book report objective summary insurgent by veronica roth

Book Report Objective summary Insurgent by Veronica Roth Fiona Jones

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Book Report Objective summary Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Fiona Jones. First of all…. Since I’m presenting this to you guys, this is going to sound incredibly cheesy, but I’m going to say it anyway. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Book ReportObjective summary

Insurgentby Veronica Roth

Fiona Jones

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First of all….

Since I’m presenting this to you guys, this is going to sound incredibly cheesy, but I’m going to say it anyway.

Hi. This is my book report for language arts. I’m doing an objective summary on the book Insurgent by Veronica Roth. It’s a bit long, so just bear with me.


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SynopsisInsurgent is the second book in the Divergent trilogy. This entire book goes back to the first one a lot, so I’m going to give you a short summary of the first one just in case you haven’t read it. You know, so you’re not dazed, lost, or confused. Here we go.The Divergent trilogy is set in a city far into the future. The city is divided into 5 factions of life. Whichever faction you are in determines your entire future. The factions are the Amity, who value peace, the Candor, who value honesty, the Erudite, who value knowledge, the Abnegation, who value selflessness, and the Dauntless, who value bravery.When a child in any one of these factions turns 16, they take a test to determine which one of the factions they’d best fit into. Normally, the child would only get one result.Beatrice Prior got three. She got equal aptitude for Abnegation, her home faction, Dauntless, and Erudite. She was classified as Divergent, and was warned by her test administrator, Tori, that she should never tell anyone about this, as it was extremely dangerous.Beatrice, or Tris, as she later preferred to be called, had never been

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satisfied in Abnegation, thinking herself too selfish. So when the time came to choose the faction she’d be in for the rest of her life, she chose to transfer to Dauntless.

Well, she began Dauntless initiation, made a few friends named Christina and Will, and also made a bad enemy named Peter. She also happened to get into a relationship with one of her instructors, a teen named Tobias, nicknamed Four for only having four fears. He was a fellow Abnegation transfer, choosing Dauntless to get away from the cruelty of his father, Marcus. He also happened to be Divergent.

The night after she was accepted among the ranks of the Dauntless, Tris woke up to find out that everyone around her was being controlled in a simulation by Jeanine, the leader of Erudite. Everyone, that is, except her and Tobias. Simulations had no effect on the Divergent. The rest of the Dauntless were all like mindless zombies, capable only of carrying out orders.

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And those orders were to go to the Abnegation faction and kill everyone.

Tris and Tobias managed to shut down the simulation controlling the Dauntless, but not before Tris’s parents were killed and she was forced to kill her friend Will.

The book ended as Tris, Tobias, Tris’s brother Caleb, Tobias’s father Marcus, and Tris’s enemy Peter were riding on a train heading toward the Amity faction, the hard drive containing the simulation data in Tris’s back pocket.

Sorry that took so long. Now, the real book report can begin.

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The SummaryThe book began with Tris, Tobias, Marcus, Caleb, and Peter riding on

the train, heading for the Amity base. When the train arrived, the five jumped off and went to find Johanna Reyes, the representative of Amity. Though she did not appreciate having members of Dauntless in Amity headquarters, she allowed them to stay the night, informing them that tomorrow the Amity would decide their fate.

Tris fell asleep almost immediately. When she woke up, she imagined that Will was right in front of her haunting her from the grave. She was traumatized because she was the one that had killed him. The image disappeared when Tobias opened the door, telling her that it was time for the Amity meeting.

