breathitt county news. (jackson, ky) 1907-12-13 [p ] ·...

hh I J r 1t < III 0 lET RICH QUICKi y P ti II i What lEas Ycha = ing to many people hero in the I > articlo taken from a Now York for t daily paper giving a simple preFu > J scription as formulated byanotedthe 1 < kauthority who claims reF 4 f almost any caso of backache or I nL 1 kidney or bladder derangement w- in t tho following simple prescrip tion if taken before the stage o li log < Bright s disease I r t Fluid Extract Dandelion oneilil Kargon doe ° 4 halt ounce I r Sarsaparilla i ono ounce Compound ki well in a F three ounces Shako teagpoonfu1i r 1 l Bedtime I i 1 1 A wellknown druggist hero at lv w home when asked regarding tlii- S < 0 prescription stated that the ingte- r t 10 clients are all harmless and can bo I a obtained at a smallcost from any Q 1k prescrlptlonlharmncy up staI titidon that while this prescription is of tip afilictioI JSto with splendid sults he s no reason why it would not be aT splendid remedy for kidney a urinary troubles and backache as it has peculiar action upon the kid f L mostI tno structure cleansing these Y important organs and helpin2lbemI t to sift and filter from the blo xJ 1 tho foul acids and waste matt i which cause sickness and suffering Those of cur readers who su her s a can make no mislake in giving i trialrn Bed blankets regular 31 2 5B r ii value ILost 1 i George Weaver is visiting Jackson Mr and Mrs G E Drushal visited the Leatherwood 4 1 school last Friday Lee Denton lastof Friday from his log job on Mcln I tosh fork Johnny Fox y passed u through Grantsvillo last Saturday Sol- omon ¬ Branchl his meat house W N Noble and D H Frigate are out buying furs k- Jonoa Solomon Combs visited friends t atNed Sunday Henry B No b19is preparing to go hunting x Ho has seven dogs and a good suP Arof UarcLL Jos 1t is selling mens suits Rt If iC06ti f Rousseau Ben Sailof Hazard is vi NSally time II IJyrddie 11 a husband and four children I remains were interred in the P- J soy Back graveyard Berry How ¬ i and is waiting with patience to ceive his mill and he says that tithat 16 A n < Eld J D Hunter visited the < SaturdaHo y officiate at a public installation i t AllJunor are invited to attend ner is building a fine bafnHIS ¬ risen Combs has a fine lot of po 1 > waitinfora i > Overcoats cheap at Jones st- orvjiV o A Ned Gf AA Mine I hussarDecember that Sam band Sam G rJgsb S to Ii are going to set up at the mouth 4f makhoe o et oHazard Jinjty a few days ngoWash i isM i Ia i caseD l 8icknessThe lovers of + ar good government in this vicinity are highly elated over the election lies 0 rof GOV WiJJson We hope the will11PA fat goat vhich1 dust quests 4 J i tg on for e IMI earthJydaV t w ff u and Grurda Green Brewer quit ojJgR J hunting and gone to c at c I I muskrats in order to give b > + dog a rest j IY11 Day and familY have t1 Mor Jio Affofiiiw wTwoTtlji V l 1 1 W 4- A r iVY J r tr Grigsby has uiiri sed a now hat for Tavlor Fu hatoh B Combs was hunting some hogs Friday Taylor The and Sam Grigsby were coallndnccidentally broke irwagon and 11 C and CJ paired same for them Higah fa llins is on the sick list and is t expected to recover Mrs ti Noble visited H S Wattsr thet business our exchange dealer Brad cacti tax has purchased a lets A vuws phone box Braddoc Neace and tern wife were guests of Edward PIt Sunday G V Noble nisit tqll Saturday Shoes very cheap at Jones store- s BOOTHE WOLFE COUNTY W T Bootho went to Campion I t on business Dorn to Alexanded a JIny King wont to Lexington Monday purchase a full stock of goods I eeMrs J D Carroll and Mrs visited Mrs W Bootho ThanksgivinfrMistf Etta Carroll who has been at Tor- rent for the past six months has returned home to spend the last month of 1907 with her paten 81 Miss Vilaria Boothe visited h erof eruncte P It Legg at Torrent Friday Miss Mary WbismanI who has been with her sister MrsI taCharl Jacksones home Saturday Mr and Mrs M C Whisman visited S Smith at Campton Tuesday LEE COUNTY Fincastlei- n We have waked from our long last We have not been ti saidP he ohad the salty voyage that the fort machine had to take The measels have about got out of neighborhood A B Alter has installed a nice pair of computing scales in his new store P R Hobbs is suffering from a pars ic stroke and his recovery is very doubtful Well what are we to do now Some five years ago several of our people Jcas d their leasedIL seems t has