blitz theory how to win at blitz chess 2nd ed_maxwell


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ΒLΙΤΖ THEORY 2nd Edition

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ΒLΙΤΖ THEORY 2nd Edition


Silent Lyric Productions, Inc.

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Silent Lyric Productions, lnc.

200 Fogg Mountain Lane

Flint Ηίll, νΑ 22627

First published 1999

2nd edition published 2005

Copyright 1999, 2005 by Jonathan Maxwell

ΑιI rights reserνed. Νο part of this book may be reproduced, by

any means, without ΡΓίΟΓ permission of the publisher.

Front cover photography by Jonathan Maxwell

Back cover photography by Frank Murray

Typeset and Proofιng by Kit Kat Maxwell

Printed ίπ the US by Technical Communication Serνices

Distributed by Biblio Distribution

ISBN 0-9677752-0-5

Edίtorίal Panel: Nader Mobargha, Reid Maclean

General Advisor: David Stowe

Specialίst Advisor: Manoli Sakellarious

Commissioning Edίtor: Michael Rocke

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Forward ...................................................... 10

1. Preface .................................................. 12

2. Introduction ............................................ 16

3. WBCA Official Rules .............................. 20

4. strategy .................................................. 28

5. Openings ............................................... 48

6. Clock Play .............................................. 64

7. Advanced Techniques ............................ 88

8. Miscellaneous ........................................ 98

9. Conclusion ........................................... 102

10. Exercises ........................................... 104

Solutions .................................................. 11 Ο

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Dedicated to Greg ΒΓοννπ and Blake Goodwin

for letting me learπ the hard way.

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We are a playful species. From ουΓ earliest childhood ννθ indulge ίπ all sorts of games, but those of us who not only play but want ΟΓ θνθΠ must be intellectually challenged com­pete at the greatest game θνθΓ devised called chess.

Without doubt the fastest, most eχciting roller-coaster, spine-tingling form of chess is b/ίtz. We get a decision ίπ under ten minutes, and play whole events ίπ only ΟΠθ to three hours! While many kids can be daunted by the unfair stereotype of chess as a slow, laborious undertaking, blίtz reveals to them just how much fun chess can be as they eχperience first-hand this training time control utilized by θνθΠ the formidable Russians and Icelanders. While regular chess requires a lot of pondering, suffering, and preparation, blitz is a physical as well as mental game contested with intuition, speed, and just plain determination. Perhaps it is best summed υρ as a one-on-one, twenty-first century equivalent of a shoot-out at the ο.κ. Corral!

Through a revolutionary appreciation of the clock, fillk. Theory yields eχcellent strategies, insightful tactical options, and effective techniques for dealίng with desperate situations. If ίπ slow chess the king is Commander ίπ Chief, then ίπ blitz the clock is God who punishes the sin of slow playing with the holiest of wraths! Of course there are some that only play for speed, but the top players of the twentieth century lίke Fine,


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Najdorf, Petrosian, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Dlugy, 5eriwan,

and Tal made an effort to play both strongly and quickly. It is a method for cultivating this such strength with speed that Iίes ίπ the foIIowing pages.

ΜΥ personal formula for success has been to play very fast for the fιrst fιfteen to twenty moves, and then play at a com­fortable pace of about one move every three seconds. Fallίng behind over a minute usuaIIy speIIs disaster. Ι believe one's

optimum pace depends οπ his individual endgame technique, and plain speed ίπ the last minute.

Ι agree wholeheartedly with Jonathan that a sharp

opening is pivotal against non-masters. The weaker the ορρο­sition, the more effective a thoughtful opening ννίΙΙ be; however, the slow chess maxim holds true ίπ blitz that it is most impor­tant to play openings which one knows and with which one feels comfortable.

The only place where the WBCA draws the Iίne con­cerns the "pseudo check" technique. This may be ΟΚ at coffee­houses, but ννίΙΙ garner a penalty ίπ WBCA events! Otherwise Ι

endorse this uniquely insightful book with open arms!

-Walter Browne

5ix-time U.5. Champion


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Before presenting the material, a few things must be


Firstly, this is a tome of strategies that transforms the

competitive standard chess player into a competitive blitz play­

θΓ. This implίes that the reader is familiar with basic chess the­

ory. If he isn't, then he must fίrst study this theory ΟΓ this book

will not help him. While blitz is indeed its οννπ discipline, its

piece mechanics are the same as that of standard chess

(which ννθ ννίll refer to as "slow chess"), so ίπ the most funda­

mental sense the blitz game still operates along the same ΡΓίπ­

ciples. Standard concepts such as center control, piece devel­

opment, and pressuring pins are θνθΓΥ bit as important ίπ blitz

as ίπ slow chess, and it is only from this fundamental frame­

work that ΟΠθ can build his Πθνν and varied blitz skills. Lίke try­

ing to build a balcony before first erecting a foyer, learning blitz

before slow chess is equally fatuous.

Secondly, the following ideas are sound at any leνel of

blitz play; however, they are most effective for players not yet

at the master lθνθl. One who plays at a WBCA lθνθl above

2200 is so intimate with the mechanics of slow chess that he

ννίll not be significantly affected by many of the following strate-


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gies. This player has "mastered" his understanding and tech­

nique to the point that the time crisis has little consequence

when compared to the logic of the board. He can calculate at

the blink ofan eye, and has experienced eνery type of position

so many times that he can deriνe the best plan instantly. This

being the case, the usually towering mental, psychological, and

emotional factors inherent ίπ a normal blitz contest are πονν triν­

ial when discussing a master. He may use an isolated blitz tac­

tic οπ occasion, but at his leνel there really is πο such thing as

true blitz chess. For him fινθ minutes is an iceage.

Finally, it is true that many of the following concepts

contradict antiquated logic. Because of these contradictions,

traditional minds may refuse to challenge certain timeworn

principles, and dismiss different reνolutionary ideas found ίπ

this book. Νο doubt, there ννίll be many who ννίll champion obνi­

ous mundane chess logic with statements such as "The best

moνe is only a consequence of the position of the pieces." ΟΓ

"Deliberately hanging a piece is foolish." Το these arguments Ι

can only refer to the premise of the book that "slow" chess and

"blitz" chess are not the same discipline. If ΟΠθ refuses to

accept this then he cannot benefιt from the text.

The fact is that blitz chess is indeed an altogether dif­

ferent game, and must be seen as such if ΟΠθ is to gain the

optimum skills for success. This conclusion is not a mere deri­

νation of an unbridled imagination; οπ the contrary, it is the

empirical νerdict from mastering the discipline through playing

thousands υροπ thousands of blitz games. While the mechan-


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ics of slow chess and blitz chess are the same, blitz theory is

unique and overwhelmingly relevant. Το not appreciate this is

strategically irresponsible and naive.


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Blitz Chess IS Not Chess

The game of slow chess is a discipline of crystalline

logic. The contestant assesses each new position and selects

the move he believes best remedies the sum of the many var­

ied considerations before him. The victor is then the ΟΠθ who

has most astutely manipulated the total of these positions. lπ

this challenge there are πο external factors. ΟπlΥ the logic dom­

inates. That's ίΙ

The game of blitz chess is οπlΥ a relative of slow chess

as Blίtz is chess wίthin a time crisis. This cannot be stated

enough. ΟπlΥ when ννθ understand this fact can ννθ begin to

appreciate what it takes to be competitive blitz players. Many

see blitz as simply a fast game of chess. This is incorrect, for

this implies that the best move ίπ blitz is the same as that of

slow chess. While ίπ slow chess the situation is always dictat­

ed by the board, ίπ blitz both the board and the clock dictate the

advantage. While the gain of a piece is usually decisive ίπ slow

chess, it is often far from decisive ίπ blitz as a flag violation

deems the board status inconsequential. The details of the

contest are meaningless if weighed without this fact.


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LΠ the purely logical medium of slow chess, masterful

technique is realized through appreciating the νaried and sub­

tle, and executing with inspired delicacy and precision. This

practice is known as "the artists touch", and its cultiνation can

often supersede a competitor's desire to ννίπ.

lπ blitz, howeνer, there is πο room for untempered

artistry as the time crisis directly forbids ίΙ If we attempt to fιnd

these romantic slow chess moνes, we ννίll chronically Γυπ out of

time and not attain either ουΓ creatiνe ΟΓ, releνant to this trea­

tise, ουΓ competitiνe goal. This reνeals the game of blitz to be

not an elegant beast. Correct play adνocates the barbaric oνer

the beautiful ίπ the aim to ννίπ the game, not create art. ΟπlΥ if

we understand this ννίll we be able to adequately benefιt from

blitz theory.

Tίme Victory Valίdity

Many players feel that a νictory gained οπ time during

a resignable chess position is somehow of an inferior caliber

than one resulting from bril\iant oνer the board play. This idea

is consummately illogical and must be discarded if we are to

become competitiνe players. Persons who belieνe that the

clock should οπlΥ assist ίπ speeding υρ a slow chess game to

aνoid boredom must directly be deemed uncompetitive con­

testants, since the goa/ ο( the contest is to win the game.

While the οπlΥ way to ννίπ ίπ slow chess is to check-


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mate ουΓ opponent, ίπ blitz ννθ can ννίπ either by checkmating

him ΟΓ by forcing his flag to fall. For example, if ννθ just shuffle

ουΓ rooks to and fro until ουΓ aggressor's time expires, ννθ have

absolutely attained ουΓ goal ίπ a perfectly legitimate, honorable

way, and deserve every bit of praise as ΟΠθ who wins through

majestic strategic method. The additional time strategy for vic­

tory is precisely why the clock is οπ the table! When the victor

accomplishes his task, it must conclude that he was the better

player during the contest as only he succeeded ίπ reaching his

goal. If ννθ ignore ίπ the slightest the fully integral and conse­

quential time crisis, then ννθ simply do not appreciate the

nature of the contest before us. If ννθ ννίπ οπ time with an infe­

ΓίΟΓ board position, it is by πο means conclusive evidence of

poor chess strength, but rather can often be testament to pru­

dent blitz strategy, for instead of depleting ουΓ time by solving

the calculations, we may have realized the fertile chances of

blitzing ουΓ opponent off the board. Perhaps we could have

also out-played him over the board. ΑΠΥ type ofwin manifests

exact/y a net adroίtness of the victor, and a net shortcoming of

the /oser. .. πο more, πο /ess.

The Digita/ Chronometer

As ννίll be manifest ίπ the pages ahead, it is complete­

ΙΥ necessary for the competitive player to have available the

~ time situation of the contest at any point ίπ the game. If


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he doesn't, he ννίll not be able to correctly implement his strate­

gic arsenal, and much of his blitz skill ννίll be rendered harm­


Το compete with maximum potential ννθ must use a

digital clock that clearly tells us, second to second, the time sta­

tus of the game. The bottom lίπe is that analog clocks simply

do not permit a modern blitz arena, and must be discarded.

Know The Rules

Are we good chessplayers if ννθ aren't sure whether

bishops move diagonally ΟΓ flatly? Well then, how can ννθ be

good bJitzplayers if ννθ don't know all the ruJes of blitz? The fact

is that most players don't know the rules, and get swindled as

a resuJt. It is essential to be certain of these standard Γules of

blitz chess as disputes frequently surface. The following is the

official WBCA Γules of blitz. Κπονν them inside and ουΙ


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World Blitz Chess AssociaIion Official Rules

Aρρroved by the advisory committee of Nick Defirmian, Max D/ugy, Yasser Seriwan, Ron Hen/ey, Danny Kopec, Joe/ Benjamin, and Wa/ter Browne.

1. Each player must make all his moves in the fιve

minutes allotted on his clock. This is the standard International

Blitz time limit for all WBCAevents. It is the only time limit which

ννίΙΙ be WBCA rated.

2. ΑΙΙ the clocks must have a special device, usually

called a "f1ag" , marking the end of the time control period.

