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 Caspeo - BP 6009 - 45060 ORLEANS CEDEX 2 - FRANCE Tél : 02 38 64 31 96 - Fax 02 38 25 97 42 - e-mail : [email protected] SARL au capital de 14 500 €. RCS Orléans. SIRET 451 785 687 00018 Serving your process needs ©Copyright BRGM 1986-2003 - Caspeo 2004  Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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Caspeo  - BP 6009 - 45060 ORLEANS CEDEX 2 - FRANCETél : 02 38 64 31 96 - Fax 02 38 25 97 42 - e-mail : [email protected]

SARL au capital de 14 500 €. RCS Orléans. SIRET 451 785 687 00018

Serving your process

©Copyright BRGM 1986-2003 - Caspeo 2004 

Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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BILCOTM 3 – Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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 BILCO applications

The BILCO software offers an interactive, quick and accurate way of solving material balanceproblems in a vast number of applications. In just minutes, BILCO can provide solutions for

flow management problems such as in the case of pollution balances, urban and industrialwaste management, or for complex flowsheet problems in mineral or food processing plants,chemical or petrochemical plants.BILCO can also be used for all types of balancing problems for chemical analysis (fitting upto 100% and estimating accuracy of analysis), mineralogy (fitting with chemistry), definition ofsampling strategies, mixing and blending, etc.

BILCO can be used for:

  pollution balance, effluent network,  material balance of a plant or a pilot plant,  material balance of batch processes, in the industry or to the laboratory,

  mixing and blending,  chemical analysis,  strategy of sampling and measurement,  mineralogy...

 BILCO: To solve problems of material balance

Global or detailed material balances are the fundamental means used to design and evaluateprocessing plant operations. To establish balances for flows in these plants, it is firstnecessary to obtain data such as:

  flowrates,  chemical compositions,  particle-size distributions.

It is often difficult to calculate accurate balances from these parameters for the followingreasons:

  Data are always imprecise and inconsistent,  Large numbers of equations are required to establish a detailed balance in a

complex plant.

BILCO overcomes these problems simultaneously using all the available data on plant

streams to establish a consistent material balance no matter how complicated is theflowsheet.Components are chemical elements, minerals, size classes, elements by size classes...

BILCO compute estimators of flowrates and grades which verify the following materialkeeping constraints:

  flowrates at each node: the sum of input flowrates is equal to the sum of outputflowrates,

  partial flowrates of the components at each node: for each component, the sum ofinput partial flowrates is equal to the sum of output partial flowrates.

These constraints, node by node, warrant that, for each component and each globalflowrates, the input material quantity is equal to the output material quantity even so thecomponent pass from a phase to another phase, such as precipitation, crystallisation,leaching, dissolution...

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BILCOTM 3 – Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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In addition to verify material balance, BILCO compute a solution as close as possible to theinitial data, taking into account the associated accuracy. A numerical method based on aniterative algorithm is able to solve these non-linear optimisation problems.

BILCO offers another function that can be used before or after the material balancecomputation. It allows estimating the effect of well-known data to improve the knowledge ofimprecise or unknown data.

Use of the material balancing

Material balancing is a general approach and is used in a vast number of domains.Everywhere there is networks with flows and transformations, data are to be evaluated. Hereare some examples of material balance application.

Statistically coherent material balance can be used in sampling strategy definition. Itassociates the knowledge on the sampling error of each point of the flowsheet and the

relations between flows and proceeded measurements (sizes, grades, moisture...). Theredundancy allows delivering coherent estimators more accurate than the initialmeasurements. This approach allows to detect aberrant values and to reduce error due tothe sampling and the measurement.

Material balance is largely used in process engineering. It allows describing the materialflowing in the process. Knowledge of the process performances is then improved.Sometimes, balancing behaviour reveal non-stationary process or bad accuracy estimation.Data reconciliation by material balance is a key stage in process simulation before using datato calibrate a unit operation.



Mixer tankCIP


Leaching tank

CIP carbon feed

CIC carbon feed

Eluted carbon

Loaded carbon

CIL loaded carbon

CIC loaded carbon

Eluent feed

Gold concentrate

Barren solution

Barren pulp

From thecomminution circuit


Gold Ore Treatment







2 3













Example of an hydrometallurgical process of gold ore treatment

In mineralogy, material balance is used to quantify the mineral composition. Knowing thechemical analysis of the ore and the chemical composition of the constitutive minerals, it ispossible to obtain the mineral composition of the ore from very imprecise estimated values

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BILCOTM 3 – Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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obtained, for example, by visual observation. This method is not rigorous because thesuccessive chemical reactions operating in the ore genesis are not taking into account.However, it is satisfactory and gives good values rapidly. It is necessary when the classicalCIPW method fails or is not applicable.

