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Page 1: BrainPop - · BrainPop –Industrial Revolution Directions: 1) Watch video: Industrial Revolution;


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Language Arts Computer Lab

Industrial Revolution~VIDEOBrainPop – Industrial Revolution

Directions:1) Watch video: Industrial Revolution; annotate the important facts as you listen.

2) Click FYI: Click “ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT”; Read and answer the following questions:

1) What do you think the author was alluding to when he said the Romantics believed humans were destroying a “…glorious cathedral that had been given to them by God.”

3) Click: “WAY BACK WHEN”; read the text then complete the activity below

1) Read the poems, “London” and “The Chimney Sweepers” by William Blake. After reading the FYI and the poems, write a short response of your thoughts regarding Blake’s tone towards the Industrial Revolution and its impact on society. Use textual evidence to support your summary.

4) Research and writing activity ~ Annotate as you explore the site. Go to Click: Children of Victorian Britain; Explore all the areas paying special attention to “Children at Work” and “Children in the Factories”. Look at all the images. Type or write a 1-2 page reflection about what you learned. (Save typed drafts to backpack.)

Complete this work on I-N pages ___________ Due: ______________

EQ: How does an author use his own personal history to influence his writing?

Something to think about while you work on this lesson…Is it possible to fully appreciate an author without knowing a bit of his background? What were some of the conflicts happening in England

during Tolkien’s childhood and young adulthood that may have shaped the plot for LOTR?

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LondonBy William Blake

I wander thro' each charter'd street, Near where the charter'd Thames does flow,

And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every Man, In every Infant's cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban,

The mind-forg'd manacles I hear.

How the Chimney-sweeper's cry Every black'ning Church appalls;

And the hapless Soldier's sigh Runs in blood down Palace walls.

But most thro' midnight streets I hear How the youthful Harlot's curse

Blasts the new born Infant's tear, And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.

The Chimney Sweeper

By William Blake

When my mother died I was very young,

And my father sold me while yet my tongue

Could scarcely cry " 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!"

So your chimneys I sweep & in soot I sleep.

There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head

That curled like a lamb's back, was shaved, so I said,

"Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head's bare,

You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair."

And so he was quiet, & that very night,

As Tom was a-sleeping he had such a sight!

That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack,

Were all of them locked up in coffins of black;

And by came an Angel who had a bright key,

And he opened the coffins & set them all free;

Then down a green plain, leaping, laughing they run,

And wash in a river and shine in the Sun.

Then naked & white, all their bags left behind,

They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind.

And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,

He'd have God for his father & never want joy.

And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark

And got with our bags & our brushes to work.

Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm;

So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.

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Language Arts Computer Lab

J.R.R. Tolkien ~VIDEO

Directions:1) Watch video: J.R.R. Tolkien; annotate the important facts as you listen

2) Click Quiz: complete the graded quiz (independently) Record your grade here________

3) Click FYI: Read “IN DEPTH”; In what ways did Tolkien borrow from ancient Northern Europeancultures to influence his own works? Make annotations (or use Cornell notes) including all four cultures listed.

4) Click: “LANGUAGE” ~ List 3 facts you find interesting from the reading (do not write down three languages, please.)

5) Click: “TRIVIA” ~ Read all bullets; conduct a quick web search for these questions:

1) Find a picture of a baboon spider (Do not squeal or remark at all!)

2) Go to ~What does the term posthumous mean? Why did I ask you to look that up?

3) Go to ~ What does the term etymology mean?

6) Click: “REAL LIFE”~ Read this text; what allegorical references are mentioned in this piece? Take notes.

Complete this work on I-N pages ___________ Due: ______________

Page 5: BrainPop - · BrainPop –Industrial Revolution Directions: 1) Watch video: Industrial Revolution;

“Reading” ArtParents and children interpret art and symbolism at the

Philadelphia Museum of Art.

There are a range of prompts you can use to guide your thinking... Here are some examples:

Which person or people do you think are the most important? Where do you think the artist wants us to look? Tell me about the people in the painting? What are the relationship(s) between the people in the painting? What is similar or different about certain people? What might each character in the painting be saying/thinking? What would you do if…? Tell me about the place in the painting? What else in the picture might be important? What might be happening in the picture? What if…? What words could we use to describe the mood/atmosphere? If I tell you… what further connections can you make/how does it change your thinking? What do you think might be the message or theme? What do you think is viewpoint of the artist? What title would you give the painting?*/viewPage/4

Further your thinking:Say a bit more about that …How do you know? Where is the evidence? How has the artist created this effect? Can someone else add to that? What else? Who disagrees? What might someone say who disagrees? Why? Why else?

Activity: After watching the video, check out the paintings from the slide show. Use a Tree Map for each picture: Write about what

you see, feel, think, infer…Use the questions on this page to quide

your thinking.

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