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“Ladies, It's Not To Late To GetThe Body You Want Without A

Lot Of Trouble!”Presented By: Carol R. Simms

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Choosing a Bikini Body Workout That Shows Results

Are you planning on heading out to the beach, but you are feeling that your bodyjust not quite ready yet?

Have you already brought a very nice bikini and thought that it fit your body just right, only to try it at home and realize that it doesn't fit you that well after all?

Well, this is what happens when you do not have a good awareness of your body and the state that it is in. You tend to forget that your now and again, fat deposits may be piling up in your body, being deposited as ugly flab.

However, do not be disappointed, you can still achieve that perfect bikini body you know, the bikini body that you are dying for. By choosing and working on thebest bikini body workout that you can find, this will be all you have to do for the rest of the days before your beach trip.

So, how would your chosen bikini body workout help you in getting the best bikini body?

Well, first of all, it will help you tone your body and this can be achieved by workouts that trim the extra fat that has been stored in all the wrong areas in your body. The areas include the tummy area or abdominals, the arms, especially the upper arms around the triceps, the buttocks and thighs. The sad thing about it is that these are also the parts of your body that you have to flaunt when you are wearing a bikini. How ironic, isn't it?

Your bikini body workout is here to give you confidence in wearing your favorite bikini when you are at the beach or when you go swimming in the pool. A lot of this can be done if your efforts are directed toward burning fat.

Following a fixed bikini body workout program would be good, but you may also consider customizing and designing your own program from fixed routines so that the program will best suit your needs and current level of fitness. It all depends on which exercises work best for you. Of course, different body types adjust and adapt to the workouts differently, so it would be better to have a custom-made bikini body workout planned uniquely just for you. Taking the

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initiative to start and be consistent in your intentions and actions will help you get a bikini body that you can be proud of.

Another important aspect to your health and well being; both of which are also important to a beautiful you, you need to be conscious and selective about your diet. You should stop eating foods that are not good for you body, such as junk food, sweets, and other unhealthy kinds. Instead choose low calorie and nutritious foods.

Enjoy as much fruit and vegetables as you like and remember to drink lots of water so you can stay hydrated. This would keep your metabolism working at its optimal level. In turn, these new habits also aid your body in digesting the food you eat, so that you do store excesses as fat.

When it comes to your bikini body workout, it would be beneficial to begin with warm-up exercises first. Next, follow through with a good cardio workout to exercise your heart and also for optimal blood flow. The cardio component of your bikini body workout will help you burn fat.

As for your main exercise, you can concentrate on the parts of your body that need special attention. For example, if you are having some trouble with your tummy, you may include lots of crunches and abdominal exercises in your workout program. If you have problems with your flabby arms, you should do some weight lifting, to tone your arm muscles. There are also a lot of thigh and buttocks exercises available to have firm muscles in those areas. These exercise options help you build muscle, tone the selected areas, and essentially help you look great in a bikini.

Just remember that the way to a perfect bikini body is to be reasonably disciplined with your bikini body workout. Work consistently, so that you will achieve your goal.

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Bikini Body Workout - 4 Weeks to a Sexy Summer Beach Body

Now that you're jumping around for joy because Summer's almost here I thoughtit only fitting that I give you a routine that will get you in Bikini body shape in just 4 weeks! This routine includes Plyometric exercises and isometrics for your abs.This calorie scorching cardio routine is going to have you jumping for joy right over to that Bikini rack as you see the pounds and inches just dropping away.

So go ahead and buy a Bikini two sizes smaller than what you are currently wearing because if you will commit yourself to this workout you will have no problem getting into it!

The Bikini Body Workout Plan

Train Three Times A Week - not on consecutive days and make sure you warm up for at least five minutes before you begin.

Days 1 and 3 - perform three sets of 18 to 20 repetitions of each movement withlighter resistance.

Day Two - do three sets but cut the number repetitions and half and increase theresistance you are using.

Complete All the Moves - follow the exact order as given and rest for 45 seconds between sets.

Equipment Needed - you will need a set of resistance bands, an isometric exerciser and stability ball. Total investment under $100. (Still cheaper than a gym membership, they go for hundreds of dollars a year.)

Here Are the Top 3 Exercises to Get You in Beach Body Shape

Squat Jump - this exercise works your butt and your legs. Stand facing the bench or step with your feet shoulder width apart, arms in front of you. Jump onto the bench using your arms to help propel you, and then jump. You can jump or step down, perform the repetitions as directed above.

Single Leg Bridge - this exercise targets your butt, legs and core. To perform thisexercise lay down on the floor face up with one of your heels on the stability ball.Keep your arms at your sides. Lift up your hips and bring your right knee towards your chest. Keep your right knee bent and hips lifted and then roll the ball in so your left knee is bent at a 90° angle. Roll the ball out and repeat. Switch your legs and complete the set.