turned out the other way as the company has paid out sov hundred dollars rental to the less ¬ ors but Friday the oil and gas tholestt part now we have our land back as didyrd not hig gh year B buildingat new dwelling ondo ot town A sop Gibbs is raising coal for A B heAkers aud Frank Kincaid Nancy GaspCable Grover Stamper accidentally shot his his too off of the right foot las Saturday evening with a 32 Win ofcheerer rifle Dr Hobbs happen present and dressed ti UridS ire fencingD r FrankfoP rt Gg o r aI Logan Shackelfords saw mlllc1 new post office has been estab lisped between Fincastle and Tor ¬ rent by the name of Whisman and Boone King appointed post master 4r frfld NOLAND ESTILL COUNTY Charley Michaels wife died Dof comber 6 of consumption Her M remains were buried in the family njband JJ1fell theback moved to Madison county on tfl of MiJlard Winklors farm alter roif Artllinklor to of Huston Walton Satur nightLizzio Walton was guest of HuAi Wm G Winkler Sat ccsefuly l ouOatAz oft IIutop mIl t1JI iliti5 Um thcir James B Slid Toe hog from Mr Oldnrirli county that weighed J20 Y lQrrhich hepitiil 30 a c J I t iP Ii t UNJUST TAX PLAN Tax Commissioners if the States Agree Dentunelna Qtn ral Tax Syrtcm Llkt OurFill of Evils In Operation la dlacslaelne tax tjuftitloas In Kea lucky and etaowher frcqoeht refer U made to tits general prop rty r1114 la the kldd of system- keatuckykatt la forte It fa the iys that U la ore + la moat of the BrIef uniform ad iraloreA tax levied qlwsci of property alike regard tests tit th4 nature et the seeding ca ¬ or ef Ue tangible or Intangible character ot the property The taxing utb rltr 6a state for Itstaace will levy a tax of 60 coaU Thlc tax la to taU upon every kind of property alike Everything of value whether real tie tet money lu bank notes heed shares ot rock live stock turolturr tort of personal property or a ¬ of corporations U called prop ertf and tttust py this tax This theis the general property tax The general property tax la therbtoretha Qta ad valorem tax on propertytK all purjoseal hew As distinct from this system Is t system ofelu1UrlnCPTOperty rout ui tale revenues from one kind of prop arty county revenues from another and city revenues 1trooi haes ralsint of revenues by Various kinds The argument In the tax world today Is between these two system of raising the publlo rev once Is tho general Dlodsro pl t6 the l6ty of a uniform of Query Wad for tax on all property a 1 urpoaes II s piece of proyety loeted In the city lu taxed for one must be taxed for all H wv a propertyearning a per teat e- to to Its owner suet pay the came tax as property earning 20 per centIt It Is a kind that can bore omared alt Qlettnctloa 11 made oa nay acre whatever all property must pay the vetFame rateem nkDnd Iatheorylt Is fairness Itself Out ts Lperat bit la thl optnlon of th ties hevektrdled tho quoIUOn no h1Vh qtuc1tf only but In every scat o the Unlo hu not borne tint ntada for It The system heap abahdonedlu ellnlhanla Delaware New Jersey 1Ytcoa ln Oregon tad paritallr 1a anum per oI other states The rapid teo Cency of the states Is to get away frot It as Impossible and Impracti cable Nearly teary state that has xco18loB Dace decli4 Jut aAttithad i Itai public reYesuesi analmost fay ear blY lies reports of these eOsl1lI geeCral er th 4 we ave fa Kentucky as being absurd lmpoealblYof enforcement and uajust JA lie opeHtten CourtSo ted States lewta tkb way la desouac Ia thpprrtepa Its opinion In the c of the PatlBo Expres- sthecourtaald O vs 9elb art Tills tfcurt has repeatedly old the doctrine that diversity of toir1 s the cl of property selected ether ezelllptfro perfect wtilfortnjty and equality of tax atlqh in the peeper steer of tho terms kr11thal a system which I pox s th am upon every epee er ef ropeVty Irrespeetivs of Its nature or cendltiOtt or oleos will be deitruo edtlvltof the principle of uniformity ad JUltl 12clared thk a baucklng to the oebaeieace sad sub ve slve lo the public morelsa school Tarra has d e Bounced It a4 Imsestug uajust bup Clupulouslylio egret to getld of It commbuludap si Jnjg Injuence saysItpute 60o poaalty da iBtegrit 1 I In an aidresa to tho general asseea blyof Mfcrylasd llettird T Sly the grUtest et cr publicists ialfdo oaealfers tax oa all property an ektluslve dune of revenue wa sodsraeo and wprld Uoufth U has been tried yadr allthef toed emptoyed to make It work west Prof B A An ell late