bhutanese lhotshampa refugees in us schools


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The Bhutanese Lhotshampa Refugees Leslie PirtleTESL 501 Professor SilveiraSeptember 28, 10012(Kuhlman, nd.)


BhutanLocation(Travel Blog, nd.)


(Dharma, 2009)

The Bhutanese National Anthem

As this embedded movie presents the National Anthem of Bhutan, the text I have overlaid retells the events leading up to the Bhutanese refugees settlement in the United States.

Dharma. (Producer). (2009).National anthem of bhutan. [Web Video]. Retrieved from


SEEKING ASYLUM-1991Rejected By IndiaSet Up Informal CampMoved into 7 United Nations High Commission for Refugees CampsAccepted By Nepal(Wufgaeng, n.d.)

When they fled, the refugees attempted to cross their border into India and Nepal. They were turned away from India but Nepal allowed them in. They established their own refuge along a river bank. There, about 24,000 of them lived in deplorable a few months until, at the request of the Nepali government, The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) constructed 7 camps to receive them. While they believed the unrest would soon end, and they would be returning to Bhutan, this was not to be. Many remained in the camps for 20 years. (Bhutan USA, 2009)


No ElectricityNo Indoor plumbingBamboo WallsMud FloorsPlastic roofsFood every 15 daysCamp ConditionsDuncan, 2008

The refugees were given bamboo and plastic sheeting with which to build their homes, because the Nepali government insisted that only temporary materials be used in construction of all structures. As a result, many people have been living in cramped, conditions exposed to the cold, heat and wet of the jungle for 20 years now. When it was windy, they had to hold down the corners of the roofs. The food distributed is very basic and often not enough. Many felt hopelessness and despair. Some took their own lives.5

Crime and ViolenceTraumasWork ProhibitionsHuts Lost Storms & FiresTravel RestrictionsDepression & Suicide(Nepaliboy, 2012Drugs and Gangs

The emotional baggage that many refugees will later bring with them to the United States6

The Old areDetermined to return HomeTo BhutanFamily ConflictThe Young WereBorn in the Camps. Bhutan is not home(O'Brien, 2010)

This situation has created tension and conflict between the generations. 35% of all refugees were born in the camps.


Camp School LeadershipGoal of Repatriation1st by Refugees1994 Caritas NepalMinimal Help from Nepali GovernmentContrasts with Nepali SchoolsThen by unhcr(First Giving) n..d.)

In 1991, when they established their makeshift camp along the riverbank, Lhotshampas educators and parents organized a school right away. When the UN established the camps, they took over the administration of schools. In 94, Caritas Nepal, an NGO, along with funding from other NGOs took over the schools administration. The refugees were always employed to teach in the camps. Repatriation was the overarching theme in the curriculum. Nepali schools outside of the camp were considered to be inferior. School in Nepal is not compulsory and parents wishing to send their children must pay to do so.


Camp School Curriculum Bhutanese National Anthem, History, Geography & CultureNepali, Dzongkha & English Languagessocial studies, math, science, accounting, economics, & health. Nepali School SystemPK Grade 10

Education in camp schools is conducted in Nepali and English and follows a modified version of the Bhutanesecurriculum through Grade 10. Beyond Grade 10, students attend local Nepali schools outside of the camp. (Cultural Orientation Resource Center. (2007, 10)

The curriculum taught appears to be a combination of English, Nepali and Bhutanese. At the secondary level, students sit for the Nepali national compulsory exams and must earn the School Leaving Certificate to graduate at Grade 10. Some sources state that the curriculum be based upon Nepali standards, so that students can pass the exams.

Around 10,000 refugees are pursuing their university education, either in Nepal, India or abroad. (Bhutan News, n.d.)

EducationEducation in camp schools is conducted in Nepali andEnglish and follows a modified version of the Bhutanesecurriculum through Grade 10. Beyond Grade 10, studentsattend local Nepali schools outside of the camp. Somestudents have attended secondary schools and universitiesin India.

