bma701 contemporary leadership in an australian context (pdf

1 BMA701 CONTEMPORARY LEADERSHIP IN AN AUSTRALIAN CONTEXT Semester 3, 2013 Teaching Team: Dr Simon Fishwick Hobart Campus CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

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Semester 3, 2013

Teaching Team:

Dr Simon Fishwick

Hobart Campus

CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

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Contact Details

Unit Coordinator: Dr Simon Fishwick

Campus: Hobart

Room Number: Com303 (Hobart Campus)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 6226 1768

Fax: 6226 2808

Consultation Time: By appointment

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Contact Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 2

Unit Description ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. Page 4

Intended Learning Outcomes and Generic Graduate Attributes..………………………………………….Page 5

Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies Approach …………………….……………………………. Page 6

Learning Resources …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 6

Details of Teaching Arrangements ……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 8

Assessment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 9

Submission of Coursework …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 13

Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism ………………………………………………………………………………… Page 15

Workshop Program..………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 16

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Unit Description

The focus of this unit is increasing the effectiveness of leadership skills at an individual and

organisation level. Effective leadership of organisations, whether they are professional practices

employing only a few staff, multinational corporations, public sector or not-for-profit organisations

is of increasing importance. The impact of globalisation, cost pressures, increased competition for

talented employees and changing expectations of stakeholders pose increasingly complex challenges

for all organisations.

Effective leadership requires a thorough knowledge of theory, and skills in application, so leaders

have the capability to develop and implement carefully planned, well-integrated programs that will

assist organisations achieve their objectives.

The unit will cover aspects of leadership theory and practice relevant to organisations from an

Australian perspective. It will examine theoretical aspects from both traditional and critical

perspectives. The unit will cover the personal aspects of leadership, leaders as relationship builders

and leaders as organisational shapers. Limitations to the influence of leaders will also be covered. A

range of guest speakers who represent different sectors, ages and genders will discuss their

perspectives of leadership challenges facing Australian organisations. These challenges together with

the academic material will inform student analysis and application to practical leadership challenges

through the individual assignment, reflective practice journal and group presentations.

The unit will be delivered in a concentrated block workshop format with much of the activity being

focused on analysis and supplemented by case studies.

Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite Unit(s)


Enrolment in the Unit

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, students should not enrol in winter school units after

the start of semester, as the School of Management cannot guarantee:

That any extra assistance will be provided by the teaching team in respect of work covered in the period prior to enrolment; and

That penalties will not be applied for late submission of any piece or pieces of assessment that were due during this period.

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Intended Learning Outcomes and Generic Graduate Attributes

Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment

Methods Graduate Attribute Outcomes

In this unit you will learn: In assessing this unit I will be looking at your ability to:

Knowledge of leadership theory

and principles and how to apply

theory to practice:

Discuss leadership theories and principles. D, P, A The assessments and teaching activities in this unit have been designed

to develop the following graduate attributes in students:

Knowledge (3) – The ability to transfer knowledge to complex and

uncertain leadership situations and transmit that knowledge to

professional peers for critical discussion. Extensive functioning

knowledge in leadership and its application to the business environment.

Functional lifelong learner for professional and personal career


Communication (3) – The ability to engage in persuasive, succinct oral

and written discussions to communicate and defend a position held both

individually and as part of a group, and to effectively respond to

audience questions. Written communication skills to create clear and

detailed analyses and non-biased recommendations for executives and


Problem solving (3) – The ability to apply logical, critical and creative

thinking to complex leadership related problems. A critical grasp of

theoretical frameworks and practices and the ability to integrate and

apply them to problem resolution in a leadership context. The ability to

locate, analyse, evaluate and effectively use information from a range of

media and in a number of different formats.

Global perspective (3) – Group and interpersonal skills to sensitively

connect, collaborate and negotiate with people from diverse global

cultures and backgrounds in a professional context.