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Spiderman Push-Up - this exercise targets your chest, arms, and core. Lower yourself to the ground and assume a push-up position. Your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulders. (If you need to rest on your knees its okay) bring your right hand forward a few inches as you draw your left knee towards your left elbow. At the same time, lower your chest towards the floor. Push back up, return to your starting position and switch sides for your next repetition.

Unfortunately, that's all the room that we have in this article to break down the complete program. The beach body workout consists of 9 exercises in total. In the next article, I will give you the rest of the workout and some tips to maximize your results!

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Would you like to have a Bikini body in just 4 weeks? I'm talking about a flat stomach, toned arms and firm butt. Then visit my website and get the complete Bikini Body Workout and the Bikini body diet that led to eat just about anything and still have a beach body.

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6 MMA Drills For A Bikini Body

Female MMA fighters have amazing bodies.

That's because MMA involves so many techniques that the entire body is worked through a full range of motion.

Arms, legs, belly, butt, core, everything.

If only you could mimic their routine without having to get punched in the face!

Well, fortunately you can! And you don't even need to come up with an exercise plan on your own.

I've taken the guesswork out and created a bikini body workout plan for you!

Lose fat fast

Have you noticed your dress size steadily creeping higher over the years? No bueno!

Tired of unzipping your pants after eating a meal? No mas!

Perhaps you're already fit but are looking for a new addition to your current beach body workout. No problema!

You don't need to have experience with MMA, know a left hook from a roundhouse, or aspire to be a fighter to reap the benefits of this routine.

Using the 6 drills below will put you on the fast track to getting that bikini body you've been dreaming about.

Here's another great thing about this routine: you don't need to buy any

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equipment! Which means you can do this workout at home, outside, or at the gym. Use this routine anywhere, anytime!

Hey, I'm lovin' this already!

Get fit with these 6 MMA drills

You'll be doing the drills in blocks of 3 at 1 minute each, and then resting for 1 minute before continuing to the next 3 drills. Repeat the process until all drills have been performed 3 times each.

For example:

Drill 1 - Perform for 1 minute

Drill 2 - Perform for 1 minute

Drill 3 - Perform for 1 minute

Rest - 1 minute

Drill 4 - Perform for 1 minute

Drill 5 - Perform for 1 minute

Drill 6 - Perform for 1 minute

Rest - 1 minute

Repeat x 2

As your fitness level improves increase the length of each drill.

If you're a beginner don't push yourself too hard at first. Ease into the routine.

If you're adding these drills to your existing workout, incorporate them as desired.

During the rest periods don't stand still. Make it an active rest.

By "active rest" I mean move around. Do something low intensity like walking in

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circles, stretching, or shaking out your arms. This will keep you focused and your body ready for the next drill.

During the rest period take sips of water if you're thirsty.

I have also included advanced tips. If you're just starting out, skip these for now. Once the exercises become easy for you then add the advanced tip movementsto really heat things up.

Ready? Of course you are! Let's get to it!

1) Cross hops

Cross hops not only tone your calves and quads, they strengthen your lung capacity and cardiovascular health too. Cross hops also build the timing and coordination needed in MMA.

> How to perform cross hops:

Place towels, clothing, or string, in a cross shape on the floor in front of you. If nothing is available just imagine a cross shape on the ground.

Stand with your feet about an inch apart.

Hop back and forth, and side to side, across the lines on the balls of your feet. Stay as low to the ground as possible and try to land gently.

Vary the hopping pattern, moving clockwise, counter-clockwise, and diagonally.

Advanced tip: As you get better at cross hops, alternate hopping on 1 foot to increase the difficulty.

Fun fact: An adult human male has an average resting heart rate of about 75 beats per minute, the same rate as an adult sheep.

2) Jumping squats

Jumping squats are the ultimate exercise for your butt and legs. Few things will shape and tone your glutes as well as jumping squats. They also increase your

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explosiveness, which is useful for throwing powerful kicks.

> How to perform jumping squats:

Place your feet around shoulder-width apart

Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground. Allow your arms to hang down so the tips of your fingers touch the floor.

Spring straight up, jumping as high as you can with your arms straight over your head and fingers extended. It will look as if you're trying to touch the sky.

Land on the balls of your feet, lowering your body back into the squat position tocomplete 1 rep. Repeat.

Try not to let your knees extend forward beyond your toes, as this can strain your back.

Advanced tip: During the jump, spin 180 degrees mid-air and land facing the opposite direction. This will work your core and improve your agility.

Fun fact: To promote the Sochi Olympics in Russia, Moscow Subway riders were allowed to pay their fare by successfully completing 30 squats.

