board - town of becker

January 4 0 1982 The Becker Town Board met on Jan. 4, 1982 at 7•30 P.M. at the Becker Town Ha.11. Those present were Olson, Johnson, Pouliot, Clitty, Robinson, Myers and Schwinn. Chairman olson called the meeting to order. The minutes from the Dec. 21, 1981 meeting were read and accepted. J Treasurer Myers gave an up to: date report1 Geaef!a•-Revenue Fund Fire Fund $46.?4 Rec:' $29.99 Rec. $1,804.J4 Dis. $2,161.37 dis $48,488.38 l3a.l. $3,550.03 Bal. Road and Bridge Fund $281.1? Rec. ----- $774. 00 Dis. $11, 726.57 Bal. Town Hall Fund $14.99 Rec. No Dis. $J,140. 91 Bal. Total All Funds $68, 90 s. 89 Ba.l .. $384.98 Checking Acct. $18,520.91 Savings Acct. $50,000.00 Certificate of Deposit Olson reported he had talked with Tom Price the Township Atty. in regards with the power pole in 60th Ave, Price said it did'nt look like UPA would pay to move the pole. Clerk Schwinn reported that he had not been able to get in touch with Tom Price in regards to registering roads. came before the Town Boa:cd in regards to putting up a chicYien bam on his land. Clitty made motion to accept RandysClitty's request for a permit1.i>o put a chicken barn on his property. Seconded. by Robinson. All members voting for. Motion carried. Clerk Schwinn will send Harvey Alfords a letter stating the Board Ms.approved Randy Clitty•s request. Pouliot made motion to accept Randy Olson's request for a permit for a beauty shop on his property. Seconded by Olson. All members voting for. Motion carried. Clerk Schwinn to send a letter to Harvey Alfoms stating boards approval of Randy Olson's request for a beauty shop on his property. Robinson made motion to pay warrants 4189 thru 4196. Seconded by Fouliot. All members voting for. Motion carried. · Robinson made motion to adjourn. Seconded by Pouliot. All members Motion carried.

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Page 1: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

January 4 0 1982

The Becker Town Board met on Jan. 4, 1982 at 7•30 P.M. at the Becker Town Ha.11. Those present were Olson, Johnson, Pouliot, Clitty, Robinson, Myers and Schwinn. Chairman olson called the meeting to order. The minutes from the Dec. 21, 1981 meeting were read and accepted. J

Treasurer Myers gave an up to: date report1 Geaef!a•-Revenue Fund Fire Fund $46.?4 Rec:' $29.99 Rec. $1,804.J4 Dis. $2,161.37 dis $48,488.38 l3a.l. $3,550.03 Bal.

Road and Bridge Fund $281.1? Rec. ----­$774. 00 Dis. $11, 726.57 Bal.

Town Hall Fund $14.99 Rec. No Dis. $J,140. 91 Bal.

Total All Funds $68, 90 s. 89 Ba.l .. $384.98 Checking Acct. $18,520.91 Savings Acct. $50,000.00 Certificate of Deposit

Olson reported he had talked with Tom Price the Township Atty. in regards with the power pole in 60th Ave, Price said it did'nt look like UPA would pay to move the pole. Clerk Schwinn reported that he had not been able to get in touch with Tom Price in regards to registering roads. HMdi··~ti:lltty came before the Town Boa:cd in regards to putting up a chicYien bam on his land. Clitty made motion to accept RandysClitty's request for a permit1.i>o put a chicken barn on his property. Seconded. by Robinson. All members voting for. Motion carried. Clerk Schwinn will send Harvey Alfords a letter stating the Board Ms.approved Randy Clitty•s request. Pouliot made motion to accept Randy Olson's request for a permit for a beauty shop on his property. Seconded by Olson. All members voting for. Motion carried. Clerk Schwinn to send a letter to Harvey Alfoms stating boards approval of Randy Olson's request for a beauty shop on his property. Robinson made motion to pay warrants 4189 thru 4196. Seconded by Fouliot. All members voting for. Motion carried. · Robinson made motion to adjourn. Seconded by Pouliot. All members votia~.!for. Motion carried.

Page 2: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

January 18, 1982

The Becker Town Board met on Monday Ja.n. 18, 1982 at ?:JO P.M. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present were Pouliot, Olson, Johnson, Robins~n•·Clitty, Myers and Schwinn. Chairman Olson called the meeting to order. The minutes from the Jan. 4, 1982 meeting were read and accepted .• Treasurer Myers gave an up to date report; GENERAL REVENUE FUND $182.)2 int. rec. $68.00 rec. $~.41 dis. $48,644.29 ba.l.

ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND $1,051.88 int. rec.

rec. $1,888.00 dis. $10,890.45 balo

TOWN HALL FUND $s6.10 int. rec. $JO.OO rec. $148. ~dis. $3,078.07 bal.

FIRE FUND $112.20 int.

rea. rec.

No dis,. $5,662.23 ba.l.

TOTAL ALL FUNDS $68,275.04 ba.l. $J,54.1J Checking Account $17 1 920.91 Savings Account $50,000.00 Certificate of deposit

Tom Price, Township attorney came before the board in regaxds to the power pole in 60th Ave. He he had been in touch with UPA in regards to moving the pole and UPA will make a decision in the next couple of weeks one way or the other regarding moving the pole. Tom Price also recommended that we pay Al Minnerath the bal.of his bid price. Jean Clitty motion to -pay Al the ba.l. of his bid price, seconded by Robinson. All members voting for. Motion carried. Robinson made motion to pay warrants 4197 thru. 4207. Seconded by Olson. all members voting for. Motion carried. Robinson made motion to adjourn, seconded by Johnson. All members voting for. Motion carried.

Page 3: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

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Fe bur.-lrY, 1, 1982

The Becker Town Board met on i-ionday Feb. 1982 at 7:30 P.M. at the Becker Town Hall, Those present were 01Gon, Pouliot, Robinson 0 Joh..~son , Clitty, J1Yers and Sc~winn. Cha.i=man Olson called the meeting to the minutes from the Jan. 18t 1982 meeting were read and accepted. TreasurGr Myers gave an up to date reporti General Revenue Fund int. rec. No rec. $387. 80 dis. $48,256.49 00.1. ;:i,n1 Bridge Fund int. roe . No rec. $2, 959. 98 dis. $7. 930.47 ml.

Town Hall Fund ·int. rec. No r ec. $225.71 dis . $2,852.36 b.3.1.

D oD

,.." .. r -~,, .. ,. ,_ \

Fire Fund. int. rec, No rec. dis. $5~66~.23 00.1,

Total All Funds $66, 441. 5.5 ba.l. $320,8+ checking acct. $16p120.91 savings acct, $50,000,00 certificate of deposit

Raleigh Christian, John McCalla0 and Jim Cassidy came before 1<.he, boa.rd in regards to getting the boards approval in gettin.e; building ~rmits on ~McCa.11-:..'s land with the understanding that the road;...on his property is private and Mr. McCalla , .. ,ill take of the upkeep of such road, County engineers came baf .Jre the in regards to Gin and Al Minnerathts extrd. charge. They suggested. that we f:lnd crossection Gin to verify Hiru1erathrs charges . Robinson moti.)~ to take final crossection on Gin Seconded by Pouliot, All members voting fore Motio:'l ca.rriad, County e?'l{)ineers ara go:b~ to do n. cro.s.sectL:m, Discussion an charges from county for 1981 assesements to ~cker townshipr Bo~:rU. agreed to pay the billc Treasurer Hyer.; reported that ther a was to be a meeting at the Becker Tmm Hall on Feb. 10, 1982 at 8:00 P.M. rega.Dling road rog:lst:.ration . Clitty reported sh~ had attended a Planning Commision meeting. People attending this meeting were against Randy Clitty's application for a chicken barn, Pouliot motion to transfer Revenue Sharing Fu.'lld to Road and Bridge Fundo Seconded by Robinson. All members voting f oro Motion ca.rried, Rooinson made motion to pay warrants 4208 thru 4213. Seconded by Clitty. All members voting for. Motion carried. Robinson made motion to adjourn. Seconded by Pouliot. All members vot:Ll1g for . Motion carried

Page 4: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

February 15e 1982

The :Becker To~ll Boalrl met on Mon, Feb. 15,1982 at 7130 P.M. at the Becker Town Hall. Thosa present were Clittyp Olson, Pouliot, Robinson, Johnson, Schwinn a..nd Myers, Olson ca.llad the meeting to omer. The minutes from the Feb. 1, 1982 meeting were read and accepted. Treasurer Myers eave an up to date report; General Revenue Fund


$1, 737. 64 DIS, $!;.6,;1 a. as BAL,

Road and Bridge Fund $ 1740.00 Transfer in $NO REC. $4i150. 00 DIS.

