biology paper1

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  • 7/30/2019 BIOLOGY PAPER1




    1. This question paper consists of50questions.Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan.

    2. AnswerallquestionsJawab semua soalan.

    3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet.Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan yang betul pada kertas jawapan.

    4. Blacken onlyone space for each question.Hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja bagi setiap soalan.

    5. If you wish to change your answer,erase the blackened mark that you have made.Then blacken the space for the new answer.Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan, padam tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan

    jawapan yang baru.

    6. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

    7. You may use non-programmable scientific calculator.Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh dIprogram.

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    1. The following statements are about an organelle of a cell.Pernyataan di bawah adalah tentang organel sesuatu sel.

    What is the organelle ?Apakah organel ini ?

    A VacuoleB NucleusC RibosomeD Golgi body

    2. Diagram 1 shows the structure of a plant cell.Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur suatu sel tumbuhan.

    Diagram 1

    Which of the following is true about X ?Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang X

    A Tough / kuatB Elastic/ kenyalC Fully permeable/ telap sepenuhnyaD Semi-permeable/ separa telap

    3. When a raisin is placed in liquid X for 3 hours, it becomes swollen.What is liquid X ?

    Apabila anggur kering diletakkan di dalam cecair X selama 3 jam, ia mengembang.Apakah larutan X ?

    A Distilled water/ Air sulingB 20% sucrose solution/ 20% larutan sukrosaC 30% sucrose solution/ 30% larutan sukrosaD 20% salt solution / 20% larutan garam

    A membranous sac which occupies a large part of a mature plant cellSebuah kantung yang memenuhi sebahagian besar sel tumbuhuan yang matang

    Contains water, stored food, salts and waste substances.Mengandungi air,menyimpan makanan dan bahan-bahan kumuh


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    4. Potato stripes are immersed in 0.1% sucrose solution. After 2 hours, the stripsare found to be turgid and hard. Why does this happen?Jalur kentang di rendam dalam larutan sukrosa 0.1%.Selepas 2 jam,di dapati jalur tersebut menjadikeras dan segah. Bagaimana keadaan ini boleh berlaku ?

    A The potato cell wall prevents it from shrinking/ dinding sel kentang

    menghalangnya daripada mengecutB The cell sap is hypotonic towards the sucrose solution/ Sel sap adalahhipotonik terhadap larutan sukrosa

    C The potato cell wall allows the sucrose molecules to diffuse into the cell /Dinding sel kentang membenarkan molekul sukrosa meresap ke dalamsel

    D The high concentration of the cell sap in the vacuole causes water todiffuse in/ Kepekatan sel sap vakuoal yang tinggi menyebabkan airmeresap ke dalam sel.

    5. Diagram 2 shows cell M and cell NRajah 2 menunjukkan sel M dan sel N.

    Cell M Cell N

    Diagram 2

    In which direction will water moves between cell M and cell N?Apakah arah pergerakan air antara sel M dan sel N?

    A M to N by osmosis/ M ke N secara osmosisB M to N by active transport / M ke N secara pengangkutan aktifC N to M by osmosis/ N ke M secara osmosisD N to M by active transport/ N ke M secara pengangkutan aktif

    6. An onion cells are immersed in distilled water. Which of the following is trueabout the movement of water molecules?Sel bawang direndam dalam air suling. Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang pergerakanmolekul air ?

    A No water molecules are entering or exiting the cell/ Tiada molekul air

    bergerak masuk atau keluar selB The rate of water molecules entering and exiting the cell is the same/Kadar pergerakan molekul air keluar dan masuk sel adalah sama

    C The rate of water molecules exiting the cell is higher than entering the cell/ Kadar pergerakan molekul air keluar dari sel lebih tinggi daripada masukke dalam sel

    D The rate of water molecules entering the cell is higher than exiting the cell/ Kadar pergerakan molekul air masuk ke dalam sel lebih tinggi daripadakeluar dari sel





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    7. What is the main carbohydrate reserve in liver cells?Apakah jenis karbohidrat utama yang disimpan dalam sel hati?

    A Glucose/ GlukosaB Glycogen/ GlikogenC Lactose/ Laktosa

    D Starch/ Kanji

    8. Diagram 3 shows the effect of pH on the action of enzyme controlled reaction.Rajah 3 menunjukkan kesan pH ke atas tindak balas yang dikawal oleh enzim.

