biography analysis

“Biography analysis Of RATAN SHASTRI JI” SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Ipshita Bansal M.B.A (II SEM) FMS-Wisdom Batch B Banasthali University Swati Agrawal - 5696 Swati Chandra - 5697 Swati Gupta - 5698 Swati Phanan - 5699

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Reasons For Selecting Ratanji in our study She made a difference:“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also Dream, not only plan, but also believe” She was different from normal women; she was born in a family with each and every luxury. From childhood only she lived a high standard of life, but the quality of patience, dedication towards her duties as a wife and belief in her husband made her a different lady. When her husband Late.Hira lal Shastri decided to leave all his luxury pleasures and his government job and announced to devote his life to a small village and work for the benefit of those people, Ratan Shastri didn’t protested with even a single word and dedicatedly supported her husband.  She along with her husband started educational programmes, medical aid treatment programmes, social programmes, political programmes the village. In 1929, with a view of rural development, to explore the activities in the other areas, and to give training to members ‘Jevan Kutir’ was established.  She also contributed in collecting funds for ‘Jevan kutir’ and she used to go to different places for collecting funds.She has depicted an original thinking: “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.” Ratan Shastri was born in an era when the whole India was under British rule. Her daughter Shanta died at the age of 12. She was interested in teaching children and had a dream to open a school and for that school she made around 600 mud bricks with her own hands before death.Ratanji after her daughter’s death took the oath to make her daughter’s dream come true and this was the day when she took initiative and Banasthali was formed. At that time, even after so many evil like sati systems, parda pratha etc., was prevailing in the society, Ratan shastri took the courage to bring girls out of their home and teach them. As she knew that all these customs were declining the role of the women and her power, so she protested against parda pratha and banned that in her village. She started night classes which was just next to impossible at that time, as at that time the mindset of the people was very narrow and it was very difficult for her to bring girls to school which was having night classes.  Teaching English at that time is also an example of her original thinking. This is reflected in the line quoted before. She went to meet Gandhiji regarding political matters. Gandhiji asked her the reason to teach English as a subject to the girls in her school. She answered that for arranging money and other things she used to go to Britishers and since she didn’t knew English, so she had to take a person along with her. She didn’t wished the girls to be dependent on others. What she wanted was “they should have the knowledge of each and every field”.She said “if English will end up in India, it will automatically end in Banasthali”.She said, “The things which are lacking in her should not lack in other girls”. At that time Gandhiji said “tumhe to lawyer hona chaiye tha”.She had been consistent in her contribution:“In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth. Women are not merely tolerated but valued.” After making her daughter’s dreams a reality-the establishment of Banasthali University protesting Parda Pratha, starting night classes, education for the first time in the village she didn’t stop.  She worked after that for the betterment of women .She started programmes to make people aware of girl’s education. She used to take care that the girls studying in the school shouldn’t face any problem. It’s her efforts that now Banasthali has become a university. Ratanji got Padamshree and Padhmabhusan awards.


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“Biography analysis



Dr. Ipshita Bansal M.B.A (II SEM) FMS-Wisdom Batch BBanasthali University Swati Agrawal - 5696

Swati Chandra - 5697 Swati Gupta - 5698 Swati Phanan - 5699 Swati Shree - 5700 Swati Singhal -

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5701 Tanvi Mittal - 5702 Tina - 5703

INTRODUCTION Smt. Ratan Shastri was born in the middle class family where the environment

was good for personality development. She was married in her childhood age due to which she could not continue her further education.

Still she is known to be an educated person because every person is educated with his/her mind. Therefore when her husband left Jaipur and his service and came to a village then Ratan Shastri sacrificed her life and helped her husband in facing the difficulties.

The village was Banasthali where traveling was possible only through bullock carts. In Banasthali Ratan Shastri and her husband employed some people and also tried to develop other villages.

In 1929 it was consider as a great action taken by a middle class women to sacrifice her jewellary and life. This great contribution given by her motivated many people and many women also got ready to work for social welfare.

Ratan Shastri and her husband started work for khadi, self dependence; medical facilities, education and social welfare programme and they also worked for village development. They also opened ‘Jevan kutir’ institute for village development.

Ratan Shastri's daughter named Shanta Bai who was 12 years old, died suddenly. Shanta had great interest in teaching kids. She had a dream to open the school for children and for building school she had also collected 600 bricks. Ratanji promised herself to fulfill her daughter’s dream.

