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abortion 73, 76 Actil!front NationQQ/ Socilllisten

{ANS, Netherlands) SO, 57, 59 adaptation dilemma 48--9, 57-8

front- or back-stage appearance 48, 58

Africans, as targets 139, 1St Afro-Caribbeans, as targets S, 167,

170, 177 Aftenposten {newspaper,

Norway) 109 Agca, Mehmet Ali 188 Akhtar Ali Baig 147 Aktionfront Nationaler Sozilllisten

{ANS, Germany) 87 Alawiis 190 Albania 181 alcohol 10

'drunken prank racism' 29, 37, 144

in France 209 and Russian pogroms 133, 135 in Scandinavia 35-6, 41-2, 43,

99-100 and Swedish militant

underground 66, 71, 77, 78 Alexander II, Tsar of Russia 129,

135 Algerian Consulate, Marseille attack

{1973, France) 144 Algerian War 207, 210, 211-12 Algerians, as targets S, 144, 1 S 1,

210, 211-13, 215 Altayli, Enver 188 Amersfoort {1992, Netherlands) 47,

53, ss, 145-6, 148 Amsterdam

Church raid {1980) 46-7, 49, 57 and murder of Duijnmeijer 53,

139, 145 Turkish-Dutch violence 52,

113-14 Anh4ngarbulletinen {V AM newsletter,

Sweden) 65-6, 68


ANS see Actil!front NatioiUIIII Socilllisten {ANS, Netherlands);

Alctionfront Nationaler Sozialisten {ANS, Germany)

ANs-Gau Nil!derlande {Netherlands) 88, 90

ANs-Gau OstmJUk {Austria) 88, 90 anti-racism

demonstrations 146-7, 164, 168-9, 218

in France 216-18 in Germany 82, 126 in Norway I 09 organisations 12-13, 216 and Swedish militant

underground 71-2, 74, 78 view of terrorist attacks 29

anti-Semitism 1, s--6, 9 desecration of (ZIIletaries 3, 78,

113, 139, 148, ISS in France 139, 208, 210-11, 212,

213, 215 in Germany 154, ISS, 158-9, 162,

163 in militant underground 68,

71-2, 7~5. 77, 78 in Netherlands 52 in Romania 203--4 in Russia 128-37 in Sweden 63, 68, 73 see also hate crime

anticipation effect of media coverage 1 03--4, Ill

Antonescu, Ion 203 Arabacides 207 Arabs, as targets 167 Argentina 92 Armenia 181, 182 Armenians, as targets 1 S, 210 arms

availability of 43 and National Socialism 81, 91 and racism 64, 71

Amhem {Netherlands) 56

248 Index

Asians, as targets S, 139, 144-S, 167, 168, 170, 171-2, 177

assimilation of Belgians into France 209 Turkish policy of 182

asylum-secken and Asylum debate in

Germany 7--8, I 59-62, 203 attacks on 3, S, 10, 83; in

Germany 21, 117; in Scandinavia 29-43, 77, 78, 100, 106-7

see also Hoyerswerda; immigrants; migrant worken; minorities; M61ln; Rostock

AtaUlrk, Kemal 180, 186 Atatilrk Peace Award 187 see also Kemalism

Augstein, Rudolf I 58-9 Australia 92 Austria 81, 92 autonomous National

Socialists 84-S

Baku (1881 anti-Muslim riots) 134 banning of organisations 48--9, 58,

59, 89, ISS 'Barefoot Brigade' 135, 136 Ba1buj 183 Belgians, as targets 208-9 Belgium 80, 81 Ben Klassen Academy 67 Berdichev pogrom 132 Bethnal Green and Stepney Trades

Council (UK) 147, 168 Bezdna pogrom 133 bidonvilles 211, 213 Bild (newspaper, Germany) 157,

158, 159 Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst

(Netherlands Security Service) 56

BKA set Bundeskriminalamt (BKA, Germany)

'Black Hundreds' (Russia) 131, 136 'Blood and Honour' (UK) 84 · Blucher, Erik 73 BNP see British National Party


Bolintin Deal (1990, Romania) 195--6, 204

Bolintin Vale (1991, Romania) 197, 204

Boneheads 85 'Boot Boys' (skinhead magazine,

Norway) 107 Bosnia 92 'Bradford Twelve' (1982, United

Kingdom) 169, 172 Brandenburg (Germany) 90 Brigade Condor 92 Brigate Rossi (Italy, Red

Brigade) 80-1 British National Party (BNP,

UK) 84, 91 Brookman, Henry 47 Brumunddal (Norway) 101, 108--9,

146 and 'Brumunddal along New

Paths' 109 Brundtland, Gro Harlem 148 Bruyn, W. J. 59 Bucharest, Piata Rahova (1991,

Romania) 198, 204 Bundesamtfr1r Verfassungsschutz

(BVS, Germany) 4, 81-2, 89, 123, 154-S

Bundeslcriminalamt (BKA, Germany) 154, 163

Bundesnachrichtendienst 188-9 BVZ see Bundesamt /r1r

Verfassungsschutz (BVS, Germany)

Canada 92 'candlelight demonstrations' (1992,

Germany) 146, 164 Cardiff (UK) 167 Carpentras (1990, France) 3, 115,

139, 146, 148, 215 CD see Centrumdemocraten (CD,

Netherlands) CDU see Christian Democratic

Union (CDU, Germany) CEDADE see Circulo Espanol de

Amigos de Europa (CEDADE, Spain)

