throughout the Tanshelf area.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Noise A noise assessment will be required.Education There is a significant capacity issue in this area. For residential planningapplications an assessment of educational requirements is needed anda developer contribution may be required.

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LP175Reference Number

Tanshelf Industrial Estate, Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies LocalPlan 2012. This previously developed site is a key gateway into Pontefract towncentre and is in need of regeneration. The area is suitable for a mix of usesincluding employment, leisure and residential to complement Pontefract towncentre. Any planning application shall be accompanied by a masterplan for thewhole Special Policy Area or adhere to a masterplan approved as part of a previousapplication. This shall incorporate Active Design and Healthy Streets principlesas set out in the Development Principles section of this plan.This masterplan shallconsolidate previous studies and masterplans that have been produced for thearea including the Central Pontefract Masterplan and the Tanshelf Study. The sitewill be redeveloped to create a vibrant area connecting the town centre with thePrince of Wales site which has been redeveloped as a new residential area of thetown. Key aims are to improve the links through this site to the Prince of Walesarea to create well designed and safe pedestrian and cycle routes that willencourage sustainable travel choices at all times of day and night with a particularfocus on the Colonel’s Walk route (which is designated as a Strategic LeisureCorridor), providing a more active mix of uses, creating high quality gateways tothe town at the western, northern and southern ends of the Tanshelf area, withhigh quality public realm; and improving the appearance of the area.New residential development will be supported on the former fire station site andto the east of Colonel’s Walk subject to the removal or acceptable mitigation ofany amenity issues. Multi-story developments of up to 3-4 storeys within thegateway / main frontage site will be appropriate in principle. Appropriate leisureuses to support the existing indoor sports provision would be acceptable.Green Space For residential development a commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsiteprovision.Education There is a significant capacity issue in this area. An assessment of educationalrequirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Noise A noise assessment will be required.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment and travel plan will be required to assess the impact onthe local and strategic road networks.Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is required.

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LP811Reference Number

Former Pontefract General Infirmary Friarwood Lane Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This site is previously developed land.The Special Policy Area is allocated for the provision of specialist housingfor the elderly.This may include sheltered, enhanced sheltered, extra careand registered care accommodation. The site may also contain specialistprovision to allow people to leave hospital before they are ready to returnhome and other healthcare provision.The car parking currently on the site may need to be remodeled within thesite in order to create a suitable layout for any development on the site.Green Space A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsite provision.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate,suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detrimentto the strategic road network.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Land Quality A desk top study, site investigation and a remediation options appraisalwill be required in order to consider possible ground contamination.Conservation The site lies within the setting of the grade I listed Hermitage and the gradeII listed Friarwood Valley Gardens Historic Park / Garden. Proposals mustbe designed in order to enhance the setting of these asset. An assessmentof the impact on the setting of these assets is required.

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LP1387Reference Number

Land around Horsefair Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This is a Special Policy Area comprising previously developed land in Pontefracttown centre.The area between Horse Fair and Northgate was allocated for housingin the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012. The area lies on the edge of theprimary shopping area and is a highly sustainable site that requires regeneration.Any planning application shall be accompanied by a masterplan for the wholeSpecial Policy Area or adhere to a masterplan approved as part of a previousapplication. This shall incorporate Active Design and Healthy Streets principlesas set out in the Development Principles section of this plan.This masterplan shallconsolidate and consider previous studies and masterplans that have beenproduced for the area including the Central Pontefract Masterplan. The site issuitable for residential proposals that shall provide town centre homes of thehighest design quality. Other town centre uses may also be accommodated in thearea. Retail uses should be developed in the part of the site within the primaryshopping area. Horse Fair is designated as an Enhanced Pedestrian Route.Extensive public realm improvements shall occur on and around this route toencourage linked trips between the castle and the town centre.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface water flood riskwithin the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigation which does notincrease flood risk elsewhere.Education There are significant capacity issues in this area. An assessment of educationalrequirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Heritage The site lies in the Pontefract Castle conservation area. Development must fullyrespect and be sympathetic to the objectives and setting of the conservation areaand its character must be preserved or enhanced. The setting and character oflisted buildings and buildings of local interest shall also be respected. A heritageassessment will be required to assess any impact on the assets in the SpecialPolicy Area and set out mitigation where necessary. Proposals should retain andtake advantage of any protected trees.Land Quality A phase I desktop study will be submitted to identify potential risks of contamination.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Green space Proposals will need to carefully consider provision of new green space. Forschemes above the Local Plan threshold 10% of the area of the development willbe provided on site as green space. For smaller schemes contributions will berequired to off-site greenspace provision which may still be provided within theSpecial Policy Area.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential therefore adesk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannot assessthe interest a field evaluation will be required.

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4.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map


LP897Reference Number

Pontefract Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported withinPontefract Town Centre as shown on the Pontefract Inset Map.

Site Specific Issues

Primary Shopping Area


LP887Reference Number

Pontefract Town CentreSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. An area is defined on the Pontefract Inset Map wherein whichretail development will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond this area,but excluding those development sites allocated for retail use, retailingwill generally only be permitted where it can be proven there are no suitablesequentially preferable sites available and there will be no significantadverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontage


LP900Reference Number

PontefractSite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on PontefractInset Map, Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development in PrimaryShopping Frontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontages aredefined as both sides of the following streets - Market Street, Beastfair,Salter Row, and also the southern end of Shoemarket, the western sideof Woolmarket and the north-eastern part of Ropergate.

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Development Site


LP146Reference Number

North of Stuart Road Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

This site has been carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. The site is previously developed land and currently containsPontefract Swimming Pool. This facility may close if the proposed LeisureHub is granted planning permission and constructed. When available thissite shall be developed as a discount food store or for leisure or educationuse. Residential development may be acceptable, including on upperfloors, subject to the resolution or acceptable mitigation of any amenityissues.Green Space If proposals include residential accommodation a commuted sum will beprovided in lieu of on-site provision.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment will be required assessing the impact on the localand strategic road network, in particular M62 motorway Junction 32.Cycling facilities shall be provided within the site and to existing and/orproposed cycle facilities including provision of a 3 metre wide shared usepath on the Stuart Road frontage.Development would be expected to contribute to the enhancement of thepedestrian route from Colonel's Walk to King Charles II house.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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Enhanced Pedestrian Route


LP880Reference Number

Stuart Road PontefractSite Name

Enhanced Pedestrian RouteProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. This route links the Tanshelf area, and the Prince of Walesdevelopment beyond, to the town centre. It is a variation on the route viaSessions House Yard and follows Stuart Road to King Charles II Houseand then to the library/museum.

Site Specific Issues


LP881Reference Number

Colonel's Walk and Sessions House Yard PontefractSite Name

Enhanced Pedestrian RouteProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. This route links the Tanshelf area, and the Prince of Walesdevelopment beyond, to the town centre.

Site Specific Issues


LP882Reference Number

Horsefair and Micklegate PontefractSite Name

Enhanced Pedestrian RouteProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. This route links the main shopping area to Pontefract Castle.The Castle is an important heritage site and will receive a significantinvestment to improve visitor facilities. It is essential to encourage linkedtrips between the shopping area and the Castle and vice-versa to benefitthe town as a whole.

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Design Improvement Areas


LP876Reference Number

Slutwell Lane to Friarwood Lane, PontefractSite Name

Design Improvement AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017

Site Specific Issues


LP877Reference Number

Friarwood Lane to Walkergate, PontefractSite Name

Design Improvement AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017

Site Specific Issues


LP883Reference Number

Valley Road to Gillygate, PontefractSite Name

Design Improvement AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017

Site Specific Issues


LP884Reference Number

Ropergate End to Valley Road, PontefractSite Name

Design Improvement AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017

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Local Retail Centres


LP803Reference Number

The Circle PontefractSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

Site Specific Issues


LP807Reference Number

Baghill Lane PontefractSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

Site Specific Issues

4.5 Transport Schemes

Local Road Network Schemes


LP866Reference Number

Mill Dam Lane and North Baileygate Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. This area is archaeologically sensitive and the roadimprovements may impact on archaeological remains. Early consultationwith West Yorkshire Archaeological Advisory Service is advised when thescheme is being planned.This junction adjoins the edge of the PontefractCastle Conservation Area and lies close to the Grade II Church of AllSaints. Any proposals will need to ensure that they do not harm thesignificance of these heritage assets.There are proposed improvements to junctions on Southgate, Pontefract.Funded from developer contributions and construction is planned from2019 to 2020.

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LP867Reference Number

South Baileygate and North Baileygate Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. This area is archaeologically sensitive and the roadimprovements may impact on archaeological remains. Early consultationwith West Yorkshire Archaeological Advisory Service is advised when thescheme is being planned.This junction adjoins the edge of the PontefractCastle Conservation Area and lies close to the Grade II Church of AllSaints. Any proposals will need to ensure that they do not harm thesignificance of these heritage assets.There are proposed improvements to junctions on Southgate, Pontefract.Funded from developer contributions and construction is planned from2019 to 2020.

Site Specific Issues


LP868Reference Number

South Baileygate and Baghill Lane Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the previous Retail and TownCentre Local Plan 2017. This area is archaeologically sensitive and theroad improvements may impact on archaeological remains. Earlyconsultation with West Yorkshire Archaeological Advisory Service isadvised when the scheme is being planned.This junction adjoins the edgeof the Pontefract Castle Conservation Area and lies close to the Grade IIChurch of All Saints. Any proposals will need to ensure that they do notharm the significance of these heritage assets.There are proposed improvements to junctions on Southgate, Pontefract.Funded from developer contributions and construction is planned from2019 to 2020.

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LP869Reference Number

Southgate and Friarwood Lane Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the previous Retail and TownCentre Local Plan (2017). This area is of high archaeological potentialand significant development proposals should be accompanied by anarchaeological desk-based assessment.There are proposed improvements to junctions on Southgate, Pontefract.Funded from developer contributions and construction is planned from2019 to 2020.

Site Specific Issues


LP1334Reference Number

Park Road Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This is a major highway improvement scheme to improve traffic capacityon the A639 Park Road between Park Lane and the M62 (J32). Potentialfunding could be available from future Transport Funds and constructioncould potentially start post 2021.

Site Specific Issues

Public Transport Scheme


LP862Reference Number

Monkhill Station Improvements, Pontefract (AMENDED)Site Name

Public Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies LocalPlan 2012.This is a scheme to provide better access and parking capacityto the rail station. Potential funding from future Transport Funds anddeveloper contributions and construction could potentially start post 2021

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LP945Reference Number

Monkhill Station Improvements, Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

Public Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

This is a scheme to provide better access and parking capacity to the railstation. Potential funding from future Transport Funds and developercontributions and construction could potentially start post 2021

Site Specific Issues

4.6 Safeguarded Land


LP776Reference Number

Land off Spittal Hardwick Lane Pontefract (NEW)Site Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

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5 Featherstone

5.1 Housing


LP719Reference Number

North Of Pontefract Road, FeatherstoneSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues


LP721Reference Number

Land Off Girnhill Lane, FeatherstoneSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

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LP812Reference Number

Former Featherstone Junior School Pontefract Road Featherstone(NEW)

Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a previously developed site.Green Space A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsite provision.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks isrequired.Drainage The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initiallybut not to the extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. Anassessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.

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5.2 Employment

Employment Zones


LP209Reference Number

North Of Wakefield Road, FeatherstoneSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

Site Specific Issues


LP211Reference Number

Former Ackton Hall Colliery/Green Lane, FeatherstoneSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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5.3 Special Policy Areas

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LP11Reference Number

Land South of Featherstone (NEW)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This site is green field and it is proposed that this site will be removed from thegreen belt. This Special Policy Area will form an urban extension to Featherstone.