Camp School PedagogyStrict and HierarchicalRote Memorization & RecitationNo Family Participation or InvolvementChildren Do Not Speak Out or Offer Opinions(IOM Damak , 2008)(Alexandre, 2004)

Decline In Teaching QualityBrain DrainOnce The Best100% Bhutanese RefugeesUp to 1,200 teachers Teach Without Pay(O'Brien, 2010)

Brain Drain: When the US and other countries opened their doors to the refugees, the highly educated were the first to go. Additionally, Nepal, in short supply of quality educators attracts them away from the camps.11

Decline In Outcomes 2005-2008Negative Impact of ResettlementFew Higher Learning OpportunitiesRising Teacher Turnover RatesLowered Standards For Teachers Graduation Rate 94% to 70% From 2004-05(Bhutan News Service, n.d.)Access to Kerosene Discontinued

For someone to motivate, there should be some opportunities for them ahead. For years living in the camp, they see that their future is going through a dark tunnel. So, they do not concentrate on their studies 2005

Sometimes, four to five teachers change in a year to teach a class.(Bhutan News Service, n.d.))

Resettlement is also distracting the students, Instead of paying attention to studies, theyre antsy about heading to their new homes. Some parents pull their children out of school as soon as they sign up for resettlement, even though the delay before moving to the U.S. can be two years (Davlin, 2011).

Caritas will fund 50% of higher ed. but most families cant afford (Nepaliboy, 2010)12

Resettlement in the U.S.2008 - U.S. & Other Countries Begin Accepting Refugees2011 43,056 in U.S.A. Will take accept 60,000 total(3) 5-hour Cultural Orientation Sessions Before Leaving (IRIN 2011)(Plushnik-Masti,, 2008)

(Center for Disease Control, 2011)

The Bhutanese have been settled in most US States. They are typically placed in affordable areas. This is a double edged sword. While perhaps they will be able to more quickly become economically viable, they also are subject either to crime and urban blight or rural isolation.14

Culture & HabitsDependencyGesturesReligionCaste SystemPolygamyBirth and death Rituals

Eye Makeup On ChildrenSpitting & BelchingRemoving ShoesLittering / Recycling(Bhutan New Service, A, 2009).

Religions-60% Hindu, then Buddhist. Hindus create but Buddhists bury their dead.

Head Bob-Yes or Maybe

The practice of Polygamy is fading but may still be part of some family dynamicsDependent on aid organizations for 20 yearsshift in mindset

Diversityas a group, they are very diverse. Some have been exposed to modern society, some have not.

Concerns about losing their citizenship again.


Dietary DifferencesIn camps, Rice, Lentils and BeansMany Hindu do Not Eat BeefTasty Bhutanese Delicacy: Fried Hornets!Many Buddhists Are Vegetarian(Koh, A, 2010). Prefer Highly Spicy Foods


Challenges For Refugee Students and Their U.S. TeachersPast TraumaWriting SkillsSense of belongingNew TechnologyParental Issues(Hayward, 2012)Unsafe NeighborhoodsOld vs. New CustomsUnder-Prepared Teachers

Past traumas..things that happened in camps. Fires, crime.violent outbreaks between those wanting to emigrate and thos wanting to return to Butan. Burned out of in jungle with snakes and bugs (NepaliBoy, 2010)May be afraid of teachers.

Many have parents who never went to school. Dont respect or understand attendance requirements. Children often have to work and translate adult matters.Better speaking than writing skills. But some speak only survival English. Difficulty with written tests. Stronger in Math & ScienceBetter with Math: His teenagers have reported to him that math is particularly easy for them in their new U.S. school. They say you are given a calculator to use in class," Mr. Adhikari said. "You don't have to calculate anything for yourself.(Zehr, 2009)

First time they have seen household appliances. Marveling over how the water came out of the showerhead, one teen picked up the bottle of shampoo and asked of he should put it on his hair before or after leaving the shower.On Bhutanese boy was expected to turn in a PowerPoint and he had never seen a computer!What traditions to keep, which to abandon and which new ones to adopt from the US?