Index 249

c;etebi, Musa Serdar 188 cemetaries, desecration of see

desecration of cemetaries Centrumtlemocraten (CD,

Netherlands) 2, 46, 49-SO, S3, S4, S6-8, S9

Centrumpartij '86 (CP'86, Netherlands) SO, S4, S6

Centrumpartij (CP, Netherlands) 47, 49-SO, S2, S9

'Charles Martel' group (France) 144

Chelcea, Ion 204 Chicago (1919, USA) 116 Christian Democratic Union (CDU,

Germany) I S6-8, I S9-62 Christian Social Union (CSU,

Germany) 160, 189 Church of the Creator (COTC,

USA) 66-7, 68-9, 76 see also Kreativistens Kyrka

(Sweden) Church raid (1980,

Amsterdam) 46-7, 49, S1 Church of Scientology 73 Circulo Espano/ de A.migos de Europa

(CEDADE, Spain) 88 civil law 228 'Clan' group 104-S classification of racist

violence 113-22 experiental/non-experiental dimension 119-20, 121, 122

CNCDH see Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de I'Homme (CNCDH, France)

Cologne (19S9, Germany) 119 Commission Nationale Consultative

des Droits de I'Homme (CNCDH, France) 214-IS

Committee of Union and Progress (Turkey) 180-1

Commonwealth Immigrants Act (1962, UK) 1St

communists, as targets 71-2, 73-4, 83, ] 82, ] 84, ] 86

community organisations 223, 233 community representation 220, 223

competition-based theories 7, 8-9, 120-1

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe 201

contagion effect of media coverage 35, 43, 53-4, 98-100, 111,215

Copenhagen (Denmark) 103, 104 copy cat violence 3, 13, 35, 43, 98-9,

119,146 COTC see Church of the Creator

(COTC, USA) Cottbus (Germany) 90 Council of Europe 148

Brundtland Plan of Action against Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance 148

Oakley Report (1992) 13 counter-mobilisation effect of media

coverage I 08-9, 1 1 1 courts, and racist violence, in

Netherlands 53 CP see Centrumpartij (CP,

Netherlands) CP'86 see Centrumpartij '86

(CP'86, Netherlands) Crichlow, Frank 17S-7 criminallaw 228 criminalisation

of minorities 3, 176-7,202-3,204 of organisations see banning of

organisations ofself-defence 139, 145, 171-2

Croatia 91-3 Croatian Justice Party (HSP) 91-2 Croatian Liberation Community

(HOS) 91-2 CSU see Christian Social Union

(CSU, Germany) culture-based theories 121-2 Cumhuriyet (newspaper,

Turkey) 191 Cyprus 1 8S-6

DA see Deutsche Alternative (DA, Germany)

Danmarlcs Nationa/socialistiske Bev«ge/se (DNSB, Denmark) 87


Ducalu, N'JCOiae 201 claubina 39, 113, 119, 213 DB &« D'- &WJIIIII (DB) Depelle, Leon 88 Demirel, Sflleyman 187, 192 demonstrations

anti-racist 146-7, 164, 168-9, 218

nationalistic 157-8 racist 74

Denmark 5, 8, 31-4, 36, 64, 103-4 and international Nazi

cooperation 87 sn also Scandinavia

Der Spiegel (weekly, Gemt1111y) 110, 158-60, 161, 165

desecration of cemetaries 115, 186, 213

Jewish 3, 78, 113, 139, 148, 155, 215

Desir, Harlem 216 Deutsche Alte17111ti.e (DA,

Germany) 84, 89, 90, 155 Deutsche NatiOIIDie Partei (DNP,

Germany) 89 Deutsche Voiles Union (DVU,

Germany) 159-61, 164 Deutscher Ktlm~Mradschaftsbund

(DKB, Germany) 89, 90, 155 Deutsches Hesun

(Germany) 89 Dk Bewgung (DB,

Germany) 8~. 91 Dienel, Thomas 89 Diksmuide (Belgium) 81 Dinter, Berthold 90 Dirlewanger (rock aroup,

Sweden) 64, 69, 70 disclosure effect of media

coverase 108, Ill disintegration, process of 20, 25,

27-8 Division S ('White Power' Rock

Group, Sweden) 64 DKB see Deutscher

Kammeradschaftsbund (DKB, Germany)

DNP 1« Deutsche Natlonale Partei (DNP, Germany)

DNSB sn Dannuub Natlonllbocillll.rtuu &.,., (DNSB, Denmark)

Donaldson, Ian Stuart 84 Douma, Toni 90 Dreger, Alfred 160 Duijnmeijer, Kerwin 50, 53, 139,

145 Dundee (1981, Scotland) 139, 145 DVU ue Deutsche Yollu Union

(DVU, Germany)

EB see Europ4ische &wegrmg (EB, European Movement)

education correlation with racist attitudes 8 and nationalist propaganda 185,

188 educational effect of media

coverase 109-10, 111-12 Eidsvoll (1990, Norway) 106-7 Eisenhilttenstadt (Germany) 90 Eisenstadt (1992, Austria) 113 Ekaterinoslav pogram 130 Ekti, Oktay 190 elections, extreme-Right results

in France 218 in Germany 156, 160, 161-2, 164 in Netherlands 46, 49-50, 52, 53,

60 Elizavetgrad pogrom 133 Emnid Institute (Germany) 163 Engdahl, Per 67 Engin, Oktay 186 English, as targets 208, 209 Eriksson, Bert 88 Essen (Germany) 117 estransement, feelings of 17, 18,