, $5,520.47 Ba.l.

Tolm Jhll Fund INT. REC,

NO REC $61c00 Dis. ~2,791.36 Bal.

Fire Fu..11d Int. Rec. Rec. Dis. $5,662.23 Bal.

Total all Fu."flds $60~492. 91 -Ril. $372.00 Checking acct. $10,:1.20. 91 Savings acct, $50,000,00 c~rtificate of deposit

Revenue Sha.rinri Funrl $1~740.00 Transfer out

u9u Bal,

Lester Olson rP.r>orGed. the .. t UPA will move the power pole in 60th Aveo withou·f; a.ny cost to thG Township, Clerk Schwinn roportecl thr:l,t, we now have 20 Tm,"llship roads reg1st3red. Discussion on zoning and. pla...rming commissions deniel of Randy Clitty's permit for a chicken 'tarn, Pouliot made motion to purchase Clerk and Treasurar's handbook from Association of Townshipsp for the Clerk and Treasurer. Seconded by Clitty. All meml~rs voting for" Motion car:dec.l. Joh.~so::t m3.-1e motion tha;t Olnirmn.n 01.s·Jn cmYtac-G Tom Pric ?-' Township Attorney in regards to Randy Clitty's conditional use permit. Seconied by Clitty. All members voting for. Hotion

· ·carried. . · ·, · Robinson made motion to pay warrants 4214 thrU 4225. Seconded lYJ Pou11.ot. All members voting for. Johnson made motion ·to adjourn. Seconded by Clitty. All members voting for, Motion carried,

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Page 5: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

March 1, 1. 982

The Becker Town Boa:t'tl met on Mon'.lay March 1, 1982 at ?:JO P.M. at the Becker Town Hall, ThosP. present were Olson, ClittyF Pouliot, Robinson~ Joh..Ylson, Myers and Schwinn, Chairman Olson called the meeting to orcler. The minutes from the Feb. 155 1982 meeti ne; were read and accepted, Treasurer Myers gave an up to date report~ General Revenu-3 Fu..1Cl No·· inte:z;es :t :cece iv ad .• $8.·00 Rec. No t ransfer in No transfer out $634. 87 Dis. $45,891. 98 Bal.

Roa.Ii. 3..."!d B"t'ifl.o;e FtLYJ. l No interest recclved No rec, No tra.nsf er in No transfer out $36.oo Dis, $5,484-.4? Ba.L

Tmm Ha ll Fund No interest recei ved No r ec. No transfer i n No transfer out $39!-f.10 Dis. $2r397. 26 Bal.

Fire Fund No interest received No rec. No transfer in No transfer out No Dis . $5s 662. 23 Bal,

Total All Fun<ls $59,435.cJ+ Bal.-$307.03 checking acct, $9,128. 91 savings acct. ;$50, 080, 00 certificate of depos:lt

Olson reported that 1€slie Fish.Jr will not ba c>.bl e to attend Zoning and Pl:i.nning Commission hearing on Randy Cl:i.tty ' s s Tony VonEride :2.nd . Rick- .VonEnde~-s conditional us e permits for commercial poul triJ ope:r:o.. tions on March 11, 1982 at 7 : 30 P. M. She would l ike someone from the Town Boa:rd to attend. Discussi on on making a mar~ detailed map of the Township. Kyl e Joh..Dson is going to inquire about somebody makinc up a map . Duane Peterson wanted to know the stitus of 60th Ave. Olson i nformed. him we are waiti nt to hear from Mr.'3r Ll'l regaros to get.tin~ an easement from Hrr Hammer. Ols on made motion to pa.y warra.>'lts 4 226 thru 4228. Seconded by Cli tty. All members voti~ for. Motion co.rr:l.ccl. Pouliot f.lElde motion to adjourr1, Seconc1-ec1. by Olson. All members votine for. Motion carriad.

\ ' ...

Page 6: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

l1arch 2, 1982

lffiasil1ecker Town Board met on Tuesday March 2, 1982 at ?:JO P.M. at the Becker town Hall. Those prese nt were Pouliot, Ohon, Joh."'lso::i, Clittyt Joy Robinson, Myers, and Schwi..11..11. Chairr-aar Olson call ed tho meeting to oroer. Olson made motion to appoL11t Joy Robinson to tc'l.k.e the place of her husband. Seconde~ by Pouliot. All memb'3rs votin~ for., Motion ca.:cried. Clitty made motion to levy $57,880.00 for Roail. and Bridge Fund, $3,000.00 for ToHn Hall Fund, $,5, 000.00 f.o:: Fire Fund. Seconded by Olson. Clittyp Pouliot and Joy Robi.'l"lson for.· Olson and Joh.risen against. Motion carried, Clitty made motion to Fu..~d the General Revenue Fund by per capita. Seconded by Pouliot. All members voting for. i1otion carried, Clitty rn._.q,1l0 mot:ton to ad.jour11, Seconrled oy Pouliot~ All members voting fo:r.. Motior. carried,

• I

'· . .· It,.·'


Page 7: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

Ma.rob 15, 1982

The fucker Town met on Monday March 15, 1982 at 7aJO P.M. at the Becker To;rn Hall. Thos~ present were Johnson, Pouliot, Olson, Myers and Schwinn. Chairman Olson called the meeting to order. The new officers were sworn in. The minutes from the March 1, 1982 meeting were read and accap·t.ed. The minutes from the March 2, 1982 meeti..Ylg were read and. aocgpted. The Treasurer gave a.n up to date reportr Gen~ra.1 Revenue Fu:1d $6,365.64 receipts $272.00 disbursments $s1,9a5.62 balance

Road and Bridge Fund $61165";*62 receipts·­No disbursments $11,650.09

Town. Ha.11 Fund $35a.46 receipts $47.00 disbursments $2,708.72 balance

Fire Fund $~5.24 receipts No disbursments $6,307.47 balance

Tot..~l all Fu.Tlds $12,651:9Q'Tata1 $31J.OJ checking acct. $7033808? sa.vings acct. $65,000oOO certificate of


Olson made motion, seconded by Pouli~t to aooapt canvass of ballots. All members voting for. Motion carried. Discussion on Sched.zilos bill. Johnson wanted an explanation on moving time, also in question was the amount of sand used on 32 miles of road. Also explanation on a.mount of time spent on roa.ds. Ward King a.nd Jim Aldridge from NSP came before the Boa:r:d to explain NSP's to remove 10,000 cubic yards of clay in 1982 and 500,000 cubic yams of clay in 198J from Howal:'.3. Johnson9s property. They requested the boa:i:O. to recomend to the Zoning and Planning commission for a. co1tdi tiona.l use parmi t. Motion made 1 by Olson; seconded by Pouliot in favor of conditional use permit. All menibars votine for. Motion carried. Schwi..'11?1 wanted to know about using bottom ash on the roads. Wam King said to contact She:r:co's pla.nt manager. Discussion on 60th Ave. Discussion on UPA power pole. Tom Price will respond on easements and check to sea if you can get easements. The Town Boan! will have to decide on how far they want the road to go, Motion made by Pouliot, seconded by Schwinn to ra.ise Clerks pay to $31~00 and to ra.ise treasurer' pay ·to $26. oo. All members votion for. Motion passed. Pouliot made motion, secondecl by Schrrinn to raise milage from .21¢ a mile to .23¢ per mile. All memlurs voting for. Motion oa.rrl.edc Discussion on letting a contract for road maintenance. The Boa:ril wants Clerk to send a letter asking for bidse Johnson made motion to call for bids, seconded by Olson. All members voting for. Motion carried. Run ad for three weeks or required time~ . Discussion on Board of equalization meetingo Clayton Anderson said he would oome to next meeting a.11d a.11swer questions. Olson made motion to elect Pouliot Chairman. Seeolllled by Johnson. All members voting for. Motion l'}a.r-ded. Motion made by Pouliot, seconded by Olson to pa.y warrants 4230 thru 4248. All members voting for. Motion ca:r:riad" Motion made by Olson, seconded by Pouliot to adjourn. All members voting for. Motion carried.

