breeze april 2006 - california yacht club · 2/breeze april 2018 most club members know that i am...

APRIL 2018 Opening Day

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Page 1: Breeze APril 2006 - California Yacht Club · 2/BREEZE APRIL 2018 Most Club members know that I am an old-school navigation geek. Paper charts, parallel rules, dividers, tables, chronometers,

APRIL 2018

Opening Day

Page 2: Breeze APril 2006 - California Yacht Club · 2/BREEZE APRIL 2018 Most Club members know that I am an old-school navigation geek. Paper charts, parallel rules, dividers, tables, chronometers,


Most Club members know that I am anold-school navigation geek. Papercharts, parallel rules, dividers, tables,

chronometers, the works. As a young man Iwas privileged to have had the opportunity tolearn celestial navigation from some of thebest teachers in the country, and in the 1970s Iput that knowledge to use as navigator aboardvarious freighters. I used it aboard yachts aswell back in the ’70s and ’80s, and continuetoday to practice the art in spite of having allsorts of modern electronic navigation tools,simply because I think it’s good for the soulto know that, without any of it, and with onlyvery basic equipment, you can find your wayanywhere on the Blue Marble.

By the time you read this, you will haveheard about an event at the Club that wasconceived by Junior Commodore Ryan Janov. He wanted to holda Nautical Fair, primarily aimed at our juniors (although notexclusively a junior event it turned out, as plenty of adults werethere). His idea was to have a couple of exhibits andpresentations made by experienced members about nauticalsubjects of interest, and follow that with pizza and a fun game ofSailing Jeopardy.

He convinced S/C Tom O’Conor to demonstrate some of hismarlinspike wizardry, and Doug McClean to talk aboutprofessional sailing. I had heard from some parents involvedwith the planning of the event that he was going to ask me to talkabout celestial navigation, but I didn’t hold my breath on that, asI was pretty sure no kids in this age of a GPS in everysmartphone would be even the least bit interested. As most ofyou know, getting me to talk about celestial navigation is nothard, but truthfully, it’s difficult for me to find an audience thesedays … when the subject comes up in the bar, members havebeen known to scatter, and I have ended up stuck with more thanmy share of bar tabs because of this.

And then it happened! In his best Eddie Haskell voice, Ryanasked me if I would consider speaking to the juniors at his event,about celestial navigation. “Golly gee, Mr. Blecher, it would bereally great if you could tell the juniors all about celestialnavigation, because, you know, they really love that stuff, andyou know so much about it, and it’s so very interesting.” You getthe idea.

I agreed, even though I figured, at best, I would be talking toanother nautically inclined geeky parent or two, and that wouldbe about it.

Well you could have knocked me over with a feather, or asextant, or whatever. Not only were they hands-on with splicingand with racing knowledge, but they were actually interested. Ikid you knot (see what I did there?). I was again impressed byhow great these kids are. (Parents: If your Opti sailor says theCommodore told him it was okay to sail his pram to Hawaii andyou should pack him lunch because it’s a long trip, honestly, itwas just a silly joke, and I didn’t mean it.) This whole event wasa great success, and I applaud Ryan and his bridge for puttingtogether a first-class affair. And Mom and Dad, too—Heatherand Jeff Janov, well done!

They say “any fool can steer a ship, it’sknowing where to go that’s the trick.” It’skind of fun knowing that you can find yourposition anywhere on the earth without the 24special billion-dollar satellites.

Most everyone knows that in the late1600s, when celestial navigation was justbeginning to become a reliable tool to findone’s way on the globe, the British Navy feltthat having an accurate timepiece aboard shipswas essential to safe celestial navigation, andpromised a fortune to the first citizen whocould solve the problem of keeping propertime at sea. Much has been written about the“search for longitude,” which has everythingto do with knowing the precise time. JoshSlocum, the wise, highly experienced, crustyold sea captain who solo-circumnavigated for

the very first time in the late 1800s, wrote that he kept timewith nothing more than a rusty old alarm clock, which he toldus with his tongue planted firmly in his weather-beaten cheek,since knowledgeable celestial navigators – and he certainly wasone – know that having the precise time makes things easierand a bit more accurate, but is by no means necessary to findyour way in a slow-moving sailboat. But I digress.

What is still amazing is that navigation was done byobserving the sun, stars, and planets, even in 25-knot containerships—yes, even the giant supertankers—right on through themid-1990s.

I admit it—nowadays, I cheat. I wear a watch that gets theatomic clock time-tick, so Coordinated Universal Time is righton my wrist. This time is accurate to a much more precisedegree than a navigator would ever need. And, while I still useprinted tables because that keeps me in practice, I also have ahand-held computer that reduces sight information quickly andaccurately, with no chance of making silly arithmeticalmistakes.

And, if I get tired of all this, I can always look at myGPS/chartplotter, or even my cellphone (Arrgh!).

Interesting BoatsMy definition of a boat is “something that floats and also

has beer holders,” so this one may not actually qualify, but Istill find this device fascinating. Owned by John Hamilton, it isa paddle board made by Hosakiand is about 14 feet long andmore than three feet wide! It’sextremely stable. John told methe fellow that shapes thesebeauties has advertising photosof him sitting on top, on afolding beach chair. There is nobow or stern—the board can bepaddled forward or backward.John says that if balance isn’tyour thing, and you don’t likeunexpected dunkings, this boardis for you.

From theCommodore

Commodore Mike Blecher

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EVENTS From the Commodore 2 Opening Day 16 CYC Burgee Travels 20 Photo Contest Winner 21 Boat Christening 21 Sweethearts Dinner 22 Happy Hour Book Club 24 Book Mates 27 CYC Flashback 30 SAIL SCYA Midwinter Regatta 4 Sunset Series 2018 6 Team Match Racing 7 Women’s Winter Invitational 8 Cal Race Week 9 Winners Circle 9 JUNIORS Club 420 Midwinters 10 Race Team Results 11 Junior Rowing Season 13 Optimist Spring Regatta Harken Challenge #1 14

CYCWA Signs of Spring 19 Paddle Tennis 25 On the Horizon 26 MEMBERSHIP New Members 28 From the Manager 30

CALENDAR April/May Events 31

Breeze (USPS #016-319) is published monthly by CaliforniaYacht Club, Inc., d.b.a. CaliforniaYacht Club, 4469 Admiralty Way,Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Subscription price of $12 annually isincluded in member dues.Periodicals postage paid at Venice,CA, and at additional mailing office.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: BreezeCalifornia Yacht Club4469 Admiralty WayMarina del Rey, CA 90292Copyright © 2018California Yacht Club, Inc.All Rights Reserved

California Yacht Club4469 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292310-823-4567Fax:

Volume 54 • Number 4General Manager

Michele UnderwoodEditor-in-Chief

Paula CameronManaging Editor

Vince MatteraEditorial Assistants

Steve EdwardsNancy KruithofChristina Tarantola

CommodoreMike Blecher

Vice CommodoreDebbie Feinerman

Rear CommodoreStephanie Weston

Fleet CaptainTim Clarke

Port CaptainMonica Antola

The Breeze is published to providemembers with announcements of,and information about, Clubactivities. Deadline for articles is thefirst day of the month preceding thepublication date.Contact Breeze Editor Paula Cameronat [email protected] forinformation on submitting articles.