The Amity decided that their compound would be a safe house for all factions if there was absolutely no violence. After this statement was made, Tris noticed that Marcus and Johanna were arguing about something, and she

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snuck closer to find out what they were talking about. Tris discovered that Marcus knew some sort of big secret. When Johanna pressed to discover what it was, Marcus got angry and walked off. Tris later talked to Tobias about it, but he dismissed it offhand.When everyone was at breakfast, Marcus approached Tobias and Tris and suggested that all the Abnegation refugees leave the city. The two agreed, but Tris couldn’t help but suspect that this decision had something to do with the conversation that Marcus had had with Johanna. After he left, Tris followed him. She cornered him and told him that she had heard him talking to Johanna, and that she wanted to know what the secret was. Marcus told her that it was something that her father risked his life for, but he refused to elaborate. A frustrated Tris Went to bed.When she woke up, to her dismay, Peter was standing by her bed. He had taken the hard drive containing the simulation data! Tris leapt at him, beginning a scuffle. Tobias arrived and broke up the fight, after getting the hard drive back from Peter. An Amity official then came, informing Tris that she violated the compound rules by starting a fight. She was escorted away.

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Tris was taken to a room in which an Amity scientist was waiting for her. Against her will, Tris was given an injection that made her calm and happy to the point of insanity. Tobias found her like that and escorted her to her room. The serum took five hours to wear off, at which point Tris decided that she hated Amity.A few hours later, Tris was in a very tall tree when she saw Erudite cars arriving at the complex, undoubtedly to kill the remaining Abnegation members. Their only hope for escape was to try and blend in with the Amity members.It didn’t work. The Erudite attacked the Abnegation members, and in the commotion, Tris accidently saved Peter’s life.In the end, only a few people escaped the attack. Tris, Tobias, Caleb, and a girl named Susan got out together and made for the train tracks. However, when they boarded the train, they discovered that it was run by the factionless, those who failed their training or were cast out. The factionless were about to force them off the train when Tobias told them that his last

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name was Eaton. To Tris’s total bewilderment, the factionless stood down and told Tobias that someone had been looking for him. This person turned out to be Tobias’s supposedly dead mother, Evelyn, who had become leader of the factionless. Tobias, however, resented her for leaving him with Marcus. He argued with her, and she left the room.Tris fell asleep troubled.Voices woke her. She overheard a conversation between Evelyn and Tobias, Evelyn saying that the goal of the factionless was to overthrow Erudite and set up a new government without factions.Tris didn’t get any more sleep that night.The next day, Tris and Tobias decided to go to the Candor headquarters, where the Dauntless were taking refuge; the ones who weren’t on Erudite’s side, anyway.Once the two got to the compound, they were arrested and taken to a holding cell. Later, Jack Kang, leader of Candor stepped in and informed Tris

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and Tobias that they were being pressed with charges of helping Erudite. To prove whether this was true or not, they would be asked questions under the influence of truth serum.

While waiting for the trial, Tris was reunited with Christina, one of her best friends, who tearfully told her that Will had been killed. Unable to tell her the truth, Tris lied and claimed that she didn’t know. Before they were able to talk more, it was time for the trial to begin. Tobias was called up first. His innocence is proven, but he is also forced to tell everyone why he left Abnegation for Dauntless: to get away from his father, Marcus.

Tris’s interrogation was next. She was also proven innocent, but she had to admit that it was she who killed Will, making Christina hate her for doing so, and making Tobias angry with her for concealing the truth.“The Candor sing the praises of the truth, but they never tell you how much it costs.” -30% through the book

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The next day, Tris and Tobias had an argument about the issue, after which, Tris wandered aimlessly around for a while. Lynn, a friend of hers from Dauntless, found her and took her to where the other Dauntless were staying, where Tris was reunited with other friends such as Uriah, Marlene, and Shauna. After getting reacquainted, Uriah suggested that they go to the top of a building to spy on the Erudite.While they were there, Dauntless traitors attacked them, shooting some sort of blue object at them. Tris got hit in the arm and went down, feigning unconsciousness when she realized that everyone else was out like a light. She figured out that the others must be under some sort of simulation, or she, as Divergent, wouldn’t be the only one awake. After the Dauntless traitors were gone, Tris sat up, as did Uriah, letting Tris know that he was Divergent as well. Together, they went back into the city to try to rescue any other Divergent, but they were captured by Eric, a ruthless leader of Dauntless. However, Tris realized that she still kept a knife in her back pocket. She stabbed Eric, and chaos ensued for a few moments. Then, Tobias arrived

