breathing apparatus on board ship

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Breathing Apparatus on board ship


  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    SIGMA 2ompressed Air Breathing ApparatusUser Instructions Manual

    Part No 1035017 Issue 02 2002


  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    22 FEB 1999 3:43 HYGRRPHA GMBH

    User InstructionsManualPart Flo 084 228 W

    rt No 1035017Contents


    ,, .. .TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ........A


  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    WARNINGSPlease Read grefully and kllly Undmtandthis manual is for use by personnel Mined In a e w s and are of compress airbreathing appslatus. and MUST NOT be u s ds self-teaching muids by unmlnsduse=. Failure to undsmbnd oradher2 to th e S lGW user ln&ructionsmay result inInjwy. or dmth.The tollowing warnings r in &cordmm m'th cer(ifying authodty raqulmrnenta andapply ta dre use of bmathlng wpamtus in geleIal:

    Bmathing appamus usersmusl belully mined in he useand =re of self.oonfalned. canpressed air bnnthing apparatus.Ensure that the seleclion of the apparane ype is SuRlcientforthe asks beingundmiaken and the-rds 11ke1ym beencountend. ~1ss.eeferto EgtionalRegulations or guidnee.Inorderm ensure theoptimm perfomanw and usaspfsty, theapparatue mU6tbe tested and serviced n aEcomIancewlth Seclion and the nomb In SncUonunder rainfng6 SanWng.The qualiy of air usedtosupply and charge bleathlng apparatusm u d meet herequ~me o zs ~ . s d o n ir ilaThe wearing ofbeards, sideburnsar spectacle. may advwsely a m he seallngor acemaskto he urnampsfaceA t he apparatus is not deslgmd for use undawater.A The harness must not beusedas a vahlcle seat restraint.

    DISCLAIMERFailure o follow them i nd~d ions rmisuseof the 8ppamtu6, m y esull n: death, injury ormaterial damsge, and invalidale me tmnuladurehwarranty, and any iMuranw dalms-- .m:s manua~musf nor be mpied in part or :n whole, w use tor purposes other tnsn i01intendedpurpom wilho~the writlen permissbnofSabreTlrhnicai Publications.

    SabreBreathingApparab 1 ) s s E- have taken great a r e o ensureha t me informethnin thi5 manualk awrab. mmpleteand dear. Hob Pver, SabreTmlnlng &Technical SUaUOnrr .Services w e aIaa l o d tilv anv LUMn the manuel and answersuesbbnsonSahn....breathing appa;aius.

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    1 INTRODUCTION1 1 BREA THABLE AI R Work environmenk witherremsof heatAir usad to supply or drarge brealhlng ormld.appa* may be natural orsyntbt ic Tha Phy6'wlMnessdthemeawr.mmposibbnof breathable air is given h Other fador6 hdu emuonal s W sTable 1. Th r e is an hcreased ire risk when and fatigue.the oxvaen mntent is above the value shown 1 3 SERVICING

    SIGMA 2must beserviced at regular,scheduled Intervals. Setvicars must completea fannal baining mu m, and hold a currentserlihte b r oervi inn and reoairho Sabre~~m u G a ; ; a 'mniained in the abresffi~iiiervicing Imbudions. Semoe manuals s nonly besuppllsd to mglnsrod hddels ofacurrent servidng cerwicate

    Tnln lng Tahnlcal Support SevicesSmn intnmatiia lL W o dPimbo Road, WBst P i b oSkelmeradale LancashiiWNB 9RATable 1 BresI3ableAir

    The purllylquallly dal r 1 4p Supply andchame b hirm a~~ara tu shouldbe tsstej Your Sabre distributor or abreTralnlnnparadically h a-iance wm nationalregulalians. Ifnot spsdfindUhsmkaoontam'nants shal. ot exceed the permissibleexp~sumevelNational regulebm mustbeobserved.The mineraldl mntent shall ba such that the

    Technicel Suppon ServicesFan p itrainme m u mdetails and quotes far se~lcemnlrsds. See above for mntad details.It is imortant that all wearers am aware oftheeiadors and take a-unt hem whenassessing cylinder du n.

    air iswithcut the odour of oil. The odwrthreshcld is n the regionof0.3 mg/m3. A PERSONNEL TRAININGThe watsr mntent shall not exceed 50 mg/ma Personnel who use sen-mntained,for 2 bar apparatus and 30 m /ml for 300 compressed air breathing apparatus must ebar a~ ~ a r a t~ 6 . fullv trained in accordance with thesein uaions and naUonal regulations.1.2 APPARATUS DURATION These in61mUbns cannot replaoe anAll duralb ix quoted ale norinel, based on on accrediled Lrdining murse ~n by hrlly q~ a l lbdAveraoe Wearer ConswnptbnRate of 40 instnrctarj:n he pmper andsafeuse oflitredminute and FULLY CHARGED Sabre brealhlng apparelus.wlmdem. M u e l wearer Con=umptiwnrates pleasem ~ a c tabre Training Technicalvary due lo many fadom, such as: Suppon Sewices or yWrSabredistributorWorkload: highw a * r a w ncmase Tor training mum details.mnsumption rates.

