board of inquiry gaza

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  • 8/9/2019 Board of Inquiry Gaza


    The President of the Security Council presents her

    compliments to the members of the Council and has the

    honour to transmit herewith, for their information, a

    copy of a letter dated 27 April 2015 from the

    Secretary-General addressed to the President of the

    Security Council, and its enclosure.

    This letter and its enclosure will be issued as a

    document of the Security Council under the symbol


    27 April 2015

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    27 April 2015

    Dear Madam President,

    During the course of the last conflict in the Gaza Strip and southernIsrael, a number of incidents occurred between 8 July and 26 August 2014,

    affecting or involving United Nations personnel, premises and operations.

    In my capacity as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Organization,I decided to establish a United Nations Headquarters Board of Inquiry in order to

    review and investigate ten of these incidents, in which death or injuries occurredat, or damage was done to, United Nations premises, or in which the presence of

    weaponry was reported at those premises.

    My aim in talcing this step was to develop a clear record of the facts ofthese serious incidents and their causes and to which persons or entities they

    might be attributable. This would make it possible for me, inter alia, to identifyany gaps that there might have been in the Organization's procedures and to take

    any measures and put in place any arrangements that might be needed with aview to preventing a recus'rence of such incidents in the future or at least tomitigate their effects. It would also put me in a better position to determine what

    steps I might need to take to protect the Organization's property and assets.I would emphasize in this connection that a Board of Inquiry is not a judicialbody or court of law: it does not make legal findings and does not considerquestions of legal liability.

    I appointed Mr. Patrick Cammaert as head of the Board. The other Boardmembers were Ms. Maria Vicien-Milburn, Mr. Pierre Lemelin, Mr. K.C. Reddyand Ms. Lee O'Brien (who for medical reasons resigned from the Board on29 December 2014). Mr. Stephane Wohlfarht served as Secretary.

    The Board was convened on 10 November 2014. It conducted a field

    visit from 26 November to 13 December 2014 and submitted its report to me on5 February 2015. I would like to thank the Board of Inquiry for the successfulconclusion of its work. In doing so, I recognize the difficulties that it naturallyfaced in obtaining clear and reliable evidence about what precisely happened in

    each of the incidents that it was tasked to investigate, occurring, as they did, ina situation of armed conflict and, in some but not all cases, in close proximity towhere intense fighting was taking place.

    Her ExcellencyMrs. Dina Kawar

    President of the Security CouncilNew York

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    I wish to place on record my appreciation for the cooperation provided

    by the Government of Israel to the Bo ard, including its facilitation of the entryof the Board to the Gaza Strip and the convening of extensive meetings with theBoard. I also appreciate the reception of the Board by representatives of theState of Palestine and meetings with the local authorities in Gaza. I further sharethe Board's appreciation for the cooperation extended to them by United Nationsofficials and entities on the ground. I welcome the efforts of the Government ofIsrael in establishing criminal investigations into certain incidents whichoccurred during the conflict, including some of those falling within the scope ofthe Board's terms of reference. I hope that the Government of Palestine will alsoconduct examinations into possible criminal activity during the conflict. Swiftinvestigations must be undertaken, in accordance with international standards.

    As with all United Nations Boards of Inquiry, the Board's report is aninternal document and is not for public release. It contains significant amountsof information that was shared with the Board in strict confidence. It alsocontains a significant body of information the disclosure of which could

    prejudice the security or proper conduct of the Organization's operations

    or activities.

    At the same time, I am aware that my decision to establish a Board ofInquiry into certain of the incidents that occurred in the Gaza Strip has given rise

    to considerable interest. In view of this and the seriousness of the events, I have

    accordingly taken the decision to release a summary of the Board's report, whichis attached to this letter.

    I wish to emphasize that this is a summary of the Board's report and not

    the report itself. Notwithstanding some difficulties in obtaining evidence, thatreport runs to some 207 pages and is accompanied with footnotes detailing

    relevant sources and citations, and some 160 appendices and annexes of relevant

    evidence, including witness statements, investigative reports including on

    weaponry, medical reports, photographs, video footage, audio recordings,submissions of non-governmental organizations, meeting notes and other


    I would also emphasize that this is the Secretariat's summary of the

    Board's report and that it has not been prepared by the Board. It containsa faithful and objective reflection of the Board's full report, including adescription of the circumstances related to each of the ten incidents that the

    Board was tasked to review and investigate, together with a summary of theBoard's key findings on the facts of each of those incidents, on its causes and on

    the persons or entity to which it is attributable. It also contains a summ ary of theBoard's conclusions. The recommendations to me a re reproduced in full fromthe Board's report.

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    With regard to the Board's recommendations concerning communicationand coordination and safety and security, as well as the first of its two generalrecommendations, I have decided to establish an ad hoc group of seniormanagers, consisting of the Under-Secretaries-General for Political Affairs,

    Legal Affairs and Safety and Security, to carefully review theserecommendations and advise me on what courses of action I should take.

    With regard to the second of the Board's two general recommendations,I have already initiated actions with the United Nations Relief and WorksAgency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and relevant United Nations

    departments aimed at providing counselling to affected staff to address potentialpost-traumatic stress disorder.

    Regarding the seven incidents in which death or injuries occurred at,or damage was done to, United Nations premises, I deplore the fact that at least44 Palestinians were killed as a result of Israeli actions and at least 227 injured

    at United Nations premises being used as emergency shelters. United Nationspremises are inviolable and should be places of safety, particularly in a situationof armed conflict. It is a matter of the utmost gravity that those who looked to

    them for protection and who sought and were granted shelter there had theirhopes and trust denied. I will work with all concerned and spare no effort to

    ensure that such incidents will never be repeated.

    On the discovery by the United Nations of weaponry on United Nations

    premises, I am dismayed that Palestinian militant groups would putUnited Nations schools at risk by using them to hide their arms. The three

    schools at which weaponry was found were empty at the time and were not beingused as shelters. However, the fact that they were used by those involved in the

    fighting to store their weaponry and, in two cases, probably to fire from isunacceptable. It serves to undermine the confidence that all concerned should

    have that United Nations premises are civilian objects and may therefore not bemade the object of attack. I am determined to take the necessary steps towards

    ensuring that there is no repetition of any such incident in the future, whether intimes of armed conflict or not.

    Above all, I intend, as and where appropriate, to address further issuesarising out of the incidents that were the subject of the Board's report through

    dialogue with the Governments of Israel and Palestine.

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    In conclusion, I note that this is the second time during my tenure asSecretary-General that I have been obliged to establish a Board of Inquiry intoincidents involving United Nations premises and personnel in Gaza that haveoccurred during the course of tragic conflicts in the Gaza Strip. Theimplementation of recommendations of the 2009 Board of Inquiry, especially inthe area of coordination and communication, certainly contributed to the

    implementation of improved protocols and procedures during the crisis in 2014.However, the recent crisis has brought about new challenges that need to beaddressed and I intend to do so in the follow-up to the Board's report. In

    particular, I remain concerned for the security and safety of United Nationspersonnel working in Gaza, in particular, should a new crisis develop. In this

    regard, I wish to reiterate my profound appreciation to the O rganization's stafffor their relentless efforts on the ground during the recent conflict, 11 of whompaid the ultimate price.

    Once again, I must stress my profound and continuing concern for thecivilian population of the Gaza Strip and Israel, and their right to live in peaceand security, free from the threat of violence and terrorism. It remains of thegreatest importance that the parties should ensure that innocent civilians do not

    become victims of hostilities. The agony of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, and thetragic, decades-long predicament they endure there, is reflected in the report ofthe Board of Inquiry. We should also bear in mind that Israeli civilians in

    southern Israel continue to face the threat of rocket and terrorist attacks byHamas and other militant groups.

    Despite recent events, it is still my belief that the well-being andaspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis will best be secured through a

    successful peace process that achieves the goals of the resolutions adopted by

    this Council, including its resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1515(2003), 1850 (2008) and 1860 (2009).