Either player may object to using a computer clock provided

they produce a clock with a standard face. In the event that

both players prefer their own standard face clock, the player

with black ννίll have the choice each game.

3. Before play begins both players should inspect the

position of the pieces and the setting of the clock, since once

each side has made a move all claims are null and void.


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4. Each player must push the clock with the same

hand he uses to move his pieces. Exception: Only during

castling may a player use both hands. When capturing, only

one hand may be used. The fιrst infraction ννίll get a warning,

the second a one minute penalty, and the third ννίll result ίπ the

loss of the game.

5. The arbiter should state at the start of the event the

direction the clocks are to face, and the player with the black

pieces then decides which side he ννίll play with that opponent.

6. Except for pushing the clock neither player should

touch the clock except:

a. Το straighten ίΙ

b. If either player knocks ονθΓ the clock, his

opponent gets ΟΠθ minute added to his clock.

C. If your opponent's clock does not tick,. you

may punch his side down and repunch your side; however, if

this procedure is unsatisfactory, please call for a director.

d. Each player must always be allowed to

push the clock after his move is made. Also neither player

should keep his hand οπ ΟΓ hover ονθΓ the clock.

7. Defιning a ννίπ

Α game is ννοπ by the player:

a. who has mated his opponent's king

b. whose opponent resigns

C. whose opponent's flag falls first, at any time

before the game is otherwise ended, provided he points it out


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and neutralizes the clock while his οννπ flag is still υρ and that

he still has mating material.

d. who after an illegal move takes the king ΟΓ

stops the clock.

θ. an illegal move doesn't negate a player's

right to claim οπ time, provided he does so ΡΓίΟΓ to his ορρο­

nent's claim of illegal move. If the claims are simultaneous, the

player who made an illegal move loses.

7a. Defίning mating material

Either two minor pieces (except king versus king and

two knights), a pawn, a rook, ΟΓ a queen ννίll be sufficient mat­

ing material. Νο trick mates are allowed which means a lone

king ΟΓ bishop is insufficient unless a forced ννίπ can be demon­

strated within two minutes.

8. Defίning a draw

a. Α game is a draw if one of the kings is

stalemated even if a fallen flag is claimed simultaneously.

b. Α game is a draw by agreement only if the

players make the agreement during the game.

c. Α game is a draw if the flag of one player

falls after the flag of the other player has already fallen, and a

ννίπ has not been claimed unless either side mates before

noticing both flags down.

d. Το claim a draw by perpetual check, a (ου,

time repetition is necessary with the player counting 1,2,3,4 out

loud so as to make it quite clear and easy for the arbiter to

assist. Claimant should stop the clock after the forth repetition.


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θ. If both players each have just ΟΠθ identical

piece, either may claim a draw by stopping the clock if neither

side can show a forced ννίπ within two minutes.

f. Α game is a draw if οηθ player has insuffi­

cient mating material when his opponent's flag falls ΟΓ makes

an illegal move.

g. lπ king and bishop versus king and bishop

of opposite colors, with οπlΥ ΟΠθ pawn οπ the board, ΟΓ ίπ two

versus ΟΠθ ίπ a clearly blockaded position, a draw can be

claimed by stopping the clocks and summoning an arbiter if

necessary provided there is ηο forced ννίη within two minutes.

h. King and rook pawn versus king can be

claimed as a draw once the defender is οπ the rook fιle ίπ front

of the pawn. King and pawn versus king can be claimed as a

draw once the defender is immediately οπ the square directly

ίπ front of the pawn as long as it's not οη the seventh rank.

ί. King and rook and rook pawn versus king

and rook is a draw if the pawn is blockaded by the king and

there is πο immediate ννίπ.


9. If a player accidentally displaces one ΟΓ more

pieces, he shall replace them οπ his οννπ time. If it is necessary,

his opponent may start his clock without making a move ίπ

order to make sure that the culprit uses his οννπ time while


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replacing the pieces. If a player fιrst touches ΟΠθ piece, then

moves another; his opponent can restart the player's clock and

make him move the piece fιrst touched. Finally, it is unsports­

manly to knock ονθΓ any pieces then punch the clock. For a fιrst

offense the player ννίll get a warning (unless he causes his

opponent's flag to fall, ίπ which case the offended shall get ΟΠθ

minute extra οπ his clock.): for a second offense a ΟΠθ minute

add-on ννίll be imposed; for a third he shall forfeit the game.

Thereafter the arbiter may use other penalties ΟΓ expel a play­

θΓ from the event for repeated offenses.

10. lπ case of a dispute either player may stop the

clock while the arbiter is being summoned. lπ any unclear situ­

ation the arbiter ννίll consider the testimony of both players and

any reliable witness before rendering his decision, which ίπ all

cases ννίll be fιnal.

11. The arbiter shall not pick υρ the clock except ίπ the

case of a dispute when both players allow him to do so.

12. Spectators and players ίπ another game are not to

speak ΟΓ otherwise interfere ίπ the game at hand. If a spectator

interferes ίπ any way, such as by calling the attention to a flag

fall ΟΓ an illegal move, the arbiter may cancel the game and rule

that a Πθνν game be played instead, and he may also expel the

offending party from the playing room. The arbiter should also

be silent about illegal moves ΟΓ flag falls (unless there are suf-


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fιcient arbiters and they have agreed with the players to call

them before the event started) as this is entirely the responsi­

bility of the players.

13. When a clearly drawn position is reached, either

player may stop the clock and appeal to the arbiter for a draw.

a. If the arbiter allows a draw as ίπ rule #8, the

game is ονθΓ.

b. If the appeal is rejected then a ΟΠθ minute

penalty is imposed οπ the player who stopped the clock.

14. Α player who has played an illegal move must

retract it and make a legal move οπ his οννπ time. If πο legal

move exists with that piece then he may make any legal move.

Illegal moves unnoticed by both players cannot be corrected

afterwards, ΠΟΓ can they become the basis for making a claim,

although a piece once touched must be moved. Απ illegal m.ove

is completed when the player presses the clock, whereupon

the opponent may claim a ννίπ provided he has mating materi­


15. Α legal move is completed when the hand leaνes

the piece.

16. Moving the king next to another king is illegal,

however neither player canplay king takes king! This cheap

shot ννίll not be tolerated! Stop the clock and claim a ννίπ

because of an ίllegal move.

17. If a player promoted a pawn and leaves the pawn


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οπ the board, the opponent οπlΥ has the option of stopping the

clock while a replacement piece is found υρ until the end of the


18. Απ arbiter may determine that a clock is defective

and may change clocks at his discretion.

19. 8efore a tournament the organizers should post at

least two copies of the complete blitz rules ίπ the tournament

area unless there are fewer than twenty-fιve players, ίπ which

case one list ννίll suffice. Posting one hour before play is advis­


20. If the king and queen are set υρ incorrectly then

one may castle short οπ the queenside and long οπ the king­

side! Once each side has made a move, incorrect setups stay

unless both players agree to restart.

21. Excessive banging of the pieces ΟΓ clock ννίll not

be tolerated!

22. Finally, ίπ all W8CA tournaments the decision of

the arbiter is fιnal; however, for future consideration the W8CA

ννίΙΙ Iίsten to any grievances ΟΓ wrongdoings οπ the part of any

arbiter ΟΓ player.


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The Clock Is Α Piece

The most important concept ίπ blitz chess is that the

clock is a blίtz chess piece just like any other; and thus, ννθ

should make a strong effort to use it for attack. If ννθ don't, ουΓ

opponent ννίll attack with it and ultimately mate us with it (force

ουΓ flag to faII). This being the case, it is imperative that ννθ

move qUΊckly enough to eχert pressure οπ ουΓ ΟΡΡΟΠθΠΙ What

is quick? lπ a standard five minute game ννθ must average ΟΠθ

move eveιy (ίνθ seconds. With this pace, ννθ are preserνing ουΓ

ability to conduct a campaign both thoughtful and lengthy;

though most importantly, ννθ are forcing ουΓ opponent to main­

tain ουΓ heightened pace ΟΓ fall into serious time pressure.

As many of ουΓ moves ννίll indeed be less accurate

than with slow chess, it is imperative that ννθ discipline our­

selves from frustration. The reason why ννθ often don't find the

best move is directly because of the necessary competitive

pace at which ννθ are playing. This is not something to be

remedied, but embraced, for the truth is that ουΓ game is

stronger for the time pressure ννθ eχert οπ ουΓ ΟΡΡΟΠθΠΙ He

must, ίπ turn, adjust his game to this clock attack ΟΓ be defeat-


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ed. Thus, by healthy clock aggression the inferior quality of the

chess is outweighed by the superiority of the time pressure.

/f a moνe is ποΙ ρ/ayed within about fίνe seconds, it is

necessariIy ΒΠ exercise ίπ bad technique, and thus a bad

move. This means that the best move οπ the board is only the

best move ίπ blitz if we fιnd it within fινθ seconds. With the

eχception of very complicated positions (which must be defιned

as rare) πο moνe should eχceed this lίmίΙ Perhaps a slower

pace may produce more accurate moves; howeνer, these bet­

ter slow chess moves ννίll ΠθνθΓ see their fruition as ννθ ννίll lose

οπ the clock. The crowd may gasp at overlooked brίlliancies,

but such emotional discouragement has πο basis as it ignores

the fact that ννθ are ίπ a time crisis and are playing with optimal

technique since ννθ continue to eχecute effectiνe moνes within

the critical fινθ second interνal.

Some hold the belίef that they may correctly spend

more time at the beginning of the game, as long as they speed

υρ ίπ the fιnal minute. They argue that once they achieve a

technically ννοπ position, the game ννίll play itself, so the

remaining moνes ννίll only require a couple seconds each. This

is callow zeal. These persons ννίll not have time to convert θνθΠ

a simple position, and ννίll bungle it away. The weathered com­

batant knows the tenacity hidden ίπ θνθΠ the most basic posi­

tions, and therefore prepares himself to tiptoe through myriad

swindles. It is not the eχception but the rule that without appro­

priate time the leader ννίll blunder.

It does not require eχtraordinary talent for the regular


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blitz player to maintain this pace. Only simple mental effort is

needed. If we assume a lethargic attitude at the table, then it

will ΡΓονθ challenging; however, an honest decided effort will

get us right υρ to speed. If we are unable to play a satisfactory

game of chess within this pace, then we must practice if we

hope for enduring success.

Elίminate The Ego

If there is ΟΠθ thing for certain, it is that the average

player's ego is thoroughly tied to the outcome of the game.

After all, unlike most contests there is πο luck ίπ slow ΟΓ blitz

chess, so the total impact of a loss rests οπ the vanqUΊshed's

shoulders. We can't blame the dog, the traffic, ΟΓ the govern­

ment when we're staring at ουΓ checkmated king. It's all ουΓ

fault, and it does hurt.

LΠ a game of logic and psychology there is πο room for

teeming emotions as they οπlΥ cloud our thoughts, but with

such a sting looming at the possibility of a defeat, οπlΥ a con­

scientious player is able to play with his emotions at a mini­

mum. This fact is wonderful for us because with some practice,

we can greatly reduce ουΓ emotional affectation while ουΓ

aggressor implodes inside his. ΒΥ simp/y re/easing the exces­

sive importance from the outcome, and appreciating the fact

that ουΓ emotions do radica//y influence ουΓ p/ay, ουΓ game wi//

improve dramatica//y.


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The fact is that most players neglect this shortcoming.

They devote fινθ hours to investigating the most recent

Informant, but can't fιnd fινθ minutes to investigate themselves.

Perhaps it is too unpleasant. Perhaps most don't believe their

emotional state to be ΓθlθνθηΙ Whatever the case, emotions

Γυη rampant ίη all chess competitions. Thus, the more οηθ can

extricate his ego from his play, the better a player he ννίll be,

and the greater ννίll be his advantage ονθΓ his opponent.

