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In Sri Lanka

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Post on 03-Dec-2015




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In Sri Lanka

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Freedom home is a shelter for the people who were mentally disordered and who were discharged from the mental hospitals at Angoda and Mulleriyawa. These patients were abandoned neglected and disgraced by the society, their own relatives and the love ones. As human beings, the mercy, care taking, respect and love the others getting is not there for them. The witnesses who are sentenced to jail, knows when they are bailing out, but for these innocents ………………!

Nevertheless they pray to the Mighty God, Lord Buddha, God Shiva and Prophet Mohamed and anxiously looking at the gate to be with their love ones even once before their last breath. But these innocents are getting nothing even from the God except living like bodies without souls.

The faces of these innocents when seeing their love ones entering through the gate, enthusiasm of their faces likely the lotus blossom is blooming early in the morning. Thereon they are the happiest people in this universe. They are waiting for what?

In this shelter 50 to 60 both male and female

patients are resident in four buildings which are 2 to 3feet away from each other on 20 purchases for long term maybe forever. For such amount of people we are unable to facilitate proper way. Because of the rush, they are getting infected very sooner. They are spreading very fast. Matter of fact we have to put more effort to cure them.

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Where the tomorrow for this youngsters

Waiting for a bite

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Thereon we are welcomed all the donors, charity contributors and fund raisers with great respect to hold your dearest arms with us to make these innocents happy and comfortable.

In Sri Lanka there are very few organizations for mental patient. We are a one of them. These people are the most innocent people in this whole world. As a non government organization we are facing so many difficulties to take care of these people due to the increasing cost of living.

We are kindly inviting to the whole world to hold your hands and kind harts with us and visit to our home and save these innocent people…….!

Samanthi Sagarika.

Chairperson.Freedom Home.Kelaniya.

We accept all the financial donations and funds will be credited to barer: Name of recipient :Freedom Home (Pose mental

care unit)1.)Acc No. :1005602408512.)Bank :Sampath Bank3.)Branch :Dalugama4.)E-mail address

:[email protected]

“Sagarika”, Gomas Mawata, Kelaniya.Tel:+94112914633 – Cell: +94716008632

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