brief note on solar tracking systems

Key Concepts in Solar tracking Industry in India Business Type : Nascent Product Type : Industrial and Very Specific Market Technology orientation : Mechanical / Electrical and Electronics Present Installed Capacity : Very less Future Scope : Very high in the immediate coming years Major Technology Vendors : Germany / Spain/ USA / China Indignation : Possible Marketing and Brand Building : More Efforts and Investments needed Business Growth : Quite High Key Components : Servo Motor Drives Production Investment : Moderate Marketing Investment : High Overseas Collaboration : Very Much needed for Brand Image Building Export Potential : High Application : Applicable to both Solar PV / Solar Thermal Power Plants Present opportunity of JNNSM ( Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission ) targets to Achieve 20000 MW by 2020 and 1000 MW by 2012 -13. This target it self can give a substantial business to All the Indian Vendors .

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Page 1: Brief Note on Solar Tracking Systems

Key Concepts in Solar tracking Industry in India

Business Type : Nascent

Product Type : Industrial and Very Specific Market

Technology orientation : Mechanical / Electrical and Electronics

Present Installed Capacity : Very less

Future Scope : Very high in the immediate coming years

Major Technology Vendors : Germany / Spain/ USA / China

Indignation : Possible

Marketing and Brand Building : More Efforts and Investments needed

Business Growth : Quite High

Key Components : Servo Motor Drives

Production Investment : Moderate

Marketing Investment : High

Overseas Collaboration : Very Much needed for Brand Image Building

Export Potential : High

Application : Applicable to both Solar PV / Solar Thermal Power Plants

Present opportunity of JNNSM ( Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission ) targets to Achieve 20000 MW by 2020 and 1000 MW by 2012 -13. This target it self can give a substantial business to All the Indian Vendors .

The Key successful USP will be the Finance linkage .

Page 2: Brief Note on Solar Tracking Systems

Brief Note on Solar Tracking Systems

Solar Power In India

India's power sector has a total installed capacity of approximately 1,46,753 Megawatt (MW) of which 54% is coal-based, 25% hydro, 8% is renewables and the balance is the gas and nuclear-based. Power shortages are estimated at about 11% of total energy and 15% of peak capacity requirements and are likely to increase in the coming years.

Fortunately, India lies in sunny regions of the world. Most parts of India receive 4-7 kWh of Solar radiation per square metre per day with 250-300 sunny days in a year. India has abundant Solar resources, as it receives about 3000 hours of sunshine every year, equivalent to over 5,000 trillion kWh. India can easily utilize the Solar energy or Solar Power. Today the contribution of Solar power with an installed capacity of 9.84 MW, is a fraction (< 0.1 percent) of the total renewable energy installed 13, 242.41(as on 31st October 2008 by MNRE). Solar power generation has lagged behind other sources like wind, small Hydropower ,biomass etc.,But now realizing the potential of Solar energy, Prime Minister of India unveiled a National Climate Change Action Plan in June 2008. The plan will be implemented through eight missions with main focus on Solar energy in the total energy mix of the country.

Government Authorities

Development of alternate energy has been part of India's strategy for expanding energy supply and meeting decentralized energy needs of the rural sector. The strategy is administered through India's Ministry of New Renewable Energy (MNRE), Energy development agencies in the various States, and the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA).

MNRE – Ministry of New Renewable Energy is the nodal Ministry of the Government of India for all matters relating to new and renewable energy. In 1982 Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources (DNES) was created to develop and deploy new and renewable energy for supplementing the energy requirements of the country. In 1992, DNES became the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources. In October 2006, the Ministry was re-christened as the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. The Ministry has been facilitating the implementation of broad spectrum programmes including harnessing renewable power, renewable energy to rural areas for lighting, cooking and motive power, use of renewable energy in urban, industrial and commercial applications and development of alternate fuels and applications. In addition, it supports research, design and development of new and renewable energy technologies, products and services.

IREDA – Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency is a Public Limited Government Company established on 11th March, 1987, under the administrative control of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) to promote, develop and extend financial assistance for renewable energy and energy efficiency/conservation projects. IREDA has been notified as a &ldquo;Public

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Financial Institution&rdquo; under section 4 &lsquo;A&rsquo; of the Companies Act, 1956 and registered as Non-Banking Financial Company (NFBC) with Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

SEC - The Solar Energy Centre (SEC), established in 1982, is a dedicated unit of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India for development of Solar energy technologies and to promote its applications through product development. The institute was set up with a view to encourage research in the field of Solar technology as a viable alternate energy system. The centre itself is built taking into account principles of passive Solar design to reduce energy consumption in the building. This is achieved by reducing heat gain in summer, encouraging effective ventilation, natural cooling and effective insulation to prevent heat loss during the winter, thus reducing both heating and cooling costs.