Social responsibility (2) – The ability to apply the ethical requirements of

University study. An awareness of societal expectations of business and

leader’s responsibilities to society.

Apply leadership theory to case examples to solve leadership problems. D, P, R

Critically analyse academic articles on leadership & assess relevance to the

current Australian context. C, D, A

The importance of an integrated

approach to leadership theory

and practice:

Describe leadership frameworks. D, P, A

Apply integrated leadership approaches to selected contexts. D, A

How principle elements of

leadership impact on self,

employees, organisations and


Explain how various leadership approaches impact on self, employees,

organisations & society. D, R

Conduct a self analysis to determine potential personal leadership style and

explain how those styles impact on others. D, R

Research topical issues on leadership for use in discussions and presentation. C, D, A

Analyse leadership scenarios, diagnose critical issues and recommend

improvement strategies. D, A, R

To communicate information

about leadership in oral and

written forms:

Contribute to class and syndicate discussions. D, P

Participate in syndicate presentations (and in the syndicate’s research and

preparation for the presentation). P, A

Write essay that follows structure and referencing conventions. C, A, R

Reflect on self analysis exercises, online discussion postings and leadership

challenges that resonate with personal context. D, R

Assessment methods – C. Critical review of academic journal article; R. Reflective Practice journal; A. Assignment; P. Presentation in syndicate; D. Discussions

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Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies/Approach


The University is committed to a high standard of professional conduct in all activities, and holds its

commitment and responsibilities to its students as being of paramount importance. Likewise, it

holds expectations about the responsibilities students have as they pursue their studies within the

special environment the University offers. The University’s Code of Conduct for Teaching and

Learning states:

Students are expected to participate actively and positively in the teaching/learning

environment. They must attend classes when and as required, strive to maintain steady

progress within the subject or unit framework, comply with workload expectations, and

submit required work on time.

Alterations to this Unit as a Result of Student Feedback Changes made based on student feedback when this unit was delivered as a “Special Topic”:

Additional material will be placed in MyLO prior to the teaching period to permit students to prepare prior to the workshops. This will enable greater time for discussion and less time allocated to presentation of material;

The guest speakers will be spread out more evenly across the first workshop block and a summary of key points from each key speaker will be provided in MyLO.

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)

The University is committed to providing a safe and secure teaching and learning environment. In

addition to specific requirements of this unit you should refer to the University’s policy at

Learning Resources

Prescribed Text

Miller, P & Dalglish, C 2011, The leader in you, Tilde University Press, Melbourne.

Recommended Texts

Blount, F & Joss B (with Mair, D) 1999, Managing in Australia, Lansdowne Publishing, Sydney.

Cranston, NC & Ehrich, LC 2007, What is this thing called leadership? Prominent Australians tell their stories, Australian Academic Press, Brisbane.

Daglish, C & Miller, P 2010, Leadership, understanding its global impact, Tilde University Press,


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Dalglish, C & Evans, P 2007, Leadership in the Australian context: case studies in leadership, Tilde

University Press, Melbourne.

Daft, R & Pirola-Merlo, A 2009, The leadership experience, Asia Pacific edn, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne.

Dubrin, AJ, Dalglish, C & Miller, P 2006, Leadership, 2nd Asia Pacific edn, John Wiley, Brisbane.

Goffee, R & Jones, G 2006, Why should anyone be led by you? What it takes to be an authentic leader, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

Hearn, M & Michelson, G 2006, Rethinking work: time, space and discourse, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne.

Hubbard, G, Samuel, D, Cocks, G & Heap, S 2007, The first XI: winning organisations in Australia, 2nd

edn, John Wiley, Brisbane.

Kouzes, JM & Posner, BZ 2007, The leadership challenge, 4th edn, John Wiley, Hobeken, NJ.

McCarthy, W 2000, Don’t fence me In, Random House, Sydney.

Quinn, RE 2004, Building the bridge as you walk on it, Joffey-Bass, San Francisco.