To place an ad, please contact Julia Tomich at 310-823-4567 x2765 or [email protected]

Optimist Spring Regatta HarkenChallenge #1

Epicurean Dinner

Opening Day

FRONT COVER Opening Day, March 10, was a rainy day, but the ships were dressed,the day was festive, and the treasure was all around us.

Photos by Fleet Captain Tim Clarke and CYC membersBACK COVER Patrick Mulcahy and skipper Ansgar Jordan (Coronado YC) placedsecond out of 75 boats at February’s C420 Midwinter Championship in Jensen Beach,Florida. Photo by Kevin Mulcahy


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linSCYA Midwinter Regatta


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Page 4: Breeze APril 2006 - California Yacht Club · 2/BREEZE APRIL 2018 Most Club members know that I am an old-school navigation geek. Paper charts, parallel rules, dividers, tables, chronometers,


The California Yacht Club racing seasonkicked off with the 89th annual SouthernCalifornia Yachting Association Midwinter

Regatta on February 10-11. Thirty-five intrepidskippers and crew participated this year, bringingthe competition to another level with the J/70, Star,and Martin 242 one design classes.

Saturday was overcast with light winds,leading to a two-hour delay before PRO Jr. S/CKellie Fennessy could get the two races of the dayunderway. The wind started from the south beforeeventually shifting right to a more westerly six-knot breeze with the sun peeking through theclouds. Sunday was completely different withsunny skies and consistent wind, giving the sailorsthree races to challenge their skills and endingwith some tight finishes in the classes.

The J/70s were a new class at CYC forMidwinters this year and they turned out in forcewith 14 boats. The racing was highly competitive,with a different skipper winning each of the fiveraces over the course of the regatta. In the end, JeffJanov (CYC) prevailed on Minor Threat.

The Martin 242 class was won by CYCPresident Steve Hathaway on Strange Crew, withstrategic decisions that kept the rest of the fleet atbay. Steve Moses on Wombat came in a closesecond with third place going to Duncan Cameronon Dean. The Martin class had a solid turnout outwith 11 boats, all from CYC.

In the Star class, two first-place finishes and asecond allowed Ben Mitchell and Patrick Powell(CYC) to finish first among 10 boats. As winnersof the Star class, they were also awarded the FrankBorzage Midwinter Perpetual Trophy, which wasfirst awarded in 1930 and goes to the winner of theStar class, which is the only one-design class thathas raced in every Midwinter Regatta.

The racers relaxed and unwound after eachday of racing back at the Club at the hospitalityparty. Trophies were presented by Jr. StaffCommodore and SCYA representative KellieFennessy and Commodore Mike Blecher.

The popularity of the SCYA MidwinterRegatta continues to increase, with a recordnumber of competitors traveling from as far asLake Pend Oreille YC (Idaho) and RoyalVancouver YC (British Columbia). We would liketo thank all the volunteers and the staff of CYCwho made this regatta a success. We appreciate allthe sailors who participated and wish everyone asuccessful year of racing.

SCYA Midwinter Regatta Opens the 2018 Racing Season



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Tight starts and tight competition defined the 14-boat J/70 fleet. Jeff Janov(Minor Threat, 490) won the class.

M242 class winner Steve Hathaway (Strange Crew) keeps an eye on thecompetition to leeward at the approach to the windward mark.

These six Martin 242s display subtle differences in point and trim as theybeat upwind.

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Skipper Ben Mitchell and his crew Patrick Powell (8082) zigged to port when the rest of the fleet zagged to starboard after thestart. They won the Star class and the Frank Borzage Midwinter Perpetual Trophy.

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By Series Co-chairs MIRIAM MOSES,


Excitement is in the air as CYC looksforward to the start of the 2018 SunsetSeries. Twenty weeks of racing are

scheduled from April to September, with noracing on Wednesday, July 4.

Your race committee has made two changesin consideration of the light-wind evenings wesometimes experience each season. The finishtime is now extended to 8:30 p.m. If light windnecessitates a shortened course, the CharlesHathaway will be anchored in the channel at theLifeguard station.

Racers planning to participate in this,CYC’s largest regatta, should mark theircalendars so as not to miss the upcomingseminars designed to provide informationregarding registration, scoring, finish time, andshortened course finishes. Class splits, whichhave been posted to the website, will beclarified. Class flags are available for purchaseat the CYC front desk for racers who may needa new one. PHRF racers should be sure theircertification is current.

The Cruising Seminar will be held onWednesday, April 4, and the Sunset SeriesSeminar is scheduled for Wednesday, April 11.Both events will take place at 7 p.m. in theFireside Room. These seminars are a greatopportunity to connect if you are a skipperlooking for crew or a crewperson looking for aride.

Should a dispute arise on the racecourse, aprotest committee will be standing by eachweek. Remember that all protest forms andscoring inquiries must be submitted to theprotest secretary stationed at the patio doors tothe Gallery Room. Racing results will be postedoutside the Gallery Room.

All racers and guests are invited to attendthe weekly patio party with DJ Scott. ChefChristian has created four wonderful menus thatwill rotate throughout each month. Of course,burgers are always on the menu.

If you’re not already set up to receive theweekly Sunset Series newsletter, email us at [email protected]. We look forward toseeing you on the water and at the Club in April!


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CYC skippers Liz Hjorth andMarilyn Cassedy were each invitedto bring a team to the California

Dreamin’ Match Race Series this spring.The first stop on the circuit was SanDiego Yacht Club in their fleet of J/22son January 27-28, where our teams racedagainst competitors from acrossCalifornia and the country. The winner ofthe series wins an invitation to the FickerCup at Long Beach Yacht Club in April2019, so tension was high as this eventgot under way.

The first day of racing saw light tomoderate breeze, building to be morelively in the afternoon. The teamssquared off to complete all but one flight

in the first of two planned round robins,leaving ties up and down the standings atthe end of the day. Each CYC team saw acouple of exciting pairings, including arace where Liz beat top-ranked women’smatch racer Nicole Breault and anotherwhere Marilyn bested San Diego nativeChris Nesbitt.

