biochemical consequences chronic renal failure: areview · j. clin. path. (1968), 21, 541-554...

J. clin. Path. (1968), 21, 541-554 Biochemical consequences of chronic renal failure: A review M. R. WILLS From the Department of Chemical Pathology, Royal Free Hospital, London The biochemical consequences of chronic renal failure involve a disturbance in one of the funda- mental mechanisms of the body's self-regulatory control systems. The concept of self-regulation in biological systems is both old and well established. The idea held by Hippocrates that disease was cured by natural powers, by a 'vis medicatrix naturae', implied the existence of systems ready to cooperate in a corrective manner when the natural state of the body was disturbed. In 1878 Claude Bernard made the distinction between the 'milieu ext6rieur', in which the whole organism exists, and the 'milieu interieur', in which the cells live. After considering some of the mechanisms involved he wrote in his now classical sentence that: ' .. . tous les mecanismes vitaux, quelque varies qu'ils soient, n'ont toujours qu'un but, celui de maintenir l'unite des conditions de la vie dans le milieu interieur.' The concept of an internal environment that was maintained in a steady state was further developed during the next 50 years and the term homeostasis was introduced by Walter B. Cannon to describe the physiologically constant state of the body. In 1929 he wrote: 'The coordinated physiological reactions which maintain most of the steady states in the body are so complex, and so peculiar to the living organism, that it has been suggested (Cannon, 1925) that a specific designation for these states be employed-homeostasis'. The role of the kidney in homeostasis is perhaps best expressed in the sentence of J. P. Peters (1935) who wrote: 'The kidneys appear to serve as the ultimate guardians of the constitution of the internal environment.' The kidney carries out its homeostatic functions by the processes of glomerular filtration and of tubular reabsorption and secretion, and thus regulates the concentration of metabolic end products, the osmo- tic pressure, the volume and the ionic composition of the internal environment. In chronic renal failure, the end results of the disturbances of renal function are alterations in the constitution of the internal environment which are of fundamental biochemical significance. UREA AND OTHER ORGANIC METABOLIC PRODUCTS At their onset renal diseases may affect primarily the functions of either the glomerulus or the renal tubules, but in the latter stages of chronic renal damage the functional mass of the kidney is reduced and there is progression to renal insufficiency affecting all aspects of renal function, usually called 'uraemia'. The term 'uraemia', which was introduced in medical nomenclature in 1840 by Piorry and l'Heritier, means literally 'urine in the blood'. Piorry and l'Heritier regarded the manifestations of renal failure as a form of poisoning of the blood due to the resorption of urine. The term is now used clinically to describe that state associated with the retention of nitrogenous metabolic products and characterized by a raised blood urea concentration though the level does not necessarily correlate well with other aspects of renal insufficiency. The in- crease in the blood urea concentration is perhaps the most striking abnormality of the body fluids in renal failure, although it is not the most important functionally. Urea is formed only in the liver and may be regarded as the end product of protein catabolism, whether the protein is derived from diet or tissues. In acute renal failure the corre- lation between the severity of the illness and the level of the blood urea concentration applies more closely than it does in chronic renal failure. In chronic renal failure the plasma creatinine concen- tration seems to offer a better index of the severity of the degree of failure than does the blood urea level, particularly when the patient is on a low- protein diet. Bostock (1 827a, b), who carried out the chemical examinations of serum from Richard Bright's patients, was the first to draw attention to the raised blood urea level found in chronic renal failure. He re- ported that the serum 'was found to consist in part of an animal matter possessing peculiar properties which seemed to approach those of urea'. Two years later Christison (1829) isolated urea from the blood of patients with chronic renal failure and 541 copyright. on January 29, 2021 by guest. Protected by J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.21.5.541 on 1 September 1968. Downloaded from

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Page 1: Biochemical consequences chronic renal failure: Areview · J. clin. Path. (1968), 21, 541-554 Biochemical consequences ofchronic renal failure: Areview M. R. WILLS Fromthe DepartmentofChemicalPathology,

J. clin. Path. (1968), 21, 541-554

Biochemical consequences of chronic renal failure:A reviewM. R. WILLS

From the Department of Chemical Pathology, Royal Free Hospital, London

The biochemical consequences of chronic renalfailure involve a disturbance in one of the funda-mental mechanisms of the body's self-regulatorycontrol systems. The concept of self-regulation inbiological systems is both old and well established.The idea held by Hippocrates that disease wascured by natural powers, by a 'vis medicatrixnaturae', implied the existence of systems ready tocooperate in a corrective manner when the naturalstate of the body was disturbed. In 1878 ClaudeBernard made the distinction between the 'milieuext6rieur', in which the whole organism exists, andthe 'milieu interieur', in which the cells live. Afterconsidering some of the mechanisms involved hewrote in his now classical sentence that: ' . . . tousles mecanismes vitaux, quelque varies qu'ils soient,n'ont toujours qu'un but, celui de maintenir l'unitedes conditions de la vie dans le milieu interieur.'The concept of an internal environment that wasmaintained in a steady state was further developedduring the next 50 years and the term homeostasiswas introduced by Walter B. Cannon to describethe physiologically constant state of the body. In1929 he wrote: 'The coordinated physiologicalreactions which maintain most of the steady statesin the body are so complex, and so peculiar to theliving organism, that it has been suggested (Cannon,1925) that a specific designation for these states beemployed-homeostasis'. The role of the kidney inhomeostasis is perhaps best expressed in the sentenceof J. P. Peters (1935) who wrote: 'The kidneysappear to serve as the ultimate guardians of theconstitution of the internal environment.' Thekidney carries out its homeostatic functions by theprocesses of glomerular filtration and of tubularreabsorption and secretion, and thus regulates theconcentration of metabolic end products, the osmo-tic pressure, the volume and the ionic compositionof the internal environment. In chronic renalfailure, the end results of the disturbances of renalfunction are alterations in the constitution of theinternal environment which are of fundamentalbiochemical significance.


At their onset renal diseases may affect primarilythe functions of either the glomerulus or the renaltubules, but in the latter stages of chronic renaldamage the functional mass of the kidney is reducedand there is progression to renal insufficiencyaffecting all aspects of renal function, usually called'uraemia'. The term 'uraemia', which was introducedin medical nomenclature in 1840 by Piorry andl'Heritier, means literally 'urine in the blood'.Piorry and l'Heritier regarded the manifestations ofrenal failure as a form of poisoning of the blooddue to the resorption of urine. The term is now usedclinically to describe that state associated with theretention of nitrogenous metabolic products andcharacterized by a raised blood urea concentrationthough the level does not necessarily correlate wellwith other aspects of renal insufficiency. The in-crease in the blood urea concentration is perhapsthe most striking abnormality of the body fluids inrenal failure, although it is not the most importantfunctionally. Urea is formed only in the liver andmay be regarded as the end product of proteincatabolism, whether the protein is derived fromdiet or tissues. In acute renal failure the corre-lation between the severity of the illness and thelevel of the blood urea concentration applies moreclosely than it does in chronic renal failure. Inchronic renal failure the plasma creatinine concen-tration seems to offer a better index of the severityof the degree of failure than does the blood urealevel, particularly when the patient is on a low-protein diet.

