boosting online sales in a slower economy presentation

Boosting Online Sales In A Slower Economy Presented by Will Swayne, Managing Director, “There’s a recession on, but I’m refusing to participate…”

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Boosting Online SalesIn A Slower Economy

Presented by Will Swayne,Managing Director,

“There’s a recession on, but I’m refusing to participate…”

In A Recent Survey Of 324 Australian Business Owners...

77% said their website

is moderately or critically

important NOW

98% said their website will be

moderately or critically

important TWO YEARS from


You know online marketing is critical, but how are your results?

98% say their website is only

moderately or minimally effective.

• 82% don’t track ANY KPIs for their


• 83% are appalled by their LOW

TRAFFIC volumes

• 56% have NO search engine


What’s Stopping You?

How You Can Boost Your Online Sales By 2 To 21 Times Using Three Core Strategies…

• Pay Per Click Marketing (Google Adwords)

• Search Engine Optimisation (Free Website Traffic)

• Conversion Optimisation

Start by tracking how visitors are using your website...

Boosting Website Traffic

Break The Traffic Drought (Before)

Break The Traffic Drought (During)

Break The Traffic Drought (After)

Core Strategy #1:Pay Per Click Advertising

With Google Adwords

The Results:

Doubled Traffic

Tripled Conversions

Reduced Average Cost Per Enquiry By 25%

Generated Leads Of 50% Higher Quality

Step #1: Add KEYWORDS(Thousands, Not Dozens)

Use Google Keyword Tool (FREE)OR, WordTracker (PAID)

Step #2: TEST Ads(Two Ads Per “Adgroup”)

Step #3: TRACK Keywords

Core Strategy #2:Search Engine Optimisation

(FREE Traffic)

How To Do SEO:‘On-Page’ Optimisation

How To Do SEO:‘Off-Page’ Optimisation = LINKS FREE Tool

Top 5 Link Building Strategies

Reciprocal Links

Get links from customers, suppliers, partners

List in MAJOR directories (e.g.,

Publish online Press Releases (

Article Marketing (

Core Strategy #3:Boost Website Conversion

Conversion Tool #1:Web Traffic “Heatmaps”

Conversion Tool #2:Google Website Optimiser

Testing New Sales Copy Produces NET Gains Of 57.7%

Putting It All Together:Your Online Strategy

It’s All About Results.

“We doubled monthly lead flow via our website and generated triple the leads from Google for 60% less marketing spend.”

Paul StrahlNational E-Business ManagerFuji Xerox Australia

It’s All About Results.

“Revenue increases of X,XXX%”


It’s All About Results.

“We have clients lined up for everything we can find”

Colin FergusonInvestment House

What’s Stopping You?

What Are Your Next Best Steps?

1. Do nothing

2. Do it yourself

3. Do it in-house

4. Get professional help

Marketing Results 799 737

“There’s a recession on, but I’m refusing to participate…

You don’t have to participate either…”