The second day started with typicalconditions for San Diego at the end ofJanuary: hot, dry, and still. The eightcompetitors made their way out to theracing area downtown, and settled in fora planned postponement. Over the courseof that postponement, the breeze startedto fill a few times, the course was moveda few times, and the racers did

everything to remain ready to start.Toward the end of the day, the coursewas moved to a new location off HarborIsland, and a sequence actually gotunderway, but the competitors didn’thave enough wind to enter the start areawithout breaking Rule 42 (propulsion),so the race was abandoned.

Liz and Marilyn are lookingforward to the next two stops in theseries, which take place at St. FrancisYacht Club on March 10-11 and LongBeach Yacht Club on April 7-8. Theyare both grateful for the support of theCompetition Fund and the ChallengeFund, and will keep you posted on theirresults in a later issue.

CYC Teams Match Raceon San Diego Bay


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San Diego Yacht Club hosted the first annual Women’sWinter Invitational on February 17-18. The idea for awinter invitational really came to be during the annual

October Linda Elias Memorial Women’s One Design Regatta,which is hosted by Long Beach YC in the Catalina 37s. “Welove the feel of that event,” says regatta chair Kirsten Zillman.“San Diego is the perfect venue for winter sailing, and boatsfrom Seattle and New York could not resist the draw of thewarm weather and sunshine.”

Seventeen teams from California, Washington, New York,and Texas raced in SDYC’s fleet of J/22s in flights of fourboats per race for a total of 40 races over two days. Raceswere in the La Playa basin, making both the boat exchangeand stadium viewing easy for racers and bystanders alike.Wind conditions ran the gamut of very light air to howlinggusts down the side of Point Loma.

CYC’s Allie Blecher assembled a team of four: AllieBlecher (skipper), new racing member Beka Schiff (main),Mary Stuyvesant (jib), and Sue Service (bow). Racing was

tight all weekend. Boats were scored on an average across allraces, with a tenth of a point separating the top three boats, andBlecher tied with Giselle Camet Nyenhuis (SDYC). The topfour boats on Sunday afternoon – Newport Harbor YC, SanDiego YC, St. Francis YC, and CYC – then raced in a singlechampionship flight of four races.

But it wasn’t over yet! At the end of the final four races,CYC’s Blecher tied with St. Francis’s Schmidt, resulting in awinner-take-all match race (with fleet rules). The docks andboats were lined with spectators to watch the final flight. Fromthe noise on the dock, there was also heavy participation in theopen bar. Blecher controlled the race before the start, forcingSchmidt well below the line and enabling CYC to win the startand hold the lead throughout the entire race.

Santa Monica Bay was well represented with teams fromDel Rey YC and King Harbor YC, which placed fifth. Blecherand team would like to thank the members and the CompetitionFund for supporting women’s racing and helping us to bringhome the win.

CYC Wins InauguralWomen’s Winter Invitational


Team CYC – Sue Service, Mary Stuyvesant, skipper Allie Blecher, and Beka Schiff – with their first-place trophies


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Drew Freides and hisPacific Yankee team havenow won the first tworegattas of the 2017-18Melges 20 Miami WinterSeries, and are on track torepeat as series champions.The Melges 20 RocksRegatta on March 16-18 isthe third and final regattain the series.

Jr. S/C Kellie Fennessypresents the Frank BorzageMidwinter Perpetual Trophyto crew Patrick Powell andskipper Ben Mitchell, winnersof the Star class at SCYAMidwinter Regatta. TheBorzage trophy was firstawarded in 1930 and goes tothe winner of the Star class,the only class that has racedevery Midwinter Regatta.

Star Zag Cup MastersFebruary 3-4, Coral Reef YC

3 Mark Reynolds (San Diego YC)/Hal Haenel

Melges 20 Miami Winter Series 2February 9-11, Coconut Grove Sailing Center16 boats

1 Drew Freides, Pacific Yankee

SCYA Midwinter RegattaFebruary 10-11, CYCJ/70: 14 boats

1 Jeff Janov, Minor ThreatMartin 242: 11 boats

1 Steve Hathaway, Strange Crew2 Steven Moses, Wombat3 Duncan Cameron, Dean

Star: 10 boats1 Ben Mitchell/Patrick Powell

Women’s Winter InvitationalFebruary 17-18, San Diego YC17 teams

1 CYC/Allie Blecher

Winners CircleBy PAULA CAMERON

© Sharon Green / Ultimate Sailing

Photo by Tawni Schutter

Cal Race Week Celebrates 20 Years


The weather is warming,the harbor is free of ice,and skippers are lining

up crew for what will be anaction-packed June weekend ofracing and celebrating. CalRace Week is turning 20, andyou won’t want to miss it.

On June 2 and 3, wewelcome one design keelboats and PHRF boats to participate intwo exciting days of racing on Santa Monica Bay courses. Thefun continues after racing for sailors and volunteers alike, withdinner and entertainment on Saturday, and refreshments and theawards ceremony on Sunday.

We’re delighted to welcome returning sponsors Mount GayRum and North Sails, and to extend a heartfelt greeting to thehundreds of racers expected to participate this year.

In addition to awards to the top finishers in each class, wewill present six perpetual trophies:• Junior Crew Trophy to the best scoring boat in each class with

at least one junior (<18) aboard;

• Martin 242 Pacific CoastChampionship Trophy;

• Jimmy Morris Trophy to thefirst-place Schock 35;

• Charles Tanner Trophy to thefirst-place boat in each PHRFclass;

• Fred F. Harris Trophy to thefirst-place boat in each onedesign class;

• Thomas K. Armstrong California Challenge Trophy to thewinning yacht club three-boat team

Registration is open, and discounted entry fees apply to allwho register and pay by May 13. Regular entry fees applythereafter until the May 30 entry deadline, when classes will beestablished. To register, and for more event information, visit theCal Race Week page at, or contactregatta chairs V/C Debbie Feinerman [email protected] or Nicole Harnett [email protected].

Mount Gay Rum and Cal RaceWeek, a winning combination

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Club 420 Midwinters in FloridaBy PATRICK MULCAHY

This February, my skipper, Ansgar Jordan(Coronado YC), and I traveled to Jensen Beach,Florida, for the Club 420 Midwinters, hosted by

the US Sailing Center of Martin County. Looking atthe registration, we knew that the two teams that beatus at Orange Bowl, as well as the team that won thisevent last year, would be there, so we would havegreat competition.

We both flew out on red-eye flights and drovefrom Fort Lauderdale to Jensen Beach. When wearrived at the club, we meticulously set up our charterboat with our own halyards, sheets, and control lines.After a short practice on the water we felt like we wereprepared for racing, only lacking some much-neededsleep.

