biegler infusion+blood nwarmer bw 685 - user manual

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  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use

    BW 685 / BW 685 S

    Blood and Infusion Warmer 

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    DE - Edition 02 / 2007

    2 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S


    !ese instructions "re "n essenti"# $"rt of t!e de%ice& !e' (ust t!erefore )e*e$t in " suit")#e $#"ce ne"r t!e de%ice "nd s!ou#d "cco($"n' t!e de%ice if itis tr"nsferred to ot!er users&+or $ro$er "nd s"fe use of t!is de%ice it is essenti"# t!"t t!e fo##o,in,"rnins "nd s"fet' instructions. "s ,e## "s t!e instructions for use "re re"d"nd c"refu##' o)ser%ed )' "## users )efore first usin t!e de%ice&

    It is t!e res$onsi)i#it' of t!ose usin t!e de%ice to fu##' "cu"int t!e(se#%es,it! its $ro$er use "nd o$er"tion&If " ("#function is sus$ected. t!e de%ice is to )e t"*en out of ser%icei((edi"te#' "nd suit")#e ,"rnin sins s!ou#d )e "tt"c!ed to t!e de%ice toensure t!"t it c"nnot )e used )efore necess"r' ser%ice "nd re$"ir ,or* !"s)een c"rried out&

    DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    Table of contents

    1 WARNIN! AND !A"ET# IN!TR$%TION! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& '

    2 DE!%RIPTION &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7

    2&1 GEER3L DES4RII &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7

    2&2 S4E + DELIER &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7

    2& 4SU93BLE 93ERI3LS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8

    ( INITIA) OPERATION &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& *

    &1 III3L ER3I + :E DEI4E &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ;

    &2 3L3R9S &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12

    & S:UIG DW :E DEI4E &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12

    + MAINTENAN%E &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12

    ' %)EANIN AND DI!IN"E%TION &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1(

    , PERIODI% IN!PE%TION! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1+

    7 MAN$"A%T$RER )IAI)IT# &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1,

    . WARRANT# %ONDITION! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1,

    * RET$RN O" DEI%E! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 17

    10 E)E%TROMANETI% %OMP)IAN%E &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1.

    11 MAN$"A%T$RER! DE%)ARATION &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 21

    12 !#MO)! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22

    1( OPERATIN AND !TORAE %ONDITION! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2(

    1+ TE%NI%A) DATA &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2(

    1' MAN$"A%T$RER &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2+

    < DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S


    • In t!e e%ent of "n' sus$ected ("#function ,!i#e in o$er"tion. t!e de%ices!ou#d )e i((edi"te#' re(o%ed fro( ser%ice "nd not used for infusionsor tr"nsfusions unti# "$$ro$ri"te in%esti"tions !"%e de(onstr"ted t!"tt!ere !"s )een no i($"ir(ent&

    • If t!e !i! te($er"ture "#"r( is triered t!e su$$#' of #iuid to t!e$"tient (ust )e i((edi"te#' sto$$ed )' disconnectin t!e connectiontu)e to t!e $"tient& !e (ediu( )ein used in t!e de%ice (ust no #oner)e "d(inistered to t!e $"tient&

    • !e de%ice ("' on#' )e f"stened to infusion st"nds. tri$ods or eui$(ent

    r"i#s ,!ic! "re suit")#e due to t!eir st")i#it' "nd #o"d c"$"cit'&• n#' steri#e consu(")#es $rescri)ed )' BIEGLER ("' )e used in

    con=unction ,it! t!e BW 685 / BW 685 S&• !e de%ice (ust on#' )e used in "re"s in ,!ic! t!e e#ectric"# inst"##"tions

    "re in "ccord"nce ,it! t!e st"nd"rds "nd reu#"tions in force&• S"fe disconnection fro( t!e ("ins $o,er su$$#' c"n on#' )e "c!ie%ed

    )' un$#uin t!e ("ins $#u&• !e de%ice ("' not )e used in roo(s su)=ect to e>$#osion !"?"rd&• Re$"irs "nd (odific"tions to t!e de%ice ("' on#' )e c"rried out )'