    Webht olepparalus anduseof heavy orreslricha thing.

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    1.5 ORDERING P A R T S OR Sabre u s t om ervicesACCESSORIES ProtectorT e d mo l o g b LimitedPi Road. sl PirnboSabre s Cusmmer Sawicesprovide n ~ k e y m e ~ a ka n ~ s h i r eN SFUefficientlendly, wstomermnled paint r Tel d d 0) 1696 711711ordering new apparatus, spa= pelts and Fax U0 )1696 60818accessohs. The team can aka providegemral n b a t i o n on S ab m products.

    Table Cyllndws approved for Use l th SIGMA2Cylulder Material s iaeng ed by mdes in theCylinderType. T a l e 3 identihes the cylmder materialcod8 ana the spedcatlcn lo wnich the cylinder k manufadured:CODE MATERIAL SPEClFlCATlO

    Table 3 Cyllndsm Codes and S p e d R ~ t i o ~T OW Duration or tlw apparatus is calculated horn he following formula

    No CodeHWGFWC

    Shd (e.g.: CYL-1200)H ~ a pIhapped Glass Flbre (e.g.: CYL-HW-1200)FullyWrappedCarbon (e.g.: CYL.FWCl3OO)

    NBSw5 PL1


  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    Total Du ra bn Cylinder Free ir CapaatVAverage Wearer Consumption RateNominal uration s th T d a l Duration minus the Warning P e M

    Warning erlod is slsulatad uslng the follawlng lormule:Warnin g Period Cylinder W a r Cawcltv VVl stle Operating PressureAverage Wearer onfurnpUon Rate

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    2. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION2.1 SIGMA2SIGMA2 isa selkontainnd, open drwll.mmpressedair, pcsRi i pressure, breaMngapparatus, approved b,EN137 (sefsonIalnadopen drur lt breathing awardus). It k5SmaY6ed b amnrdanrawith COUnal Directive8916861EECSIGMA2 is also approvedfor use at sea by:Lloyds Inspectornbe,h aemrdance w hS U S regulaUon 17 and th 1880 MerchantShippingAztMarine Equipment Oirective,ce~caled nh e basis of a BSI examhation to therequiremenk of Councll D i e 8/981ECas amended by 981651ECCallSabm BreathingApparatus Rrapparatusapproval details2.2 DESCRIPTION

    A qlincbr valve m ine r he lower backplatepmvldes a secure rwuntlng lor the cylindervatue.2.2.1 Pneumatic ystemThe first sbge pressure reducer has anintegral cylinder wnneaor handwheel. Thereis a sintered bmnze pa rke 6ker nh eredumr inlet.A high pressure PTCFE llnedhose swpiiesair to a *wl r mounted pressure gauge andwamlng wtistle.The pressure gauge has a stainless steel edseanda potyerbonate, mpact resistant splinter-proof lens. A blow-out vent prevents overpmssurisationof mecam. Arubber shmudThe warning wh i ik operates at55bar. Table2 detailsthe Warning Psriad for eachapparatus and qlinder mmbination.SIGMA2 has a m g h w h t bac &te andhamess. Thetnn age pnaumaticsystwn lfthehose, whkUs orgauge k c m e damageda r sii h th reducer bxty Urnits air 10 toconsists of a f st stage reduring-be and a 25 mmmhute.Demand Valve (Ow, ha1 s attached by abayonettitling, to tho positive pressure fullfamrnask Pra88umReducer

    The backplate InjnJecton mouldedpolyamUe/glass/wrbon mrnpwite, wilh a Wkha fulb dustab le Rame retardantpo.yenerhe KnvlarTu ylinder band k fully adjustab eand m n enxrnrnodato one cylinder fmm thrange otcylinden ilsted in Table 2

    A glsskfllled polyamidecambck bu&iefacilitatesquick and easy cylinderrepieoemeniA lumbar bad. Fabricatedm Rsme retardantpo,yester kh ipa&d with name relslrdantclosed cell foam cushions the welght 01 theapparatus. is altached ium lowerbibrplateby press sluds,Pnewnatic hoses run in channels mouldednlo b e nner baMate. ase etaining dipsaie moulded on me edge ofthe chanmb.