    I would be grateful if you co uld bring the present letter and its attachmentto the attention of the members of the Security Council for their information.

    Please accept, Madam President, the assurances of my highestconsideration.

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    Summary by the Secretary-General of the report of the United NationsHeadquarters Board of Inquiry into certain incidents that occurred in the GazaStrip between 8 July 2014 and 26 August 2014

    1. On 10 November 2014, I convened a United Nations Headquarters Board of Inquiryto review and investigate the following incidents affecting schools of the United NationsRelief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRW A) thatoccun'ed in the Gaza Strip between 8 July 2014 and 26 A ugust 2014:

    (a) Injuries OCCU lTing at and damage done to the UNRW A Maghazi PreparatoryGirls "A/B" School on 21 and 22 July 2014;

    (b) Injury occurring at and damage done to UNRWA Deir E1 Balah PreparatoryGMs "C" School on 23 July 2014;

    (c) Deaths and injuries occurring at and damage done to the UNRWA BeitHanoun Elementary Co-educational "A" and "D" Schoo l on 24 July 2014;

    (d) Injuries occurring at and damage done to Zaitoun Preparatory Girls "B"School on the night of 28/29 July 2014;

    (e) Deaths and injuries occurring at and damage done to the UNRWA Jabalia

    Elementary Girls "A" and "B" School on 30 July 2014;

    (f) Deaths and injuries occurring at and/or in the immediate vicinity of, anddamage done to, the UNRWA Rafah Preparatory Boys "A" School on 3

    August 2014;

    (g) Damage done to the UNRWA Khuza'a Elementary College Co-educational"A" and "B" School between 17 July and 26 August 2014;

    (h) Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Gaza Beach ElementaryCo-educational "B" School on 16 July 2014;

    (i) Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Jabalia Elementary "C" and AyyobiyaBoys School on 22 July 2014;

    J Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Nuseirat Preparatory co-educational B School on 29 July 2014 and on 17 August 2014.

    2. The Board was headed by Maj. Gen. (retd.) Patrick Cammaert, a former MilitaryAdviser in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. It also comprised:Ms. Maria Vicien-Milburn, a former General Counsel of the United Nations Ed ucational,

    Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO); Ms. Lee O'Brien, a former Senior

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    Political Officer in the Department of Political Affairs (for medical reasons, Ms. O'Brienresigned fi'om the Board on 29 December 2014); Mr. Pierre Lemelin, United Nations

    Mine Action Service (UNMAS) Programme Manager in C6te d'Ivoire and a formerChief Ammunition Technical Officer in the Canadian Forces; andMr. Kovvurichina Reddy, a former Chief of Security for a number of United Nationsfield presences.

    3. As set out in its terms of reference, the detailed tasks of the Board were:

    (a) To gather and review all available investigation reports and other relevant

    source materials, including any available reports from national investigations;

    (b) To identify and interview relevant witnesses and others who can help the

    investigation and make a record of their statements;

    (c) To visit the sites where the incidents occurred; and

    (d) To produce a Headquarters report on the incidents including:

    (i) Findings on the facts and circumstances related to the incidents (toinclude the full names of the deceased and injured persons and the dates,

    times, places of deaths or injuries; if these persons were UN personnelwhether they were on duty at the time of the incidents, if these persons were

    not UN personnel, the reason for their presence at or in the vicinity of thescene of the incident, descriptions of losses of and damage to property of theUnited Nations and of the deceased and injured persons and, in the case of

    Incidents (h) to (j), the nature, state and location of the weaponry);

    (ii) Findings on the causes of the incidents;

    (iii) Findings on the attributability of the incidents to any individuals orentities;

    (iv) Recommendations concerning any action that, in the opinion of theteam, should be taken by the United Nations, including any actions ormeasures that should be taken to avoid recun'ence of such incidents;

    (v) Relevant evidence, to be added as appendices and mmexes, includingphotographs, post mortem reports and so on.

    4. As is standard practice for United Nations Boards of Inquiry, the Board wasdirected not to include in its report any findings of law or any recommendations

    regarding compensation, disciplinary action or legal liability.

    5. In its report, the Board noted that it was not within its terms of reference to address

    the wider aspects of the conflict in Gaza, its causes or the situation affecting the civilian

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    populations of Gaza and Israel in the period before "Operation Protective Edge" waslaunched. Its task was limited to considering the ten incidents identified in its terms of


    The G overnment of Israel's position on Operation Protective Edge

    6. The Government of Israel provided background information to the Board regardingOperation Protective Edge. The Operation had taken place in several phases: an initial

    air campaign from 8 July to 17 Ju ly, which had been sup plemented from 17 Ju ly to5 August by a ground operation, following a militant attack inside Israel on 17 Julycarried out through a tunnel from inside Gaza, the launch of an unmanned aerial vehicle

    (UAV) into Israeli airspace, an attempted infiltration by sea into Israel by Ham as navalcommandos, continued rocket fire from Gaza and Hamas's refusal to accept a ceasefire.

    The Operation had had two objectives: to destroy the rocket arsenal in Gaza and toneutralize the "attack tunnels" leading into Israeli telTitory, the latter being the focus of

    the ground operation.

    7. The Government highlighted the complexities of can'ying out military operations inurban environments. It stated that Hamas had been better prepared and armed than at the

    time of Operation Ca st Lead in 2009 an d Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012. It had pre-positioned weapons and military equipment and prepared fighting positions in variouslocations to allow fighters to move freely without carrying weapons and to blend into thecivilian population. Mosques, schools, hospitals and other civilian objects had been usedto embed rockets, weapons caches and command centres. These conditions made itdifficult for the IDF to distinguish "enemy" forces and activity from the civilianpopulation, while the limited visual and communications contact with "friendly" forcesdecentralized the decision-making capacity of the higher command, with the consequencethat junior commanders were required to make decisions in real time under fire.

    8. The Government stated that instructions issued by the IDF to troops had had the

    objectives, inter alia, of ensuring compliance with the law of armed conflict andminimizing harm to civilians and sensitive sites. It stated that these instructions were

    more stringent regarding the use of force than international humanitarian law required.Legal advice was also integrated into IDF activities both in operational planning and inreal time. Such advice was binding and generally could not be overridden by operationalcommanders. The Government further stated that there had been specific and separatedirectives for the approval of pre-determined and time-critical targets, for operations

    around sensitive sites and for safety ranges relating to civilian objects. Targetingprocesses had been improved based on lessons learned from previous operations in Gaza.

    9. The Government identified the following specific measures that had been taken bythe IDF to minimize harm to civilians: reliance on intelligence; selective choice ofweapons and ammunition, including the use of precision-guided missiles; marldngsensitive sites on command and control systems and on maps available down to forces

    operating on the ground; and the issuance of general and specific warnings to the civilian

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    population and to specific persons or officials. The IDF would cancel attacks or divertmissiles if potential harm to civilians could be identified.

    10. Specifically with regard to United Nations premises, the Government stated that ithad routinely updated the location of all such premises on the IDF's command controlsystem and coordination maps and had issued special and restrictive rules for engaging

    tax'gets which would affect them. Based on lessons learned from previous operations in

    Gaza, the IDF had attempted to p rovide early warnings of possible attacks in the vicinityof United Nations premises, quickly and thoroughly investigated incidents involvingdeath and injuries at or damage to those premises and provided warnings of abuses of

    them, as possible.

    UN Premises

    11. On 11 July 2014, the United Nations Special Coordinator and UNRWA'sCommissioner-General jointly addressed a letter to the Minister of Defence of Israel,

    attaching an up dated list of all United Nations facilities in Gaza as well as theircoordinates. The schools involved in the incidents enumerated in the Board's terms ofreference were included in that list.

    12. In their joint letter, the United Nations Special Coordinator and UNRWA'sCommissioner-General warned that, in case of displacement as a result of military

    operations, some United Nations installations could be used to shelter civilians. Theyalso expressed their reliance on the cooperation of the Minister of Defence to protectUnited Nations operations, personnel and premises, which, they said, had to remain

    inviolable, in accordance with applicable international law, including the 1946Convention on the Privileges and hnmunities of the United Nations.