21-2,26 'ethnic cleansing' 114 Ethnic Federation of Roma 200 Euro Ring 80, 93 Europ4ische &wegrmg (EB,

European Movement) 87-8 European Community 1 European Parliament 2, 17

Enquiry into Racism tllld Xenophobia in Europe 156-7


Index lSI

European Social Movement (1be Malm6 movement) 80

experiental/non-experiental dimension 1 H~20. 121, 122

expressive upect of racist violence 39-40

extrerne-Riaht •~ neo-Nazis and extrerne-Riaht

Faci, Michel 92-3 F•dr~ltuatkt (mapzine,

Denmark) 87 Faisceaux Nationalist~s Europhns

(FNE, France) 88, 93 FANE su FetUration d'Action

National~ Europhns (FANE) F AP see Fr~iheitliclw Arbeit~rpart~i

(FAP, Germany) far-ript orpniaations s~~ nco­

Nazis and extrerne-Riaht Fascism s~~ neo-Nazis and extreme­

Ript fear

dissemination effect of media coverase 105-6, 111

of foreigners su xenophobia FetUration d'Action National~

Europe~ns (FANE) 93 FetUration lnt~rnational~ des Droits

de /'Homme 214 Fethiye (1992, Turkey) 186 Finland 64 FIS s~~ Front lslamiqw du Salut

(FIS, Alpria) FLN s~~ National Liberation Front

(FLN, France) Florence (1990, Italy) 3, 139, lSI FNE se~ Faisc~aux Nationalist~s

Europhns (FNE, France) foreigners

as enemy of underground 72 'Foreigners Out' campaign 1 S8,

163 su also asylum-seekers;

immigrants; migrant workers; xenophobia

'Fortress Europe' 2 FPO su Fr~iheitliclws Part~i Ost~"~iclt (FPO, Austria)

France 3, II, 13, 207-18 and racist violence on political

apnda 140, lSI France Plus 217, 218 Fr~iMitlklw Arbeit~rpart~i (F AP,

Germany) 89 Fr~iheitlielws Partei dst~"~iclt (FPO,

Austria) 2, 113 Front lslomlqw du Salut (FIS,

Algeria) 215 Front National (NF, France) 2, 213,

21S, 216, 218

Gafita, Gabriel 200 Gau Nietkrlande (Netherlands) 88,

90 Gau Ostmar/c (Austria) 88, 90 Gel'fman, Gessia 129 German-Romanian Treaty

(1992) 139, lSI, 202-3 Germans, as targets 208, 210 Germany 3, S, 7-8, 13, 14, 17-28,

IS4-6S Bast 18-20,21, 2s-7, 90, 122, 124 Bast and West compared 18-27,

163 extent of violence 19, 98, 126,

154-S, 163 and international Nazi

cooperation 81-4 national policies on racist

violence 123-4 and racist violence on political

agenda 143, IS2 relations with Romania 139, lSI,

202-S Romain 201-2, 203, lOS and Turkish migrants 187-92 West 18-2S s~~ also Hoyerswerda; Molin;

Rostock tkr N~n Front see N~ Front (NF, Germany)

Gheorghe, Nicolae 200 Glasgsow (Scotland) 167 Goldenberg Restaurant, Paris (1982,

France) 21S Gomel pogroms 130, 132, 13S

2S2 Index

Gothenburg (Sweden) 64, 70, 71, 72, 74, 78-9

government see local authorities; state response to racist violence

Government Commission of Local Conflicts (Romania) 200

Graman, Y ge 57 Greece, and Cyprus problem 185--<i Greeks, as targets 182 Green Jackets (Denmark) 33--4 'Grey Wolves' 183, 187, 188, 191 group-dynamic aspect of racist

violence 39, 40-2 Gulf War (1991) 3 Gy6rkos, Istvan 91, 92 Gypsies IS, I SO, 194-205

see also Roma; Sinti Gysi, Gregor I 58

Hague, The (Netherlands) 52, 54-S Haider, J()rg 113 Hainke, Thomas 90, 92 Haitians, as targets 54, 56 Balkin Emets Partisi (People's

Labour Party, Turkey) 184, 186

Hanover (Germany), Public Prosecutor SS

'harkis' 120 hate crime I S

see also anti-Semitism; communists; homosexuals; immigrants; victims

Helsingborg (Sweden) 71-2 Helsinki Watch 164 Hitler, Adolf 59, 70, 88, I 58

Hitler salute 149 Holocaust I, IS, 203--4 'Holy Racial War' 75-7 Homan, Eite 59 Home Affairs Committee

(UK) 172-3, 174, 222, 224 Home Office Report on Racial

Attacks (1982, UK) 168, 169, 170, 222

homosexuals as the enemy and targets of

violence 65, 71, 73-S, 77, 78, 83

and National Socialist controversy 88, 89

see also hate crime Hoorn (1992, Netherlands) 144, 145 HOS see Croatian Liberation