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This resulted in the origin of Banasthali Vidyapith. This Vidyapith was originated in 1935 to provide women education. It provides the facility of women education from nursery class to post graduation. This centre of education gives opportunities to girls of various religions, languages to get together and take education.


Shanta Bai


To the founders

Pt. Hiralal Shastri Smt. Ratan Shastri

The Vidyapith also provides various extra curricular activities like, sanganeri printing, yoga, swimming, cycling, horse riding, shooting, kathak, Manipuri, bharat Natyam, dance etc.

In 1935 it was very difficult to bring out girls from the homes and to educate them. Still the objective of Vidyapith was to provide education to girls only so that they get respect in the society.

To provide education to women is a very important work for Banasthali. Now the Vidyapith has a position among reputed universities.

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Smt Ratan Shastri was the member of education and social welfare at the state and central level.

In 1955 she got Padamshree award and in 1975 she got Padam Bhushan award for such a great contribution.

Reasons For Selecting Ratanji in our study She made a difference:She made a difference:

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also

Dream, not only plan, but also believe”

She was different from normal women; she was born in a family with each and every luxury. From childhood only she lived a high standard of life, but the quality of patience, dedication towards her duties as a wife and belief in her husband made her a different lady.

When her husband Late.Hira lal Shastri decided to leave all his luxury pleasures and his government job and announced to devote his life to a small village and work for the benefit of those people, Ratan Shastri didn’t protested with even a single word and dedicatedly supported her husband.

She along with her husband started educational programmes, medical aid treatment programmes, social programmes, political programmes the village. In 1929, with a view of rural development, to explore the activities in the other areas, and to give training to members ‘Jevan Kutir’ was established.

She also contributed in collecting funds for ‘Jevan kutir’ and she used to go to different places for collecting funds.

She has depicted an original thinking:

“People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.”

Ratan Shastri was born in an era when the whole India was under British rule. Her daughter Shanta died at the age of 12. She was interested in teaching children and had a dream to open a school and for that school she made around 600 mud bricks

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with her own hands before death.Ratanji after her daughter’s death took the oath to make her daughter’s dream come true and this was the day when she took initiative and Banasthali was formed.

At that time, even after so many evil like sati systems, parda pratha etc., was prevailing in the society, Ratan shastri took the courage to bring girls out of their home and teach them. As she knew that all these customs were declining the role of the women and her power, so she protested against parda pratha and banned that in her village.

She started night classes which was just next to impossible at that time, as at that time the mindset of the people was very narrow and it was very difficult for her to bring girls to school which was having night classes.

Teaching English at that time is also an example of her original thinking. This is reflected in the line quoted before. She went to meet Gandhiji regarding political matters.

Gandhiji asked her the reason to teach English as a subject to the girls in her school. She answered that for arranging money and other things she used to go to Britishers and since she didn’t knew English, so she had to take a person along with her. She didn’t wished the girls to be dependent on others. What she wanted was “they should have the knowledge of each and every field”.

She said “if English will end up in India, it will automatically end in Banasthali”.

She said, “The things which are lacking in her should not lack in other girls”. At that time Gandhiji said “tumhe to lawyer hona chaiye tha”.

She had been consistent in her contribution:

“In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth.

Women are not merely tolerated but valued.”

After making her daughter’s dreams a reality-the establishment of Banasthali University protesting Parda Pratha, starting night classes, education for the first time in the village she didn’t stop.

She worked after that for the betterment of women .She started programmes to make people aware of girl’s education. She used to take care that the girls studying in the school shouldn’t face any problem.

It’s her efforts that now Banasthali has become a university. Ratanji got Padamshree and Padhmabhusan awards.

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Born in the middle class family of school teacher, Ratanji was brought up with affection and discipline which is congenial for the development of all-round personality. She could get little formal education owing to her early marriage but she is a true example of education as the "manifestation of perfection already in man”.

When her husband resigned from the prestigious post of Secretary in Home and Foreign Department of former Jaipur State, with a view to take up a programme of village reconstruction in a small remote backward village, she followed him.

For seven years Banasthali was a very small village, far away from any town which could be reached only by bullock carts.

There, they trained a group of like-minded workers for taking up similar programmes in other villages.

Giving up Purdah and ornaments in Rajasthan in those times (1929) by a middle class woman in itself was an act of great courage. A number of women workers thus prepared to take up work in society in those difficult days.