    13. UNRWA sent twice-daily communications to Israel's Coordinator of theGovernment Activities in the TelTitories (COGAT) and Coordination and LiaisonAdministration (CLA), informing them of the Global Positioning System (GPS)coordinates of premises cun'ently being used as designated emergency shelters. All theUNRWA schools involved in the incidents enumerated in the Board's terms of referencewere included in those communications. In its communications to COGAT and CLA,

    UNRWA consistently recalled the relevant provisions of the 1946 Convention on thePrivileges and Immun ities of the U nited Nations and reminded the Israeli authorities thatthey were obligated to respect the inviolability of the premises of the United Nations,including those of UNRWA, and to ensure the protection and security of its personnel,installations and property. UNRWA also reminded COGAT and CLA of the requirementthat the IDF take all necessary actions to prevent any damage to UN facilities and threatsto the safety and security of United Nations personnel.

    The Board's findings on the causes of the incidents and their attribution

    14. As tasked by its terms of reference, the Boax'd describes in detail in its report the on-

    site visits that it conducted during its stay in Gaza and its interviews with staff of the


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    Organization, including UNRWA, as well with relevant authorities and witnesses whocould assist in its investigation. The Board refers to a number of investigation reports

    and other relevant source materials regarding the incidents, as well as to infmTnationprovided by the Government of Israel.

    15. The Board reached the following conclusions regarding the facts, causes andattribution of each of the incidents enumerated in its terms of reference. Complete

    findings of fact, together with supporting evidence and documentation and the rationalefor the Board's conclusions, are contained in the Board's full report, which wassubmitted to the Secretary-General in strict confidence, consistent with its terms of

    reference and standard practice for United Nations Boards of Inquiry.

    Incident (a): Injuries occurring at and damage done to the UN RWA MaghaziPreparatory Girls "A/B" School on 21 and 22 July 2014

    16. The UNRWA Maghazi Preparatory Girls "A B" School is located within theMaghazi refugee camp, in the Middle Governorate of the Gaza Strip. It is situated twokilometres from Israel and within the thi'ee-kilometre "buffer zone" that was created by

    the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) during Operation Protective Edge. The school is gatedand surrounded by a high wall.

    17. On 19 July 2014, the IDF issued messages to the residents of the Maghazi refugeecamp asking them to evacuate to Deir A1 Balah, further southwest. Despite shelling inthe area from 19 to 21 July, people came to the school thinking it remained a safe place.

    On 19 July, it opened as a designated emergency shelter, with possibly as many as 2,000persons sheltering there at some point.

    18. On 21 July, the security situation in the Maghazi refugee camp rapidly deteriorated,with shelling increasing in the vicinity of the school. UNRWA management advised thatpersons seeldng shelter there should be instructed to abandon the school and relocate toanother school about 5 lan away. By the time of the incident, most had done so, but up to300 still remained. At about 16:50 hi's, the school was struck at roof level by direct fire

    from an IDF tank, likely involving a 120 MM High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) Multi-Purpose (MP) or High Explosive (HE) projectile. Injuries were caused to a man and achild sheltering at the school, as well as damage to the school premises. The Board notedthat timely action by UNRWA's management and the shelter manager, in informingpersons sheltering at the school that it was no longer safe and asking them to relocate toan alternative site, had prevented further injuries and perhaps deaths.

    19. The Board noted that none of the witnesses who had testified to UNRW A had beenaware of any activity by militant groups in the school or in its vicinity. The Board furthernoted that it appeared that the school gate was guarded at all times by UNRWA guardsand was closed at night and that all persons who entered the school were registered. TheGovernment of Israel, on the other hand, informed the Board that the IDF had identified

    significant enemy presence in the area around, and apparently also within, the school.The Government further informed the Board that the incident was under examination at

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    the request of the Military Advocate General (MAG), that IDF infantry and armouredunits had been engaged in military activity approximately one kilometre south of the

    school at the time of the incident and that it was su spected that the school had b een hit by120 MM tank ammunition.

    20. Later in the day of 21 July, UNRWA removed the school from its list of designatedemergency shelters. In the morning of 22 July 2014, UNRWA and the IDF coordinateda two-hour window to allow safe passage for an UNRWA team to visit the school andinvestigate the previous day's incident. The team an'ived at the school during thatwindow. They were in clearly marked United Nations vehicles and parked in full view inthe middle of the school courtyard. One of the team, wearing a vest with a luminescentUnited Nations sign, went to the roof to examine the previous da y's strike. While there,two mortar rounds hit buildings in close proximity to the school. The team member ranfrom the roof. Two further mortar rounds then struck the roof of the school at the exactlocation where he had been standing. The UNRWA team immediately evacuated the

    area. No injuries resulted from this incident, but the school was damaged.

    21. The Government of Israel informed the Board that, as a result of the examinationthat had bee n initiated at the request of the MA G, it had been found tha t, on 22 July, theIDF was engaged in mortar fire in the area of Maghazi, but that all fire was directed atopen areas at least two ldlometres away. Moreover, IDF munitions experts who hadexamined photographs of a fragment of a mortar round that had been collected byUNRWA at the scene of the incident had been unable to determine whether it was aremnant of an IDF 81 MM mortar round, as opposed, for example, to an 82 MM round,

    which, it was said, were in use by Hamas. Such determination would require physicalexamination of the remnant. The Boas-d, however, found that the school had been hit by

    81 MM mortar rounds fired by the IDF.

    Incident (b): Injury occurring at and damage done to UNRWA Deir El BalahPreparatory Girls "C" School on 23 July 2014

    22. The UNRWA Deir El Balah Preparatory Girls "C" School is located in an urbanarea in the Middle governorate of the Gaza Strip. The school has one gate and is

    protected by a high wall. The school was opened as a designated emergency shelter on

    19 July. At the time of the incident, some 1,500 disp laced persons were sheltering there.

    23. The Board was informed that the IDF conducted operations around the Middle area

    of Gaza during the night of 22 to 2 3 July 201 4, that air strikes were ca rried ou t by theIsrael Air Force (IAF) on targets in Deir E1 Balah Cam p and that heavy clashes tookplace to the east of Deir E1 Balah throughout the night. The Board noted that witnesses

    had testified to UNRWA that during the night they could hear shelling in the area butnot near the school. It also noted that witnesses had testified to UNRWA that there wasno militant activity in or around the school at the time of the incident. The Board wasfurther informed that UNRWA had put in place security measures to ensure that nomaned persons entered the school.

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    24. Between 05:45 and 06:15 lu's in the morning of 23 July 2014, the medical isolationroom on the third floor of the school was hit by a projectile, which passed ttu'ough awindow and two walls of an elevator shaft, partially striking the external veranda wall

    and exiting the school grounds. Tlu'ee displaced persons, among the approximately 40sleeping in the room at the time of the incident, suffered light injuries. No one waskilled. There was relatively minor damage to the school.

    25. The Government of Israel informed the Board that the incident was under

    examination further to a request by the Military Advocate General (MAG) and that it hadnot been possible to identify any IDF operations that could be connected to the incident.The Board, however, found that the school had been hit by direct fire from the IDF, usinga 120 MM High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) projectile.

    Incident (c): Deaths and injuries occurring at and damage done to the UNRWA BeitHanoun Elementary Co-educational "A" and "D" School on 24 July 2014

    26. The UNRWA Beit Hanoun Elementary Co-educational "A" and "D" School islocated in Beit Hanoun town. Portions of Belt Hanoun, including the school, fell withinthe so-called "buffer zone" that was created by the IDF during Operation Protective

    Edge. During the Operation, the area surrounding the school was particularly dangerousand, as hostilities intensified, the entire area was exposed to fierce combat. As a result of

    the mass displacement of civilians and their need for shelter, UNRWA designated theschool as an emergency shelter on 18 July.