    Which of the following human digestive enzymes would this graph beappropriate ?

    Antara enzim pencernaan berikut yang manakah sesuai dikaitkan dengan graf?

    I TrypsinII Amylase

    III RenninIV Pepsin

    A I and II onlyB III and IV onlyC I, II and III onlyD I, II, III and IV

    9. Which of the following phase is correctly representing meiosis I?Di antara urutan fasa berikut yang manakah mewakili meiosis I?

    I Metaphase I

    II Anaphase IIII Telophase IIV Prophase I



    Rate of


    1 2 3 4 5

    Diagram 3

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    10. Diagram 4 shows the phases in mitosis.Rajah 4 menunjukkan fasa-fasa dalam mitosis.

    Diagram 4Which of the following statements is true about the chromosomes at stages Xand Y?

    Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar tentang kromosom pada peringkat X dan Y ?

    Phase X Phase Y

    A The chromosomes start to shortenand thicken/ Kromosom mulamemendek dan menebal

    The chromosomes form chromatids whichmove to the opposite poles at the cell/Kromosom membentuk kromatid yangbergerak ke kutub bertentangan dalam sel

    B The chromosomes have replicated/Kromosom melakukan replikasi

    The chromosomes start to elongate andclearly visible/ Kromosom mula memanjang

    dan kelihatan jelasC The chromosome are at the equator

    plane/ Kromosom berada pada satahkhatulistiwa sel

    The chromosomes are at the opposite polesin the cell/ Kromosom berada pada kutubbertentangan dalam sel

    D The chromosomes form twinchromatids/ Kromosom membentukkromatid kembar

    The homologous chromosomes are paired /Kromosom homolog dalam keadaanberpasangan

    11. Diagram 5 shows a somatic cell from the cheek of a male organism.Rajah 5 menunjukkan sel soma pipi organisma jantan

    Diagram 5

    What is the type of cell division, the stage and the number of chromosomes in

    the nucleus of the organisms sperm cell?Apakah jenis pembahagian sel, peringkat dan bilangan kromosom di dalam nukleus sel spermaorganisma tersebut?

    Type of cell division Stage Number of chromosomes

    A Mitosis Anaphase 4B Mitosis Metaphase 2C Meiosis Anaphase I 2D Meiosis Metaphase I 4

    X YMetaphase Telophase

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    12. Diagram 6 shows the longitudinal section of a plant root.Rajah 6 menunjukkan keratan memanjang satu akar tumbuhan.

    Diagram 6

    Which part of the root can carry out mitosis?Bahagian manakah pada akar ini yang menjalankan mitosis?

    A P and Q onlyB P and R onlyC Q and R onlyD P, Q and R

    13. Diagram 7 shows four different level of organization of protein structure.Rajah 7 menunjukkan empat peringkat organisma struktur protein.

    Diagram 7

    Which of the following is the correct match?Antara berikut pasangan manakah yang betul ?

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    14. Diagram 8 shows a cross section of the human skin.Rajah 8 menunjukkan keratan rentas kulit manusia.

    Diagram 8

    Which of the following is true for K, L, M and N ?Antara berikut yang manakah benar untuk K, L, M dan N ?

    Tissue K Tissue L Tissue M Tissue NA Epithelium Nerve Connective Muscle

    B Epithelium Nerve Muscle ConnectiveC Muscle Nerve Muscle EpitheliumD Muscle Connective Epithelium Nerve

    15. Which of the following organs is not involved in maintaining the optimal internalenvironment?

    Antara organ merikut yang manakah tidak terlibat dalam mengekalkan persekitaran dalamansecara optima?

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    16. Diagram 9 shows a type of plant tissue.Rajah 9 menunjukkan sejenis tisu tumbuhan.

    Diagram 9

    What is the importance of the thickening of substance X to the plant tissue?Apakah kepentingan penebalan bahan X terhadap tisu tersebut ?

