bijal's media evaluation

BIJAL VADGAMA Foundation Media AS Coursework LA101 ..Evaluation..

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BIJAL VADGAMAFoundation Media AS Coursework



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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms

and conventions of real media products?

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms

and conventions of real media products?

During the production of my magazine I’ve had to incorporate and input ideas from other music magazine’s such as Q, Kerrang and NME. In addition to incorporating other pralines, I’ve developed some of my own, and also challenged them by completely going against the standard thing for magazine’s to have and by having something completely different.

Firstly, ways in which I used real conventions of other media products is through image. The image I have used on my front cover is a medium to long shot image where I have removed or made the background transparent as many other magazines do. Through the course of the rest of the magazine made by me, I have used a lot of pictures to illustrate my articles. As seen in my double page spread I have repeated a picture 3 times. This is rarely used in magazines but I feel that it gives my article a good effect. This would be considered as challenging forms and conventions. Secondly the thought I have given to the use of space in my magazine is as following a common convention. My magazine has barley any space and I have chosen to do this as the age range I have targeted for is teens, and other forms of teens magazines are extremely busy as a lot of small bites of information really attracts the younger generation.

In addition I have developed a common form of media products through my typeface. I haven't used a very common typeface, but I feel the typeface I’ve used has been developed to fit the age range I am aiming my media music product towards. I have challenged media forms through the use of colour in my magazine “Beats”. I have used a very colourful colour scheme, but have mainly stuck to the colours of red, yellow and black as I feel these three colours appeal to both males and females, but they do often go well together as a group, therefore I used them in a way where I feel the look will still apply to my target audience and hopefully beyond.

Finally The model I’ve used in my front cover and double page spread image, has an extremely Stereotypical image of my target audience while the image’s in my contents page also show’s off girls. The model I used is wearing clothes that my target audience would strive for, while also being in his mid 20’s he is made to look extremely young so that my target audience could appeal more to the model.

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How does your media product representparticular social groups?

Representation can be shown through many mediums. In my example I am using magazines. Representation is the way people or things are shown and the way that they are also perceived by individuals.

My target audience I am aiming my product towards are at a median age of 21, ranging from 16 to 27. Mainly aimed at C1 C2 and D ranged people. Also I have aimed it at 65:35 for a male to female ratio,

The image I’ve used in my front cover and double page spread image, has an extremely stereotypical image of my target audience while the image’s in my contents page also show’s off girls. The model I used is wearing clothes that my target audience would strive for, while also being in his mid 20’s he is made to look extremely young so that my target audience could appeal more to the model. I have tried to use all resources I can to make the model’s relate to my target audience, as it is more common for people to buy magazines where the people featured may be loved by them, or related to their kind of life / socialGroup.

I’ve had to think about the way I represented particular social groups throughout my magazine as well. I had made sure that I had kept to my target audience by making sure that the content appealed to the majority of that audience. Therefore I had chosen to do an interview with a fairly young, hip and hot new up-coming artist, DJ and soon to be actor.

Finally I the way that I had written bites of information and my final double page article had to incorporate my audience. Therefore I chose to use a bit of ‘slang’ and shortened words as this would help the readers relate. This would also look as if the readers were un-educated if read by someone not of the target audience, but since I had to make this magazine fore the younger generation I felt that this type of text would be just fine.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

The media institution that may distribute my product is extremely important as they would be able to get my magazine sold mainly and would also help by using cross media promotion across the large rage of other media products they may be in charge of.

I was firstly thinking of getting Future to distribute my media product, but after some research I realized that they are better for magazines that would attract a smaller audience as they attract niche audiences. My magazine’s genre is for RnB and HipHop, these are extremely known genre’s and therefore future wouldn’t be a good match as my media institute.

I finally decided that a company like Bauer media publications may distribute my product. I got to this conclusion as Bauer media publications have many mainstream genre products, but they don’t really distribute any in the RnB and hiphop category, which are one of the most popular genre’s in the world currently.

