bible 7-11-12

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  • 7/30/2019 Bible 7-11-12


    The revelation OF Jesus Christ. Not revelation FROM Jesus Christ.

    John states in verse 4 that this is from " Him who is, who was, and who is to


    this statement coincides with v. 19 " write the things... have seen, things that areand the things that will be."

    Signified by his angel. Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary p. 1541

    "to make known by signs or words"

    First definition ofsign:

    "any symbol ...thatrepresents an idea"

    That which, being external, represents or signifies somethinginternal or spiritual.

    The synonym for sign is: symbol.

    We will begin with FIGURES OF LIKENESS which include:

    similes (when something is like, oras something else, it is a simile ratherthan a metaphor)

    metaphors (where one thing is said to actually be something else) as in,"all life is grass" I Pet. 1:24. Therefore, the subject of this paperIS a

    metaphor and CANNOTbe literal: John says, "...the lake of fire, This ISthe second death" (Rev. 20:14), and "...the lake which burneth with fireand brimstone: which IS the second death" (Rev. 21:8)


    parables (there are many, the shortest one being, "Physician, healThyself" Luke 4:23)

    allegories (as in the two women standing for two covenants, Gal. 4:22-28)

    visions (as in a sheet let down from heaven, Acts 10:11-16)

    signs (as in the sign of Jonah the prophet, Matt. 12:39)

    types (as in Adam corresponding with Christ, Rom. 5:12-21)

    shadows (as in the law being a shadow of good things to come, Heb.10:1)

    examples (as in the tabernacle vessels being examples of what is in

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    heaven , Heb. 9:23)

    images (as Christ is the image of God, Col. 1:15)

    impersonations or personifications (where things are spoken of aspersons)

    condescension's (as where God takes on human attributes)

    diminutives (as in "little women, heaped with sins" II Tim. 3:6)

    There are FIGURES OF ASSOCIATION which include:

    association ormetonymy's

    appellations (as when a quality or office is used instead of a propername, as in "Son of Mankind" instead of saying Jesus Christ)

    compound associations (as "the word of the cross" I Cor. 1:18, whichhas to do with Christs shameful and agonizing death)

    near associations (as in a phrase that is partly literal, "Then went out toHim Jerusalem [that is thepeople of Jerusalem]", Matt. 3:5)

    retention's (this one is too complicated to explain, but Ill give you anexample, "the tablets of the heart" II Cor. 3:3)

    circumlocutions or periphrasis (what is "circumlocution"? Well, its adescriptive phrase in place of a name in order to emphasize theassociation. Examples, "the product of the grapevine [though not named

    is, wine]" Matt. 26:29, "the city of David [though not named is, Bethlehem]"Luke 2:11,

    enigmas, and symbols (where a known object or something else is usedto typify something else, or even an intangible quality such as love, power,beauty, etc.)

    Here are many of the words from the book of Revelation used as SYMBOLS:




    book of lifetree of livewater of life



    rod of ironsicklebow






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    palm frondswhoresharlots










    And even heaven and earth are used as symbols in this great book of symbols.

    There are also FIGURES OF OMISSION which include:

    omitted nouns (as in "the wicked [people is understood]," "the blind[people]," "the rich [people]," "the poor [people]," "the twelve [apostles isomitted but understood])

    omitted verbs (as in incongruous omissions like, "Milk I give you to drinknot solid food" The omission of "to eat" is understood, as one does not"drink solid food" I Cor. 3:2)

    unfinished sentences (the King James usually finishes sentences thatare unfinished in the Greek, such as, "As I swear in My indignation, If theyshall be entering into My rest___!" Heb. 3:11)

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    omission or non-sequence (as in "These which you arebeholding___there will be coming days..." Luke 21:6)

    verse 10 . "I was IN THE SPIRIT on the Lords day..."

    Beginning in verse twelve John starts to tell us what he saw and heard,

    "And I turned to see the voice that spake with me ... his eyes were asa flame of fire, and his feet like unto fine brass ... And he had in hisright hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edgedsword..."

    notice the statement "see the voice". this is obviously symbolic because of v. 20

    "The mystery [this is not literal--it is a mystery until God tells us that onething really meansor represents another and DIFFERENT THING] of theseven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the sevengolden candlesticks. The seven stars ARE THE ANGELS OF THE

    SEVEN CHURCHES: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawestARE THE SEVEN CHURCHES."

    Chapter 4, Was a literaltrumpet "talking" with John?