3) Shadow box with a jab - cross combo

Throwing punches at an imaginary opponent will tone your arms and shoulders, build your mental focus, and improve your body awareness. This is a staple exercise for every MMA fighter.

> How to shadow box:

Stand with your left foot forward, elbows bent in front of your ribs, your hands upin the "guard" position, hands lightly clenched. (Reverse these directions if you're left handed)

Envision an opponent directly in front of you.

Throw a jab directly at the chin of your imaginary opponent by extending your left arm forward, turning your palm towards the floor, and then immediately retracting your arm back to the guard position.

Throw a cross with your right arm by rotating your hips counter clockwise, lifting your heel off the floor, extending your right arm forward, and turning your palm

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towards the floor. Then return your arm back to the guard position.

Repeatedly throw the punches and mix up the combo. i.e. jab/jab/cross, jab/cross/jab

Move about the room while throwing the punches.

Advanced tip; Throw the jab-cross combo as fast as you can for the entire minute without pausing. Say "No" when your arms beg you to stop and say "Hello" to sculpted deltoids and triceps!

Fun fact: When asked for his thoughts on opponent George Foreman in their upcoming bout, Muhammad Ali replied, "I've seen George Foreman shadow boxing and the shadow won!"

4) Bear crawls

You're gonna feel the burn with this one. Bear crawls are effective at working theentire body as a whole unit; exactly what's needed to shoot in on an opponent totake them down.

> How to bear crawl:

Clear a path in the room so nothing will obstruct your way as you crawl.

Get on your hands and knees with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and neutral spine placement.

Lift your knees off the ground, rising to the balls of your feet.

Move your left hand and right leg forward simultaneously. Then move your right hand and left leg forward simultaneously. Repeat this motion to perform a bear crawl back and forth across the room.

Do not allow your knees to touch the ground as you crawl.

Advanced tip: Every 10 seconds alternate between forward bear crawls and reverse bear crawls (crawling backwards).

Fun fact: Due to their upper limbs initially being stronger than their lower limbs, Polar bear cubs crawl backwards.

5) MMA knee strikes

Throwing MMA knee strikes will strengthen your core, glutes, and cardiovascularendurance. They are used to mix up the striking game and confuse the

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opponent. They are also an effective defense against takedowns when timed well.

> How to throw MMA knee strikes:

Stand with your left foot forward, elbows bent in front of your ribs, your hands upin the "guard" position, hands lightly clenched. (Reverse these directions if you're left handed)

Envision an opponent directly in front of you.

Take a half step forward with your lead leg. As you step forward, slightly turn your lead leg counter-clockwise so your foot points to the 11 o'clock position, and land on the ball of your foot. This opens your hips, giving the strike more power.

Thrust your rear knee up and forward at a 45 degree angle, aiming the tip of the knee at the opponent, and drive your hip into the strike. Lean back slightly for balance and keep the foot of your striking leg as close to your butt as possible.

Bring your knee back along the same path it traveled and return to the guard stance on the balls of your feet. Repeat the motion for additional knee strikes.

Every ten knees switch your stance and throw knees strikes with the opposite leg.

Advanced tip: Alternate stances with every knee strike. Maintain good form and stay on the balls of your feet. Make the stance switch as fluid as possible.

Fun fact: Melchor Menor, a former Muay Thai champion, appeared on the T.V. show Fight Science and demonstrated a knee strike. The power of the strike was equal to the power of a 35 mph car crash.

6) Burpees

Despite their funny name, burpees are all business. They are often called the king of conditioning exercises, and for good reason! They will work all of your major muscle groups, burn calories at light speed, and melt the fat off your body.Getting good at these will allow you to go several rounds with anyone in the cage!

> How to perform a burpee:

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Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart

Drop your body to a squat position with your palms flat on the ground

Quickly thrust your feet back, while extending your arms. The position will look similar to a pushup with arms extended.

Immediately return your feet to the squat position with your palms on the floor.

Jump straight up from the squat position, extending your arms above your head.It will look like you're trying to touch the roof. This completes 1 burpee rep.

Repeat the steps to complete additional burpees.

Advanced tip: Add a pushup to the burpee. After you drop down and thrust your feet back, do a pushup, then return to the squat position.

Fun fact: Burpees are named after American physiologist Royal H. Burpee. He created the "Burpee Test" in the 1930's as a simple way to assess fitness.

Congratulations, you made it through the entire routine and are one step closer to your bikini body! Give yourself a pat on the back and think about taking up an MMA class. You'll burn tons of calories, make friends, and learn to protect yourself should the need arise.

And if you have any friends that are looking for a kick-butt routine, please share this with them!

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Content Credits:

Choosing a Bikini Body Workout That Shows Results

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Bikini Body Workout - 4 Weeks to a Sexy Summer Beach Body

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6 MMA Drills For A Bikini Body

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