bitcoin sharing session @ stanford ceo

Why Bitcoin will change everything Tom Ding, Founder @Koinify

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Why Cryptocurrency will chang everything. Session at Stanford CEO session by Tom Ding, founder @Koinify


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Why Bitcoin will change everything Tom Ding, Founder


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Religion: Cryptocurrency

Founder @KoinifySr. Manager @eBay U.S. and ChinaMarketing @ Alibaba, @Trilogy

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Part I - Bitcoin is Dollar 2.0

Bitcoin is a Digital Cash, without central authority for issuance nor exchange

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Blockchain Explained

Transaction amount

Input & Output address

A unique private key controls the fund

Block 101

Block 102

Block 103


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Public key, Private Key & Address

2^160 address space for Bitcoin

Private Key

Public Key


(RIPEMD160) Bitcoin address (160 bit)

Shark attack: 2^24PowerBall: 2^28

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Banking system: Centralized Ledger

Bank of America

Private Server

Hai $500


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Decentralized Ledger

Hai $500


Hai $500


Hai $500


Computer NComputer 2 Computer 1


Synchronize Synchronize

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Double spending problem

Hai $500


Hai $500$600Yu

Hai $500


Computer N

Computer 2 Computer 1


-$15 => $485

-$20=> $480

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Solution: Proof of Work

Hai $500


Hai $500$600Yu

Hai $500


Computer 1


-$20 => $480

Computer 2 Computer N




Found correct solve


Adopt new chain



Adopt longest chain Adopt longest chain

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❖ Explain what is a bitcoin wallet?

❖ Guess how large is the total bitcoin blockchain since genesis block in 2009?

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But where does Money and Bitcoins come from?

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Money = Debt = Economy Lubrication

❖ Barter

❖ Commodity money

❖ Precious metal / Gold

❖ Fiat money (11AD)

❖ 1944 - 1971: Bretton Woods agreement

❖ 1971: Nixon shock

❖ Bitcoin (2009)

Transaction cost



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Bernanke: Let there be money

Treasury Bonds



2+1,000,000 T-

Bills- 1,000,000 USD



+1,000,000 USD

+1,000,000 USD

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Sad story of Zimbabwe

• First Dollar: ZWD (1980)

1.47 USD: 1 ZWD


• Third Dollar

1 ZWR = 10 billion ZWN

• Fourth dollar: We’re really screwed!

A 100-trillion-dollar bill, it turns out, is worth about $5.

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Worldwide inflation

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Satoshi: Let there be coins

Transaction 1

Transaction 1

Transaction N

25 reward

Block 100

Transaction 1

Transaction 1

Transaction N

Block 101

25 reward

+25 Bitcoins!

+25 Bitcoins!

Max 21,000,000

Bitcoin Miner/Processor

Bitcoin Miner/Processor

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- Money = debt

- Dollar is a product (produced by government)

- Cryptocurrency is Dollar 2.0: Solving for Principal-Agent risk

Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency

Predefined supply algorithm

Vote by money

Central Bank

- Create money

- Set interest rate & reserve requirement

- NO opt-out


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❖ Assuming transaction fee is zero, Is Bitcoin transaction free? Why?

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Part II - Permission less innovation & Social


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Innovation accelerates with decentralization







1984: 3D

Printing -








2009 :

Bitcoin –


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How can cryptocurrency help?

❖ 5th protocol: Value exchange layer (e.g. Uber)

❖ Decentralized financial innovations - e.g. pool insurance

❖ MaidSafe: Decentralizing Internet

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Story in Uganda


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- Thomas Hobbes <Social Contract>

“… that a man be willing, when others are so too, … , to lay down

this right to all things; and be contented with so much liberty

against other men as he would allow other men against himself.”





Business Contracts

Non-profit LLP

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Cryptocurrency enabling new org structure

❖ Why: Principal-Agent-Customer

❖ Distributed software foundations

❖ Charity / Investment Vehicle

❖ Autonomous public service

❖ Crowd Jury

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Yes, it’s all happening

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PayPal for Bitcoin: Coinbase

❖ One of the most popular wallet/ exchange

❖ Serving 31,000+ merchants

❖ $30m+ funding form A16Z, Union square, YCombinator, etc.

❖ Daily volume $20m +++

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Derivative: ICBIT

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Ethereum❖ Turing complete scripting language

❖ Contract, storage and fuel (Ether)

❖ Financial contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organization, Voting, etc.Vitalik

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Decentralizing Internet: MaidSafe

AWS DistributedRaised $6mil in 5hours

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Most exciting crypto startup ever

❖ Traditional: Angel - VC - IPO

❖ Koinify: IPO on Day 1

❖ Coin Products:

❖ Game, Apps

❖ Financial assets

❖ Celebrity / Personal Coins

Sponsored Ads

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What’s Success for Koinify

❖ US Annual Tax income: $3.3 trillion

❖ Crowdfund HyperLoop - $7 billion

❖ Government projects modularized - medical research, space projects, even university

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Life: powered by blockchain

Birth StartupFinance for College IPO WillLawsuit

Powered by Blockchain


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Recap – 3 layers of innovation

Money as a service: Bitcoin & Altcoins

Permission-less innovation

Social contracts: Ethereum

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–Steve Jobs

“Life can be much broader once you discover …Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, …”

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Quiz / Open discussion

❖ Most exciting crypto use case for you

❖ Implications for a world with abundant currencies

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Email: [email protected]: @tom_ding

WeChat: tomding1987

Koinify is hiring!

CTO, Founding Engineer#full-stack #distributed#cryptography #security

We Pay cash, equity & Koins!

Sponsored Ads

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Thought Experiment 2If X never invented, given X and Y, would Y be a no brainer?

Appendix: Evaluating Disruptive Technology

Often disguised as cheaper but inferior, or better but too expensive

Thought Experiment 1Assuming 100% adoption,, would it be a better world?

Thought Experiment 3: What if it becomes 100x cheaper, AND 100x faster?

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Appendix: Bitcoin price

❖ Miners selling bitcoin

❖ Merchant cash out

❖ Tax

❖ Stronger regulation / Decreased liquidity

❖ User adoption growth

❖ Hoarding

❖ Fiat currency inflation / Economy conditions worsen

❖ Cross-border remittance

❖ Institutional involvement

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Appendix: Further Resources

❖ Bitcoin-Dev Mailing List

❖ JayWSalon BitCoin SIG

❖ Sillicon Valley Bitcoin Meetup : Every Tue @ Plug n Play

❖ Stanford Bitcoin Meetup (Palo Alto)

❖ Ethereum Meetup

❖ SV Counterparty Meetup (In progress)