Sense of belongingstudents watch movies to learn American speech and mannerisms. (Murphy, 2011)prior to the resettlement, only 150 Bhutanese were living in the use (Zehyr, 2010)

They were educated in schools run by the United Nations, aneducationthat gives these children an advantage over their parents, many of whom are not even literate in their nativeNepalese.

Affordable neighborhoods are often dangerous. One new refuge was mugged 2 days in a row on his way to school. (Murphy, 2011)

Zehr: Lynda Siegel, a teacher of English as a second language at H.O. Wheeler Elementary School, said she typically gets the news four or five days ahead of when refugee children are enrolled in her school.

Students often arrive without school records.

All of these issues affect readiness to learn.


(Ashton, 2010)CultureStudent OrganizationsServiceAcademic SupportSocial JusticeArts

Across the US, Bhutanese students have organized themselves into extracurricular groups. Their activities vary widely. Some want to preserve and showcase their ancestral heritage by performing traditional Bhutanese music and dance. Others organize to perform services in their communities, such as picking up trash or raising funds to help newly arrived refugees. Some seek to raise awareness about their plight and improve their treatment in the U.S. College and high school learners help younger students to study for better grades.18

In Conclusion, Lhotshampa Refugees:As a group are extremely diversewere born and raised in refugee campsEducators should understand their learning, social and emotional challengesAre Bhutanese, Are Nepalese, Are American(BhutanNews Service, 2011)

Past traumas..things that happened in camps. Fires, crime.violent outbreaks between those wanting to emigrate and thos wanting to return to Butan. Burned out of in jungle with snakes and bugs

They were educated in schools run by the United Nations, aneducationthat gives these children an advantage over their parents, many of whom are not even literate in their nativeNepalese.

Read more:

Ties to the United StatesThe Bhutanese community in the United States isextremely small, with an estimated 150 Bhutanese living inareas surrounding Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco,and Washington, D.C. As a result, almost none of therefugees have family ties in the United States.


Ashton, D. F. (2010) Bhutanese community hosts dashain tika at david douglas high. East Portland News. Retrieved from

Alexandre, M. (Photographer). (2004). Retrieved from

Bhutan News Service. (n.d.). Education in camps. Retrieved from

Bhutan News Service. (2011, July ` 12). Students in GA receive appreciations, honor . Retrieved from

Bhutan USA. (n.d.).Background of the refuge crisis. Retrieved from

Center for Disease Control. (2011). Figure 4: State of primary resettlement for Bhutanese refugees, fy 2008-fy 2012 (n=49,010). [Print Graphic] Retrieved from:

Cultural Orientation Resource Center. (2007, 10). Bhutanese refugees in Nepal. Retrieved from

Davlin, M. (2011, 11 06). Schools in nepali refugee camps have lost their qualified teachers, so students arrive in the u.s. with spotty educations. Times-News of Magic Valley. Retrieved from

Davlin, M. (2011, 11 07). Twin Falls Bhutanese Refugees Learn Classroom Etiquette, Connect with Unfamiliar School Ways. Times-News of Magic Valley. Retrieved from

Duncan, D. (2008, 12 21). Nepal's refugee camps. PBS, Retrieved from

First Giving. (Photographer). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hayward, M. (2012, 08 12). Bhutanese learn for a better life. Bhutan News Service. Retrieved from

Koh, Aun (2010). Fried hornets and tomato soup. Chubby Hubby. Retrieved from

Nepaliboy. [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Murphy, K. (2011, 02 02). A teenage refugee with silicon valley dreams . Oakland Tribune. Retrieved from

O'Brien, M. (2010, 08 28). Part i: Exiled from their homeland, bhutanese refugees find new homes in the East Bay. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved from

Travel Blog. (nd.). Map of asia. [Print Photo]. Retrieved from to bhutan: one of the worlds most pristine and exclusive destinations. (n.d.). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from

Wufgaeng. (Photographer). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Zehr, M.A., (2009)Schools Brace for Bhutanese Wave, Education Week, 02774232, 20080430, Vol. 27, Issue 35