As the first day of racing began we werepostponed on land for an hour, and then postponed onthe water for another hour. The breeze continued tobuild throughout the day to around 13 knots, as wewere hoping. We managed to sail a consistent day andended up in third, but one of our main competitors hadended up with two black flags.

As the second day began, the fleet was postponedfor another hour waiting for wind. When we beganracing, being cautious of black flags caused our startsto suffer, but we still managed to sail consistent raceswith only one race out of the top five. With the venuehaving such flat water and a solid sea-breeze, boatspeed was incredibly important with tactics playing asmaller role. When we got to shore we weredisappointed to find that we had dropped to fifth place,as the boats in the other fleet had sailed lower scores.

With the third day (and my 17th birthday)opening, we were moved into gold fleet racing wheregetting deep races was easier and more costly. Whenwe got to the club we found out that one of ourcompetitors, who had won Orange Bowl, had beenprotested and disqualified from a race the day before.We sat in fourth place, and the breeze was already up,ready for some good races.

We knew that we couldn’t afford tofocus on other boats, but needed to sail ourown day and leave the rest to fate. Westarted out with a disheartening 13th place,but knew that it was far from over. For therest of the day we put together a game planand stuck to it, allowing us to sailconservatively and end up in the top fiveevery race. The two boats directly ahead ofus sailed a few too many deep racesallowing us to move into second place.

Overall, we were both very happy withour performance, and to get second at sucha competitive event (on my birthday noless) was an amazing experience.


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Skipper Ansgar Jordan (Coronado YC) and crew Patrick Mulcahy placedsecond in the 75-boat C420 Midwinters.

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North U S.O.D.A. Youth Match RacingClinicFebruary 9-11, San Diego YCParticipants: Maia Dastur, Patrick Mulcahy,Bastien Rasse, and Wynslow Wilmot

SCYA Optimist Midwinter Regatta/SCYYRA Carrie #4February 10-11, Del Rey YCChamps: 52 boats; Coached by MannyResano and Bruno Mello

2 Katharine Doble8 Emily Doble12 Tessa Farrell14 Talia Hamlin19 Lucca Farrell23 Mika Sternberg25 Harry Bryan36 Tommy Kraak37 Graham Doble40 Matthew Commons49 Noah Corelli

Green fleet participants coached by RobertoAyala. Participants: Reed Knight, BoyerTooley, and Andy Uznis

XXIX International Vila dePalamós Optimist TrophyFebruary 14-18, Palamós,Spain551 boats. USODA team coach

157 Callie Davis

C420 MidwinterChampionshipFebruary 17-19, US SailingCenter of Martin County,Jensen Beach, Florida75 boats. Coached by CarstenJordan

2 Ansgar Jordan (CoronadoYC)/Patrick Mulcahy

Laser Midwinters EastFebruary 21-15, Clearwater YC94 boats

48 Bastien Rasse

Opti Spring Regatta Harken Challenge #1February 24-25, CYCChamps: 50 boats. Coached by MannyResano and Bruno Mello

2 Katharine Doble4 Jordan Janov6 Callie Davis8 Emily Doble10 Talia Hamlin17 Harry Bryan18 Tessa Farrell20 Mika Sternberg24 Carsten Zieger29 Lucca Farrell33 Oliver Ahern34 Matthew Commons46 Noah Corelli47 Graham Doble48 Tommy Kraak

Green fleet coached by Julia Rychlik.Participants: Reed Knight, Boyer Tooley, andAndy Uznis

Race Team ResultsBy GUILLAUME RASSE, Junior Program Director



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Oliver Ahern is bundled up for the chillyconditions at the Opti Spring Regatta.

Matthew Commons (20441)

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Although their training began back in September, the CYCjunior rowing team finally began their sprint racingseason with the President’s Day Regatta, February 10, in

Long Beach. This 1,400-meter regatta was hosted by the LongBeach Junior Crew and held on the waters of the Long BeachMarine Stadium. Ten teams competed with more than 200entries in all. Most of the teams were from Southern California,but a new club showed up from Lake Las Vegas. The CYCrowers posted outstanding results by winning 12 of their 21races and placing in the top three in 19 of their 21 races.

The team is training very hard for their upcoming regattas,hoping to peak for the USRowing Southwest YouthChampionships May 4-6, when they will attempt to qualify forthe USRowing Youth National Championships, to be held June8-10 on Lake Natoma, California.

The season is speeding by and, along the way, the CYCjuniors raced in a number of other regattas, including the Headof the Marina Regatta, the San Diego Fall Classic, and the Headof the CharlesRegatta in Boston,the largest regatta inthe world andamong the mostprestigious. CYCjuniors DomiBrattesani, ZachSteinfeld, SteveCox, BridgetO’Callahan, andSophie Hartparticipated, withCYC mastersMargie Cate, JanPalchikoff, WendyO’Brien, MattSchaffer, andSamantha Karasikalso competing.

The CYC junior rowing team is composed of 32 rowersbetween the novice and varsity teams. In addition to our 32competitive junior rowers, we have 10 junior rowers who takepart in our recreational program.

Summer is around the corner and is the best time to learn torow. CYC junior rowing is open to boys and girls ages 12-18and, as with junior sailing, CYC membership is not required.More information on learning to row and on the various juniorrowing programs is available on the CYC website.

CYC Junior Rowing Season Speeds AlongBy S/C CRAIG LEEDS, Junior Rowing Coach

Sophie Hart and Bridget O’Callahan with their medals from theOctober 2017 Head of the Charles Regatta

The team shows off their medals.The team and spectators don’t go hungry during regattas.

The team obviously before a workout(smiling and not sweating)

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February 23 and 24 marked the running ofthe Optimist Spring Regatta HarkenChallenge #1 at CYC, the first regatta in

the 2018 Harken Series, with three others tofollow at various California venues. This regattaalways has a good turnout of young sailors andthis year was no exception. We had 50 sailors inthe Champ Fleet and 18 sailors in the GreenFleet. The racers came from as far away as SanFrancisco, and all came ready to compete.

The weather was a bit chilly for usSouthern Californians, although I’m sure theSan Francisco sailors felt right at home. Ourwonderful PRO, Jr. S/C Kellie Fennessy, andher great race committee got off four races onSaturday in good wind. The last race onSaturday saw the wind strengthen and the swellsincrease, which made for some interestingtactics in the eight-foot Opti sailboats. Racersmade it back to the dock wet and tired, butready to enjoy the post-race dinner and warm-upby the fire.