Community (HOS) housing 21, 38, 100, 217-18 Hoyerswerda (1991, Germany) 3, 9,

19, 34, 160-1, 164 encouragement of

bystanders 117 racist violence perceived as social

problem 148 and resettlement of asylum­

seekers 125 Hrouda see Reinthaler, Gunther HSP see Croatian Justice Party

(HSP) Human Rights Commission, United

Nations 199-200, 205 Hungarians, as targets S Hungary 91, 202 Hr1rriyet (newspaper, Turkey) 183,

190, 192 Hussein, Saddam 93

identity demonstration of 39 formation of 9-1 0 'spoilt' 48-9

identity controls 211-12, 214 Ignat'ev, N. P. 131-2 immigrants

attacks on 29-43, 208-10, 212-14, 215

insecurity of II, I 06, 179 seen as the enemy 71-2, 83 see also asylum-seekers; migrant

workers; minorities immigration 1-2

levels of Sl-2, lOS, 110, ISO-I, 159, 178

negative attitudes to 100 restrictive policies 7-8, 33, IS I,

214 Indians, as targets 36 individualisation, process of 10, 18,

20-S Infas Institute 162-3

Index 253

ln6nil, Erdal 184 Inonil, Ismet 182, 184 insecurity

of German youth 22, 23, 26, 27 of victims 11, 106, 192

Institute of Race Relations (IRR, UK) 147, 168, 175

instrumental aspect of racist violence 39

intelligence and security services in international networks 8~1 and racist violence S6, 186, 188-9

Inter-Departmental Racial Attacks Group (UK) 4, 174-5

International Labour Organisation (ILO) 199

international networks National Socialist ~94 racist 64-5, 68-9, 15

international pressure against racist violence 164, 200

IRR see Institute of Race Relations (IRR, UK)

isolation 22-3, 24-5 Istanbul Express (newspaper,

Turkey) 186 Italians, as targets 51, 209 Italy 5, 13, 8~1. 151

Janmaat, Hans 49-SO, 51, 58 JCAR see Joint Committee against

Racialism (JCAR, UK) Jeune Europe (Young Europe) 80 Jews see anti-Semitism JFN see Jongeren Front Nederland

(JFN, Netherlands) Joint Committee against Racialism

(JCAR, UK) 147 Jonge Geuzen (Netherlands) SO Jongeren Front Nederland (JFN,

Netherlands) SO, 53, S6

Karlstadt (1987, Sweden) 77-8 Keep Sweden Swedish (BSS) 73, 78 Kemalism (Turkey) 18~. 187,

188-9 Kiev pogroms 129, 130, 132, 134,

135 Kishinev pogroms 130, 132, 135

Kogalnic:eanu (1990, Romania) 194-5, 200, 201, 204

Kohl, Helmut JS6, 159, 161, 164 Kollund meeting 89-90, 91, 92 Kopanski, Peter 91 Kraftschlag (skinhead band) 84 Kreativistens Kyrlca (Sweden) 66-7

see also Church of the Creator (USA)

Ku Klux Klan 67-8 Kilbnen, Michael 87-8, 89-90, 93 Kupfer, Lothar 162 Kurdistan 186, J 92 Kurds

in Germany 189-91 in Netherlands J 90 in Turkey 181, 182, 184, 185,

186-7 Kilssel, Gottfried 84, ~1. 92

Lampertheim (J 992, Germany) J 55 Landowski, Klaus J 60 Landskrona 79 Lane, David 85 Langlois training centre 91 'Laser Man' (Sweden) 33, 64, 98 Latin America 80 Lauck, Gerhard (Gary) 85, 86-7,

89 law

civil or criminal 228 and recognition of racial

element 123, 124, 149 Law against Racism (France) 213 LePen,Jean-Marie 93,216 Lebach (Germany) 202 Lebanese, as targets 78 Lega Nord (LN, Italy) 2 Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger,

Sabine 124 Liverpool (UK) 167 LN see Lega Nord (LN, Italy) local authorities 125-6

see also multi-agency approach; North Plaistow Racial Harassment Project

local heroes, youth gangs as 38, 42, 101

254 Index

local level response to racist violence 124--6, 143, 221-33

London (UK) 167, 221-33 East 168, 171-2, 221 GLC racial harassment

policy 222 New Cross 168 Newham 173-4, 221, 224-S Notting Hill 167, 175-7 Southall 168-9 see also North Plaistow Racial

Harassment Project Lyon (France), early

1980s 217-18

Macdonald, Andrew 76 Macedonia 181 Malmii (Sweden) 69 Mancha Real (1991, Spain) 140,

ISO Mandela, Nelson 187 Marchandeau Law repeal (1939,

France) 210 marginalisation of minorities 3,

134, 144, 146, 204 Marseille (France) attacks

(1973) 144, lSI, 212-13 Mathews, Robert J. 70 Matthaei, Walther 88 media coverage

levels of 4, 19, 52 and nco-Nazis 101-3 role of in racist violence 13, 43,

9frll2, 215 sensationalised I 03-4, I 05-6 violence-aggravating

mechanisms 9fr7, 98-106, Ill

violence-inhibiting mechanisms 9fr7, 106-10, Ill

Mein Kampf 59 Menderes, Adnan 183 Merkel, Angela 124 Metropolitan Police (London,

