bisphosphonates highly considered for treating newly discovered disease

Bisphosphonates Highly Considered for Treating Newly Discovered Disease

Upload: fosamaxattorneys2012

Post on 03-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine

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DESCRIPTION A rare, previously undiscovered disease is currently being studied — with bisphosphonates being looked into as a possible form of treatment, medical experts say. Even with further research granting bisphosphonates (like Fosamax) a fresh perspective as a viable drug for treatment, the FDA still closely monitors Fosamax for more evidence of severe side effects. The disease is currently referred to as “arterial calcification due to CD73 deficiency.” It is a genetic disease that results from the mutation of the NT5E gene that codes the CD73 enzyme responsible for preventing calcification. The mutated gene alters the adenosine produced by the enzyme and thereby causing calcium to accumulate and create plaque formations in the blood vessels of the patient’s extremities. Visit here:


Page 1: Bisphosphonates highly considered for treating newly discovered disease

Bisphosphonates Highly

Considered for Treating

Newly Discovered Disease

Page 2: Bisphosphonates highly considered for treating newly discovered disease

A rare, previously undiscovered

disease is currently being studied —

with bisphosphonates being looked

into as a possible form of treatment,

medical experts say. Even with further

research granting bisphosphonates

(like Fosamax) a fresh perspective as

a viable drug for treatment,

the FDA still closely monitors Fosa


for more evidence of severe side


Page 3: Bisphosphonates highly considered for treating newly discovered disease

The disease is currently referred to as “arterial

calcification due to CD73 deficiency.” It is a

genetic disease that results from the mutation of

the NT5E gene that codes the CD73 enzyme

responsible for preventing calcification. The

mutated gene alters the adenosine produced by

the enzyme and thereby causing calcium to

accumulate and create plaque formations in the

blood vessels of the patient’s extremities.

Page 4: Bisphosphonates highly considered for treating newly discovered disease

The story of this disease was first reported in The New

England Journal of Medicine. One of the first cases to

be studied was that of Louise Benge who had trouble

walking when she was 25 and whose symptoms only

worsened after 20 years. She experienced pain and

hardening in her hands and feet with local doctors at a

loss to explain her condition. The X-ray shots of her

affected extremities detected calcium deposits in the

blood vessels of her arms and legs but sparing her

vital organs which at least led physicians to consider

the condition as non-life-threatening for now.

Page 5: Bisphosphonates highly considered for treating newly discovered disease

Her case was further investigated by the

Undiagnosed Diseases Program of the National

Institutes of Health. The programs team of

specialists found the cause of Ms. Benge’s condition

and even diagnosed nine other people of this disease,

including four of Ms. Benge’s siblings. As yet no

treatment exists for this condition, but the ability of

bisphosphonates to siphon off calcium from the blood

and into the bones is considered a clear benefit for

people already taking the drug as osteoporosis

treatment. More studies need to be conducted to find

a method of treatment for this rare condition.

Page 6: Bisphosphonates highly considered for treating newly discovered disease

For anyone looking for more information and

updates on osteoporosis, bisphosphonates, and

their side-effects, you may find what you are

looking in online resources on the net. If you know

someone who may have suffered an injury from a

complication of taking Fosamax, then you can find

more information on Fosamax side effects on the

Fosamax class action lawsuit web page.

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