Site Specific Issues

It will be developed primarily for housing. A new South Featherstone Link Roadwill be constructed and will form the southern boundary of the site. The SpecialPolicy Area will also contain a primary school and a local centre to provide top upshopping and local services particularly for food and drink. Extensive greeninfrastructure will be required along the Went Beck corridor. Any planning applicationshall be accompanied by a masterplan for the whole Special Policy Area or adhereto a masterplan approved as part of a previous application. This shall incorporateActive Design and Healthy Streets principles as set out in the DevelopmentPrinciples section of this plan. The allocation will incorporate a range of housingtypes which shall include custom and self-build housing. Areas of the site, any oneof which shall be a maximum of 1 hectare, shall be identified for development bysmall or medium sized builders.Ecology An Ecological Assessment is required.An ecological corridor will be created around Went Beck throughout its length whichshall be augmented with flood water attenuation wetlands. The beck is a UnitedKingdom Biodiversity Action Plan Habitat of Principal Importance. The corridorshall buffer and enhance the beck, its banks and surrounding area. Sufficient landon at least one bank of the beck shall allow the passage of terrestrial species.Theneeds of Water Voles will need particular consideration in the creation of theecological corridor and meeting these needs is likely to require changes to thechannel structure and the marginal wetland habitat.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the allocation which will beprovided on site and in accordance with any masterplan. This is in addition to theecological corridor required alongside Went Beck and any flood water attenuationwetlands. Any existing play areas, multi use games areas or playing fields withinthe site should be retained or replaced with equivalent or improved provision inline with local and national policy where relevant.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.The allocation lies within the discharge impact risk zone for Wentbridge Grassland(Brockadale) Site of Special Scientific Interest. The impact of the development ofthis site both in isolation and in combination with other proposals on the Site ofSpecial Scientific Interest shall be assessed in relation to surface water and foulwater discharges. This shall include consideration of if the site can be linked toexisting waste water treatment networks and surface water drains.There are areas of high flood risk within the site and a flood risk assessment willbe required. A watercourse model may also be required.

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Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.The site will require the construction of the South Featherstone Link Road beforesubstantial development can occur. Multiple access points will be required withadequate junction arrangements demonstrated. Cycle routes will be incorporatedinto any scheme and infrastructure to encourage sustainable journeys intoFeatherstone town centre shall be incorporated. A cycle route adjacent to the WentBeck corridor to allow east / west journeys across the site shall be incorporated.Rights of way through the site shall be retained and incorporated into the sitemasterplan.Air Quality Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Historic Environment An assessment of the impact on the setting and significance of the following assetsis required:A. Sharlston Common Coal and Ironstone Workings Scheduled Ancient MonumentB. Nostell Priory Grade I listed building and other listed buildings associated withthe PrioryC. Huntwick Lodge, the attached arch and screen walls, Little Went Bridge andPirton Hall Grade II listed buildingsC. Nostell Priory Grade II* Registered Historic Park and GardensD. High Ackworth Conservation AreaEducation There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks is required.Coal mining and Radon studies will be required.

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5.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP888Reference Number

Featherstone Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported withinFeatherstone Town Centre as shown on the Featherstone Inset Map.

Site Specific Issues

Primary Shopping Area


LP911Reference Number

FeatherstoneSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. An area is defined on the Featherstone Inset Map whereinwhich retail development will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond thisarea, but excluding those development sites allocated for retail use,retailing will generally only be permitted where it can be proven there areno suitable sequentially preferable sites available and there will be nosignificant adverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontage


LP898Reference Number

FeatherstoneSite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on theFeatherstone Inset Map, Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Developmentin Primary Shopping Frontages will apply.The Primary Shopping Frontagesare defined as 2 to 14 and 35 to 51 Station Lane and The Precinct.

Site Specific Issues

Development Site


LP153Reference Number

Wilson Street Featherstone (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

This site has been carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017 with revised boundaries to remove most of the car park. It is apreviously developed site that formally contained a small supermarketwhich has been demolished. The site is suitable for residentialdevelopment. Other town centre uses, particularly retail, may also besuitable.Green Space If this site is developed for housing a commuted sum will be provided inlieu of on site provision.Sustainable Transport Cycling Facilities shall be provided within the site and to existing and / orproposed cycle facilities in the vicinity.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Air Quality The site is adjacent to the Featherstone Air Quality Management Area.Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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6 Hemsworth

6.1 Housing


LP21Reference Number

Land East of Wakefield Road, Hemsworth (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The site will incorporate a range of housing types which shall include custom andself-build housing. Areas of the site, any one of which shall be a maximum of 1hectare, shall be identified for development by small or medium sized builders.Ecology: Vale Head Marsh Local Wildlife Site adjoins the site and is vulnerableto any changes in hydrology. A hydrological impact assessment and mitigation toensure favourable condition of Vale Head Marsh is required. A buffer with ecologicalenhancements and screening between the Marsh and the development is requiredwhich should include native hedgerow and species rich grassland along the northwestern side of the site.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provision to includea minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.The site lies within the discharge Impact Risk Zone for Brockadale Siteof Special Scientific Interest. An assessment of the impact of surface water andfoul water discharges as a result of the development is required, includingconsideration of whether the site can be linked to existing water treatment networksand surface water drains.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion are limited. Anassessment of educational requirements is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.Transport: The site may have an impact on the capacity, operation and safety ofthe strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identify the levelof impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measuresimplemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.More than one access point and adequate junctions onto Wakefield Road arerequired.The rights of way through the site shall be retained and enhanced to providepedestrian and cycleway links with Springvale Rise and Hemsworth Water Park.Footpath 12 shall be upgraded to a 3 metres sealed surface shared pedestrian/cycleway to link Willow Tree Farm track via the railway underpass.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. AHealth Impact Assessment will be required prior to determining planning consent.An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.

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LP680Reference Number

West End, HemsworthSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.The site lies within the discharge Impact Risk Zone for Brockadale Site ofSpecial Scientific Interest. An assessment of the impact of surface waterand foul water discharges as a result of the development is required,including consideration of whether the site can be linked to existing watertreatment networks and surface water drains.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP683Reference Number

Ashfield Road, HemsworthSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: A pedestrian/ cycleway link from Carlton Close to HighfieldLane is required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An archaeological feature is within the site and an ArchaeologicalEvaluation is required prior to determining planning consent.

Site Specific Issues


LP740Reference Number

Kirkbygate, HemsworthSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and has planning consent for 24 dwellings.

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LP742Reference Number

Land off Kirkby Road, HemsworthSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Land Quality: The site contains a former landfill and as such the landmay be potentially affected by contamination and landfill gases. A PhaseI Desktop Study and Phase II Site Investigation to identify any potentialrisks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP761Reference Number

Land at Burntwood Bank Hemsworth (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: A pedestrian/ cycleway link from Burntwood Bank connectingwith the route from site LP683 to Highfield Lane is required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

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LP765Reference Number

Land At Common End, Hemsworth (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Ecology: Woodland is a UK BAP priority habitat. Woodland within thesite shall be retained and enhanced.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation. Greeninfrastructure enhancements along the Strategic Leisure Corridor arerequired.Water Management: There are areas of high flood risk within the site. Aflood risk assessment and possible watercourse model is required. Thedeveloper must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is requiredto identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to thestrategic road network.The rights of way through the site shall be retained and enhanced toprovide pedestrian and cycleway links between Hemsworth and SouthKirkby. Contributions towards the Hemsworth to Moorthorpe Cyclewayare required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An archaeological feature is within the site and an ArchaeologicalEvaluation is required prior to determining planning consent.

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6.2 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP895Reference Number

Hemsworth Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported withinHemsworth Town Centre as shown on the Hemsworth Inset Map.

Site Specific Issues

Primary Shopping Area


LP896Reference Number

HemsworthSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. An area is defined on the Hemsworth Inset Map wherein whichretail development will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond this area,but excluding those development sites allocated for retail use, retailingwill generally only be permitted where it can be proven there are no suitablesequentially preferable sites available and there will be no significantadverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontage


LP902Reference Number

HemsworthSite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on theHemsworth Inset Map, Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development inPrimary Shopping Frontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontagesare defined as 2 to 6 Bullenshaw Road, 6 to 10 Market Street and theIceland store.

Site Specific Issues

Development Site


LP154Reference Number

The Market Kirkby Road HemsworthSite Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. This site should be developed for main town centre uses.Residential development would also be acceptable. The site is located atthe junction of Kirkby Road and Southmoor Road on the edge of the towncentre.Transport: Cycling facilities should be provided within the site.Land Quality: Due to part of the site being 200 metres of a former landfillsite it is likely to be contaminated therefore a Phase 1 desktop study willbe required.

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Local Retail Centre


LP792Reference Number

Kirkby Road HemsworthSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

Site Specific Issues

6.3 Safeguarded Land


LP762Reference Number

Land between A628 and Barnsley Road HemsworthSite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

The site is allocated as Safeguarded Land.The new HS2 railway will formthe western boundary. There is potential for long term urban expansionof Hemsworth between HS2, Barnsley Road and the Hemsworth Bypass.

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7 Horbury

7.1 Housing


LP727Reference Number

Land At Horbury Quarry, HorburySite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.EcologyTrees: A survey is required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Geology: In order to make adequate provision for the Regionally ImportantGeological Site it will be necessary for any development to be set backfrom the quarry face to minimise future safety concerns, to provide accessfor educational activities, to provide some opportunities for longer viewsof the exposure from a distance and to provide funding for maintainingthe exposure.Green SpaceGreen Space: A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsitegreenspace provision.Water ManagementDrainage: A drainage strategy/scheme is required to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area, including the nearby Horbury cycle route andrights of way.Health Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.

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LP750Reference Number

Benton Hill, HorburySite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.EcologyTrees: A survey is required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green SpaceGreen Space: A commuted sum will be required in lieu of onsitegreenspace provision.Water ManagementDrainage: A drainage strategy/scheme is required to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Land Quality: A phase I desktop study will be required.

Site Specific Issues

7.2 Employment


LP195Reference Number

Bombardier, Horbury JunctionSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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7.3 Special Policy Areas

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LP771Reference Number

Wakefield Commercial Park, Bridge Road, Horbury (NEW)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This site is part greenfield and part previously developed. Part of the site is anEmployment Zone in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012. The site is allocated

Site Specific Issues

for a mixed use development of residential and employment (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2,and B8), with some small scale ancillary town centre uses to serve the day to dayneeds of local residents, where they meet national and local policies on retail andtown centres.MasterplansA Masterplan for this Special Policy Area will be required to be submitted andapproved by the Council prior to the submission of any planning applications onthe site. The development shall incorporate active design and healthy streetprinciples to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with the surrounding area. Subsequent planning applications will be in accordance with the approvedMasterplan. This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objectiveto provide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities forlocal residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far aspossible.Ecology Ecology: An Ecological Assessment is required to inform the development. TheRiver Calder supports otter, bats and kingfisher. A substantial stand off from thetop of the bank of the River Calder is required to augment the corridor, with thedual purpose of ecological protection and flood risk mitigation. Significant WildlifeHabitat Network mitigation is required. This could be achieved by planting locallynative trees and scrub to shield the water from light pollution and providing a refugefrom public access and dogs. Bat tubes should be provided in new buildings.Trees: A survey will be required to assess the potential impact on trees andhedgerows that may be directly or indirectly affected.Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% onsite greenspace provision is required to mitigate for the lossof natural greenspace. Public open space should not be provided within the highrisk flood zone.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Flood Risk: A site specific flood risk assessment must be provided to show howdevelopment can be made safe for its lifetime without increasing flood riskelsewhere. This will inform the Masterplan for the site, setting out the location andscale of different uses within the Special Policy Area, in accordance with NationalPlanning Policy and Guidance on flood risk.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Contaminated Land: A contaminated land phase I desktop study, phase II siteinvestigation and remediation options appraisal is required.

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Transport Strategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures will be implemented to ensure there isno detriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area. Rights of way running through the site shall be retained andupgraded to a 3 metre wide shared pedestrian/cycle way, including links to adjoiningroutes.Highways: More than one point of access to the site will be required. Adequatejunctions onto Bridge Road will be required. Mitigation will be required to offsetany reduction in junction capacity as a result of the development. A 2 metre widefootway will be required along the site frontage. A formal pedestrian crossingfacility will be required in order to allow pedestrians to access the north side ofBridge Road in order to access the school and bus stop.Other Education: An assessment of education requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Energy Infrastructure: Electricity transmission lines and a high pressure gas pipecrossing the site will need to be accounted for in the layout of the development.Historic Heritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.

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7.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP891Reference Number

Horbury Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported within Horbury TownCentre as shown on the Horbury Inset Map.

Site Specific Issues

Primary Shopping Area


LP892Reference Number

HorburySite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

An area is defined on the Horbury Inset Map wherein which retaildevelopment will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond this area, butexcluding those development sites allocated for retail use, retailing willgenerally only be permitted where it can be proven there are no suitablesequentially preferable sites available and there will be no significantadverse impact on town centres.

Site Specific Issues

Primary Shopping Frontage


LP901Reference Number

HorburySite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on the Horbury Inset Map,Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development in Primary ShoppingFrontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontages are defined as 11to 21 and 16 to 40 High Street and 1 to 19 Queen Street.