UK) 170,172,173,175-7,222, 223, 224-S

MHP see Nationalist Movement Party (MHP, Turkey)

migrant workers 2, 21, 187-8, 190-1, 208

see also asylum-seekers; immigrants; minorities

military exercises, joint international 81, 87

Milliyet (newspaper, Turkey) 189, 192

minorities criminalisation of 3, 176-7,

202-3,204 marginalisation of 3, 134, 144,

146,204 size of 7-8 as threat 193 see also asylum-seekers;

immigrants; migrant workers MIT see National Intelligence

Agency (MIT, Turkey) Mitterrand, Fran~is 139, 146, 218 Moldavia 202 Miilln (1992, Germany) 126, 163,

164 and banning of extremist

organisations 89, ISS and state response to racist

violence 148, I SO, I 52 Turkish response to 190-2

Moluccans, as targets 52, 120 Mordaunt, Stewart SO, S6 Moroccans, as targets S, 53, 103,

104-S, 210 mosques

attacks on 47, 53, 54, SS, 59, liS, 145

see also Muslims Mouvement Contre le Racisme et Pour

L 'A mitre Entre les Peuples (MRAP, France) 215-17

Movement of Aryan Resistance (Austria) 113

Movement, The see Die Bewegung (DB) Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI, Italy) 2

MRAP see Mouvement Contre le Racisme et Pour L'Amitie Entre les Peuples (MRAP, France)

MSI see Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI, Italy)

Index 2SS

multi-agency approach 122-3, ISO, 173, 174-S, 221-33

constraints on 229-31 Muslim fundamentalists 182, 183,

184, 187, 189, 215 Muslims, as targets 6, SS, 11~14,

134 Myrdal, Arne 109 mythology of militant

underground 67-70, 74, 75-7

Nagomo-Karabakh 1 S Namibians, as targets 113 Nasjonalt Follceparti (NF,

Norway) 102 national character 9 National Front (UK) 82-3, 144-S,

147 National Intelligence Agency (MIT,

Turkey) 186, 188 national level response to racist

violence 12~. 143 National Liberation Front (FLN,

France) 211, 212 National Socialism

autonomous groups 84-S international terrorist

network 80-94 in Sweden 62-3, 64, 70, 77 see also nco-Nazis and extreme­

Right National Socialist Action Group

(Hungary) 91 National Socialist Combat Groups

(NSKG, Germany) 86 National Socialist World

Offensive 89 NatioMI Sozialistischer Partei

Deutsch/ands (NSPD, Germany) 189

National Youth Front (Netherlands) SO

Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutsch/ands (NPD, Germany) 156, 164

Nationale Centrum Partij (National Centre Party, NCP, Netherlands) 46-7, 49

Nationale Uste (NL, Germany) 89, 90

Nationale Offensi~ (NO, Germany) 89, 90, 1 SS

nationalism 2, 233 in France 215 in Germany 22, 25, 26-8, 1 Ss-65 post-Communist 81 , 193 in Romania 199 in Sweden 63 in Turkey 181-4, 185-7, 188

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP, Turkey) 188-9

Nationa/istische Front (NF, Germany) 85-6, 89, 90, 93, ISS

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/ Awlandorganisation und Aujbauorganisation (NSDAP/ AO) 82-3, 85-7, 88, 89, 90-1

'Nazi' trials (Gothenburg, Sweden) 70, 79

Nazism see National Socialism; nco-Nazis and extreme-Right

NCP see Nationale Centrum Partij (Nationa• Centre Party, NCP, Netherlands)

Neder/andse Volks-Unie (NVU, Netherlands) 49, 59

neo-Nazis and extreme-Right and adaptation dilemma 48-9,

57-8; front- or back-stage appearance 48, 58

attitude to the media 101-3 in Germany 27, 82, 1 54-65 in Netherlands 46-7, 48, 55-8 organisations banned: in

France 88, 93; in Germany 86, 88, 89, 90, 124, ISO, ISS, 164; in Hungary 91; in Netherlands 48, 58; Turkish 187

as political parties 49-SO, 52 and racism 11-12, 49 and terrorism in Scandinavia 30,

31, 33-4, 35 Turkish 187, 188-92

256 lntkx

neo-Nazis and extremc-Ript and adaptation dilemma (cont.)

youth orpnisations SO su also National Socialism

Netherland& 3, 5, 9, II, 13, 46-60 and racist violence on political

atenda 140, 141, 150 New Front (NF, Germany) 86,

87-94 New Cross fire (1981, UK) 168 New European Order (NEO) 80 Newham (London, UK) 173-4,

224-5 Newham Monitoring Project (NMP,

UK) 147, 174 NF su Front Nationol (NF,

France); Nasjonolt Fo/lceparti (NF, Norway); Nationalutisclw Front (NF, Germany); New Front (NF, Germany)

Nigerians, as targets 144, 145 NL su Nationale Lisle (NL,

Germany) NMP su Newham Monitorina

Project (NMP, UK) NO su Nationale Offeui.e (NO,

Germany) Nordisk Kamp (Swedish NDP

paper) 71 Nordislca Rikspartkt (NRP,

Sweden) 33, 63, 70-4, 79 North Plaistow Racial Harassment

Project 224-32 Norway 5, 31-4, 37, 39, 41-2, 64

media coverage 101-2 and racist violence on political

agenda 149 see also Scandinavia

Norway apinst lmmiaration I 09 Norwegian Institute of International

Affairs, Oslo workshop vii, 14

Notting Hill (London) 167, 17~7 NPD see NationoldemolcratiscM

Parte/ Deutsch/ands (NPD, Germany)