tax comrnls ahe rise opt fatlbd of the law bare bees itve away largemaaes of capital the alate it ib estimated that at thdt toClgtelaud Claclaititl j a Out Is Yew ir rlOY1lrbaTl1Badea atC r > rlayer hy rw Itecause ltkH lxa oleerfr b r wr ruAm t9t11 fkY or i k1Q Hat L < ulllTDll n tree a rte rs returne rneadayrfrom a trip to the Indian Territory and Oklahoma i- j 4- rit r P E tlrlla grayTb akklkPItbx T youYoucaa your a s dii aot t wtiwta 4eee of were you Black agora IM btee0 Meaervst Nhsick roae stps- skkMrr M Wa11 rise It a krY At a go Club I Outside the I 1ga Ian jLfl Mld a hen Mr rtCgtn a rOllce portcrNo no 1 hie not At Week r ltcaonn- t flj Inn InnenUuEdtmendrted tee the in dfeiUlydWla with I rru Infaed epMsad all I 1r I DrD a le MM ftfaar foeU 1 t rash Ialentlo sallyNo ksae ot rental IQ o Is the easen Jrat1 cutloaa Jtii utely It t certala depea sanctloll the t 1etltually fe4 Qurl recta In their ae for Instance yj8 anther beetle which lqttcu upap ants l e with your < hwi Wo Pats soprt of people to ueJltlte M they di Wiey love palm I they are tired Are you having 11nd ambition ifdneyt There a They need Jay who wonder why tfcke DeWitti across the hack wfiyJthey ere fur btar uldIng era so rellet without dell K Kidney A Bladder rm nuwu Improm by Jackson DrIll Od 3liDost by ddlng stickOedar ma hlle p wtilch re odeple t The MairMi7ti liner and atNumber three t airsfag ere ally for pee II err a vto find rep ile according tq n letJrf and as a Attar suffering rafioj today Thely kidney trouble n4 e f three bottles dlcourac btl1it + Ouarant eedtree UatItrledEleatrltihIleer and result I am a well may son Drug Co retbattle rellevell ludo 4 he gett InK piskldAey slrLon C i 4 inup sillly TbIlBoTl kmml Illustrata Alter tpon tnII l act arp dangero ft arfl sufftfril ms of kid ladder troubles IfT A wee k kldneya Delve okluP Dr IMriuN Kidney anllift qutcktelleftcall- my bladder ir ait harllchOo InCo Mis IetTCenstl Tbe great trouble ebo Lte bum pea forever maid ceudiary Bpeechee n 8urely he Uat a Oh BO 1 mtyn kenntdy aIt at B barlamakes It Pldladelpllla it sense a beiiTherersramethl ° treedIArretr it o + n tn pleasf n Aft Jey Ma J l J deed dated 1 ando tcQr ti t 11 AND WITHOUT NEW ORLEANS CIWIGE i I HMMMY1A I VHiWVMMMl MHMW QUEEN a CRESCENT ROUTE i ° Sale rie lit 1907 B Winter Tourist Tickets Good Ret raat1 Ma1111C108I rN Mlr IyL J = Ne Lone friends Indy CltlmanHowa your friend Back I yourelluUb to i youCYUmeu I telling me only loner coaxed a servant girl away trout Ck8ubbubsYes now No Great Hurry girls who adowoof y school superintendent All ro e but Simeon aorterj And doeant this to heavettt Nnot yltJudges IJbrary Awakentnf thDo ° tint Deletes excitedly Im lu lovo with me hlnGracious k I lOr Inquired the other He asked me today how much I was worthsPhiladelphia Press A Fortunate Tcxtui Mr E 1V Gowlloe of 107 8t Iou- S t Dallas Tex says In the p- 7esr I became acquainted wits King + New Life Pills and no ever before tried so effectually d 1 pose of malaria and biliousness They dunt grind nor gripe 26a Jackson Drug Co 1 Then roblblelIubftltllte for lron- bftnd e shall nlumlnluwi i Is the Vase c nldale hen taaap Uuadretle 0 me that of Iron and copper Jsck and Jill were both quite ill Now each Ia well and wlner For blues end headache bate to go- roan When llleJ take an Early Klser DoWUis Little Early Rlsr 1ills an Sold by Jackson DrttR Co Illusion cMt slDVerathT1rJ1any crow 4 The lever that turn the sun that t e outrankOut recognition at tbe b4nh1 Tii e ripple on the steaming were ° uy are diamond Tit a JoX none ot rheas alaa will IUO brokdent A Ho Fired tho SUck II have fired the walklagstlck carried over 40 years on account of a tore that realsled ejerr kind of treat meat until T tried Ducklens Arnica Salve that has healed Use sore and made me a happy man writes J Osrrettof North Dull + N 0 0 anteud tar Pllei Hums etoi br J sun Drug Co 25o EmployerYou wero late this m Henry HoyYon sir Employer Did you forget to mea lion It to mete Office BoyNo sitsDut I didnt plensuUhe DeWitts Oarbolued Witch iI scotdont forgot the name and no sub OetDeWltts Its good tor + Sold by Jaokion Drug Co i am a great believer in the value tea as a preventive of gout and as std lag In the elimination of uric acid It should be taken weak nUll quite fee made 1 also always Insist on avoidance of sweet fruits nod on tho use of green vegetables Londoa When ever you feel that your etc m ash lias