    Thewe+.ure m d u m s a s wk srxina andpiaon dew* that reduc& lheTpre&r;ol airfrom the cylinder to a rradium pressure ofbetwaen 5 and 0 bar. The opwation isautrxnatic and self-regulating such h at thereduoer requlres no adjustment.In h e unlikely event d a mlfuncb'on n thereducer, resulting in an unwntrolledris in theoutpul pressure, a presum reliefvalvepmtedsthemedium pressure system.

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    A reinforcad hose supplies medium pressure The bypass pmvldes a mnstant flow ir inairm the DV. theunlkehr eventihat he ngulalormaffindlina in a "no flow" mode.DemandValve Ith opened by turning the h o b hrarghWO.SlGMAZ is available withw types of Oemaw As use of the bypass mnsumfs cylinder airvalvenn rapidly.kmu61 only be vsed escape from-..

    instant air pcsilkepressurnDV (blue)first breath at ti ve td (black).Bothtyp sofDV have suppkmenlan flowbypass and operate in rPnjunc im whh theSDtlnPloadedfacmnask exhalation valve to

    the hezardwsa .

    maln a pwltive pre5.5~4 i bh thefacsmask.The DV S n s a s the changes in faamask airo m u r e hat occur when thewearerbreathesand uses this to reaulate theSUWIYf irtha fa~wnaskm i ~ vabched to thel cem sk by a qulck fn bayonetmnnsdlonw~th xpnng oadedbdng catch

    Inrranmlr Damand ValveThe instant air DV supplies air to thetammask when the qlinder valvebw e d .

    First BreathDemand ValveThe first Dreah version canbe shut bypressing reset buiton on h e DV and openswhen ihe wearer BLes the first breath. Thi6pemii the DV lo be m v e dhorn thfacepiemw i i the y h d e r v a k sq n .wilhout loss of qlindw alr.

    Sigma2 Is approved for use wkh: Vlslon 3.Pana8ealand PanaVlsor ull fa m a s k .wh ch mnformm ENl36. A4 are availablewm -1nL fully ad,uslsble web r net headhameaes a d neckitraps An Inner w kminlmlses Q eadspaceand v h r misting.A speech diaphragm s fitted.PanaSeal iswidable for medium andmUerlam4zes.Pa n a W r s suitable for mediumto largerfaceske6 Vlslon 3 is available inthree sires, snall, medium an# mediuwJarse.I i

    Woion 3 is mnuMed in grey silimne, whilePanaBealand Pananvisor re non-dermatiLcblackNeoplene or blue 6llim1e.

    Page 6

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    3 MONTHLY AND PRE-USE CHECKS3.1 GENERAL 3.3 DEMAND VALVEI check bat allpam are dean and 1. Check that the Oring is dean andundamaged. undamaged.2 Ensure thatthe shoulder harness fully 2 R theW b the fawrnask and ohsladcsnaa and that a full qllndsr is fully that lhe locking catch cl~JIsnlo pla~e , entlycharnwd and securelv attached. Reolace Wisl the DV I0 ensure that is securely fitt3d.- - -disasrged cylinclerd.3. Check that the hamew ~Niesfreelythrough bucllel.4. Chedr th lme fammaskvjor a deerand free horn marks and damage that ~n gklr w i r c o n . ully slackan headhamessstraps.5 Apparatus Ihal ails any of the checksmust bes m W m accnrdanoe wilh theSIGM42 Stwlce Insdrudons3.2 PNEUMATICS

    1. Chedr qllnder mn en or Onng isdean and unaamaged.2 Suew handwheel mnnemr Rnnly intoIhecylinderv a b outlwI.3 Check that pressuregauge whistk andhoses re n wod mndm'on and are nM klnked

    3 Chedr that the bypa66 valve isdosed(Rat area on knobk W r r l h e sceptece).

    4 On RT6t bmaUl DVs only, pRs6 t bblack reset button.3.4 CHECK FACEMASK1 Don the faamask (sw 4.2).2 Open the cyhder valve anddreck thatthe cylinder isfull.3 Check that the facemask preEsurlses.Ifnecessary adjust IW m sk a oblah a leakUahl f t OTover-lhhtcn the harness sn d. am me mask

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship



    I1. Insert finger6 in the fammask sealandhe k there k a steady Row of air ut of themask.2. emove fingers and allow msk o~ Y I


    1. With the qlinder valve still okaedmonitor the ptessuregauge and breath downair In the System. Check Upt tha Wh Ua6ounds diaw at b e b n 0 and 60 bar.2 Releaseheadharness and removeh e

    I3. Open th bypassand deck there Isafimady Rowdalr m the awrnask4. Closa the bypass.5. C l w Ule cylinder vahra, holdyourbmah and monitor th pressure gawe for 10seumds. Chedr hat the reading does notdmp during this psriod.