NRP see Nordislca Rikspartkt (NRP, Sweden)

NS-Kampfruf 85, 86

NSDAP/AO su Nationaboz/Qiistisclw lhutsclw Arbeiterpartel/ Auslandorganbation lllfd Aujbauorganisation (NSDAP/ AO)

NSKG su Nationol Soc/Qiist Combat Gro~~ps (NSKG, Germany)

NSPD see Natlonol Soz/Qiistisclwr Partei Deutschlands (NSPD, Germany)

NVU su Nederlandse Volks-Unk (NVU, Netherlands)

Nys.eulca R6relsen (The New Swedish Orpnisation) 67

Odol ,roup, BeiJium 88 Odessa pogram 130, 135 Oarezeni (1991, Romania) 196-7 Oi skinhead music 83-4 Order, The (USA) 70, 85 Ordre Noureau (ON, France) 189,

212-13 Oredsson, GOran A. 71 Orpnisation Delta (France) 213 orpnisation-buildina effect of media

coverage 104-5, Ill Oslo workshop, Norweaian Institute

of International Affairs vii, 14 Oymen, Onur 192

Pakistanis, as targets 37, 39, 41-2, 101, 108-9

Palant, Charles 21~16 Pale of Settlement, Jewish 129, 130,

134, 136 Papon, Maurice 211, 212 Paris (Oct 1961, France) 212 Parisi, Vincenzo 139, 151 Part/ Nationa/e Fr~ais Europeen

(PNFE, France) 93, 215 Peach, Blair 147 Penal Code (Norway) 149 perception of racist violence 119-22 perpetrators of racist violence

active state involvement I SO, 186, 187, 188-90, 191, 199-201

Index 257

degree of organisation 34-7, 54-5, 77-9

motivation 3~2 youth gangs as 35, 36

Petliura, Simon 131 Pfaff, Wolfgang 119 Pleve, V.A. 130 PNFE see Parti Nationa/e Fr~ai.s

Europeen (PNFE, France) pogroms 114

against foreigners 160-1 against gypsies ISO, 194-9, 203,

205 and pogromshchilci 131, 132, 134,

139 in Romania 194-9, 203, 205 in Russia 10, 128-37

Pohl, Andreas 86 Poland 130, 202 Poles, as targets 210 police

Metropolitan 170, 172, 173, 17~7. 222, 223, 224-5

racist attitudes 1 56-7, 168, 17~7. 212, 214

response to racist violence 1 O-tt; arrest victims 78, 139, 144-5,168, 172;in Britain 167-78; in France 211-12, 213, 214; in Germany 123-4; inadequate 167-8, 169, 172-5; and media coverage I 08-9; minimising racist aspects 36-7, I 08, 155; passive 10--11, 43, 161; in Romania 195, 196-7, 198, 199; in Sweden 70--1; in Turkey 186; see also multi­agency approach

violence of 212, 213 policy perspectives and racist

violence 122-6 local level 124-6, 143, 221-33 national level 123-4

political agenda, racist violence on 77-9, 139-52

Politilcen (newspaper, Denmark) 103-4

powerlessness, adolescent feelings of 23, 24, 26

prestige 41, I 07 see also status

propaganda neo-Nazi 85-6, 92-3, 215 racist: in Germany I 57-60; in

Sweden 64-5, 74 in Russia 129, 130 in Turkey 185-6, 188

protection against violence 132, 167, 168,

177, 232 see also self-defence

public agenda, racist violence on 148-9

public opinion on racist violence active support for 161, 162-3 apathetic to 43, 108-9 passive support for 119

Public Order Act (1986, UK) 123 publicity see media coverage punishment effect of media

coverage I 06-7, 111

Quedlinburg (1992, Germany) 125, 164

racial harassment 171, 222, 223 and the North Plaistow Racial

Harassment Project 224-33 racism 8

everyday 213, 217, 218 and German

reunification 155-65 international networks 64-5,

68-9, 75 played down 36-7, 144-6 in police 156-7, 168, 17~8. 212,

214 and right-extremist

organisations 49, 62-79, 216

in Romania 203--5 and Turkish migrant

workers 187-92 within Turkey 184-7

racist organisations 47, 49-SO, 59, 64, 74,77-9

258 Index

racist 'Violence agenda for research 1~1.5 causes 7-13, 43, .51-2;

socioeconomic 8-9, 17, 21-.S, 26, 33, 2ts-t7

circumstances favourable to 43 classification of II ~22 connections with right-

extremists 46-7, 55-8 defined 4-5, 6-7; and

redefined 17~1 dimensions ~.s. 172; in

France 214-15; in Germany 19, 81-2, 154-5, 163; in Netherlands 51, 52; in UK 169

individual or social problem 14~9

international pressure against 164, 200

and the media 4, 13, 19, 43, 52, 96-112, 215

motivation for 39-42 protection against 132, 167, 168,

177, 232 punishment 7~. 126, 145 as self-defence 59, 60, 71, 72 'waves' 3, 30, 33, 5 I, 53, 98-9 see abo state response to racist