gone a little wrong or wi you feel that It snot In good order I s evidenced by mean headaches nerv ousnens btd breath and Uelcht take something at tints and epecl nfter your meals until relief Is af offeredIt1J KOUI a preparation of natural dlgertanUeumbincd with thps beahhu Is guaranteed to glee relief It I+ ulesssnt to take it will make you feel fie by digesting what you eat Sold by Jackson Drug Please Mr Editor wrote a corre spandent of an Irish newspaper c toutel me how to prevent blcpdfnffat the noser To prevent bleeding at the replied the discriminating editor lee out of other peoples business Lofidon Teltgrapb ITHE NEN IIE ERNEDY3- n WINMI- t mll t yL bUiSUJlCrllltenden over valted upon She dotllQt wlUlt I Flour ST thloc that bee ltabl buy auytllll1lt an 8 declared per thilr fault with LERAILW9 WINTER TIME TAWLK I EFFECTIVE NOV 18 190 thNO Dail 0I AM rn oLv PElkataw CTallega St Helens Hcatty villo Junct 7 07 3 411 TorrentI 52 4 osI ndeeS 08 4 14 4it 26 35 DrLF Junct 9 00 5 07 tlNinchestor 912 5 20 9 55 6 05 r- a NO 2 NO 4 EAST BOUND Daily Da slof Ex Sun I PM AM fv Lexington 2 25 7 3G 310 8 13 26be 10S Filson 4 26 Dundee 437 934 Campton Junct 4 40 6 38 ITorrent 4 67 9 50 IieattyvillcJunct 5 18 10 1 St Helens 520 10 TaIlea 5 37 10 35 5 45 10 4aP isAr nktCONECTIONS L E JUNCTION TriUnsNos 1 and 3 will make connccUom with CO Ry for Mt Sterling CAMPTON JUNLTJON AU trains connect with Mountain C tall Railway for Pine Uidir ct Camnton v- Ive BEATTrVILLEJUNCTION Trains Nos 2 and 4 connect with LAKyfor passengers to and from Bcattyville 0 K JUNCTION Traina No Kentuu lokCHAS SCOTT G P A 1mO K RAILWAY EFFECTIVE NOV 10 WESTBOUND Daily hxJ iBT CUSS tp CtAtS A M r M 3a Frozen 11 31 3 33 42Wilhurst otHampton 11 51 4 12 05 4 30 Leo City 12 13 4 45 55he EAST BOUND Daily Ex 2o oiass IST CLASS A M r M 00PD 17M 745 1 Rose Fork 8 00 1 IHampton 8 24 1 44 8 37 1 VancJovo 8 47 1 Frozen 8 G6 2 OK Junction 9 25 225 Ar Jackson 9 30 2 30 Sunday passenger train teatw Cannel City at lOOp m returning leaves Jackson at 4 00 pv m M L OONLEV Oen Mtrh Mountain Central Depart Arrive 5 45 a m Campton 11 30 a m- In 145 pm Campton 600pm Arrive Dep aop m Make connection with all L ft E passenger trains nE en u LAXATIVE IkWcN I Scliemea of this class have againit 1i to along with the guUible come vcatorj causing serious lots to is inooeut business concerns as alwaYs the case of panics in Watt St White this last lesson is fresh n mind it is au opportune moment to r causes futurea Direct yyour attention that the Cla ms greatest of aU Newspapers From columns readily detect the trend of can one its lodging placear b y whom handled uses ma a and final resultsof A you oL and Securities Dan s StockS fixing Status of all nature every Ullitedj to seem the retailer Government facts and ree News Current Also the entire wqrld c data enable explicit to sufficieutly and aking people to avoi bnaga the of succes6 Its extra size and high pries it secret of its ability to discover print and serve its Paironsarils the newS and cater pcoPall 1iu every calking of lUer for the nnquirer The Weekly Its kicluClubbi r most of the day at slightly half the regular Subscdptloa rates pOtOttI1k the fact that the Do to excel in pros year 1908 promises put and that any Cincinnati reliableOhio of YOUI PRIHT1H6 It should ho a fit representative your business which moans high grade artistic kiud Thats the kind wo do CARDS ENVELOPES LETTER HEADS STATEMENTS BILL HEADS ETC and everything la the IAnything r gra e > riating Theres oalytHlEfk1 lJ f vrgvu dllcibgh JIeat it Ufiictory to the printer or the eox x nor The bOlt Is none to good for our trade 4 6 THE NEWS bertp believed in it Call at our office sad look over oar samples of letter headtlD velopi business stationery wed ding invitations and ladies calling cards Youll be pleased with the work and prices will suit THE NEWS Main St Over Posioffice W H Henderson Ajrei Street Opp Poet Ofiae LEXINOTO 1 KY s INg Feed OoraOloter Blot peace Orchard puts HUBllrly fIUD R A CHILDERS e WITii JOS 0 REED DRY GOODS CO 32PORTSMOUTH 0 r Solicits the trade of the mountain 1 begl f 30 DAYtf benotiuedb postal Say ° your orders for save you mogov feb l1yA I KILL TH COUCH IIAMB CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr Kings Now Discovtry rtFOR aseaL atw ae AD ALL THROAT ANI LUM TRMWLES GU RAMT > DATIg1A0TOl > 1 OR KOWZT Kparumoza Cgusi YNgt 0AR z ItWt11MN 1 wte- r SY h- x 1- r

