bops and accumulator sizing

?? ?? ?? ?? 99-11-23 Pressure Rating: 21000 kPa Size: 254 mm NACE Trim: yes NACE Certified: yes Hydril Model: GK-900 Rated kPa: 34000 Closing Volume: 28.12 Litres Size (mm): 254 Opening Volume: Litres Make: Shaffer Model: LWS Rated kPa: 34000 Closing Volume: 11.28 Litres Size (mm): 254 Opening Volume: Litres Make: NL Shaffer Type: DB Rated kPa: 34000 Opening Volume: 1.14 Litres Size (mm): 76 Closing Volume: Litres Make: Shaffer Model: LWS Rated kPa: 34000 Closing Volume: 11.28 Litres Size (mm): 254 Opening Volume: Litres 40.54 60.81 Litres 228.6 21000 320 3100 15621 1450 3100 21000 Make: 121.62 37.85 4 4 8400 YES # 7000 151.40 YES 3 2 NOTES: # 17500 #2: 14000 #3: 14500 15333 104 # 1150 80 1180 3600 1140 120 144 10 2650 1.36 1000 25 121.36 1124 # 1100 # 1400 1090 # 15 10.0 2600 80 9.0 1600 1250 2714 90 1292 68 2340 INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT 3000.0 9842.5 INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT 75.7 20.0 14670.0 4471.4 1.85 11.64 1.00 264.2 20.0 75.7 18500 2683.2 10.00 1.59 300.0 1.14 1850.0 15.439 5000.0 34474 18.0 64.4 20.0 -6.7 19.000 2276.7 Drilling BOP Data Well Name: ocation: Rig: Engineer: Date: BOP STACK : ANNULAR PREVENTER : Make: BLIND RAMS : HCR VALVE : PIPE RAMS : TOTAL VOLUME for CLOSING BOPs: plus 50%= Csg Bowl Size, mm: and, kPa: Surface Csg at, m Well TD, m Last Csg Above Ground Burst Rating, kPa: termediate Csg, m Well TVD, m RIG ACCUMULATOR UNIT DATA Rated kPa: REQUIRED ACCUMULATOR SIZE Model N o : imum Accum. Size Required Litres: CUMULATOR : Per Bottle Size in Litres: Bottles N o Required Minimum Bottle N o Required Remaining Pressure kPa: Is Rig's Accumulator Adequate ? Precharge Pressure kPa: tal Volume Litres: Is Back-Up Nitrogen Adequate ? BACK-UP NITROGEN : Bottles N o Enter Bottle Size: ed Pressure kPa, #1: verage Pressure kPa: sable Total Volume Litres: To Increase Mud Wt. Mud Wt. Reduction Initial Mud Wt. kg/m 3 W hile D rilling Only Initial Mud Volume m 3 Mud Wt Desired kg/m 3 otal Wt. Material to be Added kg Initial Mud Wt. kg/m 3 Original Mud Volume m 3 Wt. Material Added in Sacks Volume of Base Fluid Added m 3 Wt. Material Specific Gravity kg/m 3 Volume Increase after Mixing m 3 ific Gravity of Base Fluid kg/m 3 los per sack of Wt. Material kg/sack Total Mud Volume after Mixing m 3 Reduced Mud Wt. kg/m 3 The Effect of Temperature Prepare a Heavy Pill-Slug Mud Weight for on Densities of Calcium Chloride Initial Mud Wt. kg/m 3 Directional Wells and Sodium Chloride Solutions Mud Wt. Desired kg/m 3 Mud Wt. for Vertical Well kg/m 3 Premix Water Temperature o C vy Pill/Slug Volume Required m 3 Overburden Wt. kg/m 3 Mud Circulating Temperature o C Initial (Starting) Mud Volume m 3 ormation Fracture Mud Wt. kg/m 3 Required Solution Density kg/m 3 Total Baryte Required kg Hole Inclination Degrees Pre-Mix Solution Density kg/m 3 or Number of 40kg Baryte Sacks Mud Wt. Required kg/m 3 Related Conversions to f itres to gal t to m 3 to BBLs m 3 to gals als to Litre kPa to psi BBLs to m 3 gals to m 3 kg/m 3 to ppg psi to kPa C to o F o F to o C ppg to kg/m A.P. D.S. Blind R. Pipe R. 50mm 75mm Throughout 50mm Throughout C.B. Well T.V.D. and Minimum BOP Pressure Requirements : to 750m Class II & 14000kPa to 1800m Class III & 14000kPa to 3600m Class IV & 21000kPa to 6000m Class V & 34000kPa over 6000m Class VI & 69000kPa

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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BOP and Accumulator sizing calculations


