bill white commissioning october 9, 2006 drive-laser commissioning status and plans requirements...

Download Bill White Commissioning October 9, 2006 Drive-Laser Commissioning Status and Plans Requirements Where do we stand today?

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Bill White Commissioning October 9, 2006 UV pulse goals rise and fall times < 1 ps flat-top, < 8% peak-to peak IR to UV conversion efficiency > 10 %, 2.5 mJ 255 nm nm, < 2% energy stability 120 Hz, MTBF > 5000 hours Spatial Profile FWHM = 1.2 – 3.0 mm Temporal Profile FWHM = 10 ps (5-20 ps)


Bill White Commissioning October 9, 2006 Drive-Laser Commissioning Status and Plans Requirements Where do we stand today? Laser Acceptance Status Laser Commissioning UV on cathode Injector Commissioning Bill White Commissioning October 9, 2006 Gun Design for Normal Incidence Layout of Laser from Injection Mirror to Cathode laser injection cross vacuum valve cathode gun solenoid drawing compliments of R.F. Boyce & T. Osier Bill White Commissioning October 9, 2006 UV pulse goals rise and fall times < 1 ps flat-top, < 8% peak-to peak IR to UV conversion efficiency > 10 %, 2.5 mJ 255 nm nm, < 2% energy stability 120 Hz, MTBF > 5000 hours Spatial Profile FWHM = 1.2 3.0 mm Temporal Profile FWHM = 10 ps (5-20 ps) Bill White Commissioning October 9, 2006 Laser Beam Specifications on the Cathode ParameterNominal SpecTolerance Central Wavelength255nm Pulse Energy>0.4mJ Continuously adjustable