    27. The Board noted that most witnesses described shelling in the vicinity of the school

    as a daily occurrence and that some of the residents at the school were injured as a result

    of shrapnel from the shelling outside the school. The Board also noted that an UNRWAsecurity official testified to having received multiple calls from Israel's Coordination andLiaison Administration (CLA) during the three or four days prior to the incidentindicating that, according to the IDF, rockets were being fired from and around the schooland that it needed to be evacuated. On the other hand, the Board noted that witnesses

    interviewed by UNRWA had said that there was no militant activity either inside or in thenear vicinity of the school, though rocket launching could be heard from areas further

    w y

    28. The Board noted that the school is enclosed by a high wall and has one gate, whichwas watched by at least one guard and closed at night. In the period prior to the incident,UNRWA was sometimes unable to provide food, water and other supplies to the schoolbecause of lack of authorization by the IDF. Residents of the school would therefore beobliged to obtain their own supplies by going to their homes or asking others to go out

    and bu y them. The B oard noted that residents had testified that, to this end, they hadopened two holes in the school wall. There was evidence that these holes had beenclosed with desks and tables on the n ight prior to the incident.

    29. On the day prior to the incident, the situation around the school worsened. The

    ICRC visited the school in an attempt to evacuate the school, but the majority of the


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    residents refused to leave. That night, witnesses described shelling in the vicinity of the

    school, causing shrapnel to fall into the school, and gunfire hitting the school.

    UNRWA's Gaza Field Office received calls from the IDF indicating that they wouldtarget the school and that IDPs should be evacuated.

    30. In the morning of 24 July, military activity appeared to have de-escalated and manyof the residents chose to leave. As a result, the number of residents in the school had

    decreased to approximately 450 people by the time of the incident, from the 2,000 to4,000 who had been there earlier. That same morning, UNRWA decided to evacuate itsstaff fi'om the school, given the risk of an imminent attack by the IDF. UNRWAcontacted the CLA and repeatedly requested that a window of opportunity be granted forthis purpose. No such window was granted by the time of the incident. An attempt wasmade by UNRWA to persuade the residents of the school to leave, but they said that they

    would remain. UNRWA called the CLA and stated that UNRWA would not beevacuating the residents and recalled that the school was a civilian object.

    31. The same morning, UNRWA's Gaza Field Office received a call from an IDF fieldcommander indicating that the IDF was going to target a cluster of four other schools inBelt Hanoun, 800 me tres away from the Elementary Co-educational "A" and "D" School.

    The Field Comm ander said that they were sitting on a Hama s arsenal and that UNRW Ashould evacuate any people fi'om them. The CLA also contacted local officials in BeitHanoun and told them to prepare the residents at the Elementary Co-educational "A" and"D" School for evacuation. At 14:00 hrs, an employee of the municipality, who was also

    a mulchtar, arrived at the school, together with another mulcthar. He told the remainingresidents that the school was not safe and that, with the cooperation of the ICRC and

    UNRWA, they would arrange for buses to evacuate the residents. The residents thenwent to the schoolyard to await evacuation and the guards opened the gate in anticipation.

    32. At approximately 15:00 bxs on 24 July, the school was hit by indirect artillery fire.At least two 120 MM high explosive (HE) mortar projectiles struck the school, onehitting the middle of the schoolyard and a secon d hitting the s teps in front of the school'sentrance. Between 12 and 14 residents were killed and 93 injured, some severely. Nomajor damage was done to the school. The Board found that the incident was attributableto the IDF.

    33. The Government of Israel stated that the CLA had made extensive attempts viaUNRWA and the ICRC to evacuate the school in order to minimize the risk of incidentalharm to civilians as a result of the intensive fighting in the area. It also stated that the

    school had not been the object of the attack. It fulÿher informed the Board that, as a resultof fact-finding carried out by the IDF, there existed "grounds for a reasonable suspicionthat the incident involved a deviation from IDF regulations" and that the MilitaryAdvocate General (MAG) had ordered a criminal investigation into the incident.

    Incident (d): Injuries occurring at and damage do ne to Zaitoun Preparatory Girls"B" School On the night of 28/29 July 2014


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    34. The UNRWA Zaitoun Preparatory Girls "B" School is located in a densely built upneighbourhood of Gaza city, near the UNRWA headquarters compound. The school was

    opened as a designated emergency shelter on 19 July. By the evening of 27 July, it wassheltering some 1,700 persons. The Board noted that the UNRWA school guard testifiedthat there were no militants or um'egistered people inside the school. Guards werepresent at all times at the gate of the school, which was locked at night and entry and exitprohibited.

    35. There were intense artillery shelling and air bombardment throughout 28 July, in

    the Gaza Governorate. In the evening, the shelling gained in intensity in the immediatevicinity of the school, where militant activity was also noted. On 29 July, atapproximately 01:30 hrs, a projectile struck the roof of the school, penetrating the ceilingand striking the wall immediately adjacent to the door of a classroom in which

    approximately 40 people were sleeping. Seven residents were injured and damage wascaused to the school.

    36. The Government of Israel stated that an examination of the incident had been

    requested by the Military Advocate General (MAG) and that that examination wasongoing. It had not been possible to identify any IDF operational activity on the date inquestion that could be connected to the incident, including any aerial strike on the schoolor in its vicinity. IDF munitions experts had also been unable, from the photographicevidence available, to determine the type of munition that had hit the school. The Board,however, found that the school had been hit by a missile, possibly a "Spike" missile,launched from the air by the IDF.

    Incident (e): Deaths and injuries occurring at and damage done to the UN RWAJabalia Elementary Girls "A" and "B" School on 30 July 2014

    37. The UNRW A Jabalia Elementary Girls "A" and "B" School is located in a heavilybuilt up area in the centre of the Jabalia Refugee Camp. The school opened as a

    designated emergency shelter on 16 July 2014. By 3 0 July, it had app roximately 3,000registered residents, most from the towns of Belt Lahiya, Beit Hanoun, Jabalia and otherareas in northern Gaza.

    38. The school is enclosed by a three metre-high wall and has only one gate. TwoUNRWA school attendants were looking after the school, one working the day shift andthe other, the night. Guards hired as part of UNRW A's Job Creation Programm e (JCP)stayed awake throughout the night to monitor the school and ensure that residents abidedby the rules. Weapons were prohibited inside the school and witness testimony appearedto the Board to confirm that this rule was strictly observed. The Board noted that itappeared from witness testimony that there were two guards at the school gate at all

    times, as well as additional guards within the school to maintain security and ensure tha tarmed individuals did not enter. It also appeared from witness testimony that the gate

    was closed at night and that no one was seen climbing the school wall, including on thenight before, and the morning of, the incident.


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    39. In the weeks and days prior to the incident, there were several incidents of shellingby the IDF of buildings in the vicinity of the School. In the days prior to the incident,

    armed clashes between militants and the IDF were taldng place in the east of the JabaliaCamp and the IDF dropped leaflets requesting residents to move to Gaza City. TheBoard noted that witnesses interviewed by UNRWA had stated that there was no militantactivity in the school or in its close vicinity, though one stated that she had heard rocketsnot far from the school in the days before the incident.

    40. The Board noted that most witnesses had testified to UNRWA that the hours before

    the incident were relatively calm. However, at some time between 04:30 and 04:45 In's inthe morning of 30 July, an explosion occun'ed outside the school, causing sin'apnel to fallinto the schoolyard. At approximately 04:45 in's, the school was hit by a ban'age of four

    155 MM high explosive (HE) projectiles, an artillery indirect fire weapon. Between 17and 18 people were killed, including an UNRWA staff member and two of his sons and aguard hired by UNRWA under its Job Creation Programme (JCP). Ninety-nine shelterresidents suffered injuries. Very significant damage was done to the school. Injurieswere also caused to persons and animals and damage to buildings in the immediatevicinity of the school. The Board found that the incident was attributable to the actionsof the IDF and that no prior warning had been given by the Government of Israel of the

    firing of 155 MM high explosive projectiles on, or in the SUla'ounding area of, the school.