violence RAG see Rilcsalctionsgruppen

(RAG, Sweden) Ragnarok (Swedish underground

paper) 65 ratonnades 211 Rebe//es Europeens music

publisher 83 recognition of racist violence

occasional state response 14s-6

state response excluding 149, 1~1

state response includin• 149-50 refugees see asylum-seekers;

immigrants; migrant workers Reinthaler, GOnther 90, 91 Reisz, Heinz 87, 89 rejectionism, space-related hierarchy

of 119-22

Repub/iluzner, Dk (REP, Germany) 2, 1.56-8, 159-60, 161-2, 164

research agenda in racist 'Violence 1~15

resettlement of Roma 202-3, 204 of victims of racist violence 125

Reutem, A. Kh. 129 right-extremists see nco-Nazis and

extreme-Right Riis-Knudsen, Povl Heinrich 87, 88 Rilcsalctionsgruppen (RAG,

Sweden) 33 Rilcsfronten/ Foreningen Svreiges

Framtid (RS/FSF, Sweden) 67

Rock Against Police (France) 217 rock groups 64, 69, 70 Rock-o-Rama music publisher 83 rodeos 214, 217 Roma 9, 139, 162, 194-205

see also Gypsies; Rostock Romania 162, 194-20.5

German-Romanian Treaty (1992) 139, 151, 201-5

Romanians, as targets 5 Rose, Paul, MP (UK) 147-8 Rostock (1992, Germany) 3, 9, 19,

34, 125, 164, 202 encouragement of

bystanders 117, 162 involvement of Worch 90 and state response to racist

violence 139, 148, 151, 152, 162

Rotterdam (Netherlands) (Afrikanderbuurt, 1971, 1972) 51, 52, 59

Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure (1979) 169, 17.5

RS/FSF see Rilcsfronten/Foreningen Svreiges Framtid (RS/FSF, Sweden)

Rue Copernic synagogue bombing (1980, France) 213, 215

RObe, Volker 161 Runnymede Trust 167, 169 Russia 10, 128-37, 193

Index 2S9

Ryden, Tommy 66, 75

Sachsenhausen concentration camp liS

Siffie (Sweden) 77-3 Scandinavia 4, 8, 10, 29-43, 98

see also Denmark; Norway; Sweden

scapegoats 37-3, 215 Schiuble, Wolfgang 161 Schengen Agreement 2 Schiedam (1976 and 1986,

Netherlands) 51, 52, 53, 56, 59 Schimanek, Hans J. 91 Schnoor, Herbert 124 schools

propaganda in 185,188 racial harassment in 227

Screwdriver skinhead band (UK) 84 Seiters, Rudolf 89, 123-4, 164 self-defence 152, 169, 218

criminalisation of 139, 145, 171-2

racist violence described as 59, 60, 71, 72

see also protection ~n, Prof Farak 189 Siege (Swedish underground

paper) 65 single-agency approach 227, 228 Sinti 6, 203

see also Gypsies skinheads

British 147 Dutch 50, 53, 54, 56, 57 French 215 German 21, 26, 82, 84, 117 international subculture 82-6 Scandinavian 30, 107 Swedish 63, 64, 69, 72-3, 78, 84 see also terrorism; youth gangs

slavery 202 slogans and graffiti 37, 39-40, 47,

52, 149-50, 186 Socialist Party (Turkey) 184 socioeconomic factors in racist

violence 8-9, 17, 21-5, 26, 33, 215-17

Somalis 24

Son-Language Theory (Turkey) 181 Sonacotra hostels (France) 125,

213, 215 Sondh, Satwinder l~S SOS Rllcisme (France) 216, 218 Southall (1979, UK) 147, 168-9 Soysal, MGmtaz 190 Spain 5, 51, 80, 81, 92, 150 SpecialeinsatzlcomnJIIIIdo units 123 spoilt identity 48-9 Sri Lankans, as targets 155 state policies

as cause of racist violence 12, 33, 43, 184-7, 191

multi-agency approach 122-3, 150, 173, 174-5, 221-33

in Russia 128--9, 130-1 state response to racist violence II,

43, 139-52 in France 214-15 in Germany 143, 150, 152, 155-6 involvement in organising 186,

187, 188-90 in Netherlands 55, 141 phases 141-SI in Romania 199-201 in Russia 129, 131, 133-4 Turkish double standard 186-7,

190-2 in UK 141, 143, 147, 152, 168-9,

221 status enhancement effect of media

coverage II, 101-3 Stern (newspaper, Germany) 162 Stockholm (Sweden) 64 Storkraft skinhead band

(Germany) 83-4 Storm (magazine, Sweden) 63-4,

6S, 69, 73, 75 street violence 4, 33-4 Streetflght skinhead paper 63 Surinamese, as targets 53 Suryanis, as targets 182 Sverigedemokraternll (Swedish

Democrats) 63 Sverigepartiet (The Sweden

Party) 74 Sveriges NatiOMIIa Forbund

(National League, Sweden) 87

260 111Mx

swastikas and racist symbols 39, 40, 113, 149, 213

illegal 149-SO in NSDAP/AO 85, 86

Sweden S, 7, 13, 31-4, 62-79, 87 terrorist attacks 99-100 see also Scandinavia

synagogues, attacks on liS, 119, 213, 215

Syrians, as targets 78

Tamils, as targets 34, 113, 117 targets see anti-Semitism;

communists; foreigners; hate crime; homosexuals; muslims; victims

Tercrlmon (newspaper, Turkey) 192 terrorism 3-4, 29-43,65, 9~7.