Sunday was a bit tamer, and two races werecompleted before heading into the docks. Theweekend wrapped up with awards andappetizers. The first three finishers at eachChamp level were awarded cool dry bags. Theoverall winners and overall best girl (CYC'sKatharine Doble) were awarded S’well waterbottles. It seemed a fun time was had by all, andas always, a big thanks goes out to all the racecommittee, on-shore volunteers, and CYC staffwho help make events like this run smoothly!

Optimist Spring Regatta Harken Challenge #1By MICHELLE PARKER ONDREY, Regatta Chair

Regatta Chair Michelle Ondrey, first place Ryan Satterberg (Santa BarbaraYC), second place and first girl Katharine Doble (CYC), third place BlakeBehrens (Santa Barbara YC), and PRO Jr. S/C Kellie Fennessy

Lucca Farrell

Tessa Farrell (14308) and Jordan Janov (13043) challenge regatta winner Ryan Satterberg (20302, Santa Barbara YC).


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Your weekly e-newsletterContact Ray Campbell

[email protected]

Sunset SeriesNewsletter

[email protected]

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This year’s Opening Day had a slightlydifferent twist to it. With 100% chance ofrain forecasted, Commodore Mike Blecher

wisely chose to relocate our Opening Dayceremony and afternoon activities inside. As therain started at 9 a.m., it was certainly the rightchoice! So for the first time in 13 years, we wereinside the clubhouse as California Yacht Club wasofficially commissioned for the 2018 yachtingseason. Was it different? Yes, but it sure was fun!

Opening Day is always a special day: sprinklein some pirates, treasure, and a few glasses ofgrog, and voilá, you have a PARTY! It was a dayto remember as we sampled two of our biggesttreasures: our Club and our fellow members. Thepoor forecast didn’t stop our members fromdressing ship and, as the signal flags were hoisted,the gloomy ski brightened to give a wonderfulbackdrop to the ceremony. As members and guestsarrived, they were treated to the delightful musicof Bonne Musique Zydeco band, a friendlywelcome from the CYCWA hostesses, and,perhaps, a pirate encounter!

The ceremony started promptly at 11:30 Jr. Staff Commodore Kellie Fennessy asked theUnited States Marine Corp, 2nd Battalion, 23rdMarines, to present the colors. The El SegundoHigh School Choir gave a wonderful rendition ofour national anthem, which was followed byJunior Commodore Ryan Janov leading theaudience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The U.S.Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-24 then raisedthe national ensign.

Jr. S/C Fennessy reflected on her year at thehelm of CYC, it truly was A Magic Carpet Ride.She thanked all the members and staff for makingit such a memorable year for her and CommodoreLiaison Mike Priest. Fleet Captain Tim Clarkethen sounded eight bells in honor of Clubmembers who had passed away during 2017.

Commodore Blecher shared his plans for theyear and introduced his Bridge and Fleet Officers,the Junior Bridge, and other Club dignitaries. RearCommodore Stephanie Weston introduced CYC’sStaff Commodores who were present. CYCWAExecutive Officer Diane Howard introduced theWomen’s Association Officers, acknowledged herAppointed Board, and recognized those StaffExecutive Officers who were in attendance.

Vice Commodore Debbie Feinermanwelcomed local dignitaries and representativesfrom other yacht clubs and yachting associations.

Opening Day: The Treasure Is All Around UsBy Fleet Captain TIM CLARKE

(continues on page 18)

Commodore Mike Blecher, daughter, Allie, and wife, Barbie

Staff Commodore salute

Mike and Denise George were awarded the SCYA George and Kay FisherMemorial Trophy by SCYA Commodore Gary Green.

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Despite the rain, CYC is in commission for the 2018 season.

SCYA Peggy Slater MemorialAward recipient Allie Blecher

Russ Carrington, John Hamilton, and PaulaCameron didn’t let the weather dampen their spirits!

Commodore Blecher and Honorary SEOPatty Hathaway

Barbara Duker and Yumio Dornbergwith sons, Hunter and Brack Calvin

Hunter Gorog and Christopher Gale P/C Tim Clarke and Lara

Watch out for those pirates! John Nelson and Sue Service

Mike Priest received the YachtingService Award from the Yacht RacingUnion of Southern California.

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CYC’s first-ever female Commodore, S/CBetta Mortarotti, recognized CYC memberswho had received awards from the Club,ASMBYC, SCYA, and the YRUSC.

With almost all the formalities complete,the traditional question, “Is the harbor free ofice?” was asked by Commodore Blecher andwith the appropriate response from FleetCaptain Tim Clarke, Port Captain MonicaAntola gave the command for Flotilla 12-24to raise the CYC burgee. When the burgeereached the top of the flagpole, Master atArms Scott Jerema fired the cannon. With acannon report loud enough to be heard acrossthe entire marina, CYC was officiallycommissioned for the 2018 yachting season.

Following the ceremony, members andguests enjoyed a magnificent buffet luncheon.Bonne Musique Zydeco band filled the Clubwith its infectious sound while our piratefriends were back keeping us entertained aswe enjoyed the company of good friends.

Although we were somewhat confined tothe clubhouse in the afternoon, CommodoreBlecher’s theme, “The Treasure Is All AroundUs,” still rang true as friends and familieswere entertained by Rafael & Katia’s PirateMagic Show, sword fighting, face painting, aflip book booth, and, of course, two well-stocked bars! We were able to mingle withour fellow members and, for those willing tobrave the rain, there were a few open boatsdotted around the anchorage.

As the day came to a close, and with therain still falling, our members gathered insidethe dining room to observe our eveningcolors ceremony. With the L.A. Fifes andDrums playing, it was a wonderful note onwhich to finish.

A day with so many wonderful memoriesto treasure couldn’t have happened withoutthe help of many CYC volunteers. My thanksto CYCWA Jr. SEO Dawn Sprout, EO DianeHoward, CYCWA Hospitality Chair MarieHedlund, the CYCWA hostesses, Jen Eagenand the Family Activities Committee,Commodore Mike Blecher, Vice CommodoreDebbie Feinerman, Rear CommodoreStephanie Weston, Port Captain MonicaAntola, S/C Bill Watkins, and S/C BettaMortarotti. I would also like to recognize andthank General Manager Michele Underwood,Executive Chef Christian Monchâtre,Director of Catering Tiffani Velazquez,Catering Assistant Quin Miller, DockmasterEvan Davis, Nancy Kruithof, and all theCYC staff. The treasure is truly all around us!


(continued from page 16)

Audrey Gruft participated in the pirate magic show.