The programmes that Shastris took up in the village included Khadi and self-reliance, literacy and medical relief, and social and political awakening. An institution called ''Jiwan Kutir'' was founded by the Shastris in 1929 for rural reconstruction work and for training of workers for similar work in other parts of the country.

The Shastris lost their daughter, Shanta, who was 12 years old. Shanta had great interest in teaching children and wanted a room for her school for which she had even prepared 600 mud bricks with her own hand. Ratanji took upon herself the task of translating Shanta's dream into reality.

Ek mehko phool pyaro, adhkhiliyo kumhla gayo,Soak bityo, harash chaayo, phool baag laga gayo.

This was the genesis of the Banasthali Vidyapith for which Ratanji has earned fame. The Vidyapith, a national institution for education and training of women was founded in 1935. Smt. Shastriji remained the moving spirit behind the Vidyapith. The generations of young girls have blossomed under her personal and supportive care. She was actively involved in public life all through. She was a recipient of Padma Shri in

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1955, Padma Bhushan in 1975, and Jamnalal Bajaj Award for outstanding contribution in the field of upliftment and welfare of women and children.


Ratan Shastriji was a simple and less educated women who didn’t had the power to express her. Shastriji and Ratan Shastriji both had the same thoughts. She says that this was the specialty of Shastriji that he thinks she was a very special person. She also thinks that there should be no difference in the views of both men and women. They both are equal and women are not less than men in any field.

According to her, women are always keen to help others without thinking about their own benefits and men also have the same tendency. Whenever she heard about the misbehaviour or atrocities done by men to the women, she got shivered from inside, but still she was not ready to accept that the women should relate with men and behave in the same manner.

This thought had given birth to an idea to Ratan Shastri that women should be independent in the new era and should be compatible with men. Women should have her own bank account with her own money which was earned by her and not by her husband. She should support her family, husband in earning the livelihood. And for all this she should be educated. And for the education of women she had an idea to start an institution for the girls so that they can compete with the boys.

Ratan Shastriji wanted to teach English to the girls in her institution.Gandhiji asked Ratan Shastriji that why she wants to teach English to the girls she told him that whenever she meets any Britisher she had to take a person who can communicate or translate the conversation into English and hence she faced a lot of difficulty in communication which she didn’t want that the girl who were studying in her institution would also face the same difficulty in the future.

With this vision she has started an institution so that the girls became independent and can also compete with the boys in any field and it was a step ahead to improve the status of the women in the society.

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Shastriji went to get the blessings of Bapu before starting the work of Shiksha Kutir. Gandhiji praised the planning but warned Shastriji to keep only that quantity of girls which they can handle. But Shastriji and Ratanji decided not to restrict the number of girls, whosoever would come, she would be welcomed though they didn’t tried to increase the numbers.

Girls started coming not only from Rajasthan, but from other states too and the huts started multiplying. Shastriji never favoured co-education. That is why only the sons of the Kutir’s employee upto 10 years were given education in Shiksha Kutir . Infact Gandhiji too was not the admirer of co-education after this age.

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Banasthali University aims at the synthesis of spiritual value of the East and scientific spirit of the West. It encourages the development of balanced personality through its five-fold educational Programme, known as ‘Panchmukhi Shiksha’. This programme, which evolved from experimentation, attempts a balance between five aspects of education: Physical, Practical, Aesthetic, Moral and Intellectual.

The main thrust of all the activities of the Banasthali University is the development of a complete personality. The institution firmly believes that the personality consists of interdependent components, each being equally important requiring equal attention. The ‘Panchmukhi Shiksha’ addresses the following aspects.

Physical: Under physical education programmes various activities like parade, shooting, riding, flying, scouts and guides, bulbul, swimming, yoga and various modern and traditional sports like kabbaddi, kho-kho, hockey, basket ball, badminton, long jump, high jump etc are included.

Aesthetic : After learning music & painting up to class v, students can choose either music (vocal or instrumental) or painting. Dance education is being provided to all levels.

Practical : Under practical education sanganary printing & dying, boutique, bandhej, tailoring, embroidery, craft, paper Mache etc. are included under domestic education. Students are supposed to perform cleaning, washing and collective Shramadan.

Moral : The aim of moral education is to develop personality of the students, so as to cultivate in them the feeling of respect for all religions. It is achieved by means of weekly prayers, talks, Veda, Geeta & Ramayana etc. The common evening prayer and Udbodhen program is unique.