Involvement of various players in the energy sector, such as local industries, the private construction and operations contractors, Central Electricity Authority (CEA), MNRE and others, has helped in increasing the capacity and capability of local technical expertise and further sustain the development of Solar power in India in the longer term.

Solar Industry in India gained momentum with the contribution of Private organizations. Many Indian companies have planned major investments in this industry. The government has approved projects of Chandradeep Solar (for an R&D unit); Neotech Solutions; Photon Energy Systems; Surana Ventures; and RamTerra Solar Pvt Ltd.

Tata Power and BP Solar joint venture had been the leading Solar Photovoltaic (PV) manufacturers for the last many years. Moser Baer India Limited has entered the Solar sector in a big way with both crystalline silicon cell technology and thin-film technology.

Earlier this year, Khandelwal Solar Power Limited (KSPL), Reliance Industries, Titan Energy Systems, Nano Tech Silicon India and XL Telecom & Energy also proposed to invest in the Solar Industry.

Present Status

As a result of the efforts made during the past quarter century, a number of devices have been developed and have become commercially viable. These

include Solar Water Heaters, Solar Cookers, Solar Lanterns, Solar Street Lights, Solar Water Pumps.

India has started wide Solar Photovoltaic Program for about 2 decades and has installed an aggregate 1.3 million systems. However, now the focus of the 11th year plan is on the grid connected power generation. India's Integrated Rural

Energy Program using Solar energy had served 300 districts and around 2,300 villages.

The production during 2007-08 (till December 2007) is estimated to be over 40 MWp of Solar cells and 60 MWp of PV modules.

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Growth in Indian PV Production

A solar tracker is a generic term used to describe devices that orient various payloads toward the sun. Payloads can be photovoltaic panels, reflectors, lenses or other optical devices.

In standard photovoltaic (PV) applications trackers are used to minimize the angle of incidence between the incoming light and a photovoltaic panel. This increases the amount of energy produced from a fixed amount of installed power generating capacity. In standard photovoltaic applications, it is estimated that trackers are used in at least 85% of commercial installations greater than 1MW from 2009 to 2012

In concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) and concentrated solar thermal (CSP) applications trackers are used to enable the optical components in the CPV and CSP systems. The optics in concentrated solar applications accept the direct component of sunlight light and therefore must be oriented appropriately to collect energy. Tracking systems are found in all concentrator applications because systems do not produce energy unless oriented toward the sun.

Drive types

Active tracker

Active trackers use motors and gear trains to direct the tracker as commanded by a controller

responding to the solar direction.

Active two-axis trackers are also used to orient heliostats - movable mirrors that reflect sunlight toward

the absorber of a central power station. As each mirror in a large field will have an individual orientation

these are controlled programmatically through a central computer system, which also allows the system

to be shut down when necessary.

Light-sensing trackers typically have two photo sensors, such as photodiodes, configured differentially so

that they output a null when receiving the same light flux. Mechanically, they should be omni directional

(i.e. flat) and are aimed 90 degrees apart. This will cause the steepest part of their cosine transfer

functions to balance at the steepest part, which translates into maximum sensitivity.

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Since the motors consume energy, one wants to use them only as necessary. So instead of a continuous

motion, the heliostat is moved in discrete steps. Also, if the light is below some threshold there would not

be enough power generated to warrant reorientation. This is also true when there is not enough difference

in light level from one direction to another, such as when clouds are passing overhead. Consideration

must be made to keep the tracker from wasting energy during cloudy periods.

For more information regarding active tracker control types: Active daylighting

Passive tracker

Zome works passive tracker head in Spring/Summer tilt position with panels on light blue rack pivoted to morning position against stop. Dark blue objects are hydraulic dampers.

