brick masonry by shahidul islam shumon

Brick Masonry Defination : Brick masonry is a unified mass obtained by systematic arrangement of laying bricks and bonding together with mortar. Brick is a building unit of hard inorganic clay material of size which can be conveniently handled . Brick masonry means brick work using brick, mortar etc. This is a handicraft which has long history. Brick Bricks are obtained by moulding clay in rectangular blocks of uniform size and then by drying and burning these blocks. Mortar Mortar is a mixture of cement, sand and water . Mortars provide a level and full bearing surface for masonry units, and thereby carry the units’ irregular surfaces on a cushion of high strength material. Size of a brick The size of brick is variable. The standard brick, adopted by several associations of builders and makers, is 9.5" X 4.5" X 2.75" for common brick, and 8 3/8' X 4 1/8" X 2 1/4" for face brick. Bricklaying Bricklaying is the technique or practice of laying bricks.

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brick masonry


Page 1: Brick Masonry by shahidul islam shumon

Brick Masonry

Defination : Brick masonry is a unified mass obtained by systematic arrangement of laying bricks and bonding together with mortar. Brick is a building unit of hard inorganic clay material of size which can be conveniently handled . Brick masonry means brick work using brick, mortar etc. This is a handicraft which has long history.

BrickBricks are obtained by moulding clay in rectangular blocks of uniform

size and then by drying and burning these blocks.


Mortar is a mixture of cement, sand and water . Mortars provide a level and full bearing surface for masonry units, and thereby carry the units’ irregular surfaces on a cushion of high strength material.

Size of a brick

The size of brick is variable. The standard brick, adopted by several associations of builders and makers, is 9.5" X 4.5" X 2.75" for common brick, and 8 3/8' X 4 1/8" X 2 1/4" for face brick.


Bricklaying is the technique or practice of laying bricks.

Page 2: Brick Masonry by shahidul islam shumon

Bricklaying tools Hammer Trowel(local name kurni)

Plumb rule Pins

Rupsha (local name ) Thai and patta(local name)

Page 3: Brick Masonry by shahidul islam shumon

BondBonding is a process of arranging bricks and mortars to tie them together in a mass of brickwork . The bond is the method by which masonry "units" -- or bricks -- are interlocked or joined and the adhesion of mortar to the bricks.

Types of Brick Bonding (i) Stretcher bond . (ii) Basket weave bond. (iii) Header bond . (iv) English bond . (v) Flemish bond . (vi) Herringbone bond .

Page 4: Brick Masonry by shahidul islam shumon

(i) Stretcher bond

A stretcher is the longer face of the brick . In this type of bond all the bricks are laid with their lengths in the direction of the wall . In stretcher bond masonry all the bricks are arranged in stretcher courses as shown in Figure. However care should be taken to break vertical joints. This type of construction is useful for the construction half brick thick partition wall.

(ii) Basket weave bond Basket weave is a purely decorativeBond . It is used in floor and wall Panels . The thickness is half-brick

Page 5: Brick Masonry by shahidul islam shumon

(iii) Header bond

A header is the shorter face of the brick . In this type of bond all the bricks are laid with their ends towards the face of the wall. This arrangement is suitable for one Brick wall of curved wall and footings for better load distribution.

(iv) English bond

Walls built in English bond are very strong because no straight joints occur in any part of the wall. In this type of bond alternate course of headers and stretchers are laid. The joins between the stretchers are centred on the headers in the row below. All the stretchers are centred above the stretchers below, and all the headers are centred on the headers below.

Page 6: Brick Masonry by shahidul islam shumon

(v) Flemish bond

In this type of bond each course comprises of alternate header and stretcher . Alternatecourses start with stretcher and header. Every header is centrally supported on thestretcher below it.Flemish bonds may be further classified as(a) Double Flemish Bond(b) Single Flemish Bond.

(vi) Herringbone bond

A brickwork bond in which the exposed brickwork is bonded to the heart of the wall by concealed courses of bricks laiddiagonally to the faces of the wall in a herringbone pattern. , with the end ofeach brick butting against the side of theadjoining brick; a form of raking bond.

Page 7: Brick Masonry by shahidul islam shumon

Some experiments done over brick Water absortion without water sinking brick in waterDry brick--------3.162 kg Watered brick------3.323 kg

Water absorbtion =[ (3.323-3.162) /3.162] * 100% = 5% So it can be said that it is a good brick.Effect of sizeThe standard brick, adopted by several associations of builders and makers, is 9.5" X 4.5" X 2.75" for common brick wheareas the tested brick was 9.8" X 4.5" X 2.5"