Bostock (1827a, b), who carried out the chemicalexaminations of serum from Richard Bright'spatients, was the first to draw attention to the raisedblood urea level found in chronic renal failure. He re-ported that the serum 'was found to consist in partof an animal matter possessing peculiar propertieswhich seemed to approach those of urea'. Twoyears later Christison (1829) isolated urea from theblood of patients with chronic renal failure and


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reported that in these patients 'urea exists in con-siderable quantity in the blood when it is materiallydefective in the urine'. The controversial role ofurea in the causation of the clinical symptoms seenin chronic renal failure was first raised by Bright in1831. He reported that in many cases the serum'was slightly impregnated with urea' but in othercases this 'impregnation' was much less apparentand he concluded that the raised blood urea level'may be but in part a cause of general derange-ment of the system'. Since then there have beenconflicting reports and the position remains con-troversial. Pitts (1968) stated that when 'urea isadministered to a normal person in amounts suffi-cient to achieve blood levels comparable to thosefound in chronic renal failure, it causes thirst andpolyuria but none of the other manifestations ofuraemia'. The position is, however, by no means asclear cut as this statement would suggest. In 1822Segalas d'Etchepare gave urea intravenously to dogsand reported that the only effect was to causepolyuria. Bollman and Mann (1927), also using dogs,reported that after ureteral transplantation into thejejunum or ileum, despite a marked elevation in theblood urea concentration, there were no symptomsof uraemia. In support of the view that a high bloodurea level of itself has little or no effect is the workof Merrill, Legrain, and Hoigne (1953). Theseworkers haemodialyzed chronic uraemic patientsagainst high urea bath levels and noted that therewas an excellent clinical response despite the lackof a change in the blood urea level. Other reports,however, ascribe a toxic role to urea itself at highblood levels. Hewlett, Gilbert, and Wickett (1916)gave urea by mouth to normal human subjects andraised their blood urea concentration to levels inthe range from 160 to 245 mg/100 ml. The subjectsnoted that definite symptoms occurred at the timewhen the blood urea levels were at their highest. Thesymptoms they experienced consisted of 'headache,dizziness, apathy, drowsiness, bodily weakness, andfatigue'. Severe symptoms were reported by Groll-man and Grollman (1959) at higher blood urealevels using dogs as their experimental animal.These workers studied bilaterally nephrectomizeddogs who were maintained by intermittent peri-toneal lavage. In one group the blood urea levelswere maintained at high levels by using a dialysatewith a high urea concentration. At blood urealevels of 370 to 480 mg/100 ml clinical symptomsof intoxication became apparent. The first symp-toms noted were of weakness and anorexia, followedby vomiting and diarrhoea, the latter terminating inbowel haemorrhage; the symptoms finally culmi-nated in coma. The control animals, on the sameregimen except for the absence of urea from the

dialysate, were maintained in apparently normalcondition for several months. The only variable intheir experiment was the high urea content of theextracellular fluid and they attributed the observedclinical abnormalities to this variable.

Although the elevation of blood urea concentra-tion may or may not of itself cause symptoms, it isgenerally accepted that products of protein cata-bolism are a major feature of the uraemic state andthat some of the intermediate breakdown productsaccumulate and play a role in the development ofthe toxicity of uraemia. The earlier workers searchedfor a single toxic substance to account for the clinicalsymptoms seen in uraemia. Foster (1915) reportedthe isolation of an organic base from the blood ofuraemic patients which when injected into guineapigs caused toxic symptoms within five minutes afterinjection. The initial symptoms were rapid brea-thing and muscular twitching followed by convul-sions which terminated in death. The substanceisolated was probably guanidine or a guanidine-like derivative (Harrison and Mason, 1937). Duringthis period many other substances were implicatedand included creatinine, potassium, 'nephrolysins',and phenols (Harrison and Mason, 1937). Mason,Resnik, Minot, Rainey, Pilcher, and Harrison(1937) discounted the so-called 'unitary' theories ofuraemia because they had received neither clinicalnor experimental support, in that no one substancewas of itself toxic at the blood levels found in urae-mia. They suggested that the symptoms seen werethe result of the 'summated expression of a numberof interplaying factors each of which in the lastanalysis is the result of the underlying disorder offunction - failure to excrete the end products ofmetabolism'. In support of this view is the work ofOlsen and Bassett (1951) who studied the bloodlevels of phenol, urea nitrogen, guanidine, andcreatinine in uraemic patients and attempted tocorrelate them with the severity of the uraemia.They reported that the blood levels of phenol,although increased, 'could not be correlated withcentral nervous system depression nor could those ofguanidine be correlated either with gastrointes-tinal stimulation or degree of elevation of bloodpressure'. They concluded that 'uraemia remains aclinical entity without a direct known chemicalbasis'.The organic substances known or reported to

accumulate in uraemic blood include urea, crea-tinine, creatine, uric acid, certain amino acids,polypeptides, indican, hippuric acid, conjugates ofphenol, phenolic and indolic acids and their conju-gates, organic acids of the tri-carboxylic acid cycle,guanidine bases, acetoin and 2:3 butylene glycol(Simenhoff, Asatoor, Milne, and Zilva. 1963;


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Biochemical consequences of chronic renalfailure: A review

Kramer, Seligson, Baltrush, and Seligson, 1965).Simenhoff and his coworkers from a considerationof the methods used in the reported studies notedthat the reported excess of polypeptides and guani-dine bases was less certain than that of the othersubstances listed. That these substances accumulatein tissues and body fluids other than blood has beenshown by many workers, including Simenhoff et al(1963), who measured aliphatic amines, and morerecently Muting (1965), who measured glucuronicacid and free and bound phenols. These workershave shown that the levels of these retained productsare higher than normal in the brain and other bodyfluids including the cerebrospinal fluid. It wouldnow seem probable that some of these substancesdiffuse into the brain and other tissues and that thetoxaemia of chronic renal failure is due to a sum-mation effect of these organic compounds, possiblyincluding urea, acting as enzyme inhibitors.The possibility that some of the retained organic

substances act as enzyme inhibitors has been investi-gated by various workers in an attempt to elucidatetheir role in the toxaemia of chronic renal failure.Giordano, Bloom, and Merrill (1962) studied theeffect of urea on monamine oxidase at the concen-trations found clinically in chronic renal failure.They reported that as the urea concentration in theirassay system was increased enzyme activity de-creased until a point was reached when maximuminhibition occurred. At higher urea concentrationsthere was less enzyme inhibition. Using 0-05 Murea solution, which is equivalent to a blood ureanitrogen level of 140 mg/100 ml, there was a signi-ficant degree of enzyme inhibition. Because of theaction of monoamine oxidase in the destruction ofserotonin and catecholamines, and its role in theregulation of amine metabolism in nervous tissue,inhibition of this enzyme could play a role in thepathogenesis of the uraemic syndrome. Hicks,Young, and Wootton (1964) studied the effect ofphenolic acids on cerebral metabolism as measuredby the rate of respiration and anaerobic glycolysisof guinea-pig brain slices and the inhibition of theactivity of some selected enzymes involved in cere-bral metabolism. The enzymes they studied werethe decarboxylases of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine,5-hydroxytryptophan and glutamic acid, glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase, 5 '-nucleotidase, amineoxidase, and lactic dehydrogenase. They showed, thatmany aromatic acids, especially those with anunsaturated side chain, depressed the enzymereaction rates. The concentration of phenolic acidsused in their study was, however, higher than thereported levels for free aromatic hydroxy acids inuraemic plasma (Schmidt, McElvain, and Bowen,1950). Hicks and her colleagues suggested that the