    A To transfer photosynthesis products/ memindahkan bahan fotosintesisB To give turgidity to the tissues/ memberikan kesegahan tisuC To transfer water and mineral salts/ memindahkan air dan garam mineralD To give support and mechanical strength/ memberikan sokongan dan

    kekuatan mekanikal

    17. Which of the following differences between light reaction and dark reaction is nottrue?

    Antara berikut yang manakah perbezaan bagi tindak balas cahaya dan tindak balas gelap yang

    tidak benar


    Light Reaction Dark Reaction

    A Occurs in stroma Occurs in granaB ATP and hydrogen are produced ATP and hydrogen are usedC No reduction of carbon dioxide There is reduction of carbon dioxideD Oxygen is produced as a by product No oxygen is produced


    Huge amounts of food are ingestedMakanan diambil dalam jumlah yang banyak

    This is followed by vomitingMemuntahkan semula makanan yang dimakan

    The statements describe the patient most likely suffers fromPernyataan di atas menerangkan seorang pesakit yang menghidap

    A bulimiaB gastritisC obesityD anorexia nervosa

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    19. Diagram 10 shows an organ labeled P, which is part of the human digestivesystem.Rajah 10 menunjukkan satu organ berlabel P yang merupakan sebahagian daripada sistem

    pencernaan manusia.

    Diagram 10

    When a baby drinks milk, what would happen to the milk protein in P ?Apabila seorang bayi minum susu, apakah yang akan berlaku kepada protein susu dalam organ P?

    I Caseinogen is converted to casein/ Kaseinogen diubah kepada kaseinII Pepsin digests the casein to polypeptides/ Pepsin mencernakan kasein

    kepada polipeptida

    III The acid hydrolyses the casein to caseinogens/ Asid menghidrolisiskasein kepada kaseinogen

    IV Pepsin digests the protein to amino acids / Pepsin mencernakan proteinkepada asid amino

    A I onlyB IV onlyC I and II onlyD III and IV only

    20. How can goitre be prevented?Bagaimana untuk mencegah penyakit goiter?

    A Eat more seafoodB Get an immunization by vaccine injectionC Reduce the in intake of food which is high in fatD Reduce the long exposure to direct sunlight

    21. Which of the following sequence of digestion organ is correctly representing themovement of digested food in the human alimentary canal?Di antara urutan organ pencernaan berikut yang manakah menunjukkan pergerakan makanantercerna di dalam salur alimentari manusia?

    I stomachII duodenum

    III oesophagusIV small intestine


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    22. Diagram 11 shows an experiment set-up to study factors that affect the rate ofphotosynthesis.Rajah 11 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar fotosintesis.

    Diagram 11

    Which of the following will increase the rate at which gas bubbles are released inthe experiment.

    Antara berikut yang manakah akan menambahkan kadar pembebasan gelembung udara ?

    A Using a water bath at 60 0CB Placing a 60W bulb 10 cm from the Hydrilla sp.C Using 0.1% sodium hydrogen carbonates solutionD Replacing the Hydrilla sp. with Elodea sp.

    23. Diagram 12 shows three different blood circulatory system P, Q and RRajah 12 menunjukkan tiga sistem peredaran darah P, Q dan R.

    Diagram 12Which of the following is a correct match of the animal and its circulatory system?

    Antara berikut yang manakah padanan yang betul bagi haiwan dan sistem peredarannya?

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    24. Diagram 13 shows the structure for gaseous exchange.Rajah 13 menunjukkan satu struktur bagi pertukaran gas

    Diagram 13

    Which of the following are its characteristics?Antara berikut yang manakah menunjukkan ciri-ciri permukaan struktur tersebut ?

    I Always moist / Sentiasa lembapII Thin wall and semi-permeable / Dinding nipis dan separa telapIII Has a large surface area/ Mempunyai luas permukaan yang besarIV Complete with main blood vessel/ Dilengkapi dengan salur darah utama

    A I and III onlyB II and IV onlyC I, II and III onlyD III and IV only

    25. Which of the following descriptions is true about blood cells?Antara penerangan berikut yang manakah BENARtentang sel-sel darah?

    Blood cell Description

    A Erythrocyte Biconcave in shape to enable the change of shape while passingthrough the blood capillary/ Bentuk dwicekung membenarkannyamengubah bentuk semasa melalui kapilari darah

    B Platelet Without nucleus and involved in the blood clotting mechanism /Tanpa nucleus dan terlibat dalam mekanisme pembekuan darah

    C Monocytes Produced in the bone marrow and produce antibodies to destroypathogens/ dihasilkan di sum-sum tulang dan menghasilkanantibodi untuk memusnahkan patogen

    D Neutrophil Without granules and destroy pathogens by phagocytosis/ tanpagranul dan membunuh patogen melalui fagositosis

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    P Q R S

    Platelet plaqueformed

    / Plak platlet


    Release ofthromboplastin/Tromboplastin




    Fibrinogenconverted to fibrin/Fibrinogen ditukar

    kepada fibrin

    Which of the following correctly describes the sequence of events that occurduring the process of blood clotting ?

