
BIBLIOGRAPHY Abhyankar (1978) A Comprehensive In-Depth and Critical Analysis of SWAMI VIVEKANANDA’S EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT and its Philosophical Foundations with Special Focus on Value Education in the Context of Nuclear and ‘Space Age Global’ Value Crisis and the Need for Value Education in India Today. Ph.D. Edu. Poona University. Adler, F. (1960) The Value Concept in Sociology. Stanford: American Journal of Sociology, 65, Pp. 356-64. Agosto, Vonzell (2009) Identities and Social Justice Values of Prospective Teachers of Color. ProQuest LLC, Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin – Madison Akerson, Valarie L.; Buzzelli, Cary A.; Eastwood, Jennifer (2010) The Relationship between Preservice Early Childhood Teachers' Cultural Values and Their Perceptions of Scientists' Cultural Values. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 21 (2), p. 205-214. Akerson, Valarie L.; Buzzelli, Cary A.; Eastwood, Jennifer L. (2012) Bridging the Gap between Preservice Early Childhood Teachers' Cultural Values, Perceptions of Values Held by Scientists, and the Relationships of These Values to Conceptions of Nature of Science. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 23 (2) p. 133- 157.

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