biophysical chemistry: nmr spectroscopy - vrije...

Overview and Context Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Summary Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetism Lieven Buts Vrije Universiteit Brussel 21st October 2011 Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

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Page 1: Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy - Vrije … and Context Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Summary Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Biophysical Chemistry: NMR SpectroscopyNuclear Magnetism

Lieven Buts

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

21st October 2011

Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

Page 2: Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy - Vrije … and Context Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Summary Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance



1 Overview and ContextPractical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

2 Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

3 Summary

Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

Page 3: Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy - Vrije … and Context Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Summary Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher


1 Overview and ContextPractical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

2 Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

3 Summary

Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher


Proteins (andother biological


Function anddysfunction

Functional characterisation(binding studies,

enzymology,in vivo studies)

Structural characterisation(information aboutlarger complexes,

high-resolution structuresof the components)

X-ray crystallography(diffraction)

High-resolution NMR(HNMR)

Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

Prerequisites and References

This part of the course assumes basic familiarity with the theoryof electromagnetism and organic chemistry.The following books are used as reference material:

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Oxford Chemistry Primers#32), P.J. Hore, Oxford Science Publications, ISBN0-19-855682-9Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(2nd edition), M.H. Levitt, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-51117-6Understanding NMR Spectroscopy, J. Keeler, Wiley, ISBN978-0-470-01786-9

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher


1 Overview and ContextPractical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

2 Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

3 Summary

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

The Electric Field

Coulomb’s law describesthe force between twostatic charges q and q0:

~F =1




and leads to the conceptof the electric fieldemanating from onecharge and influencingthe other:

~E =~Fq0




The deflection of an electronbetween two charged plates is aclassical application of this idea:

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher


The magnetic field isintroduced to describeinteractions betweenmoving charges:

~F = q ·~v× ~B

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

Magnetic Dipoles (1)

A magnetic dipoleproduces a magnetic fieldwith a characteristicpattern of field lines, andcan be describe by thefollowing equations:

Bµ,x =µ0


r3 (3 sin(θ) cos(θ))

Bµ,y = 0

Bµ,z =µ0


r3 (3 cos2(θ)− 1)

Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

Magnetic Dipoles (2)In certain positions themagnetic field vector hasspecial properties:

parallel with thedipole moment on thez axisantiparallel to thedipole moment on thex axisperpendicular to thedipole moment on aline making an angleθ = 54.7◦ (for which3 cos2(θ)− 1 = 0) withthe z axis.

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

Magnetic Dipoles (3)

The energy of a magneticdipole in an externalmagnetic field is determinedby their strengths andrelative orientation:

E = ~µ · ~B = |~µ| · |~B| · cos(θ)

Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

Induction and EM Waves

Electric currents give rise to magnetic fields, and changingmagnetic fields induce currents in conductors. An alternatingcurrent produces electromagnetic waves, in which the electricand magnetic fields evolve in a coupled way, and both becomefunctions of position and time:

~E = ~E(~r, t);~B = ~B(~r, t);~B ⊥ ~E

The most complete description of all EM phenomena isprovided by the Maxwell equations.

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher


1 Overview and ContextPractical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

2 Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

3 Summary

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Practical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

The Quantum Mechanical Atom

The classical "solar system" model with particles following awell-defined trajectory is replaced by a probabilistic descriptionwith an inherent uncertainty principle.

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Molecular Orbitals

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications


1 Overview and ContextPractical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

2 Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

3 Summary

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

Nuclear Spin

Elementary particles, such as electrons, neutrons andprotons, have been found to possess an intrinsic angularmomentum, known as spin. Spin is a fundamental propertyof particles, just like their mass and charge, and cannot beintepreted in terms of an actual physical rotation.The spin angular momentum is a vector quantity~I with amagnitude of

√I(I + 1)~, where I is the spin quantum

number of the particle. For electrons, neutrons andprotons, I = 1

2 .In atomic nuclei the spins of the component protons andneutrons partially or completely compensate each other,leaving the nucleus with a relatively small spin quantumnumber I of 0, 1

2 , 1, 32 , 2, ...

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

Nuclear Magnetism

The intrinsic angular momentum~I inevitably gives rise to amagnetic dipole moment ~µ:

~µ = γ~I

in which the gyromagnetic ratio γ is a characteristicconstant for each type of nucleus.Because the nuclei of different isotopes have differentnumbers of neutrons, they will have different spin quantumnumbers and magnetogyric ratios. In NMR, isotopes aregenerally referred to as nuclides.