    Antara berikut yang manakah menunjukkan urutan yang betul tentang proses pembekuan darah

    A P Q R SB P R S QC R Q P SD R P Q S

    27. Which of the following arteries carries blood with the lowest oxygenconcentration?

    Antara salur arteri yang mengangku darah berikut, yang manakah mempunyai kepekatan oksigenpaling rendah?

    A. Renal artery/ arteri renalB. Hepatic artery/ arteri heparC. Mesenteric artery/ arteri mesenteriD. Pulmonary artery/ ar ter i pu lmonar i

    28. The diagram 14 shows the liquid composition of the human body. Which of thefollowing form the internal environment?Rajah 14 menunjukkan kandungan bendalir di dalam badan manusia. Di antara berikut yang

    manakah membentuk persekitaran dalaman?

    Diagram 14A. P, Q, RB. Q, R, SC. P, R, SD. P, Q, S

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    29. Newborn infants generally are quite healthy. What kind of immunity do theyhave?Secara umumnya bayi yang baru dilahirkan adalah sihat. Apakah jenis keimunan yang diperolehi ?

    A Natural active immunity/ Keimunan aktif semulajadiB Artificial active immunity/ Keimunan aktif buatan

    C Natural passive immunity/ Keimunan pasif semulajadiD Artificial passive immunity/ Keimunan pasif buatan

    30. Which of the following graphs shows the effect of increased humidity of thesurrounding air on the rate of transpiration?

    Antara graf berikut yang manakah menunjukkan kesan peningkatan kelembapan udara ke ataskadar transpirasi?

    31. The diagram 15 shows the double helix structure of DNA.Rajah 15 menunjukkan struktur heliks ganda dua bagi DNA.

    DIAGRAM 15

    What is the compound located at P?

    Apakah sebatian yang terdapat di P.

    A Amino group/ Kumpulan aminoB Pentose sugar/ Gula pentosaC Phosphate group/ Kumpulan fosfatD Nitrogenous base/ Bes bernitrogen

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    32. Which of the following are produced from hydrolysis of lactose?Di antara yang berikut, yang manakah dihasilkan daripada hidrolisis laktosa?

    A Glucose/ GlukosaB Glucose and fructose/ Glukosa dan fruktosaC Glucose and galactose/ Glukosa dan galaktosa

    D Fructose and galactose/ Fruktosa dan galaktosa

    33. Figure 16 shows the concentration of antibody in the blood after two injections ofantiserum.Rajah 16 menunjukkan kepekatan antibodi di dalam darah selepas dua kali suntikan antiserum.

    Diagram 16

    What type of immunity is shown in Figure 16?Apakah jenis keimunan yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 16?

    A. Acquired active immunity/ Keimunan aktif buatanB. Acquired passive immunity/ Keimunan pasif buatan

    C. Natural active immunity/ Keimunan aktif semulajadiD. Natural passive immunity/ Keimunan pasif semulajadi

    34. A student has just completed a 400 metre run in 45 seconds. Which of thefollowing changes in his muscles are true?Seorang pelajar baru selesai berlari 400 meter dalam jangka masa 45 saat. Di antara yang berikut,apakah perubahan yang berlaku di dalam otot beliau?

    Lactic acidAsid laktik



    A Decreasedberkurang



    B Increasedbertambah



    C Decreasedberkurang



    D Increasedbertambah



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    35. The diagram 17 shows the set up of an experiment.Rajah 17 menunjukkan eksperimen yang dijalankan.

    Diagram 17

    Which graph shows the changes in the mass of the Visking tubing in 30 minutes?Graf yang manakah menunjukkan perubahan dalam j isim tiub Visking dalam masa 30 minit?

    36. Which of the following bacteria are involved in the conversion of ammonium inthe soil to nitrate ?

    Antara berikut, bakteria yang manakah terlibat dalam penukaran ammonium kepada nitrat dalamtanah ?

