boardgame magical square introduction


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Luna: Today is the day I’m going to start studying at the magic academy, Magical Square. I overslept and late a bit… I hope I’m not gonna be in trouble.

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??: Hey, you’re late. What’s your name?

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Luna: (Geez, She’s gorgeous!) Sorry, Ma’am. I’m Luna Lubrandor.

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??: Take a seat. Let me introduce about the curriculum of our academy. I’m Rachel Fräulen, Headmistress of the Magic academy, Magical Square.

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Luna: Are You the Headmistress!?

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Rachel: Why are you so surprised? Is there something wrong?

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Luna: No, absolutely no! ‘Cause you look so young and beautiful than I thought...

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Rachel: Thank you. But aside of that, listen to our academy life first.

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Luna: (I should tell her about that later.)

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Rachel: We have lessons teaching magic and alchemy overall. These lessons have procedure of practicing recording elements on the magic scroll and forming magics and learn new abilities. I believe you already know how to form a magic with elements?

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Luna: I, I’m sorry but I don’t know anything about it…….

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Rachel: Oh, all right. Don’t be shame. Everyone starts from the bottom. I’ll teach you about basics of elemental magic.

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Luna: Thank you! (She’s kinder than she looks!)

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Rachel: Take this magic scroll. Basic of elemental magic starts from recording elements in the magic square. Let’s start just like the real one.

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Rachel: I’ll shuffle 21 element cards and draw three of them. Then you should record them on your scroll. For your reference, there are cards written 1 to 6, the elixir and three of them each.

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Rachel: Ok, Here comes 1, 3, 4.

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Luna: Oh, Where should I record them?

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Rachel: You can record them anywhere in any direction, but you are not allowed to change the order of elements.

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Rachel: Thant means 4, 3, 1 is fine, but 1, 4, 3 is prohibited. Also you should record them in a row. Let’s write it down here. 

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Luna: Like this?

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Rachel: Ok, very well. After recording, if 3 or more elements in a row are identical or continuous, you are allowed to circle them to form a magic.

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Rachel: Like this, for example. 

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Rachel: But let’s just skip it as we can’t do that right now.

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Rachel: Each element is allowed to circle twice in different directions. Element circled horizontally could be circled in vertically, and vice versa. Be careful of circling twice in same direction. It’s prohibited.

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Rachel: Next is 4, 5, ☆.

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Luna: Wow, what’s this star?

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Rachel: It’s the Elixir, a mysterious material which can be used as any element. Recording ☆, you can consider it as any element you want afterwards. Also you can consider it as a number that doesn’t even exist in the element cards, except 0. 

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Luna: Can I do it like this?

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Rachel: Very well. Now is time to circle the elements. If you think the elixir as 6, four elements are arrayed continuously, so you are allowed to circle them. Of course you can also wait until more elements are added. By doing that you can gain more points.

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Luna: Um, can I circle only when I record an element adjacent

to the element that I want to circle?

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Rachel: No, You are allowed to record anywhere you want, and circle any elements.

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 Luna: Then I’ll wait!

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Rachel: Good idea. But for now, let’s circle it as we’re learning

for the first time.

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Luna: … Yes ma’am.

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Rachel: After circling, you should record which subject of magic you’ve formed in the achievement row. There 5 subjects: the Soul, the Fire, the Wind, the Aqua and the Earth. The Soul means 3 squares, the Fire means 4 squares, the Wind means 5 squares, the Aqua means 6 squares and the Earth means 7 squares.

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Rachel: You circled 4 squares, so check the 1st box of the 2nd row. For your reference, when you circle, you gain 10 points for three squares, 15 for four, 25 for five, 40 for six and 60 for seven. The more squares you circle, the more points you get. Understand?

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Luna: Ma’am, what’s this icon in the achievement rows?

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Rachel: Very sharp. Do you remember that I said, we learn new ability as we form magic?  If you form a magic and check the boxes up to the icon, you can learn and use a special ability for the magic.

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Luna: Really? Awesome!

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Rachel: But let’s skip learning abilities as you’re a beginner. And I’ll

give two elements to the students who have circled as an

encouragement. Like this.

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Rachel: 1, 5.Then those students who circled, can choose one of them and

record it.

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Luna: Um, ma’am, can I refuse to take it even if it’s a bonus?

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Rachel: Well, do you mean that … you don’t want what I gave you? 

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Luna: Nononono, I’ll take it! I'll record it!

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Rachel: Very well. The student who recorded the bonus element can circle one more time. So, now you can circle 3, 4, 5. Do you remember that I said each element can be circled twice in different directions?

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Luna: Ma’am, then, can I repeat circling and recording the

bonus element, and circling and recording it and so on?

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Rachel: Maybe it’s possible if I give you the bonuses repeatedly. But it’s just once that I give you the bonus for a turn. It say’s “Give him an inch, and he’ll take a mile”.

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Luna: Yes…….

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Rachel: Then, let’s draw next elements.1, ☆, 6

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Luna: Geez… It would be perfect just without 1…….

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Rachel: Not all the elements are good to record. Actually, the elements hard to record come out more often. But there’s a way. Students have two chances to cancel an element.