Passive trackers use a low boiling point compressed gas fluid that is driven to one side or the other (by

solar heat creating gas pressure) to cause the tracker to move in response to an imbalance. As this is a

non-precision orientation it is unsuitable for certain types of concentrating photovoltaic collectors but

works fine for common PV panel types. These will have viscous dampers to prevent excessive motion in

response to wind gusts. Shader/reflectors are used to reflect early morning sunlight to "wake up" the

panel and tilt it toward the sun, which can take nearly an hour. The time to do this can be greatly reduced

by adding a self-releasing tiedown that positions the panel slightly past the zenith (so that the fluid does

not have to overcome gravity) and using the tiedown in the evening. (A slack-pulling spring will prevent

release in windy overnight conditions.)

The term "passive tracker" is also used for photovoltaic modules that include a hologram behind stripes of

photovoltaic cells. That way, sunlight passes through the transparent part of the module and reflects on

the hologram. This allows sunlight to hit the cell from behind, thereby increasing the module's efficiency.

Also, the module does not have to move since the hologram always reflects sunlight from the correct

angle towards the cells.

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Chronological tracker

A chronological tracker counteracts the Earth's rotation by turning at an equal rate as the earth, but in the

opposite direction. Actually the rates aren't quite equal, because as the earth goes around the sun, the

position of the sun changes with respect to the earth by 360° every year or 365.24 days. A chronological

tracker is a very simple yet potentially a very accurate solar tracker specifically for use with a polar mount

(see above). The drive method may be as simple as a gear motor that rotates at a very slow average rate

of one revolution per day (15 degrees per hour). In theory the tracker may rotate completely, assuming

there is enough clearance for a complete rotation, and assuming that twisting wires are not an issue.


Some solar trackers may operate most effectively with seasonal position adjustment and most will need

inspection and lubrication on an annual basis. As most trackers are made from mild steel, maintenance of

paint is typically required, and may be critical in highly corrosive environments, such as near saltwater or

in polluted industrial localities. In regions with extended Summer dry seasons the periodic washing of the

panels may significantly increase performance at a critical demand time, particularly for grid-tied systems.

Photovoltaic trackers can be grouped into classes by the number and orientation of the tracker’s axes.

Compared to a fixed mount, a single axis tracker increases annual output by approximately 30%, and a

dual axis by another 16 %

Single Axis Trackers

Single axis trackers have one degree of freedom that acts as an axis of rotation. The axis of rotation of

single axis trackers is typically aligned along a true North meridian. It is possible to align them in any

cardinal direction with advanced tracking algorithms.

There are several common implementations of single axis trackers. These include Horizontal Single Axis

Trackers, Vertical Single Axis Trackers, and Tilted Single Axis Trackers. The orientation of the module

with respect to the tracker axis is important when modelling performance.

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Horizontal Single Axis Tracker (HSAT)

RayTracker GC200 Horizontal Single Axis Tracker in California

Wattsun HZ-Series Linear Axis Tracker in South Korea. These trackers use a horizontal axis.

The axis of rotation for Horizontal Single Axis Tracker is horizontal with respect to the ground. The posts

at either end of the axis of rotation of a Horizontal Single Axis Tracker can be shared between trackers to

lower the installation cost.

Field layouts with Horizontal Single Axis Trackers are very flexible. The simple geometry means that

keeping all of the axis of rotation parallel to one another is all that is required for appropriately positioning

the trackers with respect to one another.

In addition, with backtracking, they can be packed at any density without shading.

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Horizontal Trackers typically have the face of the module oriented parallel to the axis of rotation. As a

module tracks, it sweeps a cylinder that is rotationally symmetric around the axis of rotation.

Several manufacturers can deliver single axis horizontal trackers. In these, a long horizontal tube is

supported on bearings mounted upon pylons or frames. The axis of the tube is on a North-South line.

Panels are mounted upon the tube, and the tube will rotate on its axis to track the apparent motion of the

sun through the day.

Manufacturers include Array Technologies, RayTracker, SunPower, and Zomeworks.

Vertical Single Axis Tracker (VSAT)

The axis of rotation for Vertical Single Axis Trackers is vertical with respect to the ground. These trackers

rotate from East to West over the course of the day.

Field layouts must consider shading to avoid unnecessary energy losses and to optimize land utilization.

Also optimization for dense packing is limited due to the nature of the shading over the course of a year.

Vertical Single Axis Trackers typically have the face of the module oriented at an angle with respect to the

axis of rotation. As a module tracks, it sweeps a cone that is rotationally symmetric around the axis of


Tilted Single Axis Tracker (TSAT)

Single axis SunPower T20 trackers, with roughly 20 degree tilt, at Nellis Air Force Base, in Nevada, USA. The arrays form part of the Nellis Solar Power Plant and was designed and built by SunPower corporation. Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Larry E. Reid Jr.