The Cardinal Rule

Easily the most important habit ννθ must practice is to

diffuse ουΓ opponent's superfίcial tactics as soon as possible.

This means releasing pins, moving pieces away from forking

squares, sheltering ουΓ king from obvious checks, etc. Of

course this is most often a good policy ίπ slow chess also, (as

many ideas are ίπ this book) but while ίπ slow chess it is cor­

rect to weigh the timing of ουΓ attack versus that of ουΓ ορρο­

nent's, this is not the case ίπ blitz chess, for the time and effort

required for such thought ίπ a series of blίtz games is far more

valuable than the accuracy lost ίπ ουΓ individual moves.

Consider the foIIowing position ...


Page 34: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell


Dresden 1936

Ιη a slow game, the correct moνe is 1.dc because black's bish-

ορ fork at c2 is off limits as white then plays 2.Rxd8+ ... Rxd8

3.Bχf7+ winning. If black chooses 1 ... Rxd1+ 2.Rxd1 ... Bxc,

white can ηο longer immediately play 3.Bχf7+ soundly because

of the cool ... Kf8 4.ΒχΟ ... ΒχΟ; howeνer, white has an offensiνe

resource ίη the elegant 3.Qa2! Thus, after due calculation, he

may soberly continue aggressiνe operations.

Νονν consider the same position ίη a blitz game. The

time and mental strain required to calculate all this clearly and

with confidence is far greater than οηθ can afford. Ιη a blitz sit­

uation the correct moνe is the wisely simple 1.Rbc1 because it

diffuses the obνious fork and ρίη tactics threatened, thus hold­

ing our position wίth minimal time and strain lost.

In slow chess, the first ΡΓίΟΓίιΥ in an open game is to

castle. This is true tenfold in blίtz, for not only ννίll the ίll placed


Page 35: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

king ΡΓονθ ΓίΡθ for a variety of tactics, but also the accurate

defense ννθ ννίll have to erect ννίll surely cost a premium οη the

clock. Sometimes ίη slow chess ννθ can calculate a Mikhail Tal

battle plan ίη which the king commands his troops from the

center of the battlefιeld. Ιη blitz leaνe this only to Mikhail Tal

himself! As soon as a center fιlθ breathes, ννθ must get ουΓ king


Max Lange Attack

Neglecting to castle is not θνθη worth a center pawn.

Ιη a slow game 5 ... Nxe is sound and strong as the ensuing

aggression can ultimately be parried; however, if ννθ are not

already versed ίη this opening, are ννθ really going to fιgure out

the ensuing variations ίη fιve seconds?! Of course ποΙ Α good

blitz player respects this fact and ννίll respond with a humble

move such as 5 ... d6 ΟΓ at least 5 ... Bc5 with his eye οπ an expe­

dient castling to safety.


Page 36: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Α tactic that deserνes specific comment is the back

rank mate. As a ΓυΙθ, we create Iuft οπ the fιrst hint of back rank

weaknesses. Back rank threats, and actuaI mates account for

an inexcusable amount of blitz losses. Perhaps the luft is not

immediately necessary. Perhaps it is ugly, ΟΓ creates weak­

nesses around the king. Perhaps ννθ ννίΙΙ lose the initiative. Ιπ

blitz such excuses are irrelevant. Make luft ΟΓ suffer the conse­


Tactics: The SOU/ Ο( Blίtz

The more ουΓ playing style embraces tactics, the

stronger will be ουΓ blίtz game. This is true for two reasons.

Firstly, individual positionaI gains are less destructive ίπ them­

selves than are tactical blows- It is easier to recover from a

backward pawn ΟΓ a bad bishop than from a royal fork. WhiIe it

is rare that a player ννίll hang a rudimentary tactic ίπ a slow

game, ίπ blitz θνθΠ the master routinely hangs pieces because

the time crisis inevitably forces slip-ups. Thus, tactical aggres­

sion bears many more fruits than a positional siege because of

the direct, conclusive consequences of a tactical oversight.

SecondIy, it is possibIe to steer a/l situations away from

positional channels to tactical skirmishes since closed posi­

tions can aIways be opened, piece play proves potent ονθΓ

pawn pushes, checkmate threats must forever be respected. lπ

slow chess a positional player may successtully arrest these


Page 37: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

tactical maneuvers with the consequences of his prophylactic

net. He dulls his opponent's tactical goals, and angles against

weaknesses with individual moves not as important as their

overall theoretical aims. Finally he immobilizes his opponent ίπ

static shortcomings. Ιπ blitz these shortcomings are far out­

weighed by the crushing force of the combination of the tactical

savagery and the clock.

Modern Defense

Here is an example of an attempt to enforce a positional cam­

paign easily refuted by a tactical gauntlet. If white wishes, he

may fire 6.Nxb5!? .. d5! 7.Bb3 ... dxe4 8.Ng5 with a double­

edged slugfest.

Other times the situation requires more of a positional

concession, but once again, the resulting familiar tactical flavor

combined with the time strain dominates the contest.


Page 38: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Benjamin - Christansen 1997 US Championship

Here black made a brazen bid for chances by intro­

ducing tactics with the not quite sound 12 ... Bxe4 which gets

into trouble after 13. Bxf7+, but he got away with it as white,

under the blitz strain, οπlΥ found 13.Rxe4. Black continued to

liquidate his ίπfeήοr position, and gained a satisfying draw. As

ννθ can see, θVθΠ the world's best often cannot cash ίπ οπ con­

cessions yielded for tactical wrestings ίη blitz.

Because the time crisis forces mistakes, and because

the tactician is so able to steer the game to conditions that

prove the most ΓίΡθ for these such mistakes (tactical condi­

tions), ίt foIIows that the victor wiII necessarί/y be the p/ayer

who is most adept at thriving ίπ these sharpest condίtions.

50 then, ουΓ tactical acumen must be υρ to paΓ. If it

isn't, ννθ must study and practice until it is. There are ρlθΠιΥ of


Page 39: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

books out there fιlled with tactical quizzes and theory from

which ννθ can benefι!. One must read them again and again

until he feels comfortable enough ίπ standard tactical encoun­


The following is a series of basic tactical exercises. If it

proves too challenging, then ουΓ tactical skills need improve­

ment. The solutions can be found at the back of the book.


Page 40: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Tactica/ Exercises

1. 2.

3. 4.


Page 41: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

5. 6.

7. 8.


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9. 10.

11. 12.


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13. 14.

15. 16.


Page 44: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

The Best Defense Is Α Good Offense

This is true manifold ίπ blitz chess because the conse­

quences of a failed attack is a mere loss of initiatiνe, while that

of a failed defense is the loss of the game. Because of this fact

the attacker has the lυχυΓΥ of being less accurate than the

defender. Since this accuracy is exact/y the ingredient ίπ dearth

supp/y, an overwhe/ming advantage is gained simp/y by seiz­

ing the inίtiative.

This being the case, it is best to adopt a campaign of

heightened aggression. We make eνery effort to create threats

to force ουΓ opponent into a defensiνe posture. When faced

with a choice of a solid yet passiνe position, ΟΓ a sharp and

double-edged position, we play the latter as it keeps ουΓ ορρο­

nent's stress leνel to a maχimum, creating the most conduciνe

enνironment for a decisiνe miscalculation.

If Α Sacrifice Looks Good, Then ιι Is Good

lπ slow chess an unsound sacrifιce is ill-adνised

because it is too likely that the opponent ννίll calmly calculate

an adequate defense, and then conνert his material adνantage

to a ννίπ. lπ blitz, howeνer, he has not the time ΠΟΓ serenity to

calculate such a defense, and ννίll probably succumb to a flag

fall ΟΓ a blunder.


Page 45: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

While the advantage gained from the opponent's lack

of time to calcuIate the consequences of a sacrifιce is obvious,

the psychoIogicaI advantage from his Iack of serenity merits

investigation. Anyone who has pIayed even a little chess is

acquainted with the sudden sinking feeIing ίη his stomach

when a knight ΟΓ bishop comes crashing into his buIwark. He

assumes we would never enthusiasticaIIy seek a permanent

materiaI defιcit, and concludes that ουΓ attack must be irre­

sistible. Such thinking has been reinforced for a chessplayer's

entire career, so it is a safe bet that his immediate inclination

ννίΙΙ be to find ουΓ supposed winning line. If he finds none, his

neχt resoIution ννίΙΙ be to decIine the sacrifιce as he ννίΙΙ be con­

vinced its solution is over his head.

Tal - Hodgson 1974 Camndentown Simultaneous

Here TaI specuIativeIy pIayed 1.Rχp, surely with the apprecia­

tion of its signifιcant psychological consequences ίη addition to

the tangibIe Iines it opens. Even though simple analysis seems


Page 46: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

to Γθνθθl 1.Rxp to be a technical failure (1 ... ΚxR 2.ΒχΒ ... ΟχΒ

3.Qxd7+ ... Kh6 4.Rh1 + ... Kg5 5.Qd2+ ... Qf4), Tal's opponent

declined the material with 1 ... Rc6?? 2.ΟχΒ and qUΊckly lost. He

was defeated through psychology.

ΕνθΠ if ουΓ blitz opponent fίΠθΙΙY accepts the sacrifίce,

its destructive vibrations wiII be felt for the remainder of the

contest. He wiII be focused οπlΥ οπ defending for a good many

moves to come, thereby extinguishing θΠΥ healthy attacking

aspirations he might have had. As there is always some lθνθl

of intimidation instiIIed ίπ an opponent when we play such a

seemingly steIIar, contemptuous moνe, his calculations wiII

now be consummately confused by the anxiety from which he

wiII πο doubt be suffering.

ΑΙΙ this ads υρ to not so much of a physical action οπ

his position, but a psychological maelstrom that leaves him ίπ

emotional tatters. lπ some instances his play wiII drop a fuII

class, and he wiII now take about twice as long to move. As a

matter of fact, 80% of Mikhail Tal's successful slow chess sac­

rifίces have been refuted ίπ post mortem analysis, yet Tal was

world champion. Thus, the success of the sacrifίcial strategy

has been ΡΓονθΠ. If we simply foIIow υρ ουΓ blitz sacrifίces with

inspired fervor, there reaIIy wiII be πο way he can win the con­


Since this psychology behind a sacrίfιce is so potent,

we may boldly yet soberly embark οπ a sacrifίce based ρυΓθlΥ

οη a psychological platform. We do this by playing an outright


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Koblents - Tal Riga 1957

Ιη the aboνe, the slow chess moνe 20 ... Rxf2 is adolescent

romance, but it is not hard to appreciate its conνincing appear­

ance. Ενθη if we are sharp enough to realize that white can ulti­

mately hold οη to his material, it is sometimes recommended ίη

blitz to proceed anyway with the aim of crushing ουΓ opponent

under the inνolνed psychological strain.

Απ additionaI reason adνocating the occasionaI bluff is

that when we do pIay a soIid sacrifιce, ουΓ now incredulous

opponent is more apt to disbeIieνe us and take the bait. Now

we may paint the board with ουΓ eIegant combination amidst

the oohs and aahs of the crowd. While sIow chess rareIy ΡΓΟ­

νides a credible opportunity for the dramatic sacrifιce, there are

more than enough chances ίη a session of blitz. This is ουΓ

chance to reaIIy haνe fun!


Page 48: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Essentially, the bluff combined with the sound sacrifice

forces ουΓ opponent to weigh θνθΓΥ move individually, a con­

sequence that is quite steep for an environment that already

demands so much mental capacity. Because of this, θνθΠ

speculative sacrifices are often recommended. If the sacrifice

looks sound enough, then these added elements ννίΙΙ push the

decision much past the affirmative.


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Page 50: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell


Since a tactical initiative is so successful in blitz, the

most effectiνe opening ΓθΡθποίΓθ is mercilessly aggressive. If

ουΓ opponent isn't fluent with the positions, then these open­

ings alone should provide us with enough pressure to win the

games either on the board ΟΓ the clock. If he isn't even familiar

with the positions, the games will play themselves.