    41. The Government of Israel stated that 155 MM shells had been fired towards

    military targets and that the school had not been the object of the attack. The MilitaryAdvocate General (MAG) had ordered a criminal investigation into the incident.

    Incident (f): Deaths and injuries occurring at and/or in the immed iate vicinity of,and damage done to, the UN RWA R afah Preparatory Boys "A" School on 3 August2014

    42. The UNRWA Rafah Preparatory Boys "A" School is located in the denselypopulated city of Rafah, in the southern tip of the Gaza Strip. A wall encloses the Schooland there is only one main gate, accessed from a busy street. The school was designated

    as an emergency shelter for civilians on 18 July 2014 and was sheltering approximately2,700 to 2,900 persons on the day of the incident.

    43. The Board noted that witnesses had described the situation in the area of the schoolas calm in the morning of 3 August 2014, but that they had suddenly heard a drone. Anundetermined number of civilians, including street vendors who had set up stalls, were

    standing next to the school gate, which had just opened to allow an UN RW A vehicle toenter the premises. Between 10:40 and 10:45 in's, a precision-guided missile, launched

    from the air by the IDF, struck the road outside the school, five to six meters from theschool gate. Fifteen persons who were in the vicinity of the gate at the time were killed,including a guard hired by UNR WA u nder its Job Creation Programm e (JCP), who wasinside the school compound at the time. Between 25 and 30 people who were in thevicinity of the gate were injured. The school wall and the guards' container by the school


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    gate suffered minor damage from shrapnel. The Board found that the missile had beendirected at a motorcycle can-ying three individuals.

    44. The Government of Israel stated to the Board that an examination of the incident

    was being undertaken at the request of the Military Advocate General (MAG). The IDFhad fired an aerial-launched missile at the motorcycle, which had been carrying three

    militants from Palestinian Islamic Jihad. By the time that it became apparent that thestrike would coincide with the motorcycle passing by the school gate, it had no longerbeen possible to divert the missile.

    Incident (g): Damage done to the U NRWA Khuza'a Elementary College Co-educational "A" and "B" School between 17 July and 26 August 2014

    45. The UNRWA Ydmza'a Elementary College Co-educational "A" and "B" School islocated in a residential area in the middle of the farming village of Ydauza'a, about 1.3

    kilometres from Israel. The school was not used as an emergency shelter duringOperation Protective Edge. However, as with the other schools involved in the incidentsthat were the subject of the Board's inquiry, UNRWA had informed the Israeli authoritiesof its location and its status as a United Nations facility. The Board noted that the school

    buildings had been locked at the start of Operation Protective Edge and that no civilianswere present at the time of the incident.

    46. IDF ground troops entered the village of Ydmza'a on or about 23 July. Thereappear to have been heavy shelling and clashes between the IDF and militants in the area

    after that date. On or around 28 July, one block of the school -- block A -- was entirelydemolished. On or about the same date, a 120MM High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)projectile hit another block of the school -- block D -- causing extensive damage.

    47. The Government of Israel stated to the Board that an examination of the incident

    had bee n undertaken at the request of the M ilitary Advoca te General (MAG ).Tlÿ'oughout the fighting in Ydauza'a, IDF commanders on the ground had received

    numerous indications that the school compound was being used as an observation postand a command and control centre. On the night of 27 July, IDF forces had accordinglylocated themselves in a structure nearby and, in order to ensure that that structure

    functioned as an adequate defensive position and so provided sufficient force protectionfrom a range of potential threats, several of the surrounding structures, including part ofthe school, had been demolished. On 28 July, an IDF detachment had entered the school

    to search the buildings for enemy presence and had found a Palestinian Islamic Jihad

    operational map and other military equipment. In the course of the search, thecommander on the ground had decided, for imperative reasons of military necessity, toclear an additional area of structures that were part of the school compound in order to

    improve the IDF's own force protection. The forces that had searched the school had notemployed any gunfire or explosives and the damage to block D was unlikely to have beenthe result of a hit from a 120 MM tank shell.


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    48. The Board found that block A of the school had been demolished by IDF bulldozersand that block D had been da mage d as a result of the impact ofa 120MM HEA T

    projectile, fired by an IDF taN(.

    Incident (h): Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational "B" School on 16 July 2014

    49. Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational "B" School is located in the heart of the

    Beach refugee camp, in the midst of a densely populated area of Gaza city. Four otherUNRW A schools and an UN RWA health centre are located on the opposite side of thestreet. The school buildings are enclosed by a wall and there is one main gate. On two ofits four sides, the schoolyard is surrounded by houses, which are built on the school's

    boundary wall. These houses have windows opening on to the schoolyard on their lowerfloors; and one house connects with the schoolyard tlu'ough a gate. Also next to the

    school, adjacent to the house with the connecting gate, is a private building, whose maingate is located next to the school's gate. This house was bombed during OperationProtective Edge, prior to the incident.

    50. Due to the summer vacation, the school was not in use at the time of OperationProtective Edge, nor was it used as a designated emergency shelter.

    51. The Board was informed that two UNRWA school attendants were looking arier the

    school prior to and on the day of the incident. One worked the morning shift and theother, the afternoon. Five guards hired as part of UNRWA's Job Creation Programme

    (JCP) were also assigned to the school, one worldng the morning shift and the other four

    sharing the night shift in pairs of two. In addition, the school principal inspected all theclassrooms on some days.

    52. The Board was informed that one of the school attendants had testified that he hadperformed his normal duties prior to and on the day of the incident. The other hadtestified that, for safety reasons, he was told to stay away fi'om the school and to relocate

    to the health centre across the street and watch the school from there. Prior to and on theday of the incident, the JCP guards were also not at the school, but at the health centre, inaccordance with the same instruction. The Board was informed that an UNRWA official

    had issued this instruction for fear that the building next door to the school wou ld beshelled again.

    53. The Board was informed that the school gate was unlocked during the periodleading up to the incident in order to allow children access to the schoolyard. It was alsoinformed that there were two sets of keys to the classrooms, one for the morning shift andthe other for the afternoon. One se t of keys was kept in the school principal's office. Itwas unclear where the other set was kept.

    54. A team of Operations Support Officers (OSO) had inspected the school on 2 June aspart of a regular inspection programme for all UNRWA facilities, designed to preventbreaches of their "neutrality". No weapons or signs of militant activity had been reported


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    by the team during that inspection. No further inspections had been conducted by OSOteams after that date due to the declaration by UN RW A's Gaza F ield Office of a state of

    emergency on 8 July. The OSO teams had then ceased to operate and their membersbeen assigned to other, emergency-related functions.

    55. On 16 July 2015, a 120 MM mortar tube, a mortar bipod and twenty 120 MMmortar-round containers, with ammunition, were discovered under a blanket in the corner

    of a locked classroom. The weapom'y was photographed.

    56. UNRWA senior management notified the local authorities in Gaza and asked thatthe weapons be removed. The United Nations Department of Safety and Security

    (UNDSS ) contacted the Special Protection Un it (SPU) o f the local police and also askedthat the weapons be removed, apparently through the local police's explosive ordnancedetachment. The SPU asked that the United Nations guarantee that the IDF would notstrike while the weapons were being removed and that a United Nations vehicle be used

    to remove the weapons. DSS refused.

    57. The Board was informed that UNRWA had received testimony that two individualsidentifying themselves as policemen had come to the school, alleged that they knew whowas responsible for the cache of weapons and left a telephone number. Upon beingcontacted, one of these individuals stated that the weapons would be removed fi'om the

    school in the early morning. The Board was further informed that, early in the morning

    of 17 July, the door to the classroom in question was found locked, with no signs offorced entry or exit, and that it was noted that the weapons had been removed.