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with a backup of about 70 Dauntless. They drove the Dauntless traitors out of the Candor compound and captured Eric. The battle was won.However, there was a catch. Tris discovered that the blue things that the Dauntless traitors were shooting at everyone contained a simulation serum. This meant that all those who were shot by the Dauntless traitors could be controlled under simulations made by the Erudite.As she went to go find Tobias to tell him this unnerving discovery, Caleb saw her and beckoned her over to him. He then told her that Marcus and Peter had just arrived, apparently having escaped the shooting at Amity. Before she could find Tobias and relay this news to him, however, Jack Kang, leader of Candor, called a meeting.He spoke a lot about the invasion of Candor, and then asked all Divergent to step forward. Tris and Tobias both walked up, and more surprisingly, so did Marcus. Kang then asked them why they thought the Dauntless had attacked, but dismissed Tris’s theory that they had come to find the Divergent and control the rest of the faction.

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A few hours later, Zeke, Uriah’s older brother, and Tori, Tris’s test administrator arrived from spying on the traitor Dauntless. Tori was injured, so was taken to a hospital, but Zeke warned that a representative from Erudite was coming to discuss peace with Jack Kang. Lynn, Uriah, Shauna, Marlene, and Tris decided to listen in on the meeting, which was scheduled for 12 hours later.

At lunch, the Dauntless began to call Tobias a coward, reminding Tris that he had revealed to them why he had really joined the Dauntless. To prove himself, he walked over to where Marcus was sitting and basically beat him up, stalking out of the cafeteria afterward. Tris followed him and began to argue that he shouldn’t have just beat up Marcus for no good reason. When he wouldn’t listen, she huffed out of the room to find Marcus.“We both have war inside of us. Sometimes it keeps us alive. Sometimes it threatens to destroy us.” -47% through the book

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When she found Marcus, Tris informed him that whatever secret he was talking about with Johanna, she could help him with it. He told her to go away.12 hours later, it was time to spy on Kang’s meeting. However, Tris was unable to take even a gun to protect herself, the memory of what she had done to Will still haunting her. She walked out of her room to meet the others unarmed.The representative that Jeanine sent turned out to be Max, a cruel Dauntless leader just like Eric. He demanded that Kang turn over all Divergent to the Erudite, or they would destroy Candor.At that point, Lynn shot Max.When the utter confusion started, Tris bolted off to find Jeanine. She almost caught up to her, but Peter, the traitor, forced her to retreat. Going back to her friends, Tris discovered that Shauna had gotten shot in the back. They transported her to a hospital in the city, barely in time to save her.

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A few minutes afterward, Tris found herself at a meeting of the Dauntless members. They began to elect new leaders. Tori, Tobias, and Harrison, and older man, were nominated, and the Dauntless began to make plans to leave the city, plans furthered by Jack Kang’s announcement that all Divergent had to turn themselves in. The Dauntless moved out, leaving chaos in their wake. With nowhere else to go, the Dauntless traveled back to their compound, despite the fact that it was under surveillance from the Erudite.One night, Tobias woke Tris up to go to a meeting with the factionless. He met with Evelyn, and they discussed the alliance. They reached an agreement, to Tris’s apprehension. As they were heading back to the Dauntless compound, Tris told Tobias that she didn’t like this alliance. Tobias agreed, but claimed that in order to succeed, they needed the help of the factionless. Tris went back to bed angry with Tobias……and woke up to a panicked Christina. Three of the Dauntless were being controlled under the Erudite simulation- Marlene, a young girl, and Hector, Lynn’s younger brother. Christina dragged Tris up to the roof

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because they were saying that they had a message for the Divergent. The message was this: if a Divergent didn’t deliver themselves to Erudite headquarters, this would happen again. Then, all three stepped backward off the roof! Cristina rescued the young girl, and Tris saved Hector, but that meant that Marlene was dead. After this horrific issue, Tris reconciled with Christina.The next night, Tris decided to give herself up to the Erudite as the message had ordered, to save lives. She left the Dauntless compound and allowed herself to be captured. It was none other that Peter who escorted her to her cell. A few hours later, Jeanine entered the holding area, refusing to give the time when Tris asked. She did, however, escort her to the room where she would be studied, and, finally, executed. Tris realized that by coming here she had given Jeanine the capability to develop a simulation serum that would work on the Divergent.