    $ersons or ser%ice centres "ut!orised )' BIEGLER&• !e de%ice (ust not )e i((ersed in #iuids or steri#ised ,it! ste"( or )'

    t!er(oc!e(ic"# (et!ods&•  3## e>tr"neous inf#uences. suc! "s e#ectro("netic ,"%es or !i!

    te($er"tures "re to )e *e$t to " (ini(u(&

    • !e s'ste( ("' ("#function due to t!e effect of stron e#ectro("neticfie#ds @e&& )' :+ t!er"$' or suric"# de%icesA& !e ,"r(er ,or*s$erfect#' ,it!in t!e #i(it %"#ues of t!e St"nd"rd E 60601-1-2& !e

    s'ste( c"n )e "ffected )' #i(it %"#ues t!"t do not co($#' ,it! t!eSt"nd"rd E 60601-1-2&•  3%oid e>ertin force on t!e de%ice or its "ccessories&• If t!e de%ice is dro$$ed. d"("ed )' force or if it s!o,s " function

    de%i"tin fro( t!e instructions for use. sto$ usin t!e de%ice i((edi"te#'"nd return it to t!e ser%ice centre&

    • !e $eriodic tec!nic"# s"fet' ins$ections (ust )e c"rried out @seesection Ceriodic ins$ectionsA

    DE - Edition 02 / 2007 5

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    Su$$#e(ent"r' s"fet' instructions for t!e "ccessor' tu)e ,"r(er Bie#eru)ef#o, BW 685 S

    • !e Bie#er u)ef#o, ("' on#' )e c#"($ed to t!e Bie#er )#ood,"r(er BW 685 S ,it! t!e fi>in c#"($ "ccordin to t!e di"r"( in t!ec!"$ter Initi"# o$er"tion&

    • Do not *in*. co%er. ,"r( or coo# t!e Bie#er u)ef#o,& Do not co%ert!e u)ef#o, ,it! c#ot!s or dressin ("teri"#& Do not #e"d under )#"n*ets.,"r( "ir )#"n*ets. etc& Do not e>$ose to direct sun#i!t or !e"t r"di"tion&Le"d t!e u)ef#o, t!rou! t!e "ir unencu()ered& Do not #e"d into ort!rou! incu)"tors& %er,"r(in of t!e ,"r(ed #iuid or )urns to t!e$"tient c"nnot to )e e>c#uded in t!e c"se of non-co($#i"nce&

    • Do not s!orten or d"("e t!e Bie#er u)ef#o,&

    !e BW 685 / BW 685 S ("' not )e used if

    • t!e !ousin is d"("ed or one of t!e front fi#( #"'ers )eco(es det"c!ed&•  t!e de%ice !"s )een e>$osed to " !"rd $!'sic"# s!oc* @e&& dro$$ed. !it or

    s!"*enA•  t!e de%ice !"s )een i((ersed in ,"ter • t!e de%ice !"s triered " !i! te($er"ture "#"r( t!"t ,"s not c"used )'

    e>tern"# f"ctors&• t!e ("ins $o,er cord or $#u is d"("ed• t!e de%ice !"s i%en so(e)od' "n e#ectric s!oc*

    • t!e fi>in c#"($s "re d"("ed "nd no #oner "ssure s"fe c#"($in to t!einfusion st"nd&

    S!ou#d " ("#function )e e%ident. suit")#e ,"rnin sins s!ou#d )e "tt"c!edto t!e de%ice to ensure t!"t it c"nnot )e used )efore necess"r' ser%ice "ndre$"ir ,or* !"s )een c"rried out&

    6 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

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    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S



    !e BIEGLER BW 685 / BW 685 S is " ,"r(er for infusions or tr"nsfusions"nd o$er"tes on t!e )"sis of " continuous f#o, ,"r(er. ,!ere t!e !e"t fro(t!e !e"t e>c!"ner is tr"nsferred %i" t!e e>tension tu)in to t!e #iuid f#o,in,it!in it&

    !e $"tented roo%e desin en")#es se%er"# e>tension tu)es to )e used.$ro%ided t!"t e"c! of t!e tu)es $#"ced in $osition c"n )e ,"r(ed sufficient#'&

    !e desin of t!e !ousin "##o,s r"$id "nd si($#e fittin to "## suit")#einfusion st"nds "nd eui$(ent r"i#s& !e te($er"ture of t!e ,"r(er e#e(entc"n )e set )et,een 7F4 "nd

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    2&( %ON!$MA)E MATERIA)!

