bible secrest for effective school teaching

Bible Secrets For Effective School Teaching ...interesting biblical descriptions of how teachers can begin to perform their duties as God intended it

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Teachers can become more effective with biblical tips to enhance their efficiencies in the classroom


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Bible Secrets For Effective School Teaching...interesting biblical descriptions of how teachers can begin to perform their duties as God intended it

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Book VisionTo improve the quality of the teacher service in our various educational institutionsBook Text“Whosoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whosoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:19)

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IntroductionIt is not uncommon to see school teachers not giving adequate attention to their preparations before they enter their classes to teach. It is very common these days to see teachers, especially in my part of the world, shamefully writing external examinations for their students. Some male teachers do not understand why they don't have to go into any illicit relationship with their female students.Likewise, some parents have also been bad teachers in one way or the other to their children. I believe any parent who goes into any “special arrangement” with a teacher to write an external examination for his or her child should cover his or her face in shame! My dear parent, if you do this, it shows you have failed woefully over that child since the day you brought him or her to this world.

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Authors are not left out of this; some authors have written books that will take the readers 360 degrees back in the good moral direction. In the same vein, most leaders of churches or any religious organization who have set up platforms to teach deceits and lies should know that they are examples of bad teachers that have deleted good values from our society on a consistent basis!“Then He said to them, 'Why do you sleep? Rise and pray, lest you enter into temptation' ” (Luke 22:46)

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One of the major tools in the hands of Jesus to achieve His purpose on this earth was the act of teaching. He taught the disciples until He went to the cross. Even when He was troubled in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was still teaching the disciples to “rise and pray...” (Luke 22:46).The Spirit of God inspired me with series of revelations from the Bible on this topic and we have packaged this as an academic programme called The Teaching Strategy Educational Systems (TSES). The TSES programme was born to inspire teachers at all levels and in all categories back to “righteousness”.

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The Viral Effect

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In whichever teaching capacity you find yourself, you should understand that whatever you pass across to your students today as information will either make or mar the future of our society. Therefore every teacher must be sure of the quality of his or her information before they are delivered to the students!Dear school teacher, stop giving half-baked textbook information to your students, you should cultivate the habit of preparing very well for your classes – you are a role model to these students. If you allow your “dirty” attitude to corrupt your students, you have just shown to God that He should hold you responsible for whatever negative attitude these students put up in the future!

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The Role Of Information

During the various TSES introductory seminars in schools, I have always asked the audience to tell me the common factor in the function of the following materials and individuals.

I. A school text book II. A newspaper III. A magazine IV. The Bible V. A Television station VI. A radio station VII. The Internet VIII. The teacher IX. The newscaster X. A pastor in the church

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Most times, they have all chorused, “Information Dissemination”. This is perfectly correct. All I listed above give information. Lots of individuals, groups or organizations have made fortunes having one thing or the other to do with these sources of information.The fortunes have come as a result of the people's or the society's interest in obtaining information on diverse topics from these sources and others that have not been mentioned.I want you to think of a situation whereby the Bible will not exist in our present world. What about the internet or the television or the radio station? It will surely be an incomplete world. Lots of people, organizations and countries spend lots of fortunes to obtain relevant information that will push or promote their cause. Information is indeed a valuable resources that makes our world thrive.

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The Teacher Gives Information

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Let us narrow this down to the teacher in schools or any other individual acting in that capacity anywhere else. You are a teacher primarily because you give out information on a regular basis to your students. The question is, “what is the quality of information you give out to your students? I have informed you earlier in this book that the information I am talking about goes beyond the subject you teach in the classroom - it is a lot more than that!The school subject information you give out is just a part of the total information you give out as a teacher.

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Many teachers missed this. Mr A believes he is doing a great job when he teaches his subject very well in the classroom and records 100% students' success in external examinations but indulges in illicit relationships with the female students.Parent B believes he is doing a great job by advising his son to avoid the sin of fornication but do not see anything wrong in committing adultery himself.What information are you giving out?

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You need to do a great check on yourself and your teaching duties over the years to see how you have led astray innocent students with the information you have given out to them. You need to check to see how you have painted our future black because you have been a bad information giver in the school system.

