blog power point technology

Why We Need Technology By Sean Heller

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Why We Need


By Sean Heller

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Integrating Technology in Education

* Technology is vital in teaching the modern student.

* Teaching technology is often viewed as tedious and difficult.

* Teachers often feel lost or behind when it comes to technology instruction.

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Research for Technology

* Recent research has show that technology is not only vital but very accessible for students.

* Technology integration has also been shown to help teachers reach difficult students.

*Technology has also been shown to not only increase test scores but also productivity in both students and teachers.

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Technology in the Classroom

* Technology in the classroom can take many forms.

* It can range from the use of computers, multimedia applications, and SMART Boards.

* The technology should be utilized to directly impact instruction being taught.

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Fears of Technology

* Funding and training remains to be one of the largest obstacles in education.

* Many teachers and administrators fear that some technology is a passing fad.

* Some view current technology as difficult and cumbersome.

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Quelling the Fears

* Since technology is so pervasive in our society, it is also becoming increasingly easy to use.

* Technology does not have to be complex, in fact, the easier the use the easier the accessibility.

* With the ease of use, the cost of use has also decreased over the years.

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How to Use Technology

* Technology should be used to benefit and enhance instruction.

* It should focus on the ease of application for the students.

* It does not need to be complicated or advanced.

* Small steps in technology integration will pay large dividends for student learning.

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Where to Obtain New Technology

* The internet is a wonderful tool to find and research existing and emerging technology.

* Communication with students is also a great resource in discovering what is current and relevant for your audience.

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What to Expect from Technology

* Technology will help teachers and students plan and monitor progress.

* It is important to expect resistance from peers and some students.

* Practicing technology will motivate and invigorate current teaching practices.

* Expect to challenge yourself and your students.

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Be Proactive

* You must practice.

* Do not wait for technology and techniques to find you, we live in an active society. Be active with your methods.

* Do not give up. It will take time and many trials but teaching technologies are accessible.

* Share what you have learned. It is our responsibility to share our knowledge and help motivate other learners.