    I Nitrosomonas sp.II Nitrobacter sp.

    III Rhizobium sp.IV Nostoc sp.

    A I and II onlyB III and IV onlyC I, II and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV

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    37. The following results were obtained in an experiment to determine the concentrationof vitamin C in apple juice.Volume of 0.1% ascorbic acid needed to decolourise 1 ml of DCPIP solution = 2 mlVolume of fruit juice needed to decolourise 1 ml of DCPIP solution = 1.6 ml[0.1% pure ascorbic acid contains 1 mg ascorbic acid per cm]

    Keputusan berikut diperolehi daripada eksperimen menentukan kepekatan vitamin C dalam jus epal.Isipadu asid askorbik 0.1% yang diperlukan untuk melunturkan 1 ml larutan DCPIP = 2 mlIsipadu jus buah epal yang diperlukan untuk melunturkan 1 ml larutan DCPIP = 1.6 ml[ asid askorbik tulen 0.1% mengandungi 1 mg asid askorbik per cm


    What is the concentration of vitamin C in the apple juice?Apakah kepekatan vitamin C dalam jus epal tersebut?

    A 0.125 mg cm -B 0.80 mg cm -C 1.25 mg cm -D 12.5 mg cm -

    38. Animal cloning involvesPengklonan haiwan melibatkan

    A The transfer of the nucleus from a somatic cell to an ovum or embryoniccellPemindahan nukleus daripada satu sel soma ke satu sel ovum atau sel embrio.

    B The transfer of the nucleus from a gamete to a somatic cell with thenucleus removedPemindahan nukleus daripada satu sel gamet ke satu sel soma yang telah dikeluarkannukleusnya.

    C The transfer of the nucleus from a gamete to an ovum or embryonic cellwith the nucleus removedPemindahan nukleus daripada satu sel gamet ke satu sel ovum atau sel embrio yangtelah dikeluarkan nukleusnya.

    D The transfer of the nucleus from a somatic cell to an ovum or embryoniccell with the nucleus removedPemindahan nukleus daripada satu sel soma ke satu sel ovum atau sel embrio yang telahdikeluarkan nukleusnya.

    39. The equation below shows the fermentation process by yeast.Persamaan dibawah menunjukkan proses penapaian yis.

    What are X and Y?Apakah X dan Y?

    A Ethanol and lactic acid/ Etanol dan asid laktikB Carbon dioxide and water/ Karbon dioksida dan airC Ethanol and carbon dioxide/ Et an ol dan karbon d ioksidaD Lactic acid and carbon dioxide / asid laktik dan karbon dioksida

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    40. Diagram 18 shows four organisms belonging to four different kingdoms.Rajah 18 menunjukkan 4 organisma yang tergolong di dalam 4 alam yang berbeza.

    Diagram 18Which of the following is a correct match ?

    Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Protista Kingdom Animalia Kingdom Plantae

    A P Q R SB R P Q S

    C S Q R PD S R Q P

    41. The table shows the results obtained from the capture,mark, release andrecapture technique for a population of woodlice in certain area.Jadual menunjukkan keputusan yang diperolehi daripada teknik tangkap, tanda, lepas dan tangkapsemula.

    Sample NumberFirst sampling

    Woodlice caught, marked and released. 40

    Second sampling

    Total woodlice caught

    Woodlice that are marked


    What is the estimated woodlice population ?Apakah anggaran populasi kutu kayu tersebut ?

    A 110B 120C 140D 160

    42. Which of the following substances can cause acid rain?Antara berikut yang manakah menyebabkan hujan asid?

    I ChlorofluorocarbonII OzoneIII Oxides of nitrogenIV Sulphur dioxide

    A I and II onlyB III and IV onlyC I, III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV only

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    43. Diagram 19 shows a mangrove swamp at the mouth of Sungai Pahang in theyear 2013.Rajah 19 menunjukkan paya bakau di kawasan muara Sungai Pahang pada tahun 2013.

    Diagram 19

    Which of the following would represent the possible zonal shift at the river mouthin the year 2030?Yang mana di antara berikut mewakili zon kemungkinan pertukaran kuala sungai tersebut padatahun 2030?

    A. C.

    B. D.

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    44. Diagram 20 shows the effect of human activity on the environment.Rajah 20 menunjukkan kesan aktiviti manusia terhadap alam persekitaran.