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Knottingley, including Ferrybridge

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8 Knottingley, including Ferrybridge

8.1 Housing


LP71Reference Number

Land West of Middle Lane, Knottingley (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site currently contains a solar farm. It is previously developed land.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the development which willbe provided on site and include a minimum 0.2 hectares as an outdoor recreationsite.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhereEducation There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Highways and Transportation Access to this site will be required through housing allocation LP72: The Yard,England Lane. Pedestrian and cycle links shall be provided between Middle Lanethrough this allocation to LP72: The Yard, England Lane.A risk assessment will be required to evaluate the impact of the development ofthis allocation on the England Lane Railway level crossing. Any adverse impactidentified will require mitigation.Air Quality This site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and its developmentmay impact on the Knottingley Air Quality Management Area. Air Quality mitigationwill be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy andassociated planning technical guidance.Noise Due to the proximity of the railway line and adjacent employment use and quarrya noise assessment will be required.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.The allocation is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A healthImpact Assessment will be required as part of planning applications.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks is required.Mineral working and landfilling of former quarries has occurred in this area.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.

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LP72Reference Number

The Yard England Lane (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site contains greenfield and previously developed land.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the development which willbe provided on site and include a minimum 0.2 hectares as an outdoor recreationsite.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhereEducation There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Highways and Transportation Access to this site will be required from England Lane. Adequate junctionarrangements on to the highway will need to be demonstrated. Pedestrian andcycle links shall be provided through this allocation to LP71: Land West of MiddleLane, Knottingley and to Leys Lane. Strategic Leisure Corridor LC8: Pontefract -Knottingley runs adjacent to and through this allocation. This corridor shall beretained and enhanced.A risk assessment will be required to evaluate the impact of the development ofthis allocation on the England Lane Railway level crossing. Any adverse impactidentified will require mitigation.Air Quality This site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and its developmentmay impact on the Knottingley Air Quality Management Area. Air Quality mitigationwill be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy andassociated planning technical guidance.Noise Due to the proximity of the railway line and adjacent employment use and quarrya noise assessment will be required.Health The allocation is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A healthImpact Assessment will be required as part of planning applications. Anassessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks is required.Mineral working and landfilling of former quarries has occurred in this area.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.

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LP698 Reference Number

Womersley Road, Knottingley (AMENDED)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site is carried forward form the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.It is a previously developed site within the urban area.Ecology An ecological survey is required. Proposals must take account of thepresence of Great Crested Newt to the south of the site.The site contains mature trees which are subject to a tree preservationorder. The impact of any development and the level of harm caused tothe trees or their setting will need to be fully assessed and mitigationmeasures proposed.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the developmentwhich will be provided on site which should include a play area.Water Management There is surface flood water risk within the site.The developer must providea drainage strategy / scheme to deal with surface water flood risk withinthe site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Land Quality A landfill gas migration investigation will be required. Proposals will alsoneed to take account of the prospect of deep mine workings.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initiallybut not to the extent of the needs for the scale of development proposed.An assessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate,suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detrimentto the strategic road network. Pedestrian and cycle links shall be providedand existing paths around the site retained.Public transport interventions may be required such as the rerouting ofservices or the provision of contributions to new services.Air Quality The site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Zone. Air Qualitymitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low EmissionsStrategy and associated planning technical guidance.Health The site lies in or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A HealthImpact Assessment will be required.

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LP716Reference Number

Land East Of Cattlelaith Lane, KnottingleySite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction

Site Specific Issues


LP669Reference Number

Land Adjacent A1 Business Park, Knottingley Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.This is a greenfield site that adjoins an existing housing area withinthe urban area.Green Space:A commuted sum will be required for improvement / maintenance ofexisting open spaceWater Management:The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Highways and Transportation:Access will be maintained to all users of Sowgate Lane.Mitigation measures will be required to improve accessibility to localservices and public transport, for which developer contributions may berequired.Air Quality:The site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Zone. Air Qualitymitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low EmissionsStrategy and associated planning technical guidance.Land Quality:A desk top study will be required in order to consider possible groundcontamination.Education:An assessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Health:The site lies in or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A HealthImpact Assessment will be required.

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Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People


LP837Reference Number

Clarrall Cottage, Doncaster Road, Ferrybridge (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 5 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues

8.2 Employment

Employment Zones


LP190Reference Number

Banks Of The Aire and Calder Navigation, FerrybridgeSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the previous Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012

Site Specific Issues


LP191Reference Number

Headlands Lane/Hazel Road, KnottingleySite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the previous Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012

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LP192Reference Number

Weeland Road/Womersley Road, KnottingleySite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the previous Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012

Site Specific Issues


LP193Reference Number

King's Mills, Forge Hill Lane, KnottingleySite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the previous Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012

Site Specific Issues


LP201Reference Number

A1 Business Park, KnottingleySite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the previous Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012

Site Specific Issues


LP214Reference Number

Knottingley East, KnottingleySite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the previous Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012

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Employment Sites

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LP75Reference Number

Land at Ferrybridge C Power Station, Stranglands Lane, Ferrybridge (NEW)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This site was allocated as an Employment Zone in the Site Specific Policies LocalPlan 2012 as it was a site that was in established employment use. However

Site Specific Issues

following the closure and decommissioning of the Ferrybridge C Power Station, asignificant area of the land at Ferrybridge will be declared surplus to operationalrequirements and will be available for redevelopment. These areas of the siteprovide an important inward investment opportunity that benefits from access tothe rail network.Available areas within the site shall be developed for employment uses (B1 (b),B1 (c), B2 and B8) which could include advanced manufacturing.Large areas of the site are likely to remain primarily associated with powergeneration, including the generation of renewable energy, and this use will begenerally supported in the established areas of the site.Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is required. Someuses may be captured by the Site of Special Scientific Interest and or Special Areaof Conservation risk assessment zone associated with Skipwith Common andFairburn Ings. If relevant an assessment of risk will need to be prepared.Development proposals must recognise, conserve and enhance the Fryston ParkWood Local Wildlife Site, which is situated within the site. Measures should beincorporated into proposals to ensure that the Local Wildlife Site within the allocationdoes not become isolated. This could include a wildlife corridor adjacent to themotorway. Part of the site lies in the Wildlife Habitat Network.Water Management Parts of the site lie within flood zones 2 and 3. In accordance with planning policyproposals for power stations and grid and primary substations must pass thesequential and exception tests and be appropriately designed within flood zonesareas. Other uses in these areas may also need to pass these tests. A drainagestrategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface water flood risk within thedevelopment site and, if necessary, set out mitigation which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Significant development proposals on this site may require re-routing bus servicesor providing contributions to new services.The River Aire Strategic Leisure Corridor shall be improved to incorporate a 3metre wide pedestrian and cycle track.Air Quality The majority of the site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and willrequire an air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accordwith the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Health The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A HealthImpact Assessment will be required prior to determining planning consent.

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Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential therefore adesk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannot assessthe interest a field evaluation will be required.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective to provideemployment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.

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LP223Reference Number

Land To North-East Of former A1-M62 Interchange (North Side),Knottingley

Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This Employment Site is carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012. The site is green field and shall be developed foremployment use (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2 and B8).Highways and Transportation A transport assessment and travel plan are required to assess the impactson the strategic and local network, including M62 junctions 31, 32 and 33.The details of any proposed physical mitigation measures, including theirfunding and implementation, shall be agreed with the Council and theHighways England. Travel plans and improved public transport serviceswill be required. Funding to support bus services including bus penetrationwill be required, to be funded by the development. The Knottingley /Ferrybridge Strategic Leisure Corridor runs along the eastern boundaryof the site. This route should be incorporated into any scheme andimproved.Transport Scheme An area of the site, as shown on the policies map, is safeguarded for theKnottingley Relief Road Transport Scheme. Layouts for developments onthis site must incorporate this designation.Air Quality The site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and will requirean air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accordwith the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planningtechnical guidance.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere. Development will beco-ordinated with any necessary upgrades at the waste water treatmentworks.Health The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. AHealth Impact Assessment will be required prior to determining planningconsent.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.

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LP224Reference Number

Land At Shilling Hill Extension, KnottingleySite Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This Employment Site is carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012. The site is green field and shall be developed foremployment use (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2 and B8).Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is required.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment and travel plan are required to assess the impactson the strategic and local network, including M62 junctions 31, 32 and 33.The details of any proposed physical mitigation measures, including theirfunding and implementation, shall be agreed with the Council and theHighways England. Bus penetration will be required, to be funded by thedevelopment. Travel plans and improved public transport services will berequired.Water Management Development will be subject to the scheme being in accordance withnational policy and the flood alleviation scheme will need to be approvedby the Environment Agency. This site is associated with the adjacentEmployment Site: Land at Shilling Hill, which provides land for a floodalleviation scheme. A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided toassess surface water flood risk within the development site and, ifnecessary, set out mitigation which does not increase flood riskelsewhere. Development will be co-ordinated with any necessary upgradesat the waste water treatment works.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.Air Quality The site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and will requirean air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accordwith the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planningtechnical guidance.Health The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. AHealth Impact Assessment will be required prior to determining planningconsent.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.

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LP225Reference Number

Land To North-East Of former A1-M62 Interchange (South Side),Knottingley

Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This Employment Site is carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012. The site is green field and shall be developed foremployment use (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2 and B8).Highways and Transportation A transport assessment and travel plan are required to assess the impactson the strategic and local network, including M62 junctions 31, 32 and 33.The details of any proposed physical mitigation measures, including theirfunding and implementation, shall be agreed with the Council and theHighways England. Travel plans and improved public transport serviceswill be required. Funding to support bus services including bus penetrationwill be required, to be funded by the development. The Knottingley /Ferrybridge Strategic Leisure Corridor runs along the eastern boundaryof the site.This route shall be incorporated into any scheme and improved.Transport Scheme An area of the site, as shown on the policies map, is safeguarded for theKnottingley Relief Road Transport Scheme. Layouts for developments onthis site must incorporate this designation.Air Quality The site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and will requirean air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accordwith the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planningtechnical guidance.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere. Development will beco-ordinated with any necessary upgrades at the waste water treatmentworks.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.Health The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. AHealth Impact Assessment will be required prior to determining planningconsent.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.

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LP227Reference Number

Land At Shilling Hill, KnottingleySite Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This Employment Site is carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012. The site is green field and shall be developed foremployment use (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2 and B8).Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is required.Highways and Transportation A travel plan must accompany a transport assessment for this site in orderto minimise the impact of traffic on the strategic road network. The needfor physical mitigation measures on the strategic road network must beinvestigated. The details of any proposed mitigation measures, includingtheir funding and implementation, shall be agreed with the Council andthe Highways England. It is expected that developer contributions will berequired from this development to help fund these measures.Travel plansand improved public transport services will be required. Bus penetrationwill be required funded by the development.Transport Scheme An area of the site, as shown on the policies map, is safeguarded for theKnottingley Relief Road Transport Scheme. Layouts for developments onthis site must incorporate this designation.Air Quality The site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and will requirean air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accordwith the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planningtechnical guidance.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Development will be co-ordinated with any necessary upgrades at thewaste water treatment works.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.Health The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. AHealth Impact Assessment will be required prior to determining planningconsent.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.

