blue medora oracle enterprise manager (em12c) plug-in for vmware vsphere

Oracle EM12c Plugins for VMware Overview The leader in extending Oracle Enterprise Manager

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Overview presentation for the Blue Medora Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Plug-in for VMware vSphere. The plugin provides Oracle EM12c-based monitoring, management, and provisioning capabilities or vSphere based Datacenters, Clusters, ESX Hosts, and Virtual Machines. Version 8, Released in December 2013 introduced a new EM12c 'VMware Management' target that extends EM12c's native DBaaS and MWaaS capabilities to VMware based infrastructures


Page 1: Blue Medora Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM12c) Plug-in for VMware vSphere

Oracle  EM12c  Plugins  for  VMware  Overview  

The leader in extending Oracle Enterprise Manager


Page 2: Blue Medora Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM12c) Plug-in for VMware vSphere

EM12c  Plugins  for  VMware  –  Solu7on  details  !   Extends  Oracle  EM12c  capabili7es  

to  VMware  !   Monitoring  and  Aler7ng  

!   Power  management  of  virtual  machines  

!   BI  Publisher-­‐based  repor7ng  !   Virtual  machine  provisioning  

!   Enables  EM12c-­‐based  MWaaS  on  VMware  

!   Enables  EM12c-­‐based  DBaaS  on  VMware  

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Plugin  for  VMware  adds  contextual  views  to  Oracle  workloads  and  the  health,  performance,  and  availability  of  the    VMware  layers  those  Oracle  workloads  depends  on    

Oracle  EM12c-­‐based  visibility  into  VMware  

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•  Provisions  VMware  virtual  machines  from  EM12c  

•  Extends  EM12c-­‐based  Database-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  (DBaaS)  to  VMware  

•  Extend  EM12c-­‐based  Middleware-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  (MWaaS)  to  VMware  

•  Execute  power  opera7ons  for  VMware  virtual  machines  


Oracle  EM12c-­‐based  management  of  VMware  

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From  directly  within  the  Oracle  Database  Instance  page,  be  no7fied  when  VMware  performance,  health,  and  availability  related  incidents  are  affec7ng  your  Oracle  workload    

Removes  the  VMware  “fog”  around  Oracle  

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Plugin  for  VMware  adds  contextual  views  within  the  EM12c  Topology  navigator  that  explains  the  rela7onships  between  Oracle  targets  and  the  underlying  VMware  targets  that  the  Oracle  targets  depend  on      

Remove  the  mystery  of  the  VMware  layers  

Oracle  Database  Instance  running  on  

VMware  VMware  virtual  machine  the  Oracle  Database  is  

running  within  

VMware  ESX  Hypervisor  the  virtualized  Oracle  DB  

is  running  on  

VMware  Datastore  that  the  Oracle  Database  data  

lives  on  

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OEM  Plugin  for  VMware  Overview  

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Oracle  on  VMware  challenges  !   No  out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box  EM12c  integra8on  with  VMware  

!   Lack  of  awareness  of  cri7cal  VMware  alarms/alerts  in  real-­‐7me  

!   Tradi7onal  OS  performance  counters  are  inaccurate  in  a  VMware  VM    

!   Oracle  admins  forced  to  become  VMware  vCenter  Console  experts  

!   Inability  to  provision  VMware  VMs  from  with  EM12c  

!   Inability  to  exploit  Oracle  MwaaS  and  DBaaS  on  VMware  

!   You  can’t  manage  what  you  can’t  see  -­‐    VMware  memory  &  CPU  reserva7ons,  virtualized  storage,  and  hypervisor  conten7on  all  affect  Oracle  workload  performance  

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Why  does  VMware  integra7on  ma]er?  !   Eliminates  finger  poin7ng  

between  Oracle,  VMware  team,  and  Storage  teams  

!   Enables  faster  7me  to  resolu7on  !   Stop  wai7ng  for  the  VMware  

team  to  tell  you  if  there  is  problem  or  not  

!   Provides  contextual  Oracle  on  VMware  health,  performance,  and  availability  views  