Rickards, T & Clark, M 2006, Dilemmas of leaders, Routledge, London.

Sinclair, A 2005, Doing leadership differently, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.

Storey, J (ed.) 2004, Leadership in organizations: current issues and key trends, Routledge, London.

Yukl, G 2010, Leadership in organizations, 7th edn, Pearson, Upper Saddle River. (At the end of this book, there is a very large list of leadership references).

Journals and Periodicals Academy of Management Executive Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Annual Review of Psychology Australian Financial Review (periodical) Australian Journal of Management Australian Journal of Psychology Australian Psychologist British Journal of Management Business Strategy and the Environment California Management Review Harvard Business Review International Journal of Service Industry Management Journal of Management and Organization Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Journal of Occupational Behaviour Journal of Organizational Change Management Management Decision

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Useful Websites

My Learning Online (MyLO)

MyLO software has been incorporated into the delivery of this unit to enhance the learning

experience by providing access to up to date course materials and by allowing for online discussion

through this web based environment.

To access MyLO from your own computer you will need the appropriate software, and hardware to

run that software. See Learning Online at for computer software you

will need.

Note: Older computers may not have the hardware to run some of the required software

applications. Contact your local IT support person or the Service Desk on 6226 1818 if you

experience difficulties. The School of Management has prepared a MyLO Information Sheet which

includes access guidelines and contact information. It is available to download as a word document

from the School of Management website at

Privacy Policy and Notice

The School of Management takes the utmost care to protect the privacy and security of your

personal information and to ensure its accuracy. If you have any concerns about your privacy in

MyLO please contact the unit coordinator of this unit or view the University of Tasmania MyLO

Privacy Policy Statement available from the university website on

Details of Teaching Arrangements


The Unit will be delivered in SIX (6) face-to face days in a block format on the following six days:

Friday 4 January & Saturday 5 January

Friday 18 January & Saturday 19 January

Friday 1 February & Saturday 2 February.

Each day the Unit will run from 9.00am to 4.30pm. The room location is a flexible space in the Social

Sciences Building (SB.SocSci312)

These workshops are a compacted style of teaching with the face-to-face contact between students

and lecturers occurring in a concentrated manner, with space between the blocks to permit reading

and reflection. It is essential that students complete the required reading and study tasks from the

unit outline (and/or accompanying unit materials) before the workshop. In this manner, students will

be able to keep up with the study schedule and will be prepared to discuss the material during the


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The MyLO site will open on Wednesday 2 January and will detail readings, exercises and preparation for the first two-day block. One assessment component is participation in online discussions and you will be expected to participate in the first discussion by Monday 7 January, 2013.

Communication, Consultation and Appointments

Communication will be primarily via the MyLO site for this Unit.

The lecturer will make available times during the span of the three face-to- face workshop blocks.

Other consultation will be by appointment.


Assessment Schedule In order to pass this unit you must achieve an overall mark of at least 50 per cent of the total available marks. Details of each assessment item are outlined below.

Assessment Item Value Due Date Length

Critical Review of Journal Article 15 12.00 noon, Thursday 10 January 1,200 words*

Group Presentation 15

Saturday 2 February 20-30 minutes

Individual essay (to support group presentation)


9.00am, Saturday 2 February 2,000 words*

Reflective Practice Journal 25

12.00 noon, Monday 11 February 2,000 words*

Contribution to discussions 20 Final discussion to be posted by 5.00pm, Saturday 9 February


* Word Limit: The word count includes such items as headings, in-text references, quotes and executive summaries. It does not include the reference list at the end of the assignment.

Assessment Item 1 – Critical Review of an Academic Journal Article

Task Description: Choose an article about leadership published in a peer reviewed academic journal that is

relevant to leadership/management.