    Diagram 20

    Which of the following is the result of this activity?Antara berikut yang manakah akibat daripada aktiviti tersebut ?

    I Soil erosion and landslide/ hakisan tanah dan tanah runtuhII Flooding / banjirIII Climatic changes/ perubahan iklimIV Extinction of flora and fauna/ kepupusan flora dan fauna

    A I and II only

    B III and IV onlyC I. III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV only

    45. Which of the following is correct about chromosomes behaviour in the stage J?Antara berikut yang manakah benar berkenaan perlakuan kromosom pada peringkat J?

    A Chromosomes condense and thickenKromosom menjadi padat dan menebal

    B Chromosomes arrive at the opposite poles of the cellKromosom sampai ke kutub sel yang bertentangan.

    C Chromosomes arrange themselves around equatorial planeKromosom tersusun di satah khatulistiwa sel

    D Daughter chromosomes separate and move to the opposite polesKromosom anak terpisah dan bergerak ke kutub sel yang bertentangan

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    46. The diagram 21 shows the respiratory system of an insect.Rajah 21 menunjukkan sistem respirasi bagi seekor serangga.

    Diagram 21

    What are the adaptations of X to increase the rate of gaseous exchange?Apakah adaptasi bagi X untuk meningkatkan kadar pertukaran gas?

    A The wall surface of respiratory structure is impermeablePermukaan dinding struktur respirasi tidak telap.

    B The wall is supported by chitin

    Dinding disokong oleh kitin.C The epithelial cells are moist all the time

    Sel-sel epithelium sentiasa lembap

    D At the terminal of X there is a network of blood capillariesPada perhentian X terdapat jaringan kapilari darah yang banyak

    47. Which of the following explains the green house effect?Di antara pernyataan berikut yang mana menerangkang tentang kesan rumah hijau?

    A Decrease in the sea levels of the oceansPenurunan ketinggian aras laut

    B Absorption of the ultra-violet rays by earthPenyerapan sinar ultra-ungu oleh Bumi.

    C Construction of green houses to prevent continuous global warmingPembinaan banyak rumah hijau untuk menghalang pemanasan global yang berterusanD Global warming caused by the trapping of heat in the atmosphere

    Pemanasan global disebabkan oleh haba yang terperangkap di atmosfera

    48. The diagram 22 shows the energy flow in an ecosystem.Rajah 22 menunjukkan aliran tenaga dalam satu ekosistem.

    Diagram 22

    What is the amount of energy received by the secondary consumer?Apakah jumlah tenaga yang diterima oleh pengguna sekunder?

    A 200 kJB 1800 kJC 2000 kJD 18000 kJ

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    49. The following information shows the results of an experiment to determine theoxygen content in exhaled air using J-tube.

    Length of exhaled air column = 10.0 cmLength of exhaled air column after the first treatment with potassium hydroxide = 9.6 cmLength oh of exhaled air column after the second treatment with potassium pyrogallol = 8.5 cm

    Maklumat berikut menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen yang menentukan kandungan oksigen yang terdapatdalam udara hembusan menggunakan tiub J.

    Panjang turus udara hembusan = 10.0 cmPanjang turus udara hembusan selepas dirawat kali pertama dengan kalium hidroksida = 9.6 cmPanjang turus udara hembusan selepas dirawat kali kedua dengan kalium pirogalol = 8.5 cm

    The percentage of oxygen content in the exhaled air isPeratus kandungan oksigen dalam udara hembusan ialah

    A 4 .2 %B 8 .5 %

    C 11. 0 %D 11. 5 %

    50. Diagram 23 shows an experiment to determine the level of pollution in rivers P and Q.Rajah 23 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk menentukan tahap pencemaran sungai P dan Q.

    Diagram 23

    What is the conclusion that can be made by this student?Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat oleh pelajarini?

    I River P has the highest concentration of dissolved oxygenSungai P mempunyai kepekatan oksigen terlarut yang tertinggi

    II River P has more bacterial decomposersSungai P mempunyai lebih banyak bakteria pengurai

    III River Q has more aquatic organismsSungai Q mempunyai lebih banyak organism akuatikIV River Q has the highest BOD value

    Sungai Q mempunyai nilai BOD yang tertinggi

    A I and III onlyB I and IV onlyC II and III onlyD II and IV only