lower blood concentrations of phenolic acids presentin uraemic patients might possibly exert an effectby virtue of being present for a longer time than therelatively high concentrations in the acute experi-ments. It is also possible that the retained aromaticcompounds could exert an enzyme inhibitory actionby a summation effect in vivo. Young and Wootton(1964) also showed enzyme inhibition by aromaticand aliphatic amines, but compared with thephenolic acids, amines were less effective inhibitorsof glutamic acid and di-hydroxy-phenylalaninedecarboxylases. However, amines have been shownto cross the blood-brain barrier more readily thanacids (Schwerin, Bessman, and Waelsch, 1950) andmay therefore be more effective in vivo than in vitro.Recently Morgan and Morgan (1966) have re-ported elevated plasma levels of aromatic aminesin uraemia and noted that the levels correspondedroughly with the elevation in the blood urea nitrogenlevels. They also reported, as have others previously,that the levels fell markedly after dialysis.That retained substances which are removed by

dialysis are responsible for enzyme inhibition wasshown in the experiments of Renner and Heintz(1965). They investigated respiration and meta-bolism of rat kidney and brain tissue slices using thesera of chronic uraemic patients as the incubationmedia. Under these conditions the tissue slicesutilized less pyruvate, /-hydroxybutyrate, andacetoacetate than slices incubated in normal seraand the rate of formation of glucose from pyruvatewas reduced. When serum from blood collectedfrom the patients after dialysis was used, no inhi-bition was seen. They suggested that these differencesin metabolism were possibly due to a reduction inadenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis in thepresence of uraemic serum, and consequently adeterioration in the energy supply of the cell. Thatdialyzable toxic substances accumulate in the bloodof patients with chronic renal failure was alsoreported by Henkin, Levine, Sussman, and Maxwell(1964) who studied HeLa cell growth in vitro. Theyreported that a toxic substance or substances toHeLa cells was present in the blood of 17 of 22patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. Aftereither haemo- or peritoneal dialysis the substanceshad been removed from the blood and there wasevidence of cytotoxic properties in the dialysisfluid. The cytotoxic changes could not be inducedwith urea, creatinine, phosphate, uric acid, orpotassium at the concentrations found clinically inrenal failure. There was also no correlation betweenthe degree of cytotoxic change induced and the levelof blood urea nitrogen. In the serurn of four patientswith chronic pyelonephritis and in three of fourpatients with polycystic kidneys they were unable


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to demonstrate cytotoxic effects. The significance oftheir findings is debatable, as cytotoxic materialwas also demonstrated in the serum of some patientswith systemic lupus erythematosis, thrombohae-molytic thrombocytopenic purpura, and acute viralinfections. Measurements of retained aromatic andaliphatic compounds other than urea, creatinine, anduric acid are not routinely made. Uric acid retentiondoes occur and may occasionally give rise clinicallyto a 'gouty arthritis'.


Although the retention of protein metabolites inchronic renal failure would appear to have far-reaching consequences, of equal importance tocellular metabolism are disturbances of acid baseby their effects on the internal environment. Theprocesses of intermediary metabolism give rise to anumber of non-volatile acids and the hydrogenions released from these acids must be excreted by thekidney if acid-base equilibrium is to be maintained.A normal individual on a normal mixed diet excretesan average of 60 m-equiv of total hydrogen-ion perday, of which 30 m-equiv is in combination withammonia and 30 m-equiv as titratable acid. Inchronic renal disease the production of acid iswithin normal limits, or slightly reduced if the patientis on a low-protein diet. The diseased kidney,however, excretes a lesser proportion of acidcombined with ammonia and this proportionalreduction, together with a reduced efficiency oftitratable acid excretion, ultimately accounts for theacidosis of chronic renal failure. The reduction inacid excretion results from reduced functional renalmass, but there is evidence (Dorhout-Mees,Machado, Slatopolsky, Klahr, and Bricker, 1966)that ammonia excretion per nephron increasesadaptively in the residual nephrons.One of the remarkable features of the acidosis of

chronic renal failure is that once it has developed itmay remain remarkably stable for long periods oftime and this is reflected in the steady low plasmabicarbonate levels of these patients. The mechanismsofthis stability are ofconsiderable interest and appearto be linked to another feature of the biochemicaldisturbances of chronic renal failure. Goodman,Lemann, Lennon, and Relman (1965) reported that,despite stable plasma bicarbonate levels, patientswith severe chronic renal acidosis excrete signifi-cantly less acid in their urine than is produced bymetabolic processes. They reported evidence whichsuggests that in chronic renal failure the acidosisevokes an extrarenal homeostatic mechanism thatdisposes of the endogenous acid not excreted in theurine. Lemann, Litzow, and Lennon (1966) have

shown that in normal subjects with chronic metabolicacidosis induced by ammonium chloride loadingthis extrarenal mechanism is operative. They sug-gest that this extrarenal mechanism involves boneand that the acidosis may cause dissolution of boneby a direct effect of pH on the solubility of bonemineral, with other factors such as vitamin Dresistance and secondary hyperparathyroidism play-ing a role.The concept that bone plays a separate role in

body buffering mechanisms is not a new one. It wasoriginally proposed by Albright, Burnett, Parson,Reifenstein, and Roos (1946) who regarded thedissolution of bone salts as an important com-pensatory mechanism in the control of acid-basedisturbances in renal disease. They demonstrated amarked increase in urinary calcium excretion in onepatient of their own and another from the literaturein whom chronic acidosis was induced by ammon-ium chloride loading. In their concept patients witheither 'renal' acidosis or 'renal rickets' resultingfrom 'tubular-insufficiency-without' or 'with-glom-erular-insufficiency', respectively, were in a state ofnegative calcium balance as the result of bonedissolution and excessive urinary calcium loss. Theycalculated that if the calcium losses were derivedfrom the bone salts in the same proportions as theynormally existed in bone, 0 49 m-equiv of acid wouldhave been neutralized for each millequivalent ofcalcium lost. Reidenberg, Haag, Channick, Shuman,and Wilson (1966), in a study of metabolic acidosisinduced by fasting in obese women, reported anincreased urinary calcium excretion during theacidosis, and that the calcium loss was reduced byalkali therapy despite continued fasting. During theuntreated acidotic phase the net negative calciumbalance was 156 mg/day. They calculated that thebuffer anions accompanying this calcium loss wouldcombine with 4 to 8 m-moles H+/day and act incontrolling the extracellular acidosis. Raaflaub(1961) calculated that a 30% demineralization of theskeleton would liberate between 7,000 and 8,000m-equiv of buffer base and proposed that the bonesprovide an almost inexhaustible base reserve for theanimal organism. In his concept he went so far as tosuggest that metabolic acidosis had, possibly, adirect stimulatory action on the parathyroid glands;as yet there is no evidence for such a controversialhypothesis.