    3 Appantvs that passesall he Ohe S isnow ready or use.3.7 REPLACING CYLINDER

    I1. Check that (he cylindervalve isdosedand sbwly undo th qlinder mnnedffhandwheel. Remwe the reducer rom thecylinder.


  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    3 ~ m s phe s cs of me c mlock b u c kwllh me Index finger a d mvm of the righthand, us Lhe kt? ndex finger to slkh ba theribbed M nd lift tho budcla.4. Open the buckleand R he emptycylinder from the bawlate3 7 1 Flttlng a ReplacementCyllnder of the Same SizeFi hn cy6nder valve through me qrllnder valveretainer, mnnect the buckle hlngs and dosethe can .3 7 2 Fitting a ReplacementCylinder of a Di ir en t Size

    I1 AdJu6rthe bngth of the cylinder band tpermit he uckle hing to be m n n s a d .2 Adjust me winder b n d englh until h ecjhnder bend grips the yllnderfvm mendose the s r d o c k

    My the free end of lh W i d e r bandInto the loops.

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship




    I Ion a w a r a tw . A4ust shoulder s b v a or acamfortable fit. then tasten weislbelt andadlua for a snug I2. Ffithe chin into the chin-wp, pull theh rness over the p dt he head and tightenthe st m In sequenoe; bottom. middle, tapDO NOT owr tlghhm

    4 2 DON FACEMASK 4.2.2 HeadnetChee that the bypass rs shut and, on firstbreath DVs pres6 the DV reset button.4 2 1 Head Harness

    J1. Letkernask hangloos ly horn faseand braa he normally.

    1. Wllh the headnet sbaps fully extended,inserl tke chin into the chin -wp and use theloop atU bask of h e headnet I pull theheadnetover head,.2 Tighten lhe top str ptu bring ttm visorand ori-nasal m sk tn the mrres level.

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship



    l m l t Rneers in facemask se l and check for3 Tighten the side sMps IM a firm a s t e a d y T hof air immthe mask. RemovemmfonableRr DONOT overtightenasUlb fingers and llow mfBk M ~ a l .dislwts the fa= seal. 4.5 BYPASS CHECKOPENCYLINDER VALVE

    1. OpenUIO bypas and check tkre is asteady flow of air nto b e aWnaSk.I. Slowly o p n q ndw valve fully: 2. Close the bypass.

    On nstamair DV6 c b J IUlalU Vfree flows inm faernask unlil ihsheadhamess strapsam dghtened.On m bmathDVs inhaleshapely lostart b e air supplyto amnask.

    Page I 0

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    . Take a WBalh and hold it Releadehandwheel bdting meehenlsm and dose thoylinder valve2 Listenfor lesks and monibr gaugeforl o semnds th gauge should not fall duringthis p i o d .4.7 WHISTLE T ST

    1. SlDwly bteathn dom tlu system andcheck that mew h i i oundsdearlybetween50 and 60 bar2 lfthe whlstk r kcemask fail the -I.

    4 8 CYLINDER PRESSURE1 O w n cvlindw valve and chack Pressuregauge ensire t b t cyl~nder asa rnlnirnumof 80 of theWy chafged edpamy

    For200 bsrcylindefs, his is 160 bar.For 300 bar cylinders Ihls is240 bef.

    2. hen fully salisiied with apperatus,pmceed to undertake t a s k as mqulred.

    urn the apparatus wkh an sfplanatoly noteawehad lo be servi-d in acmdanm with theS l G W Servidng Instrucbom.

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship



    1 On apparatus w b a flrst brsath DV.hlke a breath and prensthe rese buton 9dose tta air supply

    Pull labs on b u m s om rrl to releasethe headhemess, orheadnet and removeNom lnsbnteir DVs wll frae now lhroughmask until ine qlh sr value is dosed.


    D:sengsge tne qlinder vaka handwheeliock~nemchan ism and Ium handwheel uliyc l o ~ ~ ~ ~hut t m henahre.5.3 REMOVE APPARATUS1 Release he w a W k d a m teshwlder shaps and remDMk apparatus.