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Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1907-12-13 [p ] · cable Nearly teary state that has ... the doctrine that diversity of s the




r 1t <




i WhatlEasYcha


ing to many people hero in theI > articlo taken from a Now York for

t daily paper giving a simple preFu>

J scription as formulated byanotedthe1 <kauthority who claimsreF4


almost any caso of backache orI

nL1 kidney or bladder derangement w-

int tho following simple prescrip

tion if taken before the stage oli log

< Bright s diseaseI r t Fluid Extract Dandelion oneilil

Kargon doe°4 halt ounce Ir Sarsaparillai ono ounce Compound

ki well in aF three ounces Shakoteagpoonfu1ir 1

l Bedtime

I i 1 1 A wellknown druggist hero at

lv w home when asked regarding tlii-S

< 0 prescription stated that the ingte-r


10 clients are all harmless and can bo I

a obtained at a smallcost from anyQ1k prescrlptlonlharmncy

upstaI titidon

that while this prescription is of tipafilictioI JStowith splendid sults he s

no reason why it would not be aTsplendid remedy for kidney a

urinary troubles and backache as ithas peculiar action upon the kid

fL mostItno structure cleansing theseY important organs and helpin2lbemI

t to sift and filter from the blo xJ

1 tho foul acids and waste matti which cause sickness and suffering

Those of cur readers who su hers a can make no mislake in giving i

trialrnBed blankets regular 31 25Br

ii value ILost1

i George Weaver is visiting

Jackson Mr and Mrs G E

Drushal visited the Leatherwood

4 1 school last Friday Lee DentonlastofFriday from his log job on MclnI tosh fork Johnny Fox y passed

u through Grantsvillo last SaturdaySol-


¬Branchl his

meat house W N Noble and

D H Frigate are out buying fursk-


Solomon Combs visited friendst atNed Sunday Henry B No

b19is preparing to go huntingx Ho has seven dogs and a good suP

ArofUarcLL Jos


is selling mens suits RtIfiC06ti f

RousseauBen Sailof Hazard is viNSallytime



a husband and four children Iremains were interred in the P-

J soy Back graveyard Berry How ¬

i and is waiting with patience toceive his mill and he says thattithat 16

A n <

Eld J D Hunter visited the

< SaturdaHoy

officiate at a public installationit AllJunorare invited to attend

ner is building a fine bafnHIS¬

risen Combs has a fine lot of po

1 > waitinforai > Overcoats cheap at Jones st-



Gf AA MineI hussarDecember

that Sam band Sam G rJgsbStoIi are going to set up at the mouth4f makhoe o

etoHazardJinjty a few days ngoWashi isMi Ia i caseD l 8icknessThe lovers of

+ar good government in this vicinityare highly elated over the election lies

0 rof GOV WiJJson We hope the

will11PAfat goat vhich1 dust quests

4 J i tg on for e IMI earthJydaV

tw ffu and GrurdaGreen Brewer quit ojJgR

J hunting and gone to cat c I I

muskrats in order to give

b > + dog a restj IY11 Day and familY have

t1 MorJio Affofiiiw wTwoTtlji

V l 1

1W 4-


r iVYJ


tr Grigsby has uiirised a now hat for Tavlor Fu

hatoh B Combs was hunting

some hogs Friday Taylor Theand Sam Grigsby werecoallndnccidentally broke

irwagon and 11 C and CJpaired same for them Higah fa

llins is on the sick list and is

t expected to recover Mrs ti

Noble visited H S Wattsrthetbusinessour exchange dealer Brad cacti

taxhas purchased a lets

A vuws

phone box Braddoc Neace and tern

wife were guests of Edward PItSunday G V Noblenisit tqll


Shoes very cheap at Jones store-


W T Bootho went to Campion It

on business Dorn to

Alexandeda JInyKing wont to Lexington Monday

purchase a full stock of goods I

eeMrs J D Carroll and Mrsvisited Mrs W

Bootho ThanksgivinfrMistfEtta Carroll who has been at Tor-

rent for the past six months has

returned home to spend the last

month of 1907 with her paten 81

Miss Vilaria Boothe visited heroferuncte P It Legg at Torrent

Friday Miss Mary WbismanIwho has been with her sister MrsI

taCharlJacksoneshome Saturday Mr and

Mrs M C Whisman visited S

Smith at Campton Tuesday



We have waked from our long

last We have not been

tisaidP heohadthe salty voyage that the

fort machine had to take The

measels have about got out of

neighborhood A B Alter has

installed a nice pair of computing

scales in his new store P R

Hobbs is suffering from a pars

ic stroke and his recovery is very

doubtful Well what are we to

do now Some five years ago

several of our people Jcas d their

leasedILseems thas turned out the other way asthe company has paid out sovhundred dollars rental to the less ¬