Bauer media publications appeal to a large range of the public, and as they have many other magazines and other forms of media, cross media promotion would be a great advantage with them. Cross media promotion is when adverts of my magazine will be placed into other magazines, tv or radio for free as it is all owned and distributed by the same media institution.

I consider profit to be of huge importance to my company, as with these profits I could help my magazine grow into tv, radio and maybe even the internet, therefore the price sold at and amount sold is a very important factor.

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Who would be the audience for your mediaproduct?

I have chosen for my music magazine, to aim it towards a median age of 21, ranging from 16 to 27. Mainly aimed at C1 C2 and D ranged people. Also I have aimed it at 65:35 for a male to female ratio.

My typical ready would be a boy aged 17, that attends college full time. Is from a middle to lower class back ground, C1 C2 or D. A boy that may aspire to soon become a huge artist or have a career in the field of music and entertaining.

I have no specific ethnicities aimed towards, as my magazine will incorporate all international backgrounds through articles and other extras.

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How did you attract/address youraudience?

I’ve had to make sure that while creating my media product, I incorporated ways in which my audience would be attracted to buying and reading on. Main ways to attract an audience would be by image, colour, and large fonts. But in addition to this I've also kept in mind smaller factors such a typeface, which is the font the articles are written in and content of the articles and other extra’s in the magazine.

I used a model that looked like my perfect target audience, as other would feel to buy the product if they saw an image of a person that looks like they could relate to the reader. In addition I used bright colours that would make my magazine stand out on the shelf’s along with large and funky typeface’s on the front cover, that all together is sure to reel in many readers.

To keep a reader attracted to my magazine, I would make sure that the articles are up to standard and keep the readers interested. The use of slang and shortened words in my article make it easier and more fun to read, and this would attract the younger generation towards reading on through other issues of “BEATS” the magazine.

How I selected content ?

It was hard to decide what to write about in my double-page spread but finally I decided to interview a good friend who fitted into my target audience perfectly. DJ fuze. I had many links to help my magazine come along, as I personally am in the set range of audience I have targeted this magazine too, so many of my friend gave me good advice to help the magazine come along.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the processof constructing this product?

While creating my magazine product, I had to use various types of software's and hardware’s. I used a range of different technologies from cameras, lighting to Photoshop and other computer programmes.

Firstly, I had to use a computer to create my product. The computer is a hardware as is DVD players, projectors and CD players. Hardware's are mostly used to view different types of media, i.e. a DVD player will be used to view media in films and TV programmes.

Secondly, I also had to use different software’s such as computer programmes, and cameras. I mainly used the adobe indesigner to create my media product. I also had to use a digital SLR camera to take pictures for my magazine. This was the first time I have used such a professional camera, so this took me a while to get the hang of taking professional pictures. Using adobe indesign was one of my most difficult tasks as I had only come across this software, but I managed to become extremely good at it by the end of the course.

There were also other software's that I have used before so I was fairly good at them, these softwares include Microsoft Word, Paint and also Microsoft PowerPoint which I had to use to make slideshows which I shared with slideshare. Slideshare is a online website that enabled me to upload my slidshows onto my blog. In addition I have used to show all of my work and research that has been done during my period in media AS.

While researching my product I had to use the internet, which is also a technology, this was a very helpful way to help me find accurate information to use in my blog and magazine. I have been using the internet for a long time, therefore, this wasn’t a very hard task for me. The main search engine I used was Google, as it has the most links to useful websites and is easy for me to use.

Finally, I feel I have learnt many things, my new main strength I would say is using adobe indesign and adobe Photoshop.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

While making my preliminary task I was new to the software's that we were going to be using, therefore, I feel that I didn’t perform to the best ability. Looking back at this I feel I have improved by a vastly.

A few skills that I am proud of developing are, photography for when I had to take pictures of my models to use in my media product, software's such as, adobe indesigner and adobe Photoshop, as before this coursework I was completely new to this programme.

In addition I have learnt a lot about media production and media distribution companies. I have learnt that they are a major player in the media industry and without them magazine and other medias would be hard to sell.

Finally I have also learnt that manipulating characters used in the magazine make a great deal of representation. Also that representation has a major impact on the sales of magazines.