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Luna: Cancel? Is it the bottom left side part of the magic scroll?

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Rachel: Yes, if you use a cancellation, you can discard generated element into the cancellation box. Do you want to cancel 1? Then record 1 into the cancellation box, and record just ☆ and 6 into the magic square.

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Rachel: Like this.

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Luna: Can I make a space between 1 and 6 as I cancel the middle part of the elements?

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Rachel: No, you can’t. You should record 1 attached to 6 as if I

generated only them.

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Luna: Then, can I cancel many elements at once?

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Rachel: Of course. But if you don’t record any element at the main phase, when I generated three elements, you can’t participate in the practice anymore.

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Rachel: Anyway, I'll generate the elements again. Let’s do it

just like you’ve learned.

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Rachel: 3, 3, 6.

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Luna: That’s the spot.

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Rachel: 2, 4, 6.

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Luna: Here?

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Rachel: 2, 2, 6.

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Luna: Let’s gather 6s!

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Rachel: 1, ☆, 6.

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Luna: Elixir can be used as a number greater than 6, so I

would make a good use for here.

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Rachel: 6, 5, 3.

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Luna: I gathered four 6s!

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Luna: I’ll circle them ‘cause I can’t make it anymore.

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Luna: Check for the four squares!

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Rachel: You circled, so let’s move on to the bonus phase. 2, ☆. Choose one. It’s pretty easy.

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Luna: I’ll fill the elixir here!

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Luna: I can circle one more time as I recorded element at the

bonus phase, so I’ll circle these four.

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Luna: I’ve circled 4 squares three times already!

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15 minutes later.

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Rachel: For the last, 1, 6, 3

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Luna: This is the last squares! And… I can’t circle anymore?

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Luna: Hmm… Ma’am, I can’t record three elements in a row anymore!

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Rachel: You used all the cancellations, so there’s no choice. As I told you before, the student who couldn’t record any element at the main phase should submit their magic square, and end the practice. Now it’s time to grade it.

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Rachel: 5 for the Soul, 5 for the Fire, 1 for the Wind, 1 for the Aqua. Not bad for beginner. You’ve learned faster than I thought.

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Luna: He he, thank you!

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Rachel: Your magic score is 190. But you lose 5 points for

each blank square, now it’s 175.

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Luna: Really? You didn’t say anything about getting penalty for blanks?

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Rachel: Didn’t I say that? I’m so sorry, but don’t worry about that. This is fairly good result, and you will get additional points.

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Luna: Additional points?

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Rachel: After the practice, we give an award to the student

who checked the most in each subject.

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Rachel: The award given to the student is additional 10 points for each subject. Luna would have been awarded for two subjects, the Soul and the Fire, if this was a real practice. So you gain additional 20 points. Therefore, final score is 195 points.

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Luna: Wow! I don’t know if I did it well!

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Rachel: There is no perfect score in this academy. In my opinion, the way setting a full mark and cutting off it kills the potential of students. But you did a great job for the first time.

And now I’ll introduce the abilities we didn’t use in the previous practice.

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Luna: What abilities do we have?

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Rachel: Let’s start from the Soul. The Soul allows you to record both

of the bonus elements on the square anywhere you want.

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Luna: Um… that’s a bit ordinary ability than I expected.

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Rachel: It may feels like a tiny ability, but the elements which

can be recorded solely gives us a big help occasionally.

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Rachel: The Fire gives you three additional cancellation boxes. You’ll know how much useful it is, because I already explained about it.

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Luna: It would be great when I run out of the squares!

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Rachel: The wind allows you to bend the elements that is

drawn when you record it.

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Rachel: Like this.

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Luna: I can put the element away if I don’t want to record it with this ability! 

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Rachel: Right. It is fun to apply everytime.

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Rachel: The Aqua allows you to change 1 to a ☆, the elixir, up

to three times when recording it. Isn’t it amazing?

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Luna: It’s like I’m starting with 3 more elixirs! Wow!

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Rachel: Finally, the Earth connects the edge of magic square

when you circle. Just like there are portals in both sides.

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Rachel: Finally, the Earth connects the edge of magic square when you circle. Just like there are portals in both sides.

Then, you can circle like this.

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Luna: Wow, then I would be more lighthearted even if there’s a big number in an annoying place!

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Rachel: Right. It is a tremendous ability than it looks.Luna learned the Soul, the Fire, and the Aqua? Especially the fire and the

Aqua are easy to understand and use, and therefore those are recommended for beginners.

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Luna: Err… I don’t know if I can do it well.

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Rachel: Don’t worry. All the necessary information is provided on the magic scroll, so it’s not that hard. Just remember to array continuous or identical elements in order, circle it, take bonus elements, record it, and circle again. The rest of it is up to the flow of mana and element.

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Luna: It’s a relief to hear that. And I’m a bit excited to learn new


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Rachel: I’m glad to hear that. This is the end of instruction.

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Luna: Thank you for your instruction!

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Rachel: By the way… Don’t you have something more to tell me?

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Luna: Oh, Thank you for your instruction, young beautiful headmistress!

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Rachel: Huhu, thanks. Once again welcome to our academy, Magical Square!

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Tutorial Fin.