blake lapthorn's green breakfast with guest speaker keeran jugdoyal, faithful+gould


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On Wednesday 13 November 2013, Blake Lapthorn's climate change team hosted a green breakfast seminar. Guest speaker Keeran Jugdoyal, Mechanical Engineering Manager at Faithful+Gould, talked about the lessons his company has learnt about the end use of sustainable buildings.


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End Use of

Sustainable Buildings

Lessons Learnt

13th November 2013

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1. An introduction to sustainable buildings

2. The challenges to achieving them in reality

3. Post occupancy evaluation of sustainable buildings

4. Case study of the Marks & Spencer Sustainable Learning Store

5. Questions and answers


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Impacts of the built environment

• The construction and maintenance of buildings is responsible

for around half of UK carbon dioxide emissions.

• The construction industry consumes around 6 tonnes of

materials per year for every person living in the UK

• More than 400 million tonnes of materials get delivered to site

each year. Of these 60 million tonnes go straight to tip.

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Regulatory and other drivers

• Revisions of Part L of the Building Regulations

• EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

• DEC’s and EPC’s

• Code for Sustainable Home

• Tax incentives

• Zero Carbon Targets

• 2016 for homes

• 2019 for non-domestic buildings

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Recent Sustainable Buildings

Co-op Headquarters World Wildlife Fund Headquarters

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The Performance Gap

Most sustainable buildings do not perform as

well as the initial design claim

After a year of operation, London City Hall was consuming a reported 50% more energy than it had been predicted to consume

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Pre-Occupancy Measures

• BIM and Soft Landings


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m e




Stage B



Stage D



Stage P



Stage A

Years 1 to 3

Extended Aftercare

Stage Y

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• Technique for understanding how buildings are performing

• Includes monitoring of performance and occupant satisfaction

• Energy, carbon, waste, water, satisfaction, productivity

What is Post Occupancy Evaluation?

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• Understand the gap between design and actual performance

• Understand the importance of occupant engagement

• Save money

• Put greater onus on the design team / contractor

• Test if renewables worked

Why use it?

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Productivity gains

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Marks & Spencer Cheshire Oaks Eco Learning Store

Located in the Cheshire Oaks Retail Park near

Ellesmere Port

Gross internal area: 19,500 m² Net sales area: 13,800 m²

Covering two floors Complete with three cafes and a

extensive food hall

Plan A aspirations: Reduce the impact of M&S buildings

on the environment and become come more resource efficient

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Building features

• The roof is made of FSC-certified glulam timber.

• 230 prefabricated Hemclad® panels have been

used in the wall delivering a design U value of


• Aluminium “white” roof reflects excess heat.

• North lights in the roof to maximise the use of

natural light

• High level of air tightness <3m³/hr.m² @ 50 Pa

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Low Carbon Building Services

• 300 kW wood pellet boiler

• Displacement ventilation system with six

independently controllable zones and free cooling

• Automatic light dimming system to utilise daylight

where available

• CO2 refrigeration system with CO2

piped directly to food cabinets and

cold rooms.

• Heat reclaim on the refrigerators.

• 80,000 litre rainwater harvesting

system predicted to reduce mains

water consumption by 25%

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• 300 m² living wall with 30 plant species.

• The retention of a swale area and pond

• 228 new trees

• 9 swift boxes have been built into the wall at concealed location for mating swifts to use.

• A further 6 bird boxes in the perimeter fence

• Wildflower meadow bank around edge of the store

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Staff and customer enhancements

• Transport enhancements

o Improvements to cycle ways, crossings, roadway and


o Contribution towards improved bus services

o Electric car charging points

o Staff shower and cycle stands to encourage cycling

• 400 new jobs

• Educational visits to schools and universities

• Interactive information points throughout the store

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Planned activities

Overview of POE Tasks • 1 year’s worth performance monitoring

• Assess building envelope

• Benchmark against other buildings in the M&S portfolio

• Assess the sustainable features

• Survey staff and customers

• Review biodiversity

• Disseminate the good practice lessons

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Questions the POE aims to answer

• Which features work, and which do not?

• Is the extra effort involved in providing these features worth the effort?

• Are operational costs reduced? – Initial signs are promising as we will see.

• Do the store’s features attract more customers and generate more sales?

• What are the key lessons to be carried over to future developments?

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Performance Targets for the Store

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Design and construction data

• To fully understand the post occupancy performance of a building, an understanding is required of the events leading up to it being put into use.

• Design documents provide the basis of understanding how the building was originally intended to operate.

• Issues arising during construction can cause the design of a building to be altered away from the original intent.

• Issues arising during the operational phase

can sometimes trace their roots back to

issues at the design, construction or

commissioning phase.

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Measuring Energy Performance

Building management system

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Monthly energy reporting

Sample monthly energy report

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Lighting – Electricity use carpet plot

Days over the monitoring period






Good at switching off outside trading hours.

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Building Fabric Performance

Contractor’s survey focused on integrity of the insulation

F+G’s survey focused on the building’s heat


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Building fabric performance

External temperatures less then 0°C

Thermal imaging surveys cannot verify air tightness of a building and therefore other methods are required.



23:00 07:00

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Biodiversity findings

• Sources of information include:

Pre-construction habitat survey

Post-construction habitat survey

BREEAM retail assessment

Site biodiversity meeting

• A site biodiversity action plan has be

produced. The plan has 9 site specific

targets which are all on track to be

achieved - examples:

No loss of amphibian breeding,

foraging and shelter habitat.

Retain and protect hedgerows

where practicable

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Electricity performance against benchmarks

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Staff Survey

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Lessons learnt from Cheshire Oak

Key factors that contribute to the successful operation of the building:

• Clear vision for the building expressed through Plan A and the

Sustainable Construction Manual.

• Close collaboration with designers and contractors throughout the

construction and commissioning process.

• Detailed hand-over process with clear operation and maintenance


• Post occupancy workshops which bring together designers, contractors

and facilities staff to examine the building’s performance in use.

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Lessons learnt continued

The fundamental principles of energy efficient building design

are well known. Don’t lose sight of them:

• Good insulation

• High levels of air tightness

• Limited thermal bridging

• Maximise natural light

• Reduce solar gains

• Simple HVAC systems are easier to control and


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Lessons Learnt Continued

Issues encountered:

• Difficult to assess the performance of certain sustainable features due to

lack of consideration to monitoring at the design stage.

• Initial resistance from some stakeholders not use to sharing information with

third parties.

• Challenging to interpret some of the data received without knowing the day

to day activities in the building.

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• Post Occupancy Evaluations can provide feedback on how a buildings are

performing against original concept.

• The assessment of the hard technical measures such as energy use must be

performed in tandem with soft analysis from the building users in order to

provide meaningful results.

• The process allows operational savings to be identified that might never be

spotted in the normal day to day operations of a building. Hence the

importance of using third parties.

• It provides good quantitative data on how a building is performing that can be

used to inform future building projects.

• The techniques can be applied to assess existing poor performing buildings.

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Keeran Jugdoyal

Senior Engineer

[email protected]