The first section (approximately 250 words) should provide a brief overview of the article content, summarising the article topic, the ideas or research it reports and the author’s key conclusions;

The second section (approximately 600 words) should identify the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s research or argument. Some suggested areas this section could cover are: 1. What is the research question(s) and does this follow logically from the literature? 2. What is the methodology employed and does this suit the research question? 3. Who are the participants and does the choice of participants fulfil the requirements of the

research question? 4. How are data collected and does this suit the research question? 5. How data is analysed and interpreted and is this logical?

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6. What are the overall strengths and weaknesses of the research?

The third section (approximately 350 words) should evaluate the article’s contribution to leadership theory and/or leadership practice.

Assessment Criteria: Guidelines and the marking criteria rubric will be posted in MyLO.

Task Length: 1,200 words

Due Date: 12 noon, Thursday 10 January 2013

Value: 15 Marks

Assessment Item 2 – Group Presentation

Task Description:

During the first teaching block, there will be a discussion of leadership issues/dilemmas. A syndicate of

about FOUR (4) students will be allocated to one of the dilemmas/issues. There will be a discussion on

each of the dilemmas/issues during the 2nd teaching block. During the 3rd teaching block, each syndicate

will give a 20 minute presentation on their issue/dilemma.

The presentations should be structured to be a learning exercise for the whole class and so might include

material such as handouts that could serve as a learning aid or as review material. Other class members

will be encouraged to ask questions to aid you in furthering your understanding of the leadership

issue/dilemma and aspects of its practical implementation.

The presentation is expected to reflect the contributions of all members of the syndicate and not just a

series of individual presentations. All syndicate members are expected to contribute equally to the

presentation. It is expected that each member of the syndicate will receive the same mark for the

presentation. However, the lecturer in charge reserves the right to speak with the syndicate if it is

believed that awarding differential marks is warranted. A syndicate contract template will be available in

MyLO which is to be completed and handed to the lecturer immediately prior to the presentation.

Assessment Criteria: Guidelines and marking criteria will be posted in MyLO.

Task Length: 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions

Due Date: 2 February, 2013.

Value: 15 Marks

Assessment Item 3 – Individual Essay

Task Description:

The purpose of the assignment is to provide an ‘academic justification’ for the content of your presentation and also to provide a greater level of analysis and detail in implementing recommendations/practical implications.

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Assessment Criteria: Guidelines and marking criteria will be posted in MyLO.

Task Length: 2,000 words

Due Date: 9.00am, Saturday 2 February, 2013

Value: 25 marks

Assessment Item 4 – Reflective Practice Journal

Task Description:

You will be required to complete a reflective practice journal based on your research, reading and relevant experience. The purpose of the journal is to encourage you to reflect on your understanding of how leadership theory and research can be applied in practice. The focus is on the behaviour of managers and employees in enacting and responding to leadership behaviour.

What is sought from the reflective practice journal is for you to select an “issue” that is significant to you:

something you found interesting, new, different or objectionable.

The nature and structure of this journal is covered in the “Introductory” lecture slides and will be discussed in the first block period. It is important that you are clear about the requirements prior to submitting your first entry. An indicative example including a preferred structure will be posted in MyLO under the Unit Information Section.

Students are to submit three (3) entries:

1. electronically submitted by 2.00pm, Wednesday 9 January (suggest about 600 words); 2. electronically submitted by 2.00pm, Wednesday 23 (suggest about 650 words); and 3. the complete Reflective Practice Journal submitted by 12 noon Monday 11 February.

(Suggest about 750words: total journal is the three entries – with the first two entries amended to reflect feedback at the student’s discretion. The word distribution would then approximate as: 600 + 650 + 750 =2,000.)

You will receive brief feedback on the two (2) electronic submissions if the journal entries are not consistent with the four (4) points listed below:

1. clearly explain what it is and why it is significant to you in your own words rather than material you have read;

2. provide a clear link to theory/research or model relevant to this unit. This is to be sourced from at least one academic journal article;

3. provide a practical example you could implement as a leader; and 4. provide a practical example you could implement as an employee.