Page 8: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

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April 5, 1982

The Becker Town met on Monda.y April 5. 1982 at 7::)0,.P·;.M.;·:~at ·the Becker Town &.11. Those present were Pouliot, Olson, Johnson, Robinson, Schwinn, Myers and Schwinn. Clnirnan Pouliot called the meeting to or .. ter. The minutes from the March 15, 1982 meeting were read ani accepted. Treasurer Myers gave a.n up to date report; Genera.1 Revenue Fund No receipts $1,800.J1 Disbursments $50,185631 Ba.lance

Road and Britiga Fund No receipts $1 1675.00 Disbursments $9,97S.09 Balance

· Town Hall Fund No receipts $325.98 Disbursments $2,JBJ.?4 Ba.lance The Treasurers report was accepted.

Fire Fund No receipts No disbursments $60307.47 Ba.lance

Total all Funds $68,850c61 :&ilance $1p011.74 Checking Acot. $2,8)8087 Savings Acct~ · $65,000.00 Certificate_ of Deposit

Discussion on road bids. Pouliot sue;e;estC1:l opening bids al"Jlongst boa.rd members so they have a. cha.nee· to discuss them. Discussion on Schendiezlos' bill. Discussion on Gin lane. Discussion on improving 57th and Filly Tra.ilo Robinson made motion to s~t April 17f 1982 at 8100 A.M. for the tour of the roadsr Seconded by Schwinn. All members voting for. Motion carried. Discussion on locating the culvert on 15th Ave. Discussion on cross-section on Gin lane, when is it to be done, Discussion on Fire Board. Disc~ssion on locating the problem culverts tablad until the next meeting. D,Schwirm reported that Mary Jo Johnson called and wanted to know if the boa.r.i wanted to advartise in the Becker Band calender, tabled until next maetinge Gary Corrigan from Foley came before the board about spraying weeds along the roads, he explained. the different types of spraying methods, also he gave his prices. Ha gets $2J.50 per hour plus $14.00 per gallon of spray. · Discu:;s:lon on easment for 60th Ave. Hammer has sighed one easement but wa.nta to with UPA before he signs the other one • Olson made motion tO pa.y dues to MATOe Seconded by Robinson. All members voting for. Motion car.cied. Discussion on road equipment. Clayton Anderson and Ty Bischoff came before the board to discuss the 13oani of F.qualiza.tion meeting to be helsl on April 22, 1982 a.t 7:00 P.Me Robinson motion to pay warrants 4249 thru 4256. Seconded by Sohwin .. l'l. All members voting for. Motion carried. Schwinn made motion to ad.journ. Seconded by Olson. All voting for. Motion carried.

' i.i • • . .; ... • .~

Page 9: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

April 19,1982

'Ihe Becker Town Bo:3..:rd met on Monday April 19, 1982 at 7130 P.M. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present wert) Robinson, Johnson, Schwinl'l Olson, Pouliot, filye:r.s and Schwinn. Chairman Pouliot called the meeting to older. The minutes from the April 5, 1982 meeting wera read and accepted. Traasurar Myers gave an up to da. t·~ re port i General Revenu'3 Fund '.9:25¢ receipts $862.31 disbursments $49,323.25 balance

Road and Bridge Fund $1,748.61 reciepts $242.50 disbursments $11,481.20 balance

.:.~- Town Hall Fund · · . $99.21 reciepts

$108.85 disbursments $~, 373.10

Fire Fund $176.12 reoiepts No disbursments $6,48).59 balance

Treasurer's report accepted.

Federal Revenue Sharing $142.20 reciepts No dis bu.Nmetns $142.20 balance

Total all Funds $69,ao3.J4 balance $298.00 checking acct. $4,505.26 savings acct. $65, 000. 00 certifica·te of deposit

Olson made motion seconded by Robinson to ·transfer Revenue Sharing Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund. All members voting for. Motion ca .. rriecl. . Clerk Schwinn read Road bids. Bids were received fon11 Schendzielos, CSI Construct:l.on, Wipper, B:r:enteson Construction. Olson made motion seconded by Robinson to table bids for further discussion. All members voting for. Clerk Schwinn will notify all bidders on the Boards dessission. Bids on Mitchell-Knutson road were read. Mary .J"o Johnson came before the Boa:rd to discuss the Becker Ba.nd Boosters calendar. Robinson made motion secondsd by Schwinn to buy space in the calendar. All in favor. Mot5.on carried. Jim Hartin came before the Boa:ru. to discuss 60th Ave. he was concerned because h~ granted the easement under the assumption that the Township would complete the road within two years

· ,Jlm Martin would like to have his ea.sment back if the roa.d ·is not completed in· two years. JohYlson made motion to find out the cost of the road. Seconded by Olson. All members voting foro Motion carried. Olson reported tha.t the cross section on Gin lane was completedo Schwinn reported that there was a Public meeting on Wild life REfuge on April 23, 1982 at 7100 P.M. to 9100 P.M. Discussion on Township maps. The Board decided to omer 4 Jft. sq. maps or wha:t. ever size close to that works out, 6 9x11 Discussion on how long it takes to Brdde the roads. Th~~ Boam would like driver-a to keep a tlme-table. Schwinn brought up registeril1e; the remainder of the TownsM.p roads. Schendzielos, road maintr,nance cQntra.c·~or for Becker Township asked questions rega.l.'ding sizes of peices of road equipment. Schedzielos is cP.angiag his blade operator. Discussion on putting minutes in West Sherpurne Tribtme. Olson made motion to put minutes in paper, no second .• Motion failed. . _ .. -.. -· .. Olson wannted to know if his son could l\llt a. trailer on . his property. His son is going to f . · .... h1· lan- - ·-'··· ... '· .. ,-···-·····=· :, .. ,, .... t\.-,. ~:r:-"':· .--,' .. ~ ... ~. -.·.. .~ .... ·.--: .. !.~. • •• .. s d ·'·.ll·:·1 ... 1,J ... -·· ....;1 .. ~ ............... '••..-,ti ~-J.·~ ............. " •... ,,-·· ... 0.1:~·.'.·'·· •}_;. \l.J,.1.;;·.0J.J..- , .•••• _ ·,.01._1~~ ...... ·.:.

• • • • 9 • R • • ,.,.

0[ :'wa.."1ts:· ·road.· superviso:cy, to chan . ha.rid .:. Di : . . · .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .· . ht!S.. .• . . tea.· t , . . -.. ·~ .·. :- .· . . .. . .. , g~ .. ; . . . ~-· . _.: ~01tss:~on }fa,s ~ heJA.... .Qlson ·-aslred. --Eo ... :i.10.a. .. .; ..r-. :s

v wan · · O giVe··up road supertisocy~· "Olson maa·e- motion··-tO ... biive J "· ..... ·= .•• <2- • •.J, -~· .11 •. .L.f- _.. ~ •

on road su:pervis~ry, Seconded by Robinson. All members voting for. ~~~~~ ~=~:- Pouliot . ~ch~i~. made mot10~~ seconde~ -;by_ J~Jln~~~ ~o. ~~.ep Ro~~son as we~ inspector. all ;oting for.

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Page 10: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

Ol s on ~ade motio~ to pay boe~rd members $6. 00 per hour. Seconded by .Johnso:-: , Al l mr-mr)E')::l'.'S voting for. Robinson made moti on to pay wa rrants 4257 t hru 4268. Seconded by Joh.YJ.s on . Al l me.rabe:rs voti!l;!; for. Robinson made motion to a.d j ourn. Seconded by OI.son . All membc:r:s votine; for.