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

Biologically Relevant Nuclides

Nuclide I γ/107radT−1s−1 Abundance/%1H 1

2 26.75 99.9852H 1 4.11 0.01512C 0 0 98.8913C 1

2 6.73 1.10814N 1 1.93 99.6415N 1

2 -2.71 0.3616O 0 0 99.75617O 5

2 -3.63 0.03718O 0 0 0.205

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications


The angular momentum, and therefore the dipole moment,are further quantised in a single direction, which is chosento lie along the z axis by convention. The quantisation rulestates that the z component of~I can only adopt values ofthe form Iz = m~ .m is the magnetic quantum number, which can adoptvalues between −I and I, in integer steps:

m = I, I − 1, I − 2, ...,−I + 1,−I

~ = h2π , where h = 6.622× 10−34J.s is the Planck constant.

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

Effect of an External Magnetic Field

In the absence of any significant external magnetic field,the direction of quantisation (the z axis) is arbitrary, and allmagnetic substates have the same energy.In the presence of a strong external magnetic field (~B0 withmagnitude B0), the direction of quantisation aligns with thefield, and each substate acquires a different energydetermined by its magnetic quantum number:

E = m~γB0

This gives rise to 2I energy differences, all equal to∆E = ~γB0

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

The Simplest Case: I = 1/2

When I = 12 there are two possible energy levels with

m = +12 (generally denoted α) and with m = −1

2 (β).α and β are two special, stationary states of a spin-1/2.In general, a spin-1/2 exists as a quantum mechanicalsuperposition of the two stationary states. Its state isdescribed by the general wave function Ψ, which is a linearcombination of the wave functions of the stationary states:

Ψ = cαα+ cββ


cα, cβ ∈ C

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

Interactions with EM Waves

A spin in an external field can absorb or emit electromagenticwaves when two conditions are satisfied:

the magnetic quantum numbers of the nuclear statesbefore and after the interaction can differ by only one unit(this is the selection rule):

∆m = ±1

the energy of the photons, determined by their frequency νor wavelength λ, must match the energy differencebetwdeen the two states:

∆E = hν =hcλ

= ~γB0

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications


1 Overview and ContextPractical MattersElectromagnetism RefresherOrganic Chemistry Refresher

2 Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

3 Summary

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

NMR in the EM Spectrum (1)

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Basic NMR InstrumentationNuclear magnetic resonance was first observed using relativelysimple experimental setups:

The first experiments were done on simple pure compounds,such as water and ethanol (shown here):

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NMR in the EM Spectrum (2)

B = 9.4 T

B = 21.2 T0



H1 C13


B = 9.4 T

B = 21.2 T0


4 kHz

9 kHz

� (Hz) 1022










� (MHz)






F19 P31


900 226 140 51847 365

� (ppm) 010 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Gammarays X rays



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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Nuclear Spin and MagnetismPractical Implications

Continuous Wave versus Puls/FT

There are two obvious ways of recording an NMR spectrum.One possibility is to irradiate the sample with an RF source ofconstant amplitude and frequency, while varying the intensity ofthe external magnetic field. The other is to generate a constantmagnetic field, while varying the frequency of the RF source.Since in both cases the sample is continuously exposed to RFradiation, this approach is known as continuous wave NMRspectrosocpy.As we shall see, it is also possible to apply a short and powerfulRF pulse to the sample, which simultaneously excites all nucleiin the sample, after which the different resonance frequenciescan be deduced using a Fourier analysis. This pulse/FTapproach has essentially completely displaced continuouswave methods because of its enormous practical advantages.

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Summary (1)

Electrons and nuclei possess an intrinsic angularmomentum~I, which is subject to quantisation rulesinvolving a spin quantum number I and a magneticquantum number m.Some nuclei, including 12C, have a spin quantum numberI = 0 and are magnetically inert. Many biologicallyimportant nuclides, including 1H, 13C and 15N, have I = 1

2 .Unpaired electrons are also in this category of "spins-1/2".Other nuclei with I > 1

2 can also be studied by NMR, butwill be ignored here.Any spin-1/2 behaves like a magnetic dipole with amagnetic moment ~µ = γ~I, where γ is a characteristicgyromagnetic ratio.

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Overview and ContextNuclear Magnetic Resonance


Summary (2)

For a spin-1/2 (I = 12 ) the magnetic quantum number m can

adopt two different values (+ 12 and −1

2 ), corresponding totwo distinct energy states of the spin in an externalmagnetic field B0.A group of spins-1/2 can absorb electromagnetic radiationwhen the frequency ν of the photons matches the energydifference between the two magnetic states according tothe relationship

∆E = hν = ~γB0

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Summary (3)

An NMR spectrometer has hardware capable of generatinga strong magnetic field B0 as well as RF radiation of adefined frequency ν. It is capable of detecting resonancewhen the combination of these two parameters causesabsorption of the RF energy by the nuclei in the sample.A complicated sample will contain nuclei of the same typeexperiencing different chemical environments, resulting inslightly different resonance frequencies and a spectrumwith distinct lines.

Lieven Buts Biophysical Chemistry: NMR Spectroscopy