Albright and his colleagues (1946) proposed thatalkali therapy, by correcting the acidosis, wouldprevent the calcium loss in renal acidosis. Since thenother workers have reported studies in which correc-tion of the acidosis with alkali therapy in chronicrenal failure has had no effect on bone deminera-lization. Stanbury, Lumb, and Nicholson (1960)


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Biochemical consequences of chronic renalfailure: A review

reported a case of chronic renal failure where theadministration of alkali alone had no effect on theexternal mineral balances, although apparentlycorrecting the acidosis. In three of the patientsstudied by Dent, Harper, and Philpot (1961) therewas no change in calcium balance during treat-ment with alkali alone, despite correction of theiracidotic state.


Disturbances in calcium and phosphate meta-bolism with associated metabolic bone disease arewell accepted biochemical features of chronic renalfailure. The disturbance in calcium and phosphatehomeostasis commonly takes the form of hypo-calcaemia and hyperphosphataemia, but thesechanges are not invariable. The metabolic bonedisease associated with azotaemic renal failure hasbeen described collectively by the terms 'renalosteodystrophy' (Liu and Chu, 1943) or 'renal-glomerular-osteodystrophy' (Dent et al, 1961) andconsists of osteomalacia, osteitis fibrosa, and osteo-sclerosis. Bone disease in patients whose lives arebeing maintained by intermittent dialysis is one ofthe increasing clinical problems of this group.In chronic renal failure the plasma inorganic phos-phate level rises; this is derived from the diet andmay also be liberated from organic compounds ofthe tissues such as phospholipids and nucleoproteinsin catabolic states. The increase in the plasma levelcould be due simply to a reduction of functionalrenal mass. However, although phosphate clearancedecreases with advancing chronic renal disease, therate of clearance falls proportionately less than thatof glomerular filtration, so that the average rate ofphosphate excretion per residual nephron increasesas the nephron population is reduced. There isevidence (Slatopolsky, Gradowska, Kashemsant,Keltner, Manley, and Bricker, 1966) that in thismechanism parathyroid hormone is the importantfactor rather than the increase in glomerularfiltration per nephron. The high phosphate level initself is not known to produce skeletal disorders,but, in the classical concept ofbone disease in chronicrenal failure, phosphate is considered to have asecondary effect in lowering the plasma calciumconcentration. It is well accepted that oral or intra-venous administration of phosphate salts lowers theplasma calcium concentration in both normal andhypercalcaemic subjects. The mechanism of thiseffect has until recently been in some doubt, butthe recent experiments reported by Hebert, Lemann,Petersen, and Lennon (1966) support the view thatphosphate infusion lowers serum calcium concentra-tion as the result of the precipitation in the body of

CaHPO4, by exceeding the solubility product ofthat salt.

In the classical concept, if changes in the plasmacalcium concentration follow or are secondary tothose in the plasma phosphate level one wouldexpect plasma calcium levels to be low in all patientswith chronic renal failure. Such is, however, not thecase. The plasma calcium concentration may remainnormal despite considerable increases in the plasmaphosphate level; alternatively it may be low in thepresence of only small changes in the phosphateconcentration. An explanation for these findingshas been proposed recently by Stanbury and Lumb(1966) who consider that the plasma calcium levelin chronic renal failure is determined by factorsother than the plasma phosphate concentration.Their view is based on theirown personal experiencesof a large series of cases of azotaemic osteodystrophyand they consider that in these patients there is acontinuous spectrum of changes in which the caseswith osteomalacia or defective mineralization andthose with pure osteitis fibrosa or excessive de-calcification represent the two extremes. Theydivided their patients into two groups. In group one,those with evidence of osteomalacia or defectivemineralization, the plasma calcium was statisticallysubnormal. In their second group, the patients hadno evidence of defective mineralization but hadevidence of osteitis fibrosa, and in these the plasmacalcium levels were normal. If these changes are notcaused by alterations in the plasma phosphateother biochemical factors must be considered.

In those patients with defective mineralization adeficiency of calcium is present. It is well establishedthat in chronic renal failure there is a reduced cal-cium absorption from the gut (Lichtwitz, de Seze,Parlier, Hioco, and Bordier, 1960; Kaye and Silver-man, 1965). Of the various factors affecting calciumabsorption alterations in vitamin D sensitivity maybe important, although recently Clarkson, Mc-Donald, and De Wardener (1966) have reportedevidence indicating that the impairment of absorp-tion is secondary to the diminished urinary calciumexcretion caused by the renal disease. There is,however, a considerable amount of evidence that inchronic renal disease there is an acquired insensitivityto vitamin D, as it has been shown that vitamin Dproduces a dramatic therapeutic response in thosecases with defective mineralization only if given invery large doses (Stanbury, 1960; Dent et al, 1961).Recently Evanson (1966) has reported evidencecompatible with vitamin D insensitivity, in thatpatients with hypocalcaemia in renal failure showeda diminished response to the calcaemic action ofexogenous parathyroid hormone, a result similarto that seen after hormone administration in simple


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vitamin D deficiency. It has been reported that thepresence of vitamin D is necessary for the peri-pheral calcaemic effect of parathyroid hormone onbone, but not its renal effect (Rasmussen, Deluca,Arnaud, Hawker, and Von Stedingk, 1963; Arnaud,Rasmussen, and Anast, 1966); the converse, how-ever, is not true. It is suggested by these authors thatvitamin D and parathyroid hormone act syner-gistically at mitochondrial level. Other workers (Ney,Au, Kelly, Radde, and Bartter, 1965) have challengedthese conclusions and from their own observationsconcluded that all the effects of parathyroid hor-mone are exerted in the vitamin-D-deficient state.These latter workers used experimental animalsof a different species to those of Rasmussen and hiscolleagues, and it is possible that their results reflectspecies variation.

In those cases with excessive demineralization ofbone and florid osteitis fibrosa the bone lesions areusually associated with marked parathyroid hyper-plasia. The histological lesions in the bone in thesepatients are indistinguishable from those of primaryhyperparathyroidism, suggesting that in this groupthe major factor is an excessive secretion of para-thyroid hormone. That the lesions are due tohormonal excess is supported by the fact that sub-total parathyroidectomy with, presumably, removalof excess hormone production, produces clinicalimprovement in the bone lesions (Stanbury et al,1960; Felts, Whitley, Anderson, Carpenter, andBradshaw, 1965).Some patients with chronic renal failure also

show osteosclerosis (Kaye, Pritchard, Halpenny,and Light, 1960). These lesions are seen histolo-gically as an excess of bone or hyperostosis ratherthan the production of abnormally dense bone. Kayeand Silverman (1965) regarded osteosclerosis as themost common bone lesion seen in renal failure andreported that it may be present simultaneously witheither osteomalacia or osteitis fibrosa. They believefrom their studies of bone formation rates in patientswith chronic renal failure that the pathogenesis ofosteosclerosis is a diminution in the removal offormed bone. Disturbances of calcium metabolismin chronic renal failure are obviously multifactorialand require considerable further elucidation.