98-9, 199-200 international networks 80-94 ree also skinheads; youth gangs

TM New Order (NSDAP/AO manifesto in UK) 85

timing of racist violence 118, 128 Trotsky, Lev 131 Turan (Turkey) 181, 187 Tilrk Oc:aldari 182 Tilrkes, Alparslan 182-3, 187,

188-9 Turkey 12, 179-93, 203

cooperation with Nazis 182-3 nationalism in 181-4, 18s-7 racism within 184-7

Turkey Research Centre (Germany) 189-90

Turkish Consultancy Council (Netherlands) 190

Turkish History Thesis 181 Turkish Workers Party 184 Turks, as targets

of Dutch Sl, 52, 53, 59, 113-14, 117-18

of Gcnnans S, I 55 Twente riots (1961, The

Netherlands) 51, 59

Uhrlau, Ernst 81-2, 162, 165 Uj Rend (Hungarian New Order

newsletter) 91

Ukraine 131, 134 unemployment 2, 8, 217

in Germany 165 in Scandinavia 33, 38, 43

United Kingdom 3, 13, 14-15, 167-78, 221-33

and Cyprus problem 18s-6 and international Nazi

cooperation 82-4, 85 multi-agency approach 122-3,

ISO, 173, 174-5, 221-33 and racist violence on political

agenda 140, 141, 143, ISO-I, 152

United Nations Human Rights

Commission 199-200, 205 International Convention on the

Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 184

United States 66, 85, 86, 92 links with racist/extremist

groups 66, 67-8, 70, 75, 85, 86

Ussner, Hermann 91 ustasja movement (Croatia) 92 Utrecht (Netherlands) 56

Jltiansterpartiet Kommunisterna (VPK, Sweden) 72, 73

Valenii Lapusului (1991, Romania) 197-8, 201

V AM see Jlitt Ariskt Motstand (VAM, Sweden)

van der Plas, Richard 57 van der Roer, Robert 57 vandalism 4, 36, 43, 102, 115 VAPO su Jlo/kstreue

Ausserpar/omentarische Oppasition (V APO)

Vasil'chikov pogrom 132 Jlaste Komercommissie 'Voor Justitie

(Netherlands) 148 Vaulx en Velin (1990, France) 216 Vixj6 (Sweden) 71, 72, 79 VB see Jl/aoms Blok {VB, Belgium) Vel d'Hiv (1942, France) 211, 212 Vichy regime (France) 207,


lrukx 261

Victim Support 223, 224, 227, 230, 231

victimisation 171 victims

arrested by police 78, 139, 144-S, 168, 172

availability of 43 blamed for racist violence lSI,

179, 201 insecurity of 11, 106, 179 relocation of 125 as representatives 37 su abo hate crime

Viking Youth (Netherlands) SO Virk Brothen (1977, UK) 172 Vit Aggr~ssion (White Power Rock

Group, Sweden) 64 Vit R~be/1 (Skinhead magazine,

Sweden) 63 Vitry (1980, France) 214 Vitt Ariskt Motstand (V AM,

Sweden) 63-7, 68-9, 70, 73, 74-7, 87, 102-3

links with USA 66, 67, 68-9 Vlll1111U Blok (VB, Belgium) 2 Vlaams~ MUitont~n OrM (VMO,

Belgium) 88 VOc:king, Johannes ISS Vogel, Hans-Jochen IS Voican-Voiculcscu, Gclu 200 Vollcstrew Aws~rparitmwlttuische

Opposition (V APO) 88, 96-1 von Stahl, Alexander I SS, 164 von W ciszicker, Richard 1 59 VPK s~~ Vtfanst~rpartiet

Kommunist~nul (VPK, Sweden)

Wallachia (Romania) 202 WAR se~ White Aryan Resistance

(USA, WAR) W~hrsportsgrup~ Tr~nclc

(Austria) 91 W~rwo(f(u1agazine, Sweden) 6S, 76

White Aryan Resistance (USA, WAR) 66

White Power 30, 33, 62, 67-70 and international Nazi

networks 83, 85, 86 rock groups 64, 69, 70

White Warrion 68, 1S Wismar (1992, Germany) 164 women, in racist organisations 71,

76 Worch, Christian 84, 87, 89-90, 91,

92 Worch, Unula 90 World Union of National Socialists

(WUNS) 80, 87, 88

xenophobia 17-18, 109-10, 126 in France 208-10 growth in Germany 18-20, 24-S,

126, 154-65

Yemen, Turkish oppression in 181 youth

and culture ofviolcnoe 81-2 German adolescents 22-7, 81-2 right-extremist organisations

for SO and sympathy with racism ISS,

162, 163, l6S youth gangs 30, 3S, 36, 38, 6S, 99

being accepted in ~2. 43, 72-3 u local heroes 38, 42, 101 s~~ also skinheads; terrorism

youth policy 122, 124 Yugoslavia IS, 162, 202

Zaama de banlieue (Lyon, France) 217

Zlchert, Hans-Ludwig 161 Zeitler, Otto 160 Zionist Occupational Government

(ZOO) 68, 77, 102, 104, 107