Intellectual : Intellectual education is being given to the students in order to avoid the relative aspects of modern education. Natural and social sciences with languages and Math’s are being taught with sciences from the beginning. Education methods are adopted with the help of projects related to social and natural environment. Banasthali University never believes in examination-based education system. It gives emphasis on practical education.

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In april 1965, Central Education Minister Mohammad Karim Chagla said in Loksabha “I myself have seen this institution and can say that out of the numerous women insitutions this is the best. We must make this institution into a University soon”.

The following things were primarily emphasised by Shasriji and Ratanji:-

Here, there is an enthusiastic approach to adopt multiple plans/ways to make the education more behavioural and realistic.

Here, there is an arrangement of proper oppurtunity for the girls to develop their personality.

Here, to arouse the dedication towards spirituality and moral values in the students, character building and simple living are empasized.

They believed that their target to provide girl education can be successful only when they will be given independence to apply new techniques and patters of education keeping in view the common principles of education.

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It was the efforts of Ratanji and Shastriji that in 1963 Jawaharlal Nehru said “Banasthali help in national integration”. This statement is true because in Banasthali girls come from all the four directions to study and it depicts a small India having different customs, food habits, languages and cultures.

Infact,there is another reason for the uniqueness of this University, that in this University almost all the states of india and state government has contributed financially.


“Chinta nahi ki kuch sadhno ki;Sahayakon ki nahi rah dekhi,Banasthali mein chimta akele,

Ropa ussi ki kartut dekhi.”

Ratan Shastri was a lady fully dedicated and devoted towards her duties without any hesitation. She at once, agreed to her husband Shree Heera Lal Shastri’s decision to leave all their luxuries of life and go to a village for the betterment of the society. Despite of the limited resources and unfavourable conditions, they made optimum use of each and every resource.

They decided not to consume any eatables by bringing it from Nevai or Jaipur as it may not match with the standard of the villagers. Then after, they decided to manage their all household expenses within 6 paisa as a normal villager used to get 6 paisa as their daily wages. Simple moong ki dal and dry leaves kadhi became their food.

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Ratanji used to handle the department of kitchen. It was her duty to make food available before 7 AM for all the members going to work. She used to say that she gets pleasure while preparing food for family members even in fever.

They had only 4-5 grinders in which the family members used to grind wheat.

Ratanji didn’t like this as she doesn’t wanted them to grind the wheat, so she arranged small grind wheat for herself and her children.

Due to shortage of finance for the construction of well, Shastriji preferred to walk instead of traveling on bullock carts.

Even there was no adequate amount of fuel available in Banasthali at that time, so by collecting wood from jungle they used to prepare food.

Shastriji and Ratanji said that for starting good work, a shortage of resource doesn’t matter. This was the reason after unwillingness of government and shortage of resources Shiksha Kutir was built. It was the effort and hard work of Shastriji that in 1942 President Sir Mirza Ismail was so much impressed by Banasthali that he granted permission for making 7 Km road from Nevai Tonk to Banasthali.

In spite of lack of human resources Shastriji and Ratanji never asked anyone even the Rajasthan government for monetary help.

Once Jawaharlal Lal Nehru asked Shastriji “How Banasthali runs in such a shortage of finance”. “Why don’t you ask government for financial help?”

But Shastriji said he doesn’t want to beg from anybody. But it was the performance and popularity of Banasthali that they started getting help not only from Government of India but also from Government of Nepal.

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“Mushkilon ki kya kahen, her roj ve aati rahi,Samna unka Karein, her roj ve jati rahi,

Takkar hamari ho rahi hai, jor ki chattan se,Chattan chaknachur hogi, keh diya Bhagwan se,

Han, keh diya Bhagwan se,Phir keh rahe bhagwan se….”

Ratanji was a very courageous lady. While establishing Banasthali she courageously faced all the challenges and difficulties and hurdles which came in her path.

Once a time came when they were left with no money even to pay monthly allowances to the workers. Shastriji wasn’t ready to borrow money from someone so he asked members to compromise and finally this situation prevailed for one month. When Jamnalal came to know about this situation he asked Shastriji to come Bombay and asked him to consult Charka Sangh and get a loan from them.

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Shastriji protested as he thought that Charka Sangh people will interrupt in his work. After a long conversation, Rajendra Babu interrupted in between and convinced Shastriji to get loan from Charka Sangh so that his clothes department will work more fastly.