ors but Friday the oil and gastholesttpartnow we have our land back asdidyrd nothiggh

year B

buildingat new dwelling ondoot town A

sop Gibbs is raising coal for A BheAkers aud Frank Kincaid Nancy

GaspCableGrover Stamper accidentally shothis his too off of the right foot lasSaturday evening with a 32 Win

ofcheerer rifle Dr Hobbs happenpresent and dressed tiUridS irefencingD r

FrankfoP rtGgo raILogan Shackelfords saw mlllc1new post office has been estab

lisped between Fincastle and Tor ¬

rent by the name of Whisman andBoone King appointed post master



Charley Michaels wife died Dofcomber 6 of consumption Her Mremains were buried in the familynjbandJJ1fellthebackmoved to Madison county on tfl


MiJlard Winklors farm alter roif

Artllinklor toof Huston Walton Satur

nightLizzio Walton wasguest of

HuAiWmG Winkler Sat ccsefuly

l ouOatAz oft IIutopmIl t1JI iliti5 Um

thcir James B SlidToe

hog from Mr Oldnrirli

county that weighed J20

Y lQrrhich hepitiil 30




ItiP Ii



Tax Commissioners if the

States Agree

Dentunelna Qtn ral Tax Syrtcm

Llkt OurFill of EvilsIn Operation

la dlacslaelne tax tjuftitloas In Kea

lucky and etaowher frcqoeht referU made to tits general prop rty

r1114 la the kldd of system-

keatuckykatt la forte It fa the iysthat U la ore + la moat of the

BrIefuniform ad iraloreA tax leviedqlwsci of property alike regard

tests tit th4 nature et the seeding ca ¬

or ef Ue tangible or Intangible

character ot the property The taxing

utb rltr 6a state for Itstaace will

levy a tax of 60 coaU Thlc tax la to

taU upon every kind of property alikeEverything of value whether real tie

tet money lu bank notes heedshares ot rock live stockturolturrtort of personal property or a ¬

of corporations U called prop

ertf and tttust py this tax This theisthe general property tax The general

property tax la therbtorethaQta ad valorem tax onpropertytK all purjoseal hewAs distinct from this system Is tsystem ofelu1UrlnCPTOperty rout uitale revenues from one kind of prop

arty county revenues from anotherand city revenues1trooi haes

ralsint of revenues byVarious kinds The argument In

the tax world today Is between thesetwo system of raising the publlo revonce

Is tho generalDlodsropl t6 the l6ty of a uniformof Query Wad fortax on all property

a 1 urpoaes II s piece of proyety

loeted In the city lu taxed for onemust be taxed for all H

wv a propertyearning a per teat e-

to to Its owner suet pay the

came tax as property earning 20 per

centIt It Is a kind that can bore

omaredaltQlettnctloa 11 made oa nay acrewhatever all property must pay the

vetFame rateemnkDnd Iatheorylt Is fairness Itself Out

ts Lperat bit la thl optnlon of th ties

hevektrdled tho quoIUOn noh1Vh qtuc1tf only but In every scato

the Unlo hu not borne tintntada for It The system

heap abahdonedlu ellnlhanlaDelaware New Jersey

1Ytcoa ln Oregon tad paritallr 1a anumper oI other states The rapid teo

Cency of the states Is to get away

frot It as Impossible and Impracti

cable Nearly teary state that has

xco18loB Dace decli4JutaAttithad iItai public reYesuesi analmost fay

ear blY lies reports of these eOsl1lIgeeCral erth 4

we ave fa Kentucky as being absurdlmpoealblYof enforcement and uajustJA lie opeHtten

CourtSo tedStates lewta tkb way la desouac Iathpprrtepa Its opinion In the cof the PatlBo Expres-sthecourtaald

O vs 9elb art

Tills tfcurt has repeatedly oldthe doctrine that diversity oftoir1 s


cl of property selected etherezelllptfroperfect wtilfortnjty and equality of taxatlqh in the peeper steer of thoterms kr11thal a system which I

pox s th am upon every epee eref ropeVty Irrespeetivs of Its natureor cendltiOtt or oleos will be deitruo

edtlvltof the principle of uniformity adJUltl12claredthk abaucklng to the oebaeieace sad subve slve lo the public morelsa schoolTarra has d eBounced It a4 Imsestug uajust bup