Then, disaster! Tobias showed up, captured like Tris. Jeanine used this opportunity to torture Tris to force Tobias to tell her the locations of the safe

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houses for the factionless. After Tobias gave up this information and was escorted back to his cell, Jeanine revealed to Tris that her brother, Caleb, was a traitor, further rocking her world.After yet another tried simulation that didn’t work on her, Tris angered Jeanine, making her decide to execute Tris early. She ordered Peter to deliver this news to Tris in her cell. Peter informed Tris that the execution date had been moved to the next day, but he also told her the time.‘“It’s 9:24”Telling me the time is a small act of betrayal, and therefore an ordinary act of bravery. It is maybe the first time I’ve seen Peter be truly Dauntless.”’- 71% through the book.In the morning, Peter came to take her to her execution. Jeanine injected her with the death serum, but to her surprise, she didn’t die. Peter took her out of the room, quietly explaining to her that he had switched out the death serum for a different one that caused her to be paralyzed. He then took her to Tobias and helped them both escape for the sole reason that he

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owed Tris for saving his life back at the Amity shooting.After escaping Erudite, Tris, Tobias, and Peter ran to the Abnegation section of the city, where all the Dauntless and factionless had moved. The plan was to attack Erudite sooner rather than later.In the morning, Marcus approached Tris and told her more about his big secret; it involved what’s outside the fence that bordered the entire city. He also informed her that he was willing to show her the secret, only, it was contained on a file on Jeanine’s computer. Tris was faced with a nerve-wracking choice- go with the factionless but not learn the secret, or go with Marcus but lose Tobias’s trust forever for working with his father.Evelyn and Tori revealed the ruthless attack plan against the Erudite, but this furthered Tris’s uneasy feelings regarding this alliance.“We share a common enemy, but does that make us friends?”- 79% through the book. Tris decided to work with Marcus, even though this decision could ruin

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her relationship with Tobias forever. She managed to convince Christina to help her. She, Marcus, Christina, and a few Erudite refugees snuck into the Erudite compound while the conflict was going on outside. Tris felt certain that the file would be on the laboratory computer- the most secure computer in the entire building. On the way up there, Tris was separated from the rest of her group, so she had to get through all the security measures on her own.When she got through to the laboratory, Tris, to her shock, found that Tori was already there and about to shoot Jeanine. Tris tried to prevent it fom happening, but Tori was too determined. Tori shot Jeanine.Jeanine died.Tris is taken for a Dauntless traitor and captured, without even getting the data from Jeanine’s computer.And on top of that, Tobias started to hate her for working with Marcus. In the square, where everyone was gathered, Evelyn made an announcement; with the downfall of the Erudite also came the downfall of the factions. As Evelyn talked, Tobias walked over to Tris and told her that he had

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gotten the information from the computer. The projectors in the square flickered, then came on.

‘ “What is this?”Evelyn demands.“This,” Tobias says, only to me, ”is the information that will change

everything.” ‘ -97% through the book

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Guess what? I’m not giving away the ending!

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ObjectivenessThis was an objective summary, as I’ve told you. It’s

actually a bit difficult to be objective when writing about a book like this. It’s difficult because I had several opinions about events in this book that I really wanted to share. However, I couldn’t, because an objective summary is, by definition, opinion-free. It’s also difficult because a human being, by nature, wants to share his/her opinions with the world, so suppressing them is not natural. That’s why it’s hard to be objective when writing an objective summary.

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