brand management week 2 strategic planning

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  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Strategic Marketing


  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Objectives for this Module

    Explain Company Wide Strategic Planning and its steps

    Describe How Company Develops Its Mission Statements

    Explain How Companys Evaluate and Develop Its usinessPort!olio

    Explain Mar"etings #ole in Strategic Planning

    Describe t$e mar"eting management Process and t$e rand Plan

    S$ow $ow mar"eting organi%ations are c$anging

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    W$y Plan&


  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Why Plan?

    Encourages systematic t$in"ing

    S$arpen companys policies ' ob(ectives

    etter coordination o! companys e)orts

    Clearer Per!ormance Standards !or Control

    *nticipate and respond to environmental C$anges

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Why Plan?

    The best performing companies plan but plan in such a way thoes not suppress entrepreneurship

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Types of Plan

    *nnual Plan

    +ong #ange Plan

    Strategic Plan

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    !nnual Plan

    Current Situation

    Company ,b(ectives

    Strategy !or t$e -ear

    *ction Programmes

    udget ' Controls

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    "ong #ange Plan $% years&

    Economic and Mar"et Environment t$at will impact t$e company in . ye

    +ong /erm ,b(ectives and resources re0uired to ac$ieve t$e ob(ectives

    #eviewed and 1pdated yearly

    2ocus on Current usiness

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Strategic Plan

    Involves adopting t$e 3rm to ta"e advantage o! opportunitiesIn a constantly c$anging mar"et environment

    /$e process o! developing and maintaining a strategic 3t between/$e organi%ational goals and capabilities and its c$anging mar"etopportunities

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning



    PlanningStarts wit$ t$e Mission

    Corporate *udit4In!ormation on t$e Company

    Competitors/$e Mar"et

    5eneral Environment

    SW,/Port!olio o! products and usinessesSupport to eac$ o! t$ese businesses

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    The Planning Process

    !nalysis'Provides t$e in!ormation about t$e economic and mar"et enviroW$ere t$e company operates6 identi3es t$e strengt$s and wea"nesses6/$reats and opportunities !or t$e 3rm in t$is environment6 and provides t$Input to w$ic$ opportunities t$e company wants to pursue7

    Planning4 /$ru strategic planning t$e company decides w$at to do wit$/$e business port!olio and t$e business units w$ile mar"et planning provid/$e mar"eting strategies to ac$ieve t$ese ob(ectives

    (mplementation'/urns t$e strategic plans into actions t$at will ac$ieve t

    Corporate ob(ectives

    )ontrol'Measures and evaluates t$e results o! t$e plan and activities and/a"ing corrective actions to ensure ob(ectives are ac$ieved

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning



    /$e Mission4 States t$e purpose o! a company7 8uestions t$at can be as"ed4W$at business are we in&6 W$at do consumers value&6 W$at ma"es us speciEx7 9M states in its mission not as ma"ing o:ce products but as creatingInnovationsMust be speci3c6 realistic6 competence based and motivatingExample4IMs mission w$en t$ey were .; 1SD to become

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    *rom Mission to Strategic


    +isai )o, "td, Mission -uman -ealth )are )ompany B ?5iving 3rst/$oug$t to patients and t$eir relatives and increasing t$e bene3tsHealt$ care provides

    Strategic Objectives'#'D4 /o discover products t$at will !ul3ll unmet medical needs7Production4 /o ensure stable supply and $ig$ 0uality productsMar"eting4 /o provide use!ul in!ormation about t$e e:cacy*nd sa!ety o! Eisai products

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning



    ?nowledge is is power@ 2rancis acon

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    SWOT !nalysis

    2rom t$e audit t$e company can now do its SW,/ analysis

    ,pportunities ' /$reats4 ,b(ective is to anticipate ma(or developments/$at will impact t$e 3rm

    Ex7 ,pportunities4 *PEC6 *SE* /$reats4 ISIS attac" in Paris6 5enerics

    Streng$ts ' Wea"nesses4 Will not list all t$e !eatures o! a company7 ,nly/$e critical !actors t$at will ensure success !or t$e company7Ex7 Strong distribution networ" and presence in most *SE* countries

    Strong brand in t$e P$ilippines but $ave not gone out o! t$e P$ilippines

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    The /usiness Portfolio

    Identi!ying t$e companys products or businesses t$at will drive growt*nd t$ere!ore will be supported by resources based on SW,/ analysis

    /ools4 C5 MatrixB stars6 problem c$ild6 dogs6 cas$ cows based on relaMar"et s$ares and !ocused on t$e current and not t$e !uture

    Mergers ' *c0uisitions6 Divestments in

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Marketings0 #ole (n Strategic Planning