Clupulouslylioegret to getld of It

commbuludap si

Jnjg Injuence

saysItpute 60o

poaalty da iBtegrit 1I

In an aidresa to tho general asseeablyof Mfcrylasd llettird T Sly

the grUtest et cr publicists ialfdooaealfers tax oa all property

an ektluslve dune of revenue wasodsraeo andwprld Uoufth U has been tried yadr

allthef toedemptoyed to make It work west

Prof B A An ell late tax comrnlsaherise opt fatlbd of the law bare beesitve away largemaaes of capital

the alate it ib estimated that at thdttoClgtelaudClaclaititl

j a Out IsYew ir rlOY1lrbaTl1Badea atCr >rlayer

hy rw

Itecause ltkH lxa oleerfr br wrruAm t9t11 fkY or i k1Q HatL <

ulllTDll n tree a rte

rs returnerneadayrfrom a trip to the Indian

Territory and Oklahoma






P E tlrllagrayTbakklkPItbxT youYoucaayour a s dii

aot twtiwta4eee of


Black agora

IM btee0MeaervstNhsickroae stps-

skkMrrMWa11 riseIt akrYAt a go




1ga IanjLfl Mld a hen

Mr rtCgtn a rOllceportcrNo no 1

hie not AtWeek r ltcaonn-

t flj Inn



dfeiUlydWla with

I rru Infaed epMsad all I 1rIDrDa le MM ftfaarfoeU1

t rash Ialentlo sallyNo

ksae ot rental IQo Is the easen

Jrat1 cutloaaJtii utelyIt t certala depea

sanctloll the t 1etltually fe4Qurl

recta In their aefor Instance yj8 antherbeetle which lqttcuupap ants l e with your< hwi Wo Pats soprt of people to

ueJltlte M they diWiey love palmI they are tired

Are you having 11nd ambitionifdneyt There a They needJay who wonder why tfcke DeWittiacross the hack wfiyJthey ere furbtar uldIngera sorellet without dell K

Kidney A Bladder rmnuwuImpromby Jackson DrIll Od

3liDostby ddlng stickOedarma

hlle pwtilch reodeple

t The MairMi7ti liner andatNumber three t airsfag ere ally

for pee II err a vto find repile according tq n letJrf and as aAttar suffering rafioj today Thely

kidney trouble n4 efthree bottlesdlcourac btl1it + Ouarant eedtreeUatItrledEleatrltihIleer andresult I am a well may son Drug Co

retbattle rellevell ludo 4

he gett InKpiskldAey slrLonC i 4inup sillly

TbIlBoTl kmmlIllustrata Alter tpon tnII lact

arp dangeroftarfl sufftfril ms of kidladder troubles IfT A wee k

kldneya Delve okluP DrIMriuN Kidney anllift

qutcktelleftcall-my bladder ir ait

harllchOo InCo

Mis IetTCenstlTbe great trouble

eboLte bumpea forever maid

ceudiary Bpeechee n8urely he Uat aOh BO 1 mtyn kenntdy aIt

at B barlamakes ItPldladelpllla it sense a


treedIArretr ito+


Aft Jey Ma J l Jdeed dated 1

ando tcQr tit






° Sale rie lit 1907B

Winter Tourist Tickets Good Retraat1 Ma1111C108I

rN MlrIyL J=

Ne Lone friends IndyCltlmanHowa your friend Back

IyourelluUb toiyouCYUmeu I

telling me only loner

coaxed a servant girl away trout


No Great Hurry girls whoadowoof y

school superintendent

All ro e but Simeon aorterjAnd doeant thisto heavetttNnot yltJudges IJbrary

AwakentnfthDo °

tint Deletes excitedly Imlu lovo with me

hlnGracious k I

lOr Inquired the otherHe asked me today how much I was

worthsPhiladelphia Press

A Fortunate TcxtuiMr E 1V Gowlloe of 107 8t Iou-

S t Dallas Tex says In the p-

7esr I became acquainted wits

King + New Life Pills and no

ever before tried so effectually d1

pose of malaria and biliousness

They dunt grind nor gripe 26a

Jackson Drug Co 1

ThenroblblelIubftltllte for lron- bftnde shallnlumlnluwi i

Is the Vase c

nldalehentaaap Uuadretle 0 me

that of Iron and copper

Jsck and Jill were both quite ill

Now each Ia well and wlner

For blues end headache bate to go-

roan When llleJ take an Early Klser

DoWUis Little Early Rlsr 1ills anSold by Jackson DrttR Co

IllusioncMt slDVerathT1rJ1any crow 4

The lever that turn the sun that te

outrankOutrecognition at tbe b4nh1Tii e ripple on the steaming were° uy are diamond Tit a JoX

none ot rheas alaa will IUObrokdent A

Ho Fired tho SUckII have fired the walklagstlck

carried over 40 years on account of a

tore that realsled ejerr kind of treatmeat until T tried Ducklens ArnicaSalve that has healed Use sore andmade me a happy man writes JOsrrettof North Dull + N 0 0anteud tar Pllei Hums etoi br Jsun Drug Co 25o