All trackers with axes of rotation between horizontal and vertical are considered Tilted Single Axis

Trackers. Tracker tilt angles are often limited to reduce the wind profile and decrease the elevated end’s

height off the ground.

Field layouts must consider shading to avoid unnecessary losses and to optimize land utilization.

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With backtracking, they can be packed without shading perpendicular to their axis of rotation at any

density. However, the packing parallel to their axis of rotation is limited by the tilt angle and the latitude.

Tilted Single Axis Trackers typically have the face of the module oriented parallel to the axis of rotation.

As a module tracks, it sweeps a cylinder that is rotationally symmetric around the axis of rotation.

Polar Aligned Single Axis Trackers (PASAT)

One scientifically interesting variation of a Tilted Single Axis Tracker is a Polar Aligned Single Axis

Trackers (PASAT). In this particular implementation of a Tilted Single Axis Tracker the tilt angle is equal

to the latitude of the installation. This aligns the tracker axis of rotation with the earth’s axis of rotation.

These are rarely deployed because of their high wind profile.

Dual Axis Trackers

Dual axis trackers have two degrees of freedom that act as axes of rotation. These axes are typically

normal to one another. The axis that is fixed with respect to the ground can be considered a primary axis.

The axis that is referenced to the primary axis can be considered a secondary axis.

There are several common implementations of dual axis trackers. They are classified by the orientation of

their primary axes with respect to the ground. Two common implementations are Tip - Tilt trackers and

Azimuth-Altitude trackers.

The orientation of the module with respect to the tracker axis is important when modelling performance.

Dual Axis Trackers typically have modules oriented parallel to the secondary axis of rotation.

Tip – Tilt Dual Axis Tracker (TTDAT)

A Tip – Tilt Dual Axis Tracker has its primary axis horizontal to the ground. The secondary axis is then

typically normal to the primary axis. The posts at either end of the primary axis of rotation of a Tip – Tilt

Dual Axis Tracker can be shared between trackers to lower installation costs.

Field layouts with Tip – Tilt Dual Axis Trackers are very flexible. The simple geometry means that keeping

the axes of rotation parallel to one another is all that is required for appropriately positioning the trackers

with respect to one another.

In addition, with backtracking, they can be packed without shading at any density

The axes of rotation of Tip – Tilt Dual Axis Trackers are typically aligned either along a true North

meridian or an east west line of latitude. It is possible to align them in any cardinal direction with

advanced tracking algorithms.

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Azimuth-Altitude Dual Axis Tracker - 2 axis solar tracker, Toledo, Spain

Point focus parabolic dish with Stirling system. The horizontally rotating azimuth table mounts the vertical frames on each side which hold the elevation trunnions for the dish and its integral engine/generator mount Azimuth-Altitude Dual Axis Tracker (AADAT)

An Azimuth – Altitude Dual Axis Tracker has its primary axis vertical to the ground. The secondary axis is

then typically normal to the primary axis.

Field layouts must consider shading to avoid unnecessary energy losses and to optimize land utilization.

Also optimization for dense packing is limited due to the nature of the shading over the course of a year.

This mount is used as a large telescope mount owing to its structure and dimensions. One axis is a

vertical pivot shaft or horizontal ring mount, that allows the device to be swung to a compass point. The

second axis is a horizontal elevation pivot mounted upon the azimuth platform. By using combinations of

the two axis, any location in the upward hemisphere may be pointed. Such systems may be operated

under computer control according to the expected solar orientation, or may use a tracking sensor to

control motor drives that orient the panels toward the sun. This type of mount is also used to orient

parabolic reflectors that mount a Sterling engine to produce electricity at the device.[8]

Tracker Type Selection

The selection of tracker type is dependent on many factors including installation size, electric rates,

government incentives, land constraints, latitude, and local weather.

Horizontal single axis trackers are typically used for large distributed generation projects and utility scale

projects. The combination of energy improvement and lower product cost and lower installation

complexity results in compelling economics in large deployments. In addition the strong afternoon

performance is particularly desirable for large grid-tied photovoltaic systems so that production will match

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the peak demand time. Horizontal single axis trackers also add a substantial amount of productivity during

the spring and summer seasons when the sun is high in the sky. The inherent robustness of their

supporting structure and the simplicity of the mechanism also result in high reliability which keeps

maintenance costs low. Since the panels are horizontal, they can be compactly placed on the axle tube

without danger of self-shading and are also readily accessible for cleaning.