Essentia/ Diνersity

As we play sessions of consecutive games versus the

same opponent, we must not make it easy for him to learn from

his mistakes from game to game. When we smash him with the

same opening two ΟΓ three times in a row, we must preserνe

this valuable weapon by playing something else for a while,

and then something else again. Now he will always be on his

heels. After a while we may return to ουΓ bread and butter, and

let him fall for the exact trap that tripped him υρ just a few

games ago!

Creating and maintaining this relentless atmosphere is

as important as any aspect of ουΓ game. This being the case,


Page 51: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

it is essential that ννθ acquire a broad opening repertoire.

White Openings

For starters, Ι believe 1.e4 to be best ίπ blitz. While

many cases can be made for 1.d4 ΟΓ other fιrst moves ίπ slow

chess, ΟΠθ must remember that the savvy blitz player is pursu­

ing inspired tactical. territory. 1.d4, 1.c4, and 1.Nf3 are, of

course, solid and dynamic; however, they lack the direct tacti­

cal nature of 1 .e4. This is because after 1.e4, black must either

accept tactical activity with 1 ... c5, 1 ... d5, ΟΓ 1 ... e5, ΟΓ be con­

demned to a drawn out uphill battle for equality. The positional

altematives for black's fιrst move do him πο good as they can

be twisted to tactical channels through forced transposition. For

eχample 1 ... Nf6, 2.Nc3 ... e5, 3.f4 twists the elusive Alekhine's

Defense into the sharp Vienna Gambit.

If white doesn't seize the opportunity to move his king

pawn out two squares at his fιrst opportunity, then black can

squelch its timely emergence with the simple and strong 1 ... Nf6

at which point the contest already begins a basically forced

joumey into a positionallabyrinth. It is true that all games can

assume a tactical flavor; however, ίt is most easi/y achieved

wίth the ever-sound 1.e4. This being the case, it only makes

sense to play accordingly.

The foIIowing is a sharp and varied opening repertoire.

It should be noted that part of its success comes from the inter-


Page 52: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

relatedness between many of the openings. The pawn struc­

tures, tactical motifs, and strategic aims often overlap between

these setups, so the play of one reinforces another. While there

are many aggressive and tactical lίnes one can employ, these

are my suggestions ...

Against 1 ... e5

Ι promote the Italian bishop (3.Bc4) over it's Spanish

counterpart (3.Bb5) for the direct pressure οπ black's Achilles'

heel at f7. Perhaps the ρίπ of the queen's knight has more sub­

stance ίπ slow chess, but this is not the case ίπ blitz.

1. Τhe Evan's Gambit This is a gem for blitz play! For the eχpendable "b"

pawn we gain a dominating, dynamic center, thorough activity,

and a nasty attack οπ the king.

2. Τhe Danish Gambit The rapid threats along the "e" fιle and οπ f7 combined

with the raking bishops ννίll ensure enough chances for at least

a time ννίπ. We need not worry about the pawns as ουΓ ορρο­

nent ννίll never have the time to cash them ίπ.


Page 53: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

3. The Scotch Gambit Gary Kasparov employed the Scotch Game at the

world championship leνeΙ ίπ sIow chess. Enough said.

4. The Max Lange Attack AIthough perhaps superfιciaI for a sIow chess game,

the beauty of this opening is that it is reaIIy one long series of

memorized moves. Either ουΓ opponent knows the other side

of it fιfteen moves deep, ΟΓ gets smashed before we even start


Against 1 ... d5

1. "ed" The immediate opening of the "e" file combined with

the probable harassment of the bIack queen provides fιne ίπί­

tiative and tactics.

2. The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit The main advantage for ουΓ opponent ίπ the

Scandinavian (1 .. d5) Iίes ίπ his familiarity of the ensuing posi­

tions. Therefore, simply take this famiIiarity back with a trans­

position, and gain a solίd attack to boot.

Α word of caution here is needed. It is of great impor­

tance that we avoid ουΓ opponent's tactics οπ the f1-a6 diago­

nal by moving ουΓ king to h1 at the first favorable opportunity.


Page 54: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Against 1 ... c5

1. Any /ine with Morphy's 3.d4 The SiciIian Defense is so tacticaI ίη its οννη right that

not too much need be taiIored from the main theoreticaI ideas.

2. The Yugos/av Attack

The magic ίπ this attack Iies ίπ the perfect starting posi­

tions of the king rook and dark squared bishop. Since ουΓ ορρο­

nent's fιanchetto structure defιnes the weaknesses for us at f6,

h6 and h7, we have a taiIor made pIan for a rapid and IethaI

battIe. We just exchange dark bishops with ουΓ queen battery,

then ΡΓΥ open the "h" fιIe with ουΓ pawn.

3. The Smith-Morra Gambit ΒΥ surrendering ουΓ "d" pawn, we gain the ΟΠΙΥ centraI

pawn at e4, a knight at its naturaI c3, the opening of both bish­

ορ diagonaIs, the d1-a4 diagonaI for ουΓ queen, and the "c" and


Page 55: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

"d" files for ουΓ rooks. Meanwhile, ουΓ opponent has nothing

anywhere at all, save the single a5-d8 diagonal, and a possible

future backward pawn center. VVhite's radically accelerated

mobilization and unprejudiced dynamism combined with the

retardation of black's campaign yields attacking potential of the

highest order that can be gained from any opening gambit.

4. The Wing Gambit ΒΥ relinquishing οπlΥ the runt "b" pawn, we remove

black's influence over d4, and gain a broad, sturdy, and mobile

pawn center which cannot be ignored ίη an open game. lη

addition, ουΓ dark squared bishop may πονν pester at the a3

post. ΑιI ίπ all, this is a very well motivated undertaking.

Agai nst 1 ... Nf6

1. The VΊenna Gambit As previously mentioned, the main lines Γυπ into this

gambit by 2.Nf3 ... e5, 3.f5

If black takes the Ρθννπ, 4.e5 ννίll send the knight home

for a browbeating. If he doesn't, then we can terrorize along the

"r fιle.

2. The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (see above)

VVe can transpose to this if black chooses to play 2 ... d5


Page 56: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

instead of e5.

3. Any tactica//ine after an a/ternative against 2.Nc3

The best lίnes have been discussed. If black selects

any alternative, he has accepted inequality, and ννθ have

accomplished ουΓ goal of an enduring initiative.

Against 1 ... c6

1. The Advance Variation Signifιcantly tactical and aggressive. While ουΓ ορρο­

nent ννίll πο doubt be familiar with the fιrst few moves, the light­

ning kingside activity and unstructured flavor ννίll definitely

knock him off balance.

2. The Panov-Botνinnic Attack The immediate and permanent open lines ννίll grade

against the calm and rigidity of the Caro-Kann player. As

white's play is ίπ the center, his initiative should endure his

opponent's minority attack.

3. 4.Bd3 with a possib/e h3 Tal's idea is all the more effective ίπ blitz play. The

Caro-Kann is essentially an attempt to institute the ideas of the


Page 57: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

French Defense without the drawback of the bad bishop. With

this ίπ mind, white can derail the whole of black's aspirations by

preventing the deployment of this bishop. After the exchange

οπ d5, ννθ simply do not allow the light squared bishop to devel­

ορ by playing 4.Bd3. If he fιghts for g4's turf with an early Nf6,

ννθ quietly play h3 which decides the matter permanently.

Black must either ΟΡθΠ υρ the position ΟΓ accept the bad bish­

ορ. lπ either case, he has used at least thirty seconds ίπ' his

decision, and ννίll be uncomfortable ίπ his setup.

Against 1 ... d6

1. The Austrian Attack The rapid f4 is ideal·to bully ουΓ opponent into immedi­

ate decisions. ΒΥ rotating ουΓ spearhead between the pawn

pushes f5, g5, and h5, ννθ ννίll have enough to keep him guess­

ing. Experimentation with Bc4 as an alternative to Bd3 may

bear fruit as well' Although black can try the recommended


Page 58: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

center fork trick with Nxe, the response ΒχΠ is much more

fιerce ίπ blitz conditions.

Against 1 ... e6

1. The Mίlner-Barry Gambit As French players tend to expect a closed center, this

gambit is wonderfully motiνated as it νiolently disturbs blacks


2. 3.ed ... ed 4.c4 While this does yield a basic equality, it is psychologi­

cally geared to strip black of his aspired positional expectations

similar to ουΓ Panoν-Botνinnik plans against the Caro-Kann.

Since he hopes to spring his usual closed lines, ννθ greet him

with a hard-hitting open game ίπ which tactical sparring ννίll be

the order of the day.

The potential of white's isolani should be appreciated

as well. While its positional shortcomings often ΡΓονθ a πυί­

sance ίπ slow chess, its dynamic energy is far more effectiνe ίη



Page 59: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Against all others

If black embarks οη θηΥ other ρlθη of defense, it must

be benign enough to condemn him to passivity with straightfor­

ward moves.

Black Oρenings

Once again, the emphasis is οη aggressive tactical

winning chances, but ηονν there is θη added issue to consider:

ΒΥ having the luxury of the fίrst move, white ννίll have already

given the game a flavor favorable to him. Because of this, ννθ

must make θη θνθη stronger effort to steer the game into chan­

nels both tactical and unfamiliar. lη a slow contest it is usually

prudent to stick with theoretically best Iines, but ίη ουΓ .blitz

arena psychology plays too great a role to be ignored. Thus ννθ

ννίll select ουΓ responses not so heavily based οη slow theory,

but largely aimed to rupture ουΓ opponent's psyche. Of course

a theoretically ΡΟΟΓ opening is out of the question, but οηθ that

is psychologically as well as theoretically motivated takes

precedence over another that is theoretically superior, but psy­

chologically impotent.


Page 60: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Against 1.e4

1. The Sici/ian Lowentha/ This is my fιrst choice. Firstly, it perfectly caters to a

hostile, combinative style. The direct seizing of the initiative

and lead ίπ development puts us ίπ the driver's seat. Secondly,

it is rarely seen ίπ slow play so white ννίll instantly be ίπ deep

and uncharted waters. Ι guarantee that 4 ... e5!? and the prob­

able 8 ... 0g6, ννίll together buy us at least forty seconds! The

thematic attack οπ c2 is too stubborn to be remedied ίπ fινθ


2. The Sici/ian Najdorf The most aggressive and studied lίπe ίπ slow play also

pays off οπ the blitz board. Νο matter what white decides, ννθ

are ensured a fierce attack οπ the queen's wing. Although ννθ

aim to adopt openingsunfamiliar to ουΓ opponent, this main

lίΠθ is so tactically sharp that it should be ίπ every competitive

player's repertoire.

3. The French Defense "Hold οπ there! Ι thought ννθ ννθΓθ to play for ΟΡθΠ, tac­

tical positions!" This is true. The reason why ννθ make this

exception is that The French is an opening that plays itself, and

that means lightning clock strikes.


Page 61: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

In most games, ννθ play ουΓ pawns to e6, d5, c5, and h5, ουΓ

knights to c6 and f5, ουΓ queen to b6, and ουΓ bishops on the

central seventh squares. While white stumbles on his problems

at d4 and b2, and ponders how to attack the rock in front of him

in general, ννθ may glibly paint ουΓ same picture time and

again. It's as if ουΓ opponentis playing with a minute handicap.

After play-testing it for years, Ι have conclusively found that

only a small handful of players can smoothly handle this mis­

chievous opening. Unless white has thoroughly studied his

lines, black can at least play for time with superb results.

Against 1.d4

Firstly, it should be stated that the foe ίn front of us is

probably of a positional breed as he opts for the safe and

sound queen's pawn thrust; therefore, ννθ can immediately take

solace in the fact that after ννθ muscle the opening to familiar


Page 62: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

grounds, ουΓ tactical play ννίΙΙ giνe us an adνantage ίπ the ensu­

ing fιght.