Page 11: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

May 3, 1982 .

The Becker Town met on Monday May 3, 1982 at 7 (30 P.M. at the Becker Town Hall, Those present were Pouliott Johnson, Robinson, Olson, Schwinn, l1y9rs and Schwinn. Chairman Pouliot called the :meHting to ol'.'ler. The minutes from the April 19. 1982 meeting were read and acc~pted with a minor correction. Treasurer Myers gave a.n up to date report; General Revenue Fund No receipts $1, ~f.2. 74 dis. $48,280.51 ba.lo

.Road and Brid1r.e Fund Transfer in $142.20 No receipts $2,100, 00 d,.s, $9.52J.40 ba.l.

Town Hall Fund No rec{~ipts $15c:OO dis. $2,J.58.00 181.

Fire Fl md No receipts $1 rOOO, QO dis~ *.5,4BJ. 59 m.1. Treasurer's ·report wa.s accepted~

Revenue·. Sha:r.ine; Fund $1P74o.oo receipts Transfer out $142.20 $1, 740, OQ ba.1 0

Total all Ftm.ds $67,385.60 ~l~ $J46c73 checking acct. $2.038.8? savings acct, $65,000cOO certificate of deposit

Robinson made motion to transfer out of revenue sharing Fu.rirl $1,740,00, seconded by Schwinn, All members votL"l'lg for. !-fotion carried,

... Discussion on+i:oa.d proposals. Olson made motion to hold proposals for further study, Johnson · the mot5.on. Pouliot, Robinson, Schwinn votin..g no, Johnson a.nd Olson for. Motion failed.- More discussion was halc.l, Robinson made :JKlt:i.on t·=> rehire Sohendzielos. Seconded by Schwinn .. Pouliots Robinson, Schwinn vo·ting to rehire Sche11dzielos. Johnson and Olson againstt Motion ca.rriecl. Robinson e; his reason to ·rehir1~ Schcndzielosi because of his equipmen·f; and because he hires local peoplec Johnson said most of the people he had talked to wanted to go with the low bid. Schwinn said most·of the people he had talked to were happy with Scehdzielos. Schwinn also felt that if the boa:i:d kept cha.ngeing·foad mai11tenance contractors

.. we would eventually have trouble in getting one and also the quality of work would go down. ·Schwinn felt tharo was not enough difference between Schendzielos and ··the low pi~j?osa.l )to warrant a chal1ge in con·t.rc.\c·tora,. Olson wanted to Io.1ow how how old his machines were,. Olson was unhappy with time factor. Pouliot said he had talked to.Schendzielos about keeping hours .. Discussion on 60th Ave. boanl discussed the road. prol?oaalso · · Brue~ Rae came before the to disouss property he would like to purohasa in Elk River Gamens. Johnson wanted to lmow if the Township would the roads in Elk River Gan.lens if Bruce nae were to build. there. The Board will not maintain the roads unless they are brought up to town.ship specifications, · Jean Clitty oame before the boaro to discuss VonEnde chicken and the Knowlton develop­ement~ She wants the boanl member.3 to write to the Cotmty officers to push thru Von.lJ!nde's chicken lnra. Jean Clitty also wanted to know why the minutes ware not in the News Latterr Den.:.""'lio Schw1.1111 explained why h<3 did 'nt put minutes in th~ News letter•, l\e stopped for of public :lntereBt~-. Olson made motion, seconded by Jolmson to put minutes in the community News letter. All maml.lers voting for. Moti.on carried, Discussion on township mapse Pouliot will find. out the pric~ of the maps. Tabled Wltil the next meeting .. Jean Clitty wanted to know how the eleotion judges w~re picked. Dennis Schwi..l'l.ll said he picked people he could·.:work with a.nd who the boani. ·wa.nte<l .. Schwinn said he would not be told how to do his job by other board members., Subject was ta.bled. Discussion on the culvert on 16th Ave. · .Discussion on 60th Ave. Pouliot wanted .to so a.heacl with the first .ft mile and stpp behind line before Martins propertye D~scur;~ion on easem'3nts for 60th Ave • . ':.':-J::: .. ,J ~.,c:· : ,:·:·:~ : .. , ·~·,: :·;,;~ l-.r}Y'":~ '>·:'.'>';~~·,.·~~f~::"" ·=:.t·:'.f)'.!··;1:.:-;· 1-~~.}J. ~_,,.: ~.'-:~:.:·•;., ~-:_~;·:f··:· ~:.~·:·:·~·~" -r· ... :~}.;:.,.,,, ( .... ··"" ·;}(~'.i~".lr~~-···i:!" .. 1·.:)·.·).\ :-:b~ :r~ i,<.,;~_).~f.1

.·.'· .....

Page 12: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

Schwinn made motion, seconded by Robinson to table discussion on 60th Ave. w1til tha next meetine when the Township attorney will be there. All members vot:Lrig for. Motion carried Duane Peterson ca!n.e br~fore the boa.rd to discu:::;s 60th Ave,, Discur-;:;:;~L011. on. F:i.lly Trail. Schwi..11..l'l wanted to get a. couple of pro]X> on cost of the job" SohwLn.~ also suggested having Schendzielos take a look at Filly Trail. Robinson wa..nted to get started. on the road g-.reiling. Schwinn discussed road contra.ct agree­ment and having Schend.zielos sign it. Robinson wa.nted to know if Mi tohell-Ki-1.utson road work is to be done, Schwinn wanted to know a'botrt the cross section on Gin Lane. Robinson made motion to pay warrants 4269 thru'~292, seconded by Olson. All members votLl'lg for. Motion carried. Robinson ma.d.e mottbon to adjourn, seconded by Schwinn. All members votine for. Motion carr-led.

•'f_,, ... : 1,.,

.. ·~ "

" ..

Page 13: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

Hay 1 7 t 1 982

Th:g Becker Town Board. met on Monday l"iay 1?, 1982 a.t ?:JO P.M. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present were Johnson, Olson, Schwinn, Pouliot, Robinson, Myers and Schwinn •. Chaurma.n Pouliot called. the meeting to omer. The minutes from the April 19P 1982 and April 22, 1982 meetings were read and acoeptoo with a minor correction. · Treasurer Myers gave an up to date report: General Revenue Fund Int. rec. $15#.51 Recei~ts $399.75 Dis. ~789.58 Bal. $48,076.19

Road and Bridge Fund Transfer in $1,740000 Int. rec. $629.86 No Dis, 13a.l. $11,893.26.

Town Hall Fund Intc reco $37.05 Dis. $70.00 Ba.l. $2,325~15

Fire Fund Int. rec. $Bi. 84 Dis. None Ba.l. $5,.548.43

Treasur3ra report was accepted.


Revenue SharL-.,9 Funcl No receipts · · Transfer out $1,740.00 No Ba.l.