CYC Women’s Association Officers: Jr. SEO Dawn Sprout, Secretary ConnieWebster, First Officer Pam Spriggs, and Executive Officer Diane Howard

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Spring has sprung at CYC. Thirty-sixwomen gathered in the FiresideRoom on February 28 to create tall,

elegant floral arrangements under thetutelage of Kanani, CYC’s florist. At firstglance, the myriad of materials seemeddaunting, but under Kanani’s step-by-stepguidance, and assistance from her assistant,Colleen, each participant created her ownmasterpiece to take home, each slightlydifferent from the next. This was thesecond (possibly annual?) such workshop,and participants have already requestedanother class with a different type ofarrangement. Great fun was had by all,along with learning many hows and whysof flower arranging. Join us next time!

Signs of SpringBy CYCWA First Officer PAM SPRIGGS

Photos by FO Pam Spriggs

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Let us know where you andyour CYC burgee have been.Pack your burgee on your

travels and take a picture of it withyou and your fellow CYC members.Submit to the Breeze editor,[email protected].

CYC BurgeeTravels

Randy Sprout took this photo in February of Jr. SEO DawnSprout with the CYCWA burgee in front of the iconic SydneyOpera House. She accompanied Randy on a cruise where hewas teaching watercolor painting.

Jonathan and Laura Greenburg took the CYC burgee to theSuper Bowl in Minneapolis on February 4. Fly, Eagles, fly!

Adam and Sarah Faura slipped away for a couple ofdays to Isla Mujeres, a little island quieter and

slower-paced than Cancún, just off its north shore.The CYC burgee flies just outside their hotel room.

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Contest WinnerIcebound! In early January, Marylyn

Hoenemeyer took this frosty photo of theChatham, Massachusetts, fishing fleet winteringin Ryder’s Cove. Marylyn has won a bottle offine wine selected by General Manager MicheleUnderwood.

Submit your entry to: [email protected].


On February 24, Michael and Mitzie Parker’s newOceanis 41.1, ARK, was christened by theirnephew, Pastor Fraser Venter. This happy occasionwas celebrated with family and friends.


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Call Skip for free expert assistance310-821-9090

Showroom & Corporate Headquarters5436 Washington Blvd.

By appointment onlyEmail: [email protected]

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February’s annual EpicureanSweethearts Dinner, chaired byCommodore Mike Blecher and

Barbie, was a tempting feast for the senses.Commodore Blecher, in conjunction withChef Christian, chose foods, spices,textures, and libations that are perceived asaphrodisiacs, the theme of this year’sSweethearts Dinner.

Incoming Epicurean Sommelier HarlanGibbs introduced and explained the winesthat accompanied each course, as well asdistributed a handout for members andguests providing amplifying information forthe curious and oenophile alike.

At the opening reception, we enjoyedCrémant de Bourgogne Brut as complementto appetizers of shrimp cocktail withchipotle cream, vegan maki rolls, andsmoked salmon and caviar Napoleon. At theconclusion of the reception, CommodoreBlecher bid us to our seats for the feast tofollow.

Our senses were stirred by a tantalizingoyster trio of Kushi from Baja California ina ginger-lemongrass mignonette, MalpequeRockefeller from Long Island, andBeausoleil from New Brunswick, Canada,poached in French Echiré salted butter.Much to the delight of the Society,Commodore Blecher regaled us with hisnuggets of wisdom (and expertise?) on thehistorical background and effects ofaphrodisiacs on mind, body, and spirit. Abeautiful Domaine des Brosses Sancerrewas a perfect pairing for the oyster trio.Next on the carte was a bavarois ofartichoke and crab and a Domaine MoillardChablis.

Commodore Blecher continued toregale the Society with more snippets onaphrodisiacs as we cleansed our palettes fora refreshingly crisp and silky strawberrysorbet splashed with Godiva WhiteChocolate Liqueur - are we speakingaphrodisiac now or what?

Following the sorbet came a raisin-and foie gras-stuffed quail breastaccompanied by a confit of turnip, tempuragrapes, and a natural verjus sauce. BlueCellars California Petit Syrah Port was an

Aphrodisiacs and Temptation at the Sweethearts Dinner

By FREDERIC LANES, Epicurean Society Chair

Penelope Cornwall and RichardHyman

Commodore Mike Blecher toastseveryone, and Barbie, in particular.

Debra Luftman with her husband,Epicurean Sommelier Harlan Gibbs

Gloria Woehler celebrates 50 years as aCYC member, with Rob & Jaynee Eitel.

Chair Fred Lanes welcomed new member Hugh McIntyre (right), and reinstatedmembers Bob and SEO Norma Pratt.

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absolutely perfect foil for the quail, and adelight to Society members who are moreaccustomed to seeing port as an after-dinnerdigestif rather than a dinner pairing. Coffee-rub veal filet mignon with Kaluha-infusedsauce with asparagus risotto and paired withClos Margalaine Margaux completed themain courses of our feast.

While awaiting our dessert course oftiramisu, Commodore Mike (aka Eros)wrapped up his witty and informativeremarks on aphrodisiacs, and long-stemmedred roses were presented to the ladies whileChair Fred Lanes led the Society in arecitation of “A Red, Red Rose” by thebaird of Scotland, Robert Burns. TheSociety inducted one new member to theSociety, Hugh McIntyre, and reinstatedSEO Norma Pratt and Bob, all of whomwere given a warm welcome.

Many, many thanks to CommodoreBlecher and Barbie, Chef Christian, andHarlan for a memorable dinner. And kudosto Chef, General Manager MicheleUnderwood, Banquet Manager LuisEstrada, and new Food and BeverageDirector Steve Bell and staff for going theextra mile in preparing and serving a superbmeal with a kitchen under renovation.

I am looking forward with muchanticipation to our May event to joiningDinner Chair John Gosch and Laurie for“Sails and Spices: Portuguese Explorationsof the Flavors of the World.”

In closing, it is only fitting that I extendthe Society’s most heartfelt appreciation andgratitude to immediate past Sommelier DickHyman for his 10 years of dedicated serviceto the Society. Bravo!

From the Commodore, aka Eros, CYC’s God of Love and Lust

Each course of the meal featured twoor more known aphrodisiacs. There wereseven courses. As they say, do the math.

As far as we know, everyone got homeall right, although just in case, cold showerswere offered as the dinner ended. While weare sure most members enjoyed the rest oftheir evening, at some point more than fourhours after the event there was at least onemember who, rather than calling formedical attention, insisted instead on callinga press conference.

Ah, yes, my work here seems to becomplete. Glad to be of service to CYC.


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On Februrary 21, the newly renamed HappyHour Book Club (formerly Sunset BookClub) met to discuss the book, “Seduced by

Mrs. Robinson,” celebrating the 50th anniversary ofthe iconic movie “The Graduate.” While enjoyingsome great wine and cheese, we listened to a mix ofgreat Simon and Garfunkel music from the movie aswe settled in for the evening.