    "rious consu(")#e ("teri"#s "re "%"i#")#e "ccordin to reuire(ents&

    +or use ,it! BW 685 or BW 685 S ,it!out tu)e ,"r(er

    E>tension set &5 ( rder no 5000E>tension set tension set 5& ( rder no 16000E>tension set ,it! )u))#e tr"$ 5& ( rder no 15000

    8 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S


    )ser%e t!e instructions for use Users (ust f"(i#i"rise t!e(se#%es

    in det"i# ,it! t!e contents of t!ese instructions for use )efore $uttint!e s'ste( into o$er"tion&


    +i> t!e BIEGLER BW 685 / BW 685 S fir(#' to t!e infusion st"nd usin t!ec#"($s "t t!e )"c* @Di"&1/8A& n#' use infusion st"nds. tri$ods or eui$(entr"i#s t!"t "re sufficient#' st")#e&

    4onnection of t!e o$tion"# tu)e ,"r(er Bie#er u)ef#o, @to t!e BW 685 SA!e tu)e ,"r(er Bie#er u)ef#o, (ust )e inserted ,it! #i!t $ressure "sindic"ted in di"r"( into t!e intended fi>ture @Di"& /

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    If " te($er"ture ot!er t!"n 8&5F4 is desired. it c"n )e $reset in t!e St"nd)'(ode )' usin t!e contro#s "nd @Di"&1/5 "nd Di"&1/6A& If "n"d=ust(ent contro# is $ressed. t!e %isu"# dis$#"' indic"tes t!e e>istin $resette($er"ture& B' re$e"ted o$er"tion of t!e contro# or . t!e te($er"turec"n )e reset& Resettin of t!e te($er"ture c"n on#' )e $erfor(ed in t!eSt"nd)' (ode&

     !e ,"r(er of t!e BW 685 / BW 685 S c"n )e st"rted )' $ressin t!econtro# @Di"&1/A& 3 se#f-test of s"fet' re#e%"nt de%ice functions is c"rriedout. ,!ic! is ter(in"ted )' " s!ort "coustic sin"#& !e BW 685 /BW 685 S "tt"ins t!e set t"ret te($er"ture ,it!in 1 (inute& !e "ctu"#te($er"ture @H/- 0&5F4A is indic"ted on t!e dis$#"'&

    Se#ect suit")#e consu(")#e ("teri"#s& See t!e section 4onsu(")#e("teri"#s&

    re$"re infusion or tr"nsfusion& I($ort"nt !e #ent! of t!e tu)e )et,eent!e BW 685 / BW 685 S "nd t!e $"tient (ust )e "t #e"st c!"ner. ent#' $u## t!e e>tension tu)e"nd coi# it in " counter-c#oc*,ise direction to,"rds t!e front& It is "d%is")#et!"t t!e dist"nce )et,een t!e BW 685 / BW 685 S "nd t!e $"tient does not

    e>ceed (uc! (ore t!"n 80 c(&

    I($ort"nt !e tu)e (ust )e co($#ete#' inserted into t!e roo%e @Di"& 2A!e f#o, direction s$ecified in di"r"( 1 (ust )e co($#ied ,it!&

    10 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

    Di"& 2osition of t!e tu)e in t!e roo%e of t!e !e"te>c!"ner 

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual



    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    Otional accesso34 t5be 6a3e3 ie8le3 T5beflo6 fo3 W ,.' !:

    !e connector "s $er di"r"( /2 (ust )e connected to t!e BW 685 S)efore st"rtin t!e o$tion"# tu)e ,"r(er&

    DE - Edition 02 / 2007 11

    Insert t!e tr"nsfusion or infusion tu)e into t!eroo%e of t!e tu)e ,"r(er& Insert t!e tu)e o%ert!e co($#ete #ent! of t!e Bie#er u)ef#o,&

    Important:  %er,"r(in c"n resu#t. if t!e fu###ent! of t!e tu)e ,"r(er is not uti#ised. t!ere)'$ossi)#' !"r(in t!e (ediu( or $"tient. sincet!e reference te($er"ture sensor is #oc"ted "t

    t!e dist"# end& Di"&

    1 u)e ,"r(er  2 4onnector   4ontro# #i!t

    @Green – $er"tion"# / red – 3#"r(A+i>ture

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    !e u)ef#o, is "#so "cti%"ted ,!en t!e BW 685 S is turned on t!is isindic"ted )' " reen contro# #i!t on t!e u)ef#o,&

    (&2 A)ARM!

