blink 182 poster analysis

Holly Taylor blink-182 Album Advertisement Analysis. The poster is an advertisement for one of the most popular and influential Pop Punk bands: blink-182’s comeback album after their breakup in 2005. This particular poster advertisement is much anticipated by many fans of the band and so therefore is quite eye catching with the white font contrasting against the black/greyscale background. The main central image is the album’s cover called “Neighborhoods”. The central image is in greyscale and creates a feeling of t he band going back to their original roots as the greyscale colour tone is conventional of the past and therefore suggests that the band’s sound is similar to their old music as the grayscale is quite traditional. The band’s name seamlessly blends with the background of the labyrinthine structure of the buildings for the band’s name to be structured similar to the roofs of the buildings in the neighbourhood. This suggests that the band’s new album is relatable for everyone and the band’s identity is established as being a relatable and engaging band for audiences to relate to. The font used on this poster is complex, made up of different shaped straight lines in graffiti like font. The graffiti style is associated with the “hip hop” genre, this is representative of Travis Barker who has included a rapper as a special guest on one of the album’s tracks and so this is represented through the font of the album’s name: “Neighborhoods”. Characters There are no particular characters that feature on this album poster and so this suggests that the band are well established enough to not have to provide any characters or any images of themselves to advertise their album, as they are already well established and easily recognisable just by their name alone. Iconography: The iconic imagery in this particular poster is the graffiti written on the buildings which are supposed to symbolise the concrete jungle that is New York. Graffiti is typically an iconic image associated with urban New York, and so a relatable aspect is created. The graffiti on the buildings are tributes to friends of the band and band member’s, such as the name “DJ AM” which is located on one of the buildings towards the front, was a close friend of the drummer: Travis Barker. He died in 2009 and so his name featuring on the buildings is a memorial and a tribute to him. This creates a personal and emotional connection with the audience. Setting: The setting of this poster is New York with all the buildings symbolising the “concrete jungle” setting of New York which creates quite a confined, urban feeling towards the album, which suggests that some of the tracks to feature on the album feature Travis Barker’s more urbanised roots. Features of the poster Below the album artwork for the Neighborhoods album features text which says: “Neighborhoods The new album from blink-182, featuring “Up all Night”. The title of the album and the band’s name are both in large font of the same size, which suggests the importance the band’s name is when it comes to attracting people to purchase their album. The date is also in quite a large font, with the date, title and band’s name in a similar size, this is so when the audience is looking at the poster, they see the main points of interest in order to know when the album is set for release. The band’s logo is situated towards the bottom left side of the poster and stands out against the black background, which suggests that the band’s logo is a focal point of interest to intrigue the audience.

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Blink 182 poster analysis

Holly Taylor

blink-182 Album Advertisement Analysis.

The poster is an advertisement for one of the most popular and influential Pop Punk bands:

blink-182’s comeback album after their breakup in 2005. This particular poster advertisement is

much anticipated by many fans of the band and so therefore is quite eye catching with the white

font contrasting against the black/greyscale background. The main central image is the album’s

cover called “Neighborhoods”. The central image is in greyscale and creates a feeling of the

band going back to their original roots as the greyscale colour tone is conventional of the past

and therefore suggests that the band’s sound is similar to their old music as the grayscale is

quite traditional.

The band’s name seamlessly blends with the background of the labyrinthine structure of the

buildings for the band’s name to be structured similar to the roofs of the buildings in the

neighbourhood. This suggests that the band’s new album is relatable for everyone and the

band’s identity is established as being a relatable and engaging band for audiences to relate to.

The font used on this poster is complex, made up of different shaped straight lines in graffiti like

font. The graffiti style is associated with the “hip hop” genre, this is representative of Travis

Barker who has included a rapper as a special guest on one of the album’s tracks and so this is

represented through the font of the album’s name: “Neighborhoods”.


There are no particular characters

that feature on this album poster

and so this suggests that the band

are well established enough to not

have to provide any characters or

any images of themselves to

advertise their album, as they are

already well established and easily

recognisable just by their name



The iconic imagery in this particular

poster is the graffiti written on the

buildings which are supposed to

symbolise the concrete jungle that is

New York. Graffiti is typically an iconic

image associated with urban New York,

and so a relatable aspect is created.

The graffiti on the buildings are tributes

to friends of the band and band

member’s, such as the name “DJ AM”

which is located on one of the buildings

towards the front, was a close friend of

the drummer: Travis Barker. He died in

2009 and so his name featuring on the

buildings is a memorial and a tribute to

him. This creates a personal and

emotional connection with the


Setting: The setting of this poster is New York

with all the buildings symbolising the

“concrete jungle” setting of New York

which creates quite a confined, urban

feeling towards the album, which

suggests that some of the tracks to

feature on the album feature Travis

Barker’s more urbanised roots.

Features of the poster

Below the album artwork for the Neighborhoods album features text which says: “Neighborhoods

The new album from blink-182, featuring “Up all Night”. The title of the album and the band’s

name are both in large font of the same size, which suggests the importance the band’s name is

when it comes to attracting people to purchase their album. The date is also in quite a large font,

with the date, title and band’s name in a similar size, this is so when the audience is looking at

the poster, they see the main points of interest in order to know when the album is set for

release. The band’s logo is situated towards the bottom left side of the poster and stands out

against the black background, which suggests that the band’s logo is a focal point of interest to

intrigue the audience.