Moderated by Connie Webster, the discussionwent in several directions, especially the agedifferential – real life and on-screen – betweenDustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft. While less thanfour years apart, great makeup and photographyskills allowed him to play a 21-year-old and she a40-something. The movie poster’s famous leg shotwas not Bancroft but a body double. Who knew?

Funny that the movie was billed as a comedy, but had somereally sad characters. Interesting fact that Simon and Garfunkel

were commissioned to write music for themovie but the only original song was “Mrs.Robinson.” The other songs were appropriate,but not new.

There are lots of interesting facts about thecasting. Robert Redford didn’t get the part.Gene Hackman didn’t get a part. Many otherscould have been in but were not.

We then watched the movie – not a normalbook club format, but so fun! Memories cameout through the playing. Wow on the ’60s. Lotsof laughs! Fun discussion of whom we saw themovie with and of Mrs. Robinson, a cougarbefore the term was coined. Kind of fun to havethe movie tie into the book.

Our April 19 selection is “Red Notice,” byBill Browder, and the May 17 selection is “Outside the Wire,” byCYC member Patricia Smiley.

A Story of SeductionBy Co-chairs MIKE CUBBIN and LESLIE BENE


Book Club

is now

Happy Hour

Book Club



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OThe CYCWA Paddle TennisGroup sponsored its secondannual Welcome Day on March

1. This event introduces new players tothe group of enthusiastic veterans thatplay twice weekly. We were fortunate tohave CYC’s Paddle Tennis Pro, LeslieHoward, on hand to give basicinstruction to first-timers and to run liveball clinics with more experienced

players. If only we could have clonedLeslie so that everyone could haveparticipated in a clinic!

The day was extra special as wealso celebrated Trudy Kauffman’s 97thbirthday. Trudy rarely misses a day ofpaddle and her wicked net game keepseveryone on their toes. She’s a truetestament to the fact that playing paddlekeeps you young.

Our group meets every Tuesday andThursday from 10 a.m. until noon, witha no-host lunch following play onThursdays. Players of all levels arewelcome and we have paddles to lendwhile you’re learning. Just bring yourcourt shoes and join the fun! Contacts:S/C Cheryl Mahaffey ([email protected]) or Marylyn Hoenemeyer([email protected]).

CYCWA Paddle Tennis Welcome Day a Smash!


Photo by Roberto Donati

EO Diane Howard gets into the swing of things. New players Jill Jensen and Natalie Franklin work on their net game.

Birthday girl Trudy Kauffmancelebrates.

Christina Tarantola goes for the winningshot.

Michele Fisher, SEO Norma Pratt, Jen Eagen, andKaren Simon celebrate after a lively set.


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Art AficionadosSecond and fourthWednesday of themonth, 10 a.m. to 12:30p.m., Fireside Room.Chair is SEO NormaPratt.

Book Mates First Thursday of themonth, 11:45 a.m.,Fireside Room. Co-chairs are Virginia andIra Teller. Call the Clubfor reservation andlunch information.

Happy Hour BookClub Third Thursday ofthe month, 6:30 p.m.,Fireside Room.Co-chairs are LeslieBene and MichaelCubbin. Reserve at thefront desk.

Bridge Wednesdays, 10a.m. to 3 p.m., diningroom. Chair is JoanSilver.

Knit or Knot First andthird Sunday of themonth, 5 p.m., memberslounge. Chair is PeggyPowers.

Mah Jongg Thursdays,1 p.m., dining room.Chair is Susan Allan.

Paddle TennisTuesdays andThursdays, 10 a.m. tonoon. Co-chairs are Marilyn Hoenemeyerand S/C CherylMahaffey.

Book MatesThursday, May 3

11:45 a.m., Fireside Room“Before We Were Yours,” by

Lisa Wingate, is a work of historicalfiction that is based on a real-lifescandal in which the director of anadoption agency kidnapped and soldpoor children to wealthy families.SEO Norma Pratt will moderate.

Happy Hour Book ClubThursday, April 19

6:30 p.m, Fireside RoomNote that the Sunset Book Club

has a new name that is aligned withthe Club’s happy hour! Join us forwine, cheese, and discussion.

“Red Notice: A True Story ofHigh Finance, Murder, and OneMan’s Fight for Justice,” by BillBrowder, is aptly titled. It is a non-fiction thriller about an Americanfinancier grappling with corruptionand human rights violations whileworking in Russia. Bill Browder’stale is especially relevant in this eraof heightened interest in theKremlin. Robert Hammesfahr willmoderate.

May 11 Excursion: Tournament House Tour

Join CYCWA on Friday, May11, for a special day in Pasadena, aprivate tour of Tournament House

(the Wrigley Mansion), the beautiful rose garden, andlunch at The Valley Hunt Club, the private club thatoriginated the Tournament of Roses. During lunch, apast president of the Tournament of Roses will explainjust how the Tournament goes about organizing theannual New Year’s Day events. Reservations arerequired. Check the ad below for details.


CYCWA give a warm welcome to guests and dignitaries on Opening Day: (standing) Jr. SEODawn Sprout, EO Diane Howard, Hospitality Chair Marie Hedlund, (seated) Staff ExecutiveOfficers Sharon Stewart, Karen Stirling, Donna Petersen, Mary Jane McClintock, and Norma

Page 27: Breeze APril 2006 - California Yacht Club · 2/BREEZE APRIL 2018 Most Club members know that I am an old-school navigation geek. Paper charts, parallel rules, dividers, tables, chronometers,

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jennifer Egan’s “ManhattanBeach” presents a time, a place, and a large cast ofstruggling, defiant, and conflicted characters

who face obstacles that involved and moved theBook Mates readers at our March 1 luncheondiscussion.

Moderator Marjorie Drubner began byproviding background on the author, her time-shifting framework, the novel’s World War IIsetting, and the key characters around which thestory revolves. Despite the fact that the heroine,Anna Kerrigan, defies the Naval tradition andmale domination by becoming the first femalewar-time diver, Marjorie’s research proved this tobe totally in the imagination of the author. Analmost unanimous consensus felt that it wouldhave been impossible for Anna to wear and walk in the 200-pound diving suit of the time.

A discussion followed over the real reasons the father,Eddie, “deserted” his family. The character of the gangster,

Dexter Styles, seemed incomplete and all wishedthe author had fleshed him out more dramatically.Many members were annoyed that Anna sleptwith Dexter. Everyone enjoyed the novel, butmost felt it was over-hyped and contained toomany themes.