By practical example, it means: how would you use the theory/research/model in the role of manager/employee for the practical benefit of a specific workplace.

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Assessment Criteria:

The assessment of the complete journal will be a combination of:

your demonstrated understanding of the material relevant to the unit;

your capacity to express the relevance of theory/research to by providing appropriate and practical examples;

your ability to express yourself clearly, in a well-structured way and free from error.

the level of insight demonstrated by your journal entries: this includes evidence of meta-reflection (i.e. reflection of your past reflections). The inclusion of meta-reflection is why the journal entries get successively longer.

The marking criteria rubric will be placed in MyLO.

Task Length: 2,000 words

Due Date: 12 noon, Monday 11 February 2013

Value: 25 marks

Assessment Item 5– Contribution to discussions

Task Description:

Contribution to discussion during the workshops, asking questions following presentations and

contributing to discussion topics on MyLO are key aspects of the design of this Unit. Assessment of

student contribution will be based on an evaluation of contribution to workshop discussions and to

online discussion postings.

Workshop discussion

You will be assessed on your contribution to group discussion, overall class discussions and in asking

questions following presentation.

The lecturer will make notes of contribution based on frequency, positive contribution and impact of

the contribution. The focus will be on the quality of the contribution rather than the number of

contributions made.

At the end of each of days 2 to 5 of the block teaching, you will complete a self-assessment of your

contribution for that day. You will also asses the contribution of one (1) other student on each of

these four (4) teaching days.

Online discussion postings

Students will be expected to contribute to online discussions, in MyLO on contemporary issues

relevant to leadership in Australia. Discussion topics will be drawn from a range of sources including

academic, popular press, from presentations and suggestions by students.

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All students are encouraged to regularly contribute to the online discussions – discussions should be well structured, clearly expressed and be appropriately referenced. Discussions starting threads as well as responding to/commenting on other discussion postings are both encouraged.

The first discussion posting will be placed in MyLO on Wednesday 2nd January and students are

encouraged to participate in the discussion prior to the first workshop on Friday 4 January.

Assessment Criteria: The marking criteria rubric together with the self-evaluation and peer

review sheets will be placed in MyLO.

Due Date: Final discussion to be posted by 5.00pm, Sunday 10 February

Value: 20 marks (10 for workshop discussion + 10 for online discussions)

Special Consideration and Student Difficulties

If a student is experiencing difficulties with their studies or assignments, have personal or life

planning issues, disability or illness which may affect their course of study, they are advised to raise

these with their lecturer in the first instance.

Should a student require assistance in accessing the Library, visit their website for more information


Students who have completed their examinations and who feel that they have been disadvantaged

due to illness or other circumstances affecting their study, may fill out a form to request that their

lecturer takes this into consideration when marking the examination. Forms should be submitted

directly to the relevant school, accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation, as soon as

possible after the completion of the examination. Granting of special consideration is at the

discretion of the lecturer and school. The relevant form can be found at the following website:

Students with a non-English speaking background may be permitted to take a bilingual dictionary into an exam. This dictionary must not be annotated – that is, it must have no notes written in it. Students must request permission from the Student Centre in order to use a bilingual dictionary.

Submission of Coursework

Lodging Coursework All Coursework must have the School of Management Assignment Cover Sheet, which is available as

a blank template from the School of Management website at All assignments must include the tutor’s name on the

assignment Cover Sheets when they are submitted. If this is not done the assignment will not be

accepted and therefore will not be marked.

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Please remember that you are responsible for lodging your Coursework on or before the due date.

We suggest you keep a copy. Even in the most ‘perfect’ of systems, items sometimes go astray.

Assignments must be submitted electronically through the relevant assignment drop box in MyLO.

All coursework must be handed in by 2.00pm on the due date.