A vertical axis trackers pivots only about a vertical axle, with the panels either vertical, at a fixed,

adjustable, or tracked elevation angle. Such trackers with fixed or (seasonably) adjustable angles are

suitable for high latitudes, where the apparent solar path is not especially high, but which leads to long

days in summer, with the sun travelling through a long arc.

Dual axis trackers are typically used in smaller residential installations and locations with very high

government Feed In Tariffs.

Gemini House rotates in its entirety and the solar panels rotate independently, allowing control of the natural heating from the sun. The inventor stands in the middle of the group

Rotating building

This cylindrical house in Austria (latitude above 45 degrees north) rotates in its entirety to track the sun,

with vertical panels mounted on one side of the building. This is a unique example of a vertical axis


Multi-mirror concentrating PV

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Energy Innovations test units

This device uses multiple mirrors in a horizontal plane to reflect sunlight upward to a high temperature

photovoltaic or other system requiring concentrated solar power. Structural problems and expense are

greatly reduced since the mirrors are not significantly exposed to wind loads. Through the employment of

a patented mechanism, only two drive systems are required for each device. Because of the configuration

of the device it is especially suited for use on flat roofs and at lower latitudes. The units illustrated each

produce approximately 200 peak DC watts.

A multiple mirror reflective system combined with a central power tower is employed at the Sierra

SunTower, located in Lancaster, California. This generation plant operated by eSolar is scheduled to

begin operations on August 5, 2009. This system, which uses multiple heliostats in a north-south

alignment, uses pre-fabricated parts and construction as a way of decreasing startup and operating costs.

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The SOLAR TRACKER 2 CIRCUIT KIT (Catalog #ST2) from MTM Scientific contains all the electrical parts you need to build a circuit which will automatically find and follow the sun across the sky. This tracker circuit finds the sun at dawn, follows the sun during the day, and resets for the next day. This kit is perfect for driving a single axis solar tracker with a 12 VDC gear motor that you provide. The kit includes 2 photocells, an IC comparator, resistors, diodes, 2 limit switches, 2 relays, terminal connectors and a 16 page booklet. A printed circuit board is also included with the kit, which makes it easy to assemble and test the circuit quickly. The tracker circuit is powered by the same 12 VDC that drives your motor. Single axis solar tracking is great for projects such as solar optical concentrators, solar ovens, fresnel lenses, and solar electric photovoltaic panels. The instructions explain how the circuit works, how single axis sun tracking works and how to select a DC gearhead motor. This kit is perfect for the person that wants a quick start on building a single axis solar tracker.

NEW FEATURES of ST2: This updated solar tracker design includes many new and useful features suggested by our customers during the last 3 years. This circuit has automatic reset to the East at sunset to capture first light the next morning. Another useful feature is the simplified wiring connections, which are all made using screw type wire terminals. The circuit board has been redesigned to fit inside a standard outdoor junction box. In addition, the ST2 allows using a motor power supply other than 12 VDC, for example a 24 VDC linear actuator. Please note that this is a kit which requires assembly and soldering. You  must provide a 12 VDC power supply, wire, mechanical parts and DC motor (or actuator) for your single axis sun tracking project to be complete.

Solar Tracker Circuit Specifications: 3 Amp Max Motor Current, 12 VDC Supply

Please note: This circuit kit is for controlling a 12 VDC electric motor that you provide. To track the sun you will also need to build the mechanical drive for having your motor move your project. The instruction booklet gives some examples. A dual axis tracker can be built by using 2 kits.


The single axis tracking system offers a simple solution and is more commonly used. As the name implies, a single axis tracking system is a system that only moves over one axis, horizontal or vertical. The horizontal type is generally used in tropical regions where direct sunlight is strong but duration of daylight is short. The vertical type is typically used in regions with high latitudes where direct sunlight is less strong but duration of daylight is long.

