bpm case studies

BPM Case Studies

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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BPM Case Studies

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1. Clause 49 Compliance solution for an ISV

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The client is a leading software company specializing in

enterprise wide Business Process Management (BPM)

workflow software solutions needed to monitor the

organization’s business processes for Clause 49 compliance as

per the guidelines laid down by SEBI

Required a solution that would allow them to manage all

the documents, tasks and processes required for compliance

and allow the CEO / CFO to assess the compliance levels

before certification

The Problem:

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Quadwave’s BPM solution allowed the organization to

monitor their business processes’ compliance with SEBI

This application used workflows to monitor and track the

business processes of an organization

The Solution:

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The Solution (Contd.)

It provided dashboards that allowed the CEO / CFO to review

the level of compliance across various categories and helped them

assess the situation before management certification

The application was built around a web based workflow engine

and leveraged the workflow engine capability to create rules for

Clause 49 compliance laws. The technologies used in this solution

were Java/J2EE, Enterprise Portal, jBPM, jRules,


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Key Features and Benefits:

Comprehensive coverage of SEBI’s Clause-49Structure provided for mapping and testing Documenting Controls and Managing RiskChecklists and ReportsPersonalization featuresDocument management through tried and tested solution

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• This solution allowed the organization to successfully track and monitor adherence to processes and level of compliance to the guidelines and report it to management so that they could assess the risk levels and material weaknesses before making decisions about management certification.


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2. Process flow management tool for HR and claims

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The client is a world leader in medical technology

providing lifelong solutions for people with chronic diseases

They needed multiple customized web and workflow

solutions in India & Australia

The Problem:

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The solution is an excellent example of automating all the

processes of the company ,from HR to the orders and request

(claims) for the products

Quadwave developed team based queues to manage the

human resources and drag and drop-easy to use interface to

track the claims. The application was built using NET, C#,

ASP.NET, WF.NET, Web Services, MS SQL Server

The Solution:

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Multiple process implementations onsite

HR processes

Claims processing flows

Warranty Management

A critical project managing the life-time warranty of pace-

makers installed in various patients –proactively managing the

preventive maintenance including reminding the patients for

the follow-up and checkups

Key Features and Benefits:

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• Apart from being a wholesome example of an enterprise solution, the product was developed on site and had a short delivery cycle


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3. Process Flow implementations for activities of a BPO

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The client is a leading captive BPO center for multiple

global customers

They wanted to automate most of the BPO operations and

their process flows such as Accounts payable and Claims

processing processes

The Problem:

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With Quadwave’s solution, the client was able to manage,

monitor and implement highly effective workflow processes

to multiple customers using re-usable process flows that were

highly customizable with dashboards to provide visibility for


The application was built using .NET, C#, ASP.NET,

BPM.NET 2007, MS SQL Server

The Solution:

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Accounts Payable,Claims Processing

Seamless integration with high-speed document scanners

located in different geographies with auto generation of

identification numbers

Account payable approval process for the target customer

integrating with their users, roles through Active Directory

Easily Customizable claims processing workflow that

allowed onsite-offshore coordinated processing of the claims

going through multiple approval cycles and business rules

Key Features and Benefits:

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• Considerably reduced the cycle time for processing each accounts payables and claims – hence increased the ROI on each human resource hired


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4. Process Flow implementations for multiple HR Processes

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The client is one of the premium tobacco companies in

India and World

CRES is a workflow solution which is aimed at providing

better Consumer Response aimed at maintaining workflows of

complaint activities between multiple departments to track the

individual activities to the point of completion

To escalate the information to the appropriate level in case

the task is getting delayed, as specifically requested by the


The Problem:

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With Quadwave’s solution, the client was able to manage

and escalate the information to the appropriate level

The application was built using .NET, C#, WF.NET

engine, MS SQL Server

The Solution:

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Saves time in transmitting the complaints to relevant


Improves time in responding to the various received


Efficient monitoring of complaints status and transaction


Complaint wise transaction number

Alerting concerned User/Department after stipulated period

Tracing progress through completion

Key Features and Benefits:

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• End to End easy to use process flow management system with a short time of implementation


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5. Automated Process control for manufacturing unit

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The client is a leading small aircraft and coach

manufacturer in Canada & USA

Client wanted to implement a complex customized

workflow system that integrated with various proprietary 3rd

party systems.

The Problem:

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The hallmark of the solution was to develop the entire

complex solution within a very short period and making the

solution live

The application was built using .NET, C#, ASP.NET,

WF.NET, Web Services, MS SQL Server

The Solution:

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Custom Process implementations with multiple 3rd party

system integration

Integration using web services, direct databases as well as

flat files for legacy systems

Key Features and Benefits:

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• Short time to develop and integrate tools to effectively control the manufacturing processes of a company


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6. Electronic Ship Registration Management

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A country in the Middle East is pushing for eGovernance in

all aspects

As the Middle Eastern country is trying to be a large port

in the area, automating certification, evaluation and

management of renewals of different types of certificates were

of high importance

The customer wanted a comprehensive document

management system integrated with workflows to manage

more than 35 types of certificates through their life-cycle

The Problem:

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The application was built using Java, LiferayPortal and

Alfresco DMS, Integrated ActivitiWorkflow engine,

Signaviodesigner, Integration with multiple 3rdparty systems

such as Payment processing, label printers, certificate printers,

bar code readers etc

The Solution:

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Comprehensive multi-lingual Internet & Intranet portal for

public and government officials integrated with the solution

End-to-end integrated certification process -Public facing

applications forms to payment processing integration to

digital signature certificates

Tamper proof, encrypted 3D labels for each certificate

Detailed reporting framework for each level of Government


Key Features and Benefits:

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• Complete automated maritime ship registration, evaluation, certification process in Arabic and English


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