Although many studies have been reported ondisturbances of calcium metabolism in chronicrenal failure there are fewer reports on disturbancesof magnesium metabolism. Magnesium is one of themajor mineral constituents of the animal organismand its presence is essential for life. Magnesiumactivates some of the enzymes which split and

transfer phosphate groups, among them the phos-phatases and enzymes concerned in reactions invol-ving ATP. Since ATP is required in such diversefunctions as muscle contraction, the synthesis ofprotein, nucleic acid, fat and coenzymes, glucoseutilization and oxidative phosphorylation, the acti-vating action of magnesium, by inference, extendsto all these functions. Hypermagnesaemia as afeature of chronic renal failure was first reported in1923 (Salvesen and Linder, 1923) and has beenreported by many others since then. Merrill (1965)stated that 'hypermagnesemia is constantly presentin chronic renal failure'. Breen and Marshall (1966)reported raised plasma magnesium levels in pre-dialysis specimens of uraemic patients with asignificant fall after dialysis, although the levelswere still higher than normal. In view of the role ofmagnesium in cellular metabolism it is not surprisingthat the hypermagnesaemia has been implicated as acause of some of the neurological manifestationsseen in patients with chronic renal failure (Ham-burger, 1957; Randall, Cohen, Spray, and Rose-meisl, 1964). In contrast to this, however, is thework of Clarkson, McDonald, De Wardener, andWarren (1965) who reported normal levels of mag-nesium in 21 patients with chronic renal failure. Itwas also shown that magnesium balance in eight ofthe patients they studied was within normal limits.The absorption and urinary excretion of magnesiumwas less than in normal subjects, but there was someevidence to suggest that this was due to a diminishedintake of magnesium. A link between calcium andmagnesium disturbances in chronic renal failure isreported in the recent investigation of Clarkson,Warren, McDonald, and De Wardener (1967) whostudied the effects of a high calcium intake eitheras citrate or carbonate on magnesium metabolismin both normal and uraemic subjects. In bothgroups there was a diminution in magnesium absorp-tion and equivalent fall in urinary excretion, asso-ciated with a fall in plasma magnesium concentration.They suggested that the fall in plasma magnesiumwas due to an inhibition of parathyroid hormonesecretion secondary to the rise in calcium absorptionand plasma calcium concentration.The factors affecting magnesium homeostasis and

the role of parathyroid hormone are not clearlydefined but it is accepted that in many clinicalsituations calcium and magnesium homeostasis arelinked. Bulger and Gausmann (1933) concludedfrom experimental animal and human studies withparathormone that there was little direct evidenceto suggest that the parathyroid glands had a directeffect on magnesium homeostasis. They noted thatin the hyperparathyroid state, either induced withparathormone or due to an adenoma, there was a

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negative magnesium balance. A relationship be-tween urinary calcium and magnesium excretionwas first shown in 1909 by Mendel and Benedictwho reported that the infusion of calcium salts intodogs was followed by an increased urinary magne-sium excretion. This observation has since beenconfirmed by others in both animals and man.A common distal tubular transport mechanism forthese two ions was postulated by Samiy, Brown,Globus, Kessler, and Thompson (1960) from theirexperimental studies in dogs, using stop-flow tech-niques. Support for such a hypothesis is derivedfrom the experimental studies of others (Ardill,Halliday, Morrison, Mulholland, and Womersley,1962; Alcock and Maclntyre, 1962). Hanna, North,Maclntyre, and Fraser (1961) studied patients withprimary hyperparathyroidism and attributed thenegative magnesium balance to an increased urinaryloss, as the result of an increased renal filteredcalcium load, the consequence of a common tubulartransport system. They concluded that there was noevidence, from their studies, to justify a 'primaryaction of parathyroid hormone on magnesiummetabolism'. Subsequently, however, Maclntyre,Boss, and Troughton (1963) suggested that theparathyroid glands exerted a homeostatic effectby variations in renal magnesium clearance. Heaton(1965) considered that the glands exerted homeostaticcontrol in a manner similar to that for calcium,by both promoting magnesium mobilization frombone and by decreasing renal clearance. Mag-nesium is predominantly intracellular and, like themajor intracellular cation potassium, is held withinthe cell by active metabolic mechanisms. Distur-bances of intracellular metabolism may cause therelease of both these cations into the extracellularfluid. The effect ofchronic renal failure on the homeo-static mechanisms controlling the serum magnesiumconcentration and the result of cellular metabolicdisturbances requires further elucidation.


In acute renal failure potassium intoxication is apotentially lethal factor, but in chronic renal diseasehyperkalaemia rarely occurs except in the terminalstage. Potassium is released from the cells as theresult of protein catabolism and of acidosis. Straussand Raisz (1956) calculated that the catabolism of75 g of muscle protein released 33 m-equiv of potas-sium from cell water. In acidosis with an increasedhydrogen ion concentration in the extracellularfluid, intracellular potassium is exchanged forextracellular hydrogen ions at the expense of theintracellular potassium concentration. Scribner andBurnell (1956) reported that there was a change of

0-4 to 1 5 m-equiv/1 in the serum potassium con-centration for every 01 unit change in extracellularpH. These alterations in serum potassium concen-tration are solely dependent on extracellular pHchanges (Simmons and Avedon, 1959). The infre-quency of hyperkalaemia in patients with chronicrenal failure is usually attributed to the ability ofthe diseased kidney to maintain a normal level ofurinary potassium excretion by tubular secretion(Leaf and Camara, 1949; Berliner, Kennedy, andHilton 1950). In patients with chronic renal failureit has been shown that potassium clearance exceedsinulin clearance, in the advanced stages of thedisease, as the result of tubular secretion (Platt,1950; Mudge, 1956). It was later shown that thereabsorption of filtered potassium was essentiallycomplete and urinary potassium was derived fromthat secreted in the distal tubule (Davidson, Levin-sky, and Berliner, 1958). There is, however, somerecent evidence (Hayes and Robinson, 1965) thatpatients with chronic renal failure have an increasedfaecal loss of potassium, which is not associatedwith overt diarrhoea, steatorrhoea, or obviousalteration in intestinal transit time. Whether suchan increase in faecal potassium is due to diminishedbowel absorption or increased bowel secretion is atpresent debatable.


The kidney is directly implicated in disorders ofsodium and water balance in patients with chronicrenal failure. It is well known that patients withchronic renal failure have an impaired ability toconserve sodium, which is commonly seen as amild hyponatraemia rather than as profound saltwasting. The mechanism of the hyponatraemia seenin chronic renal failure was investigated by Coleman,Arias, Carter, Rector, and Seldin (1966), whoshowed that patients with chronic renal diseaseare incapable of achieving sodium balance duringrigid sodium depletion. They concluded that thesalt wastage seen in chronic renal disease is due tothe inability of the surviving nephrons to lowersodium concentration of tubular fluid below arelatively high fixed value and that the cause of thisapparent gradient limitation is the increased osmoticload per nephron. The increased osmotic load pernephron is probably also responsible for the tubules'impaired inability to concentrate urine and this isrelated to the diminished response of the tubulesto antidiuretic hormone.