Once Ratanji heard about the unwillingness of Jaipur Government to run Shiksha Kutir. Hearing this she became very angry and reached Mr.Vans. She protested by saying that she hasn’t opened a school, rather she was teaching the lessons of life to the numerous girls. She was like a mother to all those girls and no government can stop a mother to teach her children. Her statement was “you may even bring your people to close our school; I will welcome you at the doors of our school.”

LEADERSHIP STYLEThe following qualities suits Ratan Shastri as a leader:

1. Committed: - Mrs. Ratan Shastri was very committed to her duties and responsibilities. She was highly concerned about normal values.her whole life sets an example of her commitment towards her husband, work and her daughter’s dream i.e. Banasthali Vidyapith.

2. Energetic: - The energetic quality prevailed in her very much. She was very energetic. When shiksha kutir was formed, she used to cook food for everyone in the morning and also contributed in arranging funds.

3. Supportive: -The quality of supporting the right thing prevailed in Ratan Shastri. The following example supports the above quote when Pandit Heeralal Shastri expressed his willingness to quit his job and work for the welfare of the people, she at once supported him.

4. Innovative: -Mrs.Ratan Shastri always believed in doing right things. It was her efforts only that parda system custom was removed in the Banasthali village and it was her innovative quality that co-education was started in that village.

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5. Courageous: -Mrs.Ratan Shastri was a very courageous lady. The glimpse of this came from the incidence when the Jaipur government protested for the opening of Banasthali at that time, Ratan Shastri courageously went to the British officer and shouted at him to change his views. Another instance is that during the days when she was ill and health was declining, then also she courageously contributed in the working of Banasthali.

The leadership style adopted by Ratanji was of contingency style i.e. she displayed leadership style according to the situation. When the situation demanded patient handling of the situation, she was patient and when the situation was intense she even acted aggressively.


To adopt a Simple Living and high Thinking Lifestyle - Ratanji is a perfect role model to display this lifestyle which can be illustrated with examples such as restricting household expenses to just 6 paise per day,choosing simple moong ki dal and kadhi for food.She has taught us that this lifestyle can also pave the way for great achievements.

To be Self Disciplined - She adopted the strategy of completing each and every task well on time. Self control was also reflected in her personality as she left all her luxurious life for the sake of the development of the society.

To be Visionary- One can surely appreciate the farsightedness which she displayed when she started Shiksha Kutir with 6 girls and today which has turned into a renowned, reputed and well established Banasthali University.

To be concerned about the Society - Our existence is wholly dependent on the society. So our attempts must be directed towards the betterment of the society at large. No matter how many ladders we have climbed up in the business world, we should never forget our Corporate Social Responsibility.

To have a Positive Attitude towards Life - Once her left leg was burnt in hot water and she was admitted in hospital. Due to this her health started declining in this situation also she said that after loosing Shanta Bai I got Shiksha Kutir and after losing her health Banasthali flourished. She always saw positive things even in adverse conditions.

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To be Helpful- She was very helpful to her family members, students of Shiksha Kutir as well as each and every workers of Banasthali

To be determined and passionate towards the goal- When Ratanji heard about the unwillingness of Jaipur Government to run Shiksha Kutir, she protested by saying that She was like a mother to all those girls and no government can stop a mother to teach her children.

Inspite of facing so many difficulties Ratanji never felt any pain and faced each and every condition with happiness and satisfaction.


Cuttings from Hindustan Times says:-

1) Shrimati Ratan Shastri (62) is an active worker of Jivan Kutir, Banasthali, founded in 1929 for the training of national workers through constructive service of village community.

2) She is co-founder and dedicated her life as a worker of Banasthali Vidyapith, a national institution established in 1935 for all-round education of women. Her dedication has given a unique position to the institution in the field of Women’s Education.

3) A valiant freedom fighter, Shrimati Shastri was one of the principle organizers of Jaipur Satyagrah in 1939.

4) She actively supported the Quit India Movement in 1942 by keeping her home in Jaipur and Banasthali open for underground workers and their families coming from outside Jaipur.

5) She was also the agent of the Kasturba Memorial Trust for Rajputana.

6) She is President of Matri Mandir Vidyalaya, Jobner, for education of adult women and children.

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7) She has been member of State Social Welfare Board, State Advisory Education Board, State Grant-in-aid Committee, National Council for Women’s Education, Zonal Committee of Gandhi Memorial Trust and Lokvani Society.

8) She is awarded Padma Shri for the year 1955.