    !e BW 685 / BW 685 S c"n trier t,o t'$es of te($er"ture "#"r(

    !e #o, te($er"ture "#"r( is "cti%"ted ,!en t!e te($er"ture of t!e !e"te>c!"ner dro$s )e#o, 6&5F4& !e "udio #o, te($er"ture "#"r( isde"cti%"ted durin t!e first 60 seconds "fter s,itc!in on&

    !e !i! te($er"ture "#"r( is "cti%"ted ,!en t!e te($er"ture of t!e !e"te>c!"ner e>ceeds tern"##' e&& )'e>$osure to sun#i!t&

    (&( !$TTIN DOWN TE DEI%E

     3fter )ein used for tre"t(ent. t!e de%ice is s!ut do,n "s fo##o,s 

    S,itc! t!e de%ice into St"nd)' (ode usin contro# @Di"&1/A& 

    Re#e"se $ressure fro( t!e s'ste( )' s,itc!in off $ossi)#' used $ressurecuffs or infusion $u($s& E($t' "nd disconnect t!e s'ste( "s f"r "s $ossi)#e& 

    Re(o%e t!e consu(")#e ("teri"#s fro( t!e !e"t e>c!"ner @Di"&1/1A "nd. ifused. "#so fro( t!e o$tion"# tu)e ,"r(er "nd dis$ose of in "ccord"nce ,it!

    t!e "$$#ic")#e #oc"# reu#"tions

    Disconnect t!e de%ice fro( t!e $o,er su$$#' "nd c#e"n "nd disinfect"ccordin to t!e section 4#e"nin "nd disinfection&

    + MAINTENAN%E!e BW 685 / BW 685 S is desined "s " #o,-("inten"nce de%ice& o$reser%e t!e u"#it' "nd function"# s"fet'. $#e"se co($#' ,it! t!e fo##o,in$oints

    12 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    •  3#,"'s *ee$ t!e de%ice c#e"n @see t!e section 4#e"nin "nddisinfectionA&


    • !e $eriodic tec!nic"# s"fet' ins$ections (ust )e c"rried out @see t!e

    section eriodic ins$ectionsA

    ' %)EANIN AND DI!IN"E%TION!e BW 685 / BW 685 S "nd t!e o$tion"# tu)e ,"r(er u)ef#o, ("' on#' )ec#e"ned usin " soft c#ot! ,it! " ,"ter-so#u)#e. non-"ressi%e c#e"nin"ent or " s$eci"# c#e"nin "ent for $#"stics& 

    +or t!e $ur$oses of disinfection. re"d'-("de "#co!o#-)"sed s$r"'disinfect"nts c"n )e used&

    Important:  Before c#e"nin or disinfectin. t!e de%ice (ust "#,"'s )edisconnected fro( t!e ("ins $o,er su$$#' )' $u##in t!e $#u&

    DE - Edition 02 / 2007 1

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    Do not disinfect t!e de%ice ,it! ste"( @i&e& in "utoc#"%esA. !ot "ir ort!er(oc!e(ic"# c#e"nin so#utions&

    , PERIODI% IN!PE%TION!!e $eriodic tec!nic"# s"fet' ins$ections @"ccordin to t!e #oc"# st"nd"rds inforce – e&&& in 3ustri" JE/JR9 E 8751-1A (ust )e c"rried out on t!eBW 685 / BW 685 S "t #e"st e%er' 12 (ont!s )' $ersons ")#e to c"rr' outsuc! tec!nic"# s"fet' ins$ections )"sed on t!eir tr"inin. *no,#ede "nde>$erience "ined )' $r"ctic"# "cti%ities&