Tota.1 All Funds Ba.le $67,~J.OJ $188.Ji checking acct. $12,6.54.72 savings acct. $550 000,00 certificate of deposit

Motion to raise Treasurerfs and Clerk's -pay was tabled. Olson made motion secon(ied by Johnson to hold off for 1 year. All in favor. Motion carried. Pouliot discussed road grading" Johnsont pouliot., and Schwim1 trant with Schendzielos to look at Filly Trail. Sohwinn said he talked to Tom Price about 60th Ave. . .. '1 made moti011 sGconded by RobL'l'l.son to hire :~obh . .;Oli:ve:b to sU:r:vay thehfirst t mile on 60th Ave. All in favor. Motion car:eied. · Pouliot repo~-:.d. on the price of the maps. Pouliot asked Olson to work on road signs, fiXing broken a.nd knocked down sign. Robinson asked aboutBeckers road signs. _ · Olson wanted to know about the Mitchell-Knutson road, ha wanted to· know if the work had been ;~·~: .: · ·. started yet. · Olson reported on Gin, he planted trees along slope_ where dirt was hauled otr&. Olson made motion seconded by Schwinn to plant grass on borrow pit. AJ.1 in favor. Motion carried. Schwinn reported on a letter from The Mim1esota Depa.rtmentr.of Energy, Planning ~ Development about the population of Becker TownshipcOlson made motion seconded. by Soht1inn to have the Clerk call aud ask where and how they arrive at their :figures" All members voting for. Motion carried.. · Olson reported on the Fire Board meetingr The City Council wants the Town Boa~ to meet with them on June 1, 1982 a.t the City Hall. Schwinn discussed 60th Ave. and Jim Martin's easement. Schwinn made motion seconded by Olson

·-.~to go ahead with 60th Ave. on the first ~mile. All in favor. Motion carried. More discussion on 60th Ave. was held. RobL~son made motion to hire Sohendzielos to do 60th Ave, · after center line is found. Seconded by Schwinn. All members voting for. Motion carried. Discussion on's bill. Puoliot suggested. we pay the bill with adjustments. Robinson made motion seconded by Olson to :pay Minnerath the balance of the bill. Pouliot, Robinson, Olson, Schwinn voting for. Johnson against. Motion car.riede Chairman Pouliot instructed Clerk Schwinn to call Tom Price, Township Attorney and.find out why he did'nt come to the meeting. Robinson made motion seconded by Schwinn to pa.y warrants 4293 thru 4307. All members voting for. Motion carried. Schwin.u made motion seco:rul8cl by Olson to adjourn. All members voting for. Motion

_carried. . . ~udk (} r ~

Page 14: Board - TOWN OF BECKER
Page 15: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

June 21, 1982

The Becker Town Boanl met on Monday June 21, 1982 a.t ?:JO P.M. at the Becker Town Hall. Thosf' present were Johnson, Pouliot, Schwinn, Olson, Robinson, Myers and Schwinn, Chairman Pouliot called the meetine; to order. The minutes from the June 7, 1982 meeting were read and accepted with a minor correction. Treasurer Myers this report; General Revenue Furn Int, rec. $18.93 Dis. $148,86 Bal, $46,924.01

Road Int. Dis. Bal.

and Bridge Fund rec. $6L29

$6,61.0.00 $5,692.99

TolfD Ha.11 Fund Int. rec. $J.61 Dis. $J2.00 Bal, $2,)10.24

Treasurers report was accepted.

Eire Fund Int. rec $6.JO Dis. $None Bal. $5,60).81

Total all Funds Bal .. $60,531. 05 Checking Acct. $285.04-Savings Acct. $5,246,01 $55,000.00 in Certi~icate of deposit

Bernanl Nelson came before the Boa.lXl to ask about 10th Ave and an explanation on why the Boanl wants a 4 rod easement, Don Bere;stro1n before the Boan'!. to introduce }dmself and asked the Board if they had any questions on any certain issuer:, Discussion on Revenue Sharing Fund. Don Bere;strom said he would wortr for the residents of District 1AB, Discussion on graveling Gin lane. Gin lane was tabled

- -Pouliot a isc11ssed ha.vine; someone wi"l~h a chain saw come in a.nd cut around culvert, it was sue;Jested that the County come through first. Pouliot reported that the stakes are in on 60th Ave. Discussion on 60th Ave. Robinson sue;gested that we pay Minnerath's bille Tom Price came before the Boanl with discussion on the roads. Discuss1.on on maintaining roads in River Gardens. Tom Price djscussed 10th Ave. with Bernaxu Nelson. Jean Clitty came before the board to discuss trash pick up and wa.nts Town Boan'!. to pay for their own trash barrels. Robinson made motion, seconded by Johnson to have Clerk Schwinn conta.ct D&K Refuse and have them bill the Township for the trash 00.r.cel in front of the town hall. All in favor. Motion carr5ed. Discus.~ion on turning over roads to the City of Becker that the Township no lone;er maintains. Tom Price explained the Fire Distric~. conti:ac l. Clson made motion to change the July_5, 1982 meeting to July 6, 1982. Seconded by Johnson. AlJ voting for, Motion carried. Board decided not to change Fire BoalXl representative until next annual rneetine;. Tom price suggested the BoalXl have a meetine; with City Council and Fire Boa:rd on July 6, 1982. Schwinn wanted a special meetine other tha.n July 6, 19~ Robinson made motion, seconclel byCOlson to pay wa.rra.nta 4317 thru 4JJ6. All in favor. Motton carried.. Schwinn made mot:ton, sero111.l. :><l by Pouliot to adjourn All 1n :favor. Motion ca:n:ied ,

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Page 16: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

J11ly r, , 1982

The Backer Town Board met on Tuesday Ju1y 6, 1982 a t 7 (30 P. M. at t he Becker Town Hall~ Those pre3ent were Pouliot, Robinson, Schwinn, Olson, MyerG, and Schwinn . CM.irman Pouliot called the meatin~ to order. The minutes from the June 21, 1982 meeting were read ~nd. a.cce1)teJ. The Treasurar gave this re?Ort~ General Revenue F1 md Int. :'!Y.C, ;~one

$1, 001. 83 Dis. $4._s, 922.18 Bal.

Road anrl Br:tci.e;e Fund $lp629. 72 Int, rec. *4r396. 26 Dis. $2~ 926.45 Bal.

Town ¥.all Fund $§ti'.76 Int. rec. $75. 91 Dis, $2,329.09 Bal.

Fire F11.:.1:i. $i70._s4--Int. rec. $2,326.34 Dis. .$J,44a. 01

Total all Funds $54,625.73 Bal. $2eJ+. 70 Checkine; Acct, $29PJ41.0J Savings Ac~t. $25s000,00 Certificate of Deposit

Schwinn made motion seconded by Robinson to accep t the Trea.surer' s rapor-f:,, All in favor. Discuss:i.on on Filly Tra,il. Gener2,l discuss ion. Olson reported that Bob Beech would like his road sie;ns , Discussion on maps. More discussion on Filly Trail and 60th Ave. Discns s:ton 011 1"\0 W:i.Pe a i'3S . Olson made motio:1 second.eel by Robinson to have th? Clerk order road signs for Gin lane and Hawk str.\, also fo'.".' Oakwood Drive in Wile.wood Acres. All in f avor. Notion cai"ried. Robinson made motion ~·secon1ed. by Schwin..11 to pay warrants 4JJ7 thru 4~5. All in f avor, Motion ca.rriad .• Olson motion seconiled by Robinson to ad journ. All in favor. Motion carried.

Page 17: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

July 19, 1982

The Becker town met on Monday July 19, 1982 at 7130 P.M. at the Becker Town 'Hall. Those present we:re Pouliot, Schwinn, Robinson, Johnson, Olson, Myers and Schwinn. Chair­man Pouliot called the meeting to omer. The minutes from the July 6, 1982 meeting were read and accepted. The Treasurer gave this :report; General Revenue Fund lo int. rec. $498. 6.5 Dis. $4.50423 • .53 Bal.

Road and Bridge Fund No int. reo. $2,696.86 Dis. $229 • .59 Ba.l.

Town Hall Fund No int. rec .. $15.67 Dis. $2,313.42 Bal.

Fi:re Fund No int. rec. No dis. $3,448. 01 Bal.