9) Shrimati Shastri has rendered distinguished service in the field of Women’s Education and social work.

Jamnalal Bajaj award for Mrs.Ratan Shastri - Jaipur Nov. 26 (UNI) – Mrs. Ratan Shastri, recipient of the Jamnalal Bajaj award for 1990, despite little formal education she has devoted her life to the cause of women’s education.

The Banasthali Vidyapith, which she founded in 1935 in Banasthali village in Tonk district of Rajasthan for promoting women’s education, has now acquired the status of “deemed university”.

The institution offers girls modern education from the nursery to the post-graduate level without sacrificing basic cultural traditions.

The 78-year-old Mrs. Shastri, the widow of the first Rajasthan Chief Minister Hiralal Shastri, was awarded the Padma Shri in 1955 and the Padma Bhushan in 1975 for her services in the field of education.

Mrs. Shastri told UNI that the course of study Banasthali aimed at a “synthesis” of the spiritual approach of the east and the scientific outlook of the west.

“Its educational philosophy seeks to sow the seeds of democratic values, national integration, religious harmony and international goodwill in the minds of the students”.

Born in a middle class family of a school teacher, Mrs. Shastri had to cut short her education owing to an early marriage.

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In 1929, she set an example for other women by giving up “purdah” and ornaments.

The Shastris started the Vidyapith in memory of their daughter Shanta who died at the tender age of 12. Shanta took great interest in teaching children and wanted to set up a school. Mrs. Shastri took upon herself the task of translating Shanta’s dream into reality and the Vidyapith has now approximately 8000 girl students.


Education is the part of our tradition and cooperation. Smt.Ratan Shastriji was not related to the field of formal education yet she made her identity in this sector. In 1935 she had established Banasthali Vidyapith for women which had got the status of university and is well known by Banasthali University in today’s scenario which is the result of Smt. Ratan Shastri’s values, dedication, devotion, determination, and cooperation towards her work.

In Rajasthan, before 40-50 years ago, girls were born to be lived in Purdah as well as in the four walls of the house. But Ratan Shastriji took a revolutionary decision to abolish the Purdah system and also encouraged the girls to study. She established Banasthali University basically for girls so that they can survive in the world with respect and get some position in the society.

Banasthali University not only gives the education rather it gives the knowledge of Indian culture with the modern education in building the identity of the students. It gives education as well as knowledge about some extra curricular activities which help the students in becoming independent and also made the life beautiful and interesting with the touch of art.

We have faced lots of problems related to the values in the modern society which is well understood by Smt. Ratan Shastri. According to her education is the best

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tool for handling such situations. For inculcating the right values in the students of Banasthali university lot of programmers were started by Smt. Ratan Shastri.

In this way it was a great effort made by her in giving education to the women. It was neither an ordinary work nor it was for the sake of giving benefits to the society but it was a combination of two for the betterment of women in the society as well as in the world.

Smt. Ratan Shastri not only worked for the welfare of the society but also a member of education committees at state and central levels.

Indian government had praised the work of Smt. Ratan Shastri and awarded her by giving “Padamshree”in 1955 and “Padambhusan” in 1975.

Besides, the field of women education Smt. Ratan Shastri had contributed a lot for the betterment of Banasthali village and started some programmes for it like Khadi, medical facilities etc.

Thus, we thanks her for the contributions made by her in education sector to increase the status of women in the society so that women can tackle all the situation without any help and become independent.

“Banakar “jevan kutir” diya jan-jan ko jivan,Boya hai jis amrit beej ko,

Seecha hai apne rak se,Poshan diya sheel sneah tyag ka,

Phir jise palavit ho kr yeh mehka raha hai vishva ko,Yahan bhi asakhya balikayein kirti rup mein de rahi sandesh,

Yahi ajay amar subhapit rahega,Yeh bahvana stambah sada hee,

Jiske mul mein hai bhavana,Jiski soch mein hai bhavana,

Vahi to ek bhavana hai, asatya mein samai,“Bhavana mojud rahe maut ka kya kaam hai…..””

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Rajasthan ke loahpurush Pandit Heeralal Shastri -By Bhagwan Sahaya Trivedi.

Apni kahani, Apni jabani -By Ratan Shastri.

Pratyaksha Jeevanshastra -By Heera Lal Shastri


Articles from Hindustan Times

Personal visit to:

Shri Aditya Shastri Vice Chancellor Banasthali Vidyapith Smt. Lad Kanwar- Warden

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