    58. On 17 July, UNRWA informed Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs about thefinding of the weapons and their subsequent disappearance. In the afternoon of 17 July,

    UNR WA issu ed a press release stating that a cache of approximately 20 rockets (sic) hadbeen found hidden in a vacant school. Under a misapprehension that the explosiveordnance detachment of the local police had removed the weapom'y, the press release

    stated that UNRWA had informed the relevant parties and had successfully taken allnecessary measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and

    security of the school.

    59. The Board found that, in the light of the situation in the vicinity, the securitymeasures at the school were weak prior to and on the day of the incident, partly due to thefact that the personnel charged with the school's security were subject to life-threateningcircumstances. It also found that an unidentified Palestinian armed group had used the

    school premises to hide the weaponry.

    Incident (i): Presence of weaponry at the UNR WA Jabalia Elementary "C" and

    Ayyobiya Boys School on 22 July 2014

    60. The Jabalia Elementary "C" and Ayyobiya Boys School is one in a row of fiveschools situated in an urban area to the east of the Jabalia refugee camp. Behind theschool is a large open area with small-scale agricultural land. The Board was informed


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    that this area was known for its use as a firing site for armed groups and that it had been

    targeted by the IDF in past conflicts.

    61. The school was never identified in UNRWA's emergency management plan as a

    potential shelter due to security and safety concerns. At the time of the incident, it was inrecess for the summer.

    62. The Board was informed that the school normally employed four school attendants,but that, at the time of the incident, ttu'ee of them were absent. One school attendantresided at the school, but was on leave at the time and, afraid, spent most of his timeindoors. In addition, the Board was informed that five guards hired as part of UNRWA's

    Job Creation Programme (JCP) had been assigned to the school and were scheduled to

    work there from evening to morning. However, at the time of the incident, none of themwas at the school. The school has one main gate, which, the Board was informed, wasnot usually locked. The school wall is not high en ough to prevent intruders fromclimbing into the school.

    63. A team of Operations Support Officers (OSO) had inspected the school on 12 Mayas part of the regular inspection programme for all UNRWA facilities described above.

    No issues had been identified that compromised the neutrality of the premises. Nofurther inspections had been conducted by OSO teams after that date for the reasonsoutlined above.

    64. However, following the discovery ofweapom'y at the Gaza Beach ElementaryCo-educational "B" School on 16 July, UNRWA management issued an instruction on 17

    July that daily inspections be conducted of all UNRWA schools, including those thatwere not being used as shelters, to ensure that no weapons were being stored in them andthat they were not being abused. Two UNRWA staff members were then tasked to

    conduct daily inspections of all schools in the area concerned. School attendants presentat the schools were instructed to ensure that the daily inspections were conducted. The

    Board was informed that the school had been inspected on 19 July and that nothingunusual had been found, though not every part of the premises had been checked.

    65. The area behind the school wall was known at the time for being used by militants,

    including for the firing of projectiles. The Board accordingly noted the da ngerous natureof the inspection of the premises and found that, although a thorough inspection of thepremises should have been conducted, such inspection could only have taken place in the

    presence of qualified security personnel.

    66. In the morning of 22 July 2014, a crowd of approximately 300 persons an'ived at

    the school gate and entered the schoolyard. Heavy shelling was occurring at the time inthe area of Beit Hanoun, near Jabalia, and the IDF had dropped leaflets over Beit Hanoun

    warning the civilian population to evacuate the area. This had created a mass movementof people seeking shelter.


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    67. UNRWA management was alerted to the arrival of the displaced persons and sentan official to the school to ascertain whether it could be opened as a designated

    emergency shelter. Upon arrival, the official was immediately alerted by the displacedpersons to the presence of an object, seemingly a weapon. Other UNRWA officials thencame to the school to inspect the premises. They saw an object, seemingly a weapon,covered with a piece of cloth, in an area under the cover of some trees behind the toilet

    block and near the boundary wall separating the school from the open area behind it. Noone approached the object to confirm whether it was a weapon. No photographs of itwere taken; and, for this reason, the Board was unable to confirm with certainty whattype of weapon may have been hidden at the school. However, it concluded that it was

    highly likely that a Palestinian armed group might have used the prem ises to hideweapons.

    68. The area was immediately evacuated and the UNRWA officials went to theneighbouring schools to determine whether any of them would be su itable to shelter the

    hundreds of displaced persons an'iving in the area. About an hour later, they returned tothe school, to be informed by the displaced persons that the object had been removed.They then confirmed that the object was no longer at the rear of the school.

    69. Following the finding of the object, UNRWA officials contacted the localauthoa'ities in Gaza, Israel's Coordination and Liaison Administa'ation (CLA) and Israel's

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the evening of 22 July, UNRWA issued a press releasestating that rockets (sic) had been found h idden in a vacant scho ol in Gaza and thatUNRWA was pursuing all possible measures for their removal in order to preserve thesafety and security of the school. The Board was informed that, at the time, UNRWAsenior officials understood that the suspected weapon or weapons were still at the school.

    The following morning, the Deputy Commissioner General informed Israel's Ministry ofForeign Affairs of the plan to remove the suspected weapon or weapons. Later that sameday, having learned of their disappearance, she informed the Ministry of this. The Boardfound that communications within UNRWA may have been confusing at critical times

    during the management of the incident. However, it also noted the enormous pressureunder which UNRWA staff were operating, often handling multiple complex and life-thi'eatening situations.

    70. The Government of Israel showed the Board a video, which the Board concluded

    was authentic, showing the launching of a projectile from within the school premises on14 July. The Government also provided a document which was said to identify the placesclose to the school from which rockets had been launched, together with the dates of

    those launches. The Board concluded that it was highly likely that an unidentifiedPalestinian armed group could have used the school premises to launch attacks on or

    around 14 July.

    Incident (j): Presence of weaponry at the UN RWA Nuseirat Preparatory Co-educational "B" School on 29 July 2014 and on 17 August 2014


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    71. The UNRWA Nuseirat Preparatory Co-educational "B" School is located in a semi-rural area, northwest of the Nuseirat Camp, south of Gaza city. Two houses and a

    mosque are located less than one metre from the school wall and an apartment building,less than a hundred metres away. The school is enclosed by a wall. There is one maingate and a small pedestrian door adjacent to it and one secondary gate in a side wall.

    72. The school was on recess at the time of the incident. It was not used as a designated

    emergency shelter.

    73. The Board was informed that the main gate was locked during the recess, but notthe adjacent pedestrian gate. The secondary gate was kept locked. Students wouldregularly climb up the front wall and enter the schoo l. At the time of the incident, noneof the classrooms were locked.

    74. The school had only two attendants, who worked the morning shift on alternatedays. One did not attend some days because of the security situation and the shelling. In

    addition, five guards hired as pa rt of UNR WA 's Job Creation Programm e (JCP) wereassigned to the school, one on the afternoon shift and the others, in pairs of two, on the

    night shift. There was evidence that, on several occasions, the JCP guards were notpresent at the school when the school attendant an'ived in the morning, including the dayof the incident.

    75. A team of Operations Support Officers (OSO) had inspected the school on 19 May aspart of the regular inspection programme for all UNRWA facilities described above. Theteam reported no w eapons or signs of m ilitant activity. No further inspections had beenconducted by OSO teams after that date for the reasons set out above. As of the discovery ofweapons at the Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational "B" School on 16 July, the school

    attendants were instructed to inspect the school daily. However, the Board was informedthat one of the attendants did n ot do so. The last inspection was carried out on 27 July. Theday after was Eid al-Fitr and there was no school attendant at the school, though the JCPguards were present.

    76. On 29 July, a 120 MM mortal" tube, a 120 MM mortar bipod and three 120 MMmortar containers were found, covered by a blanket, behind a locked internal gate leadingto a stairwell. The weapons were photographed.

    77. That same day, UNRWA officials informed the Israeli authorities and the localauthorities in Gaza. In accordance with guidance provided by United NationsHeadquarters, a mission was arranged for later that day to verify the weapons and renderthem safe. However, it was later called off because of the security situation in the

    vicinity of the school. In the evening, UNRWA issued a press release reporting thatrockets (sic) had been found in an UN RW A school, that all parties had been informedand that United Nations munitions experts had been unable to access the school becauseof the security situation, but would do so once it improved.

