brand decisions

Brand Decisions A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.

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Page 1: Brand Decisions

Brand Decisions

A brand for a company is like a reputation for

a person. You earn reputation by trying to

do hard things well.

Page 2: Brand Decisions

What is Brand? A name term, sign, symbol or design or a

combination of them, intended to identify the

good or services of one seller or group of

sellers and to differentiate them from those of

the competitors.

Brand identifies seller.

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“What distinguishes a brand from its unbranded

commodity counterparts is the consumers’

perceptions and feelings about the product’s

attributes & how they perform. Ultimately brand

resides in the minds of consumers”

Kevin Keller

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• Sar Uthake Jiyo

• 2 minutes

• The complete man

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Brand Identity

Brand’s name, logo, colors, tagline & symbol

Brand is “a marketer’s promise to deliver a

specific set of features, benefits & services”

Brands are not built by advertising but by the

brand experience.

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Brand Equity

Aaker – “it is related to the degree of brand

name recognition, perceived brand quality,

strong mental & emotional associations and

other assets such as patents, trademarks &

channel relationship.”

Brand Equity is the positive differential effect

that knowing the brand name has on customer

response to the product or service.

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Advantages of high brand equity

Trade leverage in bargaining with distributors

& retailers

Higher price

Easily launch brand extensions

Defense against price competition

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Branding Decisions

Branding Decisions


•No Brand





•Blanket Family

•Separate Family

•Company - individual

•Line extension

•Brand extension

•Multi brands



•Re- positioning

•No repositioning

Sponsor decision

Brand Name decision

Brand Strategy

Brand Repositioning

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Advantages of Branding

Easier to process orders & track down


Legal protection

Brand loyalty


Build corporate image

Easy acceptance of new brands

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Brand Sponsor Decision

Manufacture brand Kelloggs, Colgate

Distributor brand Pantaloon’s – John Miller, Bare

Licensed brand Gitanjali group – Nina Ricci, Miss Sixty, Roberto Cavalli

Egana – Espirit, Peirre Cardin

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Brand Name Decision

Individual names

Blanket family name

Separate family names for all products

Corporate name combined with individual

product names

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Desirable qualities for a brand name

Suggest about the product’s benefits

Suggest the product category

Suggest concrete, high imagery qualities

Easy to spell, pronounce, recognize & remember


Should not carry poor meanings in other countries

& languages

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Brand building tools Advertising PR & Press Releases Sponsorships Clubs & consumer communities Factory visits Trade shows Event marketing Public facilities Social cause marketing High value for money Founder’s or a celebrity personality\mobile phone marketing Social networking sites

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Brand Strategy decisions

Functional brand

Image brand

Experiential brand

Line Extensions

Brand Extensions

Multi brands, new brands

Co brands

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Brand Auditing & Repositioning

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“As all the activities of designing and

producing the container for a product”

The container is the Package Primary



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Importance of Packaging

Self service

Consumer affluence

Company and brand image

Innovation opportunity

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Identifies the brand

Grade the brand

Describe the brand

Promote the brand

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New Product Development

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Categories of new products By Booz, Allen, Hamilton

New to the World

New product lines

Additions to the existing product lines

Improvements & revision of the existing



Cost reductions

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Factors hindering NPD Shortage of important ideas

Fragmented markets

Social & governmental constraints

Cost of development

Capital shortage

Faster required development time

Shorter PLC

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New Product Development process

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Idea Generation Interacting with others

Sales representatives Intermediaries Employees Management

Using creativity techniques Attribute testing Forced relationship Morphological analysis Reverse assumption Mind mapping

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Idea Screening Drop error Go error

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Concept Development

Product idea Product concept Category concept

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Concept testing Communicability & believability Need level Gap level Perceived value Purchase intention User target

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Marketing Strategy

Target market’s size, structure &


Product positioning

Sales, profit & market share

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Business Analysis

Estimating total sales

Estimating costs & profits

Break-even analysis

Risk analysis

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Product Development

Quality Function deployment

Customer attributes

Engineering attributes

Customer & functional tests

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Market Testing

Company seeks to estimate Trial

First Repeat


Purchase Frequency

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Commercialization Cost considerationManufacturing cost

Plant size

Marketing cost

When Where To whom (target market prospects) How

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Consumer adoption process






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Factors influencing the adoption process

Readiness to try new products & personal


Characteristics of the innovation

Organizations’ readiness to adopt innovation