    !e resu#ts of t!e $eriodic ins$ection "re to )e docu(ented. toet!er ,it! t!e

    d"te "nd t!e ins$ectin "enc'& Important: S!ou#d " ("#function )e e%ident. suit")#e ,"rnin sins s!ou#d )e"tt"c!ed to t!e de%ice to ensure t!"t it c"nnot )e used )efore necess"r'ser%ice "nd re$"ir ,or* !"s )een c"rried out&

    %E%9IN TE WARM-$P PERIOD!is is t!e ti(e t"*en )' t!e BW 685 / BW 685 S to !e"t u$ to 8&5F4 fro(roo( te($er"ture& !e de%ice is ("#functionin if it t"*es (uc! #oner t!"n

    one (inute&

    %E%9IN TE %ONTRO) TEMPERAT$RE!e contro# te($er"ture is c!ec*ed on t!e roo%e )ed of t!e !e"t e>c!"ner&!e sensor of " suit")#e cont"ct t!er(o(eter @to#er"nce H/- 0&15F4A is fi>edto t!is $osition. e&& )' usin " $iece of infusion tu)in& !e e>"(in"tion is$erfor(ed "t " te($er"ture settin of 8&5F4&!e (e"sured %"#ue is re"d "fter it !"s st")i#ised& !e difference (ust not

    e>ceed H/- 0&5F4& !ere is " ("#function if " difference fro( t!e contro#te($er"ture of re"ter t!"n H/- 0&5F4 is o)t"ined&

    %E%9IN TE )OW TEMPERAT$RE A)ARMre!e"t t!e de%ice to 8&5F4. t!en disconnect t!e ("ins $#u& :o#d do,n t!econtro#  "nd reconnect t!e ("ins $o,er $#u& 3fter t!e )ee$ !"s ce""se t!e contro#  & ress t!e s,itc! & !e de%ice is no, in "no$er"tion"# st"te ,!ere "## t!e "#"r(s "re "cti%e. )ut t!e !e"tin is s,itc!edoff& !e BW 685 / BW 685 S no, s#o,#' coo#s do,n& W!en t!e te($er"ture

    dro$s )e#o, t!e 6&5F4 t!res!o#d. t!e #o, te($er"ture "#"r( s!ou#d trier&

    1< DE - Edition 02 / 2007

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    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    +or re"sons of s"fet'. s!ort )ee$in sounds "re i%en "t inter%"#s of "second in t!is o$er"tion"# (ode "nd t!e S3DB indic"tor @Di"&1/

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    7 MAN$"A%T$RER )IAI)IT#!e ("nuf"cturer "nd t!e su$$#ier of t!e de%ice re=ect "## #i")i#it' if• t!e de%ice is not used in "ccord"nce ,it! t!e instructions for use

    • t!e user is not sufficient#' infor(ed ")out t!e functionin of t!e de%ice ont!e )"sis of t!e instructions for use "nd t!e s"fet' instructions

    • re$"irs "re not $erfor(ed e>c#usi%e#' )' t!e ("nuf"cturer or )' $ersons"nd ser%ice centres e>$ress#' "ut!orised )' t!e ("nuf"cturer 

    • t!e de%ice is used in $#"ces in ,!ic! t!e e#ectric"# inst"##"tions do notco($#' ,it! t!e "$$#ic")#e n"tion"# st"nd"rds. or if $o,er su$$#' durin

    t!e $eriod of use of t!e de%ice is not u"r"nteed• oriin"# s$"re $"rts ("teri"# "re not used or t!e ("inten"nce inter%"#

    is not co($#ied ,it!&

    • dis$os"# of t!e de%ice "nd its "ccessories is not c"rried out in"ccord"nce ,it! t!e "$$#ic")#e #oc"# reu#"tions&


    !e ("nuf"cturer u"r"ntees t!"t "## f#",s of ("teri"# "nd ,or*("ns!i$,!ic! "rise ,it!in 2< (ont!s fro( t!e d"te of $urc!"se ,i## )e re$"ired freeof c!"re&4#"i(s "re on#' "cce$ted under t!e fo##o,in ter(s 

    • !e ("nuf"cturer "nd/or su$$#ier is infor(ed i((edi"te#' of t!e f"u#t for,!ic! t!e ,"rr"nt' c#"i( is )ein ("de&