    78. On 30 July, UNRWA officials went to the school, ahead of a visit by UnitedNations munitions experts. They found no school a ttendants or JCP guards at the


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    premises and that the lock of the gate to the stairwell had been broken and the weapons

    had disappeared.

    79. The Board was informed that, between 30 July and 17 August, security at theschool may have been compromised at least on one occasion by the presence ofunidentified individuals and, possibly, of mortar weapom'y.

    80. On 17 August, a 120 MM mortar tube, a 120 MM mortar bipod and twenty120 MM mortar containers were found in a small room under a stairwell. Water,lubricant-oil bottles and boards apparently used as beds were also found, as well as

    writing in Arabic on a blackboard, seemingly depicting military operations. At the rearof the school, a mortar base plate was found, embedded in the sand. These items were

    photographed. The mortar cases, mortar tube, bipod and base plate were removed fromthe school and rendered safe.

    81. The Board was informed that UNRWA officials contacted the Israeli authorities andexplained that the weapons were in the possession of the United Nations and that they

    would not be handed over to any party. The Deputy Prime Minister of the PalestinianGovermnent of National Consensus was also informed.

    82. The Board found that, in light of the security situation around the school at the time,the security measures at the school were weak, both prior to and on the days of the two

    incidents, partly due to the fact that the personnel charged with security at the schoolwere subject to life-tba'eatening circumstances. The Board also found that the presence ofweapons and other evidence found in the school indicated that the premises could have

    been used for an unknown period of time by members ofa Palestinian armed group andthat it was likely that such a group may have fired the mortar from within the premises ofthe school.

    Safety and Security challenges

    83. The Board considered the infrastructure of some of UNRWA's schools, particularlythose built years ago, unsuited to the general security situation in Gaza. Some schoolshad low perimeter walls, for example, that could permit individuals to gain unauthorized

    access. The Board was informed that a programme for improvements existed, but that itdid not contain any standards with respect to the minimum height of fences or boundarywalls and no construction standards that might limit opportunities for unauthorized

    access. The Board further noted that an'angements relating to the securing and locldng ofentrance gates outside worldng hours and during recess did not always function

    efficiently. It was not always clear, for example, how the keys were kept and by whom.

    84. The Board was informed that UNRWA had only 237 guards serving on staffcontracts to provide security for all UNRWA installations. In order to assist in themaintenance of security during the conflict, the UNRWA Gaza Field Office consequentlyrecruited local workers through its Job Creation Programme (JCP). They had no priorsecurity training and the training provided to them upon their recruitment was minimal.


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    They were f'etained on three-month contracts with no expectation of renewal. The Board

    was told that additional funding had been sought to convert these contracts into staff

    contracts, but that this request had apparently been rejected. As of the end of November2014, 897 JCP gua rds had been hired.

    85. The Board noted that the security of UNRWA premises, particularly during times ofconflict, is a matter of paramount importance, which needs to be addressed seriously. Byrelying upon the Job Creation Programme (JCP), UNRWA was entrusting one of themost dangerous and fundamental functions to low-paid individuals with no training in

    security and no expectation of continued employment. The Board considered that a taskof such high responsibility requires specialized and properly trained individuals.

    86. The Board further noted that JCP guards typically work afternoon and night shifts.No guards are therefore on duty in the mornings. The function of securing schools duringthat time is assumed by school attendants, whose main function is to maintain the

    cleanliness of the schools, not their security. Like JCP guards, school attendants are nottrained to deal with security issues. They also report to a different authority from the JCPguards. The Board considered that the existence of two reporting lines for the

    performance of the same task was bound to lead to confusion, particularly in times ofcrisis.

    87. The Board noted that UNRW A has no standard operating procedures (SOP)articulating the duty of all staff members to report security incidents and the modalities

    for doing so. Witnesses informed the Board that there was no list of staff who should beinformed of incidents, no lists of actions to be taken in regard to specific situations and

    no central mechanism to keep a log of all events. As such, the passage of informationand the assignment of required actions were somewhat ad hoc, negatively affectingUNRWA's ability to establish facts and account for actions taken and to be taken.

    88. The Board further found that UNRWA did not have a policy or SOP to addresssituations involving the unauthorized presence of weapons on UNRWA premises. Afterthe disappearance of weapons from the UNRWA Jabalia Elementary "C" and AyyobiyaBoys School on 22 July, United Nations Headquarters suggested a process to befollowed. These suggestions were yet to be "operationalized" through the issuance ofdetailed SOPs. The Board also noted that there was no reference document setting out

    security levels, standards for the identification and evaluation of security risks and

    mitigation measures that need to be in place for UNRWA premises, including its schools.

    89. The Board was informed that, during normal times, UNRWA carries outunannounced inspections of UNRWA facilities, including schools, to ensure theirneutrality, with each facility being visited at least once every four months. These visitsare carried out by teams of Operations Support Officers. Each team includes aninternational staff member. These inspections were discontinued during the conflict andthe international staff members were regarded as non-essential staff.


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    90. The Board concluded that, during the conflict, UNRWA was operating in Gaza withan under-staffed Safety and Security Division (SSD), which struggled with securing

    hundreds of premises with unskilled personnel. The Board considered that priorityshould be given for the UNRWA Gaza Field Office to obtain appropriate resources so asto improve security at UNRWA schools and other UNRWA installations in the GazaStrip and that this should include resources for the recruitment and training of therequired number of guards, on staff contracts, to secure its schools and other installationsunder a 24/7 shift system. It also considered that, as a matter of priority, UNRWA should

    reconsider its security approach in relation to its schools and other installations, both inthe context of emergency situations and during normal operations, and revisit its school

    inspection systems, including during emergencies.

    Communication and coordination issues

    91. The Board noted that humanitarian response and continued operations of UnitedNations entities in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge required the coordination ofthe following functions: ensuring that the IDF were aware of all United Nations

    installations, in particular those in use as designated emergency shelters; coordinatingmovements of United Nations personnel within Gaza and into and out of Israel;coordinating pauses for humanitarian activities, such as food deliveries; and coordinatingthe entry of humanitarian assistance into, and its distribution within, the Gaza Strip.

    92. The Board found that the United Nations undertook considerable measures toensure proper coordination of these functions. Compared with the situation in 2009

    during Operation Cast Lead, efforts were made to deploy staff with necessary skills tooperate during armed conflict and humanitarian emergencies. The Organization had alsobuilt up the capacity of the inter-agency Access Coordination Unit (ACU), which hadestablished relations with the IDF at va rious levels prior to the conflict. However, key

    personnel were unable to organize in a manner that was sustainable for a prolongedemergency, due to the relatively small numbers of international staff available to assume

    managerial emergency functions, the unexpectedly long duration of the conflict and thedemands put upon staff to take care of displaced persons and the shelters. The Board alsonoted that new emergency management systems had been introduced by the humanitarian

    country team and b y the UNRW A Gaza F ield Office in June 2014 and that no propertraining had been conducted on them prior to Operation Protective Edge.

    93. The Board found that, at times, there had been multiple channels of communication,both within the United Nations and with outside interlocutors. While this could behelpful, it could also lead to misunderstandings. The Board also found that the existence

    of two United Nations operations emergency rooms, one organized and coordinated byOCHA and the other by UNRWA could lead to confusion even though they carried outdistinct functions, which were clear to United Nations actors on the ground.

    94. The establishment of a joint coordination room, bringing together Israel'sCoordinator of Government Activities in the Ten'itories (COGAT), the United Nations


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    and the ICRC, had significantly contributed to the coordination of United Nationsactivities in Gaza.