Technical overview: 1. Mounting system may be tilted up to 100 2. Azimuth tracking range of -110 to +110 (East to West) 3. Tracking accuracy up to 0.2 4. Flexibility of size of solar panels to be installed 5. Material choice aluminium or galvanised steel 6. External coating water-resistance and anti-corrosion 7. Robust to withstand wind load of up to 150km/h 8. Simple and hassle-free installation for cost efficiency 9. Extensive warranty period of 5 to 15 years

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Dual Access Tracker


Technical overview: Mounting system may be tilted up to 80 Azimuth tracking range of -110 to +110 (East to West) Tracking accuracy up to 0.5 Flexibility of size of solar panels to be installed Material choice aluminium or galvanised steel External coating water-resistance and anti-corrosion Robust to withstand wind load of up to 150km/h Simple and hassle-free installation for cost efficiency



Ray Tracker from SiemenS

The RayTracker single-axis tracker system positions the solar panels facing toward sun to produce

maximum energy through the day. It features distributed actuation with a low-voltage DC actuator and 80

foot building-block unit. Distributed actuation permits for more energy and power. This eliminates

mechanical connections between the rows. The 80 foot building-block of the solar tracking system is

fitting for installing kilowatts and megawatts in tens and hundreds, respectively.

The RayTracker GC single-axis tracker system increases its energy production through Shade Avoidance

Technology, which removes the tracker-to-tracker shading. Its tracking function is controlled by a

microprocessor controller that utilizes accurate astronomical algorithm and GPS time reference to make

the panels face the sun automatically. Each actuator’s position is monitored by the controller. One

controller is capable of servicing 12 RayTracker GC units. The RayTracker GC is a PV racking system

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that is complete with pre-drilled panel mounts, hardware and module-specific. Its building-block unit is

capable of housing 24 to 32 PV modules to generate power from 5.5kWp to 7kWp. This tracking system

has a length of 79.7ft and height of 6ft, and weighs 1800lbs.

Simplicity and EleganceThe sun's heat moves liquid from side to side, allowing gravity to turn the Track Rack™ and follow the sun – no motors, no gears and no controls to fail.

UniversalSix standard UTR and UTR-F Track Racks™ fit all common photovoltaic modules.

Easy to TransportThe Universal Track Rack™ is "knocked down" and packaged in one to four (depending on the size of the rack) easy-to-handle boxes that fit conveniently into a pickup truck.



Incorporating over three decades of tracker design and fabrication experience, the UTRF Series Tracker is the most popular design for large arrays. It features sturdy welded-steel construction,

pre-assembled bolt-together components, sealed-axle ball bearings, heavy-duty shock

absorbers, and early morning wake-up fin to catch the first sunlight of the day.

Our UTRK-040 and our UTR-020 are perfect for small PV systems and pumps.

Simplicity and Elegance

Gravity turns the tracker, using the heat from the sun to move liquid from one side to the other side,

to reliably track the sun’s path from east to west. No motors, no gears and no controls to fail.


Six standard UTR and UTR-F will fit all common photovoltaic modules.

Easy to Transport

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Global Market Leaders :

WattSun TrackersUSA, New Mexico

Trackers can be used for any solar tracker application . These trackers for water pumping, remote homes, or village and industrial power. These tracker control systems are not limited to Wattsun PV Trackers.

Traxle TrackersCzech Republic

The main load-bearing part of Traxle is an aluminum or stainless steel pipe, oriented slantwise on the north/south axis. Arms with photovoltaic panels are attached to the pipe.


Designed and manufactured in Australia, the SolaTraka is a reliable tracking system made for Australia conditions, that dramatically increases solar panel output by as much as 30%.

Solon MoverGermany

The Solon Mover is the largest industrially manufactured solar tracking system world-wide. Mover power stations enable us to supply entire cities with solar energy and thus, for the first time, to make solar energy available in a new dimension.

ZomeworksUSA, New Mexico

Zomeworks has been a leading developer and manufacturer of passive energy products since 1969. This Company ‘s innovative product lines include temperature regulating enclosures, photovoltaic mounting structures, and architectural sun control devices.

Dobon's TechnologySpain

Dobon's Technology is a research, development and innovation company, specialized in renewable energy and Electro- mechanical Applications. Tetra-Track: Two-axis sun tracking system.


Tracking systems for large projects.


Tracking systems for 100- 2100 Watt nominal power, rapid assembly system for transport savings.


Main products are trackers for flat panels and concentration PV.


Universal sensory solar tracker controllers - ultra high tracking accuracy, great electrical capabilities, ultra high reliability, long expected life time, watertight...