?? ???? ??Pressure Rating: 21000 kPaSize: 254 mmNACE Trim: yesNACE Certifed: yesydri! "#de!:$%&'00Rated kPa: (4000C!#sing )#!ume:2*+12 ,itresSize -mm.: 254 /0ening )#!ume: ,itres"ake: S1a2er "#de!: ,3SRated kPa: (4000 C!#sing )#!ume: 11+2* ,itresSize -mm.: 254 /0ening )#!ume: ,itres"ake: N, S1a2er Ty0e:45Rated kPa: (4000 /0ening )#!ume: 1+14 ,itresSize -mm.: 67 C!#sing )#!ume: ,itres"ake: S1a2er "#de!:,3SRated kPa: (4000C!#sing )#!ume:11+2* ,itresSize -mm.: 254 /0ening )#!ume: ,itres40+54 70+*1 ,itres22*+7 21000 (2015721 145021000"ake:(6+*5 4*400888 6000 151+40888888( 2 N/TES:88 16500 82: 14000 8(: 1450015((( 1048115011*0 (700120 1442750 1+(725 121+(71100140015 10+0*0 '+01250 261412'2 7*9NP:T /:TP:T 9NP:T(000+0 9842.5 9NP:T /:TP:T 9NP:T /:TP:T 65+614760+0 4461+4 1+*5 11+74 1+00 274+2 20+01*500 27*(+2 10+00 1+5' (00+0 1+14 1*50+05000+0 (4464 1*+0 74+4 20+0 &7+6 1'+000Drilling BOP Data3e!! Name: ,#;ati#n: Rig: Engineer: 4ate:5/P STAC%:ANN:,AR PRE)ENTER:"ake:5,9N4 RA"S:CR )A,)E:P9PE RA"S:TOTAL VOLUME for CLOSING BOPs:0!us 50! Size? mm: and? kPa: Sur@a;e Csg at? m 3e!! T4? m,ast Csg AA#Be $r#und 5urst Rating? kPa: 9ntermediate Csg? m 3e!! T)4? mR9$ ACC:":,AT/R :N9T 4ATA Rated kPa: REC:9RE4 ACC:":,AT/R S9DE"#de! N#:"inimum A;;um+ Size ReEuired ,itres:ACC:":,AT/R: Per 5#tt!e Size in ,itres:5#tt!es N#ReEuired "inimum 5#tt!e N#ReEuired Remaining Pressure kPa: 9s RigFs A;;umu!at#r AdeEuate ?Pre;1arge Pressure kPa: T#ta! )#!ume ,itres: 9s 5a;k&:0 Nitr#gen AdeEuate ?5AC%&:P N9TR/$EN: 5#tt!es N#Enter 5#tt!e Size:St#red Pressure kPa? 81:ABerage Pressure kPa: :saA!e T#ta! )#!ume ,itres: To IncreaseMudt!Mud t! "eduction 9nitia! "ud 3t+ kgGm(

#ileDrillingOnl$9nitia! "ud )#!ume m("ud 3t 4esired kgGm(T#ta! 3t+ "ateria! t# Ae Addedkg 9nitia! "ud 3t+ kgGm(

/rigina! "ud )#!ume m( 3t+ "ateria! Added in Sa;ks )#!ume #@ 5ase H!uid Added m(3t+ "ateria! S0e;if; $raBity kgGm()#!ume 9n;rease a@ter "iIing m(S0e;if; $raBity #@ 5ase H!uid kgGm(%i!#s 0er sa;k #@ 3t+ "ateria! kgGsa;k T#ta! "ud )#!ume a@ter "iIing m(Redu;ed "ud 3t+ kgGm(T#e E%ect of Te&'erature Pre'are a (ea)$ Pill*Slug Mud eig#t for on Densities of Calciu& C#loride9nitia! "ud 3t+ kgGm(

Directional ellsand Sodiu& C#loride Solutions "ud 3t+ 4esired kgGm("ud 3t+ @#r )erti;a! 3e!! kgGm(PremiI 3ater Tem0erature#C eaBy Pi!!GS!ug )#!ume ReEuired m( /BerAurden 3t+ kgGm("ud Cir;u!ating Tem0erature#C 9nitia! -Starting. "ud )#!ume m(Formation Fracture Mud Wt. kgGm(ReEuired S#!uti#n 4ensitykgGm(T#ta! 5aryte ReEuiredkg #!e 9n;!inati#n 4egreesPre&"iI S#!uti#n 4ensitykgGm(#r NumAer #@ 40kg 5aryte Sa;ks "ud 3t+ ReEuired kgGm("elated Con)ersionsmt#@t Litres to gals@tt#m m(t#55,s m(t#ga!s gals to LitreskPat#0si 55,st#m(ga!st#m(kg/m3to ppg0sit#kPa#Ct##H#H t# #C ppg to kg/m3A.P.D.S.Blind R.Pipe R.50mm75mm Throughout 50mm ThroughoutC.B.3e!! T+)+4+ and "inimum 5/P PressureReEuirements:t# 650mC!ass 99 J 14000kPat# 1*00mC!ass 999 J 14000kPat# (700mC!ass 9) J 21000kPat# 7000mC!ass ) J (4000kPa#Ber 7000mC!ass )9 J 7'000kPa''&11&2($%&'00,3S45,3S(100(100121+724KESKES*011401010001124##########10'0 ###27001700'02(40/:TP:T20+065+615+4('2267+6REC:9RE4 ACC:":,AT/R S9DEMud t! "eduction Mud eig#t for