blog as a powerful content marketing strategy

As a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy By Richard Ferguson 29 th September 2009 BLOGS

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Blogs as a powerful content marketing strategy. Introduces the content marketing revolution and how to use Blogs properly to adapt to the changing buyer behaviour of online visitors.


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As a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy

By Richard Ferguson 29th September 2009


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What do all these things have in common ?

• ·A blog

• A branded content tool

· A video series

· White papers

· eBooks

· Podcasts

· A book

· An article series

· A research report

· An iPhone app

· A webinar series

· A community site

· A Twitter tips channel

· A custom magazine

· A screencast

· A shared tip

· An online answer that's helpful

· A comment that's thoughtful

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They're helpful.

They have a shelf life.

They can be shared with others.

They position you/your client as an expert.

They are content marketing tools

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What is content marketing ?

Its about sharing information in a non-threatening way that enables people to make better buying decisions.

Its about making your potential buyer more intelligent, positioning you as the expert, building trust and credibility so its easy for them to buy from you.

Instead of writing copy to sell your products and service you now have to write content that teaches and influences.

Difference between Content Marketing & Social Media is like difference between marketing and media.

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Why Should You Care ?

70% of customers consult online peer reviews (inc 35% on blogs) before making a purchasing decision

76% of consumers think brands dont tell them the truth

Visitors/Prospects dont believe what you say on your business/corporate website anymore.

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No longer just the “younger” generation

Eight out of ten baby boomers are online every day.

Eight out of ten baby boomers say that they have no plans to retire.

Most baby boomers have no idea how popular they are going to be with employers as the “baby bust” generation behind them leaves huge holes within organisations.

Two-thirds of younger boomers and over 60 percent of older boomers consume social media, including reading blogs, listening to podcasts, watching user-generated videos, reading forums, or reading customer ratings.

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What's so good about a BLOG ?

• Demonstrates your expertise and credibility

• Drives traffic to your site and is a good alternative to SEO and PPC

• Create loyalty, trust and ability for readers to connect with you.

• Communicate in real time on a global level

• Can compete with the big end of town – Google only interested in relevance

• Keeps your site fresh and therefore Google will reward you

• It isnt expensive, difficult, require tech staff or take a lot of time – once set up.

• Opportunity to capitalise on all the knowledge and skills you have gained in your field over the years by teaching what you know to people who need and want that information.

• Clients that come from your Blog are often better educated and get better results

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Difference between Website & Blog

Website Provides timeless information. Is becoming more of a

“destination”. Not changed a lot. There when they are ready to


Blog Provides timely information Early opportunity to build

relationship. Enables you to think

regularly about continuous marketing improvement.

Engages a broader audience that will return again and again.

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Why blogs get abandoned

50% of blogs get abandonedwithin 90 days ....

• Not getting many comments

• Not enough subscribers

• Didn't see any increase in traffic to their website

• Too hard to come up with new content every week

• Couldnt figure out how to promote my products and services

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4 Keys to a Successful Business Blog( by Patsi Krakoff)





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1. Content – the four E's

• You must write frequent posts with valuable information your •targeted audience needs and wants

• Your must write to :•Educate•Engage•Entertain •Enrich

• Its like writing an email.

• Its like having a conversation with your ideal client about their problems and how you can solve them.

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Writing Tips

What problem do you solve ? What's a major concern for SME business owners trying to do or understand X ? How can I be helpful & add something fun, exciting or clever into my writing ? Who else is writing about X that can inspire me ? What do readers want and need to know ? How can my next blog post educate, entertain, engage & enrich the lives of my reader. Why should anyone read this ? Does the headline compel people to read more ? If your clients were to search for solutions to their problems what keywords would they use ? Are those keywords in the headline, first paragraph and repeated in the body ? Shorter is often better (250 words) Bullets/Lists do better Shake it up ( video/audio )

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2. Outreach

• Connect with your community of blogs and blog readers – target •top 15-20 blogs in your niche

• Where are your customers hanging out?

• Use Social media sites like :• Twitter• Linkedin• Facebook

To drive traffic back to your blog.

• Become well-known in your niche.

Result : Your blog gets noticed, you get more traffic = more potential business

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One way to find them ...

Twitter Search is another

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Google Alert email eg.

Page 16: Blog As A Powerful Content Marketing Strategy - her material used in this preso


Page 17: Blog As A Powerful Content Marketing Strategy - great reference website !

Page 18: Blog As A Powerful Content Marketing Strategy (Adelaide Guy ! - check him outIts a good read )

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4. Action : Ask Readers ...

For their opinions, experiences, questions - to leave a comment.

To subscribe to your blog if they like it

To go to other pages where they can read more if they wish

To re-tweet it if they like it

To download a free report, if they wish

To follow you on Twitter, Facebook & Linkedin.

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A Successful Blog Strategy

1. Attract the right kind of prospects with keyword-rich content

1. Give something away for free in exchange for their email address (special report, white paper etc)

1. Follow up with content that convinces them your credible and trustworthy.

1. Make a compelling offer for an information product they can buy.

1. Convert the visitor/reader into a client.

1. Continue the conversation and up-sell to higher ticket products and services

1. Recycle : attract, give, convince, sell and up-sell ....

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Some options if you like what you have seen and heard ....

• Not quite ready but want to learn more & stay informed

• Subscribe to webenhancer to receive future insights as I will be writing more and more about content marketing and blogs.


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If you want to do it yourself$19.95 - its free

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If you want someone to set it all up for you .......

Ph : 0431 732 112 – Richard Ferguson

ExamplesStarter - Power - -

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Thank You