    • !e instructions of t!e ("nuf"cturer "nd/or su$$#ier on stor"e or returnof t!e de%ice "re co($#ied ,it!&


    • resent"tion of " #ei)#e co$' of t!e in%oice for t!e de%ice concerned.s!o,in t!e d"te of $urc!"se&

    •  3n e>"ct descri$tion of t!e defects or ("#functions identified )' t!ecusto(er&

    16 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    !e ("nuf"cturers ,"rr"nt' ,i## )e %oid if it is found t!"t t!e ("inten"nce.disinfection "nd ins$ection instructions !"%e not )een fo##o,ed "ccordin tot!e instructions for use. t!e de%ice !"s )een d"("ed )' force or o$er"tinerror or !"s )een used in "n' ,"' contr"r' to t!e instructions for use "nds"fet' instructions& !e ,"rr"nt' ,i## "#so )e %oid if oriin"# Bie#er ("teri"#s,ere not used "s re$#"ce(ent $"rts. or (e"sures for re$"ir ,ere undert"*en)' $ersons not "ut!orised )' t!e ("nuf"cturer or su$$#ier&

    If t!e ("nuf"cturer is reuired to (eet " ,"rr"nt' c#"i( in "ccord"nce ,it!t!ese ter(s. t!e custo(er s!"## )e"r t!e costs "nd ris*s of tr"ns$ort of t!ede%ice fro( "nd to t!e $#"ce of use&

    !e ("nuf"cturer "nd/or su$$#ier s!"## under no circu(st"nces "ssu(e#i")i#it' for s#i!t ne#ience& !e co($ens"tion for #ost e"rnins "nd $rofits is#i*e,ise e>c#uded&

    * RET$RN O" DEI%E!De%ices (ust )e c"refu##' c#e"ned "nd disinfected )efore )ein $#"ced in t!eoriin"# $"c*"in for returnin& 

    If t!e oriin"# $"c*"in is no #oner "%"i#")#e. t!e $roduct !"s to )e suit")#'$"c*"ed for t!e (et!od of dis$"tc!&

    DE - Edition 02 / 2007 17

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER


    Table 201

    5idelines and an5fact53e3s decla3ation elect3oa8netic eission

    !e BW685 is intended for use in t!e en%iron(ent s$ecified )e#o,& !e custo(er or t!e user of t!e BW685 s!ou#d "ssuret!"t it is used in suc! "n en%iron(ent&



    Elect3oa8netic en;i3onent - 85idelines

    R+ e(issions "cc&to 4ISR 11

    Grou$ 1 !e BW685 uses R+ ener' on#' for its intern"# function& !erefore. its R+ e(issions "re%er' #o, "nd "re not #i*e#' to c"use "n' interference in ne"r)' e#ectronic eui$(ent&

    R+ e(issions "cc&to 4ISR 11

    4#"ss B !e BW685 is suit")#e for use in "## est")#is!(ents. inc#udin do(estic est")#is!(ents"nd t!ose direct#' connected to t!e $u)#ic $o,er su$$#' net,or* t!"t "#so su$$#ies)ui#dins used for do(estic $ur$oses&

    E(ission of!"r(onics "cc& toIE4 61000--2

    4#"ss 3

    E(ission of!"r(onics "cc& toIE4 61000--


    18 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    Table 202

    5idelines and an5fact53e3s decla3ation elect3oa8netic inte3fe3ence 3esistance

    !e BW685 is intended for use in t!e e#ectro("netic en%iron(ent s$ecified )e#o,& !e custo(er or t!e user of t!e BW685s!ou#d "ssure t!"t it is used in suc! "n en%iron(ent&

    Inte3fe3ence3esistance test

    IE% ,0,01-test le;el

    %oliance le;el Elect3oa8netic en;i3onent - 85ideline

    E#ectrost"tic disc!"re@ESDA "cc& toIE4 61000-

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    Table 20+

    5idelines and an5fact53e3s decla3ation elect3oa8netic inte3fe3ence 3esistance to

    !e BW685 is intended for use in t!e e#ectro("netic en%iron(ent s$ecified )e#o,& !e custo(er or t!e user of t!e BW685s!ou#d "ssure t!"t it is used in suc! "n en%iron(ent&

