blockchain (for geeks)

1 Entrez dans l’ère cognitive ! IBM BusinessConnect 2016 Entrez dans l’ère cognitive ! Blockchain (for geeks) Luca Comparini, Blockchain Leader, IBM France Matthieu Debeaux, Bluemix Technical Sales, IBM France @lucacomparini #IBMBizco

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Blockchain  (for  geeks)Luca  Comparini,  Blockchain  Leader,  IBM  FranceMatthieu  Debeaux,  Bluemix  Technical  Sales,  IBM  France



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Relationship between Bitcoin and Blockchain@lucacomparini#IBMBizco


Digital asset (crypto-currency) is registered on a distributed ledger and value is transferred via a P2P network; transactions are grouped into blocks and processed

only if consensus is reached

Pseudo-anonimity, decentralised, censorship resistant Law and regulation; KYC / AML?Reputation: for geek, volatile, risky (MtGox scandal)

Retailers accept bitcoin (Amazon, Expedia, Dell, ..)Blockchain technology is re-usable:Risk / Opportunity of Disintermediation

Blockchain = transactional platformBitcoin = currencyBitcoin = currency


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Ledgers and reconciliation@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Asset Counterparty Owning

€ Bank  B 1,000,000

€ Bank  C -­ 5,000,000

€ Customer  A -­ 1,000

€ Customer  B 5,000

Bank  A

Asset Counterparty Owning

€ Bank  A 1,000

€ Bank  B -­ 500

$ Bank  C 10,000

Customer  AAsset Counterparty Owning

€ Bank  A -­ 5,000

Customer  B

Asset Counterparty Owning

€ Bank  A -­1,000,000

€ Bank  C 50,000

€ Customer  A 500

Bank  BAsset Counterparty Owning

€ Bank  A 5,000,000

€ Bank  B -­ 50,000

$ Customer  A -­ 10,000

Bank  C


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Blockchain: distributed, shared, replicated ledger@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Owner Holder Asset Amount

Bank A Bank C € 5,000,000

Bank A Customer A € 1,000

Bank B Bank A € 1,000,000

Bank C Bank B € 50,000

Bank C Customer A $ 10,000

Customer A Bank B € 500

Customer B Bank A € 5,000

Ledger is shared and replicated: - Single source of truth- Ledger is public- Ledger is immutable

Blockchain defined as “Trust Machine”

Bank A

Customer A

Customer B

Bank B

Bank C


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Blockchain disruption…@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Issuing BankMarket Infrastructure

Acquiring Bank

Merchant Consumer

At risk

Issuing Bank


Acquiring Bank

Merchant Consumer

Opportunity to reduce time, cost, risk


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… could go beyond payment@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Smart Contract

Supply ChainSmart Object


Project ADEPTIBM + Samsung

Digitalized self-executable contract with embedded business logic

Self-Execute ContractsReduce process timeReduce risk exposure

Improve discoverabilityNo mediation, no fraud

Transfer ownership of the “thing of value”

Reduce transaction cost


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IBM Thought Leadership on Blockchain@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Empowering the edgePractical insigths on a decentralized Internet of ThingsRead the report

Device DemocracySaving the future of the Internet of ThingsRead the report

Fast forwardRethinking enterprises, ecosystems and economies with BlockchainRead the report

The Economy of ThingsExctracting new value from the Internet of ThingsRead the report


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Same ingredients, different Use Cases@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Based on:Swanson, T. (2015). Consensus as a service: a brief report on the emergence of permissioned, distributed ledger systems.Brown, R. G. (2015) Towards an unified model for replicated, shared ledgers.


Design points:- Public network with no 3rd parties- Trustless environment- “Censorship-Resistance”

Consensus:- Expensive, slow- Incentives intrinsic to platform

Design points:- Private / Semi-private network- Actors known / knowable- Regulated Industries

Consensus:- Protocol assumes known actors- Incentives extrinsic to platform

IBM focus is here


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IBM vision on Blockchain@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Confidentialpermission control

Privateun-linkable identity

Shared Ledgersingle source of truth

Secure(Cryptography)tamper proof

Audit-able prove identity &


Scalable100+ year


Smart Contractsbusiness logic

Digital assetsRecord depository

ConsensusModular protocol

PermissionedParticipants Identity

Black  :  « standard »  properties of  Blockchain  Blu :  added properties /  uniqueness of  IBM


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Mission:Create an enterprise grade, open sourcedistributed ledger framework and codebase upon which users can build and runrobust, industry-­specific applications,platforms and hardware systems tosupport business transactions.

IBM supports the Linux FoundationHyperledger open standard, open source,open governance Blockchain


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So what? Getting ready for your First Project


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A French reference in Retail Banking: KYC@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Avec 3,6 millions de clients et une gamme complète de services bancaires, financiers et d’assurance pour lesparticuliers, les entreprises ou les clients institutionnels, le Crédit Mutuel Arkéa veut améliorer, à l’aide de laBlockchain, l’expérience des clients et des conseillers.

Crédit à laconsommation

ProtectionAssurance vie

Banque de détail

Besoin: une plateforme KYC unique pour l’ensemble des domaines d’activité fournissant aux employés de CMA une vueconsolidée des documents, justificatifs et autres certificats client collectés par les différentes entités du Groupe CMA, de sorte àréduire la duplication inutile des informations et des demandes.

Bénéfices: simplifier et fiabiliser les processus administratifs; améliorer la satisfaction client.

Press Release:

Possibilité d’extension à des tiers(ouverture vers un nouveau ecosysteme)

Possibilité d’extension à des clients finaux(evolution vers modele de banque en ligne)


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Ecole42 - Blockchain Hackathon@lucacomparini#IBMBizco


L’équipe a utilisé le service IoT sur le Cloud Bluemix pour filtrer les données provenant des terminaux et re-utilisé le code TradeCenter basée sur Hyperledger. Ce projet ambitieux a remporté le prix de l’IoT, le second prix du public ainsi que le prix ESAM pour ledesign de son application.


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The commonalities of these two Projects@lucacomparini#IBMBizco


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Bluemix in a nutshell: open standards, cloud-based platform for building, running and managing applications.


Build your apps, your wayUse the most prominent compute technologies to power your app: Cloud Foundry, Docker, OpenStack.

Extend apps with servicesA catalog of IBM, third party, and open source services allow the developer to stitch an application together quickly.

Scale more than just instancesDevelopment, monitoring, deployment, and logging tools allow the developer to run and manage the entire application.

Large catalog of services

Choice of run-times

Layered SecurityIBM secures the platform and infrastructure and provides you with the tools to secure your apps.

Deploy and manage hybrid apps seamlesslyGet a seamless dev and management experience across a number of hybrid implementations options.

Flexible Pricing Try compute options and services for free and, when you’re ready, pay only for what you use. Pay as you go and subscription models offer choice and flexibility. (Public)


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Getting started – Blockchain as a service@lucacomparini#IBMBizco

Shared, Multi-tenant environment for developers. 4 nodes + CA

Beta features include:- Integrated Swagger UI to

quickly explore and invoke blockchain APIs

- Dashboard monitor- Live Logs- Blockchain transaction view- Deploy and invoke blockchain

logic (chaincode) from the dashboard

- Updated samples and tutorials


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Getting started – Blockchain samples@lucacomparini#IBMBizco


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