Total all Funds $51,414.55 Pal. $273.52 Checking Acct11

$26,141.0J Sav!nes Acct. $25,000,00 Certificate of deposit

The Treasurer's report was accented. Schwinn motion to tra.nsfer.$20,000.00 from the General Revenue Fund into the Road and Bridge Fund. Seconded by Johnson. All members'..;voting for. Motion carried. Robinson would like to have all of Durroc spra.,Yed. Discussion on weeds Discussion on replaceing culvert on Gin lane. Olson made motion to replace the culvert on Gin lane if we ca.n't get the county to :replace the culvert. Seconded by Robinson. All members voting for. Motion carried. Discussi.on on 60th Ave. and also Filly Trail. Discussion on putting fans in the Town Hall., Discussion on mowing the ditches. Robinson made motion to pay warrants 4~;6 thru 4359, seconded by Schwinn. All in favor Motion carried. Robinson made motion to adjourn, seconded by Schwinn. All in favor. Motion carried,

Page 18: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

August 2, 1982

The Becker Town 3oard met on Monday August 2. 1982 at 7 ;JO P.M. at the Becker T~wn F.all. Those present were Pouliot, Olson, Sch"irl..n, Johnson, Robinson, Myers and Sch~inn. Chaj rnari Pouliot callP.<i tbr> r.,eetirig to The minutes from the July 19, 1982 meetine were read and accep~~ii. Tht::: 'freasurer gave reJ,>Crt. Gel1P:r-aJ Bevenue: Fund. Int, r ec, • 70¢ County $3,773. 66 State Dis, $568,93 Transf er ~ut $20,oori,oo Bal. $28,628.96

Ro2c and Bridr,e Fund Int, rec , $1?, 01.. !. 51 Couri t y $3,393.12 State Dis, $7 , 0?2 , 99 Transfer i n ~20,000,00 Bal. $JJ,611.2J

T0'-""!1 % 1] "'u.nr1 INT. rec . $2, 00'. &J Cou~ty $1 ,197.28 Stat€ Dis. $85.on Bal, $lJ ,426. :fa

The Treasur.::r' s report was ac:L!~l)tad,

Fire Fune Int, rec. $1, 708,JJ County $355,09 State Dis. None Bal. $5. 511.ltJ

Revenue:, She..riDe Fu.."'!rl Rec, $1 ,?40.00 DiR, Non'°:! Bal, $1.740,00

Total all Funds Bal. $7.3,918.16 Checking Acct, $315. 75 Savings Acct, $28, 602.41 Certifi cate of De:posjt $45,000. 00

Schwinn made motior. to transfer Revenue Sharing Fund into Road and , s econd ed by Robinson, All mem"oers votiiic; for, Motion carried. ~ Pouliot discuss"':<l road variance on earmaia. Johnson's Strawberry Farm, discussion was he J.d, Have the Cl erk send a l et ter t o Harvey Alf ord.s and to Carroll Johri.Son sta tine the boaros anuroval. Motioz: wc-..s'•' by Robinson a.."lrl seco:OO.ed. by SchwL"'L"l to send letters of approval, All JnPJT:t 'E' Tf- voting for, Jfotion carried. Pouliot Wa."'lts to hava som"l trees cut down. Robinson said he would tale care of them, Roa.i disc'..lSsion . Discussion on culver t on Gin le.De . Discussio"r. on f anf=' :Di t h1:. Tow:1 Ha.11. Jean Clitty came before: the boarrl to discuss the Fire Boa...."'"Cl Budget. Olson made motion t o accept the Fire Boarrl Budget, seconded by Robinson, All members voting f or. Motion carri ed. Johnson reported on road work that has been completed. !lobir..son a skee about money that went to the Historical Society, Robins on made motior. scconcl.;;d by Schwinn to pay warrants 4360 4368. All meml:ers votiri,g for, ~iotion carried, Sch¥irm made motion seconded bJr Robinson to adjourn. All members votiri.g for. Motion carried.

Page 19: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

August 16, 1982

The backer town. boa.rd met on Monday August 16, 1982 at 7130 P.M. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present were Pouliot, Robinson, Schwinn, Olson, Myers and Schwinn. Johnson was absent. Chairman Pouliot called. the meeting to order- The minutes from the August 2, 1982 meeting were read and accepted. The Treasurer gave this reportJ General Revenue Fund Rec. None Dis. $208.62 Ba.1. $28,420.)4

Road and Bridge Fund Rec. None Transfer in $1,?40.00 Dis, $1J,85J.01 Ba.1. $21 ,498. 22

Town Hall Fund Rec. None Dis. $6.89 Bal. $4,419.65

The Treasurer's report wa.s accepted.

Fire Fund Rec. None Dis. None Ba.1. $5,511.43

Revenue Sharing Fund Rec. None Transfer out $1,740.00 Ba.1 -0-

Total all Funds :aa.1. $s9,849.M: Checking $247.23 Savings $14,602.41 $45,000.00 in certificate of deposit

lsslie Fisher came before the board to resign from the Planning and Zoning Commission. She felt the position should not be held by a Town Boa.xd member, She recommended Mel Jacobson for the position. The would like the Clerk to send a letter to Harvey Alford.a stating tha.t they would like to have contractors build accoming to specifications or the contractor will be held responsible a.nd. also the boa.l.'d would like to recieve the building permits sent out sooner, Waldon Anderson came before the boa:rd for approval of a conditional use permit to put a mobile home on his property for a hired hand. Robinson made motion to send a letter to Harvey Alfo:r:ds stating the boards approval for a. conditional use permit for Waldon Anderson. Seconded by Olson. All members voting for. Waldon Anderson would !like to put a tie line through the road and also asked about putting in a driveway. Olson made motion to change the ne:xt schueld meeting from Monday Sept,. 6, 1982 to Tuesday Sept. ?, 1982, seconded by Robinson. All members voting for. Myers reported on County unit meeting. The Annual meeting will be held on the second Wed. in Octa at the Town Ha.11. Robinson motion to -pay warrants 4369 thru 4380, seconded. by Schwinn. All members voting for. Schwinn motion to adjourn, seconded by Robinson. All members voting for.

Page 20: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

.. .. ~" .

) .. Septerncer 7, 1982

The Becker Tm·m Boa.i..,J met on Tuesday Sept. 7 r 1982 at 7: 30 P. M. at t he Becker Town Hall. Those present were Pouliott Olson: Johnson, Robinson, SchwLvi.'1 , i·lyar.3 a.nd Schwinn. Chai~n Pouliot called t he meeting to order. The minutes from t he Aug. 16, 1982 meetin~ were read

and accApt~ .• Treasurer Hyer s gav-3 this re:port. i General RAvenue Fu:1lt $3,?73066 Rec . $461.40 Dis. $31r732. 60 Bal.

Road a;irl. BTirt~P. "P1r 1.rt $J,J93.12 Rec. $347. 82 Dis. $24, .54 J. 52 Bal.

. Tolor.1 F.a.11 Fund l 197. 28 Rec . $33. 00 Dis. $4 , 583, 93 ful.

Treasure r ' s report was acce ptr-id .•

Fir e Fund $155. 09 Rec. No .Dis. $ 5, 866. 52 Bal.

Total All Fu .. 11.ds $66p 726. 5? Bal. $305.01 Checking Acct. $21Pl~21. 56 Savings Acct. :p45,ooo.oo in Certi~icate of Deposit

Revenue Shar ing Fund No activity

. ·:, Pouli ot r e ported on gravel. Sc hwinn made motion seconded by Ol son to purchase gravel f r om 'B:i.urly f or 60th Ave. Al l m~moors vot:Ln.g for. Pouliot reported. on Gi n Lane and a l so 15th Ave~ t h :i contract,·n:· fo:r:- NSP has damaged the sides

of thz ro3.ds but NSP has agreed to repair t he r oads wh~n t he work on the power l ine is ' finniGhsJ. , Dis cussion on the Pl anning and. Zo~ing Commission. Jim Martin would l ike t o take the position

. on Pl anning a..n"l Zon i ng Co;n;:il~;sion • . ·, Discussion on irragation on 70th · Ave.

Pouliot r eported that the brush on 10th Ave. ·was cut and Robinson took care of the brush on Warren Johnson's r oad •

Schenrlzielos came before the boanl and ststed that he has his own pit wi th class 1. Discuss i on on sprayi ng mora road.sides .

Schwin!l asked Tom Price about registerine; roads . Poul iot reportP.d on road by Candy St. that Barker wants closed.

Tom Price wanted to know the BoarJ.s position on the roads in Elk River Ganlans . More discussi on on !!:lk ?.iV•:lr Gani.ens and ma.intaL<1e the road.s .

,;Tom Pri ce discussed the Fire Board. ad.;mlum. Discussion on Fire protection. Discussion on Mi tchell-Knutson road . Robinson made motion seconded by Schwinn to :pay warrants 4381 t hru 4378. Al l members voting for . Olson mot.ion. seconded by Robinson to ad journ. All members voting for .

~ ....... . ...