!   Significant  cost  reduc7ons  when  integra7ng  the  Oracle  on  VMware  provisioning  processes  

EM12c  based  VMware  visibility  with  the  Blue  Medora  EM  Plugin  for  VMware  

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VMware  vCenter  Console  is  inadequate  !   Designed  for  VMware  

administrators,  not  Oracle  admins  

!   Requires  deep  VMware  knowledge  to  be  useful  

!   No  na7ve  integra7on  with  Oracle  EM  

!   Zero  awareness  of  Oracle  workloads  

!   Metric  overload  –  there  are  1000s  of  raw  performance  metrics  

VMware  vCenter  Console  

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EM12c  Plugin  for  VMware  highlights  VMware  ESX  Server  “Drill  Down”  View  in  EM12c  !   Oracle  Validated  


!   Support  for  VMware  vSphere  4.1,  5.0,  5.1,  5.5  

!   Support  for  EM12c  R3  

!   Remote  agentless  monitoring  of  VMware  from  a  single  OMA  

!   300+  VMware  metrics  and  60+  thresholds  

!   VMware  provisioning  and  power  management  

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Complete  EM  integra7on  for  VMware  single  pane  of  glass  visibility  

Enables  all  Oracle  EM  func8onality:    

!   Performance  monitoring  !   Availability  monitoring  !   Thresholds  !   Incidents  !   BI  Publisher  based  repor7ng  !   Jobs  &  Management  !   Configura7on  monitoring  !   VMware  provisioning  !   Database-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  !   Middleware-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  

For  all  VMware  components…    

!   Datacenters  !   Cluster  !   ESX  and  ESXi  hosts  !   Datastores  !   Resource  Groups  !   Events  !   Alarms  

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At  a  glance,  know  which  VMware  layer  has  a  problem  

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Oracle  on  VMware  Provisioning  and  DBaaS  /  MWaaS  

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Enables  fully-­‐automated  provisioning  of  any  #  of  VMware-­‐based  Oracle  DB  or  WebLogic  servers  using  EM12c    

Oracle  MWaaS  /  DBaaS  on  VMware  value-­‐add  

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Adds  new  ‘VMware  Management’  target  to  

Oracle  EM12c  

Create  Oracle  WebLogic  on  VMware  provisioning  profiles  and  link  VMware  VM  templates  to  them  

Determine  how  many  WebLogic  on  VMware  servers  to  deploy,  which  

Oracle  Cloud  zone  and  pools  they  should  go,  and  kick-­‐off  

the  deployment  

Clone  VMware  VMs  or  deploy  from  templates  

outside  of  the  Oracle  MwaaS  process  

Power  on,  power  off,  suspend,  etc  VMware  VMs  from  within  EM12c  

New  in  v8  –  Oracle  DBaaS  /  MwaaS  on  VMware  

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VM  Template  

Clone  VM  outside  of  EM12c  

Push  Agent  Promote  Oracle  Home  

Create  PaaS  Zone  

Create  Sonware  Pool  

Setup  MWaaS  /  DBaaS  

VM  Template  One  7me  Plugin  


Setup  MWaaS  /  DBaaS  

Clone  VM   Push  Agent   Promote  Oracle  Home  

Create  PaaS  Zone  

Create  Sonware  Pool  

Fully  Automated  with  the  VMware  Plugin    

Before  the  Plugin  for  VMware    

Aner  deploying  the  Plugin  for  VMware  

How  the  plugin  automates  Oracle  on  VMware  deployments  

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Enables  up  to  95%  reduc7on  in  deployment  7mes  Without  the  plugin,  VMware  VMs  must  be  provisioned  

‘out-­‐of-­‐band’  by  the  VMware  opera7ons  team  

With  the  plugin,  VMware  VM  provisioning  is  fully  automated  

within  the  WebLogic  or  Oracle  DB  provisioning  workflow  

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What’s  new  in  the  Oracle  EM12c  Plugin  for  

VMware  v9?  