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Information And The Future

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“That which was from the beginning., which we have heard, which have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the world of life” (1 John 1:1) “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20) To further buttress my point on how the quality of information you give out today as teachers will either help or “kill” our future, let me show how the disciples of Jesus acted in the future based on the good information Jesus and the Holy Spirit had fed them:

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In 1 John 1:1 (see above), the writer, John (one of the twelve disciples of Jesus) described how what he was speaking, declaring or acting were based on the information he had been fed with. In 1 John 1:1, he said, “That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen …, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the world of life”.They heard good information; they saw good information; they have looked upon good information; their hands have handled good information. I am not surprised he (and the other disciples) affected their worlds positively and left legacies for generations yet unborn to benefit from!

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My dear teacher, is your manner of dressing, talking and the rest passing good future-building information unto your students? Do you store up pornographic pictures on your phones or have immoral ring tones blaring out of your phones when a call comes in?

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Remember that it is what the students can see, hear, look upon and handle that will affect their future (and our future) positively or negatively.In the second passage above, Acts 4:20, Peter and others stated very clearly under very tough conditions that there was no way they could stop to speak and act what they have seen and heard. To them also, what they have seen , heard, looked upon and handled over time have transferred great values into them and they can't just help themselves from acting out these stored values!My dear teacher, there is more to your job as a teacher. You have been strategically positioned by God to help your students and help our future.

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There is great power in your mouth and conduct today as a teacher in that community school.

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The Viral Effect

One man• To the second

man• To the third


One woman• To the second

woman• To the third


One child• To the second

child• To the third


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“...that we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full” (1 John 1:3-4)I have observed and as we can seen from the passage immediately above that information dissemination has a viral effect.

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John, after stating the reasons why they were acting differently from others in 1 John 1:1, he said they are now writing their stored information and convictions unto others so that they can also begin to behave like them!If John and the others have had the wrong information stored into them, they would still have carried out the same practice of transferring the same belief unto others through their writings.My dear teacher, this is another reason why you have to be careful about the information you pass across to your students today. You can be sure that they will pass across this information to others in the future! The more quality information we have in our society today, the better for our society today and in the future.

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The more quality information we have in our society today, the better for our society today and in the future.

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Adolph Hitler And Helen Keller

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I stumbled upon the story of Adolph Hitler and I took my time to study its content. While reading the unfortunate story of this man, the Spirit of God spoke to me, “Do you know that if Adolph Hitler is going to be punished for the crimes he committed against humanity, his teachers will also come up for mention”.This was a striking comment! I had never related the conducts of a bad leader and his punishment by God to the teachers who taught him and their punishment from God for teaching him or her the wrong things. Adolph Hitler and other leaders of his kind committed crimes against humanity. They killed millions of innocent souls. They were so mean that the rest of the world came together to fight them.

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Do you know that the making of the evil in Adolph Hitler were in stages? Have you ever asked or investigated the roles of the information passed across to him by his parents, the books he read, the advisers that surrounded him and other teachers. Wrong information made him what he turned out to be and he did a “good job” of transferring this evil information into his followers and the result was the pain they inflicted upon humanity!I want you to read a short excerpt of the story of Adolph Hitler as published in the Times News magazine.

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Adolph Hitler“...he was raised a spoiled child by a doting mother, Klara...he grew up a half-educated young man, untrained for any trade or profession, seemingly doomed to failure...soon Hitler's researches revealed to him that the Jew is the enemy of all mankind...To this man of no trade and few interests, world war 1 was a welcome event that gave him some purpose in life”

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Now, let us analyze the short story above to fish out some relevant information:● (“He was raised a spoiled child by a doting mother...”) – the mother did a bad job!● (“He grew up a half-educated young man...”) - he did not complete or go through the good provision of the society to help his development (the school system). The parents still have a question to answer here.● (“Untrained for any trade or profession...”) - this is still an issue of incomplete education that would have helped his positive development.● (“Soon Hitler's researches...”) - he began to read the wrong books, journals, newsletters, writings and the rest produced by people (teachers) who gave out the wrong information.

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World war 1 was just a great opportunity for Hitler to unleash the wrong information he had been fed over the years on the world!Teachers, please beware of the information you give out!

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Other Interesting Chapters and Titles In This Book:

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Chapter One: Making Versus TeachingChapter Two: The Role Of InformationChapter 3: Do You Have The Right Spirit?Chapter 4: Your Student is Not a Dummy!Chapter 5: The Wisdom BoxChapter 6: Walk Into The Hearts Of Your StudentsChapter Seven: Love Is KeyChapter Eight: Good Counseling SkillsChapter Nine: Be GenerousChapter 10: The Importance Of EvaluationChapter Eleven: Picture TutoringChapter Twelve: Teachers And A Golden Opportunity

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