Page 21: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

September 20, 1982

The l3ctoker Town Boa.rd. met on Monday Sept. 20, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. at the Becker Town Hall, Those present were Pouliot, Johnson, Olson, Robinson, Schwinn, ttrers, and Schwinn. Chairman Pouliot called the meeting to oroer and the minutes from t.he Sept. 7, 1982 meeting were read a.nil accepted. Treasurer Myers gave this report 1 General Revenue Fund No receipts $175.00 Dis. $31,557.60 Bal.

Road. and Bridge Fund Interest Rec. $893.02 $4,373.35 Dis. $21, 063.19 Bal.

Town Hall Fund Int. rec. $51.92 $40.00 Dis $4,595.85 Bal,

Treasurers reoprt was acceFC.ed • Schwinn asked about registering the roads.

Fire Fund Rec. $93.45 No Dis. $5,959.97 Bal.

Total all Funds $63, 176. 61 Bal. $255.05 Checking Acct. $17,921.56 Savings Acct. $45, 000. 00 in Certifictl:te of Deposit.

Pouliot said he talked to NSP about repairing 15th Ave. and also Gin Lane. Discuss:l.on on clay being hauled out of Geralrt Johnson's. Robinson reported on the primary election • . Jim Martin came before··the boa.rd with an estimate on installing ceilLTlg fans in the Town Hall. Pouliot made motion seconded by Johnson to have Jim install ceiling fans in the Town Hall. All members votin~ for. Lyman Morha.n came before the board to find out if the Township would maintain the roads in Highland Pond. Discuss:tori on. Highland Pond. Puoliot reported that Bob Beech would like a bill for his road signs, Olson said he would take Beech his road signs. Pouliot stated that the board should make a &ecision on replacing Leslie Fisher on the Planning and Zonning Cim.m.1ssion. Jim Martin came before the boanl and said he would be interested in being on the Planning and. Zonnine; Commission. The boani asked Hartin if he could support the boards decision on diffe:r.ent issue., More discussion was held. Schwinn motion seconded. by Johnson to put Jim Martin on the Plannine; and Zonning Commission to represent the Becker Township. All members voting for. Have the Clerk send letter to Harvey Alfords with boards approving Jim Martin. Discussion on Revenur Sharing. Discussion on registering roads and getting the 4 rod easements on roads to be registered. Discussion on the Primary election and electlon judge pay .. Discussion on to'l•trt hall i mprovements. Robinson made motion seconded by Schwinn to pay warrants 4J88 tlu'U 4407. All members votlng for. Johnson motion seconded by Robinson to adjourn the meeting, all members votirt5 for.

Page 22: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

October 4, 1982

The Becker Town Board met on Monday Oct . 4, 'J:hose present were Pouliot, Olson, Schwinn, Pouliot called the meeting to order and the were read and accepted. Treasurer gave this report; General Revenue Fund $3,773. 66 Int. rec . $969 . 70 Dis . $34,361 . 56 Bal.

Road and Bridge Fund $200 . 60 Int. rec. -$2,521. 71 ~{ ~ $151 .89 Dis . $23,633.61 Bal.

Town Hall Fund $11 . 66 Int . rec. $146.61 $70 . 22 Dis. $4,683. 90 Bal.

Treasurers report was accepted.

1982 at 7:30 P.M. at the Becker Town Hall. Johnson, Myers and Schwinn. Chairman minutes from the Sept. 20, 1982 meeting

l! Fund $20.99 Int. rec. $263.;.90 /?-\ """ Gt

No dis . $6,244 .86 Bal.

Total all Funds $68,923.93 Bal. 3263. 24 Checking !23,660 . 69 Savings $45,000.00 in certificate of deposit

Pouliot reported that he met with Wildlife people on road and also he went to St. Michael on Urban Townships. Pouliot put a Dead End sign in Cedar Crest . Pouliot reported on the roads that weee graveled . 36yds. on Gin Lane 36yds. on 15th Ave . l )( Dl.fd.s. on 6oth Ave . 36yds . on 70th Ave 18yds . on Woodland Ave. The Board wanted the Clerk to send Waldon Amderson a certifided letter telling him to put Fren St. and also 15th. Ave . back in the condition he found them or the board will hire someone to repair the roads and send him the bill. Olson suggested that we call Anderson first . Schwinn suggested thaa we have someone look at the roof for leaks . Olson wanted to go on a tour of roads . The Board decided to tour the roads on Oct. 14, 1982 at 4 :30 and to meet at hhe Town Hall . Pouliot wanted to know if Schendzielos could put in a culvert on Gin Lane . Dicussion on where to put the culvert. Schwinn made motion ,seconded by Johnson to pay warrarnts 4408 thru 4414. All members voting for . Johnson made motion seconded by Olson to adjourn the meeting . All members voting for.

Page 23: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

lii~\~l/\ • . .·.· ... ·.· ... ·.·· . ;,:,·C\{·~~~~~~~}1,9$2 ;{J, .•. . . . . <~;:;_::-,,.. --~·- 'l')le .Becier Town ·.Bo&M. 111e.t· :~a· Monday .()e.~•: .-·~'8:.t 1"9.·S;a::::;at. '7.r30. p·.M. at the Becker ··V:j(:'<fC::··:Tdwn:)lall·. · Thos~ ~·p~·a~nt. wt*-'-'t/Pou-110:~~ .. Jt•;tJ:Wi.nii,. lo"hnson, Rol)1nson, Myers ,''» · ... <,·&nd. Sob.w~:~n •. ·Cha1;~n,Poul$qt._ca_lled 'th4!-·naeet1ng to order. the minutes from .' .<.···-~ .. ·· ·t;he.,~,lct •. --4.;: 1982· .a.~et:1~g wet'e ~e.,<i· .1µ1~.t,,:·:'41~.~.e.pted.: .

.. ~<··:;;,.'., · ·t·he· Treasurer gav:'fi.'.·;_this rep.t.'r:t; · :,;.;.,.::_ <:·.c·,-::-/.,·. · · . . . '-· ·.·.· .... · , General Bev.enu·e~·- ·l'U.nd... _ _.: - · ~ ~ · · Fire· ··Fund

/. 1:"-::;:,.lo Int. Hew •. ··: .. :· ~ <·:-'.·. . ...... · · .. ·.No Int. Rec. ~-;·-··:'_.:::. ,.:.$,361. 88 Di·s •. · ... -. ·. ',:_::· ::·-_ . · · No Disbursinents · · , $33,999.68 ·aa1.~ __ ·. ·· · $6:~f.1f:~H:866Bal. ·

.~. . ,• ... : ·: ; ·' . . : ', .

Road and· <Bridge F.u.nd. No Int • .l~ec • .·· ·

... $11908. 00 Dis. $21~725. 61 Bal..

Town Hall Fund No Int. Rec •. $1160.89 Dii.

. Total all Fund.a. ·

' ~ ..

$66.193.16 Bai. $132.47 Checking acct. $21,060.69 Savings acct. $45,000.00 in certificate of deposit .•

..• ::';'\ .; :!;:!:~~ t:a~:pori•••·•aS acc.,pi~d. ·:iS.1scus.sion on the_<·Q·~:i:vert· on', ·01n Lane •.. The ·.·Qlerk -discussed the typewriter. 'Discus81o"il on :,e~ec;t'ion judges.·. Johnson· and Myers ·are going_ to be certified • . Schwinn .wan~<fjho. ·know about ,·'t,our of .ro,ads, . 1 t was decided that no further ··tour was n~~d;; ;~~~-~t,.·~· . . · ·. · · · · . . .

. . . . · Schw~nn sugge$it~d.·~t.hat we put more gr.avel · on Birch St. in front of Goodriches "' place.~. S.chwinn·:··made- motion·:,.> ~ec·onded ·.by··Robinson to spread ~lass:5;:on.-B:l:rch: St •.


