bio solutions final exam 2005

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  • 8/10/2019 BIO Solutions Final Exam 2005







    1 L 8 M 15 L 22 J

    2 J 9 J 16 L 23 M

    3 L 10 K 17 K 24 K

    4 K 11 J 18 K 25 L

    5 M 12 M 19 K

    6 M 13 K 20 M

    7 J 14 J 21 L

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    26 (a) Line to indicate a lower activation energy.



    (b) Energy needed to break bonds in the reactants. (2)

    Energy needed for a collision between reactants to produce product

    (or to react). (2)

    Energy required to initiate the reaction. (2)


    (c)Increases chance of a reaction occurring by ensuring molecules have

    correct orientation to react. (2)

    Aligns reactants. (2)

    Substrate binds to active site. (1)

    To lower activation energy & other consequence. (1)


    (d) High temperatures cause protein molecules to lose their specific 3D shape.


    Denatured (2)


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    27. (a) (i)Greatest similarity in DNA bands between parents and offspring. (2)

    Offspring should have common DNA sequences to parents. (2)




    (b) (i)High temperature (heat-1 only) is required to separate strands. (2)

    Human enzymes are denatured at high temperatures. (2)


    (ii)DNA is universal (2)

    DNA is same in all organisms (2)

    DNA has same structure in all species. (2)


    (iii)Identifies the start to be copied (2)

    Complementary to the DNA to which is to bind. (2)

    Stops strands joining together (if qualified 2) (1)


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    28 (a) Explain (2+2):

    Identification of statement re CO2and glucose necessary for growth/

    reproduction. (2)

    Greater light intensity results in greater rate of reproduction. (2)

    CO2needed for production of glucose. (2)


    (b) Photosynthesis is limited by light intensity. (2)

    Photosynthesis produces more chemical energy/glucose. (2)

    Chemical energy/glucose is needed for cell division/reproduction. (2)


    (c) Question asks forresults;

    Increased concentration of oxygen or glucose (2)

    Increased rate of P/S (1)


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    29 (a) Genetically identical cells are produced. (2)

    All the same. (1)


    (b) Number of possible factors (1 each):

    Temperatures 37C

    Surface to grow on

    Adequate nutrients

    Growth factors present

    Glucose or some other energy source


    Hormones Sterile conditions



    (c)Cancer cells have capacity to divide rapidly /divide uncontrollably. (2)

    Cancer cells produce factors that stimulate cell division. (2)


    (d) Genetically identical plants produced. (2)

    Susceptible to environmental change (1) detrimental (1) (2)


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    30 (a)Diagram must show sister chromatids separated and have appropriate

    shading. (2)


    (b) Spindle formation. (2)

    Multiple chromosomes. (2)

    Centrioles present. (2)

    Linear chromosomes not circular. (2)


    (c) Cytoskeleton (-1 for incorrect spelling) (2)


    (d) (i)Autumn


    (ii)Each female is genetically different to the others because they are

    produced sexually. (2)

    Theoffspring from the sexually reproduced females will also be

    different to each other (Sexual reproduction causes variations) (2)


    31(a) Exocytosis (-1 for incorrect spelling)


    (b) Fluidity (fluid structure). (2)

    Membranes can flow together. (2)

    Phospholipid bilayer. (0)


    (c) DNA codes for a specific sequence of amino acids (protein). (2)

    Change DNA then produce a different sequence (protein). (2)


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    SECTION B: Short Answers

    BOOKLET 2 (Questions 32 to 37)

    32 (a) C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

    reactants and products correct (1)

    balance correct (1)

    (2)(b) Explain (2) + (2)

    P and Q; oxygen is available for aerobic respiration, (1)

    M to N; oxygen not available. (1)

    Aerobic respiration releases more energy than fermentation (1)

    for the same amount of glucose. (1)


    (c) ADP + P ATP (2)

    Word equation is OK. (2)

    Synthesis reaction requires energy. (2)


    33 (a) As body mass increases, metabolic rate decreases. (2)

    As body mass decreases, metabolic rate increases. (2)

    Inverse of above is OK. (2)


    (b) NB:question asks about the mouse so must be related to gain full marks.

    Mouse has a large surface area to volume ratio. (2)

    Greater heat loss and higher metabolic rate to maintain body temperature.



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    34 (a) (i)Increases the surface area for diffusion to occur. (2)

    (ii)Decreases the distanceover which diffusion has to occur. (2)


    (b) Decrease filtration (2)

    Less urine produced (2)


    35 (a)Competition(1) for resources(1)

    (food, space, territory etc)


    (b)Four columns or rows (1)

    Appropriate headings (1)

    Separation of biotic and abiotic (1)

    Accurate recording of data by words or ticks (1)


    (c )Environment (factors affecting survival) on L more different than



    Selection pressure on gene pool more similar on M than on L (2)


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    36 (a)Number of possibilities:


    Soil nutrients

    Water availability (rainfall)

    Light intensity

    Hours of sunlight Frosts

    Oxygen concentration of soil






    (b) Energy stored (as starch) used to grow new leaves (2)

    Little energy (photosynthesis) being generated without leaves being

    present (2)


    37 (a) As nitrogen abundance increases plant diversity (number of plant species)



    (b) Decreased diversity (2)


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    38 (a) (i)pH will (not) affect the rate of reaction (2)

    There is an optimum pH for this reaction (2)


    (ii)increase the reliability of the data (2)

    increase precision of data (2)

    increase accuracy if systematic errors has been eliminated (2)

    reduce scatter (1)


    (b) (i) To ensure a valid conclusion (2)

    To ensure that results are only due to the effect of substrate

    concentration (2)

    Compare only one variable (2)


    (ii)substrate(1) Concentration(1) (2)


    (iii)initial increase(1)in rate(1)

    then a constant rate (2)

    Reaches equilibrium (1)

    Some limiting factor operates (1)


    (iv)line which indicates a lower rate (2)

    (2)( c) (i)both axes labelled with units (1)

    Appropriate scale (most of grid used) (1)

    Accurate plot of points (1)

    Smooth line of best fit (1)


    (ii)Results higher or lower (1)

    Consistently (or all) (1)


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    Question 39

    Describe how bacteria can be genetically engineered (6 marks)

    Isolate genes

    Use probes to identify

    Restriction enzymes Gel electrophoresis

    Isolate plasmid

    Cut out with same restriction enzyme

    Mix genes and plasmids

    They join

    t stic!y ends

    Insert modified plasmid bac! into bacterium


    Coat metal pellets with #$ and fire these into bacterium


    Use a phage %irus &bacteriophage'

    Discuss the advantages of relying on (6 marks)

    lifestyle changes to control lifestyle related diseases

    o %ailable to all

    o (ow cost

    o "ther health benefits

    o $o side effects

    genetic engineering to control lifestyle related diseases


    $o ris! of injury during exerciseo $o effect on life style

    o More a%ailable

    o (asts longer

    o $o effort re)uired

    !omm"nication #3 mar$s%

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