Exemple de recombinaison chimie-minéralogie

The recycling industry delivers to refiner products such as aluminum bale. This aluminum isin massive block form of many cubic meters. Refiners buy it with a price depending on analuminum grade given by recycling industry. Refiners process this material to obtain afinished product of aluminum. They know well the composition of the finished product. In theobjective of a quality control, refiners can use material balance integrating differentinformation sources to verify the aluminum grade of the secondary raw material given byrecycling industry.

In the frame of a rational waste management, industries have to conduct studies to obtain an

exhaustive list of their waste production and to propose and implement a waste managementplan. Material balance is used in the first phase of these studies to improve the knowledgeabout waste streams. This knowledge allows to propose the more adapted waste recyclingway and sometimes to reduce their treatment cost. These studies can also be used in theindustrial area scale.

In the legal frame, material balance can be used to solve a dispute. In the example of thetreatment of coal tailings, the company having bought them advanced a residual carbongrade and quantity in contradiction with the values given by the seller. There was then acommercial dispute. A sampling campaign has been conducted on the tailings by anindependent party. The different data sets were reconciled using material balance and avariance analysis gave their confidence interval. The data sets of the seller and buyer were

in this interval. No party could accuse the other to use erroneous values.

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BILCOTM 3 – Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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The data reconciliation software BILCO has been used in the experimental study of theheavy metal dispersion during the sorting and composting plant of municipal waste. Thestudied plant was designed for the production of urban compost with bale packaging of thecomposting refuse for landfill deposit. The treatment of the great number of analysis resultswas difficult without a material balance software. Results allow a better knowledge of thedifferent stream composition, a determination of the flowrate and grades of the nonmeasurable streams and an accuracy improvement by the aid of the great number ofanalysis. Material balance determines the heavy metal streams in the municipal wastemanagement without a heavy and expansive sampling campaign.

BILCO can also be used in water resource management. In the following example, thematerial balance approach is used to determine the principal pollution source.

Water drainage



Tailing # 1

Tailing # 2Tailing # 3

Effluents networks


Upstream Water 

Downstream Water 

Drinking water resources

Potential pollution sources

Pollution balance

Industrial site






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Example of pollution balance

Caspeo - 3 avenue Claude Guillemin, BP 6009

45060 Orléans CEDEX 2 - FRANCEe-mail: [email protected].: +33 (0) 2 38 64 31 96 / 36 15fax: +33 (0) 2 38 25 97 42

BRGM is the author of BILCOBILCO is a trade mark of BRGMCaspeo is the publisher and distributor of BILCO

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BILCOTM 3 – Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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Case study #1 : Global plant balancing

Case presentation:

This case study is a simple presentation of the interest of the material balance approach. Amineral processing plant is considered with a feed of copper ore and two output streams: thewastes and the concentrate.Measurements have been taken on the three streams in terms of global flowrates of solidsand in terms of copper grade. Furthermore, the accuracy of these measurements has beenestimated.This set of data is not coherent and a material balance will be established to get coherentestimated values as close as possible to the measurements and more accurate.

Flowsheet of the plant

Raw Material

Wastes Concentrate 

Formalizing the graph within BILCO



Case Study # 1

Global "flowsheet" of the plant





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BILCOTM 3 – Data reconciliation and analysis by material balancing

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Measurements: flowrates, grades and accuracy

Feed Concentrate Tailings

Estimated values

Feed Concentrate Tailings

Results analysis

... flowrates

Stream Measuredflowrate






Feed 500 10 505.3 7.3

Concentrate 25 10 24.4 7.6

Tailings 450 25 480.9 7.4

... grades

Stream Measured Cu(%)


Estimated Cu(%)


Feed 1.5 5 1.51 4.52

Concentrate 25 1 24.99 0.99

Tailings 0.32 10 0.32 9.92

These results are showing:

1. that the estimated values are coherent with the highest variation on the lessaccurate value (flowrate of tailings),

2. that the grades, more accurate, have been highly contributing to the flowrateestimation,

3. that there is a propagation of the accuracy which conducts to a knowledge of thetailings flowrate of 480.9 t/h * 7.4 % from a measurement of 450 t/h * 25 %.

The estimated values are therefore coherent and more accurate than the measurements

while remaining as close as possible.