In the early stages of chronic renal failure theimpaired ability to conserve sodium and the asso-ciated hyponatraemia may necessitate the adminis-tration of sodium to prevent depletion. In the late


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or 'end-stage' oliguric phase of chronic renal failurethe situation is reversed and a different pattern ofsodium homeostasis is seen, which is manifested bysevere, uncontrollable hypertension. Comty, Rottka,and Shaldon (1964), in a study of the control ofhypertension in patients with 'end-stage' chronicrenal failure treated by intermittent haemodialysis,suggested that expansion of total body water andincrease in exchangeable sodium played a role inmaintaining the hypertension. In their patientsbefore dialysis treatment there was an excess of totalbody water, with a high normal, or high extracel-lular fluid volume and an excess of exchangeablesodium, in the absence of overt oedema. At the endof six months of intermittent haemodialysis treat-ment, and strict low sodium intake between dialyses,when control of blood pressure was satisfactory thepatients had normal total body water, exchangeablesodium, and extracellular fluid volume. Blumberg,Nelp, Hegstrom, and Scribner (1967) have also re-ported studies in which satisfactory control ofhypertension in 'end-stage' chronic renal failure wasachieved when extracellular fluid volume and exchan-geable sodium were reduced to normal or nearnormal levels by intermittent haemodialysis andsodium restriction between dialyses. The problems ofsodium and water balance are linked with the clinicalproblem of the hypertension in chronic renal failuredue to primary renal disease and will not be discussedfurther here, except to state that hypertension ofchronic renal failure and its effects can be reversedby adequate dialysis.


Sodium and water balance is normally regulated inpart by aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone(ADH). In non-oedematous patients with chronicrenal failure, disturbances of aldosterone secretiondo not seem to play a dominant role, as Cope andPearson (1963), in a study of aldosterone secretionrates in patients with chronic renal failure, foundno correlation with the blood urea level, the urinarysodium or potassium excretion, nor with the con-centration of either sodium or potassium in theserum. There is, however, evidence that the tubules inpatients with chronic renal failure show a diminishedresponse to adequate circulating levels of ADH(De Wardener, 1962). This failure in ADH respon-siveness appears to be due mainly to the osmoticdiuresis that is occurring in the individual survivingnephrons. Milne (1963) stated that 'in most cases ofchronic renal failure the tubules become unrespon-sive to aldosterone, but occasionally sensitivity ispreserved causing a combination of the signs andsymptoms ofuraemia and ofthe nephrotic syndrome'.

Patients with chronic renal failure do not loseexcessive amounts of sodium in their urine whenon a normal salt intake, but lose the normal reactionof the kidney to salt deficiency.

In the female fertility is depressed and secondaryammenorrhoea or menorrhagia occur in chronicrenal failure (Shaldon, 1966). In the male, fertilityis reduced to a lesser extent than in the female andnormal sexual activity with procreation has beenreported (Shaldon, Baillod, Comty, Oakley, andSevitt, 1964).With regard to steroid excretion there is in

chronic renal failure a reduction in the rate ofcortisol clearance from the plasma after an intra-venous infusion (Englert, Brown, Willardson,Wallach, and Simons, 1958). Englert and his co-workers reported that in their patients there was aninverse relationship between endogenous creatinineclearance and endogenous conjugated plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroid (17-OHCS) levels. Aftercortisol infusion the rate of clearance of free plasma17-OHCS was reduced, while the levels ofconjugated17-OHCS rose further and their clearance also wasreduced. The defect in the clearance of the con-jugated fraction was correlated with the degree offunctional renal impairment. There was no cor-relation between the rate of free 17-OHCS clearanceand the degree of renal insufficiency. They postulatedthat 'the accumulation of conjugated 17-OHCS inthe plasma may have decreased the rate of removalof the free 17-OHCS by mass action'. In one patientwith congestive cardiac failure and renal failurewhere the circadian variation in plasma 11-hydroxy-corticoid concentration was measured, there wasno change in the rhythm attributable to the renalfailure (Connolly and Wills, 1967).


It is well known that patients with chronic renalfailure have a reduced ability to handle a glucoseload and that the degree of glucose intolerancecorrelates roughly with the severity of the uraemia.Many theories have been postulated to account forthe abnormal carbohydrate tolerance in chronicrenal disease and include defects in insulin synthesisor release, the presence of circulating insulinantagonists, and defects in peripheral glucose utiliza-tion or hepatic glycogen storage. Of these thecurrent evidence appears to be in favour of theaccumulation, in uraemic patients, of a circulatinginsulin antagonist or antagonists. Hampers, Soeldner,Doak, and Merrill (1966) have shown that theabnormal glucose tolerance associated with chronicrenal failure can be corrected with adequate haemo-dialysis. They speculated that the low molecular

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weight substances which accumulated manifestedtheir effects by decreased insulin response to glucoseloads and a peripheral insensitivity to insulin.Briggs, Buchanan, Luke, and McKiddie (1967)measured blood sugar and plasma insulin levelsfollowing an oral glucose load in uraemic patients.In these patients the blood sugar rose normally butremained significantly higher than in normal controlsat 60, 90, and 120 minutes after the load. The plasmainsulin levels, in these patients, showed a high fastinglevel with a normal rate of increase and a delayedfall when compared with controls. They consideredthat their results excluded a defect in either thesynthesis or release of insulin as a cause of theglucose intolerance in uraemia and proposed that thedefect in glucose metabolism in this condition wasdue to the accumulation of dialysable insulinantagonists.The nature of such an antagonist or antagonists

to endogenous insulin is, however, ill defined. Aninsulin response pattern similar to that seen inuraemic patients has been reported by Buchananand McKiddie (1967) in maturity-onset diabetics.In this latter group of patients the impairment ofglucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity is associatedwith raised plasma levels of non-esterified fatty acids(Nefa) (Randle, Garland, Newsholme, and Hales,1965). In these patients the hypoglycaemic effect ofinsulin is frequently delayed until the plasma Nefalevel has fallen (Hales and Randle, 1963). In uraemicpatients, however, Hampers and his colleagues (1966)reported that there was no significant difference inthe fasting plasma Nefa levels before and after thecorrection by dialysis of their glucose intolerance.It has been suggested that urea may of itself playan important role in the glucose intolerance ofuraemic patients by directly interfering with carbo-hydrate metabolism (Perkoff, Thomas, Newton,Sellman, and Tyler, 1958). The report of Hamperset al (1966), who dialysed two uraemic patients withhigh bath urea concentrations and noted that theydid not develop abnormal glucose tolerance, suggeststhat urea alone cannot be incriminated.