    95. The Government of Israel had endeavoured to improve its internal structures ofcommunication between COGAT and IDF units. The Board could not properly assessinternal coordination structures within the IDF, but was briefed on all the mechanismsand measures to ensure that fighting troops were aware of sensitive sites, as well as of thehumanitarian situation and needs. All coordinates of U nited Nations installations wereavailable to units on the ground and were clearly and visibly marked on maps. The

    Board noted, though, that, in spite of such measures, UNRWA facilities were hit.

    96. While they were channelled by the United Nations to the IDF in a timely manner,the Board sensed a degree of confusion concerning the names and coordinates of

    installations, as, on occasion, the IDF and the United Nations used different mappingreferences and some schools have multiple names. The Board welcomed the intention ofUNRWA and Israel's Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) to refer toinstallations in the future by numbers, as opposed to names.


    97. The terms of reference of the Board included maldng recommendations concerning

    any action that, in its opinion, should be taken by the United Nations, including actions ormeasures to avoid recurrence of the incidents. The Board made the followingrecommendations:

    Regarding Safety and Security

    98. In light of its findings, noted above, on issues of safety and security, the Boardrecommended that:

    (a) The United Nations should consider sending a team of experts to review theentire UNRWA Security Management System (SMS), with particular emphasison conducting a detailed risk assessment for UNRWA operations in normalcircumstances as well as in emergencies. The team should focus, inter alia, onthe functioning of emergency operation rooms and the procedures for reporting

    incidents and on assisting in the review of security-related guidance documentsapplicable to UNRWA staff and premises. The team should also consider howto benefit from the standard-setting role of the United Nations Department of

    Safety and Security (UNDSS) in addressing the safety and security challengesidentified in the Board's report.

    (b) The Office of the Commissioner-General of UNRWA should consolidateexisting practices on neutrality into a framework document to ensure aconsistent and coherent approach, agency-wide. This framework documentshould take into consideration: staff neutrality, premises/installations and assets,

    such as vehicles, and operations. It should also outline the roles and

    responsibilities for various aspects of neutrality, including approval, review and


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    maintenance of relevant documentation. The mechanism for monitoring andhandling of neutrality-related incidents should also be described.






    In order to improve the security of its schools and other installations in Gaza,

    UNR WA sh ould consider developing standard guidelines inspired by theOrganization's Minimum Operating Security Standards (MOSS) system. Itshould also consider increasing the number of guards serving on fixed-termappointments and enhance the training of an effective guard force, managed inshifts on a 24/7 basis.

    In order to assist the senior management in the UNWRA Field Office in Gaza toaddress issues of weapons, ammunition, unexploded ordnance and explosivesfound on UN premises, a weapons/ammunition and explosive expert should bepermanently posted at the UNW RA G aza Field Office.

    UNRWA should: develop agency-specific implementation plans for addressingsituations in which weapons are discovered and their subsequent handling,

    talcing into consideration agency-specific needs and the operating realities of

    each field office; assign roles and responsib ilities for carrying out these tasks;and ensure that staff are properly trained.

    UNRWA should operationalize the guidance provided by United NationsHeadquarters on the handling of incidents involving weapons found in UNRWAfacilities by drafting SOPs that incorporate actions and responsibilities of staff,with clear lines of accountability, and mitigation measures with regard to thesecurity of U-NRWA personnel concerned.

    UNRWA should consider changing the inspection process for UNRWAinstallations and strengthen the inslÿection regime by establishing an objectiveand effective inspection regime by international staff members such as

    Operations Support Officers (OSO), who should be in office during normaltimes, as well as during times of conflict, and who should be regarded as

    essential staff during emergencies. As for the quarterly inspections by OSOteams, detailed guidelines should be designed to enhance institutional memory.Those procedures should clearly state the roles and responsibilities of eachUNRWA staff member involved in the inspection process as well the

    monitoring of it.

    UNRWA should provide training to its personnel tasked with managing shelterson post-emergency confirmation of casualties and deaths caused duringincidents occun'ing on its premises. It should also train personnel or recruitpersonnel with knowledge of how to conduct forensic investigations and collectevidence.

    Regarding Communication and Coordination

    99. In the light of its findings, noted above, on issues of communication andcoordination, as well as information on issues related to coordination of emergencyresponse during Operation Cast Lead in 2009, the Board recommended that:


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    (a) The United Nations should request the Government of Israel to furtherstrengthen internal mechanisms, especially those within the IDF, so as to ensure

    that United Nations personnel, operations and premises are not put at risk in theevent of any future military operations affecting Gaza. The United N ationsshould further request the Government of Israel to establish a "hot line" for

    emergency coordination between the Director of Operations of UNRWA andthe Commander of IDF's Southern Comm and. This would support the high-

    level coordination focal point, to whom the United Nations conveys theproblems which it believes need to be addressed in respect of coordination andclearance arrangements in order to ensure the security of all United Nations

    personnel and premises, and the safe continuation of United Nations operations,in Gaza.

    (b) The United Nations should request the G overnment of Israel to give acommitment that, at any time that it believes it has information thatUnited Nations premises have been misused for military purposes or thatUNRWA staff are involved in militant activities, such information will bepromptly conveyed in strict confidence to the senior management of UNRWAor other United Nations entity, so that they can fulfil their responsibilities toinvestigate and take whatever action they may deem appropriate.

    (c) The United Nations should request the Government of Israel to give acommitment that, in the event that it p lans any future military operation in

    proximity to United Nations premises, it will provide advance warning,sufficient to enable the United Nations to ensure the security and safety of itspersonnel or other civilians attending its facilities, and ensure that coordinating

    procedures are such that confusion or misunderstandings concerning UNRWAas well as other United Nations installations are excluded.

    (d) With regard to coordination with the IDF, and building on positive steps alreadyundertaken, the UN should continue cultivating relations with Israel's

    Coordinator of Government Activities in the Ten'itories (COGAT) and the IDFat various levels. The capacity of the Organization's inter-agency AccessCoordination Unit (ACU) should be increased and coordinating structures

    changed in order to let it fulfil the role of primary United Nations focal pointwith the Israel's Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA), augmentedby the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UND SS) and

    UNRWA's Safety and Security Division (SSD) as required.(e) The Secretary-General should send a team of experts to assess coordination

    structures in Gaza between the United Nations, non-United Nations entities andthe Government of Israel and to assess and advise how command and controlprocedures within UNWRA and with external actors can be improved andstrengthened. The assessment and advice should include the set-up, staffing and

    training of a joint operations room in UNDSS and UNWRA SSD.

    (0 UNRWA and OCHA should make efforts to avoid establishing two paralMstructures in Gaza during emergencies. There should be one joint structure incharge of all United Nations emergency response in Gaza. Appropriate


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    arrangements for co-location of all relevant United Nations staff during

    emergencies should also be made.


    The UNDSS senior management team should be reinforced as soon as possible.

    The UN should earma rk a few military experts on mission in existing

    peacekeeping m issions in the Middle East to augm ent the UNRW A Gaza FieldOffice and support UNRWA as duty officers in a joint operations room duringcrises. Regular exercises with area operations rooms should be organized.

    (i) With regard to emergency management, the United Nations in the OccupiedPalestinian Territory should introduce and regularly conduct inter-agencytraining sessions and drills for staff expected to be involved in the coordinationof United Nations operations. Staff should be identified for these tasks and befully aware of their expected responsibilities, as well as those of others. Area

    Chiefs should receive further tx'aining on security matters and how toprofessionally manage their operations rooms. Area operations rooms should be

    prepared, equipped and trained for emergency security situations by aUnited Nations mobile training team.

    Regarding general issues

    100. The Board made the following general recommenda tions:

    O UNRWA's mandate is essentially humanitarian in nature. UNRWA conducts itsactivities through programmes in education, health, relief and social services. Its

    staff should not be involved in issues of weaponry, ammunition and unexplodedordnance, nor should it have to collect shrapnel from schools. It requires thefurther assistance of qualified and experienced personnel, preferably with amilitary background, to support its staff.

    UNRWA international staff and senior local staff should urgently receivecounselling to address potential post-traumatic stress disorder. These staffmembers have gone through very stressful events for a prolonged period of time.