Requests for Extensions

Written Coursework:

Extensions will only be granted on medical or compassionate grounds and will not be granted

because of work or other commitments. Requests for extensions should be made in writing to the

unit coordinator prior to the due date. Medical certificates or other evidence must be attached and

must contain information which justifies the extension sought. Late assignments which have not

been granted an extension will, at the lecturer’s discretion, be penalised by deducting ten per cent

of total marks for each full day overdue.

Assignments submitted more than five days late will normally not be accepted by the unit



Students who are unable to present on 11 August, on medical or compassionate grounds (work or

other commitments are not considered 'compassionate grounds'), may request that they be

permitted to submit alternative Coursework. Please do not expect alternative assessment if you

choose to go on holidays or undertake other activities on the scheduled date. If you do need to

request alternative Coursework, you should do so in writing to the unit coordinator prior to the due

date. Medical certificates or other evidence must be attached and must contain information which

justifies the request. The telephone number of the health professional should also be included.

Faculty of Business Late Assessment Policy A full copy of the Faculty of Business late assessment policy is available from the Faculty homepage at

Academic Referencing and Style Guide

Before starting their assignments, students are advised to familiarise themselves with the following

electronic resources. The first is the School of Management Guide to Writing Assignment, which can

be accessed from the following site - : The guide

provides students with useful information about the structure and style of assignments in the School

of Management.

The second is the Harvard Referencing System Style Guide, which can be accessed from the UTAS

library ( The Harvard Referencing

System will be used in all School of Management units, and students are expected to use this system

in their assignments.

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Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism

Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, allowing another student to copy work for an

assignment or an examination and any other conduct by which a student:

(a) seeks to gain, for themselves or for any other person, any academic advantage or

advancement to which they or that other person are not entitled; or

(b) improperly disadvantages any other student.

Students engaging in any form of academic misconduct may be dealt with under the Ordinance of

Student Discipline, and this can include imposition of penalties that range from a

deduction/cancellation of marks to exclusion from a unit or the University. Details of penalties that

can be imposed are available in the Ordinance of Student Discipline – Part 3 Academic Misconduct,


Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or

inventions and representing them as your own, for example:

using an author’s words without putting them in quotation marks and citing the source;

using an author’s ideas without proper acknowledgment and citation; or

copying another student’s work.

If you have any doubts about how to refer to the work of others in your assignments, please

consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines, and the academic integrity

resources on the web at

The intentional copying of someone else’s work as one’s own is a serious offence punishable by

penalties that may range from a fine or deduction/cancellation of marks and, in the most serious of

cases, to exclusion from a unit, a course or the University.

The University and any persons authorised by the University may submit your assessable works to

a plagiarism checking service, to obtain a report on possible instances of plagiarism. Assessable

works may also be included in a reference database. It is a condition of this arrangement that the

original author’s permission is required before a work within the database can be viewed.

For further information on this statement and general referencing guidelines, see or follow the link under ‘Policy, Procedures and Feedback’ on

the Current Students homepage.

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Workshop Program




Text Chapter


Due Dates

1 4 January

M & D: Ch 1

Introduction, Leadership globally & the

Australian Context, Critical approaches to


Additional reading: Rickards & Clark: Chapter 1

2 5 January

M & D: 2, 3 & 4

The personal side of Leadership; values, self-awareness, courage& followership Rickards & Clark Chapters 8& 9

Critical Journal article review due: Thursday 10 January

3 18 January

M &D: 5 & 6

Leadership theory & research

Rickards & Clark Chapter 2 & 4

Storey Chapter 5

4 19 January

M &D: 8, 9 & 10

Leading people and building relationship

& Communication

Rickards &Clark 6 & 3

5 1 February

M &DE: 7, 11 & 12

Leading & shaping organisations: Culture, Change Management & Strategic Leadership

Rickards &Clark 7

6 2 February

Limitations on Leadership, Group Presentations & Course review

Essay due: Saturday 2 February Reflective Practice Journal due: Monday 11 February