Proteinuria is a characteristic feature of renalinsufficiency and is present throughout most of thecourse of the renal disease. Various mechanismshave been postulated to account for the proteinuriaand include increased glomerular filtration ofprotein, decreased reabsorption of the filteredfraction, and protein loss into the urine from thetubular cells. Of these the evidence appears to be infavour of an increased glomerular filtration ofprotein as the result of increased permeability of the

glomerular membrane. Such a mechanism does not,however, account entirely for the serum proteinchanges seen in chronic renal failure. Ludewig andChanutin (1938) studied the effects of renal insuffici-ency, induced by partial nephrectomy, in rats. Theyreported that the severity of the proteinuria increasedwith time and that to some extent dietary proteinintake influenced the urinary protein excretion.Their experimental animals did not develop hypo-proteinaemia despite the marked urinary proteinloss. They concluded that their experimental evidencesupported the earlier proposal of Bloomfield (1933)that the urinary protein loss in chronic renal diseasein man did not entirely explain the hypoprotein-aemia seen in these patients.The hypoproteinaemia seen in uraemic patients

may also be accounted for in part by the low proteindiet given to control the blood urea concentration inthese patients. There is, however, also evidence thatin chronic renal failure there is a disturbance ofprotein metabolism. Herndon, Freeman, and Cleve-land (1958), using balance studies in chronic renalfailure, reported that the patients had increasedendogenous nitrogen metabolism and required ahigher protein intake than did a normal subject toremain in nitrogen balance. The findings of Herndonet al were consistent with either a reduction innitrogen utilization for protein synthesis or accelera-ted protein breakdown. Lacy (1965) reported thatisolated livers from uraemic rats showed increasedamino-acid uptake and urea production, whencompared with those from normal controls, onperfusion with the same load of exogenous aminoacid. McCormick, Shear, and Barry (1966) studiedthe incorporation of radioactive labelled L-leucineinto protein using an in-vitro technique with cell-freepreparations of liver from uraemic rats. Theyreported evidence that the rate of hepatic proteinsynthesis, as assessed by this technique, was in-creased in uraemia, consistent with the earlier findingsof Lacy (1965). They concluded that if their findingswere related to the negative nitrogen balance seen inuraemic patients either the rate of protein degrada-tion was increased or the uraemic liver synthesizedan incomplete or abnormal protein. The hypopro-teinaemia of chronic renal failure appears thereforeto be accounted for in part by urinary loss, in part bylow dietary intake, and in part by some defect inprotein metabolism, the nature of which is not atpresent well defined.The nature of the alterations in serum protein

fractions in patients with chronic renal failure are ofinterest. In a large group of patients with chronicrenal failure both untreated and on long-termintermittent haemodialysis therapy, the levels oftotal serum protein and albumin fraction ranged


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from high to low, while the values of the globulinfraction were either normal or high (Moorhead andWills, unpublished data). In the early stages ofchronic renal failure the globulin fraction concentra-tion tends to be low but the levels increase withadvancing renal failure. This alteration in theglobulin fraction may be associated with the fact thatall uraemic patients show an abnormal immuneresponse. Hume, Merrill, Miller, and Thorn (1955)noted that after renal homotransplantation inchronic renal failure there was prolonged survival ofthe transplant with a much less intense local immuneresponse than was expected from transplantationexperiments on animals. Dammin, Couch, andMurray (1957) studied the survival of skin homo-grafts in patients with chronic renal failure andreported prolonged graft survival. They suggestedthat if the rejection of homografted tissue were animmune response on the part of the recipient, thenthe delay seen in uraemic patients represented animpairment of this immune response. Similar resultsin experimental animals were reported by Smiddy,Burwell, and Parsons (1961). A decrease in bothimmediate and delayed cutaneous hypersensitivityreactions in patients with uraemia was reported byKirkpatrick, Wilson, and Talmage (1964). They alsoreported that after a renal transplant the recipientacquired delayed responsiveness with a specificityidentical with that of the kidney donor. Theseobservations could not be explained either asalterations in the recipient's nutritional status or dueto an improvement in the uraemic syndrome. Theyconcluded that this passive transfer indicated that thecause of the depressed cutaneous hypersensitivity inuraemia was not due to 'an inability of the skin per seto react'. Rowlands, Wilson, and Kirkpatrick (1964),from histological studies, concluded that the altera-tion in cutaneous sensitivity was probably the resultof an abnormality in the production of specificallysensitized cells. The factor or factors affecting theimmune response in patients with chronic renalfailure and the relationship with protein metabolismstill require further elucidation.


Alterations in iron and haemoglobin metabolism areseen in patients with chronic renal failure andcontribute to the problem of anaemia in this group.The anaemia of chronic renal failure is classicallyboth normochromic and normocytic and it seemsprobable that this is a reflection of an alteration incellular metabolism as the direct result of theretention of 'organic compounds', although theanaemia is not corrected by adequate dialysis. Inpatients with chronic renal failure evidence of bone

marrow depression has been reported, as demonstra-ted by a diminution in the rate and amount of radio-active iron utilized for haemoglobin synthesis (Joske,McAlister, and Prankerd, 1956; Loge, Lange, andMoore, 1958). The defect in iron utilization is usuallyattributed to an inadequate production of erythro-poietin. The existence of the role of this humoralfactor which mediates the stimulus to erythropoiesiswas first reported by Reissmann in 1950, and itsrenal origin was demonstrated in experimentalanimals by Jacobson, Goldwasser, Fried, andPlzak (1957) and by Goldwasser, Fried, and Jacobson(1958). These authors reported that after bilateralnephrectomy experimental animals failed to show anelevation of plasma erythropoietin concentrationfollowing either cobalt chloride, or acute haemor-rhage, or reduced barometric pressure. Furtherevidence that erythropoietin was produced in thekidney was reported by Naets (1960) who laterreported that erythropoietin production was im-paired in patients with chronic renal insufficiency(Naets and Heuse, 1962). It had been reported earlierthat erythropoietin was absent from the plasma ofuraemic patients withanaemia(Gallagher, McCarthy,Hart, and Lange, 1959). That the kidney of itselfplays a dominant role in the anaemia of chronicrenal failure was demonstrated in experimentalanimals by Suki and Grollman (1960). These authorsreported a marked reduction in erythropoiesis andhaemoglobin synthesis in nephrectomized dogsdespite control of azotaemia with intermittentperitoneal dialysis. The dominant role in the aetio-logical mechanisms of the anaemia of chronic renalfailure appears to be deficient erythropoiesis conse-quent upon a diminution in erythropoietin produc-tion, with other factors playing a contributory role.

Alterations in iron metabolism and transport inrenal failure are a complex problem, and Brown(1964), in a study of plasma iron transport ratesduring haemodialysis, could show no correlationbetween the direction of the change in the transportrate, the percentage fall in blood urea, the change inred cell mass, or the plasma iron.

Other factors which contribute to the anaemia andwhich are also associated with the fundamentalbiochemical disturbance are haemolysis and thehaemorrhagic diathesis which are seen in thesepatients. Joske et al (1956) reported an increased redcell destruction in uraemia and suggested that thiswas due to an extracellular factor acting on normalred cells rather than to any cellular defect per se.The erythrocytes are themselves normal, as measuredby their ability to survive normally in healthyrecipients (Loge et al, 1958). In a recent study of redcell survival in patients with chronic renal failureShaw (1967) reported that the red cell life span was

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normal in 10 patients with blood urea levels of lessthan 135 mg/100 ml and was reduced in nine of 10patients with blood urea levels of more than 200mg/100 ml. He concluded that the reduced red cellsurvival in patients with chronic renal failure may becaused by the retention of the products of proteinmetabolism which accumulate in plasma approxi-mately parallel to the blood urea level. Anotheraspect of the haematological disturbances seen inchronic renal failure, which is also associated withthe biochemical disturbance, is the haemorrhagicdiathesis. Castaldi, Rozenberg, and Stewart (1966)and Stewart and Castaldi (1967) have publishedevidence that uraemic bleeding is due to a qualitativedefect of platelets, and that the defect was improvedby dialysis, suggesting that retained low molecularweight organic compounds play an important role.


