biomimicry project description cput

Lecturers: Andrea Broom (Graphic Design), Bruce Snaddon (Graphic Design), Real Futerman (Industrial Design), Elna Lubbe (Surface Design) Title of Project: Biomimicry: An introduction and field study Project Discription: The Biomimicry approach to design entails the imitation of nature's remarkable strategies which have been developed through aeons of research and development. This means that nature is employed in the service of design for the creation of conditions conducive to life for all on the planet. Bios= Life, mimesis = imitation. Nature is thus looked to as model for emulation, mentor for aspirational ideals and a measure for sustainable benchmarking. In the Cape Peninsula University of Technology's faculty of Informatics and Design, five lecturers in Industrial, Graphic and Surface design are currently running a five-week module where 70 students across these three disciplines have firstly been introduced to the Biomimicry methodology developed by the Biomimicry Institute. After exercising their proficiency with this design tool, students have been tasked with looking at the new Fringe district in Cape Town with a view to developing the city's capacity for innovation and creativity in the project of revitalising it economically, socially and structurally. The Fringe district has been earmarked as a place of potential for inclusive re-development on many levels, and plans to model their efforts around the Science Park/innovation hub concept successfully implemented in other cities around the world. The educational value of the approach in terms of design thinking will be assessed by the educators, involved through student reflection and response. A paper will be generated and presented in September at CPUT's international design and research (DDR) conference in September.

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Biomimicry project description cput

Lecturers: Andrea Broom (Graphic Design), Bruce Snaddon (Graphic Design), Real Futerman (Industrial Design), Elna Lubbe (Surface Design) Title of Project: Biomimicry: An introduction and field study Project Discription: The Biomimicry approach to design entails the imitation of nature's remarkable strategies which have been developed through aeons of research and development. This means that nature is employed in the service of design for the creation of conditions conducive to life for all on the planet. Bios= Life, mimesis = imitation. Nature is thus looked to as model for emulation, mentor for aspirational ideals and a measure for sustainable benchmarking. In the Cape Peninsula University of Technology's faculty of Informatics and Design, five lecturers in Industrial, Graphic and Surface design are currently running a five-week module where 70 students across these three disciplines have firstly been introduced to the Biomimicry methodology developed by the Biomimicry Institute. After exercising their proficiency with this design tool, students have been tasked with looking at the new Fringe district in Cape Town with a view to developing the city's capacity for innovation and creativity in the project of revitalising it economically, socially and structurally. The Fringe district has been earmarked as a place of potential for inclusive re-development on many levels, and plans to model their efforts around the Science Park/innovation hub concept successfully implemented in other cities around the world. The educational value of the approach in terms of design thinking will be assessed by the educators, involved through student reflection and response. A paper will be generated and presented in September at CPUT's international design and research (DDR) conference in September.