Our May 3 selection is “Before We WereYours,” by Lisa Wingate. SEO Norma Pratt willmoderate.

Our June 7 selection is “The Great Alone,”by Kristin Hannah, author of “The Nightingale.”Sue Moore will moderate.

We meet on the first Thursday of everymonth, 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m., for lunch and a

stimulating discussion. Luncheon: $14.95++ Reservationsstrongly recommended.

Emotional Excitement Rises to the Surface in"Manhattan Beach"

By VIRGINIA and IRA TELLER, Book Mates Co-chairs


Many members wereannoyed that Anna slept with Dexter.

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Iam writing this column from theClub Managers of AmericanConference in San Francisco.

I’ve spent the last few days listeningto excellent conference speakers,attending educational classes,participating in a one-day yacht clubsymposium, and enjoying a specialreception for Platinum Clubmanagers. I’ve learned how to makeour pool safer, learned how to planfor disasters, and learned about newfood and beverage trends, among

other subjects. I even got a great idea for the cocktail contestplanned for the firstpool patio cocktailparty coming inJune. I am excitedto bring some freshideas back to CYC.

Sallie Wolcottjoined themanagement teamlast month as ournew Director ofMembershipMarketing andSales. Sallieoriginally hailsfrom Minnesota,and made it to LosAngeles via Naples,Florida, andChicago. She hasexperience in both advertising and marketing, both running herown firm and working for private clubs. Please stop by the

Membership Office and introduceyourself.

We’ve got some greatactivities planned for this month.King Harbor YC will be thedestination for the first day-cruisethis year. If you don’t have a boat,drive down and enjoy the day withyour fellow members. The PowerFleet is hosting the first dockparty of the season on April 28.Don’t forget that you need not bea powerboater to attend eventsorganized by the Power Fleet.

Make a reservation for ourannual 1040 Dinner on April 12.

Chef Christian has some home-style specials that will take thebite out of paying taxes. The wine tasting on April 26 willfeature the wines of Sicily. Food and Beverage Director SteveBell has selected wines from that region that are sure to surpriseyou and, of course, Chef Christian will add his own flair withSicilian cuisine.

Heading off to St. Francis YC for a big finale night andnetworking event. Yacht clubs do have the best hospitality.

See you ‘round the Club.


CYC Flashback!

Staff Commodore Betta Mortarotti, CYC’s first femalecommodore, takes us back to Opening Day 1989, hercommodore year. While technically this flashback photo is

not of a water-based activity from the past, we think we canmake an exception for Opening Day. Especially one where thecommodore exits the ceremony on an elephant.

Sallie Wolcott, Director ofMembership Marketingand Sales

Submit your flashback photo of a CYC member sailing,cruising, fishing, rowing, surfing, water skiing, canoeing,kayaking, as a junior sailor, or at the beach, to [email protected] for a chance at the glory.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

MAY 2018

APRIL 2018





Seafood BuffetBrunch

Jr. Learn to Sail

Mixed Doubles Paddle Tennis

Club closed

Women’s Paddle Tennis


CALIFORNIA YACHT CLUB4469 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 • 310-823-4567 • Fax: 310-822-3658

Always check for the most current event information.



Easter SundayBrunch & EggHuntKnit or Knot

Mixed Doubles Paddle Tennis

Club closed


Mxd. DoublesPaddle TennisJr. Learn to SailAdult Learn toSail #1Passover EndsPickleball

Club closed


11 12

Match Racing

Seafood Buffet

Club closed


Match Racing

Seafood Buffet

Mxd. DoublesPaddle TennisJr. Learn to SailAdult Learn toSail #2Malibu Day CruisePickleball

Club closed


Club closed

Women’s Paddle Tennis

Junior RowingAward Banquet

CYCWA TourEvent

Seafood Buffet

Club closed


Club closed


Women’s Paddle TennisCYCWA Board Mtg.Jr. Comm. Mtg.Sail Comm. Mtg.Mah JonggFlot 42 Bus. Mtg.


Match Racing

Seafood Buffet


Women’s Paddle TennisBook MatesFleet Council Mtg.Mah Jongg

10 11


Bridge Club

Sunset Series

Mixed DoublesPaddle Tennis

Club closed

Epicurean Dinner

Women’s Paddle Tennis


Club closed

Women’s Paddle Tennis

Bridge Club

Sunset SeriesSeminar-Cruising

Mixed DoublesPaddle Tennis

Club closed

Women’s Paddle Tennis

BrunchJr. Learn to SailHarris SpringRegattaYoga ClassMixed Doubles Paddle Tennis

Mxd. DoublesPaddle TennisJr. Learn to SailAdult Learn to SailKing HarborCruisePickleballMxd. DoublesPaddle TennisJr. Learn to SailAdult Learn to SailYP Dock PartyPickleballMxd. DoublesPaddle TennisJr. Learn to SailAdult Learn toSail #1PF Dinner DancePickleball

Women’s Paddle TennisFamily ActivitiesComm. Mtg.Sunset Book Club

Mah Jongg

Women’s Paddle TennisBook MatesFleet Council Mtg.Mah Jongg

Bridge Club

Sunset SeriesBegins

Mixed DoublesPaddle Tennis

Bridge Club

Sunset SeriesArt AficionadosMixed DoublesPaddle Tennis

25 Women’s Paddle TennisBridge Mtg. New Member Mtg.Yachting LunchMah JonggYP Happy HourWine Tasting


Mxd. DoublesPaddle TennisJr. Learn to SailAdult Learn toSail #2


Bridge ClubArt AficionadosSunset Series

Mixed DoublesPaddle Tennis

BrunchJr. Learn to SailYP Yoga &MimosasKnit or KnotMixed Doubles Paddle Tennis

Bridge ClubArt AficionadosSunset SeriesSeminar

Mixed DoublesPaddle Tennis

Club closed

Women’s Paddle Tennis

Women’s Paddle TennisCYCWA Board Mtg.Jr. Comm. Mtg.Sail Comm. Mtg.Mah Jongg1040 Dinner


Seafood Buffet


BrunchJr. Learn to SailMatch RacingClinicFAC High TeaMixed Doubles Paddle Tennis



19BrunchJr. Learn to SailKnit or KnotKing HarborCruiseMixed Doubles Paddle Tennis

APRIL HIGHLIGHTS1 Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt4 Sunset Series Seminar - Cruising 8 Harris Spring Regatta11 Sunset Series Seminar14 Adult Learn to Sail

15 King Harbor Cruise18 Sunset Series Begins22 Family Activities Committee High Tea26 Yachting Lunch28 Power Fleet Dinner Dance

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Patrick Mulcahy | C420 Midwinters