Spain solar trackers have been subjected to the toughest resistance and energy efficiency

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Indian Vendors :

ENERGY CONSERVATION SYSTEMS is one of the leading windfarm monitoring agency with ISO 9001 : 2008 certified Services of performance analysis services in Porbandar & Kutch (Gujarat)India, which is working on behalf of Windmills' Owners as a consulting agency having experienced professionals from technical and commercial disciplines and engaged in promotion of Renewable Energy Projects with mission for showing right way to maintaining their investment on right way, fact guide lines and information with concepts clear vision. Our services are very well accepted in the market and the Clienteles of reputed windmills suppliers like M/s. Suzlon Energy Limited, M/s. Enercon (I) Ltd. & M/s. Vestas Limited & so on. Presently the Company has around 25...

Business type: Energy management Advisory Services & Windfarms Monitoring Agency Product types: energy efficient appliances, wind energy system components (small), energy efficient

homes and buildings, solar tracking systems, wind energy systems (small), waste to energy systems, SMALL WINDTURBINES INSTALLATIONS AND MAINTENANCE - 300W TO 2KW.

Service types: consulting, installation, engineering, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, testing services

Address: 706, Shree Chambers, Opp. M. E. M. School, Porbandar, Gujarat India 360575 Telephone: 0286 2242635 FAX: 0286 2251635 Web Site: E-mail: Send Email to Energy Conservation Systems

Nordic (India) Solutions Pvt. LtdNordic India provides sales representation in India to leading manufacturers of cables, electromechanical components, and power electronics addressing renewable energy, telecom and industrial applications. Nordic India provides project development, consulting and performance assessment services for renewable energy projects that include wind and solar energy.

Business type: importer, distributor Product types: wind energy system components (small), slip rings, solar panels, solar tracking systems,

ultracapacitors, microinverters, fuel cell system components, battery cables, control and data cables. Service types: consulting, design, engineering, project development services, financial services Address: Block 1 Unit 4, SIDCO Electronic Complex, Chennai, Tamil Nadu India 600032 Telephone: +91 44 4353 4090 Web Site: E-mail: Send Email to Nordic (India) Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Aquarius International

Business type: Marketing and Service agents for Solar PV Industry in India Product types: Entire Range of Photovoltaic Test Equipment - Sun Simulators, Cell Testers, Solar Cell &

Module Laminating Equipment, Production Equipment, Silicon Wafer Production Equipment, Laser Scribing and cutting machines, EVA/Tedlar Films, PV Glass, semi conductor and solar grade wafers , and project module line consultancy..

Service types: PV module testing equipment Address: Unit 16, Chirag House Plot 44/7, Sector 18, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Bombay, Maharashtra India

400705 Telephone: +91-22-27672454 FAX: +91-22-7672434

Automation Solutions

Business type: Manufacturers/Wholesellers/Representatives

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Product types: Manufacturers & Exporters Micro motors, FHP motors, Geared motors, AC Motors (till 50HP), DC Motors (till 200HP), DC Drives (till 200HP), HT Motors,Alternators, Series wound motors, Sepex motors, Low voltage motors Battery operated,Universal motorsAC/DC, PMDC motors, Slipring motors, Synchronous motors, Repulsion motors, Control Panels, Chopper controllers, inverters, Solar inverters, Solar power conditioning units, Dynamometers, Eddy dynamometers, Tacho generators, Speedometers, DC Generators,Educational Trainers, Educational Kits, Complete product line for Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical. Starters, Rotor resistance starters, Resistive/Inductive/Capacitive Load banks, Power supply trainers, PLC Trainers, AC Drives Trainers, DC Drive Trainers, DC Machine Trainers & Motor generator sets..

Address: Ramnath Yadav Lane, Hariyali Village, Tagore Nagar, Vikhroli (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra India 400083

Telephone: 022-25741008/25748340/25749351 FAX: 022-28195203


Business type: manufacturer Product types: hydro energy system components (small), solar tracking systems. Address: 24 / A, Shivam Society, Chhani Jakat Naka,, Vadodara, Gujarat India 390 002 Telephone: + 91 - 265 - 772089

Daksha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Business type: manufacturer Product types: photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment, photovoltaic cell testing equipment,

photovoltaic systems, solar tracking systems. Service types: research services Address: 104, Dimple Arcade, Thakur Complex, Kandivili -east, Mumbai, Maharashtra India 400101 Telephone: 91 22 6692 5927 FAX: 91 22 28543870