    Mar"eting loo"s at t$e consumers needs and t$e companys capability toSatis!y t$ese needs7 /$e companys mission and ob(ectives are li"ewise2ocus on satis!ying t$e consumers needs7 /$us t$e strong overlap betweenStrategic planning and mar"eting planning7

    Most companys strategic planning deals wit$ mar"eting variables as mar"etS$ares and mar"et developments7

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    1ey #oles of Marketing in Strategic Planning

    2irst providing t$e guiding p$ilosop$y o! serving t$e customers needs

    Second providing inputs to strategic planners by $elping to identi!yMar"et opportunities and assessing t$e 3rms potential to ta"e advantage,! t$em

    2inally wit$in eac$ business units or products !or t$at matter mar"eting2ormulates strategies to ac$ieve t$e ob(ectives

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Marketing and Other *unctions

    Peter Druc"er ?/$e aim o! t$e company is to create customers@ so/$us mar"eting ta"es t$e lead in a company&

    ConAict among departments as caused by mar"etingEx7 Excess inventories6 $ig$ promotional costs6 excess discountudgets6 un!oreseen demand etc7

    eed to manage li"e a ?symp$ony orc$estra@

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Marketing Strategy

    /$e company $as to segment its mar"et and de3ne its target consumers7

    *!ter de3ning and c$oosing its target consumers6 t$e company !ormulatesIts mar"eting mixB product6 price6 place and promotion to mar"et to its/arget consumers

    /$e company engages in mar"eting analysis6 planning implementation and co/o 3nd t$e best mar"eting mix and ta"e action

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Target )onsumers

    2rom our previous lessons o! consumers needs6 wants and demands we+earned t$e complexity o! satis!ying t$e consumers needs7

    /$e company cannot satis!y all o! t$em and t$us need to target and segmeIts mar"et according to w$ere it can best satis!y t$eir needs7

    /$is process involves 3ve steps4 demand measurement ' !orecasting6 mar"Segmentation6 mar"et targeting6 mar"et positioning and competitive positio

    /arget consumers are also inAuenced by PES/ political6 economic6 social and/ec$nological !actors w$ic$ s$ould also be ta"en into account7

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    emand Measurement 2 *orecast

    2actors to consider w$en measuring demand and !orecasting4

    5eograp$ic trends ie7 #ising urbani%ation#ising middle income classesS$i!ts in distribution ie7 Hospitals versus drugstores

    5overnment policy c$anges ie7 ational Healt$ Insurance sc$emesew Products

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning



    /$e process o! dividing a mar"et into groups o! buyers wit$ di)erenteeds6 c$aracteristics or be$avior6 w$o mig$t re0uire separate products,r mar"et mixes

    Ex7 P$armaceuticals $as several mar"et segments4 antibiotics6 cardiovasculeurology6 gastroenterology6 oncology etc7

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Market targeting

    Is simply evaluating t$e most attractive segment to enter and ma"ingC$oice to enter based as well on t$e companys competencies and ca

    Ex7 SM into retail6 condominiums6 ban"ingDMCI into construction6 condominiums6 power

    5 Summit into retail6 airlines6 condominiums

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    /rand Positioning

    /$is is t$e place a brand occupies in t$e consumers mind7

    It gives t$e brand a clear6 distinct6 and desirable place in t$eConsumers mind relative to competition

    /$e brand $as to build on its competitive advantage eit$ery o)ering a lower price or $ig$er customer value t$anCompetition

    Ex7 MW t$e ?1ltimate Driving Mac$ine@#olls #oyce ?/$e Wealt$y *rrived Individual@2ord #anger@ /$e most saleable pic" up@Subaru ?More traction on t$e road@

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Marketing Strategies for )ompetitive !dvantage

    /o be success!ul a company must do a better (ob in satis!Its customers better t$an competition

    ow its no longer a one time buyer=seller relations$ips buEstablis$ing long term customer relations$ip and data baMar"eting7 Ie7 Su"i Card6 Petron alue card62aceboo" data its value

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    Marketing Mi.

    De3ned as t$e set o! controllable tactical mar"eting tools t$at t$e companylends to get its desired response !rom its target mar"et

    /$ese are JPs6 product6 price6 place6 promotions

    Product t$e totality o! goods and services t$e company o)ers t$e target m

    Price is w$at t$e customer pays to get t$e product

    Place Company activities t$at ma"e t$e product available to consumers

    Promotions activities t$at communicate t$e merits o! t$e product and perst$e customers to buy it

  • 7/23/2019 Brand Management Week 2 Strategic Planning


    /rand PlanExecutive Summary4 Summary o! t$e main goals and recommendatiIn t$e plan to ac$ieve t$e goals

    /able o! Contents

    rand *udit


    ,b(ectives ' Issues


    *ction Programmes

    udget ' Control