     Inte3fe3ence3esistance test

    IE% ,0,01-test le;el


    Elect3oa8netic en;i3onent - 85idelines

    ort")#e "nd (o)i#e R+ co((unic"tions eui$(ent s!ou#d )eused no c#oser to "n' $"rt of t!e BW685. inc#udin c")#es.t!"n t!e reco((ended $rotection dist"nce c"#cu#"ted fro( t!eeu"tion "$$#ic")#e to t!e freuenc' of t!e tr"ns(itter

    Recoended 3otection distance:

    4onducted R+

    distur)"nce %"ri")#es"cc& to IE4 61000-ed R+ tr"ns(itters. "s deter(ined )'"n e#ectro("netic site sur%e'" s!ou#d )e #ess t!"n t!eco($#i"nce #e%e# in e"c! freuenc' r"ne)&

    Interference ("' occur in t!e %icinit' of eui$(ent ("r*ed,it! t!e fo##o,in s'()o#

    E 1 3t 80 9:? "nd 800 9:?. t!e !i!er freuenc' r"ne "$$#ies&

    E 2 !ese uide#ines ("' not "$$#' in "## situ"tions& E#ectro("netic $ro$""tion is "ffected )'")sor$tion "nd ref#ection fro( structures. o)=ects "nd $eo$#e&

    " +ie#d strent!s fro( st"tion"r' tr"ns(itters. suc! "s )"se st"tions for r"dio @ce##u#"r /cord#essA te#e$!ones "nd#"nd (o)i#e r"dios. "("teur r"dio. 39 "nd +9 r"dio )ro"dc"st "nd )ro"dc"st c"nnot )e $redictedt!eoretic"##' ,it! "ccur"c'& o "ssess t!e e#ectro("netic en%iron(ent due to st"tion"r' R+ tr"ns(itters."n e#ectro("netic site sur%e' s!ou#d )e considered& If t!e (e"sured fie#d strent! in t!e #oc"tion in ,!ic!t!e BW685 is used e>ceeds t!e "$$#ic")#e R+ co($#i"nce #e%e# "s s$ecified ")o%e. t!e BW685 s!ou#d )eo)ser%ed to %erif' nor("# o$er"tion& If ")nor("# $erfor("nce is o)ser%ed. "ddition"# (e"sures ("' )enecess"r'. suc! "s reorientin or re#oc"tin t!e BW685&

    ) %er t!e freuenc' r"ne 150 *:? to 80 9:?. fie#d strent!s s!ou#d )e #ess t!"n Q1 /(&

    20 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    Table 20,

    Recoended 3otection distances bet6eeno3table and obile R" co5nications ei(u( out$ut $o,er of t!e co((unic"tions eui$(ent&

    Rated a>i5o5t5t o6e3 oft3ansitte3 W

     P3otection distance acco3din8 to t3ansitte3 f3e

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    12 !#MO)!

    012 4ertifies co($#i"nce ,it! t!e Directi%e ;/$ose to directsun#i!t Do not cut

    22 DE - Edition 02 / 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    1( OPERATIN AND !TORAE %ONDITION!er(issi)#e en%iron(ent"# conditions for tr"ns$ort "nd stor"e

    e($er"ture 10 – 1&6 3 second"r' 500 (34ontro# te($er"ture 7F4 - & s'ste( $ressure 00 (( :4#"ssific"tion II) "ccordin to Ru#e ;$er"tion"# (ode 4ontinuous o$er"tionDi(ensions BW 685 W>:>D 228 > 228 > 12 ((Wei!t BW 685 1&; *Di(ensions BW 685 S W>:>D 228 > 278 > 12 ((Wei!t BW 685 S 2&0 *

    u)e ,"r(er u)ef#o,for BW 685 S Lent! 1

  • 8/19/2019 Biegler Infusion+Blood Nwarmer BW 685 - User manual


    Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S BIEGLER

    1' MAN$"A%T$RER

    Bie#er G(): 3##!"nstr"sse 18"001 9"uer)"c!

     3ustri"e#& H

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    BIEGLER Instructions for Use – BW 685 / BW 685 S

    S$"ce for notes

    DE Editi 02 / 2007 25