1. The A/bin Countergambit Α wonderful blitz enterprise. First, ννθ can enjoy watch­

ing ουΓ opponent shift ίπ his seat for ten seconds after 2 ... e5.

Then commences the exciting setting of the many different

traps depending οπ how white attempts to quiet ουΓ renegade

"d" pawn. There is θνθΓΥ chance he ννίll be down material by

moνe ten ΟΓ mated by moνe twenty. If he isn't, his pawns ννίll be

doubled and isolated while his kingside remains critically

unemployed and without promise. If he makes it to a middle

game with a pulse, then he ννίll only haνe about half his time left

to undertake the daunting task of manifesting his unlikely tacti­

cal prowess. ΑιI this for a pawn!

2. The Benko Gambit This is sound and sharp ίπ slow chess. ΒΥ trading two

flank pawns for white's Ud" pawn, we remoνe his control of the

prized real estate at e5 and c5, ννθ gain immediate dominating

pressure οπ the queen's wing with ουΓ heaνy pieces, and a

menacing bishop at a6. Ι really don't see how it's possible to

not lονθ this opening.

3. The Eng/und Gambit While Ι wouldn't adνocate this ίπ a six hour game, it fιts

blitz conditions like a gloνe. Firstly, it scores the maximum οπ


Page 63: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

surprise value as ουΓ adversary may ΠθνθΓ have seen the

response 1 ... e5 ίπ his life. Secondly, the anomalic queen and

knight sorties οπ the queenside ννίll hemorrhage seconds off

his clock.

4. The Benoni Defense This is a perfect cap to ουΓ black arsenal against 1.d4.

Tactical and uncompromising, it is a fιΠθ call to ουΓ job descrip­

tion. υροπ seeing 2 ... c5, ουΓ opponent ννill πο doubt begin to

wonder what happened to his happier days of quiet maneuver­

ing for modest holes and backward pawns.

5. Straightforward deve/opment against uninspired p/ay If white decides to relinquish the advantage of his fιrst

move with something anemic such as 2.e3, ΟΓ 2.g3, then ννθ

can consider ουΓ job done. Classical expansion ννίll be suffι­

cient for a good game.

Against 1.f4

1. The From Gambit If he is going to voluntarily weaken his most vulnerable

point ίπ a fινθ minute contest, then by all means punish him for

ίΙ He ννίll be versed ίπ this continuation, but the time pressure

combined with the relentless pounding of "f2" must result ίπ try-


Page 64: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

ing times for such an imprudent monarch. If he transposes to

the King's gambit, 2 ... Bc5, ΟΓ the Falkbeer Counter Gambit

(2 ... d5) should teach him a lesson ίπ blitz strategy. There need

not be any further consideration for this opening, as he ννίll

admit his mistake by playing something else before long.

Against 1.c4

1. Sicilίan Ιines reversed While sound, c4 is innocuous ίπ a blitz engagement.

Play an immediate e5, engineer an early queen pawn thrust as

ίη a Sicilian reversed, and we'll be off and running. White must

be hoping for a positional game with such a commencement,

so welcome him with the same blistering piece play as ίπ the

original tried and true white attack against such an idea. If he

decides to surprise us with 2.d4, then 2 ... d5 introduces him to

ουΓ Albin friend.

Against all others

Spirited play and keen transposition ννίll decide the

day. We are equipped with enough opening ideas to menace

any white beginning. Happy hunting!


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Pseudo Tίme Pressure

Before we talk of specifιc clock situations, we must fιrst

discuss an unsound strategy commonly employed by the aνer­

age player. When he gains a normal adνantage ίπ time, per­

haps four minutes to three, he then attempts to conνert his οπlΥ

slight adνantage by fanatically blitzing his opponent off the

board. This usually results ίπ his blundering away the game.

This unfortunate player put disproportionate pressure οπ him­

self to realize the conνersion of his time adνantage. lπ fact, he

put himself ίπ pseudo time pressure. lnstead of calmly follow­

ing his game ρlθΠ, he acted as if he, not his opponent, was the

one with the time problem.

Thus, ίπ οπlΥ the following circumstances should ουΓ

game change from ουΓ usual fινe second pace. If we happen to

haνe a standard lead οπ the clock, good for us. Our adνantage

is preserνed ίπ the disadνantage to ουΓ opponent, and ουΓ

usual strategies are still best. If he is diligent enough to speed

υρ to eνen again without faltering, then it is to his credit. Just

don't belieνe that we should make an actiνe effort to utilize his

time defιcit for it is not yet a weakness of enough merit to war-


Page 67: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

rant a change ίπ ουΓ strategy.

Νονν that ννθ are leery of pseudo time pressure, ννθ can

discuss the instances ίπ which the specifιc time conditions are

of such signifιcance that they alter the strategies of the board


Twice As Much Time As ΟυΓ Opponent

If ουΓ opponent has so critically fallen behind ίπ time so

that ννθ have twice as much time as he, then ννθ must adopt a

Πθνν strategy to take maximum advantage of his negligence. lπ

this situation ουΓ goal is to ννίπ οπ time, not οπ position, so

unless ννθ have an obvious board ννίπ, all of ουΓ actions ννίll fol­

lοw ουΓ time objective accordingly. We πο longer care if he cor­

rectly solves the board combinations, for the board has πονν

lost most of its consequence. We have achieved a theoretica/

win on time of which ίts conversion is now on/y a matter oftech­

nique. This is πο longer fιghting chess. If ννθ play correctly, ννθ


If he hasn't yet realized the depth of the hole he has

dug for himself, then ννθ must do ουΓ utmost to keep him from

noticing, and this may require a bit of acting. When examining

the clock, ουΓ eyes shift without any head movement that might


Page 68: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

remove him from his distant thoughts. When moving the pieces

and pressing the clock, we must be as gent/e and unassuming

as possib/e. We LUΙL him into feeling there isn't any stress, ΟΓ

θνθΠ another person across the table, just Πθνν positions for

him to ponder. With a little luck, his competitive edge ννίll float

away. Νονν each captivated second carries him closer to

defeat. ΕνθΠ if he notices his dire situation and begins to speed

υρ, ννθ maintain ουΓ tranquil conduct that reinforces his sub­

conscious with the false sense of security.

We keep the pieces οπ the board, and the positions

complicated. The PUΓsuit of slight chess advantages such as

doubled pawns, a better placed piece, ΟΓ a queenside majority

πονν takes a back seat to the prolonging of the positional ten­

sion which forces ουΓ opponent to spend time thinking. If he

has fιfty seconds ΟΓ less, ννθ should θνθΠ forgo winning an

exchange! lnstead ννθ play for mate and create tactical πui­

sances so that the board becomes an unrelenting minefιeld.

ΕνθΠ if we're υρ material, ννθ decline trades that yield simpler

setups. We keep the contest murky and confusing. lπ effect, ννθ

are mating him with the clock.

Moving /π Pairs

Playing moves ίπ couples of two may be the most

effective clock strategy of all. Το understand why, ννθ must

investigate the thought process of the blitzplayer. The natural


Page 69: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

way ΟΠθ plays blitz is to think basically ΟΠθ move ahead, as

there is πο time to analyze variations that ΟΠθ ννίll ΠθνθΓ see. If

a knight is attacked, the best blitz defense is usually the quick­

est, whichin turn is usually the simplest. There may be many

better "chess" moves involving double edged protection ΟΓ

counterattack, but the veteran player understands the prudent

concession of precision for time, and eχecutes the best blitz

move he can fιnd. Once he plays this move, he then com­

mences to digest the Πθνν possibilities of the resulting position

οη ουΓ time. This being the case, ννθ can see that the time he

uses for analysis during ουΓ move is very important to him. 8Υ

removing this precious time for ana/ysis from him, he wiΙΙ be

forced to use more of his own time, thereby opening the fissure

ίπ his c/ock θνθΠ wider. We remove this ana/ysis time by think­

ing of ουΓ moves ίπ pairs.

While before ννθ thought of the best move ίπ about fινθ

seconds, ννθ ννίll ηονν fιnd the most probable two moves ίη

about twelve seconds. We ννίll play ουΓ fιrst move, he ννίll react

as usual, but then ννθ ννίll play ουΓ neχt move immediately,

thereby granting him ηο analysis time for the ηθνν position. He

is now forced to manipu/ate a comp/ete/y fresh posίtion οπ on/y

his own time, a /υχυΓΥ he cannot afford. The result ννίll be either

further time depletion, ΟΓ the genesis of critical inaccuracies.

Either way, he is doomed.

One might wonder where the advantage derives if he

still has the same total amount of time for analysis ίη two


Page 70: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

moves. After all, even though he is given ηο time for the sec­

ond analysis, he was given ten seconds before. Doesn't this

extra previous time allow for the same analysis? Νο it doesn't.

Even though he is given more analysis time initially, he cannot

adequately apply these moments Ιο his second move as the

possibilities of what it ννill be are too numerous at the present

point ίη the game. Since the possibίJίties ο( p/ausib/e moves

expands not arίthmeticaJJy but geometricaJJy, his task is simp/y

too great. This phenomena is best witnessed with a diagram

and graph.


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Page 72: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Maxwell - Rudloff National Open, Las Vegas 1997


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....., ~

Mαxwell-RudloJf NationalOpen, Lαs Vegas 1997

.9.Ns •... BsN ~ •. NzB

... Ν<5 ~rS21.QhS ι Ι

21.pxN ... Q,B 21.Bc6 21.BdS ... Nd ... Qd7.22.Kb2 ... Nd8 22.BM ... Qς6

Λ ............... ~ ~ ~ 23.B,N .. ιαB24.Q!ιR ... 06 .. Ν&(> ••. Q06 ... Ν&(> ••. Qo.S/ Ι ~ ... dS.~

22.b3 ... Q06 2206 ... dS 23.Bd4 ... BxB 22.Bc6. .. Q06 22.pxN ... QxB 22.Κb2 2S.Qxp ... QxN 26.Κb2 2S.QιS ... QxN+ 26.Qjι2 ... Ν!)+ 27.RxN ... QxQ


I~---------------------------------2O.Bd4 ... NxB 2I.pxN ... BxD 22.Rcl. .. Qh6 == ;:::s 2O.0b3 2Ο.Νο.ρ ... Β,Β+ 21.NxD ... R,O 22.fS ... ReS 23.Be3 .. Ν" 20BdS 2O.0xO ... RxB

Ι ;;> .... __ ~

... Ra18 ... Qd7 ... dS ... 03 2I.Βχο .. Νι4 .. 06 .. Qd7 ... Qo.S ... ~ Ι """ 23.Κb2 23.ΝχΒ 23.Nιko

21.Noxd 21.RaeI 21.Ν06


__________ ~~20~.N-x~B~ .. -.K~.,~N ______

;:::Ζ "~5~ ... ω ;::Ζ Τ :::::: - '"" ~ -~" 21.Bb3 21.BdS 21.Β ~1,Bd3",JU; 21.11ciιtt 2ΙΙΙΙΙ2 21.Qι5+ ... ~

... Ra18 ... Qo.S .. Qd7 ? / \ " ... Qo.S ... Nιt] ... Nd ... dS ... ΝχΒ ... ., / \ '" ~ 22._

.. Ra/1I . Qo.S .. Qd7 ... ΝΙ' 22 RII+ 22.BdS 22.Κb2 22.\>4 ... dS ...• S ... Rf6 ... B.tι 23.QxB ... N.40

Page 74: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

If his task is to see one branch into the future he ννίll basically

mull over the best responses to white's three probable candi­

date moves of 19.Nxe, 19.Be6, and 19.Ne6. As this is not that

dίfficult, odds are he ννίll frnd at least three of the six adequate

responses satisfactorily (frrstly either 20 ... Ne5 ΟΓ 20 ... Nf5, sec­

ondly either 19 ... Rf6 ΟΓ 19 ... ΒχΒ, and thirdly either 19 ... ΒχΝ ΟΓ

19 ... Qd7.) If given the same amount of time on the following

move, his task ννίll be similar, and he ννίll respond with the same

leνel of accuracy. If we, however, give him more time on the

frrst move, and then none on the second and expect him to play

at the same leνel of accuracy, he ννίll be reqUΊred to analyze the

total of severity eight initial possible branches as opposed to

the isolated fraction of the total he would have to deal with nor­

mally. His initial extra time clearly does not compensate.