Business type: manufacturer Product types: solar cooking systems, photovoltaic systems, solar electric power systems, solar water

pumping systems, solar tracking systems, solar charge controllers. Address: P.B. No.44, 4 Thakorbhai Ind. Est., Abrama (E), Valsad, Gujarat India 396001 Telephone: +91-2632-227783, 243799

Envirodyne Energy System

Business type: manufacturer Product types: hybrid power systems, solar traffic lighting systems, photovoltaic modules, solar tracking

systems, photovoltaic systems. Service types: engineering Address: Unit 62, Sanjay Mittal Industrial. Est. 1, , Mumbai, Maharashtra India 400 059 Telephone: +91-22-28504945 FAX: +91-22-28504945

ERENA Technologies(India)

Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter Product types: solar air heating systems, solar cooking systems, solar water heating systems, solar

tracking systems, hydro energy system components (large), biomass energy systems. Service types: installation, engineering, project development services, maintenance and repair services Address: No.52,Dodanna Industrial Estate,Near Peenya 2nd stage,, Bangalore-560091, Karnataka India

5600 Telephone: +91-80-3488053 FAX: +91-80-3488053

Page 19: Brief Note on Solar Tracking Systems

Essential Equipment

Business type: manufacturer Product types: New innovative solar concentrator (Patent pending)for medium temp. application for air or

thermic fluid (Temp. up to 300 degree centigrade). solar water heating systems, solar cooking systems, solar air heating systems, solar pool heating systems, solar tracking systems, solar electric power systems, Solar Industrial Heating application like steam generation, heating thermic fluid etc. Scheffler solar concentrators..

Address: Rahul Kulkarni, Bhide Baag, Deopur, Dhule, Maharashtra India 424002 Telephone: 0091-9822187693


Business type: Technology, Training and Consultancy Product types: We are pioneer in Embedded System Design in India. We provide customized embedded

system design to our customers. We also provide Training and consultancy in the field of Embedded System Design. .

Service types: consulting, design, project development services, education and training services, research services

Address: 46/1st Floor, Kadamba Complex, Gamma-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh India 201308 Telephone: 0120-4298000


Business type: manufacturer, exporter Product types: photovoltaic systems, solar electric power systems, solar garden lights, solar charge

controllers, sun concentrating photovoltaic systems, solar tracking systems, solar Lantrern, Solar Homelighting system, Solar Street Light, Solar Generator, Solar Surya Power ;.

Address: 1st Floor,Luv-Kush Complex,NR.Parikh Dharmsala, Borsad,, Dist-Anand, Gujarat INDIA 388540 Telephone: +91 2696 223533; 221889 FAX: - +91 2696 223875

Sharada Inventions

Business type: manufacturer Product types: Solar Air Heating Systems, Solar Tracking Systems, Dc to Ac Pure Sine Wave Power

Inverters,Energy Saver Ballast, Wind PV Hybrid Power Systems, LED Lighting, Solar Cooking Systems, Solr Air Conditioning Systems; Solar Automatic Road Traffic Signalling Systems; Solar Water Heaters, Solar Steam Generation & Cooking Systems.

Service types: Design, Manufacture, Installation and AMC, Energy Audit, Carbon Trading Consultancy Address: 94/1, M.I.D.C., Satpur, , Nashik 422007, Maharashtra India 422007 Telephone: +91 253 2352444; 2353844; 2355444 FAX: +91 253 2355044

Shukla Sunlight Systems

Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier Product types: solar tracking systems, natural daylighting, solar water heating components. Address: Kamla Nehru Nagar, Jabalpur, M.P. India 482 002 Telephone: 0761 24OO685

Sunwind Devices Pvt. Ltd.

Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter Product types: solar charge controllers, solar electric power systems, solar outdoor/indoor lighting systems,

solar water heating systems, solar tracking systems, telecommunications power systems, Timer, Solar Power Plant, Wind Energy, Gasifire etc. .

Service types: consulting, design, installation Address: 3/411, Vishal Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India 226010 Telephone: 05222300600, 9415009666

Page 20: Brief Note on Solar Tracking Systems

FAX: 05222300600

Tovya Automation Pvt Ltd

Business type: manufacturer, exporter, importer Product types: solar tracking systems, solar outdoor lighting systems, meters and measuring equipment,

Transformer monitoring soultions, . Address: No:4, Gulmohar enclave, Kundanahalli gate, Marthalli post, Bangalore, Karnataka India 560041 Telephone: 0091-80-41254620 FAX: 0091-80-26657212