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LP229Reference Number

Trinity Farm, KnottingleySite Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This Employment Site is carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012. The northern area of the site has been developed as alarge warehouse with ancillary offices and car parking. Land to the southremains available for development which is mainly green field, althoughsome areas are previously developed. The site shall be developed foremployment use (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2 and B8).Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is required.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment and travel plan are required to assess the impactson the strategic and local network, including M62 junctions 31, 32 and 33.The details of any proposed physical mitigation measures, including theirfunding and implementation, shall be agreed with the Council and theHighways England. Travel plans and improved public transport serviceswill be required. Funding to support bus services including bus penetrationwill be required, to be funded by the development. Access to Grove HallLane for all users will be required, as identified in the rights of wayimprovement plan.Air Quality The site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and will requirean air quality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accordwith the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planningtechnical guidance.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Development will be co-ordinated with any necessary upgrades at thewaste water treatment works.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential thereforea desk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannotassess the interest a field evaluation will be required.Health The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. AHealth Impact Assessment will be required prior to determining planningconsent.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.Land Quality Development proposals will need to take account of the prospect of deepmine working

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LP537Reference Number

Land South of Knottingley (NEW)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This site is proposed to be removed from the green belt. It is a green field site thatwill be developed for employment use (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2 and B8). It is an extensivesite and it shall accommodate inward investment opportunities associated withadvanced manufacturing, research and development, creative and digital ande-commerce logistics. Ancillary offices will also be acceptable. Any planningapplication shall be accompanied by a masterplan (which considers all the issuesidentified in this policy) for the whole Employment Site or adhere to a masterplanapproved as part of a previous application.Highways and Transportation A transport assessment and travel plan are required to assess the impacts on thestrategic and local network, including M62 junctions 31, 32 and 33. The details ofany proposed physical mitigation measures, including their funding andimplementation, shall be agreed with the Council and Highways England. Travelplans and improved public transport services will be required. Funding to supportbus services including bus penetration will be required, to be funded by thedevelopment. An access solution needs to be devised and set out as part of anyplanning application that satisfies the requirements of the Council and HighwaysEngland.Public rights of way across the site need to be retained and improved in anydevelopment proposals.Air Quality The site lies within the M62 Air Quality Management Area and will require an airquality assessment. Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface water flood riskwithin the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigation which does notincrease flood risk elsewhere.Development will be co-ordinated with any necessary upgrades at the waste watertreatment works.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential therefore adesk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannot assessthe interest a field evaluation will be required.Health The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A HealthImpact Assessment will be required prior to determining planning consent.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective to provideemployment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for localresidents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.Land Quality Development proposals will need to take account of the prospect of deep mineworkingMinerals Safeguarding Area A significant area of the site lies in a Minerals Safeguarding Area. Planningapplications will need to submit evidence that demonstrates alternative developmentwill not needlessly sterilise mineral resources.

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8.3 Special Policy Areas

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LP177Reference Number

Oxiris Chemical Works And Land Adjoining Common Lane, Knottingley(AMENDED)

Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area has been carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012.The eastern area of the site including the remediated, previously

Site Specific Issues

developed site of the former chemical works has full development consent for a1500 MW combined cycle gas turbine power station and associated infrastructure.The parts of the Special Policy Area outside of the power station site arepredominantly green field. Any planning application shall be accompanied by amasterplan (which considers all the issues identified in this policy) for the wholeSpecial Policy Area or adhere to a masterplan approved as part of a previousapplication. This shall incorporate Active Design and Healthy Streets principles asset out in the Development Principles section of this plan. Outside of the powerstation site housing shall be the prime use. This area will incorporate a range ofhousing types which shall include custom and self-build housing. Within this areaof the site smaller sites, any one of which shall be a maximum of 1 hectare, shallbe identified for development by small or medium sized builders.The layout of anyproposal shall incorporate a buffer area of light industrial uses and / or open spacebetween the power station site and any housing.Ecology The reservoir and refuge provided for the Great Crested Newt population on thesite as part of the reclamation of the chemical works site shall be maintained andexpanded. A full ecological survey of the site will be necessary.Green Space Public Open Space will be required throughout the residential area. These willamount to at least 10% of the onsite area. An on-site kick-about and play area willbe required. The Masterplan for the whole allocation shall include a strategy for acomprehensive approach to green space provision across the Special Policy Area.Land Quality A phase I desktop study, phase II site investigation and a remediation optionsappraisal will be required as part of any planning application. Developmentproposals will need to take account of the prospect of deep mine workings.Water Management Planning applications must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within individual development sites which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere. A major part of the Special Policy Area falls within flood zone3a. The proposals have been subject to the sequential and exception tests. Floodrisk is a significant issue in this area and all development proposals must beaccompanied by a flood risk assessment which should address all relevant issues.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.

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Highways and TransportationThe scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.A travel plan must accompany a transport assessment for this site in order tominimise the impact of traffic on the strategic road network. The assessment mustalso address the impact on the local road network including Knottingley town centre,and mitigation measures are likely to include major improvement to the CommonLane / Weeland Road junction. The proposals will also be required to safeguarda route through the site for the Knottingley Southern Relief Road proposal.Public Rights of Way need to be enhanced and new pedestrian and cycle linkagescreated within the Special Policy Area which shall link to provision around theSpecial Policy Area.Noise An assessment of railway noise will be required and mitigation provided ifnecessary. Operational noise impacts from the power station may also need to beconsidered with regard to residential development.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential therefore adesk-based archaeological assessment will be required, but if this cannot assessthe interest a field evaluation will be requiredHealth A Health Impact Assessment will need to be undertaken as appropriate.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective to provideemployment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.

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LP775Reference Number

Land South and East of Knottingley (NEW)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area will form an urban extension to Knottingley. The sitecontains greenfield land which it is proposed to remove from the green belt. It will

Site Specific Issues

be developed primarily for housing and employment uses. A new KnottingleySouthern Relief road will be constructed through the area.The Special Policy Areawill also contain a primary school and local centre to provide top up shopping andlocal services particularly for food and drink. If demand can be evidenced it is alsopossible that a new secondary school with playing pitches will also be required inthis area. Extensive green infrastructure will also be required. Any planningapplication shall be accompanied by a masterplan (which considers all the issuesidentified in this policy) for the whole Special Policy Area or adhere to a masterplanapproved as part of a previous application. This shall incorporate Active Designand Healthy Streets principles as set out in the Development Principles sectionof this plan. The allocation will incorporate a range of housing types which shallinclude custom and self-build housing. Areas of the site, any one of which shallbe a maximum of 1 hectare, shall be identified for development by small or mediumsized builders.Planning applications and associated masterplans shall incorporate the followingsites and identified uses.Housing R2 Land off Windermere DriveR3 Land off Windermere DriveR4 Land at Leys LaneR7 Land at Park Balk Farm, Womersley RoadR8 Land at Park Balk Farm, Womersley RoadR9 Former Parkbalk QuarryR10 Land at BroomhillR11 Land at BroomhillR12 Land at Nearpark FarmR13 Land at Forge Hill LaneEmployment E4 Land adjacent to M62E5 Land adjacent to M62All development proposals need to comply with the following criteria.Green Space Public Open Space will be required throughout the residential areas that areidentified in this allocation. These will amount to at least 10% of the onsite areain individual housing sites. The Masterplan for the whole allocation shall includea strategy for a comprehensive approach to green space provision across theSpecial Policy Area.Water Management Planning applications must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within individual development sites which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.

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Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic roadnetwork.The Special Policy Area will require the construction of the Knottingley Relief Roadbefore substantial development can occur. Access points will be required from therelief road to enable development with adequate junction arrangementsdemonstrated. Cycle routes shall be incorporated into any schemes andinfrastructure to encourage sustainable journeys into Knottingley town centre shallbe incorporated. A cycle route adjacent to the relief road shall be provided.Strategic Leisure Corridor LC8: Pontefract - Knottingley runs adjacent to andthrough the special policy area. This corridor, and other rights of way through thesite, shall be retained, enhanced and incorporated into the site masterplan.Health Individual applications for residential development will need to include anassessment of health services and a developer contribution may be required.TheSpecial Policy Area is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation.Individual planning applications will need to include a health Impact AssessmentAir Quality The southern area of the Special Policy Area lies in the M62 Air QualityManagement Zone. Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Noise Due to the proximity of the M62 and railway lines a noise assessment will berequired as part of individual planning applications for residential development.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks will berequired as part of individual planning applications. Mineral working and landfillingof former quarries has occurred across the Special Policy Area.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective to provideemployment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for localresidents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.MineralsA significant area of the site lies in a Minerals Safeguarding Area and some areasare designated Mineral Reserves. Planning applications will need to submitevidence that demonstrates alternative development will not needlessly sterilisemineral resources.

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8.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP889Reference Number

Knottingley Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan (2017). Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported withinKnottingley Town Centre as shown on the Knottingley Inset Map.

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LP890Reference Number

Knottingley Town CentreSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan (2017). An area is defined on the Knottingley Inset Map whereinwhich retail development will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond thisarea, but excluding those development sites allocated for retail use,retailing will generally only be permitted where it can be proven there areno suitable sequentially preferable sites available.

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LP903Reference Number

KnottingleySite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan (2017). Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on theKnottingley Inset Map Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development inPrimary Shopping Frontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontagesare defined as The Arcade and adjacent properties on the southern sideof the A645 up to and including Morrisons.

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Local Retail Centres


LP804Reference Number

Racca Green KnottingleySite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan (2017)

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LP805Reference Number

High Street FerrybridgeSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan (2017)

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8.5 Transport Schemes

Transport Scheme


LP777Reference Number

Knottingley Relief Road (NEW)Site Name

Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

A major link road around the southern boundary of Knottingley openingup land for development and providing a bypass route of Knottingley towncentre, enabling public realm improvements. Funding will come fromdeveloper contributions and future Transport Funds. Construction willpotentially commence after 2025.

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Public Transport Scheme


LP875Reference Number

Knottingley Station (NEW)Site Name

Public Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

Potential improvements post 2021. Funding could come from the WestYorkshire Transport Fund and potential future Transport Funds (Post2021)

Site Specific Issues

8.6 Safeguarded Land


LP127Reference Number

Weeland Road, KnottingleySite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies LocalPlan (2012)

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Normanton, including Altofts

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9 Normanton, including Altofts

9.1 Housing


LP34Reference Number

Land at Church Lane Normanton (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a green field site that it is proposed to remove from the green belt.Green Space A commuted sum will be provided in lieu of on site provision. Thedevelopment of the site shall provide pedestrian and cycle access to theadjacent Normanton - Glasshoughton Strategic Leisure Corridor.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.The allocation lies within the discharge impact risk zone for Fairburn andNewton Ings Site of Special Scientific Interest . The impact of thedevelopment of this site both in isolation and in combination with otherproposals on the Site of Special Scientific Interest shall be assessed inrelation to surface water and foul water discharges. This shall includeconsideration of if the site can be linked to existing waste water treatmentnetworks and surface water drains.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic road network. A transport Assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate,suitable mitigation measures implemented.Access to the site should be off Church Road. Any application will needto demonstrate this can be achieved safely and without causing highwaysafety issues on the adjacent A655 round-about.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.Air Quality Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initiallybut not to the extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. Anassessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.

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LP39Reference Number

Land West of Wakefield Road, Normanton (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a green field site that it is proposed to remove from the green belt.Any planning application shall be accompanied by a masterplan for the wholeallocation or adhere to a masterplan approved as part of a previous application.

Site Specific Issues

The masterplan shall include this allocation and the adjacent housing allocationon the Former Normanton Brickworks site. This shall incorporate Active Designand Healthy Streets principles as set out in the Development Principles section ofthis plan. The allocation will incorporate a range of housing types which shallinclude custom and self-build housing. Areas of the site, any one of which shall bea maximum of 1 hectare, shall be identified for development by small or mediumsized builders. No residential development should occur under or in close proximityto the electricity pylons that cross the site.Ecology There is evidence a Great Crested Newt habitat exists in the pond in the adjacentNormanton Brickworks housing allocation. A stepping stone amphibian habitatshall be provided in the north west area of this site which will provide small standingwater bodies suitable for Great Crested Newts. These bodies could also have aflood attenuation function.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the allocation which will beprovided on site and in accordance with any masterplan. A minimum of 0.2 hectaresshall be for outdoor recreation.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.The allocation lies within the discharge impact risk zone for Fairburn and NewtonIngs and Mickletown Ings Sites of Special Scientific Interest. The impact of thedevelopment of this site both in isolation and in combination with other proposalson the Sites of Special Scientific Interest shall be assessed in relation to surfacewater and foul water discharges. This shall include consideration of if the site canbe linked to existing waste water treatment networks and surface water drains.Land Quality A phase 1 desktop study to identify any potential contamination risks is required.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented.Multiple access points will be required. Any application will need to demonstrateaccess can be achieved without causing highway safety issues.Pedestrian and cycle links shall be provided through the site with links to theadjacent allocation on the Former Normanton Brickworks site.

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Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Air Quality Air quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.

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LP40Reference Number

Former Brickworks and Land to West, Wakefield Road, Normanton(AMENDED)

Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site comprises of previously developed land that was allocated for housingin the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012 and green field land that it is proposedto remove from the green belt.Any planning application shall be accompanied by a masterplan for the wholeallocation or adhere to a masterplan approved as part of a previous application.