This technique does cost us about a third more time

overaII than it costs him as ννθ must now analyze geometrical­

ΙΥ added possibilίties, but our oρρonent has now given us this

time to sρare. Unless ννθ slip up, the game is ours.

Tίme Odds

Tίme odds is the term given to the situation where one

player starts with less time on his clock than his opponent,

thereby granting his opponent an advantage.

The concept is rather straight-forward, and wouldn't be

worth mentioning if it weren't for the signifrcant psychological


Page 75: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

factor it adds to the challenge. When the average player is

given an initial advantage ίπ time, it is usually coupled with the

backlash of feelίng obligated to win. This added pressure to

succeed goes mostly unrecognized, yet inflicts noteworthy

damage to a player's ability that often outweighs his initial


This being the case, we can actually gain an advan­

tage by first foregoing some time, so we should experiment

with offering to handicap ourselves. Α good start is to suggest

dropping a minute off ουΓ clock granting ουΓ opponent a contest

at five minutes to four. His advantage is significant, but not at

all insurmountable as we will now play a second faster per

move. At this point ουΓ opponent's ego eats him up. His deter­

mination to ΡΓονθ that he is at least equal to ουΓ calίber ruins


We can politely suggest this condition with something

like, "Let me try five to four, just for fun." He wont want to give

it to us as this would be admitting inferiority, but then we may

continue, 'Well, just ΡΓονθ me wrong. If it doesn't work out, we'll

switch back to five-five." If he still doesn't want to comply, then

we may nonchalantly suggest that he give us fινθ to four if he

wants. If he accepts, then we jump οπ it! We'νe just bought our­

selves a free minute for nothing! This trίck doesn't work οπ us

because we are informed blίtzp/ayers who have /earned the

va/ue of elίminating ου, egos! We will not have the phantom

pressure against us because we know the secret to the trick

and will not succumb. It's still just a game with a goal that has


Page 76: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

πονν become easier. Either way, ννθ come out οπ top.

If ννθ begin to beat ουΓ opponent game after game with

this handicap against us, his discouragement ννίll become quite

noticeable-- his head ννίll shake amidst sighs and expletives,

and his play ννίll become reckless. Νονν it is time to go for the

knockout. We politely suggest dropping to fινθ, two and a half,

"just to make things a little more fair." While he ννίll quickly

accept it because he starνes for a ννίπ, his emotional stress ννίll

again multiply as the ego stakes have gone way up. While ουΓ

task ννίll be quite challenging as ννθ only have half ουΓ time to

make the same amount of moves, the massive pressure ουΓ

opponent ννίll feel from the deceiving time advantage ννίll

devour him.

Το understand the theoretical as well as psychological

origin of this deception ννθ must delve into the actual nature of

an advantage ίπ time. When ουΓ original fινθ minutes is handi­

capped, it seems to follow that ουΓ winning chances decrease

proportionately. This is not the case because of the previously

discussed nature of chess analysis. (see previous graph)

As ννθ have investigated, ουΓ analysis does not Γυπ ίπ

an arithmetic progression, but a geometric progression.

Therefore, we will not be seeing less ίπίtίBI responses as

before, we will only be seeing less deep, a restraint of far less

consequence! Ιπ other words, ουΓ critical immediate candidates

ννίΙΙ stίll remain intact as we can instantaneously fιnd the few

superfίcial responses to almost any move. Ιπ the aforemen-


Page 77: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

tioned game, if ννθ ννθΓθ forced to act immediately, ννθ could

confidently enough play 19.Νχθ without analysis. We wouldn't

be convinced that it was best, but it seems apparent that it is

strong enough (it gains material, it centralizes, πο pieces are

hanging, etc.) Since it is the breadth as opposed to the surface

of ουΓ thought that suffers, ννθ can quite adequately operate

under a time restraint.

Furthermore, much of chess analysis runs οπ abstract

principles of attack and defense and piece activity. The aver­

age player ννίll spot an open file ΟΓ the need to activate a knight

ίπ a split second. Because these ideas are at the fore of one's

thoughts, they remain quite intact during time defιcits.

Ιπ addition, another νθΓΥ important detail must be

appreciated. While it seems that ννθ are playing with οπlΥ half

the time, ννθ still have ουΓ opponent's five minutes with which

to think. While it is not of the same quality as ουΓ time as ννθ

must think a half move ahead, it still is of great consequence to

ουΓ overall allotted thinking time. The truth is that we don't have

on/y half as much time as before, we actuaJIy have 3/4 as much

time. The average player does not appreciate this.

Finally, while ννθ still have all of ουΓ opponent's time,

he πονν has lost half of ουΓ time! Ιπ reality both contestants ννίll

spend about seven and a half minutes οπ each game. The dif­

ference is that the quality of his time is a little better than ours.

It appears that ννθ are accepting a condition twice as difficult as

he, when ίπ realίty it is far less.


Page 78: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

When ννθ consider these points, as well as the psy­

chological grinder ίπ which ουΓ opponent struggles, the mystery

and magnitude of ουΓ advantage becomes obvious. What

makes us better is ουΓ understanding and manipulation of the

many different aspects of the contest before us. While he may

convince himself that we're proving to be twice as good as he,

ουΓ chess strength is about the same. ιι is ουΓ blίtz strength that

is twice as strong! He is playing slow chess at a fast pace. We

are playing blitz chess at an efficient pace.

P/ay Under 15 Seconds

When ννθ have between fιfteen and fινθ seconds left,

ουΓ time crisis has become so critical that it demands a Πθνν

strategy. But fιrst let's clear two things υρ.

This condition has πο bearing οπ what ουΓ opponent's

clock reads. The following strategy is structured ρυΓθlΥ to han­

dle ουΓ specific situation, and ννίll οπlΥ be to ουΓ detriment if

used at any other time. We ννίll assume that ουΓ opponent has

πο more than a minute; for if he does, then ννθ are simply too

outmatched, and shouId move to the neχt game ΟΓ opponent!

SecondIy, time trouble does not necessarily mean that

ννθ have played inadequateIy ονθΓ the course of the game.

Many situations occur ίη which ννθ play a fιηθ, fast-paced game

of blitz, and fιnd ourselves with just seconds left. This is not any

resuIt of ΡΟΟΓ pIay; quite the contrary, it is often the result of


Page 79: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

blitz played at the highest lθνθl ίπ which an epic battle brings

both contestants to the brink of defeat! There is πο reason to be

embarrassed ΟΓ afraid of this instance; instead, ννθ can calmly

and confidently apply the foIIowing technique.

When ννθ have less than fίfteen seconds, the impor­

tance of the board position greatly decreases as it ννίll be ίΓΓθl­

evant if ουΓ flag falls. Thus ννθ πο longer have the option of

solving its complications as this requires time ννθ do not have.

Ηονν must ννθ ννίπ then? IronicaIIy ουΓ οπlΥ option left is to use

what is ailing us most: the clock. ΕνθΠ though ννθ οπlΥ have a

few moments, it is much more plausible to πονν adopt an aII­

purpose plan for rapid movement than to attempt accurate

analysis at an absurd pace. ΒΥ energetically applying the fol­

lowing system, ννθ find that ννθ have much more than a mere

glimmer of hope, for the following is a stubborn, resilίent lίfe

support that ννίll account for a remarkable amount of ουΓ victo­


1. The One Second Rule As with ουΓ fινθ second rule, it is of utmost importance

that ννθ adhere to this Πθνν tempo, lest ννθ fall victim to ίΠθΧ­

cusable defeats. We mυst now move at a rate of nothing more

than ΟΠθ second per move. Νο excυses! It ννίΙΙ ΡΓονθ extreme­

ΙΥ difficult to perform with any chess accuracy, and blunders ννίll

occur, but any slower rate ννίll completely extinguish ουΓ

chances. ΕνθΠ though it may feel foolish to execute moves


Page 80: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

without analysis, it is the correct strategy demanded by the sit­

uation, and ννθ must get used to it if ννθ hope to improve.

2. Safety Mate Threats As a checkmate by ουΓ opponent is still of the greatest

consequence, it is vital that ννθ extinguish such possibilities.

Whereas before ννθ might have had the allowance of walking a

tightrope with ουΓ attacking and defending allotments, ηονν the

safety of ουΓ monarch is all important. We must identify tangi­

ble mating combinations and take immediate defensive action

as there ννίll be ηο time for analysis once they are put ίη motion.



Ιη the above example white has mating pressure οη g7. Since

this is not abstract hostility but a specific threat, black must

respect it by defending immediately with something like 1 ... 8f8

so that he may not let it trip him υρ ίη the upcoming time scram­



Page 81: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

3. Disregard Basic Material Considerations This means the loss of pawns and eχchanges are ηονν

irrelevant, while the full loss of pieces are only of lίttle conse­

quence. We must believe this ΟΓ lose οπ time! It may take a

while for ουΓ conscience to let ουΓ pieces hang ίη the wind, but

these are ηονν skilled positional sacrifιces! Of course we

shouldn't simply throw away all the plastic we can, but we

absolutely must move ίη a second. If ουΓ king's welfare needs

the moment of consideration, then we must give his subjects


4. Maintain The Tension This is the heart of ουΓ strategy. We create and main­

tain conditions conducive to maχimum time consumption by

ουΓ opponent. Ιη other words, we ννίll give him as much to think

about as possible so he strays from his vital speed play, and

loses οπ time. We do this by keeping the board complicated

and full of tension.

Although the maintenance of an involved position is

the basis of a winning strategy ίη such situations, it is remark­

able how most players strive for the eχact opposite. They

assume that since they πονν have so lίttle time to think, they

should give themselves the smallest possibility for error, and

therefore either conclusively force the issue ΟΓ humbly retreat.

While this thinking is instinctive, it must be discarded for this

plan yields πο basis for success. Ηονν do these people eχpect


Page 82: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

to ννίπ? Why execute an attack ΟΓ defense that ννίll ΠθνθΓ see a

fruition? If ουΓ opponent is not ίπ time trouble, then ννθ have just

solved all his problems. If he does have a mutual clock dilem­

ma, then ννθ have mitigated all his mental pressure with ουΓ

untangling of the position. lπ the end, a simplifying strategy is

geared to help our opponent ννίπ!

lnstead ννθ make θνθΓΥ effort to burden him with deci­

sions. The desire to fίnd the best chess move is seductive

indeed, and often occupies θνθΠ the wisest contestant, let

alone the uninformed player. As this is the case, ννθ offer ουΓ

opponent an array of choices at θνθΓΥ turn, and watch his ΡΓθ­

cious seconds drip away as a result.

When ννθ are οπ the defense, ννθ πο longer attempt to

remedy insipid combinations as this discourages his attacking

interest and thereby alleviates his detrimental mental ίπνοlνθ­

ment ίπ the position. We have already looked to ουΓ king's safe­

ty by eliminating any mate threats. If there exists a way to grant

him further security, it should not be achieved ίπ this instance.




Page 83: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Here is a continuation of the previous position. Since there is

πο Ionger any reaI threat at g7, ννθ can Iet ουΓ opponent con­

sume himseIf ίπ his aggressive ideas. We mustn't pIay some­

thing from sIow chess such as 1 ... e5, but rather an indirect

waiting move Iike 1 ... Qe7 ΟΓ 1 ... Rc7 is recommended.