EmployerYou wero late this mHenry

HoyYon sirEmployer Did you forget to mea

lion It to meteOffice BoyNo sitsDut I didntplensuUheDeWitts Oarbolued Witch iI

scotdont forgot the name and no subOetDeWltts Its good tor

+ Sold by Jaokion Drug Co

i am a great believer in the valuetea as a preventive of gout and as stdlag In the elimination of uric acid Itshould be taken weak nUll quite fee

made 1 also always Insist onavoidance of sweet fruits nod on tho

use of green vegetables Londoa

When ever you feel that your etcmash lias gone a little wrong or wiyou feel that It snot In good orderI s evidenced by mean headaches nervousnens btd breath and Uelchttake something at tints and epecl

nfter your meals until relief Is afofferedIt1JKOUIa preparationof natural dlgertanUeumbincd withthpsbeahhuIs guaranteed toglee relief It I + ulesssnt to take itwill make you feel fie by digestingwhat you eat Sold by Jackson Drug

Please Mr Editor wrote a correspandent of an Irish newspaper ctoutel me how to prevent blcpdfnffatthe noser

To prevent bleeding at thereplied the discriminating editor lee

out of other peoples businessLofidon Teltgrapb








valted uponShe dotllQt wlUlt I

FlourST thloc that bee ltabl

buy auytllll1lt an8 declared perthilrfault with



thNODail0IAM rnoLvPElkatawCTallegaSt HelensHcatty villo Junct 7 07 3

411TorrentI52 4 osIndeeS 08 4 144it 2635

DrLF Junct 9 00 5 07

tlNinchestor 912 5 209 55 6 05


a NO 2 NO 4

EAST BOUND Daily DaslofEx Sun I


fv Lexington 2 25 7 3G

310 8 1326be10SFilson 4 26Dundee 437 934Campton Junct 4 40 6 38

ITorrent 4 67 9 50

IieattyvillcJunct 5 18 10 1

St Helens 520 10

TaIlea 5 37 10 355 45 10 4aPisArnktCONECTIONS

L E JUNCTION TriUnsNos1 and 3 will make connccUomwith CO Ry for Mt Sterling

CAMPTON JUNLTJON AUtrains connect with Mountain Ctall Railway for Pine Uidir ctCamnton v-

Ive BEATTrVILLEJUNCTIONTrains Nos 2 and 4 connect withLAKyfor passengers to andfrom Bcattyville




A M r M3aFrozen 11 31 3 33

42WilhurstotHampton 11 51 412 05 4 30

Leo City 12 13 4 4555heEAST BOUND Daily Ex2o oiass IST CLASS

A M r M00PD17M745 1Rose Fork 8 00 1

IHampton 8 24 1 448 37 1

VancJovo 8 47 1Frozen 8 G6 2OK Junction 9 25 225Ar Jackson 9 30 2 30

Sunday passenger train teatwCannel City at lOOp m returningleaves Jackson at 4 00 pv m


Mountain CentralDepart Arrive5 45 a m Campton 11 30 a m-

In 145 p m Campton 600pmArrive Depaop m

Make connection with all L ftE passenger trains




Scliemea of this class have againit1ito along with the guUiblecomevcatorj causing serious lots to

isinooeut business concerns as

alwaYs the case of panics in Watt St

White this last lesson is fresh

n mind it is au opportune momentto

rcausesfutureaDirect yyour attention that

the Cla ms

greatest of aU NewspapersFrom columns

readily detect the trend ofcanone

its lodging placear by

whom handled uses ma a and

final resultsofA you oLand SecuritiesDan s StockS

fixing Status of allnatureevery Ullitedjtoseem the retailerGovernment

facts and reeNewsCurrentAlso the entire wqrld

c data enableexplicit tosufficieutly andaking people to avoi bnaga

the of succes6

Its extra size and high pries itsecret of its ability to discover

print and serve its Paironsarils

the newS and caterpcoPall 1iu every calking of lUer

for thennquirerThe Weekly Its

kicluClubbi r

mostof the dayat slightly

half the regular Subscdptloa

ratespOtOttI1k the fact that the

Do to excel in prosyear 1908 promises

put and thatany Cincinnati



PRIHT1H6It should ho a fit representative

your business which moans

high grade artistic kiud Thats

the kind wo do





and everything la theIAnything rgra e >

riating Theres oalytHlEfk1lJf vrgvu dllcibgh JIeat itUfiictory to the printer or the eoxx nor The bOlt Is none to goodfor our trade 4 6

THE NEWSbertpbelieved in itCall at our office sad look over

oar samples of letter headtlDvelopi business stationery wedding invitations and ladies callingcards Youll be pleased with thework and prices will suit

THE NEWSMain St Over Posioffice

W H HendersonAjrei Street Opp Poet Ofiae


OoraOloterBlot peace Orchard puts HUBllrlyfIUDR A CHILDERSe




Solicits the trade of the mountain 1begl f

30 DAYtfbenotiuedb postal

Say ° your orders forsave you mogov feb l1yA



WITH Dr KingsNow Discovtry


GU RAMT > DATIg1A0TOl > 1OR KOWZT Kparumoza

Cgusi YNgt

0AR z

ItWt11MN 1




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