beyond customer service webinar

Have you downloaded and printed a copy of your handouts (Sent in yesterday’s reminder update.) Please sign in with: Your Agency Name and the number of people watching/attending the webinar from your agency today What is the name of the person who will be inputting answers into the webinar application

Upload: advisors-marketing-group

Post on 29-Jan-2018




2 download


Page 1: Beyond customer Service Webinar

Have you downloaded and printed a copy of your handouts (Sent in yesterday’s reminder update.)

Please sign in with:◦ Your Agency Name and the number of people

watching/attending the webinar from your agency today◦ What is the name of the person who will be inputting

answers into the webinar application

Page 2: Beyond customer Service Webinar

Creating a Culture of Customer Care

Presented by Jodi RudickADvisors Marketing Group

[email protected]

Desktop Education for Parks and Recreation



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Raise your hand here…

This is the Feedback Box

This is the chatbox… Type here, hit enter to send

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What does customer loyalty mean to you?

Are you loyal to any brands?

Do you have customers that are loyal to you?

List some of the brands, stores, companies, products, etc. that you and the people in your group are loyal to.

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You consider yourself loyal to a particular brand, store, business, organization.

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In your chat box…

List brands/stores/companies you are loyal to…

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Lifecycle vs. Generational Marketing ◦ Life stages impacts buying

behavior◦ Generational frame of reference

impacts buying behavior. Generational Marketing Defined◦ method of marketing to a

specific generation is affecting the way that we promote and sell products and services. We are all a product of our generation.

Each generation has its own ◦ Characteristics◦ Frame of Reference◦ Belief Systems◦ Language◦ Popular Cultural References◦ Experiences◦ Social Values◦ Concerns, Fears

Powerful Consumer Influence Successful Marketers◦ Customize marketing plan for

each generation◦ Develop brands to fit diverse

needs◦ Create messages that “speaks

their language” and resonates with target market


Page 8: Beyond customer Service Webinar

W o r k W o r k Ba c k g r o u n dBa c k g r o u n d

Ge o g r a p h icGe o g r a p h icLo c a t io nLo c a t io n

M a r it a lM a r it a l St a t u sSt a t u s

M ilit a r yM ilit a r yEx p e r ie n c eEx p e r ie n c e

Re lig io u sRe lig io u sBe lie f sBe lie f s

Ed u c a t io nEd u c a t io n

Pa r e n t a lPa r e n t a lSt a t u sSt a t u s

In c o m eIn c o m e

Ra c eRa c e

Et h n ic it yEt h n ic it yPh y s ic a lPh y s ic a lQ u a lit ie sQ u a lit ie s

Ge n d e rGe n d e r

Se x u a lSe x u a lO r ie n t a t io nO r ie n t a t io n

A g eA g e

� Primary� SecondaryBa s e d o n : Lo d e n a n d

Ro s e n e rWorkf orce Ameri ca

Ge n e r a t io nGe n e r a t io n Id e n t if ic a t io nId e n t if ic a t io n

Po lit ic sPo lit ic s

Page 9: Beyond customer Service Webinar

Generation Birth Years Male Example Female Example

G.I. 1901-1924 John Kennedy Anne Frank

Silent 1925-1945 Colin Powell Shirley Temple

Boomer 1946-1964 Steven Spielberg Oprah Winfrey

Gen-X 1965-1981 Michael Jordan Jodie Foster

Millennials (Gen Y) 1982-2002? Mark Zuckerberg Miley Cirus

9/11 Generation (Gen Z)

2002 – 2020?

*Can vary up to three years

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What Generations are represented by the people in your group?

What was the first concert you ever went to?

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Our “Coming of Age” is a great demographic indicator◦ When did we graduate from high school?◦ What was your favorite band in high school?◦ What was the first concert you ever saw?◦ Hairstyles, Hollywood, Heroes?

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Milestones (birth, graduation, marriage, divorce, retirement, etc) force new consumer behavior.

Changes in health, abilities, family dynamics drive consumer behavior

Discuss and Share in Your Chat Box… How can you “discover” these opportunit ies? What are some clues or cues that customers

are going through l ifecycle changes?

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BAD Customer Service Memory

Great Customer Service Memory

Share in your chat box…What made the Great Customer Service Memory so Great?

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The Cost to Court a CustomerThe Cost to Court a Customer

Hook ‘emHook ‘em

Reel ‘em inReel ‘em in

Keep ‘em Keep ‘em coming coming back for moreback for more

AdvertisingAdvertisingP.RP.R ..


SalesSalesFront-line contactFront-line contact

Customer ServiceCustomer ServiceProduct QualityProduct Quality


Page 16: Beyond customer Service Webinar

What tagline or slogan describes your facility, park, program area or agency?

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Congratulations! You are a CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERHERO. Your attitude is contagious. Share your enthusiasm with others.


Good job! You have all the right stuff to deliver AMAZING CUSTOMER SERVICE. Consistency is the key to reaching SUPERSTARDOM.

36-50 You’re on your way. Take a deep breath and focus on the customer’s needs. Work with your supervisor to make sure you are getting the necessary support to skillfully communicate with customers.

22-35 While you may not love working with people, it is a necessary part of every job. Take small steps to improve your attitude by constructively discussing issues with supervisors and co-workers.

0 – 21 Yikes! Maybe you’d be better off working with robots or animals. On second thought, you probably shouldn’t work with animals either or someone’s likely to call the SPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and have you arrested.

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Customer Service is an Inside Job◦ What’s in it for you?◦ Do You Make the Grade?

Attitude and Self Esteem ___ Facility/Division Esteem ___ Department Esteem ___ Customer’s Perception ___

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•Notice Me•Don’t take me for granted•Price fairly•Fix my problems quickly•Don’t lie to me•DON’T TREAT ME LIKE A NUMBER!

•Notice Me•Don’t take me for granted•Price fairly•Fix my problems quickly•Don’t lie to me•DON’T TREAT ME LIKE A NUMBER!

The Customer Cry...The Customer Cry...

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8 Concepts Taking Action

1. Reach out2. Be friendly3. Be timely4. Listen proactively5. Show courtesy6. Be professional7. Take pride8. Reinforce benefits and


What else will you commit to?

What will you do differently as a result of attending this workshop?

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Emotional Atmosphere Physical Atmosphere

Customer Contact vs. Customer Care

Obsessive Customer Listening◦ Measure retention, repeat

business and referrals◦ Talk to them◦ Electronic input

Phone email web site

◦ Evaluate Marketing Effectiveness Benefits Delivery and Outcomes

◦ Five Senses Smell Sight Touch Noise/Sound Taste◦ Convenience◦ Where

Interior Atmosphere Exterior Atmosphere Atmosphere to Go Virtual Atmosphere

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City of Monterey, California February 6, 2014

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Brainstorming rules apply Don’t stop writing till time is up It’s okay to doodle! Spelling and grammar do not count Don’t edit as you go along – anything goes

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Complete this activity using page 7-8 of your handout.

Clarify Your Product Clarify Your Objective Clarify Your Target Audience

The 5 Minute Plan

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The 5 Minute Plan

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The 5 Minute Plan

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The 5 Minute Plan

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The 5 Minute Plan

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The 5 Minute Plan

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The 5 Minute Plan

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Do what you do so well t hat people can’t help but say gr eat t hings about you!

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Use these templates and tools as you train current and future staff to go beyond customer service.

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Nellie Nagger

Edgar Ego

Thelma the Threatener

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H.ear E.verything R.eiterate O.ffer S.olutions

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Better Business Practices to Boost the Bottom Line

Jeff Price Everett, Washington Parks and Recreation