When attacking, ΟΠΙΥ certain mating combinations

should be executed. If we're not sure of the outcome of a series

of moves, then this is the Iast time to pIay them. Their apparent

threat works wonderfuIIy for us, and must be preserνed accord­




Ιπ this instance white has a fιΠθ attack indeed, but πονν that he

is ίπ a time scrambIe adequate anaIysis is not possibIe. As stat­

ed earIier, the easiest (and thus quickest) move anyone can

make is a response to a superfιciaI direct threat, 50 a reflexive

move such as 1.BxR is an exampIe of ΡΟΟΓ technique as it

forces bIack into pIaying quickIy (and thus correctIy). The

moves 1.Ra7, 1.Ba3, 1.Nd1, and 1.Kf1, οπ the other hand are


Page 84: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

all equa//y best because they succeed ίπ the only immediately

relevant goal of maintaining an involved position.

If the board at present is simple, then ννθ must play

moves without direct responses since these moves elicit the

most curiosity, thus squeezing the most seconds from ουΓ foe.



Το keep ουΓ opponent occupied ννθ need to do more than play

a petty pawn prod such as 1.c4, since he ννίll immediately see

the reason behind ουΓ play, and quickly remedy ίΙ If ννθ

abstractly maneuver instead, he ννίll waste precious seconds

strugglίng to fιnd the relevance of ουΓ irrelevant actions.

Decentralizing minor pieces (1.Nd2) and switching Γooks to

Πθνν fιles (1. Ra 1) are eχamples that fιt the bill.

P/ay Under 5 Seconds

When ουΓ clock has just fινθ ticks to eχpiration, the


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time crisis reaches its zenith, and ννθ must give it ουΓ fuII atten­

tion. We have done ουΓ best through the last ten seconds, but

it has not been enough, and πονν ννθ must change ουΓ strategy

θνθΠ further for this final phase of the game.

Firstly, ουΓ strategy remains to best him οπ time. Only

staving off ουΓ eminent clock defeat matters, so material coπ­

siderations are πονν completely irrelevant. While before ννθ

treated the chess play with a certain consideration, at this point

ννθ must totally disregard it as it πο longer has any meaning.

Νονν the best move is purely the fastest move. If ουΓ queen

hangs, fine. Let's hope ουΓ opponent takes sweet time yanking

it off the board.

1. The Split Second Rule We must πονν move within fractions of a second, with

the absolute maximum of a οηθ second lapse. This is not

impossible as ίπ practice ννθ often begin moving ουΓ piece just

before the opponent presses his clock. Whatever we do, we

mυst not fa/l into the trap of pondering the posίtion! Years of

reinforcement ννίll πο doubt interfere with ουΓ resolve to know­

ingly let pieces hang ίπ the wind, but ννθ must not waver. We

just see that ουΓ king is not ίπ check, then move!

We are simply looking for the fastest move possible,

and this ννίll be the first legal move found with the piece physi­

cally closest to the clock.


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When fractions of a second count, the difterence between

reaching inches away and across the whole board is signίfι­

cant. We fιnd the nearest piece, and just move it back and

fourth as qUΊckly as ννθ can. Ιπ the above either 1.κg1, 1.Nxh,

ΟΓ 1 .g3 are all correct. We ννίΙΙ not worry about the four move

repetition draw, as it is only a factor if he caIIs the sequence out

loud. ΕνθΠ if he does, ννθ simply move to a Πθνν square οπ the

fourth repetition. Ιπ this way it is possible to pIay four ΟΓ fινθ

moves ίπ ΟΠθ second!

2. Flag Scrutiny We must pay close attention to ουΓ opponent's flag,

and be sure to stop the clock at the exact instant it faIIs. Such

scrutiny is all important as it is often the case that ουΓ ορρο­

nent's flag drops when ννθ have a scant ΟΠθ ΟΓ fraction of a

second remaining. If ννθ faiI to haIt ουΓ time at the precise point

of victory, ουΓ ννίπ ννίΙΙ turn into a lackluster draw. It should be

noted that this split second stopping of the cIock requires swift


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and accurate arm movement. It is strange that a bit of athletic

skill is necessary ίπ playing any sort of chess; nevertheless, it

is the case here, and it ννίll be responsible for many of ουΓ vic­


3. ·Falling Pieces During these shoot-outs it is very common for a con­

testant to knock a piece over and fail to right it before hitting the

clock. This is a violation discussed ίπ rule #9 and may be pun­

ished by the immediate hitting back of the clock with the

demand that the guilty party correct the position οπ his οννπ

time. Since this violation occurs so frequently, ουΓ active decla­

ration of it is invaluable as the mere second ίη the balance can

be all the difference between victory and defeat.

When we knock over a piece, we ννίll attempt to slip by

the violation by fιrst hitting the clock and righting the piece οη

ουΓ opponent's time. If he moves before we can fιχ it,then we

ννίll move again, and once more try to right the piece οη his

time. If ουΓ opponent declares ουΓ violation, we are forced to

correct the position accordingly, but this rarely happens as

most players become too lost ίη the scrambling to remember to

declare this violation.

4. Stripping Mating Material One specifιc fιve second scenario must be dealt with

differently. If we have a preponderance ίη material, but the

probability of ουΓ flag dropping is too great, we must aim to


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benefιt from the insuffιcient mating material condition noted ίη

the rule "8f' by making θνθΓΥ effort to snatch υρ ουΓ adversary's

remaining pieces and pawns leaving his king alone, ΟΓ only

assisted by an ineffectual minor piece.



Ιη this example the correct play is 1 ... Qxg followed by the cap­

ture of the remaining pawns. Νονν θνθη if ουΓ clock reads zero,

ννθ ννίll sustain not a loss but a draw as ουΓ opponent's army

has not the ability to force mate.


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ΒΥ ηονν ννθ have a thorough knowledge of the skiIIs

needed to be a champion blitz player. If ννθ stopped reading

here, ννθ would be quite ready to embark οη a successful blitz

career. There are, however, many clever tricks of the trade that

can tum the tables οη θνθη the most hopeless games. The fol­

lowing section discusses such swindles.

It must be noted that if these techniques are given

more emphasis than they deserνe, they ννίΙΙ hinder rather then

help ουΓ game since θνθη the most effective of these tricks

pales ίπ comparison to the importance of fundamental blitz


As ίπ most disciplines, seemingly risky ΟΓ contradictory

strategy is often required to attain the greatest possible edge.

While a lawyer attempts to gain the best outcome for his client,

he ννίΙΙ sometimes request that the maximum penalty be the

consequence of a guilty verdict. While a doctor toils for the

greatest well-being of a patient, at times he must subject him to

deadly radiation and chemotherapy. Though ννθ are discussing

a mere recreational game, the same paradoxical nature exists,

and should be appreciated accordingly.

As these strategies rely greatly οη the unsuspecting


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mind-set of the opponent, they must not be employed too often

ΟΓ ουΓ opponent will catch οπ to ουΓ antics and backfιre them ίπ

ουΓ face. If instead we covet them as valuable aces ίπ the hole

by reserνing them for only important occasions, they will yield

much success and amusement.

The "??!" Move

There will always be games that have gone too drasti­

cally wrong for any stellar combination ΟΓ Iίghtning play to rem­

edy. Ιπ these instances it does not pay to expend valuable effort

ίπ the hope that ουΓ opponent will play some fantastic series of

blunders that once again wiII grant us competitive chances.

Instead the most prudent course is to take a conclusive calcu­

lated risk. If it fails, we may resign with a clear conscience,. but

if it succeeds, victory wiII be ours. As the game was worth

aImost nothing the move before, the risk taken to gain the win

is easiIy warranted.

If the game is so severely lacking of a winning chance,

we have πο choice but to create ΟΠθ from nothing. This means

that we must play a move that is totaIIy unsound, but will tum

the tables if overlooked.


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1 :51


The white side is down two pieces and a pawn, and absorbing

a savage attack to boot. As black's time condition is comfort­

able as well, there is πο plausible long term strategy that ννίll

work here; therefore, we must fιnd some move that, πο matter

how "chess" absurd, ννίll give us a shot at victory. The suicidal

Qa5+??! is πονν the order of the day. LΠ most cases ουΓ adver­

sary ννίll snatch ουΓ queen hanging ίπ the wind, but οπ a sur­

prisingly good many occasions, he ννίll overlook the obvious

and hang his queen ίπ tum! We may then delίver ουΓ blitz bolt

from the blue and Iίsten to the vociferations of ουΓ newly van­

quished foe.

This ploy works often enough because of the favorable

psychology at work ίπ such a situation. Black is quite off guard.

He is υρ a wealth of material, his position is crushing, and his

time is far from concerning. This being the case, any move of

ours must prove harmless, so he falls into the trap of giving ουΓ

moves little heed. He ννίll fιnd the fιrst plausible aim to ουΓ

actions, and dismiss it accordingly. lπ the preceding case, the


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unassuming glance ννίll resolve that white's motivation was a

desperate hope to ννίπ the d8 rook. 'Άfter all, what else can he

do?" he ννίll think, at which ροίπ! there ννίll be seemingly πο

need for further consideration. He ννίll play something Iike R8f8

and we ννίll scoop the black queen and enjoy a victory from the

jaws of defeat.

Απ effective "??!" move must be creative and subtle.

As discussed, this ploy works because we dupe ουΓ opponent

into thinking we are harmless, but this can't be done without

some effort. Νο matter how strong is his position, a player ννίll

always take a moment to reason the motive behind ουΓ actions.

Therefore we must provide him with a plausible one ΟΓ he ννίll

πο! be duped. lπ the above example, if we move ουΓ queen to

g3 then of course he won't play R8f8 for the danger Ιο him is

blatant. Α better but still unsatisfactory try would be to move ουΓ

queen to c5. While this is more subtle, it's chances of suc­

ceeding are slim as we haven't given him a motive as to why

we would move there. With Qa5 we sell ουΓ opponent οπ ουΓ

motivation to ννίπ the rook. This makes sense to him, and he

may πονν easily overlook ουΓ real lethal intentions. ΟπlΥ with

such care for artistry ννίll this tactic pay dividends.

The S/oppy Piece P/acement

Like anything dealt with οπ a regular basis, the chess­

board soon gains a unique familiarity with its player. It is πο


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longer a block of squares οπ which sits a curious placement of

pieces. Instead, it becomes an intimate, forever returning arena

for the analysis of ideas. This awareness brings with it an

expectancy of consistency for its exterior characteristics. We

expect the squares to be essentially white and black, the bish­

ops to be taller than the knights, the pawns to alllook the same,

etc. Α good testament to this is when during a particular tour­

nament Bobby Fischer petitioned the administration to fιnd him

a set ίπ which the king could be better distinguished as the cur­

rent ΟΠθ didn't have the characteristic Christian symbol atop its


Along with these expectations is the assumption that

the pieces ννίll rest ίπ the center of their posts, and when ΟΠθ is

placed with too much inaccuracy, the veteran player is greatly

distracted at this "smudge" οπ the board. 8Υ purpose/y creating

such smudges, we can favorab/y distract ουΓ opponent into

serίous b/unders. Let's look at an example ...

The move Nf5 creates a standard discovered attack οπ


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the queen, and ννίll be seen ίπ a typical situation. ΒΥ placing the

knight not directly ίπ the center of the square, but a good ways

past the edge of the square, there is a fine chance that the

opponent's flow of concentration ννίll be jostled, and his view of

the position ννίll πονν be skewed ίπ the direction of the "sloppy

knight." Νονν that he is distracted to the wrong side of the

board, there is every Iikelihood he ννίll miss the attack οπ his

queen, and leaνe it vulnerable to the naughty bishop.

Gift Tίme

lπ many instances ουΓ opponent's clock ticks away

without his knowledge. This can happen for a variety of rea­

sons. Perhaps he has failed to fully push down the lever,

maybe he was distracted when we made ουΓ move. It is often

the case that he is so wrapped υρ ίπ the position that he forgets

the clock exists. Whatever the case, an instance lίke this is a

valuable gίft and should be coveted as such.

