born to be a blessing

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Born to Be a Blessing


    Born to be a Blessing

    When I was a young girl my mother wanted to take my sister, Jan, and me to the Louisiana Sate Fair;

    however, she had very little money. She did not have enough to cover the cost of admission, our meal

    and tickets for all the rides.

    Mother began thanking the Lord that all her needs were met and that she didn't lack any good thing. As

    she was walking us to one of the rides, she looked down, then stopped. A ten dollar bill was lying on the

    ground at her feet. She reached down to pick it up, praising the Lord that He had provided enough for Jan

    and me to ride on all the rides and eat a good meal.

    It was the desire of her heart to be a blessing to her children. When she didn't have enough money, God

    provided it supernaturally. Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the

    desires of thine heart."

    God knows the very desires of your heart. When He knows that you are there to love and serve Him and

    that you desire Him above no other, you will not have to ask Him for anything. He will cause the blessings

    to come on you and overtake you.

    You do not need to go around confessing what you need all the time. If you begin giving your life to bless

    others, your needs will be met. You were born to be a blessing, and born to be blessed.

    We are not put on this earth to see how much we can acquire or accumulate during our life span, we are

    put on this earth to see how much our life we can give away. Just as Jesus gave His life at the cross for

    you and me and became a blessing to us, we should also give our lives to those around us.

    There are those who are called into the five-fold ministry to fill the offices of pastor, prophet, teacher,

    apostle, and evangelist, but we are all called to be a blessing. It is a divine appointment by God.

    Man is obligated to provide not only for his own family, but for others. You work for a giving and you sow

    for a living! Ephesians 4:28 tells us: "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working

    with his hands the things which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth." According to this

    scripture, God wants us to have enough to give to anyone in need.

    It doesn't matter where you are, or what your occupation is: whether you are in a service station pumping

    gas or in a grocery store sacking groceries, God will meet your needs because He honors His Word.

    And not only will you be blessed, but you can be a tremendous blessing. There is no greater honor or

    privilege than that of being a blessing to someone in need. It is so much more fun to give than to receive.

    If you will be obedient and sincere with God, He will show you how to be an instrument of blessing tothose around you.

    Giving an offering at church or supporting a ministry is just one way of being a blessing. You can be a

    blessing just by telling someone what you know about the Word of God. You might get up one morning

    and hear the Lord tell you to baby-sit for Mary Jane. She hasn't had a day off in weeks from being home

    with those screaming, crying kids!
  • 8/13/2019 Born to Be a Blessing


    God might tell you to bake a cake for someone, take a couple out to dinner, or send someone flowers.

    When you begin to take care of the needs of others, God will make certain that all your needs are met.

    You will be blessed by being a blessing. Very importantly, we must be obedient to do whatever He tells us

    to do, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

    One time the Lord told me to send a lady one hundred dollars and write her a note telling her how much

    she was loved. I didn't do it because I thought it was foolish. The lady was a millionaire. I couldn't imagine

    why she would need one hundred dollars. I began rationalizing and reasoning. I thought, "One hundred

    dollars is like pocket change to her."

    Later, as Jerry and I were having dinner with her and her husband, she made a statement that helped me

    understand God's request. She said, "You know, no one has ever given to us." If I had obeyed God three

    months before, there is no telling what it would have done in her life. I asked God to forgive me for being

    disobedient and I asked for her forgiveness. Never rationalize or try to figure out what God tells you to do.

    Be obedient!

    Don't be moved by what a person looks like, the clothes he wears, or the house he lives in. Be sensitive

    to what the Spirit of God tells you rather than what your five senses dictate. When we begin thinkingabout our brother and sister, we automatically become blessed. If we don't have what we need to be a

    blessing to someone, God will provide it supernaturally because He gives us the desires of our heart.