Site Specific Issues

The masterplan shall include this allocation and the adjacent housing allocationLand West of Wakefield Road, Normanton. This shall incorporate Active Designand Healthy Streets principles as set out in the Development Principles sectionof this plan. No residential development shall occur under or in close proximity tothe electricity pylons that cross the site.The eastern area of the alloction formally occupied by the brickworks shall bedeveloped into an area of public open space and a nature area with ponds. Thisarea may accommodate some residential development on the frontage of the siteclose to Wakefield Road and, if necessary, an access road to allow residentialdevelopment on the other areas of the allocation.Ecology An ecological assessment will be required. Existing ponds on the site supportGreat Crested Newts as well as Common Toad and Common Frog. These pondsshall be retained and enhanced to provide improved terrestrial habitat for thesespecies. The nature area on the former brickworks shall also be enhanced toprovide improved habitat.Greenspace The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the allocation which willbe provided on site and in accordance with any masterplan.This will be in additionto the areas that are not developable on the eastern part of the site occupied bythe former brickworks which will be improved as an area of public open space anda nature area.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic roadnetwork.Pedestrian and cycle links shall be established with the adjacent housing allocationand to Wakefield Road.Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP45Reference Number

Land At Altofts Hall Farm, Normanton (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a greenfield site. The site was designated as a protected Area of Searchin the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012. Any planning application shall be

Site Specific Issues

accompanied by a masterplan for the whole allocation or adhere to a masterplanapproved as part of a previous application. This should incorporate Active Designand Healthy Streets principles as set out in the Development Principles section ofthis plan. The allocation will incorporate a range of housing types which shallinclude custom and self-build housing. Areas of the site, any one of which shall bea maximum of 1 hectare, shall be identified for development by small or mediumsized builders.Ecology An ecological assessment is required.A 20 metre buffer zone is required along the western boundary of the site whereit abuts the Normanton Sidings Local Wildlife Site within which no developmentwill occur. An assessment shall be undertaken of any possible impact fromproposals on this site on the local wildlife site and set out mitigation if necessary.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the allocation which will beprovided on site and in accordance with any masterplan. Provision shall include aminimum of 2 hectares for outdoor recreation and a play area.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.The allocation lies within the discharge impact risk zone for Fairburn and NewtinIngs Site of Special Scientific Interest . The impact of the development of this siteboth in isolation and in combination with other proposals on the Site of SpecialScientific Interest shall be assessed in relation to surface water and foul waterdischarges. This shall include consideration of if the site can be linked to existingwaste water treatment networks and surface water drains.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented.Multiple points of access will be required to support the development of the full sitewhich shall be considered as part of the masterplanning of the site. Adequatejunction arrangements on to the local highway network will need to be demonstrated.The highway layout shall prevent any through route being established betweenStation Road and other possible access points to the site at Altofts Hall Road and/ or Wharfedale Drive.The public rights of way running across the site need to be considered as part ofthe masterplanning of the site and shall be retained and improved.The Normanton/ Altofts Strategic Leisure Corridor runs through the site and this route shall beretained and improved to provide a 3 metre wide shared pedestrian / cycle way.Pedestrian and cycle links to improve access to Normanton railway station shallbe created.Contributions may be required to improve passenger infrastructure at Normantonrailway station which may include shelters, information devices, lighting and carparking.

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Health An assessment of health services is needed and a developer contribution may berequired.Air Quality The northern area of the site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Zone. Airquality mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low EmissionsStrategy and associated planning technical guidance.Noise Due to the proximity of the M62 and the adjacent railway line a noise assessmentwill be required.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Heritage An assessment of the impact on the setting of listed buildings and buildings of localinterest within and adjacent to the site is required.

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LP670Reference Number

Ashfields, Normanton (AMENDED)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site is a greenfield extension to the settlement of Normanton. Thesite is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.Ecology Development proposals will need to take account of Ashfield Beck.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the allocation whichwill be provided on site. A minimum of 0.2 hectares shall be for outdoorrecreation. A kick about and a play area will be required on the siteWater Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk

Site Specific Issues

elsewhere. There shall be no increased surface water run-off from thesite, and sustainable drainage solutions shall be considered. Phasing willbe co-ordinated with any necessary upgrades at the waste water treatmentworks.The allocation lies within the discharge impact risk zone for Fairburn andNewtin Ings Site of Special Scientific Interest . The impact of thedevelopment of this site both in isolation and in combination with otherproposals on the Site of Special Scientific Interest shall be assessed inrelation to surface water and foul water discharges. This shall includeconsideration of if the site can be linked to existing waste water treatmentnetworks and surface water drains.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initiallybut not to the extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. Anassessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operationand safety of the strategic road network. A transport Assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate,suitable mitigation measures implemented. A travel plan must accompanya transport assessment for this site in order to minimise the impact oftraffic on the strategic road network. The need for physical mitigationmeasures on the strategic road network must be investigated.The detailsof any proposed mitigation measures, including their funding andimplementation, shall be agreed with the Council and the HighwaysEngland.Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be maintained and enhancedalong Mill Lane. Public rights of way shall be improved and there shall beimproved pedestrian and cycle links between Normanton and Altofts.Air Quality The site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Area. Air quality mitigationwill be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategyand associated planning technical guidance.

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LP671Reference Number

Ashfields, Normanton (AMENDED)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site is a greenfield extension to the settlement of Normanton. The site iscarried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.Ecology Development proposals will need to take account of Ashfield Beck.Green Space The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the allocation which willbe provided on site. A minimum of 0.2 hectares shall be for outdoor recreation. Akick about and a play area will be required on the siteWater Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Thereshall be no increased surface water run-off from the site, and sustainable drainagesolutions shall be considered. Phasing will be co-ordinated with any necessaryupgrades at the waste water treatment works.The allocation lies within the discharge impact risk zone for Fairburn and NewtinIngs Site of Special Scientific Interest . The impact of the development of this siteboth in isolation and in combination with other proposals on the Site of SpecialScientific Interest shall be assessed in relation to surface water and foul waterdischarges. This shall include consideration of if the site can be linked to existingwaste water treatment networks and surface water drains.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Highways and Transportation The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented. A travel plan must accompany a transport assessmentfor this site in order to minimise the impact of traffic on the strategic road network.The need for physical mitigation measures on the strategic road network must beinvestigated. The details of any proposed mitigation measures, including theirfunding and implementation, shall be agreed with the Council and the HighwaysEngland.Access for pedestrians and cyclists shall be maintained and enhanced along MillLane. Public rights of way shall be improved and there shall be improved pedestrianand cycle links between Normanton and Altofts.Air Quality The site lies in the M62 Air Quality Management Area. Air quality mitigation willbe required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy andassociated planning technical guidance.

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LP696Reference Number

Station Road, Normanton (AMENDED)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This site comprises of previously developed land that was allocated forhousing in the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.Ecology An ecological assessment will be required. A habitat corridor shall beprovided adjacent to the railway line. Proposals need to take account ofAshfield Beck.Greenspace The requirement for green space is 10% of the area of the allocation whichwill be provided on site. A minimum of 0.2 hectare shall be provided asan outdoor recreation site.Water Management The developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Land Quality Development will need to address any contamination and landfill gasissues and a phase 1 desktop study will be required.Education There is some capacity to support additional new school places initiallybut not to the extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. Anassessment of educational requirements is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Highways and Transportation The development of this site shall not prejudice access to housingallocation LP45 at Altofts Hall Farm. Proposals must ensure a safe accessis created onto Station Lane and pedestrian and cycle links are providedto Normanton town centre and the railway station. Contributions may berequired to improve passenger infrastructure at Normanton railway stationwhich may include shelters, information devices, lighting and car parking.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP717Reference Number

Ashfields, NormantonSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

Site Specific Issues

Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People


LP841Reference Number

Station Road Normanton (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 3 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named personsThe site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues


LP842Reference Number

Station Road Normanton (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 3 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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9.2 Employment

Employment Site


LP41Reference Number

Land at Havertop Lane, Normanton (NEW)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

This site is proposed to be removed from the green belt. It is a green fieldsite that will be developed for employment use (B1 (b), B1 (c), B2 andB8).Ecology The site has potential ecological value and an ecological survey is required.Highways and Transportation A travel plan must accompany a transport assessment for new proposalson this site in order to minimise the impact of traffic on the strategic roadnetwork. The need for physical mitigation measures on the strategic roadnetwork must be investigated. The details of any proposed mitigationmeasures, including their funding and implementation, shall be agreedwith the Council and Highways England. It is expected that developercontributions will be required from this development to help fund thesemeasures.More than one access will be required to the site and any planningapplication will need to demonstrate adequate junction arrangements onto the highway.The impact on public transport will require interventions, for exampleregarding re-routing services or providing contributions to new services.A 4 metre shared use path shall be provided on the Havertop Lanefrontage. A toucan crossing shall be provided across Havertop Lane.Water Management A drainage strategy / scheme must be provided to assess surface waterflood risk within the development site and, if necessary, set out mitigationwhich does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Development will be co-ordinated with any necessary upgrades at thewaste water treatment works.Air Quality Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Employment and Skills Development This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.Archaeology The site coincides with an area of high archaeological potential (cropmarks) therefore a desk-based archaeological assessment will be required,but if this cannot assess the interest a field evaluation will be required.

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Employment Zone


LP231 Reference Number

Normanton Industrial Estate, Normanton (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

This allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Document2012

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9.3 Special Policy Areas

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LP206 Reference Number

Normanton Station Areas, Normanton (AMENDED)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

This Special Policy Area is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies LocalPlan 2012. The site has been amended to remove the area of housing between

Site Specific Issues

the railway line and the town centre to focus it on the Council depot site andadjacent area. The purpose of the Special Policy Area is to assist regeneration byattracting investment to allow the redevelopment of the depot and adjacent areaencouraging primarily brownfield redevelopment.The site will be redeveloped for housing. Town centre uses are acceptable in thepart of the Special Policy Area that lies within the Normanton town centre boundaryas shown on the policies maps, however retail development in this area will needto satisfy the requirements of local and national policy regarding the sequentialtest and impact assessment.EcologyA survey regarding the presence of bats will be required during preparation of anyredevelopment proposals. An assessment shall be undertaken of any possibleimpact from proposals on this site on the local wildlife site at Normanton RailwaySidings and the wildlife habitat network and set out mitigation if necessary.Green SpaceFor residential proposals the requirement for green space is 10% of the area ofthe development which will be provided on site unless it falls below the thresholdwhen an off site contribution will be required.Water ManagementThe developer must provide a drainage strategy / scheme to deal with surfacewater flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Thereshall be no increase in surface water run-off to Ashfield Beck. A sustainabledrainage solution scheme shall be considered.Phasing will be co-ordinated with any necessary upgrades of the waste watertreatment works.NoiseAn assessment of railway noise and mitigation will be required.Highways and TransportationA travel plan must accompany the transport assessment for this site in order tominimise the impact of traffic on the strategic road network and local road network.The need for physical mitigation measures on the strategic road network must beinvestigated. The details of any proposed mitigation measures, including theirfunding and implementation, shall be agreed with the Council and HighwaysEngland. A traffic assessment will be required to investigate alternative routes tothe A655.This is a large site that will have a significant impact on public transport and willneed to be looked at in more detail, for example regarding re-routing services orproviding contributions to new services.There should be improved pedestrian andcycling links to the station. Contributions may be required to improve passengerinfrastructure at Normanton railway station which may include shelters, informationdevices, lighting and car parking.

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Land QualityA phase I desktop study, site investigation and a remediation options appraisalwill be required for proposed housing areas. Development proposals will need toaddress any landfill gas issues.Health A Health Impact Assessment will need to be undertaken. An assessment of healthservices is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Employment and Skills DevelopmentThis site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective to provideemployment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for local residents.The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.Heritage An assessment of the impact on the setting of listed buildings and buildings of localinterest within and adjacent to the site is required

9.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map


LP907Reference Number

Normanton Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centres LocalPlan 2017. Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported withinNormanton Town Centre as shown on the Normanton Inset Map.

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Primary Shopping Area


LP908Reference Number

NormantonSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and town Centres LocalPlan 2017. An area is defined on the Normanton Inset Map wherein whichretail development will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond this area,but excluding those development sites allocated for retail use, retailingwill generally only be permitted where it can be proven there are no suitablesequentially preferable sites available and there will be no significantadverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontage


LP899Reference Number

NormantonSite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

This designation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centres LocalPlan 2017. Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on NormantonInset Map, Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development in PrimaryShopping Frontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontages aredefined as 3 to 75 and 6 to 54 High Street.

