b.ing hi esai.docx

Nama : Ray Jordi Simangunsong Nim : 1021105040 Prodi : Hub. Internasional Forest Fire In the last (17) seventeen years Indonesia society as is habit of smoke inhalation resulting from fires. Each year before the dry season in Indonesia, almost certainly that always occurring forest fire in Indonesia jungle. It is ironic indeed that is where it is supposed to be learned from the experience to prevention and care even in cases of repeated annually. Forest fires in Indonesia is very unfortunate events, see how influential forests in Indonesia for the State itself and for the world. Indonesia, which used to be regarded as the lungs for the world, now is no longer like that. It also led to a lot of victims of the forest fires of Indonesia's own good as well as countries - neighboring countries and cause harm to the health of its citizens and the economy of its citizens. Speaking of forest fires in Indonesia, our attention will naturally lead to the attitude of the Indonesian government in

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Post on 02-May-2017




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Nama : Ray Jordi Simangunsong

Nim : 1021105040

Prodi : Hub. Internasional

Forest Fire

In the last (17) seventeen years Indonesia society as is habit of smoke inhalation resulting from

fires. Each year before the dry season in Indonesia, almost certainly that always occurring forest

fire in Indonesia jungle. It is ironic indeed that is where it is supposed to be learned from the

experience to prevention and care even in cases of repeated annually.

Forest fires in Indonesia is very unfortunate events, see how influential forests in Indonesia for

the State itself and for the world. Indonesia, which used to be regarded as the lungs for the world,

now is no longer like that. It also led to a lot of victims of the forest fires of Indonesia's own

good as well as countries - neighboring countries and cause harm to the health of its citizens and

the economy of its citizens.

Speaking of forest fires in Indonesia, our attention will naturally lead to the attitude of the

Indonesian government in dealing with cases that have occurred over and over - this again. Less

assertive stance taken in dealing with the same look of the case in 2013. Of the eight companies

suspected as fire setters only one that gets to court and be accused. Having traced back to the

location of the fire that occurred last year has turned into a clean and tidy expanse of oil palm

plantations one company. So burning peat and cause the collapse of tens of thousands of victims

alone - eyes only to open new palm oil plantation. The government is often said to be close - up

or protect the company that became the woods burner because government get the advantage for

their economic. I hope that this year the government can take action to protect the jungle and to

punish anyone who causes forest fire.

The amount of combustion is not only caused by intentional burning. Extreme hot temperatures

in Riau in the dry season, causing the appearance of the new hotspots that could potentially lead

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to a large forest fire. Hot temperature temperatures in Sumatra can reach 35 degrees Celsius, this

is also one of the drivers of forest fires. According to statistical data, forest fires in Indonesia

caused by as much as 90 % of human and 10 % of them is the will of nature. It can be prevented

by the government to make artificial rain, but the government is often too late to take action.

Problems burning the forest itself into each year's increase would be a negative record of the

government because they also have not been able to prevent or minimize them. Government's

lack of seriousness in handling forest fire is seen from the length of the government's suppression

of forest fires are related. The latest of 162 hotspots in Riau remaining 3 hotspot still in fire.

Of the few paragraphs above, I can conclude that the forest fire occurs is not entirely caused by

humans, there are other factors cause forest fires. It should public and government work together

and prevent these fires. And so the action from the government to resolve the problem of forest

fires is not re-occur over and over again for years ahead