    Chapter 5, Is Jesus Christ literallya "Lion," an "animal?"

    Chapter 6, Are these literal"horses?" Do the literalstars of heaven fall onthe earth? The smallest known stars are a million times larger than theearth.

    Chapter 7, Were angels literallyholding back four "winds" on four literal

    "corners" of the earth? I thought the earth is round without corners? Canone literallywash his clothes "white" in red "blood?"

    Chapter 8, Will an angel cast a literalmountain burning with fire into thesea?

    Chapter 9, During the fifth trumpet will it literallybe impossible for mortalmen to die?

    Will there be literal locusts shaped like "horses?" Locusts that literallyhave "hair like a woman, teeth like a lion, and breastplates of iron?"LOCUSTS with breastplates of "iron?"

    Chapter 10, Did John eat a literal book? That was literally sweet in histaste buds, but literallybitter in his stomach? Why would anyone "eat" aliteral book?

    Chapter 11, Are Gods two witnesses that prophesy, literally two olivetrees and two candlesticks? But if we study Zechariah 4 we can determinewhat is meant by "two witnesses."

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    Chap 13, standing on the sands of the sea, beast rising up out of the sea,the WORLD FOLLOWED THE BEAST..... who is able to make war withhim?

    v. 10 who leads into captivity, who kills by the sword..... HERE IS THEPATIANCE and the FAITH of the saints.

    CHapter 13 says no one can make war with this beast, but chapter 14says if we don't over come the beast then we will be poured out the wrathof God on us.

    the beast is the beast was and the beast is to come...."But evil men andseducers shall wax worse and WORSE, deceiving and being deceived" (IITim. 3:13).

    You will never understand the book of Revelation as long as you try to make iteither "Preterism"of the past or "Futurism" of still-to-be-fulfilled events for the firsttime. The events of Revelation are neither, Preterism or Futurism, but ratherthings that "are, were, and will be."

    "Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine, and DOESTHEM, I will liken him to a wise man, which build his house upon a[Gk: THE] Rock [Jesus is THE Rock]. And the rain descended, andthe floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house [yes,it is through MUCH tribulation that we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven,

    Acts 14:22]; and it fell not: for it was founded upon The Rock.

    "And every one that hears these sayings of mine and does themNOT, shall be likened unto a foolish man [yes, there are foolish

    saints], which built his house upon THE SAND; And the raindescended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat uponthat house, and IT FELL: and GREAT was the fall of it" (Matt. 7:24-27).

    Mystery BABYLON THE GREAT, The Mother of harlots, and abominations of the

    earth" (Rev. 17:5).

    "And there followed another angel, saying Babylon IS FALLEN, IS FALLEN,that great city [For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answers toJerusalem which now is and is in bondage with her children Gal. 4:25],because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of herfornication" (Rev. 14:8).

    This then, is the condition of ALL the saints at some time in their life, as theyalong with John, "stood upon THE SAND OF THE SEA, and saw a wildbeast rise up out of the sea"

    Now then, what are the options for all those who build their spiritual house uponthe sand?

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    They can continue to build upon the sand until they die in their sins.

    They can build upon the sand until it falls, but forego any further spiritualhouse building and die in their sins.

    They can repent when their spiritual house falls, turn back to God, and

    begin building again on the only sure foundation, The RockJesusChrist, and be "SAVED; yet so as by fire" NOW, IN THIS LIFETIME,and "Inherit the Kingdom of God" with all of its colossal blessings andrewards in the "FIRST resurrection."

    We are standing DEFENSELESS on the sand of the sea!

    "Remember therefore from whence you are FALLEN, and REPENT"(Rev. 2:5).

    Repent of WHAT? Repent of"leaving your FIRST LOVE."

    "make war with the saints, and to OVERCOME them?"

    This wild beast from the sea is the only thing in all Revelation that "makes warwith the saints"AND "OVERCOME them." Seven times in Rev. 2 & 3 were aretold to OVERCOME seven categories of sins. Yet here we read that it is thesaints themselves that are overcome.

    "Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the NUMBER OFTHE BEAST: for it is the NUMBER OF A MAN; and his number is Sixhundred threescore and six [666]" (Rev. 13:18).

    The Greek word used when only man is meant (always excluding woman), isaner. But the Greek word translated "man" in Rev. 13:18 is not aner, but ratherthe word anthropos, which means "a human being, male or female." StrongsConcordant.

    Furthermore, it is not the number of "a" anything. It is just the number of humanor ofmankind!