Site Specific Issues

Enhanced Pedestrian Route


LP878Reference Number

Market Place and Train Station NormantonSite Name

Enhanced Pedestrian RouteProposed Use (s)

This designationis carried forward from the Retail and Town Centres LocalPlan 2017. This route links the town centre to Normanton Station. TheIntegrated Transport Scheme seeks to direct bus users and cyclists fromthe centre of the town to the railway station.

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9.5 Transport Schemes


LP874Reference Number

Normanton Station (NEW)Site Name

Public Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

Improvements planned between 2019- 2020. Funding could come fromthe West Yorkshire Transport Fund and potential future Transport Funds(Post 2021)

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9.6 Safeguarded Land


LP770 Reference Number

Land at Altofts Hall Farm, Normanton (AMENDED)Site Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

This allocation has been carried forward from the Site Specific PoliciesLocal Plan 2012.

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LP772Reference Number

Land at Woodhouse Common Normanton (NEW)Site Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

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10 Ossett

10.1 Housing


LP692Reference Number

Former HETS Site, OssettSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

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10.2 Employment


LP196 Reference Number

Dewsbury Road, Ossett (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues

10.3 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP885Reference Number

Ossett Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported within Ossett TownCentre as shown on the Ossett Inset Map.

Site Specific Issues

Primary shopping Area


LP886Reference Number

OssettSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

An area is defined on the Ossett Inset Map wherein which retaildevelopment will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond this area, butexcluding those development sites allocated for retail use, retailingwill generally only be permitted where it can be proven there are no suitablesequentially preferable sites available and there will be no significantadverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontage


LP904Reference Number

OssettSite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on the Ossett Inset Map,Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development in Primary ShoppingFrontages will apply. The Primary Shopping Frontages are defined as 1to 19, 2 to 16 and 24 to 28 Bank Street, 1 to 12 Westgate, 1 and 2 StationRoad, 2a to 8 Market Place and 4 Town End.

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Development Site


LP147Reference Number

Ossett Town Football Ground Prospect Road Ossett (AMENDED)Site Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

This site is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre Local Plan2017. The site is allocated for residential and main town centre uses.Redevelopment of the site will be dependent on the relocation of OssettTown Football Club to an alternative location within Ossett.Green SpaceGreen Space: A commuted sum is required in lieu of onsite provision ofgreenspace.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportSustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. A shared use footpath will be required alongthe site frontage on Prospect Road. A north-south pedestrian/cycle routewill be required through the site to link to Ossett Footpath 22.HealthHealth: The existing playing pitch and associated facilities are protectedin the Council's Playing Pitch Strategy and full like for like replacement isrequired as mitigation for the redevelopment.Air Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Land Quality: A contaminated land phase I desktop study is required dueto the site being a former engineering works.HistoricConservation: An assessment of the impact on the adjacent OssettConservation Area is required.

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10.4 Transport Schemes


LP871Reference Number

Owl Lane Roundabout Ossett (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This is a major roundabout improvement, to improve safety and capacity,and provide facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Funding will be providedfrom the West Yorkshire Transport Fund and construction could potentiallycommence from 2020 to 2021.

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South Elmsall/South Kirkby

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11 South Elmsall/South Kirkby

11.1 Housing


LP81Reference Number

Land at Quarry Works Field Lane South Elmsall (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: The site is a quarry within 250 metres of a former landfilland as such the land may be potentially affected by the migration of landfillgases. A Phase I Desktop Study and Phase II Site Investigation to identifyany potential risks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.An adequate junction onto Field Lane is required.A contribution towards an enhanced pedestrian/cycleway along Field Laneis required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP83Reference Number

Land South of Mayfields Way and Parkgate South Kirkby (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Ecology: Langthwaite Beck is a UK BAP priority habitat that supportswater voles, a UK BAP priority species. A stand off from the Beck isrequired to augment the corridor with dual purpose ecological and floodrisk mitigation wetlands, some of which shall be over deepened to provideopen water for water voles.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provision toinclude a minimum area of 0.2 hetares for outdoor recreation.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Improvements to pedestrian and cycling routes along Broad Lane, withlinks to Broad Lane railway bridge and the Strategic leisure Corridor toClayton are required. Rights of way running through the site shall beretained and upgraded to a 3 metres wide surfaced shared pedestrian/cycleway, including links to adjoining sites.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

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LP84Reference Number

Land South of Common Road, South Kirkby (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Ecology: Langthwaite Beck is a UK BAP priority habitat that supportswater voles, a UK BAP priority species. A stand off from the Beck isrequired to augment the corridor with dual purpose ecological and floodrisk mitigation wetlands. The hedgerow and standard trees along theCommon Lane frontage shall be retained.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: Adequate junctions to the highway and widening of thepavement fronting onto Common Road are required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

Site Specific Issues


LP456Reference Number

Diamond Jubilee Club White Apron Street (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Small housing site on previously developed land within the Urban Area.Site Specific Issues

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LP457Reference Number

Mill Lane WMC Mill Lane (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Small housing site on previously developed land within the Urban Area.Site Specific Issues


LP685Reference Number

Rowley Lane, South ElmsallSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: The site is within 250 metres of a former landfill and assuch the land may be potentially affected by the migration of landfill gases.A Phase I Desktop Study and Phase II Site Investigation to identify anypotential risks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: A pedestrian/cycle link from Rowley Lane to Doncaster Roadis required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP690Reference Number

Land At Grove Drive, South KirkbySite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP691Reference Number

Former Scrap Yard, South ElmsallSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Ecology: Woodland and hedgerows are UK BAP priority Habitats. Thehedgerow and trees along the boundaries shall be retained and enhanced.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: The site may be contaminated and is within 250 metres ofa former landfill and as such the land may be potentially affected by themigration of landfill gases. A Phase I Desktop Study and Phase II SiteInvestigation to identify any potential risks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Contributions towards enhanced pedestrian/cycle ways along Field Laneto Doncaster Road, with links to Balk Lane/ Trough Lane and HackingLane are required. Trackways shall be upgraded to surfaced 3 metreswide pedestrian/ cycle routes.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP693Reference Number

Land Off Field Lane, South ElmsallSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Ecology: Hedgerows are UK BAP priority Habitats. The hedgerow andtrees along the boundaries shall be retained and enhanced with locallynative species.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Land Quality: The site is within 250 metres of a former landfill and assuch the land may be potentially affected by the migration of landfill gases.A Phase I Desktop Study and Phase II Site Investigation to identify anypotential risks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.A pedestrian/cycle way linking Field Lane to Stadium Way is required. Acontribution towards an enhanced pedestrian/cycleway along Field Laneis required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

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LP751Reference Number

Land off High Street, South Elmsall (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: The site is within 250 metres of a former landfill and assuch the land may be potentially affected by the migration of landfill gases.A Phase I Desktop Study and Phase II Site Investigation to identify anypotential risks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Pedestrian and cycling links to the railway station via Right of Way 10 andto the adjoining site LP752 are required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP752Reference Number

Adjoining Station, South Elmsall (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Ecology: The site supports a number of hedgerows which are a UK BAPpriority Habitat. Mitigation is required by providing a locally native speciesrich hedge/ scrub belt along the boundary to the railway.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Pedestrian and cycling links to the railway station via Right of Way 10 andRight of Way 11 over the foot bridge, and to the adjoining site LP751 arerequired.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP746Reference Number

Former Common Farm, South ElmsallSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: The site is within 250m of a former landfill and as such theland may be potentially affected by the migration of landfill gases. A PhaseI Desktop Study and Phase II Site Investigation to identify any potentialrisks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: A pedestrian/cycle link to Right of Way 3 and the open spaceadjoining the site is required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP942Reference Number

Land off Broad Lane South Elmsall (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Ecology: Langthwaite Beck is a UK BAP priority habitat that supportswater voles, a UK BAP priority species. A stand off from the Beck isrequired to augment the corridor with dual purpose ecological and floodrisk mitigation wetlands to provide enhanced habitat for water voles.Hedgerows are UK BAP priority habitats. Hedgerows and trees along theboundaries shall be retained .Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.An appropriate access onto the highway is required.Improvements to pedestrian and cycling routes along Broad Lane, withlinks to Broad Lane railway bridge and the Strategic Leisure Corridor toClayton are required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP839Reference Number

Field Lane South Elmsall (New)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 8 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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11.2 Employment


LP78Reference Number

Land at Field Lane, South Elmsall (New)Site Name

Employment B8Proposed Use (s)

Ecology: The dimantled Hull and Barnsley railway line shall be retainedand enhanced as a wildlife habitat corridor. A buffer zone around SouthElmsall Quarry SSSI is required.Vegetation and fly tipping from the quarryexposure shall be removed and a contribution towards interpretationmaterials is required.Land Quality: The site is within 250 metres of former landfill and quarriesand as such the land may be potentially affected by the migration of landfillgases and contamination. A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potentialrisks and Phase II Site Investigation is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Improvements to Field Lane are required including widening thecarriageway, installing adequate junctions and providing pedestrianfootways.Pedestrian and cycling routes along Doncaster Road, Field Lane, TroughLane/ Balk Lane and the dismantled railway are required. Rights of wayrunning through the site shall be retained and upgraded to a 3 metre widesurfaced pedestrian/cycle way, including links via a formal crossing ofDoncaster Road, and the adjoining Special Policy Area to South ElmsallRailway Station.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: Archaeological features are within the site and an ArchaeologicalEvaluation is required prior to determining planning consent.

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LP215Reference Number

Langthwaite Grange, South KirkbySite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues


LP220Reference Number

Dale Lane, South ElmsallSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

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LP226Reference Number

Langthwaite Grange Extension, South Kirkby (Amended)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012. The site is allocated for employment and is a Leeds City RegionEnterprise Zone.The South Elmsall Link Road is required to enable accessto the development.Ecology: Langthwaite Beck is a UK BAP priority habitat that supportswater voles, a UK BAP priority species. A stand off from the Beck isrequired to augment the corridor with dual purpose ecological and floodrisk mitigation wetlands, some of which shall enhanced to support watervoles. Significant Wildlife Habitat Network mitigation is required.This couldbe achieved by creating additional wetlands and species rich grasslandalong Langthwaite Beck and enhancing hedgerows and trees around siteboundaries. Measures to minimise the impact of lighting and bridging overLangthwaite Beck shall be incorporated.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Developer contributions to the South Elmsall Link Road are required.Contributions towards pedestrian and cycle route enhancements toFootpath 7 along the western boundary, Broad Lane, and the railwaybridge are required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An assessment of the impact on the setting of the Listed BroadLane Farm is required.

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11.3 Special Policy Areas

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LP764Reference Number

Land North of Broad Lane South Kirkby (New)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

A masterplan for the Special Policy Area is required. The area will includeemployment, educational and commercial facilities connected with the Production

Site Specific Issues

Park on Langthwaite Grange, community facilities and housing. The site willincorporate a range of housing types which shall include custom and self-buildhousing. Areas of the site, any one of which shall be a maximum of 1 hectare,shall be identified for development by small or medium sized builders. The SouthElmsall Link Road is required to enable access to the development and shall beincluded in the masterplan. Principles of Active Design (Sport England) and HealthyStreets (West Yorkshire Transport Strategy) shall be incorporated. Extensive greeninfrastructure including open space and ecological enhancements alongLangthwaite Beck will be in integrated into the design of the development alongwith safeguarded rights of way incorporating enhanced pedestrian and cycle routeswith links to adjoining development sites and Rights of Way.EcologyLangthwaite Beck is a UK BAP priority habitat that supports water voles, a UKBAP priority species. A stand off from the Beck is required to augment the corridorwith dual purpose ecological and flood risk mitigation wetlands, some of whichshall be over deepened to provide open water for water voles. Significant WildlifeHabitat Network mitigation is required.This could be achieved by creating additionalwetlands and species rich grassland along Langthwaite Beck and enhancinghedgerows and woodland around site boundaries. Measures to minimise theimpact of lighting and bridging over Langthwaite Beck shall be incorporated.Green SpaceThe requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provision to include a minimum of0.2 hectares outdoor recreation area.Water ManagementThe developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education:There is some capacity to support additional new school places initiallybut not to the extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. Anassessment of educational requirements is needed and a developer contributionmay be required.TransportThe site forms part of a wider development and must be considered in conjunctionwith neighbouring sites which may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic roadnetwork.Developer contributions to the South Elmsall Link Road are required.All rights of way running through the site shall be retained and upgraded to 3 metrewide surfaced shared pedestrian/cycle ways, including links to adjoining routes.Contributions towards pedestrian and cycle route enhancements to Broad Lane,the railway bridge and the Strategic Leisure Corridor along Bird Lane to Claytonare required.