In acute renal failure raised serum enzyme levelshave been reported. Kemp, Lange, Laursen, andNielsen (1964) reported increased serum levels oflactate dehydrogenase and of aspartic and alaninetransaminases in the early phase of the anuricepisode. In chronic renal failure Ringoir, Wieme, andRegnier (1965) have reported an elevation in the totallactate dehydrogenase (LD) activity and also notedan increase in the isoenzyme LD 5 fraction in post-dialysis blood specimens in acute or chronic tubularfailure, whereas in patients with chronic pyeloneph-ritis there was no difference in the pre- and post-dialysis specimens. The significance of this increase inLD 5, which is not the isoenzyme of renal origin,after dialysis in tubular disease is at present not clear.


Alterations in vitamin metabolism occur in chronicrenal failure, and Matthews and Beckett (1962) foundabnormally high levels of vitamin B12 in the serum of14 out of 32 patients with chronic renal failure andconsidered that a failure of renal clearance of thevitamin was the most likely explanation of theirfindings. Lasker, Harvey, and Baker (1963) measuredthe serum levels of folic acid, vitamin B12, thiamine,biotin, pantothenic acid, and nicotinic acid inpatients with chronic renal failure. They foundabnormally low levels of folic acid with values rang-ing from high to low for biotin and nicotinic acidwhich seemed to be related to the duration of theuraemic state and the nutritional history. Thevitamin B12 levels differed from those reported by theprevious workers in that the values were belownormal in one and raised in one out of a total of fivepatients. In their patients Lasker et al found no

consistent change in the blood vitamin levels beforeand after dialysis. In patients with chronic renalfailure maintained on intermittent haemodialysiswater-soluble vitamins are considered to be removedduring dialysis and oral supplements are given,despite adequate dietary intake (Shaldon, 1966).


Lipaemia in patients with chronic renal failure wasoriginally noted by Bright. In 1911 Chauffard,Laroche, and Grigaut reported high serum chol-esterol in patients with chronic renal failure whichfell with increasing nitrogen retention, and theysuggested that there was an inverse relationshipbetween urea and cholesterol. Similar findings werereported by Henes (1920) and Ashe and Bruger(1933); the latter considered that the fall was due tocachexia. Page, Kirk, and Van Slyke (1936) measuredplasma cholesterol and total lipids in patients withterminal renal failure and reported that the levels fellto either normal values or below when the ureaclearance fell to less than 20% of normal. Disturb-ances of cholesterol and lipid metabolism areclassically seen in association with the nephroticsyndrome. In patients with chronic renal failure notassociated with the nephrotic syndrome serumcholesterol levels are usually within the normal range,while total serum lipids show a marked increase(Moorhead and Wills, unpublished data). The causeof the hyperlipidaemia is not clear, but it is probablyrelated to the high fat diet that the patients are givenas part of their therapeutic regimen rather than to analteration in fat metabolism.


Chronic renal failure involves a fundamental distur-bance of the constitution of the internal environmentwhich has far-reaching biochemical consequences.There are in conclusion two points worthy of stress.The first is that in chronic renal failure many of thechanges might be regarded as simply the end result ofa reduction in functional renal mass. Such is, how-ever, not the case. Despite a considerable fall innephron population the surviving nephron unitsundergo functional adaptative changes which tendto delay the onset of the terminal phase of chronicrenal failure. The functional changes that occur in thesurviving nephron in chronic renal disease aredescribed in what has been called the 'intact nephronhypothesis' (Bricker, Morrin, and Kime, 1960;Bricker, Klahr, Lubowitz, and Rieselbach, 1965),which was originally proposed by Platt in 1952. Inthis hypothesis the individual remaining nephronsshow an adaptive increase in glomerular filtration


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rate in response to a decrease in the total nephronpopulation. The increased glomerular filtration ratein the remaining functional nephrons modifies thenormal glomerulotubular balance to allow more saltsand water to enter the tubules than the reabsorptivemechanisms can handle. There are also increases ordecreases in the tubular capacity for active secretionand reabsorption. These alterations in glomerularfiltration and tubular handling combine to compen-sate for a reduction in the total number of functionalnephrons by tipping the glomerulotubular balance inthe direction of excretion.The second point is that the changes in the internal

environment seen in chronic renal failure are complexand multifactorial. A change in any one system isoften reflected in many if not all of the others and theFigure attempts to show some of the changes and


their related consequences. Chronic renal failureresults in the retention of urea and other metabolicproducts or 'organic compounds'. These retainedproducts probably have a direct effect on cellularmetabolism acting perhaps as enzyme inhibitors. Theretention of urea has a direct effect on sodium andwater balance by promoting an osmotic diuresis. Theretained metabolic products contribute directly tothe changes in acid-base balance. The acidosis ofchronic renal failure of itself directly affects cellularmetabolism and potassium balance; it also, eitherdirectly or through alterations in parathyroidhormone or vitamin D sensitivity, affects calcium,phosphate, and magnesium balance. Whether or notthe acidosis directly affects calcium balance iscontroversial, as are the effects of the retained'organic compounds' on vitamin D and parathyroid


FIG. 1. Diagram illustrating the changes in the internal environment in chronic renal failure.





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hormone sensitivity. The role of the elevation of theplasma phosphate concentration in the disturbancesof calcium and magnesium balance is also contro-versial. The disturbances in calcium and magnesiumbalance of themselves contribute directly to thealterations in cellular metabolism. The alterations incellular metabolism are reflected in disturbances oflipid, protein, carbohydrate, and possibly steroidmetabolism: in the alterations in carbohydratemetabolism insulin antagonists probably play adominant role.The biochemical mechanisms involved in the

uraemic syndrome of chronic renal failure are farfrom clear and it is a chastening thought that ourknowledge of this subject has advanced very little inalmost one hundred and forty years. In 1831Richard Bright wrote in his observations on thederanged action of the kidney and its effects oncerebral function that 'how far the presence of urea,or the abundance, or deficiency, of any otherprinciple in the blood, may be the immediate causeof such a degree of cerebral irritation as is capable ofproducing epilepsy, is a fair subject of enquiry'. Itseems that, even today, the biochemical disturbancesof chronic renal failure and their effects in producingthe clinical syndrome of uraemia remain 'a fairsubject of enquiry'.

This review was prepared in part while the author was inreceipt of a US Public Health Service InternationalPostdoctoral Research Fellowship (Number 1 F05 TW1286-01) in the Clinical Endocrinology Branch, NationalHeart Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,Md., USA.


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