When it is noticed, care must be taken to hide any

enthusiasm gained from the situation. We must remain still, as

if engaged ίπ thought. Although the situation proves very amus­

ing, we must maintain composure by using the time to ponder

the position, ΟΓ we ννίll fail to reap ουΓ full benefιi.

If ουΓ opponent still hasn't noticed after thirty seconds

ΟΓ so, his suspicion ννίll rise as to why we are taking so long.

We πονν sell him further οπ ουΓ apparent meditation. While not


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over-doing it, a common clicked tongue and furrowed brow can

buy twenty more seconds. ΒΥ πονν he ννίll be very puzzled by

ουΓ failure to move, and most defιnitely discover his dupe. If he

doesn't, ννθ can sell him θνθη further with an agitated shίft ίη

ουΓ chair. After this it is best to just sit still. Remember that ίπ

this acting, less is more.

Advanced Techniques Under 15 Seconds

1. Τhe Stunning Queen Sacrifιce While the unhurried opponent ννίll spend due time if a

position seems uncommonly crucial, he ννίll not evaluate much

of anything if he is ίπ dire time straits. For him to πονν ponder

consequences, they ννίll have to seem decisive. Such a tall

order can be found ίη a sacrίfιce of dramatic proportions.



As stated ίπ the fundamentals, material considerations have


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very Iίttle relevance at this point, but the average player does not adequately appreciate this and can suffer as a result. We

play a bold sacrifιce with ουΓ "heaviest" piece possible, ίπ this case ... ΟχΝ+, and loudly slam it down into the board while voic­

ing some confιdent expression such as, 'Wow is that beautiful!" ΟΓ "Smash!" ΑιI this paints a very intimidating picture as it seems we have just delivered a magnifιcent death blow. With any luck, ουΓ opponent ννίll πονν waste enough vital seconds to bring home a time victory for us. As his clock condition should be somewhat similar to ours, three ΟΓ four seconds ννίll be all

. we need to push himover the edge, and even a bargain at the price of a queen.

2. The Pseudo Check lπ the great majority of blitz scrambles the average

player seeks as many checks as he can against his opponent's

king, πο doubt taking refuge ίπ the idea that as long as his

opponent is ίπ check, his position ννίll remain safe. Because of

this, all blitzplayers grow to expect a wild series of checks

against them if they relinquish the initiative ίπ such a scramble.

Since this expectation is so fιrmly ingrained ίπ the psyche, we

can utilize ίΙ


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When we have an obvious check with a rook ΟΓ queen, we

don't play the check, but instead say "check" while merely cut­

ting the king by placing the piece οπ the lίηθ adjacent to the

check. Ιη the above diagram, ουΓ opponent wiII expect the

move to be the Rg8 check. Instead, we say "check" whίle play­

ing the wily Rg7 blίtz tactic! Now there is θνθΓΥ chance that

υροη seeing the typical rook thrust he wiII move out of the antic­

ipated check, and walk right ίπ to ουΓ true check. We can then

claim his iIIegal move as ουΓ victory.

Thjs is a ρeήectlΥ le9al tactic. While the unfortunate

mark may complain about the validity of the swindle, the fact is

that there is ηο such thing as a "false check caII." Vocal decla­

rations of check have ηο relevance ίη blitz ΟΓ slow chess. Only

the board speaks of the king's danger.


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First and foremost, I'm an adamant follower of honor­

able conduct. If Ι feel something to be morally incorrect Ι ννίll not

tolerate myself to do it πο matter how easily Ι may get away

with it; and thus, Ι hope to influence the reader accordingly. For

example, it is immoral to knock over a piece, purposely set it οπ

a different square, then argue that it is correctly placed.

Οπ the other hand, if Ι feel that an advantage is indeed

within the arena offair play even if it is somewhat devious, then

Ι ννίll ardently strive for its attainment. Although the effective

manipulation of blitz conditions may elίcit ΠΙ feelings from ίts tar­

get, ίt is ίπ πο way i//egίtimate ΟΓ unsportsmanlίke. We are ίπ a

fast paced, pressured arena. The legal utilization of these rad­

ical conditions is only prudent strategy.

As previously stated, both players aim to ννίπ using any

means allowed them by the stated rules. Arιy player falling vic­

tim to a clever trick could have fairly employed the same trick

οπ his aggressor. If the method is not of some cultural vogue,

then so be ίΙ Is it wrong ίπ slow chess to hide a bishop οπ the

corner of the boardif it aims to deliver a sudden mate? Would


Page 101: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

it be more proper to tap ουΓ opponent οπ the shoulder and edu­

cate him of the impending hostilities? Of course ποι ΟπlΥ a

frustrated victim's ill-conceived ridicule is deserνing of reproach

since he is attempting to place blame οπ actions that satisfy all

technical stipulations.

The Blade Must Be Sharp!

lπ order for a weapon to be effective, it must remain

fιnely tuned. Since the blitzplayer's weapon is his mind, he

must take care of it if he aims to succeed. This means a healthy

diet, adequate rest and exercise, and perhaps some form of

vitamin boost before combat.

Many believe that intelligence is a permanent genetic

function fιxed at birth, so their physical health has πο relevance

to the quality of their calculations. This couldn't be farther from

the truth. While Ι can site my own experiences with optimum

versus poor health, the best advice Ι can offer is to experiment

yourself. Eat fast food for a couple days. burn yourself out at

the office. catch οπlΥ a few hours of sleep, then play a session

of blitz. lπ the following week take fιne care of yourself and play

again. The verdict will manifest itself.

Downing a large health drink twenty minutes before

competing is an excellent habit for success. Carrot juice has

been best for me. Vegetable juice is great. Protein smoothies

work well. Now that ουΓ mind is fresh and fueled. we may slice


Page 102: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

through ουΓ opponents with razor sharp technique!

Trash Ta/king

Many prefer to keep a cordial tone to the contest.

During the session not much is said save an occasional remark

of a sincere and respectful quality. Then there are others who

prefer a politically incorrect competition. Νονν away from their

professional world, they enjoy allowing the children within them

to frolic ίη unrestrained, uncensored censure. As neither party

takes the other seriously, spirited vocal exchange can ΡΓονθ

both refreshing and comical. While contributing this delίghtful

fraternity to the meeting, such banter also yields an added lθνθl

of competition ίπ which the better talker succeeds ίπ decisively

distracting and intimidating his ορροηθηΙ This advantage

proves signifιcant enough to merit substantial effort for its

acquisition. Put most simply, the good blίtz player knows how

Ιο talk trash!

While it might ΡΓονθ humorous, there is ηο need to give

examples of effective invective as ννθ all can remember ουΓ

days οη the school playground. It is important, though, to pre­

pare ourselves against the debiIitating effect of such a barrage

of insults. If ννθ fιnd ourselves ίη a contest ίη which ουΓ ορρο­

nent is quite vocal, ννθ can either fιght fιΓθ with fιΓθ, ΟΓ choose

to ignore him. Ιπ either case ουΓ goal is Ιο ΓθωΒίπ undisturbed

so that we may continue Ιο perform at ουΓ ορΙίωυω level'


Page 103: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

If we choose to ignore him, ουΓ best plan is to remem­

ber the detriment of a cumbersome ego, and simply dismiss

such silly supeήicial nudging. Besides, the fιnallaugh is always

found οπ the scoreboard. If we play ουΓ game, ουΓ opponent

ννίΙΙ eventuaIIy grow wary of expending so much energy ίπ vain,

and he ννίΙΙ quiet down.

If we do fιnd ourselves becoming intimidated at ουΓ

opponent's apparent confιdence, we must remedy the situation

at once. Α simple solution is to boldly affirm out loud how much

better we are than he. This is not so much for him to hear as it

is for us. Such self-affirmation is quite effective ίπ stabilizing

confidence. If we believe ίπ ουΓ heart what we say, and let our­

selves hear it, ουΓ play ννίΙΙ foIIow accordingly.

Mum's The Word

It is very important that we keep ουΓ understanding

under lock and key, for the surrender of ουΓ secrets ννίΙΙ yield

many of them sterile. While at the end of the series we may feel

the urge to triumphantly show ουΓ friend the different strategies

and techniques we have been employing, we must remember

the elimination of the ego and have restraint if they are to work

ίπ the future.


Page 104: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell


We have come a long way. While it may have

appeared that blitz chess was mere/y a standard game of

chess p/ayed within a smaller time interνa/, we have πονν wit­

nessed that this is far from the truth. The time crisis creates a

who/e new arena ίπ which the successful strategies originate

from a well-tempered synthesis of the board logic and time


The most wide reaching aspect of this new system is

the advocation of a tactical approach over a positiona/ one. The

positiona/ p/ayer πο /onger has the time to administer de/icate

refutations to spirited attempts at comp/ications. Because of

this, tactics decide the winner; thus, the best b/itz p/ayers are


This /eads to an opening repertoire designed for the

greatest tactical chances. Since ουΓ opponent does not have

time to ponder positions new to him, outstanding consideration

is a/so given to the novelty and rarity of ουΓ openings.

Through active manipulation of the time crisis, we

transform it into a potent tool. ΒΥ moving rapidly, initiating

bluffs, and adapting to esca/ating blitz peri/, ουΓ play integrates

not ΟΠ/Υ logic but a massive psychological ideology character-


Page 105: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

istic to champion blitz competition. Το top ίt off, we also have a

formidable arsenal of specifίc blitz traps that snare θνθn the

most eχperienced gladiators.

ΑιI this considered, the unwary opponent doesn't stand

a chance wίth a gameplan of mere chess theory. Eχpecting a

placid, enduring journey, he wiII be devoured ίπ short order by

the ensUΊng ten-minute tempest. He will have πο idea what hit

him, for while he plays chess, we play blitz. Go get 'eml


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0:18 3:58

0:13 4:05

1. 2.

0:04 1:31

0:07 1:43

3. 4.


Page 107: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

0:12 1:40

0:10 2:02

5. 6.

1:25 3:17

1:52 2:59

7. 8.


Page 108: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

2:00 0:03

2:11 0:03

9. 10.

2:06 0:14

2:32 0:08

11. 12.


Page 109: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

4:35 0:08

4:31 0:04

13. 14.

3:07 2:14

2:51 2:57

15. 16.


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0:22 2:45

0:13 2:28

17. 18.

1:50 1:23

1:51 1:06

19. 20.


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Basic Tactics ρ.38 - 41

1. Qa7

2. Qxh ... ΚxQ, hg ... Κxg, Be4#

3. Bc5 ... Bb6, Qf4

4. Rg8

5. Qxh+ ... QxQ, BxQ+ ... ΚxB, RxR

6. Bf5 ... Kd8, RxN ... cxR, c6


8. Qh8+ ... ΚxQ, Bf6+ ... Kg8, Rd8#

9. f7+

10. Nxp+ ... dxN, d5

11. Qe5

12. Rc6+ ... Bc6, Nc5+ ... Ka5, Bc7#

13. Ne5

14. Qxh+ ... ΚxQ, Ng5+ ... Kh6, Nxf7+ Draw


16. Be7


Page 113: Blitz Theory How to Win at Blitz Chess 2nd Ed_Maxwell

Blίtz Exercises

1. Rf6 "check"

2. Nxe sacrifιce (Bxe is also ok)

3. Kg1 closest to clock

4. Qc7??!

5. Οχρ stunning

6. h3 luft

7. Kf2 (nothing special warranted)

8. Kb1 diffusing skewer threat

9. h3 luft

10. Kf4 closest to clock

11. Bd4 diffusing mating combinations

12. Rg7 "check"

13. Kd1 diffusing fork threat (not Ne2)

14. h4 closest to clock

15. h31uft

16. Rxh sacrifιce

17. Kh2 keeping position complicated

18. Ne4 (nothing special warranted)

19. Kh1 diffusing tactics

20. Bd4??!


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