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HealthThe site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A HealthImpact Assessment will be required prior to determining planning consent.Air QualityMitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire Low EmissionsStrategy and associated planning technical guidance.HistoricAn Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planning consent.An assessment of the impact on the setting of the Listed Broad Lane Farm isrequired.

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LP766Reference Number

Land at Field Land and Hacking Lane South Elmsall (New)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

A masterplan for the Special Policy Area is required.The area includes employmentand housing development, and active quarry workings. The site will incorporate a

Site Specific Issues

range of housing types which shall include custom and self-build housing. Areasof the site, any one of which shall be a maximum of 1 hectare, shall be identifiedfor development by small or medium sized builders. New highway access fromField Lane and significant improvements to Field Lane and Hacking Lane arerequired. Principles of Active Design (Sport England) and Healthy Streets (WestYorkshire Transport Strategy) shall be incorporated. Extensive green infrastructureincluding open space and ecological enhancements around South Elmsall QuarrySite of Special Scientific Interest and between housing and neighbouringemployment and minerals sites will be in integrated into the design of thedevelopment. Safeguarded rights of way incorporating enhanced pedestrian andcycle routes with links to adjoining development sites and Rights of Way arerequired.Green Space:The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provision to include a minimumarea of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation. Significant tree screening and naturalhabitat/ amenity areas will be required to separate residential areas and employmentzones.Land Quality:The site includes former landfill and quarries and as such the land may be potentiallyaffected by the migration of landfill gases and contamination. A Phase I DesktopStudy to identify any potential risks and Phase II Site Investigation with Gas RiskAssessment is required.Water Management:The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface waterflood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education:There is some capacity to support additional new school places initially but not tothe extent of needs for the scale of development proposed. An assessment ofeducational requirements is needed and a developer contribution may be required.Transport:The site forms part of a wider development and must be considered in conjunctionwith neighbouring sites which may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is required to identifythe level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigationmeasures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Improvements to Field Lane and Hacking Lane are required including wideningthe carriageway, installing adequate junctions and providing a 3m wide sharedpedestrian footway/ cycleway. Improvements to the quarry access track from FieldLane and Crab Tree Lane are required including surfacing and adequate junctionsto serve the quarry and avoid conflict with neighbouring development.Links to adjoining sites LP78 and LP752 with contributions towards pedestrian andcycling routes along Doncaster Road, Trough Lane/ The Balk and the dismantledrailway are required. The Trough Lane trackway shall be upgraded to a 3 metrewide surfaced pedestrian/cycle way.

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Health:The site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. A HealthImpact Assessment will be required prior to determining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West Yorkshire LowEmissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic:An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planning consent.

11.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Town Centre Inset Map Boundary


LP893Reference Number

South Elmsall Town CentreSite Name

Town Centre Inset Map BoundaryProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Town centre uses will be encouraged and supported withinSouth Elmsall Town Centre as shown on the South Elmsall Inset Map.

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Primary Shopping Area


LP894Reference Number

South ElmsallSite Name

Primary Shopping AreaProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. An area is defined on the South Elmsall Inset Map whereinwhich retail development will be encouraged and permitted. Beyond thisarea, but excluding those development sites allocated for retail use,retailing will generally only be permitted where it can be proven there areno suitable sequentially preferable sites available and there will be nosignificant adverse impact on town centres.

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Primary Shopping Frontage


LP910Reference Number

Barnsley Road South ElmsallSite Name

Primary Shopping FrontageProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017. Along the primary shopping frontages as shown on the SouthElmsall Inset Map Local Plan Policy on Non-Retail Development in PrimaryShopping Frontages will apply . The Primary Shopping Frontages aredefined as 13a to 33 Barnsley Road, 39 to 83 Barnsley Road, and 6 to 64Barnsley Road.

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Development Site


LP148Reference Number

Exchange Street South ElmsallSite Name

Development SiteProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.This site is suitable for development as a discount foodstore. Additionalsmall scale retail units (no larger than 300 square metres each) wouldalso be acceptable along with other main town centre uses. Developmentproposals do not necessarily need to include the entire site, for examplethe library is unlikely to be available for development.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site which doesnot increase the flood risk elsewhere.Transport: The site currently includes a pay and display car park. Anyscheme must address the requirements for car parking within the sitewhich also serves the town centre.Cycling facilities shall be provided within the site.Land Quality: Due to part of the site being a former depot/ gas works itis likely to be contaminated therefore a Phase 1 desktop study will berequired.

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Local Retail Centre


LP793Reference Number

The Green South KirkbySite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

Site Specific Issues

11.5 Transport

Local Road Network Scheme


LP1339Reference Number

South Elmsall Link Road (New)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

A major link road around the southern boundary of South Kirkby openingup land for development and providing a bypass route of South Elmsalland South Kirkby.The scheme will be funded from developer contributionsand future Transport Funds and construction could potentially commencepost 2025.

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12 Stanley/Outwood

12.1 Housing


LP51Reference Number

Land off Lingwell Gate Lane, Lofthouse Gate, Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

This is a part greenfield part previously developed site.EcologyTrees: Retention of trees along the site frontage and hedgerow to northernand eastern site boundaries is recommended. A BS 5837 survey isrequired.Green Space: 10% onsite greenspace is required including a minimum0.2 hectares of outdoor recreation site.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of education requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impacton the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. ATransport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact from thesite, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Highways: The development shall incorporate an adequate junction ontothe adopted highway and a footway along the site frontage is required.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. A shared use path along Lingwell Gate Laneis required to enable access to Outwood Station and the surrounding area.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Land Quality: A contaminated land phase I desktop study is required toidentify any potential risks of contamination. Planning conditions forinvestigation and remediation may be required. A coal mining report andrisk assessment is required.Clinical Commissioning Group: An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.

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LP672Reference Number

Land At Leeds Road, Newton Hill (AMENDED)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green SpaceGreen Space: 10% onsite greenspace is required, including a minimum0.2 hectares of outdoor recreation site.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.OtherEducation: An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport Highways:The scale of development may have an impact on the capacity,operation and safety of the local road network. A transport assessment isrequired to identify the level of impact from the site. Where appropriate,suitable mitigation measures must be implemented to ensure there is nodetriment to the local road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area, including a pedestrian/cycle link with Second/ Fourth Avenue.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.Clinical Commissioning Group: An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

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12.2 Employment


LP217 Reference Number

Wakefield 41 Business Park, Outwood (AMENDED)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012

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12.3 Retail and Town Centre uses

Local Retail Centre


LP788Reference Number

Cobham Parade Outwood (AMENDED)Site Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017, but has been changed from a District Centre to a Local RetailCentre, since the completion of the larger District Centre at Snowhill.

Site Specific Issues

12.4 Transport Schemes


LP872Reference Number

Outwood Station (NEW)Site Name

Public Transport SchemeProposed Use (s)

Improvements are planned between 2020 - 2021. Funding could comefrom the West Yorkshire Transport Fund and potential future TransportFunds (Post 2021).

Site Specific Issues

12.5 Safeguarded Land


LP1330Reference Number

Land at Lingwell Gate Lane (NEW)Site Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

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Ackworth Moor Top

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13 Ackworth Moor Top

13.1 Retail and Town Centre uses

Local Retail Centre


LP808Reference Number

Ackworth Moor TopSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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14 Crofton

14.1 Housing


LP6Reference Number

Land at Bedford Farm, Crofton (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provision toinclude a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: An assessment of educational requirements is needed anda developer contribution may be required.Transport: The site may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is requiredto identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to thestrategic road network.Improved access onto Santingley Lane is required.A 3m wide surfaced pedestrian/ cycleway link from the site to the adjoiningdevelopment and contributions towards enhancing the Strategic LeisureCorridor along Santingley Lane are required.Health: An assessment of health services is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

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LP7Reference Number

Land South of Doncaster Road Crofton (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The site lies within the discharge Impact Risk Zonefor Mickletown Ings Site of Special Scientific Interest. An assessment ofthe impact of surface water and foul water discharges as a result of thedevelopment is required, including consideration of whether the site canbe linked to existing water treatment networks and surface water drains.The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.Education: An assessment of educational requirements is needed anda developer contribution may be required.Transport: The site may have an impact on the capacity, operation andsafety of the strategic road network. A Transport Assessment is requiredto identify the level of impact from the site, and where appropriate, suitablemitigation measures implemented to ensure there is no detriment to thestrategic road network.An adequate junction onto the highway and improved pedestrian footwaysare required.A 3m wide surfaced pedestrian/ cycleway link through the site to SpringHill and a crossing at Doncaster Road/ Slack Road are required.Contributions towards traffic calming measures are required.Health: An assessment of health services is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

Site Specific Issues


LP733Reference Number

Bedford Farm, CroftonSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and has planning consent for 183 dwellings.

Site Specific Issues

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14.2 Retail and Town Centre uses

Local Retail Centre


LP806Reference Number

High Street CroftonSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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15 Fitzwilliam/Kinsley

15.1 Housing


LP182Reference Number

Land Adjacent To Farmers WMC Kinsley (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Land Quality: Part of the site was formerly a gas works and may beheavily contaminated requiring significant remediation. The site is within250 metres of a former landfill and may be potentially affected by themigration of landfill gasses. A Phase I Desktop Study and Phase II SiteInvestigation to identify any potential risks of contamination is required.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.The site lies within the discharge Impact Risk Zone for Brockadale Site ofSpecial Scientific Interest. An assessment of the impact of surface waterand foul water discharges as a result of the development is required,including consideration of whether the site can be linked to existing watertreatment networks and surface water drains.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: An adequate junction onto the highway is required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP243Reference Number

Land at Farm Lane Fitzwilliam (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Ecology: The hedgerows and trees forming the site boundaries shall beretained.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.The site lies within the discharge Impact Risk Zone for Brockadale Site ofSpecial Scientific Interest. An assessment of the impact of surface waterand foul water discharges as a result of the development is required,including consideration of whether the site can be linked to existing watertreatment networks and surface water drains.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: A link from the site together with contributions towards animproved pedestrian/ cycling route along Farm Lane is required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

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LP681Reference Number

Farm Lane, Kinsley (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.The site lies within the discharge Impact Risk Zone for Brockadale Site ofSpecial Scientific Interest. An assessment of the impact of surface waterand foul water discharges as a result of the development is required,including consideration of whether the site can be linked to existing watertreatment networks and surface water drains.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: A pedestrian/ cycleway linking Sunnyfield Drive and NewsteadTerrace, and contributions towards an improved pedestrian/ cycling routealong Farm Lane is required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An archaeological feature is within the site and an ArchaeologicalEvaluation is required prior to determining planning consent.

Site Specific Issues


LP735Reference Number

Wakefield Road, KinsleySite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

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LP840Reference Number

Newstead Road Fitzwilliam (New)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 7 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues

15.2 Employment


LP210Reference Number

Kinsley Industrial Estate, Kinsley (Amended)Site Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues

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15.3 Special Policy Areas


LP763Reference Number

Land at Club Terrace Allotments Wentworth Terrace Fitzwilliam (New)Site Name

Special Policy AreaProposed Use (s)

A masterplan for the Special Policy Area is required. The area includesemployment land at Priory Business Park, and new housing on the formerallotments off Club Terrace. Infrastructure to improve pedestrian, cyclingand parking connections to Fitzwilliam Railway Station and links toFitzwilliam Country Park together with significant green infrastructure andecological enhancements will be required. Principles of Active Design(Sport England) and Healthy Streets (West Yorkshire Transport Strategy)shall be incorporated.Ecology: Green infrastructure corridors linking the site with FitzwilliamLocal Nature Reserve are required. These should include flood waterattenuation wetland and swales to support amphibians. Boundaryhedgerows shall be retained and enhanced.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.The site lies within the discharge Impact Risk Zone for Brockadale Site ofSpecial Scientific Interest. An assessment of the impact of surface waterand foul water discharges as a result of the development is required,including consideration of whether the site can be linked to existing watertreatment networks and surface water drains.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: Enhancements to provide a combined pedestrian/ cyclewayalong the right of way (trackway) connecting the site with First Avenueand to the Strategic Leisure Corridor along Wentworth Terrace and intoFitzwilliam Nature Reserve is required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent. An assessment of health services is neededand a developer contribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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15.4 Retail and Town Centre uses

Local Retail Centre


LP790Reference Number

Wakefield Road KinsleySite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

Site Specific Issues


LP791Reference Number

Wakefield Road FitzwilliamSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

Site Specific Issues

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16 Ryhill/Havercroft

16.1 Housing


LP252Reference Number

The Scotsman (land within curtilage) Cow Lane (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: The site adjoins a former landfill and as such the land maybe potentially affected by the migration of landfill gases. A Phase I DesktopStudy and Phase II Site Investigation to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Health: An assessment of health services is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP684Reference Number

Land At Highfields, HavercroftSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Ecology: The beck and adjoining woodland are UK BAP priority habitats,and the beck supports water voles, a UK BAP priority species. Thewoodland shall be retained, and the beck corridor requires enhancementto support water voles.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potential risks ofcontamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: A pedestrian/ cycle link from the site and contributions towardsenhancing the Strategic Leisure Corridor along Common Ing Road(trackway) are required.Health: An assessment of health services is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

Site Specific Issues

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LP695Reference Number

Land To Rear Of Liberal Club, Milll Lane, RyhillSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: Pedestrian and cycle links to TC195 and Mill Lane to SunnyBank and Hardwick Close are required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Contaminated Land: A Phase I Desktop Study to identify any potentialrisks of contamination is required.

