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World War 1 Museum World War 1 Museum

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World War I Virtual Museum


Page 1: Brett Pozolinski

World War 1


World War 1 Museum

Page 3: Brett Pozolinski
Page 4: Brett Pozolinski

The Growth of Imperialism

• European nations wanted to compete for colonies.• “ Bigger means Better.”• Areas that caused conflict where Russia because of their size,

Bosnia, Alsace and Corrine.

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MilitarismIn World War 1 and in pretty much every war countries will use Militarism to build up there army and prepare for war.

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NationalismIt this war there where many nationalistic people that supported their country and there were also many that didn’t understand why we where fighting.

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AlliancesIn World War 1 there where four main alliances, they were Great Britain, France, Russia and the U.S.

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Central PowersTo go against the four alliances there are 3 main alliances in World War 1, they are Germany, Austria-Hungry and the Ottoman Empire.

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RATS!!!In the trenches there where many problems, one of the problems was there was TONS of rats and they would steal food and feed on dead bodies!

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Trench WarfareTrenches where used in many ways such as to protect themselves . The two enemies would be around a 100 yards away and set u zig zagging trenches so that artillery strikes where harder to hit them. Also in the middle of the two trenches was a place called the “no mans land” which no body went there because they would have to cross 100 open stretch dodging bullets.

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Trench LifeWhen a solider lived in the trenches, it was a hard life. A life of being wet all the time, rats all over, the stench of dead bodies. Also it was hard because they would be in them for months at a time.

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Sinking of the LusitaniaThe German sunk the Lusitania killing 1,198 passengers and out of that 1,198 people that died 128 were Americans. They sunk it because they believed there are ammunition aboard. After that P. Wilson demanded money and an apologies to the Americans who died.

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Unrestricted Sub WarfareThe Germans in used subs to destroy many ships. Finally they signed the Sussex Pledge which stated they would not sink merchant ships, but still the Germans went on to destroy ships.

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Zimmerman NoteThe Germans sent a telegraph to Mexico telling them to attack the US and if they won the War they would grant Mexico some of Americas land like the South-West.

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General PershingGeneral Pershing led the U.S troops in World War 1. At this time the Germans controlled Belgium, Italy and Northern France. Also now Russia is dropping out of the war.

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Argonne ForestIn 1918 the U.S had 1 million troops in the war. We also cut off German rail lines which supply were not getting to the Germans. When we attacked Argonne Forest in took us 47 days and 1.2 million men to cut their supplies.

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World War 1 Ends!In November the Allies captured the high grounds in Germany. On the 11th hour, 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 the war ended!

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New Nations were createdAfter World War 1 many new nations were created such as Finland, Latria, Lithuania and Estonia. There were also many others.

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Germans take full responsibility The Germans were to take full responsibility for the war. They had to pay 33 billion dollars to the allies, but could only pay 4.5 billion. Also they took away many of Germanys colonies.

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League of Nations Created The League of Nations was created to stop future wars.