bigrock do it yourself website builder

Upload: sunnysingh1989

Post on 08-Apr-2018




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  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder



  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    M os t of us know the importance of a w ebs ite


    M y website helps m e

    ma rket my products

    24x7 even when

    Im as leep

    A webs ite has helped

    me increase m ycredibility in

    my profes s ional circle

    Thanks to my

    w ebs ite, I now have a

    g lobal audienc e for

    my tec h blog

    M ore people

    rec og nize my brand

    becaus e of my


    Webs ite us ers from all wa lks of life, be it business ow ners ,profes s ionals , hobbyis ts o r blog g ers have unders tood w hat a

    webs ite ca n do for them.

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    B uilding aprofessionalwebs ite isexpensive!

    I do nt havethe technical

    skills to build awebsite.

    B uilding awebs ite is



    S om e of us s till think..

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    B ut not everyone know s that


    At BigRock, building yourwebsite is not only easy,

    but also very affordable!

    I t costs less thanprinting a brochure.

    You dont need technicalskills to build your own

    website. BigRock

    provides eas y dragand drop tools to

    make it extremely easy!

    N OTComplicate


    N OTExpensive!

    B uilding your w ebs ite w ith B ig R oc k

    i s .

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    hat is B ig R oc ks Do-It-Y ours elf Webs ite B uilder?


    S et up your s itein jus t a few


    M ake yourwebsite look


    Upload and edityour site


    B ig R oc ks Do -it-Y ours elf Webs ite B uilder (DI Y ) enables you to s etup a w ebs ite without needing the s ervic es of a web des ig ner.

    Tha ts right! Y ou do not require a ny tech s kills to build yourwebsite.

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    How w ill B ig R oc k help you build your w ebs ite?


    With B igR oc k, build your w ebs ite in 3s imple s teps!

    1. S elect your webs ite template from over 175 themes & 85,000 images2. C us tomize your Webs ite drag and drop items, add pictures, changelayout and more

    3. Pub lis h online in minutes upload content, make changes andyoure done

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    C rea ting a webs ite for the firs t time? We have som eoptions for you:

    At B ig R oc k, theres s omething foreveryone

    - 500 M B S pace- 1 Pa g e Website- 20 Email Accounts

    S tarting @R s . 99/mo


    B as ic P lan S imple Plan

    - 1 G B S pace- 5 Pa g e Website- 50EmailAccounts

    S tarting @R s . 169/mo

    A 1 pag e plan to get you started A 5 pag e plan for a basic website

    All plans include ema il and w eb hos ting

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder



    S tarting @R s . 199/mo

    B us iness P lan

    S tarting @R s . 249/mo

    Advanc ed Plan

    - 2 G B S pace- 15 Pag e Website- 500EmailAccounts

    - 5 G B S pace- 50 Pag e Website- Unlimited Email Accounts

    A 15 pag e plan thats the most popular A 50 pag e plan for large websites

    Look ing to build an advanc ed webs ite? Here a re s ome more optionsfor you to choos e from:

    At B ig R oc k, theres s omething foreveryone

    All plans include ema il and w eb hos ting

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder



    FREE Features w ith every plan

    Over 175 template des ig ns and 85,000 imag es

    Eas y-to-us e D rag and Drop W ebs ite-B uilder Tool

    V irus -free a nd s pam -free em ail ac c ounts (2 G BS pace each)

    Photo A lbums , M aps , V ideos , Flas h, and much m ore

    B log and S oc ial N etwork integ ration

    S earch E ngine O ptimized pag es

    R ea l-time chat at your dom ain

    E -c ommerce fea tures


  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    Wha t are our templa tes like?


  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    Wha t are our templa tes like?


  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    S o, how eas y is it to ma ke a webs itew ith B ig R ock?


    Onc e you have s elected your pac ka g e, heres howyou g et s tarted.

    Select your websitestheme from a w ide rang eof design templates

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    S o, how eas y is it to ma ke a webs itew ith B ig R ock?


    Use an easy drag and drop function tomanag e yours ite navigation.

    Add, delete and s et your Hom e Pa ge withour easy to use Pag e M anager

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    S o, how eas y is it to ma ke a webs itew ith B ig R ock?


    C ustomize the themes by chang inglayouts , co ntent, imag es etc, bas ed onyour needs . What o rig inally looked likethis..

    ..C an be c hang ed to look like this .

    Like we s aid, its really eas y at B ig R oc k.

  • 8/7/2019 BigRock Do It Yourself Website Builder


    I a m Interes ted. How do I g et s tarted?


    Visit our website:

    Email us:

    Call us:

    [email protected]

    1-800-200-7625 (India To llFree)91-22-30797900

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