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LP745Reference Number

North Of Madeley Road, HavercroftSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Green Space: A commuted sum towards off-site provision of open spaceis required.Land Quality: The site is 250 metres of a former landfill and as such theland may be potentially affected by the migration of landfill gases. A PhaseI Desktop Study and Phase II Site Investigation to identify any potentialrisks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: Schools are at capacity and the options for expansion arelimited. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: Contributions towards enhancing the Strategic Leisure Corridoralong the western boundary to provide a combined pedestrian andcycleway are required.Health: An assessment of health services is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Air Quality: mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

Site Specific Issues

16.2 Retail and Town Centre uses

Local Retail Centre


LP795Reference Number

Mill Lane RyhillSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

Site Specific Issues

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17 Upton

17.1 Housing


LP435Reference Number

Sheepwalk Lane (New)Site Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: The site forms part of a wider development and must beconsidered in conjunction with neighbouring sites which may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.An adequate junction onto the highway or the extension of an existingcarriageway is required.A pedestrian and cycling link from Bell Street to Sheepwalk Lane isrequired.The right of way on Sheepwalk Lane shall be enhanced to providea pedestrian/cycle way along the site frontage to Clayton Avenue.Health: An assessment of health services is needed and a developercontribution may be required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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LP679Reference Number

Land at Waggon Lane, UptonSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Ecology: Woodland and hedgerows are UK BAP priority Habitats. Thehedgerow and trees along the boundaries shall be retained and enhanced.Green Space: The requirement for greenspace is 10% onsite provisionto include a minimum area of 0.2 hectares for outdoor recreation.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Education: There is some capacity to support additional new schoolplaces initially but not to the extent of needs for the scale of developmentproposed. An assessment of educational requirements is needed and adeveloper contribution may be required.Transport: An adequate junction onto Waggon Lane is required.A sealed surface pedestrian and cycling link from Waggon Lane to PothillLane is required.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Historic: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.

Site Specific Issues


LP747Reference Number

Shinwell Estate, UptonSite Name

HousingProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012 and is under construction.

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LP838Reference Number

Gwent Bungalow Doncaster Road Upton (New)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 9 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues

17.2 Employment


LP213Reference Number

Waggon Lane Business Park, UptonSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

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LP222Reference Number

Waggon Lane, UptonSite Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.Ecology: A tree survey and ecological survey is required. Woodland is aUK BAP priority habitat and a substantial belt along the boundaries shallbe retained to provide a buffer with the adjoining Local Nature Reserve.Land Quality: The site may be contaminated and a Phase I DesktopStudy to identify any potential risks of contamination is required.Water Management: The developer must provide a drainagestrategy/scheme to deal with surface water flood risk within the site whichdoes not increase flood risk elsewhere.Transport: Improvements to the junction with Waggon Lane and accessroad within the site are required.Cycling facilities shall be provided within the site. A link and contributionstowards pedestrian and cycle route enhancements to Footpath 11 alongthe western boundary are required.Health: The site is within or close to an area of significant healthdeprivation. A Health Impact Assessment will be required prior todetermining planning consent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

Site Specific Issues

17.3 Retail and Town Centre Uses

Local Retail Centre


LP794Reference Number

High Street UptonSite Name

Local Retail CentreProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Retail and Town Centre LocalPlan 2017.

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17.4 Safeguarded Land


LP132Reference Number

Sheepwalk Lane, UptonSite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012. The site has been reduced to the area of the former quarry. Thearea returned to the Green Belt is part of a larger open field under arablecultivation with no physical boundary between the Safeguarded Land andthe Green Belt land.

Site Specific Issues

Land Returned to the Green Belt


LP941Reference Number

Sheepwalk Lane, UptonSite Name

Green BeltProposed Use (s)

23 hectares of high grade agricultural land is to be returned to the GreenBelt. The area returned to the Green Belt is part of a larger open fieldunder arable cultivation with no physical boundary between theSafeguarded Land and the Green Belt land.

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Other locations

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18 Other locations

18.1 Housing

Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People



LP848Reference Number

289 Weeland Road, Sharlston (NEW)Site Name

Travelling ShowpeopleProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Travelling Showperson accommodation andstorage of equipment to meet local need, providing 2 plots. Planningpermission will only be granted for accommodation required to meet localneeds identified in an up to date accommodation assessment and will berestricted to named persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Travelling Showpeople as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP821Reference Number

Pineapple Farm Marshall Hill Warmfield Lane, Warmfield (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 2 pitches. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues

South Hiendley


LP824Reference Number

Rear of 34 George Street, South Hiendley (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 1 pitch. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP828Reference Number

Whoops a Daisy Pontefract Road Purston (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 1 pitch. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues



LP830Reference Number

Oakenshaw Lane, Walton (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 1 pitch. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP831Reference Number

99 Brier Lane, Havercroft (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 3 pitches. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues


LP833Reference Number

101 Brier Lane, Havercroft (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 6 pitches. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP832Reference Number

Boundary Lane Normanton (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 3 pitches. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues



LP850Reference Number

Land at Victoria Meadow Wakefield Road, Featherstone (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 2 pitches. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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Heath / Doncaster Road, Wakefield


LP851Reference Number

Land adj 242 Doncaster Road Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 1 pitch. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues


LP853Reference Number

Land adj Ivy Cottage and Heath Caravan Site Doncaster RoadWakefield (NEW)

Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 21 pitches. Planning permission willonly be granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identifiedin an up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted tonamed persons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

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LP827Reference Number

Ivy Cottage adj Heath Caravan Site Doncaster Road Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

Gypsy and TravellerProposed Use (s)

This site is allocated for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation to meet localneed. The site has planning permission (temporary planning permission,planning application pending,) for 4 pitches. Planning permission will onlybe granted for accommodation required to meet local needs identified inan up to date accommodation assessment and will be restricted to namedpersons.The site should only be occupied by those persons who meet the definitionof Gypsy and Traveller as set out in prevailing guidance at the time ofdetermining a planning application.

Site Specific Issues

18.2 Employment



LP203Reference Number

Healey, OssettSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues

Newmarket / Castlegate / Junction 30 M62


LP216Reference Number

Castlegate, Patrick GreenSite Name

Employment ZoneProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

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LP228Reference Number

Former Newmarket Colliery, StanleySite Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012.Development has taken place on part of the site. The site is allocated for amaximum of 51 hectares of wholesale and freight distribution employment uses(B8).This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective to provideemployment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunities for localresidents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities as far as possible.EcologyEcology: Existing bank side trees will be retained and refuges free from people(e.g. point bars) and linear deciduous woodlands along the slopes down to theriver on colliery spoil should be created. Development shall retain, or incorporatenew, structural planting of native species on the site boundaries to create a definednatural green buffer to the development and the green belt. A stand-off of at least10 metres from all drains and becks will be maintained. Parts of the site areadjacent to a Local Wildlife Site and are within the Wildlife Habitat Network,therefore, a full environmental impact assessment will be required.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood risk elsewhere.TransportStrategic Road Network: The scale of development may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, and whereappropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensure there is nodetriment to the strategic road network.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active design andhealthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeability with thesurrounding area. Public rights of way should be maintained and improved and aroute should be created linking to the River Calder and Transpennine Trail inaccordance with the Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Cycling facilities shouldbe provided within the site and to existing and/or proposed nearby cycling facilities.HealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.Land Quality: A contaminated land phase I desktop study, phase II site investigationand remediation options appraisal is required.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determining planningconsent.OtherOverhead electricity transmission lines cross the site, which will need to beaccounted for in the layout of the development.

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LP1329Reference Number

Land South of Junction 30 M62 Castlegate Wakefield (NEW)Site Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

The site is allocated for employment uses (B1 (b),B1 (c), (B2) and B8). AMasterplan will be required to be submitted and approved by the Councilprior to the submission of any planning applications on the site. Subsequentplanning applications will be in accordance with the approved Masterplan.This site is located in an area where there is a key policy objective toprovide employment, apprenticeship and skills development opportunitiesfor local residents. The Council will seek to secure these opportunities asfar as possible.EcologyEcology: An Ecological Assessment is required. A stand off from the beckis required to augment the corridor for ecological purposes.Water ManagementDrainage: The developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme todeal with surface water flood risk within the site which does not increaseflood risk elsewhere.TransportStrategic Transport Network: The scale of development may have animpact on the capacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network.A Transport Assessment is required to identify the level of impact fromthe site, and where appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implementedto ensure there is no detriment to the strategic road network.Highways: Improvements to the junction of Castle Gate and Aberford Roadwill be required.Sustainable Transport: The development shall incorporate active designand healthy street principles to allow pedestrian and cycle permeabilitywith the surrounding area. Public rights of way should be maintained andimprovedHealthAir Quality: Air Quality mitigation will be required to accord with the WestYorkshire Low Emissions Strategy and associated planning technicalguidance.HistoricHeritage: An Archaeological Evaluation is required prior to determiningplanning consent.Conservation: An assessment of the impact on the setting of the GradeII Listed Royds Hall, Barn and Gate Piers and Walls, Sanderson Lane isrequired prior to determining planning consent

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South Kirkby


LP230Reference Number

Former South Kirkby Colliery/Ferrymoor Ridings, South KirkbySite Name

EmploymentProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012. The Employment Park has been identified as a suitable location forrenewable energy generation.EcologyHague Hall Beck and Woodland are UK BAP priority habitats. The formertip and ponds are a designated Local Wildlife Site. The Beck corridor,Riddings Plantation and the Wildlife Site shall be safeguarded fromdevelopment and managed for ecological conservation.Water ManagementThe developer must provide a drainage strategy/scheme to deal withsurface water flood risk within the site which does not increase flood riskelsewhere.TransportThe site forms part of a wider development and must be considered inconjunction with neighbouring sites which may have an impact on thecapacity, operation and safety of the strategic road network. A TransportAssessment is required to identify the level of impact from the site, andwhere appropriate, suitable mitigation measures implemented to ensurethere is no detriment to the strategic road network.Rights of way running through the site and links to adjoining opengreenspace shall be retained.HealthThe site is within or close to an area of significant health deprivation. AHealth Impact Assessment will be required prior to determining planningconsent.Air Quality: Mitigation will be required to accord with the West YorkshireLow Emissions Strategy and associated planning technical guidance.

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18.3 Transport

Wakefield / Crofton


LP1336Reference Number

Doncaster Road, Crofton (NEW)Site Name

Local Road Network SchemeProposed Use (s)

This scheme is part of a series of highway improvement and new highwaylinks from the M1 in Barnsley through the Wakefield distrcit to the A1 inDoncaster to provide better accessibility and highway capacity. Fundingcould potentially be provided from future Transport Funds and constructioncould potentially commence post 2025.

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18.4 Safeguarded Land

Hall Green


LP122Reference Number

Land North Of Hollingthorpe Estate, Hall GreenSite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues

South Hiendley


LP130Reference Number

Orchard Drive, South HiendleySite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

Site Specific Issues



LP123Reference Number

Waterways Land, Walton (AMENDED)Site Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012, but has been amended to reflect the Walton Neighbourhood Plan.

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LP126Reference Number

Land To East Of Streethouse, StreethouseSite Name

Safeguarded LandProposed Use (s)

The allocation is carried forward from the Site Specific Policies Local Plan2012.

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