'.1 • ~ ,I

All members vqtin·g ·tor. Mot·lon ·ca-rried. · Pou.liot asked ·abou,t ·having the Town Hali floor sanded and repaired. :Pouliot discussed U~ban Townships and recording our roads, also discussion on how wide the ·Township· roads should be. Robinson·made motion, seconded by Schwinn ~o pay warrants 4415 thru 4429 .. All

· members vot111t:t for. · Johnson m·ade motion, seconded by Robinson to adjourn the meeting. All members voting for. ·



Page 24: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

lovernber 1, 1982

The Becker Town Board met on Monday November 11 1982 at 7:30 p.rn. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present were Pouliot, Olson, Johnson, Schwinn, Robinson Myers and Schwinn. Chairman Pouliot called the rneetin~ to order, the minutes from the October ~a, ~ 1982 meeting were read and accepf'ed. The Treasurer gave this report; General Revenue Fund $3,113.66 Int. rec. $650.20 Dis. $37,123.14 Bal.

Road and Bridge Fund $2,521.71 Irrt. rec. $1 1 328.32 Dis. $22, 919. 00 Bal.

Town Hall Fund $146.61 Int. rec. $i~.oo Dis. $4,354.62 Bal. The Treasurer's report was accepted.

Fire Fund $263.90 !flt. rec. No Disbursrnents $6,508.76 Bal.

Revenue Sharing Fund $1,740.00 Int. rec. $1,740.GQ Bal.

Total all Funds $72,645.52 Bal. $138.95 Checking accnt. $27,506.57 Savings accnt. $45 1 000.00 in certificate of deposit

Schwinn asked Pouliot about the Town Hall floor, Schwinn also asked about the gravel on Birch St. Pouliot reported that the gravel job has not been done yet. Johnson reported on a soft spot on Filly Trail. Discussion on Filly Trail was held. Olson asked about the price of the typewriter. Torn Price came before the board to answer questions about registering the roads. Bernard Nelson asked about registering a 3 rod ~aad · o~ a cartway. Explanation on roads and re~d maiat~nance. Robinson made motion, seconded by Schwinn to pay warrants 4430 thru 4448. All members votiog for. Schwinn made motion, seconded by Olson to adjourn the meeting. All members vot1ag for.

Page 25: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

November 15, 1§82

The Becker Town Board met on Monday November 15, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present were Pouliot, Johnson, Olson, Robinson, Schwinn Myers, and Schwinn. Chairman Pouliot called· the meeting to order and the minutes from the November 1, 1982 meeting were read and accepted. The Treasurer gave this report; General Revenue Fund No Int. rec. $l,l33~06cD1!~~ $35,990.00 Bal.

Road adn Bridge Fund $566.51 Int. rec. $3,085.24 Dis. $20,400.27 Bal.

Town Hall Fund $32.94 Int. rec. $78.48 Dis. $4, 309. 08 Bal.

Fire Fund $59.29 Int. rec. No Dis. $6, 568. 05 Bal. Treasurers report accepted.

Revenue Sharing Fund :$1,740.00 Bai.

Total all Funds $69,007.54 Bai. $242.23 Checking acct. $13,765.31 Savings acct. $55,000.00 in certificate of deposit

Schwinn made motion to transfer Revenue Sharing Fund into the Roadramd Bridge Fund, .seconded by Robinson. All voting for Pouliot wanted to know how many board members would be attending the annual meeting on fiecember 3,1982. Discussion on Gin Lane. Pouliot reported that the work on the culvert was completed. Johnson reported that Waldon Anderson knocked down the ditch-on Fern Street. Pouliot reported on viewing fence lines, the board is supposed to view fence lines. Pouliot reporeed on Urban Townships. Discussion on registering roads. Discussion on election judges and how many we should have. Alan Myers suggested that we have more judges to help count. Also discussion was held on the voting machines. Pouliot reported on Bistodeaus turn off on hwy. 25 into Wildwood Acres. Robinson made motion seconded by Olson to pay warrants 4449 thru 4462. All voting for. · Robinson made motion seconded by Olson to adjourn the meeting. All voting for.


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Page 26: Board - TOWN OF BECKER



December 6, 1982

The Becker Town Board met on Monday December 6, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present were Pouliot, Olson, Johnson, Schwinn Myers and Schwinn, Robinson was absent. The meeting was called to order by chairman Pouliot and the minutes from the November 15, 1982 meeting were read and accepted. The Treasurer gave this report; General Revenue Fund Int. rec. none $1,252. 26 Dis. $34, 737 . 88 Bal.

Road and Bridge Fund,740.00 Int ·~ ·. rec . none $20.76 Dis . $22,119.51 Bal.

To'Vin Hall Fund rr:t: rec. None Mc., di sbursments $ ~ , 309.08 Bal.

Treasurer's report was accepted.

Fire Fund No int. rec. No Disbursments $6, 568. 05 Bal.

Revenue Sharing Fund Transfer out $1,740.QO -0- Balance

Total all Funds $67, 734. 52 Bal. $269.21 Checking acct. $12,465.31 Savings acct. $55,000.00 in certificate of , __ ,, . . ;' i t

Pouliot reported that he cleaned out the culvert on Apple Row , he h~d someone help him, he put his boat in to the water so he could bre2k up the debrie. Pouliot also reported that he is having a culvert put i ~ t c Larry angel's driveway. Pouliot reported on taxing gravel pits. Johnson reported on refinishing the Town Hall floor. Johnson reported on the annual meeting which was held on Decenber 3 1 1 ~ e 2 Pouliot aksed Harry Peterson why it takes so long for the Town Bo~~d to get copies of building permits. Discussion on roads wi th Mike Schendzielos. Johnson made motion seconded by Schwinn to send letters to State Scna t. n~ s on revenue sharing. All members voting for. Schwinn reported that at the annual meeting it was suggested that every Township send a representative to Washingto in September . Pouliot reported that we should put some money away for an emergency, (slush fund) to be used for emergency repair. Discussi on on voting ma chines. Olson suggested fixing culvert on Gin Lane, more discussion was held on Gin Lane. Discussion on sanding the roads. Schwinn made motion seconded by Olson to pay warrants 4463 thru 4471 . All members voting for. Schwinn made motion to adjourn the meeting, all members voting f or .

Page 27: Board - TOWN OF BECKER

December 20 1 1982

The Becker Town Board met on Monday Dec. 20 1 1982 at 7:30 p.m. at the Becker Town Hall. Those present were Pouliot, Sc~winn, Olson, Johnson, Robinson, Myer's and Schwinn. Chairman Pouliot called the meeting to order and the minutes from the Dec. 61 1982 meeting were read. Robinson made motion seconded by Johnson to accept the minutes with a change, to change slush fund to emercency fund, all members voting for. The treasurer gave this report;

General Revenue Fund $3,773.66 :E1it. Hee. $26.58 Dis. $38,484.96 Bal.

Hoad abdiBrid!e Fund $2,521.71 lRt Ree1 $1,983.25 Dis. $22,657.97 Bal.

Town Hall Fund $161.61 !Rt. Ree. $357.33 Dis. $4,114.36 Bal.

Fire Fund $263.90 ln1' Ree. $2,326.33 Dis. $4 1 113.36 Bal.

Total all Funds $69,761.91 Bal. $275.72 Checking Acct. $14,486.19 Savings Acct. $55 1 000.00 Certificate of Deposit

Robinson made motion seconded by Johnson to accept the treasurer's report, all members voting for. Pouliot reported on the Town Hall floor. Discussion held on repair of the Town Hall floor. Schwinn made motion seconded by Johnson to hire Samuel Hults to refinish the Town Hall floor. All members voting for. Pouliot reported that we should make a list or inventory of all the items in the Town Hall, we decided to do this at our next meeting. Robinson asked about a place on County road 4 and 48, he said it was filling up with junk. Alan Myer's explained the breakdown of the Nov. settlement from the county. Robinson reported that Veit Construction will be back in the spring to repairl5th Ave. Discussion on culverts. Discussion on insurance. Olson made motion seconded by Johnson to stay with the present insurance company (Community Agency Insurance Company). All members voting for. Tom Price came before the board and discussed the insurance policy. Robinson made motion seconded by Johnson to pay warrants 4472 thru 4484 all members voting for. Johnson made motion seconded by Robinson to adjourn the meeting, all members voting for.