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New  in  VMware  Plugin  for  EM  v12.0.1.8  (v9)  !  Released  May  2014  

!  New  in  this  release:  !  “Related  Incidents”  enabled  for  VMware  targets  that  are  affec7ng  Oracle  workload  performance  

!  Oracle  on  VMware  topology  views  enabled  through  new  EM12c-­‐based  “associa7ons”  the  map  the  rela7on  of  VMware  targets  to  Oracle  targets  running  on  VMware  

!  Ability  to  define  and  modify  thresholds  has  been  enabled  at  the  individual  VMware  target  (virtual  machine,  ESX,  datastore,  cluster,  etc)  level  

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How  to  contact  us  !   Available  via  Trial  Download  

!   Contact  us  for  more  info:  



TwiPer:  h]p:// Facebook:  h]ps://­‐Medora-­‐LLC/159103284124046

TwiPer:  h]ps://twi]  

Email:  [email protected]  

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VMware  focused  BI  Publisher  Reports  !   Historical  VMware  metrics  

available  for  Oracle  BI  Publisher  based  repor7ng  

!   Tightly  integrated  with  Enterprise  Manager  

!   Leverage  historical  data  in  Enterprise  Manager  

!   Consumable  across  mul7ple  mediums  

!   Automate  repor7ng  for  distribu7on  to  all  team  members  

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Blue  Medora  EM  plugin  for  SSL  Cer8ficate  Expira8on   Blue  Medora  EM  plugin  ‘Oracle  on  VMware’  License  Monitoring  

SSL  Cer7fica7on  Expira7on  plugin  remotely  interrogates  network  reachable  x.509  digital  cer7ficates  and  provide  EM  based  aler7ng  and  repor7ng  for  cer7ficates  that  are  going  to  expire  

Monitor  Oracle  workloads  on  VMware  and  provides  metrics  and  aler7ng  for  ‘Oracle  on  VMware’  License  viola7ons  as  well  as  warnings  when  License  viola7ons  have  the  poten7al  of  occurring  due  to  Host  Affinity  or  vMo7on  configura7on  issues  

Other  EM  plugins  useful  in  VMware  environments  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  VMware  vSphere  overview  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  ESX  hypervisors  overview  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  ESX  hypervisor  details    

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  Oracle  Database  on  VMware  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  VM  provisioning  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  VM  provisioning  (Part  2)  

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Enabling  Oracle  DB  and  Weblogic  scale-­‐out  on  VMware  

         Define  the  #  of            WebLogic  or  Oracle  Database    servers  on  

VMware  to  be  deployed  

     Complete  the            process  by  clicking  “Provision  Resources”  

             Select  the  Oracle  Cloud                          ‘Zone’  and  ‘Pool’  the  new  

VMware-­‐based  WebLogic  or  DB  servers  are  to  be  deployed  to  




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Creates  new  VMware  VM  from  WebLogic  Template  



Configures  VM  Networking  and  make  available  to  Oracle  EM  


Push  and  configure  Oracle  Management  

Agent  (OMA)  



Promote  Oracle  Homes  within  Oracle  EM  


 Add  to  Oracle  EM  

MWaaS  Zone  and  Pool  


 Automated  deployment  of  new  WebLogic  Server  

on  VMware,  fully  managed  by  Oracle  

EM12c,  in  less  than  40  minutes  


From  the  new  VMware  Management  target  in  Oracle  EM12c,  

choose  MWaaS  deployment  and  kick  off  a  provisioning  job  


What  DBaaS  /  MWaaS  on  VMware  looks  like  end-­‐to-­‐end  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  VM  configura7on  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  Datastore  details  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  All  VMs  on  a  ESX  hypervisor  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  VMware  vSphere  Alarms  

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VMware  plugin  screenshot  –  VMware  vSphere  Events  

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BI  Publisher  Report  –  VMware  Virtual  Machine  Performance  

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BI  Publisher  Report  –  ESX  Hypervisor  Machine  Performance  

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BI  Publisher  Report  –  VMware  Tools  Status  

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The leader in extending Oracle Enterprise Manager


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