    L2. Open qhdertand, undo qllnd er valvewnnedw and -e qlnder.3 Ma* L;n r "empty"and rerum lorcharging.5.4 CLEAN AND CHECKAPPARATUSCnech appantus in cmrdsncewim the fterse Cleaning and Testing instmaionsprior toreturning nd c e

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship



    DO NOT immerseW or urh'iuewarning unlt Inwmr.Fit the yellowcsp provlded ur prot?ctthe DV oullatALWAYSuse the ecornmenddcleanlng methods.Dry the P ~ F Q I ~ U S0mUghl~ ~ r i w t ostarlng. pa pamwlaraUenUon tothe valve flaps.


    4. Hangma by it nds tr ap and allw Ittodly thwghly may rom dlmd heatoreunlight.5. When dry, wipe hcemask seals whrriGmeCIiiinfectwA w e s ,6. Pdkh the visor inside and our Wkh aclaan. Iint-hse doh and slackenthe headharness raady fcf Use.6.2 CLEAN APPARATUSCAU11ON: DO NOTUSE abrasive orsolvent dean-.1 FUW the shoulderslnDs andwalsbelt.~CIeanff ny dirtwith a sllfibrushorw n g s with warm water and soap, followedby a thorwgh rinw.2. Ensure that the pressure gauge face isdean.6.3 DEMAND VALVE

    cledwke and remove the DVhom thefacemask.2. Wash and dishfed the Inask thoroughlyIn a solution of TriGme andwarm water. eefoliowhg Note.NOTE: TtiGene ismilable in1 lare PLNo.013.028.00, n No.2004227)and 5 fitra PL I Fkthspm b d ewllow oep owr the DVNo. 013.028.01. rt No 1017688)mntainers. ou(let and a brushwith aPump a p e n s e r s are auaiiabb M use vvimthe soap andwa r yrlu(lon to dean around the5 litre Pt No, 013.028.02.All No1017670 catoh.t i i n s e m . 2. Ifh e ~ l c hoes not move freely, returnTrl medisinfecbhgw i p are available a the apparahls for servidng.packof 20 sachen (Pt. No. 013.025.99. RNo.2034225). 3. Chsc* that rhe orange O-ring on the DVnutkt LP an and inaocd mndltlanw~ ~3. Rinse the mask thoroughiy n deanrunningwafer. Pay paticular attention to 4. Replam If It w than pe ectflushing out the exhalevalue. wndRRn.

  • 5/27/2018 Breathing Apparatus on board ship


    I5. Oderateth re lockimgtcha numberof times Ensure ba t t mo freely and wsnot stlck.6.4 CHECK APPARATUS1. C h a d apparatus thoroughiy for signs ofwear udamags.2. Chec* hoses for signs of abrasion ordamage.

    3. Coos@litder valve and rmnllor thepressure su s for one mlnute. Check thatthe pressure d ~ a sot drop by mare han 10bar One geuae diihi0n in Ihii time.4. Ifapparatus fa116 t b ed i rmst bewithdrawn hum sewim and returned forservidng.5 Genty t the yellow DVs p nd allowair tovent from wstern. hedc Dressuregaup and ensurk that the warning w h i lsounds dearly hewn 50 and 60 bar.6.7 RECORD DETAILS OF TESTRecod details ofthe preceding he ks andkeep for re eferens. typlcailyWinformabn tkmded should indude:I. Nameand add- ofthe employerresponsible or the Spparalus.2. k t s ofthe apparatus cgetherwith itsIdentifying number or mark.3. Datedexsrnination osather v ~ bename. sbnatum or unbue.. . ~ . ~

    3 Check harness ha ps aridslilching for a h m n ark oltke p e w nsigns of weakness. mndualng he test4. Replace wornu amaged T ponenB 4. Detalls of any hu lk ound plus remedialamrdanoe with the SlOMlU Serv~ang adbn Wen.InsWons. 5. Cvlinder air wassure.5. ~fa fault is fouKI,madl an axplanatow A BmtMngppa ,s Part Nonote mlheappsm'ms and rewm it orservidng. 084.059.01 AR No 1034745, b available hornSabre hathimAmaralu6kr recordingsuch6.5 FIT FULLYCHARGEDCYLINDER

    ..informaclon.6.8 STOW APPARATUS

    F fully charged ylinder n a-fdan- w h The aDparetua should e store in a dean, drythe instrudions in the PRE-USEPND area prdededhorndied s~n lgh t nd LheMONTnLY CHECKSssdon. exvernes 01wnperatum and hum &.6.6 LEAKTESTCautlon On I n a n t Podtlve PressureDVs (blue) DO NOT fit me ellow cap pdorl a opmlne the cylindsrvalveasmlo mlldamaget DV.1 Open cylinder~ b eOV wll beefla d ydav pmbdiues p over the DVouUel, alfiav w11 ease.2 Check pressuregsuge o ensure thatthe cyllndet isfull.
